A brief history of the development of the scientific foundations of agriculture. Organic farming

Topic: History of the development of agriculture as a production activity and as a science.

1. The emergence of agriculture, its ancient centers and areas of old agricultural culture. Agriculture of the Sumerian state.

2. The emergence of agriculture in Western Europe and on the territory of our country.

4. Water theory of plant nutrition. Van Helmont's experiments.

5. The theory of “air nutrition of plants”.

6. Development of scientific farming in Russia.

7. The role of the Free Economic Society in the development of agriculture in Russia.

8. The main provisions of the works of A.T. Bolotov, M.G. Pavlov and I.A. Stebut.

9. Humus (carbon) and nitrogen theories of plant nutrition.

10. The main provisions of the works of A. Thayer, J. Liebig and J. B. Busengo.

11. Works of V.V. Dokuchaev, P.A. Kostychev, N.M. Sibirtsev, aimed at raising Agriculture.

12. Merits of D.I. Mendeleev, A.N. Engelhardt, K.A. Timiryazev, D.N. Pryanishnikov in the development of agriculture.

13. Works of V.R.Williams, K.K.Gedroyts, A.G.Doyarenko, N.I.Vavilov and N.M.Tulaikov in the field of soil science and agriculture.

Topic: Scientific foundations of agriculture.

1. Factors of plant life and methods of their regulation in agriculture.

2. PAR utilization factor. Possibility of increasing it in production conditions.

3. Agrotechnical techniques for improving illumination of cultivated plants.

4. Plant requirements for heat supply. Active and passive methods of regulating the heat supply of plants.

5. Needs of plants in water. transpiration coefficient.

6. Active and passive agrotechnical measures to regulate the water needs of cultivated plants.

7. Need of plants for carbon dioxide. C 3- and C 4- plants. Possibilities of regulating the needs of plants in CO 2 .

8. Needs of plants in elements mineral nutrition. Techniques for regulating the needs of agricultural crops using agrotechnical methods.

9. Natural, artificial, potential and effective soil fertility. Their characteristics. Law of diminishing returns of soils.

10. The influence of soil composition and properties on the growth and development of cultivated plants.

11. Reaction of soil solution and attitude of cultivated plants to it. The relationship of various agricultural crops to the content of mobile forms of aluminum and manganese in the soil.

12. Soil organic matter and its influence on soil properties and the growth of agricultural plants.

14. Agrophytocenosis and its differences from natural phytocenosis.

15. Changes in the properties and regimes of soils during their agricultural use.

16. Classification of arable soils according to the degree of their cultivation.

17. Laws and agroecological principles of agriculture.

Topic: Crop rotations.

1. Crop rotation: basic concepts and definitions.

2. Repeated crops, permanent crops, monoculture.

3. Theoretical basis crop rotation.

4. Characteristics of vapors as precursors. Classification of vapors, their assessment and influence on soil properties.

5. Clean and busy couples.

6. Perennial grasses and leguminous non-tilled crops, their characteristics as predecessors.

7. Technical non-tilled crops, their characteristics as predecessors.

8. Cereal crops, their characteristics as predecessors.

9. Row crops, their characteristics as predecessors.

10. Reaction of agricultural crops (potatoes, sugar beets, grains, flax, sunflower, cotton, hemp, etc.) to repeated crops.

11. Classification of crop rotations and their construction.

12. Types of crop rotations. Crop rotation links.

13. Row crop rotations.

14. Grass and green manure crop rotations. Where are they used?

15. Soil protective crop rotations. Erosion hazard coefficient of vapors and various agricultural crops.

16. Strip cultivation of crops. Areas of its application.

17. Intermediate crops, their influence on soil properties. Classification of intermediate crops. Regions of possible cultivation of catch crops under rainfed conditions in the European part of Russia.

18. Design of crop rotations. Indicators for assessing the effectiveness of crop rotations.

19. Special crop rotations.

20. Book of field history. Land plot passport.

Topic: Soil cultivation.

1. Tillage tasks.

2. Technological operations carried out during soil cultivation. Physical and mechanical properties that determine the quality of processing.

3. Physical ripeness of soils. Methods for its determination.

4. Basic, shallow, surface and special tillage.

5. Plowing and plowing tools, plow design.

6. Implements for non-moldboard tillage.

7. Methods and tools for surface tillage.

8. Methods of plowing. Smooth plowing. Tools for smooth plowing.

9. Techniques for processing waterlogged soils.

10. Peculiarities of tillage of soils subject to water erosion.

11. Technology of cultivation of crops on soils subject to deflation.

12. Equilibrium and optimal soil density for plant development.

13. Optimization of soil treatment. Minimum and zero tillage.

14. Indicators for assessing the quality of soil treatment.

15. Soil treatment system.

16. Pure vapor processing system.

17. Pre-sowing, pre-emergence, post-emergence soil treatment. Soil treatment in sowing and planting.

18. Autumn tillage.

19. Semi-steam tillage. Double steam.

20. The influence of treatment on the properties and regimes of soils.

Topic: Farming system.

1. The main features and components of the farming system.

2. Development of farming systems. Primitive, extensive and intensive farming systems.

3. Fallow, fallow, slash-and-burn and forestry farming systems.

4. Steam farming system.

5. Basic provisions of the grass farming system.

6. Row-crop and green manure farming systems.

7. Fruit rotation farming system. Norfolk crop rotation.

8. Indicators for assessing the effectiveness of farming systems.

9. Farming systems of the Non-Black Earth zone of the European part of Russia.

10. Farming systems of the Central Black Earth regions of Russia.

11. Soil protection systems for agriculture.

Field experiment methodology.

1. Research methods in agriculture.

2. Classification of field experiments.

3. Methodology for establishing field experience (main elements of field experience).

4. Requirements for the methodology for setting up and conducting field experiments.

Topic: Farming as a branch of agricultural production.

1. The main branches of agriculture and their interrelation. Grain resources, their condition and possibilities for increase.

2. Agronomy, agriculture, general agriculture, private agriculture, crop production: their content.

3. Features of agriculture as a branch of production.

4. Features of soil, soil cover as the main means of production in agriculture.

5. Characteristics of intensive and extensive development of agriculture. Material basis for the intensification of agriculture.

6. Characteristics of production technology in agriculture. The main ways to improve it. Factors of intensification in agriculture.

7. Mechanization production processes in agriculture.

8. The importance of reclamation measures in the intensification of agriculture.

9. Chemicalization of agriculture. Its tasks and problems.

10. Stages of mechanization of agriculture. Characteristic current state mechanization of labor in agriculture.

11. Scientific and technical process in agriculture and its requirements for the selection of new varieties of cultivated plants.

12. Agriculture as a science, its connection with soil science and other natural science disciplines.

13. Research methods in agriculture.

14. Ecological problems agricultural production.

The task of agriculture is the production of food for humans, feed for farm animals and raw materials for the processing industry. In agriculture, there are two leading sectors: farming and livestock breeding. Agriculture is a branch of agricultural production based on rational use land for the purpose of growing crops and obtaining a stable and high-quality harvest. It is divided into a number of sub-sectors:
1) field farming - studies techniques for growing field crops (grain, fodder, industrial, melons);
2) vegetable growing;
3) fruit growing;
4) grassland farming, etc.
Agriculture as a science originated about 10 thousand years ago. At first it existed in the form of skills for cultivating agricultural plants, which were passed down from generation to generation, first orally, then in writing (clay tablets with descriptions that are about 6 thousand years old have reached us).
The content of agriculture as a science changed with the development of the productive forces of society. At first it was complex, encyclopedic in nature, combining the issues of crop rotation, soil cultivation, application of fertilizers, land reclamation, agricultural technology, pest control, diseases and weeds of agricultural crops, i.e. included today's agronomic disciplines: agriculture, crop production, selection and seed production, agrochemistry, agricultural reclamation, entomology, phytopathology, agricultural mechanization, etc. As knowledge accumulated from the 19th century. differentiation of agriculture began, a number of disciplines spun off from it, and in the first quarter of the 20th century, when agriculture was divided into general and private (plant growing), its content became what it is in our time.
Modern agriculture can be defined as the science of rational use of land. Its tasks include the development of agrotechnical measures to increase effective soil fertility using physical and biological methods.
In Fig. Figure 1.1 shows the relationship between agriculture and other agricultural sciences.

Rice. 1.1. The relationship of agriculture with other agricultural sciences
Thus, agriculture is based on soil science, plant physiology and agricultural microbiology, is in close contact with agrochemistry, plant protection and agricultural mechanization and, in turn, serves as the basis for crop production.
The main task of farming as a branch of agricultural production is to maximally satisfy the growing needs of society for food, feed and agricultural raw materials. According to statistics, in terms of production and consumption of agricultural products our country is now significantly inferior to the most developed countries. In Russia, the population is not provided with nutrition in accordance with medical standards (Tables 1.1 and 1.2).
Table 1.1 Agricultural production per capita

Grain production requires special attention. In civilized countries, about 1 ton of grain is produced for each inhabitant. For Russia, this means an annual gross grain harvest of 140-150 million tons, while in the last 10 years it has been 70-90 million tons, i.e. about half of the recommended amount. This involves increasing the production of domestic grain by increasing yields and stabilizing the domestic market.
If we look at the data on grain yields in our country, then over 100 years compared to pre-revolutionary period(1913) it increased approximately three times, but remains low and unstable, with fluctuations from 0.5-0.7 t/ha in dry years to 2.0-2.2 t/ha in wet years.
As statistical data show, we are significantly inferior to civilized countries both in terms of agricultural yields and labor productivity in agriculture (Table 1.3). Ways to overcome the existing gap arise from the experience of world and domestic agriculture. This is an environmentally friendly intensification of production, an achievement based on science and advanced production experience of high farming culture.
From an economic point of view, intensification is an increase in labor and capital costs per unit of land area while simultaneously increasing production output. From an agronomic point of view, agricultural intensification is an increase in human impact on soil and plants in order to increase yield.

In the field of agriculture, intensification is carried out mainly through mechanization, chemicalization and land reclamation. The intensification of agriculture is characterized by the most complete regulation of plant life factors by humans, which makes it possible to increase the return on use of arable land, i.e., on the one hand, we invest more, on the other, we take more from the land. But intensification must be carried out within environmentally sound limits and modes, otherwise it causes Negative consequences. Thus, the task of agriculture as a branch of agricultural production is to provide plants with all the factors of growth and development, and agriculture as a science is to develop methods for their most productive use.

Lecture, abstract. Agriculture as a science and branch of agricultural production - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Farming is a branch of agriculture that, thanks to the applied methods of influencing the soil, preserves it and increases soil fertility, creating conditions for obtaining high and sustainable crop yields. The main methods of influencing the soil used in agriculture are mechanical tillage, fertilization, crop rotation, etc. Agriculture is also a science, the main branch of agronomy, which studies general techniques for cultivating crops and developing the most rational ways of using land.

Due to the diversity of soil, landscape and climatic conditions in our country, the techniques and methods of influencing the soil are not the same. Main types of agriculture: sustainable, dry, irrigated, rainfed, mountain, polar.

Sustainable agriculture is typical for areas where there is sufficient rainfall (Non-Black Earth zone of Russia, some regions of Ukraine, Belarus, etc.). Dry farming is characteristic of areas where precipitation is insufficient and uneven during the growing season (Kazakhstan and other areas of the steppe zone). Irrigated agriculture is common in the dry steppe zone, and rainfed agriculture is common in non-irrigated areas of irrigated areas (see Farming systems, Land reclamation).

The development of agriculture in each country is characterized by certain farming systems, which show the intensity of land use, methods of restoring and increasing soil fertility. Farming systems change under the influence of the development of the productive forces of society.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, agriculture was small-peasant farming, technically backward, almost all work was done by hand. Plow and wooden harrow dominated. Fertilizers were hardly used.

After the October Revolution, large farms were created in our country - collective farms and state farms, all the main agricultural work in which was mechanized. Every year they receive a lot of agricultural machinery, mineral fertilizers. Agriculture has moved far to the north. During the years of Soviet power, the area of ​​arable land increased significantly, which by 1980 amounted to over 227 million hectares. Great importance had the development of virgin and fallow lands. Irrigated agriculture is developing rapidly. The area of ​​irrigated land in 1980 reached 17.3 million hectares (in 1913 there were about 4 million hectares).

Agriculture as a science is developing in close connection with soil science, plant growing, agrochemistry, agrophysics, microbiology and other agricultural sciences. The intensive development of the science of agriculture began in the 18th century. A great contribution to it was made by A. Jung (Great Britain), J. Liebig (Germany), J. Boussingault (France), Russian scientists M. V. Lomonosov, A. T. Bolotov, I. M. Komov and others, and in the second half of the 19th century. and in the 20th century - A. V. Sovetov, P. A. Kostychev, A. N. Engelhardt, V. V. Dokuchaev, K. A. Timiryazev, V. R. Williams, N. M. Tulaikov, I. A Stebut, D. N. Pryanishnikov and others. They developed scientific principles of highly productive agriculture for the diverse natural conditions of our country, and offered specific recommendations for increasing soil fertility and its rational use.

The creation of research institutions played a major role in the development of scientific agriculture. At the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Grain Farming, under the leadership of A. I. Baraev, a highly effective soil protection farming system for steppe regions was created Western Siberia, Altai Territory and Northern Kazakhstan. Major studies are being carried out in connection with the implementation of a program for reclamation of excessively wet and dry lands (drainage and irrigation). T. S. Maltsev developed a new soil cultivation system for the Trans-Ural regions (see Soil cultivation).

Modern scientific farming develops the following problems: creation of a cultivated arable layer, minimization of soil tillage (refusal of tillage or reduction to a minimum), crop rotation in conditions of specialization of agricultural production, protection of soils from erosion, etc.


Agriculture is based on the use of the biological characteristics of plants and the laws of biology. The rhythm of production in agriculture is largely regulated by biological laws. Biological processes occurring in plants have certain cycles and durations.

All this should be taken into account in the work on the development of agriculture, including the acceleration of scientific - technical progress Advances in science and technology make it possible to actively influence the natural cycles of plant growth and development, but it is impossible to completely change the course of biological processes. Therefore, biological factors put forward special requirements for scientific and technical developments in the field of agriculture

The task of agriculture as a branch of agricultural production is to obtain (now and in the future) maximum quantity high-quality crop products per unit of agricultural land at the lowest cost and economically beneficial for the manufacturer. The most important feature of agriculture is the fact that here production is organically connected with the use of soil and natural environment. Moreover, soil is the main irreplaceable means of production. In agriculture, production results largely depend on the properties of the soil, its fertility and location. This largely determines the location of agricultural production in the country and the specialization of farms. Farming technology directly depends on specific natural conditions. Large differences in natural, climatic and economic conditions in individual zones and regions of the country have a significant impact on the specialization of farms, on the features of mechanization, chemicalization of agriculture, and land reclamation work. For example, for some areas, powerful modern tractors with a set of wide-cut machines are acceptable, while for others, machines of less power, but more maneuverable, are more suitable. The soils of each zone require a certain set of mineral fertilizers and need different types reclamation, soil protection measures, a set of agrotechnical practices, etc.

Significant soil and climatic differences between zones and regions of the country dictate the correct zoning of crops. The variety of production conditions does not tolerate any pattern in agriculture. In this regard, K. A. Timiryazev said that nowhere, perhaps in any other activity, is it necessary to weigh so many different conditions for success, nowhere is such multilateral information required, nowhere can passion for a one-sided point of view lead to such a major failure, as in agriculture.

The rhythm and results of agricultural production, timing, methods and technology of work largely depend on the prevailing weather and climatic conditions. The specificity in the development of agriculture is associated with the seasonality of production. In agriculture, there is a time gap between labor costs and production. Many types of agricultural products are not subject to long-term storage, unlike goods produced in other industries. In agriculture, to a greater extent than in other industries, reproduction funds are formed from their own products (seeds, planting material). This must be taken into account when distributing products in order to create the necessary funds for the next reproduction cycle. In case of unforeseen weather conditions in agricultural production it is necessary to have reserves and insurance funds of sufficient size


Farm characteristics

1 General information about the farm

2 Natural conditions

2.1 Climatic conditions

2.2 Soil conditions

Designing a crop rotation system

1. Determination of the annual need for crop production

1.1 Feed requirements

1.2 Seed requirements

3 Calculation of the productivity of the developed crop rotations

4 Development plan and rotation table

Development of an integrated system of measures to combat weeds

1 Mapping the weediness of fields

2 Biological features weed

3 System of weed control measures

Tillage system

1 Tillage during the development of crop rotation

2 Tillage system in the developed crop rotation

Calculation of herbicide requirements

Development of a system of anti-erosion measures in crop rotation

Assessing the quality of field work




crop rotation crop production herbicide weed

Food production has long been the main task of the farmer, as well as the production of feed for livestock and industrial raw materials. Agriculture is one of the main branches of agricultural production.

The main means of production in agriculture are soil and green plants. Man, through the farming system (soil cultivation, choice of predecessors and cultivation technologies, protection from harmful organisms) creates optimal conditions for plant life. Green plants convert kinetic energy sunlight into potential energy of organic matter. Humanity has always strived for maximum accumulation and reasonable expenditure of energy organic compounds in the form of various agricultural products. Crop products cannot be stored for a long time and therefore cannot be created anew. This determines the continuity of agricultural production.

Agriculture is a branch of agricultural production based on the rational use of land for the purpose of growing crops. Field growing, vegetable growing, meadow farming, forestry, viticulture, etc. are branches of private agriculture. Agriculture is the oldest industry human activity, which arose and was formed over thousands of years. Its appearance was a major event in the development of civilizations. It made it possible to move from a nomadic one and create the basis for a completely new sedentary way of life and work for humans. In the history of mankind, it has been repeatedly confirmed that the dawn of the largest civilization went through both rise and decline in the development of agriculture. In the future, agriculture will be determined by two global directions on which the transition to sustainable growth of agricultural production depends. The first involves the development of agriculture in all countries of the planet using environmentally safe alternative agricultural technologies, rational placement of production forces, ensuring expanded reproduction of biological resources and their savings.

Agriculture as a science is developing on the basis of the latest theoretical achievements of such fundamentally important scientific disciplines such as soil science, land management, plant physiology, agrochemistry, plant growing, biotechnology, microbiology, agrometeorology, ecology, economics, etc.

At the same time, the role of agriculture as a strictly zonal science, with the widespread use of local practical experience, is significantly increasing.

As a result of the transfer of agriculture to a scientific basis and its intensification, the sustainability and productivity of crop production has increased, expanded reproduction of soil fertility and increased crop yields have been ensured.

The environmental, economic and technological essence and causes of negative phenomena in agricultural production have not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the basis of the modern scientific approach should be system method as an indispensable condition for the successful development of agriculture.

When solving problems of greening agriculture, its adaptive intensification and especially biologization technological processes it is necessary to reconsider the role and content of the elements of the farming system. The tasks of adapting agriculture come to the fore in optimizing agro-industrial production, i.e. development and development of adaptive landscape farming systems and their elements.

The basis of any farming system is crop rotation. Its assessment and role in modern agriculture is carried out according to the following criteria: biologization of agriculture, regulation of the regime of soil organic matter and nutrients, maintaining a satisfactory structural state of the soil, regulation of the water balance of agrocenoses, prevention of erosion and deflation, regulation of the phytosanitary condition of crops and soil.

The development and implementation of soil conservation agriculture should include all the diversity of landscape organization, special crop rotations, the choice of the optimal soil cultivation system in a wide range - from plowing to no-till through many options for moldboard-free, flat-cut, minimal, moldboard tillage and their combinations.

1. Farm characteristics

1 General information about the farm

Region, district: Chelyabinsk region.

Farm name: Option 8

General direction economic development: grain production, potato growing and meat and dairy development

Sales plan for crop products: Grain 3500 tons.

Potatoes 3000 tons.

Table 1 - Farm land

No. LandArea, haCurrently Proposed changes 1Arable land423142312Fallow lands5185183Hayfields4684684Pastures2912915Total farmland49905508

CONCLUSION: Due to the lack of arable land, we are reducing the grain sales plan from 5 thousand tons to 3.5 thousand tons

Table 2 - Livestock

Types of livestock Number of heads Working horses 125 Cattle - cows 1654 Cattle - young animals 1569 Pigs 1260 Sheep 240

CONCLUSION: This livestock provides the farm with meat and milk. It determines the direction of meat and dairy development of the economy.

Table 3 - Crop yield

Crops (type of product) Average yield over 3 years, t/ha Estimated yield, t/gayar wheat 2.02.3 winter rye 1.82.0 barley 2.22.5 oats 2.32.6 peas 1.01.1 vetch 1.41.6 fodder beet 20.223.2 corn 11 ,012,6 sunflower16,318,7potatoes12,013,8perennial grasses for crops16,418,7perennial grasses for haylage12,714,6perennial grasses for hay3,03,4annual grasses for hay2,52,8annual grasses for haylage9,911,3annual grasses for green fodder 12.113.9 natural hayfields 1.01.1 natural pastures 5.15.8

CONCLUSION: Crop productivity increased by 15%. The increase in yield was achieved through the application of fertilizers, compliance with agrotechnical methods of cultivating crops, as well as establishing new system crop rotations

2 Natural conditions

2.1 Climatic conditions

The steppe zone is in a temperate climatic zone. The climate type is continental due to its significant distance from the oceans. The most important climate-forming factor is solar radiation The total solar radiation (direct + diffuse) depends on the height of the sun above the horizon, the length of the day, and cloudiness. The minimum is in December, and the maximum is in June. On average, there are 129 cases per year in the region. cloudy days, clear-41. The remaining 195 days are partly cloudy weather. The greatest cloudiness is observed in October. The maximum of clear days is observed in March.

Dominant air mass is continental temperate air..

The region's weather is formed under the influence of cyclones and 155 days under the influence of anticyclones. 130 days of cyclonic activity occur during the warm period. And the action of anticyclones at this time is only 84 days.

There are days a year with an average daily temperature below 0." The transition through this line towards warming occurs on April 6, and towards cooling - on October 23. average temperature January-16.5 C, the minimum reaches - 49 "C. On average, snow cover appears on October 26. Stable snow cover forms in the middle of November 16. In total, snow cover, including temporary snow cover, remains for 146 days. Its height is 18-20 cm on average due to with little snow and severe winters, the soil freezes to 135 cm. Under such conditions, winter crops, as a rule, die. Stable snow cover disappears on April 15. May 6 average daily temperature air passes through 10"C upwards, and the period of active growing season for the plant begins. Such temperatures are observed for 137 days. The sum of positive temperatures above 10"C is 2211"C. This allows you to grow sunflowers and corn for grain, as well as watermelons and melons. The average temperature in June is 19"C, maximum 41"C.

May is the average date of last frost. But sometimes they are registered on May 4th. Frosts were also registered on June 10. Frosts occur once every three years during the flowering period of apple trees, and twice every five years during the flowering period of cherry trees. The frost-free period ends on September 17 on average.

The annual amount of precipitation is 369 cm. During the warm period of the year, 76% of it falls. The maximum occurs in July, the minimum in February. Heavy rains for 23 days are accompanied by thunderstorms. The average duration of the period without rain in the warm season is 17 days. In some years - more than a month.

Thus, in steppe zone In the flat part, measures to accumulate and preserve moisture in the soil are of paramount importance in agriculture.

2.2 Soil conditions.

Salt licks - soil types of forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert zones. Often contain sodium, easily soluble salts; humus 0.5-8%. Automorphic, semihydromorphic and hydromorphic; after cultivation - crops of grass, corn, sugar beets, soybeans, wheat, etc. Solonetzes are found in patches. IN Russian Federation- in the Lower Volga region, in the North Caucasus. Soils of this type are intrazonal.

Table 4. Characteristics of the initial soil fertility on the farm.

Name of soilArea, haHumus horizon, cmGranulome. Composition: Arable layer, pH value of salt extract, % Leached heavy loamy chernozem 550813 cm humus 6% fine silt-silt clay composition 13-233.8

The soil has unsatisfactory indicators.

2. Design of a crop rotation system

Most farms in the Russian agro-industrial complex have diversified agricultural production. It usually consists of well-developed livestock and crop production sectors. Depending on specialization, scale of production, soil-climatic and other conditions, each farm develops its own structure of sown areas.

The structure of sown areas is the ratio of the area sown with agricultural crops and pure fallow, expressed as a percentage of the total area of ​​arable land. The structure of sown areas is the basis of crop rotation.

Crop rotation is the scientifically based alternation of crops and pure fallow in time and space or only in time.

Pure fallow - a field free from the cultivation of agricultural crops throughout summer period. In this field, systematic tillage is carried out, fertilizers are applied, and other measures are taken to prepare the field for sowing the next crop.

The period during which crops and fallows pass through each field in the sequence prescribed by the crop rotation pattern is called rotation.

1 Determination of the annual need for crop products

1.1 Feed requirements

Based on reference data on feeding rates, the annual need for feed units and centners of feed is calculated. At the same time, an insurance stock of feed in the amount of 10 - 15% of their needs is also taken into account.

Table 5 - Feed requirement for the year of development of crop rotation, t

Livestock Number of types of feed Types of animals, quantity Hay Silage Hay Green grass Concentrates incl. PeasRoot cropsStrawPotatoesWorking horses 1251. - cows 16540.52, - young animals 15690.31.80,81.50,20,10.24 70282412552353313156313Sheep 2400,50,30,20,20 ,112072484824Pigs 12600,10,40,10,81265041261008Total for all36388091008Including the insurance fund177380854727326411963524183 9301160

Table 6 - Production of feed in meadows and pastures, t

Agricultural landType of productArea, haPlanned yield, t/haProducts to be received, tHayfieldsHay4681.1515PastureGreen fodder2915.81687

Therefore, on arable land you need to produce:

Hay 1258Haylage 4727 Green grass 1577

For arable land it is necessary to produce: 1258 tons of hay, 4727 tons of haylage and 1577 tons of green grass.

1.2 Seed requirements

The farm must produce seeds of all crops independently in the amount of full requirements with a safety stock. You can plan to purchase seeds only from those crops that, under farm conditions, do not produce full-fledged seeds (vegetables, corn, perennial grasses). Plan to import seeds for variety change and variety renewal only in exchange for your own seeds. Additionally, it is necessary to pay an insurance fund in the amount of 15% of the seed requirement.

Grains for seeds are needed: 1 - for sowing grains for grain, 2 - for sowing annual grasses for hay, 3 - for sowing annual grasses for green fodder, 4 - for sowing grains for haylage, 5 - for sowing grains for seeds (seed plots), 6 - insurance fund

) (3500 tons + 1196 tons) / 2.0 t/ha * 0.22 t/ha = 516 tons

) Hay. 1258 tons / 2.8 t/ha * 0.18 t/ha = 80 tons

) Haylage. 4727 tons / 11.3 t/ha * 0.18 t/ha = 75 tons

) Green tr. 1577 tons/13.9*0.18=20 tons

) 516+80+75+20/2.0*0.22=76 tons

) 516+80+75+20+76/100*15=115 tons

Total grain requirement: 516+80+75+20+76+115=882 tons

Requirement for potato seed material

1)3000 tons+1160 tons/13.8*2.5=753 tons

2)753/100*15=112 tons

Total requirement 865 tons

Table 7 - Annual demand for crop products produced on arable land, t

Name of productsNeedSale seedsFodderOther needstotalGrain incl. grain legumes350088211965578Hay12581258Silage80858085Haylage47274727Potatoes300086511605025Greens tr15771577Root vegetables41834183Straw930930

From Table 7 it is clear that we need to get a large number of agricultural products, and the area of ​​arable land will not be enough, for this reason it was necessary to reduce the plan for the sale of grain from 5 thousand tons to 3.5 thousand tons.

The estimated sowing area for crops was obtained by dividing the need by the yield. Then she compared the sum of the areas of all crops with the area of ​​arable land and balanced them. I also planned an area of ​​pure steam.

Table 8 - Structure of sown areas

DemandProjectedCropsWill be obtained, yield, t/haArea% of arable landGrainWinter rye664.42.0332.47.0Spring wheat2184.52.3949.820.0Barley 1187.32.5474.910.0Oats1234.72.6474.910, 0Vika379.91.6237 ,85.0SilageCorn3291.112.6261.25.5Sunflower4884.118.7261.25.5HayMn.tr.1291.73.4379.98.0HylageMn.tr. tr1980.313.9142.53.0 Potatoes 5242.913.8379.98.0

After calculating the sowing area of ​​each crop, we chose the number of crop rotations 4, their areas, and distributed the sown areas of each crop by crop rotation, trying to ensure that the soil properties within each crop rotation did not differ sharply.

2 Calculation of the structure of sown areas

After calculating the sown area of ​​each crop, it is necessary to select the number of crop rotations, their area and distribute the sown area of ​​each crop according to crop rotation. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the properties of the soil within each crop rotation do not differ sharply. On erosion-hazardous slopes, floodplain lands and hard-to-reach areas, it is necessary to allocate independent crop rotations. In these crop rotations, perennial grasses should occupy a large proportion. Vegetables and other moisture-loving crops are placed on floodplain lands. Near a large livestock farm, it is advisable to select a fodder crop rotation in which to plan to obtain the majority of poorly transportable succulent feed. It must be remembered, however, that an increase in the number of crop rotations usually leads to a decrease in the average field size. Taking into account these features, establish the types of crop rotations, the number and area of ​​fields in each crop rotation in such a way that together the planned crop rotations implement the planned structure of crops.

Table 9 - Distribution of sown areas by crop rotation

crop rotation schemefield area% of crop rotation area1 Field, grain fallowFallow 332.416.6Winter rye332.416.6Spring wheat332.416.6Potatoes332.416.6Spring wheat332.416.6Oats332.416.6Crop rotation area1 994.4 Average field size 332.42 Field, grain-row-crop Annuals 142.516, 6 Spring wheat 142.516.6 Barley 142.516.6 Beets 142.516.6 Barley 142.516.6 Oats 142.516.6 Crop rotation area 855 Average field size 142.53 Forage, grass Many. Tr 142.416.6 Mn. Tr142.416.6Mn. Tr142.416.6Mn. Tr142.416.6Mn. Tr142.416.6 Spring wheat + Mn. Tr 142.516.6 Crop rotation area 854.5 Average field size 142.44 Forage, grain-row crop Corn (261.2) + Sunflower (261.2) 522.450.1 Barley (189.9) + Vetch (237.2) + Potatoes (47.5) + Beetroot (47.5) 522.149.9 Crop rotation area 1044.5 Average field size 522.2

CONCLUSION: crop rotations are field and forage, which is determined by the specialization of the farm.


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