Efficient use of wood waste. Road and earthworks, landscaping Sawmill waste

Wood sawmill waste can be useful. The business idea is to build a plant for the processing and disposal of wood waste sawmills of the woodworking industry and processing from low raw materials and old wood

Classification of secondary wood resources

The production of almost all technological operations in logging, processing or associated with the formation of wood waste. These wood wastes are secondary wood resources, since from them or with their additives it is possible to produce new products.
The use of wood waste largely depends on the type and place of their formation.
Classification of secondary wood resources.
The classification of secondary wood resources is based on the following features:
- dimensional and qualitative characteristics of waste;
- place of waste generation and their concentration;
- type of production.
According to dimensional and qualitative characteristics, the waste is divided into lumpy (boughs, branches, tops, etc.), soft (, shavings), bark, woody greens (needles, leaves and non-woody branches).
The place of formation of secondary wood resources can be a cutting area, a loading point, a timber warehouse, a woodworking or woodworking enterprise.
Secondary resources, depending on the type of production, are divided into logging, from sawmilling, from, from pulp and paper production.
From an economic point of view, secondary waste is divided into potential, real and economically available.
Potential resources - this is the entire volume of waste and losses generated during the development of the logging fund allocated for felling or the processing of wood raw materials and materials.
Real resources are defined as potential, minus the inevitable technological losses in the process of harvesting wood, its primary processing, transportation, as well as in the collection, transportation and storage of the waste itself, and the processing of waste into final products.
Affordable secondary resources- this is that part of real resources that can be processed into final products with the proper economic effect.
Economically available secondary wood resources do not include waste used for fuel and sold to the population and institutions in an unprocessed form.
The level of profitability of their processing is taken as a criterion for the economic availability of secondary wood resources. Obviously, the category of economically accessible secondary waste is dynamic, since material and monetary costs and prices for the final products obtained from them are dynamic.

Classification of wood waste

Wood waste is classified by types and stages.

By type, all waste is divided into:

hard: stumps, slabs, trimmings, roots, branches, slats, tops;
soft: wood dust, leaves, bark and bast, shavings, wood greens - needles.

By stages, waste is divided into:

waste associated with logging - stumps, bark (partially), roots, branches, tops, non-commercial wood (firewood), trimmings;
waste of primary wood processing in sawmilling, plywood production - sawdust, laths, slabs, pencil, trimmings, bark, flaw, shavings;
secondary processing waste in furniture production - sawdust, cuttings, shavings.

Wood briquetting technology

A set of equipment for briquetting wood waste, sawdust, branches, wood trimmings up to 60-80 mm in diameter.

The resulting products - wood briquettes - a type of biofuel, which is produced by pressing dry sawdust under high pressure (with a moisture content of not more than 12%), without adding any chemical binding additives. Briquettes obtained by this method on shock-mechanical presses have the highest density (1100 -1400 kg/m3) with minimally low energy costs for their production.

Waste wood and their classification

Industrial waste at logging sites
Depending on the type of production in which wood waste is generated, logging waste and woodworking waste are isolated.

Wood waste during logging includes separated parts of a tree in the process of logging. These are leaves and needles, non-woody shoots and bark, twigs and branches, visors, tops, butts, faut cuttings of the trunk, waste from the production of split balances. Wood waste obtained during logging in its natural form is not very transportable, and when using energy, they are preliminarily crushed into chips.

Woodworking waste is generated during woodworking production. These are slabs and slats, short cuts and cuts, sawdust and shavings, waste from the production of technological chips and wood dust, and bark.

Depending on the characteristics of the biomass, wood waste can be from crown elements, from stem wood, from bark, as well as wood rot. The shape and size of wood waste speaks of lumpy wood waste and soft wood waste. Lumpy wood waste includes scraps and fout cuttings, slabs and visors, cuts and rake, short lengths. Chips and sawdust are classified as soft wood waste.
The amount of wood waste is determined by the share of wood waste not used in a given technological process in the production of a particular type of product. The calculation of the amount of wood waste generated is carried out as a percentage of the volume of wood raw material that was used in the production of products. The type of product affects the amount of waste.

Numerous studies have established a linear relationship between the amount of stemwood removed and the amount of waste from logging.

Wood waste from sawmilling is represented by lumpy waste used in some cases for energy purposes. Lump sawmill waste is waste from the peripheral part of the logs. Logs without pre-barking have an abundance of bark, which excludes the possibility of their use for the production of wood-based panels and pulping.

Depending on local conditions, the amount of wood waste from sawmilling may vary and depends on the volume of sawn raw materials. The amount of bark on wood depends on more on the type and age of the trees. The growth conditions of the source material also affect the amount of wood waste. The diameter of the tree trunk also affects the amount of bark. On total bark, which is obtained during debarking, is affected by its loss during logging. Transportation of wood by alloy contributes to the falling off of the bark and reduces its total yield to 8–10% of the volume of debarked wood.

Taking into account practical calculations, the amount of bark is 10% of the volume of debarked wood. This is a considerable amount of bark on wood, which determines the importance and possibility of using wood debarking waste. After all, wood debarking is indispensable in the production of ever-increasing volumes of pulp and paper goods.

may be helpful. The business idea is to build and recycle wood sawmills and recycle from low and old raw materials through the production of a new, environmentally friendly type of fuel - wood pellets (pellets). Thus, the idea of ​​a recycling business can bring good benefits not only to your financial situation, but also serve a good role for the environment.

The businessman will need to deal with organizational issues, i.e. choose the right equipment, thoroughly learn the technology of wood pellet production, search for personnel, find a vehicle for transporting raw materials. Also, it will be necessary to know the possibilities of the resource base, i.e. find out the possible volumes of supply of raw materials, agree on the supply of raw materials with the owners of sawmills; make inquiries about competitors; calculate the most profitable volume of pellet production. Considerable cash costs will be required to start a business (depending on the chosen volume of production) - this is one of the main drawbacks that this business idea has.

In the fuel pellet manufacturing technology, the exhaust hot air with small wood particles is removed from the cyclone system by a fan to ventilation units, which provide filters with a purification rate of 99.9%. The purified air is removed to the atmosphere.

When wood waste is burned in air heaters, there is no carbon dioxide emission, and 1% of ash is formed, which is used as fertilizer. Pellets can serve as fuel for city, district, rural, municipal and departmental boiler houses. Also, pellets can be produced for export, because. Europe is already switching to this type of fuel. Pellets can be used as pet litter. Also, some use wood pellets to produce charcoal.

The use of wood pellets as a fuel, in addition to reducing financial costs, will make it possible to get rid of imported fuel through a minor reconstruction of boiler houses. And due to this, it becomes even much cheaper, because you can immediately eliminate the cost of transportation.

This business idea is also good because it simultaneously solves a whole range of tasks: waste disposal, the environmental situation improves, non-renewable energy sources are saved, and new jobs appear.

The "minuses" of this production are: the high cost of equipment, the need to re-equip boiler plants, or the purchase of new boilers operating on solid fuel in automatic control mode.

Russia has the most significant forest reserves, almost a quarter of the world's.

The forests of our country are a colossal resource base.

Wherein used less than half of all wood waste, and in Siberia, that is, in the most “forest” region of our country, no more than 35% of wood raw materials.

The rest is simply thrown away without any attempt at disposal.

Remain unrecycled:

  • tree greens;
  • bark;
  • sawdust;
  • shavings.

Thus, the figures indicate the presence of business development opportunities in this industry.

In the recent past, sawmill waste was simply destroyed. A business built on the basis of wood waste processing is:

  • promising;
  • does not require significant investments;
  • having an accessible organization of production.

Waste production in the woodworking and forestry industries are lumpy and soft waste:

  • woodworking;
  • plywood production;
  • furniture production;
  • sleepers;
  • sawmilling.

They also include:

  • branches;
  • branches;
  • tree greens;
  • tops;
  • roots;

The scope of wood waste is very extensive.

  1. Sawdust can be used in hydrolysis production, for the manufacture of gypsum sheets, for heating.
  2. From shavings it is possible to produce chipboard and cement chipboard, which are used in the construction of houses.
  3. From wood waste paper is made; they are also used in agriculture.
  4. Wood chips predominantly coniferous species is used for the production of building material that is unique in its characteristics.

Where to get wood waste inexpensively or for free

When using wood in any area, be it furniture production, construction, etc., wood waste can be between 35 and 50%.

Utilization of wood waste in cities is a serious problem. They are formed during the care of trees and during the sanitary felling of green spaces on the street, in parks, forest parks, squares. These wastes are low quality wood of medium size:

  • branches;
  • tops;
  • edging of deciduous and coniferous species.

A significant problem in terms of disposal is sawn timber waste during the repair of premises and buildings, wooden products that have already gone out of use, furniture, and containers. A huge amount of wood waste is generated during sawmilling.

Under the condition of self-delivery, almost all types of wood waste can be obtained absolutely free of charge.

Cost-Effective Options for Using Sawdust

There are many ways to make money on wood waste, in particular, on sawdust. We list the main options, and below we will consider some of them in more detail:

  • production of sawdust concrete. It is possible both at enterprises and privately;
  • on livestock farms, sawdust can be used as bedding for livestock;
  • in greenhouses, industrial greenhouses, sawdust can act as a constituent of the soil, plant nutrition;
  • sawdust on their own excellent fuel;
  • sawdust - compost in agriculture;
  • for private houses sawdust is used as insulation in attics and basements;
  • production of chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, furniture structures sawdust - the main raw material;
  • for sewage treatment plants in industry, sawdust can serve as waste water filters;
  • sawdust in half with peat - magnificent dry closet filler.

During the cooking of pine and cedar bark, woody greens, condensate accumulates at the bottom of the distillation vat, which is called VAT residue.

One of the inexpensive productions is its processing at coniferous extract.

Coniferous extract has a lot of biologically active substances that dissolve in water during prolonged cooking.

This condensate contains a large number of substances that have a beneficial effect on living organisms, including humans:

  • vitamins;
  • chlorophylls;
  • organic acids.

Concentration of condensate turns it into a coniferous extract, which has high consumer properties.

The extract can be successfully used as a feed additive for livestock and poultry in agriculture, as well as a preparation for taking therapeutic baths. Coniferous extract can also be used for industrial production antibiotics for animals.

Feed flour

After digestion of the extract, approximately 90% of the feedstock (pine and cedar bark, tree greens) remains in the form of waste solid waste. Business income can be increased with further processing of solid waste into feed meal.

Feed flour has bactericidal and anti-tuberculosis properties. It can be used as an alternative to roughage.


Fertilizer can be prepared from wood waste using a fairly simple composting process.

The main implementation costs this project the laying and equipment of trenches for the preparation of compost mass is in favor.

It would be advisable to use such compost to improve the fertility of highly mineralized and loamy soils.


Recycling wood waste is a promising area that has a lot of areas for implementation. Many technologies that are based on the processing of wood waste are successful in the market.

- one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly fuels, consisting of almost one hundred percent carbon. When burned, it does not poison the air with toxic fumes and is quite convenient for fast food food. It can be used not only in the economy, but also in industrial production.

A number of chemical and metallurgical industries operate on its use, from small to large ones. In the construction industry, it is used as an insulating material. Just like other derivatives of wood waste, it is successfully used in agriculture as a feed additive for livestock and poultry.

The spent mass of wood waste can be used for further processing as a fuel.

The use of modern and environmentally friendly fuels will help provide the population with inexpensive energy sources, while reducing the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Thus, the negative impact on environment, improving the sanitary condition of forests.

In recent years, the EU countries have been undergoing a very active transition to organic fuel. The market is stimulated by government agencies, turning towards:

  • fuel pellets;
  • briquettes;
  • firewood.

Energy carriers from wood waste are currently purchased in significant quantities.

We buy equipment

Of course, processing requires:

  • equipment;
  • electricity;
  • room;
  • storage facilities for raw materials and finished products.

Equipment for the production of briquettes and fuel pellets on the market is available in sufficient variety, both from foreign and domestic factories. With equal quality, Russian equipment costs several cheaper.

The equipment package includes:

  • chipper(machine for grinding raw materials), from 180 thousand rubles to 2.3 million rubles;
  • granulator. Cost from 50 thousand rubles. up to 2.1 million rubles The price for the OGM-1.5 granulator model is about 1 million rubles;
  • Dryer. The spread of prices ranges from 150 thousand rubles. up to 2.5 million rubles;
  • packing machine. Price - from 80 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles

In general, equipment for making, for example, pellets can be an industrial line or a mini-granulator.

Approximate cost:

  1. an industrial line that produces 1 ton/hour costs about $132,000;
  2. with a capacity of 2 tons / hour will cost 196 thousand dollars;
  3. the price of the line for 4.5 tons / hour is about 408 thousand dollars.

The price for a finished line, providing a capacity of 300 kg of product per hour, is about 1 million rubles. In the same case, if there is a room (own suburban area) and raw materials (wood waste at the lowest price or free of charge for pickup), then investments, taking into account organizational issues, will amount to a little more than 1 million rubles.

Implementation and expansion of production

The sale of manufactured products can be carried out through the following channels:

  • wholesale firms that export goods abroad;
  • you can open your own online store;
  • sale through own outlets in the construction and economic markets;
  • sales to organizations that sell in construction markets and supermarkets.

One of the best ways business expansion for the sale of products based on sawdust is cooperation with municipalities.

The fact is that oil-fired boilers are installed in many formations. Their efficiency is many times lower than the efficiency of pellet boilers. If we agree with the local authorities on the replacement of fuel oil with pellet boilers(at the expense of budgetary funds) and the supply of your products, everyone benefits.

Local authorities receive significant savings during the heating season, and fuel producers receive a significant channel for selling their own products.

It is also worth paying attention to areas where there is no gasification.

In such areas, it is possible with considerable success for business to sell fuel briquettes.

But first it is necessary to explain the advantages of boilers operating on fuel briquettes.

Business expansion opportunities will thus be achieved by increasing the number of sales of manufactured products.


The difficulties that may arise in the implementation of this business are usually reduced to several points:

  • transportation of finished products over long distances is not always profitable;
  • when certifying, for example, fuel pellets, certain difficulties may arise. The second point is the composition of the fuel: it should not contain more than 30% bark;
  • for the full implementation of finished products, it will be necessary to independently search for consumers;
  • Control over workers in production is a must for any type of business.

On the other hand, the domestic market of our country needs more and more various wood processing products, and demonstrates full readiness for their use.

Where to start and the price of the issue

Production activities require the presence of an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the system taxation of the simplified tax system(6% or 15%, respectively). For the operation of the enterprise it is required:

  • 2-3 handymen;
  • driver;
  • accountant;
  • sales manager.

A business based on the use of wood waste, if properly organized, can bring significant profit. At the same time, the level of investments can vary from the smallest to the largest. Which production to choose depends on the level of opportunities and claims.

Due to the huge amount of wood waste to be processed in our country and their affordability, it makes sense to start Earn Money in this industry.

Using such waste as raw materials, businesses will help solve a number of pressing environmental problems:

  • cleaning forest areas from wood waste, preventing their decay;
  • prevention of forest fires;
  • when used as a fuel, there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • contributes to the preservation forest areas.


IN Western Europe and many other countries in recent decades have turned their faces to ecological fuels, as well as to non-waste types of production in general.

With the active support of the state and subsidies from it in support of these types of businesses, we can soon expect more active development of commercial projects based on the processing of wood waste.

The tendencies developing in the West are always or almost always the forerunners of commercial trends in our country, so it may be worth taking a closer look at them.

Given the ever-increasing global demand for environmentally friendly and cheap energy, people with a commercial streak should hurry to take this most profitable and promising business niche which is just starting to fill up.

This is how a wood chipper works:

In contact with

At present, the development of resource saving technology is very topical issue, wood waste also falls under the category of materials requiring rational use. But, despite this, forests continue to be cut down and sold in practically irregular volumes.

Many woodworking enterprises leave about 25 - 40% of waste after work. wood material, further fate which is unknown. Since the conservation of forest areas is not only a problem of the country, but of the whole world, then standards for handling and sale should be introduced, the distribution of which would also affect wood waste.

According to existing statistics, Russia has the largest forest reserves in the world, their approximate area occupies more than 800 thousand hectares in the country, this figure equals approximately 25% of the forest plantations of the entire planet.

Most of the forest plantations are located on Far East and in Siberia. The forest is the source of raw material for all wood-producing or processing enterprises, but the forest is also considered a habitat for animals, birds and other mammals, without it most of them will simply disappear. Entire populations of animals will die out, as you know, this can lead to a catastrophic outcome, which is why it is so important that its use in production will not only preserve the primary wood material, but also reduce wood waste, which will significantly reduce deforestation.

Also, the forest is a source of many types of berries, medicinal herbs and mushrooms, most of which are very useful not only for animals, but also for people, their disappearance can deprive the human body of the necessary vitamins. And in some cases even medicines, manufactured on organic basis forest herbs.

The existence of the problem, the integrated use of woodworking residues began even with the development of the sawmill industry. At the time, no one thought about environmental issues, which may occur due to the reduction of green spaces. Therefore, the waste was simply destroyed by incineration, so as not to occupy the territory and not pose a threat to enterprises, as a highly flammable material.

Over the past period, woodworking technologies have been developing, automated control and other innovations are being introduced to maximize profits, but the attitude towards waste has not changed much. This mainly applies to small and medium-sized woodworking industries that do not want to spend money on the development of processing and recycling technologies, so woodworking waste simply surrounds such companies.

Types of waste materials from sawmilling and woodworking

Woodworking or sawmill waste is usually divided into groups, depending on their origin or condition.

First group

  • tails;
  • hump boards.

This is the first board that is obtained by sawing a log into boards, it can be sawn only halfway or not sawn at all. The thickness and width of the cut is normalized to obtain a more uniform next board.

Second group

This group includes:

  • lumpy cuttings;
  • longitudinal cuts;
  • transverse cuts;
  • end cuts;
  • trimming dry logs;
  • slices of blanks;
  • remnants of wooden parts;
  • plywood logs;
  • pencils.

Also, woodworking waste can be defective and cut in the production of wood products.

Third group

These are trimmings of finished products, such as:

  • plywood;
  • veneer;
  • glued plywood;
  • DVSP.

And other wood-based materials made from primary or secondary raw materials, but completely ready for use. As a rule, they occur in the process of repair or reconstruction of buildings.

Fourth group

The fourth group includes such woodworking wastes as:

  • wood dust obtained by grinding the surface of the board;
  • sawdust;

A similar type is used for the manufacture of wood-based panels, using glue and special equipment for the press.

Also, all of the above groups are divided into two types:

  • business;
  • non-business.

Business - these are usually larger remnants of sawmilling or woodworking, such as slabs and lump trimmings. Such woodworking waste can be easily recycled by the main processing companies and used to make products that require such raw materials.

A smaller fraction is considered non-business, the remnants of sawmilling are mainly the third group or lower. Such recyclables require the creation of certain conditions, as well as technological processes, which would be adjusted to their properties. Non-business waste is considered less desirable due to the more costly manufacturing process.

Technological application of woodworking and sawmill residues

More large waste belonging to the first group are used for the manufacture of bulky or bulky products, such as:

  • shields;
  • parquets;
  • barrels;
  • pallets;
  • box packaging;
  • pallets.

In the furniture industry, wood waste is often used to make small component parts that do not require first-class material and are only a component part. This is even more profitable than using expensive first-class raw materials for the manufacture of such inconspicuous parts.

In the construction industry, wood waste is also partially used, as a rule, they go to the manufacture of roofing materials or heat-insulating elements.

Unsuitable wood waste, for the manufacture of any products or parts, is used in industrial organizations as fuel. By burning these, you can get:

  • electrical energy;
  • thermal energy;
  • couple;
  • hot water.

Lumpy waste is used as a raw material for the manufacture of pulp and paper products, at industrial enterprises in this area.

And wood shavings are used as a filter, at sewage treatment plants, for cleaning wastewater from industrial areas, from oil residues.

In some industries, woodworking waste is even used to produce chemical products, such a result, of course, requires complex technological processes, but still this is another niche for the use of recycled material. Taken together, all such methods make it possible to save hundreds of hectares of forest annually from deforestation.

The most difficult recycling process, refers to tree bark, since it is obtained by wet debarking, it has a high percentage of moisture content, which requires its pre-drying before processing. However, the bark can also be considered an important raw material, since it is used in pharmaceutical production, it is made from it:

  • tannins;
  • ethanol;
  • medicinal tinctures;

Also, the bark is an indispensable component of such building materials, How:

  • insulating boards;
  • wood plastic.

It is worth noting that wood waste has many uses, in industries such as:

  • building;
  • paper;
  • furniture;
  • treatment facilities, etc.

One in fact, only a small percentage of all production and industrial enterprises countries are interested in using recycled material. All because there is no encouragement from the state, there are no interest-free loans for the development of technologies for processing shavings, bark and wane. The purchase of special equipment will cost a large sum, but it is not known whether it will pay off or not, since in Russia a quite common material is primary raw material, which is already fully prepared for use by sawmills and processing organizations.

The current situation in the country with waste woodworking materials

Despite the usefulness of developing such an industry as preparing for recycling wood residues, in Russia on this moment only big companies use it. Medium and small enterprises, which, by the way, are much more numerous in the country than large enterprises, are considered unprofitable to process and use wood waste. Because it's much easier to get new forest, use it in production and get financial profit with a minimum of technological actions.

At large enterprises, the picture is different, due to the volume of processed raw materials, since after the purchase of each batch of wood and its processing, a certain amount of waste remains. This scrap eventually forms into volumetric mounds. To obtain additional profit, such enterprises establish the process of using the generated waste on the territory of the organization, in the production chain they are used as a material for the manufacture of additional products, depending on the direction of the enterprise, they can produce:

  • pressed plates;
  • pallets;
  • seals;
  • insulating materials;
  • fuel for own stoves or to generate electricity.

Small and medium-sized enterprises do not develop such technologies, as the small amount of residual material does not allow this industry to be profitable.

In percentage terms, the processing of wood at the sawmill yields about 60% of raw materials. The remaining 40% is waste, they contain 14% - slab, 12% - sawdust, 9% - cuts and small things, the rest is bark or end cuts.

Solving the problems of using waste woodworking materials

Not the only, but the optimal solution to the problem of using sawmill waste in small and medium-sized enterprises is the creation of cooperative units, as close as possible to the sources of secondary wood material. As well as establishing close ties and developing technology with energy companies that are interested in supplying fuel products.

You will be interested - sawdust briquetting at home

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Work progress

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The activities of the woodworking industry are accompanied by the formation a large number waste. This word refers to the part of the raw material that is not used in the main production.

Non-format, "eating up" the area of ​​territories that are adjacent to production facilities that use wood as a raw material, is almost a third of the total volume of material arriving for further processing.

In addition to branches and green mass, logs and stumps, bark, slabs, lumpy waste, wood chips, shavings and sawdust are sent to the scrap. You can get rid of waste by incineration, but it is more rational to use them in practice, which will solve several problems at once:

  • raise the profitability of the main industry and "open doors" for the formation of more competitive prices for processed wood;
  • spare from the cost of waste disposal to the place of disposal, the cost of renting land for savings from raw materials "garbage";
  • reduce harmful impact on the biosphere;
  • improve the rationality of the use of sawn green spaces.

Branches, bark and green mass

By processing the crushed bark and green mass of coniferous trees (pine, fir, cedar), we obtain essential oils, then used to create healing rubbing and balms, and coniferous extracts for baths and fir (taiga, Florentine) water, used both in medicinal purposes, and industrial. The use of Florentine water in the processing of coniferous green mass helps to reduce volume costs clean water needed for the process.

green mass deciduous trees, bark and small branches after crushing are suitable for use in the agricultural sector. It can be used as mulch - a component for compost pits.

After separation from the boiled green mass and small non-woody fractions of oils, the residual product - condensate (distillation residue) - is a valuable component for creating coarse, fiber-rich feed for livestock and poultry.

Ridges and stumps

Due to the non-standard configuration, this type of waste wood is suitable in industry only for processing into chips, which can then be used for the needs identified in the region (for heating, for agricultural tasks, for solving some issues of communal and agricultural facilities).


The volumes of the removed bark are always significant, since the debarking of wood is an obligatory process of its processing before further use.

The bark of trees of any species is considered a biologically active substrate with a long decay period, which does not prevent its use in compost pits (special additives must be added to accelerate the decomposition of the contents of the pits).

Being rich in fiber, the bark is a raw material that is advisable to use in the production of feed mixtures and roughage for livestock.

Physical and Chemical properties bark allow it to be used in the production of carolite - slab building material.


Slab - waste, considered the most voluminous group waste material, appear during the secondary processing of wood.

Often, this kind of waste is of considerable size (commercial slab), which allows them to be further used in the production of obapol (slab and plank) and small lumber (rough blanks, planks for the manufacture of containers, riveting).

Obapol is a product for sheathing of mine workings.

If there is a demand for fuel pellets, the slab (wood) is pre-crushed and used for molding artificially created “logs”.

Lump waste

Lumpy waste, trimmings - waste wood, which is a product of joinery and furniture industries.

Relatively long lumpy waste is suitable for the production of middle elements of carpentry boards, boards from laths, hollow boards used in the construction of panel buildings.

Medium-sized ones are used by manufacturers of re-glued boards. Remaining from the veneer manufacturing processes, fiberboard and chipboard are used in the production of hollow pellets.

The short ones go to the blocks for lining the "clean". Like slabs, lumpy waste is suitable for processing into industrial chips, which are used for the production of pulp, cardboard, for the needs of farmers, and for incineration.

Wood chips

Chips are recycled materials obtained both from sawmills and woodworking processes. It is used in the production of fiberboard, chipboard, containerboard, cellulose, hydrolytic alcohol. IN Lately actively exploited by landscape designers for decorative mulching of household plots, agricultural enterprises - for mulching garden beds and tree trunks of fruit-bearing and ornamental trees.


Chips are divided into two subspecies: specially obtained and formed during the processing of wood when performing carpentry and other tasks. The second type is suitable for increasing the volume of special chips required in the production of chipboard. Chips are also required by manufacturers of wood concrete - lightweight concrete, which is needed when creating a heat-insulating layer on buildings.

In addition, the shavings are used by farmers, protecting the soil of beds with plantations from weathering and drying out. It is also used in greenhouse complexes to create the necessary temperature conditions. This type of waste wood is also used in cattle yards as a bulk bedding mass. During thaws in winter, public utilities take shavings as an absorbent material to rid railway station and market sidewalks of puddles and liquid mud.

Sawdust comes from most sawmilling and woodworking processes. They are used in the molding of DOP-plates, necessary for the manufacture of floors, decorative wall decoration.

Sawdust is required for the formation of gypsum sawdust concrete mixtures, compositions, pilco concrete, termiz.

The excellent absorbent qualities make sawdust a good bedding material for livestock or poultry farms. Farmers also use it in horticultural work, trying to protect the soil under plantations from drying out and weathering in the heat, the dominance of weeds that are not able to grow through a layer of sawdust. They are also used in landscape design - if necessary, increase the decorative attractiveness of individual sections.

Sawdust, crushed in a special way, is used in the production of wood flour, plastic, floor coverings (linoleum), explosives, clay and ceramic products.

Most of the wood waste can be exploited for the production of charcoal obtained by pyrolysis without oxygen. Raw materials from hardwoods are used to produce grade A coal, softwood and hardwood - grade B, softwood, hardwood and coniferous - grade B.

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