Natalya Vodianova official Instagram. Depilation in the car, everyday life as a mother and fashion shoots: Natalia Vodianova started her own YouTube channel. Who is Natalia Vodianova

Account: natasupernova

Occupation: Russian top model, fashion model, actress and philanthropist

Natalia Vodianova Instagram is a page of a popular application. This is where the star model posts her photos for everyone to see.

Natalia Vodianova's Instagram is updated with photos on average several times a week. In many photos you can see the supermodel’s signature in Russian or English language for your followers. The beauty often appears in the company of friends and acquaintances. She is often photographed with foreign celebrities, although Russians are also present: Ivan Urgant, Dima Bilan. It's amazing how talented she is at finding mutual language with any celebrity.

The beauty's feed mainly contains footage from family vacations. She can also be seen at social events and professional photo shoots for fashion magazines. Despite the girl's high status, she does not have an ounce of pathos and intrusive advertising, which is found among people with great fame. Natalia Vodianova photo from Instagram radiates the power of goodness and positivity, her charm is transmitted to her subscribers.

Biography of Natalia Vodianova

Natalia Vodianova's biography began with her birth on February 28, 1982 in Nizhny Novgorod. Natalya and her 2 sisters grew up without a father. The mother was in charge of raising her. The poor financial situation of the family forced the girl to go to work at the age of 11. Natalya was selling fruit at the market counter. Everyday work had a negative impact on academic performance.

At the age of 16 she entered a modeling agency. At the age of 17, the girl flew to Paris for the Madison modeling competition. From now on work history Natalia Vodianova acquired the following development milestone:

  • In 2001, W magazine declared the girl “the biggest sensation in the fashion world.”
  • In 2002, she was the most expensive face of the CK label in its entire history.
  • In 2003, Calvin Klein signed an agreement with a model from Russia for 1 million.
  • In 2008, the supermodel graduated modeling career. The girl decided to devote time to her family and charity. Valentino's Haute Couture collection show was her last as a fashion model.
  • In 2009, she and Andrei Malakhov became co-hosts of the semi-finals of the Eurovision Song Contest.
  • In 2014, she had to participate in the opening ceremony Olympic Games in Sochi, presentation of “Sochi-2014” in Vancouver.
0 December 2, 2019, 15:30

There is a new addition to the regiment of star YouTube bloggers - now a 37-year-old woman will also talk about her life, raising children, travel and work in funny vlogs. The supermodel recently announced this to her followers on Instagram.

Friends, I created my own YouTube channel! Every Friday at 17:00 you will find Operation B and other adventures of the Vodyanov Circus (hereinafter the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Ed.),

- Natalya wrote.

So far, only a two-minute trailer has been published on Natalia’s official channel, which tells what exactly will be discussed in the model’s vlogs. The video was stitched together from backstage footage of fashion shoots and Natalia with her children in Sochi, as well as footage from when the model was still pregnant.

Natalia will also share exclusive content: for example, in the teaser she showed how she shaves her legs right in the back seat of a car, using only a bottle of water and a razor.

Subscribers happily accepted this news and admitted that they had long dreamed of Natalya starting her own YouTube channel. Many followers have already subscribed to Vodianova’s channel and said that they are looking forward to Friday to quickly see the star’s first vlog.

Congratulations and I will watch your channel every Friday!

I'm watching the video again and again. You are incredible, muse, Natasha is the blogger we deserve, Great news. We will monitor the development of the channel! Good luck!

— subscribers spoke out.

In the teaser on Vodianova’s YouTube channel, she speaks (and even sings!) in both English and Russian, which means that fans from all over the world will be able to watch the star’s videos.

Instagram photo

Account: natasupernova

Occupation: Russian top model, fashion model, actress and philanthropist

Natalia Vodianova Instagram is a page of a popular application. This is where the star model posts her photos for everyone to see.

Natalia Vodianova's Instagram is updated with photos on average several times a week. In many photos you can see the supermodel’s signature in Russian or English for her followers. The beauty often appears in the company of friends and acquaintances. She is often photographed with foreign celebrities, although Russians are also present: Dima Bilan. The talent is amazing how she can find a common language with any celebrity.

The beauty's feed mainly contains footage from family vacations. She can also be seen at social events and professional photo shoots for fashion magazines. Despite the girl's high status, she does not have an ounce of pathos and intrusive advertising, which is found among people with great fame. Natalia Vodianova photo from Instagram radiates the power of goodness and positivity, her charm is transmitted to her subscribers.

Biography of Natalia Vodianova

Natalia Vodianova's biography began with her birth on February 28, 1982 in Nizhny Novgorod. Natalya and her 2 sisters grew up without a father. The mother was in charge of raising her. The poor financial situation of the family forced the girl to go to work at the age of 11. Natalya was selling fruit at the market counter. Everyday work had a negative impact on academic performance.

At the age of 16 she entered a modeling agency. At the age of 17, the girl flew to Paris for the Madison modeling competition. From that moment on, Natalia Vodianova’s work biography acquired the following development milestone:

  • In 2001, W magazine declared the girl “the biggest sensation in the fashion world.”
  • In 2002, she was the most expensive face of the CK label in its entire history.
  • In 2003, Calvin Klein signed an agreement with a model from Russia for 1 million.
  • In 2008, the supermodel ended her modeling career. The girl decided to devote time to her family and charity. Valentino's Haute Couture collection show was her last as a fashion model.
  • In 2009, she and Andrei Malakhov became co-hosts of the semi-finals of the Eurovision Song Contest.
  • In 2014, she had to participate in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi, the presentation of Sochi 2014 in Vancouver.

Worldwide famous model Natalia Vodianova, who became the living embodiment of the fairy tale about Cinderella, was born on the last day of winter 1982 in Nizhny Novgorod.

Her childhood with early years it was full of hardships and tests of strength which not all adults are ready to endure. Natasha never knew her father, and her mother raised her three daughters alone. The already difficult situation in the family was aggravated by the condition of one of the girls, who suffered from cerebral palsy and severe autism.

It is not surprising that the whole family was experiencing not only serious financial difficulties, but also psychological problems. In those days, it was not customary to make such diagnoses public, and no one understood how to properly raise such children or how to communicate with them.

However, the difficulties did not embitter either the mother or the girls, and in the future Natasha tried to help such families as much as possible.

Feeling a great responsibility, from an early age Natasha tried in every possible way to ease her mother’s lot: she looked after her sick sister, helped sell fruit at the market, carrying heavy boxes of food. The biggest joy for the girl was buying new clothes, since she often had to wear out old things.

The situation began to change only after a sixteen-year-old pretty girl with delicate features was noticed and invited to a local modeling agency. From that moment on, truly magical changes began to occur in Natasha’s life.

Conquering the model Olympus

While in Nizhny Novgorod, a scout from a famous modeling agency noticed Natalya, whose Slavic beauty, coupled with her tall stature and ideal proportions, captivated him. He invited her to come to Moscow for a casting, where Vodianova created a real sensation.

A couple of months later, Natalia Vodianova, who signed her first contract, went to Paris. However, at first, life in the fashion capital was not at all sweet: all the money earned was spent on food and renting modest housing, the competition was fierce.

During this difficult period, the girl was lucky in the form of an acquaintance with a wealthy French doctor, who helped the aspiring model arrange everyday problems, focus on work and study foreign languages. He became a true friend for Natalya, and later the godfather of her child.

After unimaginable castings, Natalya was lucky enough to work for week high fashion in NYC. Showing yourself with the best side, she began to receive endless offers from leading fashion houses: Calvin Klein, Ives Saint-Laurent, Gucci and others.

She also starred for such prestigious publications as Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue.

2002 was an incredibly successful year for Vodianova. At New York Fashion Week, she turned out to be the most popular model, walking in the shows of nineteen designers. During the same period she signed lucrative contract with Calvin Klein, becoming the face of the prestigious brand. Natalya tried her hand at cinema, but all her roles were episodic in nature.

Hereby finest hour V model biography Natalia began shooting in 2004 for the legendary Pirelli calendar. Only the most beautiful women in the world received such an honor, and among them was a simple girl from the Russian outback. By this time, Natalya had become not only the most famous, but also one of the richest models in the world, having managed to earn a fortune.

In 2008, being a mother of three children, Natalya made it official announcement of his retirement from the fashion world. She commented on her decision with a desire to devote more time to family and charitable activities. However, sometimes she could be found at fashion shows, where she was invited as a world star.

After leaving her modeling career, Vodianova became an active participant in major sports competitions and various music competitions.

In 2017, Natalia Vodianova became the face of a new eco-collection of the popular brand H&M, which began producing clothes from a special material based on recycled ocean waste. Thus, the world-famous model sought to attract public attention to the pollution of the planet.

Interesting notes:

Personal life

As in fairy tale story about Cinderella, a real prince appeared in Natalia’s life. At one of the Parisian parties, fate brought the Russian beauty together with a 33-year-old British aristocrat Justin Portman, who was fond of collecting paintings. The acquaintance was marked by an unpleasant quarrel, but the next day Justin apologized and offered to meet. Since then, the young people have not parted.

After the birth of their first child, a boy named Lucas, the lovers got married. The wedding ceremony was incredibly magnificent and took place in the Throne Room Grand Palace in Peterhof.

Already 1.5 months after the birth of her son, Natalya returned to the podium. Pregnancy and childbirth did not affect the top model’s appearance in any way, and she continued her work.
Soon the couple had a daughter, Neva, and then a son, Victor. However, the fairy tale was not destined to last forever, and the family fell apart.

According to the media, the reason for the divorce was Natalia’s affair with a charming French billionaire Antoine Arnault. The young people met back in 2007, but began dating only a few years later.

Arnault invited his beloved to move from London to Paris, and she agreed. In 2014, Antoine and Natalie had their common son, Maxim, and two years later, a son named Roman. Now Natalia Vodianova and Antoine Arnault are raising 5 children.


A dizzying career, world fame and Financial independence did not in any way affect the character of Natalia Vodianova: she remained as kind and empathetic as she was in childhood. At the same time, the girl was worried not only about the well-being of her own family: she was worried about many problems in the world around her.

A difficult, joyless childhood and her sister’s incurable illness completely changed Natalya’s consciousness. Having become successful, she o organized her own foundation called “Naked Hearts”, the main goal of which was the construction of equipped children's playgrounds in Russia.

In addition, the foundation is actively educational activities, designed to educate the public about the problems of children suffering from multiple disabilities. According to Natalya, families raising disabled people already suffer from misunderstanding and alienation from others who are simply afraid of special children.

In 2011, Natalia launched a new charity company, “Every Child Deserves a Family,” which actively raised pressing issues for children with developmental problems. The basis of this program is changing attitudes towards problem children, as well as the current situation when families abandon their children after learning a terrible diagnosis.

  • Height: 176 cm
  • She played the role of Medusa the Gorgon in American film "Clash of the Titans"
  • She was a co-host in season 1 of the project "Voice. Children"

Ex-spouse Natalia Vodianova, British aristocrat Justin Portman, just recently became a father for the fourth time: the actress gave him a son Morgan Snyder, which he immediately informed fans about on his personal blog, publishing a photo of the newborn.

Welcome to the world, Leo James Berkeley Portman. 07/24/2019. Healthy baby weighing 4.195 kg. Morgan had to try! 😘🌈😊🌈😊🌈😊🌈😊🌈😊🌈😘

Instagram @justinportman

Three eldest heirs of Justin Portman - Lucas, Neva And Victor- were born in marriage with Natalia Vodianova. However, Justin's new girlfriend gets along well with his older children, traveling with them and her husband.

Quite recently, a touching photo with all his heirs appeared on the personal blog of the father of many children - the first in full.

All four chickens,” Justin captioned the shot.

Instagram @ justinportman

And yesterday, in honor of his eldest son's 18th birthday, Portman posted a photo of his three eldest children. And it’s worth noting that they are all incredibly similar to each other.

Happy 18th birthday, wrote the happy father.

Instagram @ justinportman

Apparently, the aristocrat's children took after their father. After all, despite the big age difference, Justin Portman's two sons - the eldest and the youngest - are also very similar to each other. This is especially noticeable in the Christmas photo that Lucas posted on his personal blog.

Happy birthday to me! 🥰😝 Ready for Christmas already 🎄- wrote the boy.

Instagram @ lucas_portman

Natalya also warmly congratulated her son on her personal blog, publishing a touching archival photo. She accompanied the funny photo with a warm message:

Has this day really come?! 18 years have flown by like one day, and today you are officially becoming an adult. Today you start new chapter a book with your name on the binding. You are an obedient son, an attentive grandson, a caring older brother and a loyal friend! Kind, thoughtful, brave, sincere, witty - everything like his mother, and most importantly - humble person🤪 jokes aside, I believe that all roads are open to you, you yourself have achieved and deserved everything with your talent and perseverance. I'm very proud of you, I'm always there for you, I'm your fan forever! 🤩 Happy birthday, son! My oldest! 🤗

Instagram @ natasupernova

By the way, recently Natalya and her older children went to big Adventure across Russia. The model wanted to show her sons and daughter their homeland, which they may know too little about due to the fact that they have lived abroad since birth. After the trip, Vodianova published a video on her personal blog, showing the funniest moments of this exciting adventure.

Shocking noble hearing of karaoke connoisseurs + the funniest and never-before-seen moments from our trip to Russia with Lucas, Neva and Victor. 🤪 🎤 🎶 💗 Viewers with a truly strong psyche 🤣 - please come to my Youtube channel - a fresh episode! - the model wrote.

One of the weekends star family spent in Sochi, and it was there that her eldest son Lucas decided to jump from a height of about 2 thousand meters, because in theme park Sochi has one of the highest base jumping towers in Europe.

Fans were delighted with the fearlessness of the star heir and the calmness of the star mom. They left compliments for the family and expressed hope that next time Natalya would bring all her children home.

It is worth noting that together with Vodianova’s heirs he lives in Paris. And in one of her interviews, Natalya told what principles she adheres to in raising children:

Neva and Victor also have lessons at the conservatory, an hour a day - piano. They all love sports, reading, drawing. I have very hardworking children. I never force my point of view on them. I believe that a child can only hear when you negotiate with him as an equal. I try to guide the children. I can't say I spoil them. They are brought up in such a way that they rarely want or ask for anything at all; their main value is free time.

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