Conversation aquarium fish in the middle group. Synopsis of the GCD on speech development in the middle group on the topic “The inhabitants of the water are fish. The game "The Fourth Extra"

Tasks. Enrich the experience of meaningful cognitive communication. Involve children in play and speech interaction with peers. Encourage them to speak on topics from personal experience. Activate adjectives. Clarify and fix the correct pronunciation of the sound "u".

Materials, tools, equipment. Pictures: shark, dolphin, whale, starfish, sea turtle. Elements of the costumes of a fisherman and a traveler: a fishing rod, a bucket, a hat, a backpack, a panama, etc. - at the discretion of the educator. Stacked canvas.

I'm running to you!

I'm already on the beach!

I run to your wave

running towards me!

The teacher asks questions:

Guys, have you ever seen the sea? Where?

Which sea? (Salty, deep, blue, etc.)

What surprised and amazed you the most?

The teacher listens to the answers of the children and shares his impression: “I remember most of all how the fish behaved in the sea. When I swam, they swam after me. And when I stopped, the fish swam close, close, as if they wanted to say: swim on!

What were you doing at the seaside?

What marine animals do you know? (After the children's answers, pictures are displayed.)

Then the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle about the inhabitants of the sea: “He lives in the water, there is no beak, but he pecks. Who is this?" Then he asks

What fish do you know? What fish live in the sea? (Shark, seahorse, electric ray, etc.)

Children can name a whale and a dolphin. Then the teacher reminds that these animals are not fish. They, like fish, live in water, but breathe air, floating to the surface of the sea. They feed their young with milk. Who are the cubs of the whale and dolphin? (Kitenok and dolphin.) Reads a poem by B. Zakhoder "Kit"

Whale spends all his life in water,

Although he is not a fish.

He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea,

For which he - thanks:

It would be crowded on dry land

From such a huge carcass!

The teacher then continues:

I will tell you an amazing thing: there are such huge whales that they weigh as much as 25 elephants weigh, and sometimes even more. And then there is an animal that lives in the sea, and its relative lives in the desert. “Stone shell - shirt. And in a shirt ... (turtle)."

Who do you think is the most important in the sea? Why do you think so? (Children's reasoning.) You correctly named the giants of the sea - sharks and whales. But it turns out that the most important things in the sea are tiny algae that float in the water and feed numerous flocks of fish, crustaceans, and shrimps. Without them, the sea giants could not feed themselves.

Bare heels burn the sand on me

The shadow is playing hide and seek with me.

jump on the stone,

In the sea - lope!

Nets hung on the poles

In them, like a fish, the wind beats.

A fisherman sits by the nets

With a long pipe in his teeth.

I came up and asked:

Who salted the sea?

Why is there always salt water in it?

The teacher asks the children a question: “What do you think the fisherman answered?” He listens to the reasoning of the children and reads the poem further.

If the water in the sea became sweet.

That would be a huge disaster.

After all, then to the bottom could

Water in the sea to drink fish.

Whales would drink water

Bloating bellies.

Drank, drank would dolphins,

Arching back greedily /…/

And then it would really

Shallows appeared in the sea.

And they couldn't at all.

Ships sail on the sea.

The teacher invites the children to play this poem. Someone will be a fisherman. The fisherman has a fishing rod, a bucket for fish, a sun hat. And someone will be a traveler. He comes with a backpack. He has a sun hat on his head. He asks the fisherman, "Why is the sea salty?" And the fisherman answers him.

A scene plays out. The teacher assigns a “strong” child to the role of a fisherman. The game is repeated 2 times. Children improvise. If necessary, the teacher suggests the words of the role.

Then the children play the game "The sea is worried." The role of the leader is performed by the educator together with one of the children. These are observers. They seem to have binoculars. All other children are the sea, sea waves. Waves walk on the sea, roll on the shore with a rustle: “sh-sh-sh-sh”.

Driver says:

The sea is worried - time!

The sea is worried - two!

The sea is worried - three!

Marine figure, freeze!

At the last words, the children freeze in different poses. Observers choose the best sea figure. This participant becomes an observer and the game is repeated once more. The teacher offers to play this game after class.

Elena Korotchenko
Summary of the lesson "Fish swim in the water" (middle group)

Target. To form the ability to tell in the picture based on the question of the educator; deepen children's knowledge of fish(structure, lifestyle, nutrition); develop attention, observation, the ability to compare, find similarities and differences; arouse the desire to take care of the animal.

Teach children design aquarium fish from natural material. To consolidate the ability to decorate crafts with the help of application of additional details. Develop teamwork skills (children and parents) and combine common efforts to get beautiful crafts.

Material. Painting "Children feed the fish", tables for comparison, toy small fish, blue cardboard (for an aquarium, natural material (acorns, walnut shells, cones, ash seeds, ferns, rowan leaves, etc.), colored paper, scissors, glue.

Course progress.

The teacher tells the children riddle:

On the table is a glass pond,

And they don't let you fish.


The teacher brings in group of toy fish. Ask the children to describe it. Is she alive or not? Why do you think so? (children's answers). Dip into a bowl of water.

Conversation with children on the picture "Children feed the fish":

1. Where do they live fish in nature?

2. Why did they put the fish in the aquarium?

3. How the body works fish?

4. What do fish eat? How do they get food? How swim?

5. Do I need to take care of fish living, and reservoirs?

6. When is it especially difficult for them without human help?

After talking about the picture, continue talking with the children about fish. To consolidate children's knowledge about the structure, body shape, nutrition of aquarium fish. Ask them what else they know about caring for fish in an aquarium? What should be the water in the aquarium? Do you need other animals and plants in the aquarium? For what? Do fish need light? How often and what should fish be fed?

Didactic game "Learning to Compare". Draw the attention of children to the beauty of the fish. Show different fish, ask to compare them.

Finger gymnastics. « fish»

fish dancing in the blue sea

They are good in space.

Stretch your palms and swing your wrists to the left and right. Repeat the text several times.

Invite the children to make fish from natural material. The body can be made from acorns or nut shells, cones; fins can be made from ash seeds and rowan leaves.

Children together with their parents make fish. To make them comfortable in the aquarium, you can make algae from natural material (ferns, blades of grass). Pebbles can be made from paper. To do this, the paper must be cut into strips and crumpled so that balls that look like pebbles are obtained. Aquarium is ready!

At the end classes to offer, parents and children, an outdoor game "Fishermen and fish» . (Parents-traps in pairs, holding hands, catch the fleeing children of fish).

Related publications:

GCD abstract for drawing "Fish swim in an aquarium" Topic: “Fish swim in an aquarium” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Physical culture”, Communication”, “Artistic.

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GCD for applications in the senior speech therapy group "Fish swim in an aquarium" Tasks: Educational - To teach children to make harmonious images of fish from individual elements (circles, ovals, triangles) - Activate.

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 3 of the combined type "Ladushki"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle

group "Aquarium fish"

Done: educator

Troshkina Nina




Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the middle group "Aquarium fish"

Target: generalize and concretize children's knowledge about aquarium fish, about their habitat.



    expansion and refinement of the dictionary on the topic: "Aquarium fish";

    improvement of natural scientific ideas (fish, body, head, tail, fins, gills, scales, etc.);

    development of coherent speech;

    development of auditory and visual attention, memory, phonemic hearing;

    development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills;


    agreement of adjectives with nouns;

    the formation of relative adjectives, the use of diminutive suffixes of nouns;


    fostering a sense of love for nature, a caring attitude and a desire to care for fish.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment:


This house is not wooden

This house is not made of stone

It is transparent, it is glass

No number on it

And the residents in it are not simple

Not simple, gold.

These same residents are famous swimmers.(children's answers)

Educator: I have prepared a surprise for you today. Do you want to know what it is?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then guess another riddle:

Came to us from a fairy tale,

There was a queen.

This fish is difficult

This fish...

Children: Golden.

Educator: Right. This is a goldfish. Have you heard the story about her? And who wrote it?

Children: A. S. Pushkin.

Educator: And where did the goldfish live in the fairy tale?

Children: In the sea - the ocean.

Educator: Right. Since you have guessed my riddle and answered all my questions correctly, look what a surprise I have prepared for you.

2. Main body:

Examination of the painting "Goldfish". Conversation.

Educator: Who is this?

Children: Gold fish.

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: She is orange, golden, like in a fairy tale.

Educator: What does a goldfish do?

Children: She swims.

Educator: She swims in the aquarium. That is the name of her house, this glass box. Is the goldfish big or small? Compare it to a snail sitting on a leaf.

Children: She is bigger than a snail. She is big.

Educator: What else can you say about goldfish? What is she?

Children: She is very beautiful and fabulous.

Educator: Right. Look closely at the fish. She has a body, head, long tail, fins. The fish has gills on its head. They help the fish breathe. The fish has beautiful golden eyes and a small mouth. The body of the fish is covered with scales. Each scale is like a small gold coin, just as round and shiny. What do you think, why do fish need a tail and fins?

Children: To swim.

Educator: Of course! Fish need fins so they can swim. Listen to how similar these words are: “swim”, “fins”.

Educator: What does a goldfish eat?

Children: She eats food.

Educator: A person feeds her correctly with dry food, and now let's rest a bit and remember our exercise "Fish".

Physical education "Fish"

The fish swims in the water(The fingers are connected alternately from,

Fish are fun to walk.index to little finger and back)

Fish, fish, naughty,(Wag with index finger)

We want to catch you.(Twist hands forward - back)

The fish arched its back(Squat, twisting the torso)

I took a piece of bread.(Show grasping exercises with hands)

The fish wagged its tail(Squat, twisting the torso)

Went away very quickly.

Ball game "Call it affectionately."

Educator: Guys, stand in a circle. Let's play ball. I will throw the ball to you and name the words, and you will catch the ball and call this word affectionately.


grass -

snail -

water -

sand -

catfish -

shell -

sheet -

Aquarium game.

Educator: Look carefully at the aquarium, fabulous fish swim in it. Find and show identical fish. What color are they?

(Childrencomplete the task and answer the questions.

Educator: Now correctly count all the fish.

(Childrendo the job.)

Educator: Now show the fish that swim to the right (left). Which swim at the top of the aquarium and at the bottom, at the very bottom?

(Childrenanswer questions.)

The game "The Fourth Extra".

The teacher places subject pictures on the easel, which depict the inhabitants of the seas and aquarium fish: a dolphin, an octopus, a seahorse and a goldfish. Asks the children to name the extra picture and explain why it is extra, and then offer to find a suitable picture in its place.

Articulation gymnastics.

Children sit in front of a mirror, the teacher monitors the correct fit of the children.

Educator: Show how the goldfish opened its mouth. Don't rush, don't stress. Do the exercise calmly (5 - 6 times).

Split pictures "Aquarium fish".

The teacher distributes pictures to the children, offers to consider and name the fish depicted on them. The children name the fish.

Educator: And now "disassemble" the pictures, shuffle them, and then put the images back together.

(Children do the task.)

3. Final part:

Educator: Who did you meet today?

Children: With a goldfish.

Educator: What is she?

Children: Beautiful, golden, agile, small.

Educator: Where she lives?

Children: In aquarium.

Educator: What is she doing?

Children : She swims in the aquarium and makes us happy.

Educator: What can you feed her?

Children: Dry food.

Educator: You worked very well in class, were attentive, tried to speak correctly. You are great.

Self-analysis of the lesson on speech development in the middle group "Aquarium fish"

This lesson was conducted with children of middle preschool age 4-5 years in the amount of 15 people.

The lesson was carried out in accordance with the abstract. The summary was compiled independently, in accordance with the tasks of the main general educational program, corresponding to the given age of children. For the implementation of each task, techniques were selected in an interesting and entertaining way.
At every moment of the lesson there were visual aids that stimulated and activated children for mental activity. Benefits of sufficient size, aesthetically decorated. Their placement and use was rational, thoughtful in the learning space and in the classroom.
The lesson consists of three interconnected parts: organizational, main and final.

Part 1 was directed at motivating children. At this stage, I wanted to arouse children's interest in further activities. Used the artistic word.

Part 2 was built on the usemethod groups: game (didactic games, physical education, verbal (explanation, questions, artistic word, visual (showing, working with demonstration material, practical (independentactivities with cards, didactic games, exercises).

Part 3 is the final one. It was summed up with the help of questions and answers of children to questions.

The session was scheduled for 20 minutes. Duration and structure are sustained, alternation of types of activity was carried out.

The structure of the lesson is built in such a way that all its parts are interconnected and correspond to the topic. A variety of activities provided stability to the educational process. To achieve the result, I relied on the age and psychological characteristics of this age. Teaching, developing and educating tasks were solved in unity. The main stages clearly passed from one to another. All moments of the lesson are logical and consistent, subject to one topic. Moments from the educational areas "Knowledge" were integrated into the lesson - they consolidated the ability to describe aquarium fish by characteristic features, according to the scheme; formed the ability to distinguish and name color. "Communication" - children participated in a general conversation, listened without interrupting their peers; activated the children's vocabulary at the expense of words - the name of aquarium fish, exercised in coordinating nouns, adjectives. "Socialization" - independently express benevolence, empathize. "Physical culture" - developed motor imagination and coordination of movements. Receptions in the lesson were of a game nature, were based on game learning situations.
The formation of children's knowledge throughout the activity was facilitated by the logical presentation of the material, accessibility, and the creation of a game situation. The transition from one task to another made it possible to involve each child in an active process. To move on to the next task, provided game motivation. Based on the knowledge of children, she asked problematic questions. All children were given the opportunity to express themselves.

During the event, there was a benevolent atmosphere, the interest of children, and no fatigue was observed. Educational activities contributed to the increase of gaming motivation for learning, the cognitive process. The degree of activity of children at a sufficient level, all children were covered by activities, interest was traced throughout the lesson.

I believe that I managed to achieve the desired result through the implementation of all the tasks.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 16 combined type

Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg


continuous educational activities

with middle school children

for cognitive development

Topic: "Fish. The structure of fish "


teacher A.A. Bogoslavskaya

Saint Petersburg


Target :

Give basic information about fish.

Planned results: have ideas aboutthe structure of fish and their habitat; show a desire to take care of the fish.

Tasks :

1. Teach children to highlight body parts.(Mouth, eyes, gills, tail, fins, scales).

2. Consolidate existing ideas about the aquarium, give new information about its inhabitants(features of behavior)

3. Arouse a desire to take care of the fish and the cleanliness of the aquarium.

Dictionary activation:

Aquarium, enough (mouth, food, fins, scales, gills, eggs.

Equipment :

Charged aquarium with fish, illustrations,"Magic TV", slide DVD, musical accompaniment.

preliminary work:

Excursion to "Corner of nature", watching aquarium fish, reading a fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin"Gold fish.

GCD progress:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

caregiver : Guys, today we will talk about someone very interesting. And about whom, you will know if you guess riddle:

Swimming under the bridge

And I wag my tail.

I don't walk on earth

I have a mouth, but I don’t speak.


That's right, it's a fish.(slide show).

And what are they - fish ? How are they different from us humans?(listing of characteristic features by children).

The teacher gives all the rest of the information after the statement. children : no arms, legs; there is no wool, but there are scales, fins, they breathe with gills.(schematic drawing).

Where do the fish live?(in water) . You correctly said that fish live in water, but not in any. Can they live in puddles?(children's answers with teacher's additions). Fish need a lot more than water. other : light, heat, plants, food.

Can humans live in water? That's right, they can't, but people have always been attracted to the underwater world, because you really want to know what's going on there! Under water there is an interesting and diverse world inhabited by amazing inhabitants.(Slide show and review). But traveling underwater is difficult and not always possible, so people have come up with a special house in which fish can live. Who knows what it's called?(aquarium) . Do we have an aquarium?(Yes) . Where is he located? But before we go there, let's do it with you warm-up:

Warm up.

The fish are swimming in the pond

They wave their tails.

Here we dive into the depths

Frightened Masha.

I light a flashlight

I will call them with light.

And of course I will feed

This delicious food.

And now, guys, send to our aquarium. Here it is, our aquarium! And for whom is it prepared? What is in the aquarium?(pebbles, aquatic plants, snails). Guys, the fish have become crowded in one aquarium, so we will move the small fish to a smaller aquarium. Our fish are called GUPPIES.(we release fish into the aquarium with children).

Are the fish big or small? Where are the eyes? What do fish have? Where are the fins?(on the back and on the stomach)Guys, show me how a fish helps itself to swim with its tail(showing movements by children).

And in order for the fish to live in our aquarium, what needs to be done?(feed) .

The fish are fed with special fish food. Let's feed her. What is the fish doing?(eating) . What does she get for food?(mouth)

New information: Fish are never still, they are constantly are moving : fins, gills, mouth.

And now guys, let's go to our cinema(Slide show). Look, fish are different in size and color. They live in various bodies of water and in fresh water.(rivers, lakes) and in salt water(seas and oceans) . But all fish have fins, gills, eyes, mouth, scales, tail.

Who knows where they come from fish ? (children's answers and reasoning) Fish spawn , and fish hatch from the eggs, small at first, and then they grow.

In conclusion, you can ask the children to show those parts of the body of the fish that they remember in the illustration.

Anna Chernysheva
Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the development of speech of the middle group "Aquarium fish"


1. Expansion and refinement of natural science ideas about the fauna of the aquarium;

2. Formation of ideas about aquarium fish, their appearance and lifestyle;

3. Development of speech, visual and auditory attention, observation, thinking, fine motor skills;

4. Education of respect for nature.


The development of the auditory structure of the word, the coordination of words in a sentence, the expansion and refinement of the dictionary on the topic "Aquarium fish" (swordfish, algae, fry, lay, clean, gills).


A cat toy, a clockwork fish toy and a container of water for it, an aquarium with fish, sheets of paper, paints for each child, stencils, fish food.


Teacher. Guys, a cat came to us, he brought a fish (clockwork fish toy). The cat loves fish very much and therefore wants to know everything about them. Let's put her in the water. See how she swims, how her tail and fins work.

Children and the teacher watch the fish.

Teacher. Guys, where do the fish live!

Children's answers.

Teacher. That's right, fish live in a river, pond, sea, in an aquarium. Now guess the riddle:

This house is not wooden

This house is not made of stone.

It's transparent, it's glassy

I don't have a number on it.

And they live in it not simple

These same residents

famous swimmers.

Teacher. That's right, this is an aquarium, and the residents are fish. And what kind of aquarium do we have in the group? That's right, we have an aquarium in our group - round, glass, transparent, small. Who lives in an aquarium? Listen to the riddle and you will answer this question:

She lives in the water.

There is no beak, but it pecks.

That's right, these are fish, aquarium fish. We invite our guest cat to see our wonderful aquarium.

Everyone goes to the ecological corner.

Teacher. See what beautiful fish live in our aquarium. And they are called - swordsman, guppies, catfish, neon, gourami, barbs, goldfish. Let's play - slam the name of the fish: catfish, gu-ra-mi, me-che-no-sets, bar-bu-sy, zo-lo-ta-ya fish-ka. Now look and take a look at the body structure of the fish. That's right, all fish have a body, tail, fins - dorsal and ventral - eyes, mouth, gills. Guys, why do you think these fish are called swordtails? That's right, they have the lower part of the tail fin like a sword. And what kind of fish are these? Yes, these are catfish. They have antennae on their lips and chin, with their help catfish feel the bottom and find food. They like to lie at the bottom, hiding in the sand, grass, behind a stone. In order for the fish to live well, to be healthy and cheerful, they need to create good living conditions in the aquarium. What should live in an aquarium?

Children's answers.

Teacher. That's right, we must put sand, stones on the bottom, pour water, plant plants. What are aquatic plants called? Yes, algae; they come in different sizes and have a variety of leaf shapes. What are algae for? True, algae purify the water and provide oxygen, which is necessary for the respiration of all the inhabitants of the aquarium. Fish cannot live without oxygen. water contains oxygen, and most fish get it through their gills. How do fish swim in water? Who knows? Yes, fish swim with the help of fins: some fins push the body forward, others help change its direction of movement. Show how fins work.

Children imitate the movement of the fins.

Teacher. Let's play the Aquarium game.

The snails are crawling They move in a circle in a semi-squat,

They carry their houses. hands clasped behind back

They move their horns They stop, make "horns" from their fingers,

They look at the fish. rhythmically tilt the head to the left and right.

The fish are swimming They move in a circle with small steps, lowering

Swimming with fins. arms along the body, movement only with palms

Left, right turn, back and forth. Make smooth turns

And now vice versa. body left and right and vice versa.

Teacher. And who knows how baby fish are born? What are their names?

Children's answers.

Teacher. That's right, baby fish are called fry. They emerge from eggs: fish eggs are very small, they swim in the water, others are attached to plants and stones. From the eggs, a fry is born, which grows and becomes an adult fish. And for the fry to grow, he must eat well. What do fish eat?

Children's answers.

Teacher. In our aquarium, the fish eat dry food. Let's feed the fish. To do this, we grind the food so that the fish can eat the food with their small mouths. Now the cat knows everything about fish, he is very grateful to you for the good answers. Look, the cat brought us fish (stencil), let's circle and shade them.

Children say goodbye to the fish and the cat, wish them good health.

At the table, the children circle and hatch the fish.

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