Humble famous people. Rating of the most modest stars. Chloe Grace Moretz

It is commonly believed that celebrities enjoy being the center of attention, but this is not entirely true. There are celebrities who try to avoid noisy events, camera flashes and generally conduct closed image life. The thing is that, unlike extroverts who literally feed on the attention of others, introverts are more comfortable being alone with themselves.

We took a closer look at world celebrities who prefer meditation to noisy company. You may not have realized that your favorites are actually single stars!

Zane Malik

A true pop sensation who came to us from the group One Direction. As soon as Zane Malik began his solo career, everyone became even more convinced that this guy was too quiet and calm for his age. As he himself says, he has always enjoyed singing, but the attention that comes with fame is not easy for him.

Lady Gaga

It's hard to believe, but Lady Gaga truly an introvert! How can one of the most popular artists be closed off? She once said in an interview:

“With people I don't know, I'm very shy - even on the Hollywood stage. I'm always self-absorbed and focused on music."

Well, in this case, Gaga is quite good at masking her shyness when performing in front of an audience of thousands.


In childhood Beyoncé was a very calm child - who would have thought? According to her, performing in front of an audience means getting out of a state of comfort for her.

“I always try to be myself, and when I go on stage I try to break out of my shell.”

Joanne Rowling

The author of books about “the boy who lived” is a famous recluse. She rarely gives interviews or attends events. It is said that introverts are more creative because they can be alone with their thoughts, which cannot be done in a group. Rowling says she first got the idea to write Harry Potter while she was traveling alone on a train from Manchester to London.

“I wanted to sketch so I wouldn’t forget my idea, but I was too embarrassed to ask someone for a pen.”

So she sat for four hours, drawing in her imagination the story of a boy who did not know about his magical abilities.

Jay Z

It may seem strange, but the rapper Jay Z- also an introvert. He is not very keen on giving interviews and talking to journalists. If you read the artist’s biography, it will become clear that he has a lot in common with the writer Joanne Rowling: He also used his surroundings to improve his skills. In his case, isolation helped create lyrics with double and even triple meanings.

Taylor Swift

Despite the fact that the singer Taylor Swift With over 96 million followers on Instagram, she loves to be alone. As the artist herself admits on her official website, she is proud to be an introvert. At the same time, he explains that being such a person does not mean being shy. Extroverts can also be shy.

“When around people, introverts look and study, thinking before they speak,” says Swift.

Emma Watson

Hermione from Harry Potter has earned a reputation as a girl who almost never attends social parties. Emma notes that she is an introvert by nature and she simply does not need noisy events. Staying home instead of dancing until she drops is not her conscious choice, but her character.

Photo: Instagram

We are used to imagining stars as darlings of fate who lead an idle lifestyle. Everything they have must be luxury: from food to travel. We can only admire their lives, which we cannot afford.

However, not all rich celebrities are used to throwing away money. Among them are those who prefer to live modestly and donate money to charitable projects. Let's take a look at these humble heroes.

Reese Witherspoon

Reese buys only the essentials for his children and tries not to spoil them. The actress actively advocates for the prevention of breast cancer and is the chairman of the Avon charitable foundation.

Angelina Jolie

The Hollywood actress began to engage humanitarian aid since 2001 after a trip to Cambodia. Since then, she has founded several charitable foundations, and in 2013 she received a humanitarian Oscar for her services.

Quentin Tarantino

The scandalous director does not need jewelry and luxury cars; his real passion is cinematic props. In addition, Tarantino regularly helps victims of natural disasters.

Konstantin Khabensky

In 2008, he lost his wife to cancer. Then the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation began helping children with brain cancer and has already saved hundreds of lives.

Sandra Bullock

The movie star is actively involved in charity work: she has already donated $1 million to the Red Cross four times.

Keira Knightley

Kira has a certain monetary limit for the month, which she set for herself. Anything that goes beyond the amount is a reason for the actress to think about whether she needs this thing. Kira believes that Rich life not for her - she won’t be able to communicate with ordinary people.

Keanu Reeves

The actor has long deserved the most modest rich man. He does not buy mansions and prefers public transport. He gave almost all of his fee for the film “The Matrix” ($80 million) to other actors and make-up artists, as he considered that their salaries were too small.

Keanu founded a foundation to fight cancer, which he flatly refused to name. He was prompted to do this by a personal tragedy - the actor’s sister was sick with leukemia.

Jennifer Garner

The Hollywood star can often be seen at a regular market in simple clothes. Jennifer works with the Save the Chidren Foundation, which specializes in helping children in developing countries.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The actress not only saves money herself, she teaches her children to do the same. Sarah Jessica is a frequent visitor to thrift stores, and she sews clothes for her children herself.

Parker is also a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and a member of the Hollywood Women's Political Committee.

Kate Middleton

It would seem that a royal person should not live modestly. However, Kate has a different opinion. IN Everyday life she can often be seen wearing clothes from Zara, Hobbs, H&M, and she invests her savings in charitable programs. This fact has helped her gain immense popularity around the world.

Christian Bale

The actor we know and love for his roles in “The Dark Knight,” “The Machinist,” “American Psycho” and other films is not a fan luxurious life. He actively donates his fees to charitable causes. In an interview, he admitted: “Wealth means nothing to me. If a burglar broke into my house, he would cry."

He recently fulfilled the dream of a 4-year-old child with leukemia by appearing in a Batman costume.

Hayden Christensen

This sweet guy got tired of the expensive Hollywood life and moved to a farm, where he farms the land and drives a tractor.

Russell Crowe

The actor bought himself a small ranch in Australia and an old jeep. Or he could live large in Hollywood. In addition, he regularly helps not only various foundations, but also his fans who need help.

Jessica Alba

Jessica is one of the very frugal moms. She wears simple clothes and does not disdain public transport. The actress even founded an eco-friendly diaper company. She has repeatedly taken part in various charitable events and companies: in the fight against AIDS, in the search for missing children, in organizing assistance to children in Africa, etc.

Jennifer Lawrence

Star fever is definitely not about Lawrence. The popular actress drives a modest Volkswagen Eos car, enjoys simple entertainment (buying snacks and watching TV), and donates the money she earns to charity.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Back in 1998, the actor created charitable foundation Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Today, he is most concerned about environmental issues - the actor was recently appointed UN Ambassador, and he made his own film about climate change.

Based on materials:

Probably, each of us has our own tangle of complexes. Some people have bitter experiences and quiet tears in their pillows in distant childhood, others continue to suffer because nature and parents “rewarded” them with a long nose, tall (small) stature, protruding ears, small (large) breasts, shy character and so on down the list. Sometimes it seems to them: it’s good for the actors (singers, politicians), they are beautiful, they are loved, they have no flaws. But is it? It turns out that among celebrities there are people who in childhood (and not only) suffered from certain complexes. True, unlike many, they managed to rise above them, survive, or at least “make friends” with their phobias. Lack of self-confidence, shyness and modesty did not prevent them from making it to the star Olympus.

Uma Thurman

At the age of 12, Uma was one meter eighty tall. Needless to say, she was teased at school. “The Blonde Tower,” they shouted after the girl. “I’m scary, and I will always be like that,” the girl complained to her parents, who also awarded her a “wonderful” name - Uma Karuna Metta Upekha Madita. The complexes remain to this day; she does not like to appear naked, considering herself imperfect. But this did not stop her from becoming Quentin Tarantino’s favorite actress, perhaps because the director once admitted his love for women with large feet (Uma wears size 43 shoes).

Julia Roberts

At school, Julia was teased for her big mouth and skinny figure; she hated herself, but desperately wanted to be liked and prove that she was worth something. Uncertainty about her attractiveness remained even after the success of “Pretty Woman” and the public’s declaration of love for the charming actress. During the filming of Eat Pray Love, Julia's co-star James Franco admitted that the actress was "charmingly shy" when they had to perform sex scenes.

Tom Cruise

It is known that the actor is embarrassed by his short stature; he even wears shoes with thick soles to appear taller. And on the set, his agents strictly ensure that there are no much taller people in the frame around him. Like most short men, Cruise prefers tall women (both Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes are significantly taller than Tom). Napoleon also suffered from the same complex; historians claim that he even selected short soldiers for the army.

Nicole Kidman

At the age of 36, Hollywood diva Greta Garbo completed her acting career. This sudden departure in the heyday of beauty and fame and the voluntary seclusion that followed looked mysterious. Biographers are still trying to find an explanation for her action. Some argued that the actress was afraid of the appearance of the first wrinkles and wanted to remain young forever in the audience’s memory, others looked for reasons in psychological problems, in particular in the snail complex that she had developed, hiding in the shell at the slightest sign of attention to her. Indeed, Garbo never allowed anyone to interfere in her life. Journalists joked about her shyness, saying that she even made a secret of what she ate for breakfast. She herself said about herself: “I’m not shy, I don’t shy away from people, I willingly talk to strangers. But I’m not at all interested in public life - I’m not curious.”

Catherine Deneuve

The French "ice maiden", actress Catherine Deneuve, was very timid, silent and obedient as a child. She studied diligently, loved to draw and read a lot. The girl did not dream of cinema, unlike her older, beautiful sister Françoise, who was very confident in herself and dreamed of cinema. But fate decreed otherwise - it was Katrin who became a star. Despite her extreme shyness, she played brilliantly in “Beauty of the Day,” where her heroine works in a brothel secretly from her husband, allowing her clients to realize any erotic fantasies. “You have no idea how shy I am. I could never imagine that someone could look into my purse,” says the actress.

Jessica Alba

Many people think that only a confident girl can become a freak star. Not at all! Singer Lady Gaga admits that in her soul she is the complete opposite of the shocking and defiant image with which she is associated. “I always feel uncomfortable at Hollywood parties, because I constantly think that I don’t live up to their high status and look worse than others,” the singer admits.

Elton John

The sex symbol of recent years, Robert Pattinson, owes his film career to... unhappy love. He was a withdrawn and insecure young man and, having fallen in love, did not dare to tell the girl about it. Robert suffered madly, suffered and decided to become famous so that his beloved would finally notice him. A few years later, having become famous, he met his first love and told her about his torment. The girl was very surprised, saying that she didn’t notice anything.

Harrison Ford

To overcome his painful shyness, Harrison Ford decided to become an actor. “He was very shy, awkward and didn’t let anyone get close to him when he was studying acting,” says one of his fellow students. “None of us could have imagined that he would ever reach such heights.” The actor himself recalls that he “almost died of fear” when he first appeared on stage. Ford believes that if it were not for the acting profession, he would have remained a failure for the rest of his life.

Jim carrey

As a child, the singer was very plump. Looking back, she jokes that her whole family helped her button up her trousers. She had little contact with her peers and lived in her own imaginary world. Everything changed when she was sent to dance at the age of seven. The girl realized that she wanted to become famous throughout the world. And she achieved her goal: today Beyoncé - famous singer, she is included in the ratings of the most beautiful and desirable women on the planet.

Eva Longoria

“Desperate Housewife” Eva Longoria considered herself a foundling as a child. She, the youngest in the family, unlike her four sisters - fair-haired and blue-eyed beauties - was dark-skinned, with black hair and brown eyes. The family called her “the ugly duckling,” and passers-by, seeing little Eva and her sisters, felt sorry for her: “Wow, she’s so ugly.” To spite everyone, Eva was the only one of the sisters to enter the University of Texas and win a beauty contest in her hometown. Now the actress signs million-dollar contracts with cosmetic companies and is among the top most beautiful people.

George Clooney

Heartthrob George Clooney as a teenager: "I had an absolutely terrible haircut and wore granny glasses." He doesn’t really like to say that the reason for this isolation was a disease that was inherited from his father - Bell’s palsy. For about a year, the guy had half his face paralyzed, he had difficulty speaking, could not open his left eye, and could not even eat or drink normally. At school he was ridiculed, teased and called "Frankenstein". But this test of fate only made him stronger. Later, he took up sports and seriously considered a professional career as a baseball player.

Johnny Depp

It’s hard to believe: the dream of thousands of women in the world, handsome Johnny, who has repeatedly topped all sorts of ratings, including the sexiest men in the world, has never played heroic lovers. He always hated posing topless for girls' magazines and couldn't stand the boundless adoration of girls. The rebel Depp generally had a rather strange attitude towards his popularity: so that girls would pay less attention to him, in his youth he shaved off not only his hair, but also his eyebrows. In an interview, he admitted: “To be honest, I have always been somewhat shy, I hated blind adoration and tried to avoid it.” He rebelled against his popularity in the 80s to such an extent that he behaved deliberately arrogantly and as ignorantly as possible. A couple of times he destroyed the “gilded suites”, started a fight with the staff, set fire to sofas in the lobby of restaurants... But the press and the public began to love Johnny even more.

Irina Khakamada

Irina Khakamada became a famous politician, writer, and designer not thanks to, but in spite of... As a child, she was a withdrawn and unsociable child. The reason for this is - exotic appearance, inherited from her Japanese father. In the pioneer camps, where the girl was constantly sent in the summer, she was constantly mocked, teased as “narrow-eyed and yellow.” “It’s like in prison - there’s always someone who gets lowered and killed,” recalls Irina. It seemed to her that she was worthless and wrong, Irina even developed a plan to remake herself. She wrote in her diary that she would squeeze the slave out of herself drop by drop. And squeezed...


Who would have thought that one of the most sought after and beautiful Russian actresses actually have a very low opinion of myself. Elizabeth admits that as a child she was “wildly complex in every sense.” “I wore hated braces and spoke with a little whisper - in general, horror, horror. And in order to overcome the inferiority complex, I went to study at a modeling school. There was such a fashionable trend in the early 90s: no matter what your appearance is, shell out money - and we will make you a catwalk star! This school taught acting, dance, psychology. And somehow it liberated me. The braces were also removed,” says the actress.

Stars don't travel on the subway - this is definitely not about our heroes. They not only use public transport, but probably save on it by purchasing a travel subscription. And this despite the impressive fees.

Sean Connery

The last film to date with Sir Conner’s participation, “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” was released in 2003 (not counting the cartoon “Sir Billy,” in which the actor took part in the voice acting). Since then, Sean Connery has behaved like anything but one of the great actors of the 20th century. Goes to his loved one's matches football club Rangers, spending time with family, watching TV.

Keanu Reeves

Keanu, 52, often takes the subway (remembering to give up his seat), wears simple clothes, does not buy a house, spends most of his time in hotels, and eats hamburgers from roadside cafes. And he does not have a retinue of assistants and security guards. The most touching incident from the actor’s biography was a day spent in the company of a homeless man. Keanu sat down next to the beggar and started talking with him, treating him to a burger and beer. So Reeves once again proved that at heart he is a nice guy without star fever.

At the same time, Keanu is not greedy at all when we're talking about about good deeds: in 2003, the actor gave $80 million of his fee for filming in “The Matrix” to costume designers and the team responsible for the film’s special effects, and gave 12 stuntmen each a brand new motorcycle.

Naomi Watts

A princess on the set - and a simple mother in reality. Actress Naomi Watts' neighbors are no strangers to watching the star in her everyday life. The actress and her husband Liev Schreiber go shopping at nearby grocery stores, ride bicycles in the city park and teach their children to live a simpler life. For example, in rare free moments, Naomi takes her sons Sasha and Samuel to school by subway.

Robert Pattison

Another star lover public transport- Robert Pattison. However, sometimes Rob still gets behind the wheel of his own car and drives... to the nearest car service center, where his used car costs $1,500 Once again they are repairing. The actor complains that the car constantly breaks down, but nevertheless he is not going to change his love for retro style.

Rob also spends the holidays modestly. The Christmas before last, he and his girlfriend FKA twigs went to an inexpensive club and went home by bus instead of going broke on a taxi.

Keira Knightley

The actress allocates herself an amount every year, beyond which she never goes beyond. In 2012, for example, it was 50 thousand dollars.

“It seems to me that by maintaining a high-demand lifestyle, you cannot truly communicate with people who live differently. My best, most fun times were spent in the least luxurious places,” Kira admits to American Glamor.

Confirmation of this is the modest wedding of the artist with musician James Righton in a narrow circle of friends and relatives. For the celebration the girl wore White dress from Chanel, which she later wore to parties.

Mark Zuckerberg

The Facebook founder opts for backyard barbecue dinners instead of yacht parties. Boutiques also do not attract him: Mark mixes with the crowd in simple jeans and a T-shirt, for which he has repeatedly found himself on lists of the worst dressed celebrities. And when buying a house, the programmer managed to save on the mortgage, reducing loan payments by $2,000 per month.

When Mark Zuckerberg, 32, travels, he chooses inexpensive destinations (he usually goes to Europe, although he might book an island in Pacific Ocean), books a mid-class hotel and eats in inexpensive restaurants. In general, he saves on vacation the way millions of people who dream of Zuckerberg’s salary would do.

However, Mark cannot be accused of stinginess: he constantly donates large sums for charity. Mark and his wife Priscilla Chan promised to donate 99% of Facebook shares to charity during their lifetime (rather than leaving everything as an inheritance to their daughter Maxima). Based on their current value, the donation amount would be about $45 billion!

0 December 24, 2010, 11:06

The largest organization in the United States dedicated to attracting young people to charitable causes (from volunteering to simple donations), DoSomething, has compiled a ranking of the main famous philanthropists. The Top 20 Celebs Gone Good includes the most prominent representatives modern show business - from Justin Bieber to.

Justin, by the way, is in 10th place. The guy received this honor for his attempts to make this world a better place. He recorded a video addressed to sick children and donated $150,000 to the New York Children's Hospital. Bieber also continues to collaborate with Pencils of Promise - he intends to continue to help build schools and institutions in developing countries, donating a dollar from every ticket sold to his concert. And this is not bad money, considering how much Justin performs and what arenas he gathers.

Justin Bieber

Which is in ninth place, is especially interested in education issues. She donates millions and millions of dollars - in total she gave 40 million to charities. She divided six of them into grants distributed American schools providing good public education. In addition, Winfrey dedicated two episodes of her television show to education reform. It seems that thanks to people like Oprah, children really can gain more knowledge.

Oprah Winfrey

On the eighth line is located, which this year led the rescue fund campaign wildlife WWF Save Tigers Now. Leo not only donated a million dollars himself, but also traveled all over Asia with his campaign, meeting with leaders of countries where tigers live. For this purpose, he also came to Russia; in St. Petersburg, Leo talked with Vladimir Putin.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Who has seventh place, last year he co-founded, an organization dedicated to providing residents of developing countries with clean water. drinking water. This year, Matt himself traveled to Ethiopia and also personally approached celebrities asking them to donate money to good causes. By the end of the year, Matt had helped launch water bottles whose proceeds would go entirely to helping those in need of water.

Matt Damon

In sixth place is "one third of the group" of the Jonas Brothers, Nick Jonas. The guy is concerned about the problem of diabetes, and everywhere he tries to draw attention to it - in his public speaking, on his own blog... And he, of course, succeeds. The Jonas also have their own charity, Change. for the Children. In addition to him, Nick supports other organizations.

Nick Jonas

Ellen DeGeneres (fifth line) herself is a sexual minority, so everything related to minorities especially worries her. She devoted more than one broadcast of her program to this topic and teamed up with The Trevor Project to earn money to support minorities suffering from mental illness. Overall, she really does a lot for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Ellen DeGeneres

In fourth place is the Kutcher-Moore family. and support organizations trying to solve the problem of child slavery. This year the couple traveled the world, communicating with management different countries to discuss this burning issue. Ashton also used his super-popular Twitter to force Craigslist to close its "adult services" section.

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore

"Bronze" goes to Taylor Swift. After flooding occurred in her city of Nashville, she herself donated $500 thousand for restoration. And after that, she also participated in a campaign to attract funds from other people to help the city. Swift is also interested in education issues and participates in the large-scale Read Now campaign, which is trying to restore people's interest in reading.

Taylor Swift

Alicia Keys gave birth to her son this year, but despite this important event, she found time for more than just her family. Alisha is one of the most active supporters of the Keep Child Alive Foundation. It was she who came up with the “Digital Death” campaign this year, thanks to which they managed to raise more than a million dollars to help children in just a week. For all this she gets second place.

Alicia Keys

And finally, the leader of the “good top” is the amazing Lady Gaga. She supports human rights organizations and supports same-sex marriage. One of Gaga's main causes in 2010 was the fight against the US military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which prohibits people with same-sex relationships from serving in the military. The policy also prohibits members of sexual minorities from disclosing their sexual orientation and prohibits commanders from asking subordinates about their orientation.

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