What is Makar Kasatkin famous for: who is it, what biography, personal life. Social networks, photo. Former husband of Maria Shukshina Artem Tregubenko: biography, personal life, summer Makar ran away from his mother

The eldest daughter of Vasily Shukshin, a famous actor, director and writer, and actress Lidia Fedoseyeva, Maria Shukshina, in popularity, may have already “surpassed” her own. famous parents. Despite the absence acting education, Maria Shukshina connected her life with cinema and television. Behind her shoulders are shooting in numerous TV series and working as the host of the Wait for Me program. In personal life - not everything is so cloudless. Maria Shukshina has four children and a third marriage. First husband of Maria Shukshina- her classmate Artem Tregubenko. They got married in their fourth year, the wedding was fun, in the student spirit. Anechka was born in 1989. Family life did not work out. Shukshina does not like to talk about her first husband. He only mentions that they remained friends, and the ex-husband often sees his daughter. Anna studies at VGIK.

In the photo: Artem Tregubenko is the first husband of Maria Shukshina.

Surprisingly, the second husband of Maria Shukshina was Alexei Kasatkin, the groom's witness at Shukshina's first wedding. From him, Maria Shukshina gave birth to a son, Makar. But this marriage did not last long. As they say, mainly through the fault of Mary - her character is too heavy.

From her third husband, Maria Shukshina gave birth to two twins - Fok and Foma. The third spouse is lawyer Boris Vishnyakov. But Maria Shukshina constantly scandalizes with him. Every now and then information flashes in the press that Vishnyakov sued his ex-wife for not allowing him to communicate with the twins. Eventually - former spouses nevertheless agreed and were able to distribute parental responsibilities. About fifty clauses of the agreement were devoted to the upbringing of the twins, in which the life of the children was painted to the smallest detail.

One day I decided to find all the best photos of Maria Shukshina. Outwardly, this actress is very similar to her mother, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, but Masha is more refined, stately, refined, and her height, by the way, is 180 centimeters. At the time of writing this article, Maria Shukshina turned 50 years old, and she is still as pretty as she was at 20 or 30 years old and, it seems to me, even more beautiful.

Maria Shukshina has a younger sister, Olga, who looks like her father, Vasily Shukshina. The sisters are very different in character. About Olga for a long time nothing was heard, they said, they say she went to the monastery, she didn’t share something with her relatives, she decided to hide from the bustle of the world. When I'm looking for someone's photos, and in this case, the hunt was for the best photos Maria Shukshina, I'm starting to get interested in this person - where she was filmed, who are the parents, what creative way how things are on the personal front, how many children, husbands, how he lives, how he breathes. So, it turned out that everything is very confusing in the Shukshin family, they hid so many skeletons in the closet, so many intrigues, insults, family secrets which, from time to time, some of the most offended relatives expose to the public. As it turned out, the most offended of all the Shukshins and those involved in them is Olga Shukshina, Maria's younger sister. The age difference between these women is only a year, but in fact it seems that the youngest of them is not Olga, but Maria. Well, Olga is very offended by her family, she has a hundred claims, but are mother Lydia and sister Maria really some kind of monsters? It seems to me that this is not really the case. I have read such interviews before, where older children complained about their parents, cherished and cherished their childhood grievances, pouring them out on the pages of glossy publications years later. And in fact they were wrong. It seems to these unfortunates that they will tell their story and the whole world will sympathize with them, see how insignificant, selfish their parents were. But in fact, these children are very spoiled, at birth they received everything - status, money, the opportunity to study in best schools, institutions, housing problem never stood squarely in front of them. But the children suffered from the fact that their mothers were not affectionate enough with them. Moreover, the offspring themselves were far from gifts - they smoked, drank, studied at school disgustingly, early began to lead a wild, free life, they did not shine with special talents. But they demanded more and more return from their parents. But all this is not about Maria Shukshina, she never accused her mother of anything in her interviews. She was only grateful to her, and the fact that her mother, a year after the death of her father, was able to love another did not offend her. Life goes on. Olga, on the other hand, expected from her mother that she would become a recluse and, like the widow of Yuri Gagarin, forever remain away from human eyes, remain faithful to her deceased husband for life. Ridiculous. Why expect this from a mother? Let her be happy in a new relationship. Upon reaching adulthood, both sisters - Maria and Olga inherited impressive sums of money, Masha bought a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, Olga skipped and squandered money on travel and drinking - she visited Paris alone six times. Upon her return, the prodigal daughter waited for her mother to caress her, hug her and shelter her. But sorry, Olga was in isolation, went to burn money and life in America, where she, when the money ran out, worked as a cleaner, barmaid, waitress, drank deeply, ruined and ruined her young life. This is while Maria Shukshina studied at MSLU as a translator. Well, excuse me, if my daughter, like Olga, had gone off the rails, when the second daughter was nibbling at the granite of science at that time, what would I say on her return? Well, I guess I should start lecturing? In fact, I would be shocked by what is happening! Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was only surprised that her daughter did not stay in America, but returned to her native land. But Olga did not expect such a reception. Throughout her life, Olga carried a grudge against her mother and older sister. Maria is more successful, more beautiful, men and the public like her. According to Olga, Masha paid little attention to her sister, did not take care of her, did not cherish and cherish. What for? If the sister of a completely different field is a berry? If the soul does not lie, if only kinship and surname are common?

In the photo, Maria Shukshina with her two youngest children, Foma and Foka.

In the photo, Maria Shukshina with her daughter Anna.

Maria Shukshina, of course, is also not an angel, she has her own stormy, wrong, bitter personal life. Three marriages behind her - from her first husband Artyom Tregubenko in 1989, a daughter, Anya, was born, from her second husband, Alexei Kasatkin, a son, Makar, was born in 1998, and in 2005, Maria Shukshina became the mother of twin boys, Thomas and Foka, whom she conceived with the third husband - Boris Vishnyakov. Not everything is going smoothly with Maria Shukshina's children, only her relationship with her eldest daughter Anya was not discussed in the press, thanks to whose successful marriage she became a grandmother at the age of 47.

In these photos, Maria Shukshina with her son Makar Kasatkin.

Makar Kasatkin has already managed to get into several scandals. A young man met on a certain site with beautiful girl Nastya, living under the name Freya Zilber. This girl is very pretty, but extremely uneducated, and before meeting Makar, she was engaged in very dubious affairs, either escort services, or even worse, at the age of 14 she gave birth to a child, but her daughter does not know who her real mother is, she is Freya calls sister, dear grandmother became her mother. So, this same Freya at the age of 19 became pregnant from Makar Kasatkin, after which she accused him all over the country of assault and distribution of drugs, and now she expects this representative of a distinguished family to provide for both herself and their unborn child.

With the younger children of Maria Shukshina (Foka and Foma), not everything is going smoothly either. At one time they spent more time with their father than with their mother, the fact is that Boris Vishnyakoov did not have a business, but he loves his sons so much that he decided to devote himself to his family and raising his offspring. As a result, there was discord in the family, because Maria Shukshina is attracted strong personalities, and the man who baked pancakes and read bedtime stories to children did not fit in her imagination with the image of the alpha male, and the division of children began. Boris Vishnyakov was very worried about separation from his sons, gave scandalous interviews in magazines (to be honest, when I read these outpourings of an abandoned man, I felt so sorry for him), tried to reach out to Maria Shukshina. After some time, relations between Boris and Masha nevertheless improved, and today a man can see his children more often than indicated in the court decision.

In the photo Vasily Shukshin with one of his daughters.

With daughter Anna.

Shot from the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard".

In this photo, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina with her daughters Maria and Olga, as well as with her granddaughter Anya.

Childhood photo of Maria Shukshina.

In this photo, Maria Shukshina with her four children.

Growing up twins.

Little sisters Masha and Olya Shukshin.

In this photo, Makar Kasatkin (son of Maria Shukshina) and Vyacheslav (grandson of Maria, son of Anna's daughter).

Everything is complicated and confusing, not only with Maria Shukshina, it didn’t just take shape family life and her parents. Father Vasily Shukshin is not only an actor, but also a film director, screenwriter, and writer. He died at the age of 45, it happened on the set of the film “They Fought for the Motherland”, it is noteworthy that he starred there with his wife Lidia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, she played a widow, she long and stubbornly refused the role that became prophetic. The cause of Vasily Shukshin's death was myocardial infarction. After the autopsy of the untimely departed Shukshin, it was found that his heart was worn out and did not look like a heart. young man as well as the heart of an ancient old man. Vasily Shukshin lived without sparing himself, he smoked a lot, drank coffee in buckets, abused strong drinks, plus he experienced drama in his personal life. Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina became his fourth wife.

The first wife of Vasily Shukshin is Maria Shumskaya, she was a resident of the same village where Shukshin was born. There was love between the two, but both were too young. Maria was from a wealthy family, only daughter, Vasily was a tramp, his father was shot during collectivization. When Vasily Shukshin entered VGIK, Maria Shumskaya did not go with him, because she was frightened by the unsettled life. Her husband at that time spent the night where he had to. Masha told her husband, they say you first settle down, and only then you will pick me up. And, of course, he didn’t take her anywhere in the end, Moscow life dragged him out, such a prominent man would not be left alone, he started spinning, spinning. But Maria and Vasily wrote letters to each other very sincere, full of love and passions, Maria Shumskaya still cherishes these messages, Vasily Shukshin always carried her letters with him. Vasily Shukshin had many women, some were grateful to him for the fact that, at least temporarily, they became his wives, others held a grudge all their lives. Everyone can be understood.

And how many interviews, programs and shows that Shukshin's ex-wives were called to. Resentment, pain, bitterness. He cheated, he used it - it was like that. The most offended is Lydia Chashchina, she admits that she fell in love with Vasily Shukshin for his strong masculinity, simply because he was an alpha male. That is, she had the right one in the gentlemen, good boy- a pilot, gave flowers, bought fruits, looked after him beautifully, but she gave him a turn from the gate, chose the one who humiliated, deceived, soldered, did not put a penny. Even after many years, Lydia Chashchina could not forget past grievances. On the other hand, no one tied her to Vasily Shukshin - she could always leave, even after his first meanness, but together they lasted about five years.

By the way, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina took her double surname only after the death of her husband. So she promised to become Shukshina after changing her passport, but taking a double surname, she fulfilled the will of her late husband. At Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina herself difficult fate. There are not only two daughters from Vasily Shukshin, but also a daughter from his first marriage. Anastasia was sued by her ex-husband, there were 14 court cases, as a result, the mother was not allowed to see her daughter. The girl grew up, but her mother was no longer eager for her, she had new family, other daughters. Anastasia does not hold a grudge against her mother Lydia after many years.

In her youth, Lydia Fedoseeva Shukshina was such a beauty!

Photo of a young Vasily Shukshin.

Tests for the film. Lydia Fedoseeva with her daughters.

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina with her mother.

Touching, sincere and charming Maria Shukshina - these are the epithets associated with the image of the famous actress and TV presenter. Despite the gentleness and kindness shown by her in the well-known program “Wait for me”, in life she is completely different. A character famous person, her waywardness and iron will best disclosed in three novels of a woman with different men. She does not tolerate weak men and only children reign in her heart.


The birth of Mary in a family of famous actors

There was no other way than acting for Mary, because the girl was born in a couple famous actors- Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva Shukshina. Masha was born in May 1967, next year she will be 51 years old, but despite her age and numerous births, and she has four children, she looks charming and youthful in the photo and in reality.

With actor Sergei Nikonenko and twins

The girl grew up obedient, successfully studied at school, had the makings of a polyglot - she was easily given foreign languages. Free time the family spent at the dacha, where Maria, in her childhood, met many famous personalities.

Communicating with friends of the Shukshins, the girl realized that the path of the actor is not so easy, and therefore she decided to connect her future with the career of a translator foreign languages.

After graduation, the girl successfully passed the entrance exams to the Mores Torez Institute of Foreign Languages. After graduating with ease, she managed to work as a translator for several years. Today in her arsenal is an excellent knowledge of such languages ​​as:

  • English;
  • Italian;
  • French;
  • German.

The beginning of the wedding stories of Maria Shukshina

In the arsenal of Maria's movie heroines, there are a variety of images that she played with Vladimir Mashkov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Andrey Merzlikin and others.

In an interview, the actress often repeats that she is best given the roles of heroines that are completely unrelated to her in spirit. Well, in her personal life she does not like to joke, if she loves, then completely, not tolerating deceit and betrayal.

True, in recent interviews the famous TV presenter said that she was full of marriages and did not intend to marry anymore.

And it's clear, three unsuccessful marriage anyone can be knocked out. But they gave her beloved children, who today make up the meaning of her life.

Maria with children - daughter Anna, son Makar, twins Foka and Foma

Maria's first husband - Artem Tregubenko

She met her first husband at the Institute of Foreign Languages. The guy was her classmate.

Remarkably, at their wedding, on the part of the groom, the second husband of the TV personality, Alexei Kasatkin, became a witness. And, as it turned out later, even then he was secretly in love with a girl.

In this marriage, Maria gave birth to a daughter, Anya, but after a few years the couple broke up. Maria does not voice the reason for the breakup to this day.

Maria with her daughter Anya

"I have always loved her" - Maria's second husband Alexei Kasatkin

Fate brought the girl to her future husband only ten years after the divorce. They met by chance at the dinosaur exhibition and realized - student years and secret love was not forgotten. And, although at that time Alexei was already married, nothing prevented their stormy romance. For a year and a half, the lovers lived without legitimizing their relationship.

According to the TV presenter, Lesha showered her with jewelry, drove her to expensive resorts and gave fur coats unthinkable for the price.

The young were in love and happy, in this harmonious union the son Makar was born. The couple officially registered their marriage on the day Maria was discharged from the hospital and, despite the fact that they are now divorced, the ex-husband still confesses his love to her.

After the birth of the child, Maria lived with Alexei for four years - all this time was punctuated by scandals and personal problems in the family. According to Alexei's relatives, many problems arose due to the pathological jealousy of Mary, but the star herself refutes this.

A fatal case that influenced further relations with Alexei and his family was the problems that arose due to a misunderstanding regarding the child. IN Once again having gone on tour, Maria left little Makar with a nanny, and Alexei's mother came and took him away. The nanny called Maria and said that the child had been kidnapped. What horror the TV presenter experienced at that moment, she cannot even describe in words.


The third common-law husband of Mary - there will be no official marriage

Taught by the previous two marriages, Maria is no longer in a hurry to get married. In 2000, fate brought her to the lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, and no matter what tricks Boris does, the woman is in no hurry to marry him. Even the birth of a pair of twins - Foki and Thomas, did not move her to this. Moreover, the personal life and family of Maria Shukshina, paired with Boris, is experiencing constant storms. Boris associates them with swings, and he can only guess if Masha loves him and if everything will work out again.

Maria with Foka and Thomas

Maria Shukshina today

IN Lately information appeared in the media that the scandal in the family of Maria Shukshina was now indicated not by her, but by her son. 19-year-old Makar is accused by his chosen one, claiming that the guy takes narcotic substances and often engages in manhandling. But, many believe that all this is just a way to promote.

The TV star is sure that her son a priori cannot behave like this. Children are everything for her, for them she works, develops, takes care of herself and she raised them to be purposeful and respectable members of society.

Maria Vasilievna Shukshina is a hereditary actress. She inherited her talent from famous parents, the father of Vasily Shukshin, the cult director and mother famous actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. The acting fate of the girl as a whole developed successfully from the first years of her life.

First steps in life and cinema

Almost immediately after her birth (05/27/1967) and her first steps, Masha literally took her first steps in cinema. When the girl was one and a half years old, her father filmed her in his own work - the film novel "Brother", which was included in the anthology "Strange People". Then, with a break of several years, there were shootings in the films “Bee-shops”, “Birds over the city”. Then Maria went to school and no longer acted, but already had experience on the set.

Maria Shukshina in childhood with her parents and sister

The period of study at school was no different, Masha received a certificate of maturity, like her other peers. After that, there was no admission to a theater university, a prestigious school acting skills or directing faculty. The girl chose the profession of a translator. Entered Inyaz.

Parents raised Mary strictly. The girl did not bathe in luxury and was not spoiled by gifts, although the famous father and mother had such an opportunity. Subsequently, Shukshina will raise her children on the same principle.

In part, this act was due to the stories of the mother, who said that for successful career actress needs husband director. Only in this case it will be provided with roles, otherwise it will remain unknown, without permanent work.

Return to cinema - the call of the ancestors

After receiving a translator's diploma, Maria got a job at a commodity exchange according to her profile, but did not work there for a long time. The genes of the parents played a role, and the girl decided to return to the cinema. She made such a decision in the mid-90s of the last century.

Maria Shukshina in the film "What wonderful game"

Maria Shukshina in the movie " American daughter"

Immediately after returning to the set, Maria received offers from eminent directors Karen Shakhnazarov, Pyotr Todorovsky. She starred in the films of the masters "American Daughter" and "What a wonderful game." These works were the last before Shukshina went on maternity leave and took up raising her son.

Maria Shukshina on the set of the program "Wait for me"

Maria Shukshina in the movie "The Village"

But the break turned out to be short-lived, already in 1998 Maria became the host of the popular television project Wait for Me. At the same time, the actress refused several no less attractive offers from other TV channels. Shukshina fit perfectly into the TV project, became the favorite of viewers. She was loved for her sincere feelings and active participation in the fate of people who are looking for relatives, loved ones, loved ones, friends. Maria herself says that she decided to try herself as a TV presenter due to the lack of offers from directors.

Maria Shukshina and Konstantin Vorobyov in the film "Bury me behind the plinth"

But this calm did not last long. In the early 2000s, the actress starred in the multi-part project " The perfect couple". The next work was the series “People and shadows. Secrets of the puppet theater. Since the mid-2000s, there has been no shortage of offers from directors, Maria has become a sought-after actress.

Maria Shukshina in the series "The Stone Guest"

Maria Shukshina in the TV series "Own Alien"

It was during this period that her stage role was formed. strong woman who is able to overcome all obstacles and hardships, but at the same time she is very vulnerable. Critics see this as the influence of the mother, who has a similar stage persona.

Maria Shukshina in the series "Snoop"

Maria is proud that she is not a certified actress. She believes that theatrical stage kills organicity in actors. The result is an affectation that manifests itself on stage and in life. The actress likes to experiment during filming, trying to stay natural.

Personal life - family, children

In her personal life, Maria did not have everything as smooth as in her career. The first 2 marriages quickly fell apart. The husbands of the actress were her colleagues in education, they both studied at the same university as Maria. From marriage, Shukshina left a daughter and a son.

Alexey Kasatkin - the second husband of Maria Shukshina

Boris Vishnyakov with children - the third husband of Maria Shukshina

Only the third marriage with lawyer Boris Vishnyakov became happy, the couple had twins. This time, the actress was in no hurry to get married. But her civil husband insisted on formalizing the relationship.

Maria Shukshina with her eldest daughter

According to Maria, children are an incentive for her, for them she develops, tries to look good. But the actress does not spoil them, she brings them up strictly, as she once grew up herself.

Famous biographies Russian actors read

The actress started her Instagram account and for the first time in a long time showed photos of her grown-up children.

Actress and TV presenter 49-year-old Maria Shukshina long years did without social networks. She has repeatedly admitted that all existing pages under her name are fake. However, Maria recently started an Instagram account, in which she officially greeted all the fans, announcing that, after all, she was seduced by the possibilities of the Internet.

« I am glad to welcome you on my first and only page on Instagram. Maria Shukshina", - wrote Shukshina. Most of her Instagram photos illustrate the star's daily workflows. However, there are several pictures with her children. So, recently Shukshina for the first time in many years showed grown-up twin sons Foma and Fok from her third husband, businessman Boris Vishnyakov.

The boys, according to the subscribers of the actress, have grown noticeably and very soon will be on the same page with their older brother Makar, whom Maria gave birth to from her second marriage to businessman Alexei Kasatkin. Maria also showed her adult heir by posting his photo on her page.

"Small, but what a part of my children" - signed photo of Shukshin .

The star did not ignore eldest daughter Anya from her first husband Artem Tregubenko, posting on the Web joint photo with daughter.

Maria Shukshina with her daughter Anya

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