Let's talk about a good person. Let's talk about a good person How the article begins

The ability to write well is a wonderful skill. It provides an opportunity to become a good journalist, copywriter, and also make your name, company and product known. The following instructions will allow you to write a relevant and interesting article.

A quality article consists of a plan step by step actions. First you need to define target audience, then come up with a title, choose a style of writing, study the topic well, create an outline for the article, write the article itself, edit it and make sure that it meets the original goal. Each of the points has its own nuances, so now we will consider them in more detail. Title. In most cases, the title plays a bigger role than the article itself. It is he who will allow the reader to pay attention to it and start reading. You can learn more about creating catchy headlines. If you are writing an article optimized for search terms, use this very request in the title so that the reader can find it faster. The purpose of the publication. Think carefully about who exactly you are going to write the article for. Determine the gender, approximate age, lifestyle of your reader. Think about what specifically interests him. Thus, you can choose the most relevant material. Conduct an analysis: look at how other authors write articles on relevant topics. If there are large gaps in the information provided, you can fill them in your article. This will make it stand out from others and make it much more popular. The study of the subject. If you are not well versed in the topic you want to cover, first put together a general idea about it. Thus, you will understand what exactly needs to be found. But remember that the information received may not be accurate. Learn to look for reliable sources - authoritative and government websites, books, respected newspapers, articles. You can interview an expert, watch a video, or documentary. After that, check the information obtained from different sources. Plan. Think about how much text you need to write to adequately cover the topic. If there are boxes, try to fit the most important and specific information into them. Then plan a future article in the form of sequential paragraphs. This will help you determine further actions. You will also understand if additional information is required. Writing. Choose the most appropriate writing style. You have probably noticed that newspaper articles are written in an accessible, but not too spoken language and the information is presented in chronological order. Keeping your blog involves a more informal manner in order to win over readers. The style depends on the purpose of the article. It is worth noting that it is recommended to disclose the goal at the very beginning, so that the reader understands whether he should spend time studying the material. Editing. Do not submit your work for publication right away. Reread and edit it. If possible, wait a day. Look at the article through the eyes of a beginner and make sure that the person will be able to apply the instructions you have written. Consider if the article is easy to read. Make sure you submit concentrated information without excess water. Be sure to check the text for grammatical and spelling errors. Rewrite individual sections as necessary. Ask an authority figure to review your article and provide comments. Additions. In order for the reader to take your information well, add videos, pictures, charts, graphs and other materials to it. This will make the article more interesting. Respect the rights of other authors. If you use information from another source, please indicate it at the end of the article. Now you can start publishing.

A step-by-step plan will help you create an interesting and informative article. Do not be discouraged if at first the result is far from what you expected. Rewrite your articles to initial stage is a completely normal process. Over time, you will be able to write quality articles almost automatically.

Alekseeva L.A.

It is no secret that many beautiful and unique women live in our native and ancient Yuryevets. Here is what employees of MKDOU "Ryabinka" told about one of these women.

- The other day the anniversary date is celebrated by our manager Lyudmila Alekseevna Alekseeva, who recently retired on a well-deserved rest. On the eve of her birthday, I would like to say a lot of warm words about her, - this is how teachers began their story, having worked with their head for decades.

- Lyudmila Alekseevna was born in the village. Giblitsy, Kasimovsky district Ryazan region. She began her career immediately after graduating from high school in 1967. Arriving in Ivanovo, she went to work as a nurse in the 1st polyclinic. She graduated from the courses of nurses at the Ivanovo regional health department and was sent as a nurse of nursery groups to us, in the city of Yuryevets, in the children's nursery "Mir". Then she entered the Kineshma Pedagogical College in absentia, from which she graduated in 1974, having received the specialty of an educator. kindergarten. In August of the same year, she moved to work as a teacher in kindergarten No. 5. From December 1985 until her well-deserved rest, she worked as the head of the MKDOU kindergarten No. 5 "Ryabinka".

Working as a manager, Lyudmila Alekseevna showed herself as a responsible, competent leader. She has always been distinguished by a clear organization of her activities and professionalism when working with teachers, children and parents. It has the ability to ensure the functioning and development of the kindergarten in accordance with the requirements public policy in the field preschool education.

For Lyudmila Alekseevna, the manager is not just a position, but a way of life. As a leader, she did everything to ensure that the kindergarten flourished, that the employees worked comfortably, and that parents trusted their children without any problems. She is a professional in her field, an enterprising, experienced leader, directing the activities of the team to implement creativity, revealing the individual qualities of the personality of each employee, so that everyone who at first glance seemed ordinary-looking, stereotypical, suddenly opened up with interesting side.

In her preschool institution, she was a real hostess, she knew every corner, all the problems and needs, and they Lately became more and more. Lyudmila Alekseevna found both strength and time to solve them, not sparing herself.

And if there was a problem with a lack of employees, she worked for a nurse, and for a supply manager, and for an educator. Along with all the employees, she cleaned the territory, dug flower beds and planted flowers, participated in the repair of groups and premises of the kindergarten, even knocked icicles off the roofs herself. Where it is difficult, where there is a problem, there is the mistress of the garden. She did everything possible and impossible so that the life of the kindergarten proceeded in a calm and peaceful way.

Lyudmila Alekseevna has such qualities as: modesty, simplicity, decency, diligence, devotion to her work. Many young colleagues strive to be like her in everything.

“He is a kind-hearted person with whom it is very easy and pleasant to communicate. This is the person about whom they say that "people are drawn to him." She treats everyone around her with respect, be it an adult or a child. Any conversation begins with the words: “Hello. How are you?" This is not an on-duty phrase, but a manifestation of interest and concern for every close and familiar person. He always listens attentively, encourages, prompts, and helps both in deed and advice.”

Lyudmila Alekseevna worked wonderfully with people. She belongs to the category of people who control themselves in critical situations can anticipate and prevent possible conflicts. At any time, he can understand and support, so employees come to work with pleasure, knowing that they are always expected, understood, treated well, appreciated and respected. As a leader, she combined business activity with the ability to seek pleasure in work, together with subordinates to rejoice at successes and grieve at failures. Supported a justified risk in the implementation of innovations, highlights the main thing in her own work and the activities of the team led by her. She quickly adapted to the changing modern conditions reforming the education system.

“She is a very bright person with an open soul. It is hard to imagine Lyudmila Alekseevna gloomy, she always smiles and creates good mood those with whom he communicates.

She was a frequent guest in groups, the children ran up, shared their secrets with her, and she paid attention to everyone. She has a boundless love for children. Lyudmila Alekseevna knew every child in the garden, and there were more than a hundred of them.

She still remembers all her pupils by name. She always knew how to find an individual approach to each child and never remains indifferent to the problems of babies and their parents. Children and their parents are happy to come to kindergarten. Kindergarten graduates are frequent guests, recalling the bright moments of their preschool life.

Teachers and pupils of preschool educational institutions actively participated in municipal creative exhibitions, competitions, sports events and were awarded numerous diplomas, thank you letters.

Lyudmila Alekseevna is prompt in solving a variety of issues, accurate in presenting her thoughts, creatively and deeply approaches the implementation of numerous tasks, which allows for many years the kindergarten under her leadership to take first place in the ranking among preschool institutions in the city.

Needless to say, every subordinate dreams of such a leader: calm, tactful, intelligent, respectful, ready to help at any moment. The doors of her office were always open, any child could look in and see a smile or hear sweet Nothing.

“Lyudmila Alekseevna devoted her whole life to working in our kindergarten, having worked for more than forty years. Here she deserved gratitude, diplomas, the title of “Veteran of Labour”, and most importantly, the great respect of her colleagues, parents and children who attended kindergarten.”

For high professionalism, innovation and pedagogical skills, Lyudmila Alekseevna was repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the education department, the head of the administration of Yurievetsky municipal district. In 2001 she was awarded diploma Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

“She is a very decent and honest person. You can trust her with everything and not for a moment doubt her sincerity.”

We, the staff of the kindergarten, from the bottom of our hearts and from all our grateful hearts congratulate Lyudmila Alekseevna on her anniversary. We wish her to be surrounded by the same kind and bright people like herself.

Prepared by M. Krainov

How to write articles for publication so that they are read with pleasure, actively commented, and put in the TOP of search engines? Apply these seven tips from the pros.

You probably know the common phrase - "Content is the king of the Internet." Content can be anything - text, photo, video, and audio. But the basis of content is text.

It is the text that brings visitors to your site from search engines.

The text shows readers your expertise. Text turns your website visitors into potential customers.

In addition, only text is understood by search bots.

It is enough to enter a word or phrase there, and Wordstat will show what search queries were asked by Yandex users that include this word. And also, how many such requests were made over the past month.

Insert a phrase that matches the topic of your post, and Wordstat will show exactly what questions people ask Yandex about this topic. In this case, the question turned out to be exactly the way I formulated it in the example.

On the right you see the number of requests per month, based on which you can choose in the left column the main keyword for which you will write an article.

There is a great phrase here, “how to choose a SLR camera”, in fact, this is an almost ready-made headline for your article, and you know for sure that people ask such a question to the Yandex search engine. If this phrase is on your site, then they will surely be able to find your post, your article for this phrase.

How to estimate the frequency of a phrase

Wordstat shows the overall frequency, that is, impressions for each phrase include impressions of all phrases located below.

To find out the exact frequency, you need to enclose the phrase in quotes.

It's tempting to pick the highest-frequency phrase to get a large flow of visitors to your site. However, not all so simple.

How to evaluate the competition of a phrase

It is wiser to choose a less frequent phrase for which there will be less competition.

The Mutagen.ru service will help you evaluate the competition of requests

With it, you can compare the competition for different phrases and choose a phrase that has acceptable competition.

Novice authors should focus on competition less than 5, and the frequency of more than 50 requests per month. If the site already has traffic from 1000 uniques per day, you can take phrases with up to 10 competition and more than 100 views.

You should not take a high-frequency phrase in the hope of getting a thousand visitors at once from one article. It is wiser to focus on less frequent, but less competitive phrases. Instead of one article, write a few dozen and in a few months reach the same traffic.

The next step is writing the title. This is a very important step, because the title determines whether people will find your article using search engines, whether they will notice the link to your article in the search results, and whether they want to click on this link to go to your article.

If your title is not interesting, not attractive, then most likely, even if people find your article using a search engine, they will go to it.

Here are two basic rules for a good headline:

  • Firstly, the title should include the very search phrase by which you optimize this text.
  • Secondly, the headline should either have some kind of intrigue so that people would be interested to know what you are writing about, or just some kind of direct call to action, such as “go and find out.”

Let's continue with our brief example. The topic of the article is “choosing a SLR camera” and you can use the phrase “how to choose a SLR camera” for the title.

This phrase is accurately introduced by many people. You just need to slightly specify the topic and title the article “how to choose a SLR camera for shooting on hikes.” Not for shooting weddings, not for shooting portraits, not for reportage shooting, but for shooting hikes.

This means that out of the many people who are looking for just some cameras, and you select people who are looking for a camera for certain purposes. To increase interest in your article, you need to give some kind of mystery, or such a touch of expertise.

You can call it "how to choose a SLR camera for shooting on hikes - tips from an experienced hiker." Such a title immediately makes it clear to people that this is not just some kind of theoretical reasoning, here is the advice of a person who knows what he is talking about.

I also note that it is not customary to use any punctuation marks in the title, except for a comma, if the title includes an enumeration, dashes and colons. There may be an exclamation mark or a question mark at the end, and a period is not put at the end of the heading.

A very important step is the description of the article, also called description. This is such a short description of the article, literally two or three lines, from which people will find out what this article is about and whether it is worth reading at all.

I draw your attention to the fact that when the search engine shows a link to an article in the search results, it shows the description below. This description is most often taken from the description meta tag.

When your potential reader finds your article in the search results, they can read the title, and since the titles can be very similar, it depends on the description whether they want to go to your site to read this article.

If the description isn't interesting from a search engine's point of view, or if it doesn't exist at all, then the search engine can take some arbitrary snippet from your article and you could just lose the reader.

Therefore, I will repeat once again why it is so important that your description be short, but interesting. Give him a few minutes of your time. In fact, this is nothing more than a detailed headline, so it can be written according to the same principle, and you should definitely include your main search phrase in the description, because this phrase will also stand out in the search results and it will attract attention.

As you can see here, this phrase " reflex camera” or “SLR camera” is also underlined in the description, which attracts attention and thus, as it were, encourages search engine users to go to your site, to your article in order to read it.

When description - the description is ready, it's time to move on to writing the introduction. Intro, you can say it's the same short description, only more expanded. It says what exactly your article will be about. She, as they say, denotes a problem.

Before giving advice to the reader, you need to show him that he needs this advice. You need to show that he has a problem and that this problem needs to be solved.

The first paragraph says that, they say, there is such a problem, and this problem causes such troubles. In the next paragraph, you need to “step on a sore spot”, exacerbate the problem, show the person that if the problem exists, it must be solved. Show him what troubles will be if he does not solve this problem.

If your article is of a slightly different plan, it seems to show a person how he can fulfill his dream, then here, in the introduction, you show this dream, outline it so that he could visualize it. And then you kind of let him feel what he will get when his dream is realized.

Actually, this is a fairly simple step, because here is nothing more than a description of the solution to the problem that you just identified in the introduction. Now you just describe in detail step by step how this problem needs to be solved. Or, if this article is of a different plan, show the person what he must do to make his dream come true.

When writing the main part, it is worth observing certain technical requirements:

  • The text should be broken into pieces of about 3-5 paragraphs in size, highlighting them with subheadings so that it does not look like such a continuous piece of text. Because people don’t read solid chunks of text, they quickly scroll to the next subheading.
  • It is desirable that the main search phrase is also present in the subheadings. Use this key phrase at the very beginning of the main part of the article and introduction.
  • The volume of the article should be from 5 to 10 thousand characters. In an article of this size, it is difficult to allow “spam”, it will not look like it was written specifically to deceive search engines. Big time readings will play into the hands in assessing behavioral factors.
  • It is very desirable to use illustrations in the article, some pictures on the topic of this article. The pictures are eye-catching and just as fun to read. Images still increase traffic to your site and bring you new visitors, because now all search engines have image search. When people find your pictures, they can go to your site and see what you write there. To do this, the picture must contain its description, some key phrases. Most often, this is the main keyword for which you optimize your article, or just the title of this article.

Well, almost everything, it remains to write a conclusion. In conclusion, you need to repeat the most important points from your article - so to speak, a squeeze, a concentrate of the information that you gave. In order for a person, after reading the article, to be able to refresh in memory the most important thing that this article gives him.

In addition, we must also remember that many visitors scroll through an article, especially a large one, to the very end, read 1-2 paragraphs at the end of the article, and only after that they proceed to read the article in its entirety.

Therefore, your conclusion should also serve as an introduction. Only here everything should be in the past tense, as if the person has already received a solution to the problem that you talked about in the introduction.

And you also need to give some kind of incentive to a person so that he begins to apply this information, so that he does not just read and forget, so that he gets real practical benefit from it.

If you follow these simple 7 consecutive steps, then you will receive interested target visitors, primarily with the help of search engines. Visitors will get real value from each of your articles.

This means that the traffic to your site will grow, and the number of your potential customers will also grow. Use these guidelines every time you go, no matter how big or small.

Video How to write articles for the site

That's the problem, the problem! How to start an article? Not one copywriter puzzles over this question. It happens that everything is fine in the main part of the article, the end is also logical, but the beginning looks sluggish, boring and very banal! Let's tell you a secret: in order to captivate the reader, the article must have, firstly, an interesting title, and secondly, a "catchy" first paragraph, that is, the very beginning. Even if later the article is written interestingly and well, the reader may not recognize this, since he will evaluate the material by the first lines. If he sees hackneyed phrases, banality, or sentences that are too difficult to read at the beginning, he will close the article without regret.

If you want to ensure that people take your articles with a bang and read them excitedly, then it's time to learn how to start your text correctly. That is what we are going to talk about now.

"Each of us ...", "Today ...", "Not so long ago ...", "At present ..." - such words and expressions are mortally bored, cause a desire to yawn and quickly close "another template article." Such initial phrases seem normal to you, but in the reader they evoke precisely those feelings and desires that we have just described. The reader has already "fed up" with such materials, and therefore, from the very beginning, such articles will be perceived as boring, useless and mediocre. Another mistake is very long drawn out sentences with numerous terms and complex structures. In order to “drive into” what you want to say with such a sentence, a person must either read very slowly or re-read several times. The well-known thoughts such as "Birthday happens only once a year!", "A child in a family is a great joy," etc., do not please readers. Boring!

  • Do not use banal phrases and words at the beginning of the article;
  • Refuse clericalism, "hackneyed" designs, templates;
  • Do not try to make the beginning of the article abstruse by using long sentences and an abundance of difficult terms.

How to start an article: good options

In order for the beginning of the article to cause a person to think like: “Wow, this is something interesting, I haven’t read this yet! What does it say next?” Use the techniques suggested below. We offer you exactly the techniques that successful copywriters use.

  1. Start the article with a question. Thus, you involve the reader in a conversation, he willy-nilly answer it and be sure to see what you write next. For example: "You know that smoking is harmful, but you are not going to quit anyway?", "Do you have a loved one and a close person?".
  2. Creating a mental image. Reception is good, but not suitable for all articles. Its essence is that you need to invite the reader to imagine a certain situation: "Imagine that suddenly ...", "Imagine that you ....", "Let's say you have ....", etc. Further write what situation you want to imagine. Thus, you also involve the reader in communication, interest him, he thinks: "Well, presented, and what's next?" and read your article.
  3. History or anecdote. All people love to listen and tell each other stories. It's interesting, it brings you together, so why not tell an exciting story (maybe fictional) or an anecdote on the topic at the very beginning? The main thing here is the liveliness of the story, you can use colloquial style. Let the reader imagine that this story is being told by a friend or acquaintance. It will be great if you tell a story from your life, so to speak, from personal experience. This inspires confidence in the reader and the idea that "the author understands me and will certainly advise or tell something more sensible."
  4. Statement of problem or question. If it’s hard for you to come up with a “catchy” start, then the easiest way is to immediately point out the problem or question that interests the reader, and promise to give a useful and correct answer to it, and then start doing it.
  5. Conclusion on emotions. To interest the reader, at the very beginning of the article it can be brought to positive or negative emotions, for example, provoke. Usually this affects a certain audience of readers, and it is better to work negative emotions, not positive ones. For example: "All women are such fools!", "To spend time on the Internet is an occupation for ordinary and boring people." At the same time, it is important in the article to refute your attacks on readers so that they do not take offense.
  6. Quotes and facts. Two more simple ways for those who can't think of witty start. All that is needed is to provide at the very beginning factual data related to the issue under consideration, or an exact quote. famous person, also directly related to the subject of the conversation.
  7. Joe Sugerman, an American copywriter, once came up with another way to start an article. It's called "slippery hill". Its essence lies in the fact that at the beginning the shortest unsaid sentence is written. It raises interest and a lot of questions. In the second sentence, the idea is considered in more detail, appears new information, in the third sentence - more more information. So we gradually lead the reader to reading the information that we want to tell.

Here are a few ways to get started writing an article, use any of them and spark reader interest!

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