A brief history of the development of the scientific foundations of agriculture. Agriculture as a science and its connection with soil science

Lecture 1.

Topic - Introduction to Agriculture


    Agriculture is the most important agronomic science.

    Farming as a branch of agricultural production.

    Agriculture is the science of rational use land.

Agriculture is the most important agronomic science, giving future specialists knowledge and practical skills in using arable land to produce agricultural products - grain, root crops, hay, etc. One of the main tasks of agriculture is to preserve and increase soil fertility, i.e. When studying this discipline, the student is taught in a strict logical sequence ways and techniques for preserving and increasing soil fertility, methods of its cultivation, scientifically based crop rotations, etc. Soil fertility is significantly reduced and can lead to its complete loss when erosion occurs. and deflation. Erosion is a word of Latin origin, literally meaning erosion, i.e. washing away and erosion of the most fertile soil layer by melt and storm water. Deflation is a word also of Latin origin and means blowing out, i.e. destruction of soil by wind.

For high-quality mastery of agriculture as a discipline, it is necessary to have solid knowledge in such theoretical disciplines as soil science, microbiology, chemistry, botany, plant physiology, etc.

At the same time, the discipline of agriculture is one of the fundamental ones for mastering such disciplines as crop production, agrochemistry, vegetable growing, plant protection, seed production, etc.

Agriculture forms in students an agronomic worldview and the ability of a specialist to creatively apply in practice a scientifically based set of measures that form the basis modern systems agriculture, make changes to them taking into account the soil and climatic characteristics of the economy, scientific achievements and market needs.

As a result of studying and mastering agriculture in the Stavropol region, the student should know: the laws of agriculture, methods of expanded reproduction of soil fertility and optimization of plant living conditions; biological and environmental characteristics of weeds and methods of controlling them; scientific foundations of rational crop rotations, rules and principles of their construction in various agro-soil zones of the region, their introduction and development; technological properties of the soil, methods, techniques and systems for its cultivation depending on the previous crop and subsequent humidity, phytosanitary condition, etc., methods for assessing the quality of field work; soil protection systems from erosion and deflation; features of agrolandscape farming in the main zones of the region.

The student must be able to: develop and implement in farm conditions a system of agrotechnical and organizational and economic measures to preserve and increase soil fertility and protect it from erosion and deflation; determine species composition weeds, their biological groups, develop and implement a system for controlling them; design crop rotations for the farm, their development, determine their agro-ecological and economic efficiency; draw up and implement a system of moisture- and energy-saving tillage, monitor the quality of tillage and other work.

Farming as a branch of agricultural production, its features and main stages of development

Food production has long been the main task of agriculture and crop production. To this must be added the production of pet food and raw materials for industry.

Before the advent of agriculture, the population of the northwestern Caucasus was engaged in hunting and cattle breeding. In the second half of the 2nd millennium BC, along with a gradual increase in the share of cattle breeding, significant progress was made in agriculture. It was at this time in the North Caucasus that flint sickles were replaced by copper ones.

Just before the invasion of the Tatars (shortly before 1235), the Dominican monk Julian wrote that on the way from the Taman Peninsula to the North Caucasus steppes occupied by the Alans, he met neither houses nor people. Having reached Alanya, Julian notes that here all the people of one town go to the field, mow together and plow together. The missionaries made spoons for the Alans, for which they were paid in millet. It follows from this that even the Alans of the steppe had arable farming, that they grew millet, and among their agricultural tools they had a scythe.

In the steppe strip along the banks big rivers Since the 14th century, agriculture has been revived again. This can be judged from the description of the city of Madzhar, located on the middle reaches of the Kuma River, i.e. in the territory located directly adjacent to the northwestern Caucasus.

The production of bread among the Circassians was such that its surplus from time to time entered the foreign market. So, during the famine in Venice in 1268, bread was delivered there from Circassia.

After the Tatar invasion, arable farming in the North Caucasus existed in the steppes and foothills. In many places in the mountains, the hoe method of cultivating the land has been preserved. In the steppes and foothills the fallow farming system dominated, and in the mountains - the slash-and-burn farming system. They sown mainly barley, oats and millet.

In the southern Russian chernozem steppe and forest-steppe regions, with the transition from primitive gardening to field farming, fallow and then fallow farming systems began to be used.

From this short excursion it is clear that in the North Caucasus they were engaged in agriculture in ancient times. But constant raids and internecine hostility led to the decline and ruin of agriculture, and the assertion that the development of agriculture in the North Caucasus began in the 18th century has no basis.

The development of capitalism in Russia is associated with a noticeable development of agriculture. Domestic scientists made a great contribution to the development of agriculture through their works. M. V. Lomonosov (1711-1765) developed a materialistic view of nature and, in particular, soil. A.T. Bolotov (1738-1833) laid the foundation for domestic scientific agriculture, so he is rightly called the first Russian agronomist. Original work by A.T. Bolotov’s “On the Division of Fields” revealed the shortcomings of the fallow farming system, and in its place he proposed a fallow system with the introduction of a seven-field crop rotation, in which three fields were occupied by grain, one was under pure fallow and three were fallow.

In his treatise “On Fertilizing Fields,” A. T. Bolotov outlined the idea of ​​air and soil nutrition of plants. He made a guess about the nutrition of plants with minerals, predicting for many years the largest discoveries of the nineteenth century.

I.M. made a great contribution to the theory and practice of domestic agronomic science. Komov (1750-1792). His book “On Agriculture” presents a generalization of Russian and foreign science of the 18th century. I.M. Komov believed that “the main way to improve agriculture is cattle breeding,” and proposed changing the ratio between arable farming and cattle breeding in favor of the latter. Even then I.M. Komov expressed the idea of ​​intensifying agriculture. For the first time in agronomic practice, he gave a rationale for the fruit-shift farming system. “The main art, wrote I.M. Komov, is to establish the circulation of sowing different plants so as not to exhaust the land, but to get as much profit from it as possible. This can be achieved if you alternate between bread, vegetables, and grass."

By the end of the 19th century, the agronomic science of Russia was enriched by the works of Russian scientists A.V. Sovetov (1826-1901), D.I. Mendeleev (1834-1907), P.A. Kostycheva (1845-1895), V.V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903) and others.

A.V. The Soviets gave a classification of agricultural systems and their historical development. D.I. Mendeleev studied issues of plant nutrition and increasing crop yields. Works by V.V. Dokuchaev and P.A. Kostychev formed the basis of the national school of soil scientists.

In the 20th century, domestic scientists occupy leading positions in world agronomic science. K.A. Timiryazev (1843-1920), D.N. Pryanishnikov (1865-1948), K.K. Giedroyc (1872-1932) experimentally proved the need for widespread use of fertilizers, correct use organic and mineral fertilizers.

V.R. Williams (1861-1939) deeply revealed the role of vegetation and soil biota in the development of the main soil property - fertility.

Agricultural productivity largely depends on the correct placement of crops and varieties.

N. I. Vavilov (1887-1943) made a significant contribution to the development of this problem. The collection of world plant resources he collected, the organization of geographical sowing of cultivated plants and state variety testing had and are having a great influence on increasing the productivity of agricultural crops.

Scientists from the Stavropol region made a significant contribution to the development of agriculture. The region is characterized by diversity in soil and climate. From the zone of sufficient moisture in the southwest of the region to the extremely dry zone in the northeast, 150-180 km. Farms located in different soil and climatic conditions, as a rule, have their own characteristics in terms of thermal and water regime, on soil fertility, and this requires a differentiated approach to the selection of crops that most effectively use the moisture regime, soil fertility, and so on in specific climatic conditions. The soils range from light chestnut to super-deep chernozems.

Significant contributions to the development of agriculture in the Stavropol region were made by A. A. Kornilov (1902-1983), V. M. Dokuchaev (1912-1973), N. M. Solyanik (1938-1999), V. I. Kharechkin (1939-1998) , V. M. Penchukov, L. N. Petrova, E. I. Ryabov, B. P. Goncharov, V. V. Ageev, V. M. Goryainov and others.

Under the guidance of the above-mentioned scientists and with their direct participation, rational farming systems have been developed for all zones of the Stavropol Territory, which include crop selection, scientifically based crop rotations, a soil cultivation system, a system of measures to combat erosion and deflation and other issues. All this is aimed, first of all, at preserving and increasing the fertility of the field, at obtaining high and high-quality crop yields.

Currently, the region's agricultural production faces the main task of ensuring further growth and greater sustainability in the production of food and raw materials for industry. But this task should not be accomplished at any cost, but on the basis of preserving and increasing soil fertility.

A cultivated plant in agriculture is considered not only as an object of human labor, but also as a means of agricultural production, a synthesizing organism that converts the kinetic energy of the sun with the help of soil minerals and air carbon dioxide into organic substances. In this regard, K. A. Timiryazev pointed out that a plant forms organic matter from the air, and a reserve of strength from the sun’s ray. This explains the profitability of the farmer’s labor: having spent a relatively small amount of substance - fertilizer, the farmer receives large masses organic matter; having spent a little strength, he receives a huge supply of strength in the form of fuel or food (K.A. Timiryazev, 1962).

The ability of plants to absorb solar energy varies. Cultivated plants, even with a high agrotechnical background, use only 1-2% of photosynthetic active radiation reaching the Earth's surface. Some plants, for example: corn, sugar beets, with high yields, are capable of producing 150 or more centners of dry organic matter per hectare, while other crops under the same conditions yield several times less.

The quality of agricultural products largely depends on the scientifically based selection and ratio of cultivated crops and varieties that best suit the soil, weather and other conditions of the area.

The use of solar energy by plants depends not only on the size of the territory they occupy, the correct selection and ratio of cultivated plants, but also on the provision of plants with life factors - water, air, mineral food elements, which plants receive through the soil or from the ground layer of the atmosphere.

Agriculture in the Stavropol region is characterized by aridity. Three years out of five, in most cases, are dry, and therefore one of the main tasks of agriculture is the preservation and accumulation of moisture (Fig. 1 and 2).

Land as a means of production is limited in space. As the country's productive forces developed, the amount of arable land increased, and in last years this indicator began to decline significantly, as the process of urbanization, the construction of highways for road and rail transport, the development of mineral resources, and the loss of arable land as a result of erosion and deflation processes intensified significantly. Currently in Russia there are 0.86 hectares of arable land per inhabitant, and in the Stavropol Territory it is 1.43 hectares.

With the development of natural sciences, the growth of productive forces, and changes in production relations, agriculture changed and improved. There was a gradual transition from extensive forms - an increase in the gross yield of agricultural crops subject to the expansion of sown areas, to intensive - the use of high-yielding varieties, organic and mineral fertilizers, chemical and biological plant protection products, etc.

is. 1. Productivity of grain crops in the Stavropol Territory, c/ha

Note: from 1940 to 1960 We used data from V.M. Goryainov (1963), from 1961 to 1995. Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Stavropol Territory.

Rice. 2. Dynamics of winter wheat yield in the Stavropol Territory, c/ha

Note: from 1871 to 1960 We used data from V.M. Goryainov (1963), from 1961 to 1999. - Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Stavropol Territory.

Agriculture - the science of rational use of land

Modern agriculture is the science of traditional, economically and environmentally, technologically sound use of land on an agricultural landscape basis in order to obtain sustainable, high quantity and quality crop yields while maintaining and increasing soil fertility.

In recent years, the role of agriculture has increased significantly as an experimental-applied, zonal science using local practical experience in weed control, development of moisture and energy saving techniques and methods of soil cultivation and their complex application, cultivation of crop rotations that most effectively use soil fertility, in the fight against erosion and deflation.

Deep scientific knowledge in unity with many years of practical experience determine the successful development of agriculture as the leading branch of agricultural production.

Food production is one of the main tasks of agriculture and crop production. This also includes the production of pet food and raw materials for industry. High and constantly growing yields can only be obtained by fertile soils. And therefore, the use of arable land should be in such a way that with an increase in agricultural yields there is a systematic increase in soil fertility.

The theoretical basis of scientific agriculture is the doctrine of soil fertility and its reproduction.

What is soil fertility? German researchers E. Rübensam and K. Raue (1969) write: “Soil fertility is understood as the objective quality of the soil, based on its physical, chemical and biological properties, to serve cultivated plants as a habitat and as an intermediary in providing water and nutrients - the necessary conditions for growth plants".

In modern agriculture, fertility is understood as the ability of the soil, based on its physical, chemical, physicochemical and biological properties, to be a habitat for cultivated plants, a source and intermediary in the provision of water, air and nutrients and to meet economic, environmental and technological requirements.

In agriculture, a distinction is made between natural fertility, that is, fertility created under the influence of natural factors without human participation, and artificial - as a result of anthropogenic influence. These two concepts are essentially inseparable and are expressed in the concept of effective fertility. Effective fertility means not only the presence in the soil of certain reserves of nutrients and its physicochemical and biological properties, but also the system of their use in agriculture.

I.V. Tyurin (1956) explains the connection between these concepts using the example of nitrogen: “... the reserves of total nitrogen in soils can be considered a conditionally quantitative indicator of potential soil fertility. The amount of nitrogen that vegetation annually uses from these reserves can serve as the same conditional measure of actual or, as is commonly said, effective soil fertility. To increase both effective fertility, that is, productivity, and potential fertility, that is, the supply of nutrients in the form of humus (with a normal nitrogen content), providing improved physical properties and more the sustainable nature of effective fertility, it is necessary to simultaneously use sufficient doses of manure and mineral fertilizers in combination, where possible and beneficial, with the culture of perennial leguminous grasses.”

Soil fertility plays a major role in crop formation. The return on labor expended is, as a rule, higher where soil fertility is higher.

Lecture 2.

Topic - Scientific foundations of agriculture


    Factors of plant life.

    Laws of agriculture.

All organisms require energy to carry out life processes. Without energy supply, individual cells and the entire body as a whole lose their ability to grow, the processes of synthesis of substances in them stop, and the metabolic processes necessary for life stop. Thus, one of the most important conditions for the implementation of life processes is a constant and uninterrupted supply of energy to organisms.

Green plants are the only organisms on earth that have the ability to photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is the ability of green plants to accumulate solar energy and convert it into potential energy in the form organic compounds- carbohydrates, proteins, fats, that is, convert the radiant energy of the sun into chemical energy. The synthesized chemical energy is ultimately used for the synthesis of organic compounds, which makes life possible for plants, animals and humans on Earth; photosynthesis is the source of free oxygen on our planet. Due to it, up to 90% or more of plant dry matter is created. Consequently, the yield of agricultural crops is largely determined by the intensity of this process.

Man uses organic substances synthesized as a result of photosynthesis as food, feed for domestic animals and birds, heating, making clothing, and raw materials for industry. In addition, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen, which is necessary for the life of humans and animals.

Green plants can grow and develop subject to the presence of the so-called life factors - light, heat, water, air and nutrients. Light and heat are cosmic factors in plant life.

Light reaches the earth from the sun. The sun is a kind of thermonuclear reactor in which helium atoms are synthesized from hydrogen atoms. At the same time, in environment A huge amount of energy is released. The light source is beyond our influence, but the degree of absorption of solar radiation depends on the level of agricultural technology. The greatest absorption of light energy in a number of crops occurs when 3.5-4.5 square meters of leaf area are formed on one square meter of field area.

This indicator, first of all, depends on the norm and method of sowing, the direction of rows of row crops (sunflower, corn) from north to south, morning and evening light is better absorbed, and when located from east to west, midday light is better absorbed. In the Stavropol region, especially in arid conditions, row crops must be sown from north to south, since at midday the most intense evaporation of moisture is observed to maintain a certain temperature in the plants, and with this arrangement the plants cover each other and less direct sunlight falls to the sheet machine. And therefore, plants use moisture more economically, which has a positive effect on the formation of the crop.

Weeds seriously compete with cultivated plants in the fight for light; the destruction of weeds improves the illumination of cultivated plants, and therefore increases its absorption.

Like light, heat is a cosmic factor and at the same time the main factor in plant life and a necessary condition for the passage of biological, chemical and physical processes, both in the soil and in the plants themselves.

Plants at different stages of growth and development require different amounts of heat. In the initial phases of growth and development, plants require, as a rule, less heat, and in the phases of budding, flowering, and the formation of generative organs - an increased amount.

All life processes in plants are associated with water. Plants obtain water, as a life factor, mainly from the soil. The need of plants for water increases from germination to the formation of seeds, and water reserves in the soil, especially in dry conditions, decrease from spring to autumn. The farmer’s task is to structure the soil cultivation in such a way as to preserve the existing moisture in the soil, accumulate the moisture of precipitation as much as possible, and minimize the processes of evaporation of water from the soil. Water is an element of soil fertility.

Air is necessary for plants as a source of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which are used by plants in the process of photosynthesis. Air also plays a decisive role in the microbiological processes in the soil, as a result of which plant residues are mineralized to form mineral compounds, which are subsequently used by cultivated plants.

Along with water nutrients are elements of soil fertility. The growth and development of plants, as well as the quantity and quality of crop yields, depend on nutritional conditions. The presence of nutrients in the soil is an indirect indicator, and their absorption by plants depends on humidity, temperature, light, reaction of the soil solution, soil aeration and other conditions.

Plants from germination to maturity increase the absorption of nutrients, and therefore the farmer must treat the soil in such a way, apply mineral and organic fertilizers, so that the cultivated plants are provided, along with other life factors and nutrients.

Cosmic factors (light and heat) come from outside, and water, air and nutrients are earthly factors of life. They are used by plants from the soil and environment.

In addition to life factors, the growth and development of plants is also significantly influenced by environmental conditions: soil - structure, composition of the arable layer, saline or saline content, the presence of organic matter, etc.;

phytocenotic - harm and harmfulness of weeds, pests and diseases;

agrotechnical - quality and timeliness of tillage, selection of the right predecessor, sowing at the optimal time and at the required depth, etc.

In agriculture great importance has a transformational role of soil, that is, its ability to transfer introduced nutrients and water to plants. The more fertile the soil, the higher its transformation properties.

Each factor plays a significant role in the life of a plant, be it water or air, light or heat, etc. Only if all factors are present can a high and high-quality harvest be obtained.

agriculture Rapid industrial revolution in... crisis plan Dawes was replaced plan O. Young. This plan provided...

  • Lecture 6 organization of a crop rotation system on farms


    LECTURE 6 ORGANIZATION OF THE Crop ROTATION SYSTEM In... from the leading links of the system agriculture, crop rotation those most subordinate to this... plan, of which it is part plan organization of territory, productive use of land, introduction crop rotations. This plan ...

  • Introduction

    Farm characteristics

    1 General information about the farm

    2 Natural conditions

    2.1 Climatic conditions

    2.2 Soil conditions

    Design of a crop rotation system

    1. Determination of the annual need for crop products

    1.1 Feed requirements

    1.2 Seed requirements

    3 Calculation of productivity of developed crop rotations

    4 Drawing up a development plan and rotation table

    Development of a comprehensive system of weed control measures

    1 Mapping the weediness of fields

    2 Biological characteristics of weeds

    3 System of weed control measures

    Tillage system

    1 Tillage during the development of crop rotation

    2 Tillage system in the developed crop rotation

    Calculation of herbicide requirements

    Development of a system of anti-erosion measures in crop rotation

    Assessing the quality of field work




    crop rotation crop production herbicide weed

    Food production has long been the main task of the farmer, as well as the production of feed for livestock and industrial raw materials. Agriculture is one of the main branches of agricultural production.

    The main means of production in agriculture are soil and green plants. Man, through the farming system (soil cultivation, choice of predecessors and cultivation technologies, protection from harmful organisms) creates optimal conditions for plant life. Green plants convert the kinetic energy of sunlight into potential energy of organic matter. Humanity has always strived for maximum accumulation and reasonable expenditure of energy from organic compounds in the form of various agricultural products. Crop products cannot be stored for a long time and therefore cannot be created anew. This determines the continuity of agricultural production.

    Agriculture is a branch of agricultural production based on the rational use of land for the purpose of growing crops. Field growing, vegetable growing, meadow farming, forestry, viticulture, etc. are branches of private agriculture. Agriculture is the oldest branch of human activity, which arose and was formed over thousands of years. Its appearance was a major event in the development of civilizations. It made it possible to move from a nomadic one and create the basis for a completely new sedentary way of life and work for humans. In the history of mankind, it has been repeatedly confirmed that the dawn of the largest civilization went through both rise and decline in the development of agriculture. In the future, agriculture will be determined by two global directions on which the transition to sustainable growth of agricultural production depends. The first involves the development of agriculture in all countries of the planet using environmentally safe alternative agricultural technologies, rational placement of production forces, ensuring expanded reproduction of biological resources and their savings.

    Agriculture as a science is developing on the basis of the latest theoretical achievements of such important fundamental scientific disciplines as soil science, land management, plant physiology, agrochemistry, plant growing, biotechnology, microbiology, agrometeorology, ecology, economics, etc.

    At the same time, the role of agriculture as a strictly zonal science, with the widespread use of local practical experience, is significantly increasing.

    As a result of the transfer of agriculture to a scientific basis and its intensification, the sustainability and productivity of crop production has increased, expanded reproduction of soil fertility and increased crop yields have been ensured.

    The environmental, economic and technological essence and causes of negative phenomena in agricultural production have not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the basis of the modern scientific approach should be a systematic method as an indispensable condition for the successful development of agriculture.

    When solving the problems of greening agriculture, its adaptive intensification, and especially the biologization of technological processes, it is necessary to reconsider the role and content of the elements of the farming system. The tasks of adapting agriculture come to the fore in optimizing agro-industrial production, i.e. development and development of adaptive landscape farming systems and their elements.

    The basis of any farming system is crop rotation. Its assessment and role in modern agriculture is carried out according to the following criteria: biologization of agriculture, regulation of the regime of soil organic matter and nutrients, maintaining a satisfactory structural state of the soil, regulation of the water balance of agrocenoses, prevention of erosion and deflation, regulation of the phytosanitary condition of crops and soil.

    The development and implementation of soil conservation agriculture should include all the diversity of landscape organization, special crop rotations, the choice of the optimal soil cultivation system in a wide range - from plowing to no-till through many options for moldboard-free, flat-cut, minimal, moldboard tillage and their combinations.

    1. Farm characteristics

    1 General information about the farm

    Region, district: Chelyabinsk region.

    Farm name: Option 8

    General direction economic development: grain production, potato growing and meat and dairy development

    Sales plan for crop products: Grain 3500 tons.

    Potatoes 3000 tons.

    Table 1 - Farm land

    No. Land Area, haCurrently Proposed changes 1Arable land423142312Fallow lands5185183Hayfields4684684Pastures2912915Total farmland49905508

    CONCLUSION: Due to the lack of arable land, we are reducing the grain sales plan from 5 thousand tons to 3.5 thousand tons

    Table 2 - Livestock

    Types of livestock Number of heads Working horses 125 Cattle - cows 1654 Cattle - young animals 1569 Pigs 1260 Sheep 240

    CONCLUSION: This livestock provides the farm with meat and milk. It determines the direction of meat and dairy development of the economy.

    Table 3 - Crop yield

    Crops (type of product) Average yield over 3 years, t/ha Estimated yield, t/gayar wheat 2.02.3 winter rye 1.82.0 barley 2.22.5 oats 2.32.6 peas 1.01.1 vetch 1.41.6 fodder beet 20.223.2 corn 11 ,012,6 sunflower16,318,7potatoes12,013,8perennial grasses for crops16,418,7perennial grasses for haylage12,714,6perennial grasses for hay3,03,4annual grasses for hay2,52,8annual grasses for haylage9,911,3annual grasses for green fodder 12.113.9 natural hayfields 1.01.1 natural pastures 5.15.8

    CONCLUSION: Crop productivity increased by 15%. The increase in yield was achieved through the application of fertilizers, compliance with agrotechnical methods of cultivating crops, as well as the establishment of a new crop rotation system

    2 Natural conditions

    2.1 Climatic conditions

    The steppe zone is located in the temperate climate zone. The climate type is continental due to its significant distance from the oceans. The most important climate-forming factor is solar radiation. Total solar radiation (direct + diffuse) depends on the height of the sun above the horizon, day length, and cloudiness. The minimum occurs in December and the maximum in June. On average, there are 129 cloudy days in the region per year and 41 clear days. The remaining 195 days are partly cloudy. The greatest cloudiness is observed in October. The maximum clear days are observed in March.

    The dominant air mass is continental temperate air.

    The region's weather is formed under the influence of cyclones and 155 days under the influence of anticyclones. 130 days of cyclonic activity occur during the warm period. And the effect of anticyclones at this time is only 84 days.

    days a year with an average daily temperature below 0". The transition through this line towards warming occurs on April 6, and towards cooling - on October 23. The average temperature in January is 16.5 C, the minimum reaches - 49 "C. On average, snow cover appears on October 26. Stable snow cover forms in the middle of November 16. In total, snow cover, including temporary snow cover, remains for 146 days. Its height is 18-20 cm on average due to with little snow and severe winters, the soil freezes to 135 cm. Under such conditions, winter crops, as a rule, die. Stable snow cover disappears on April 15. May 6 average daily temperature air passes through 10"C upwards, and the period of active growing season for the plant begins. Such temperatures are observed for 137 days. The sum of positive temperatures above 10"C is 2211"C. This allows you to grow sunflowers and corn for grain, as well as watermelons and melons. The average temperature in June is 19"C, maximum 41"C.

    May is the average date of last frost. But sometimes they are registered on May 4th. Frosts were also registered on June 10. Frosts occur once every three years during the flowering period of apple trees, and twice every five years during the flowering period of cherry trees. The frost-free period ends on September 17 on average.

    The annual amount of precipitation is 369 cm. During the warm period of the year, 76% of it falls. The maximum occurs in July, the minimum in February. Shower rains are accompanied by thunderstorms on 23 days. The average duration of the period without rain in warm weather is 17 days. In some years - more than a month.

    Thus, in steppe zone In the flat part, measures to accumulate and preserve moisture in the soil are of paramount importance in agriculture.

    2.2 Soil conditions.

    Solonetzes are soil types of forest-steppe, steppe and semi-desert zones. Often contain sodium, easily soluble salts; humus 0.5-8%. Automorphic, semihydromorphic and hydromorphic; after cultivation - crops of grass, corn, sugar beets, soybeans, wheat, etc. Solonetzes are found in patches. In the Russian Federation - in the Lower Volga region, in the North Caucasus. Soils of this type are intrazonal.

    Table 4. Characteristics of the initial soil fertility on the farm.

    Name of soilArea, haHumus horizon, cmGranulome. Composition: Arable layer, pH value of salt extract, % Leached heavy loamy chernozem 550813 cm humus 6% fine silt-silt clay composition 13-233.8

    The soil has unsatisfactory indicators.

    2. Design of a crop rotation system

    Most farms in the Russian agro-industrial complex have diversified agricultural production. It usually consists of well-developed livestock and crop production sectors. Depending on specialization, scale of production, soil-climatic and other conditions, each farm develops its own structure of sown areas.

    The structure of sown areas is the ratio of the area sown with agricultural crops and pure fallow, expressed as a percentage of the total area of ​​arable land. The structure of sown areas is the basis of crop rotation.

    Crop rotation is the scientifically based alternation of crops and pure fallow in time and space or only in time.

    Pure fallow is a field free from the cultivation of agricultural crops during the entire summer period. In this field, systematic tillage is carried out, fertilizers are applied, and other measures are taken to prepare the field for sowing the next crop.

    The period during which crops and fallows pass through each field in the sequence prescribed by the crop rotation pattern is called rotation.

    1 Determination of the annual need for crop products

    1.1 Feed requirements

    Based on reference data on feeding rates, the annual need for feed units and centners of feed is calculated. At the same time, an insurance stock of feed in the amount of 10 - 15% of their needs is also taken into account.

    Table 5 - Feed requirement for the year of development of crop rotation, t

    Livestock Number of types of feed Types of animals, quantity Hay Silage Hay Green grass Concentrates incl. PeasRoot cropsStrawPotatoesWorking horses 1251. - cows 16540.52, - young animals 15690.31.80,81.50,20,10.24 70282412552353313156313Sheep 2400,50,30,20,20 ,112072484824Pigs 12600,10,40,10,81265041261008Total for all36388091008Including the insurance fund177380854727326411963524183 9301160

    Table 6 - Production of feed in meadows and pastures, t

    Agricultural landType of productArea, haPlanned yield, t/haProducts to be received, tHayfieldsHay4681.1515PastureGreen fodder2915.81687

    Therefore, on arable land you need to produce:

    Hay 1258Haylage 4727 Green grass 1577

    For arable land it is necessary to produce: 1258 tons of hay, 4727 tons of haylage and 1577 tons of green grass.

    1.2 Seed requirements

    The farm must produce seeds of all crops independently in the amount of full requirements with a safety stock. You can plan to purchase seeds only from those crops that, under farm conditions, do not produce full-fledged seeds (vegetables, corn, perennial grasses). Plan to import seeds for variety change and variety renewal only in exchange for your own seeds. Additionally, it is necessary to pay an insurance fund in the amount of 15% of the seed requirement.

    Grains for seeds are needed: 1 - for sowing grains for grain, 2 - for sowing annual grasses for hay, 3 - for sowing annual grasses for green fodder, 4 - for sowing grains for haylage, 5 - for sowing grains for seeds (seed plots), 6 - insurance fund

    ) (3500 tons + 1196 tons) / 2.0 t/ha * 0.22 t/ha = 516 tons

    ) Hay. 1258 tons / 2.8 t/ha * 0.18 t/ha = 80 tons

    ) Haylage. 4727 tons / 11.3 t/ha * 0.18 t/ha = 75 tons

    ) Green tr. 1577 tons/13.9*0.18=20 tons

    ) 516+80+75+20/2.0*0.22=76 tons

    ) 516+80+75+20+76/100*15=115 tons

    Total grain requirement: 516+80+75+20+76+115=882 tons

    Requirement for potato seed material

    1)3000 tons+1160 tons/13.8*2.5=753 tons

    2)753/100*15=112 tons

    Total requirement 865 tons

    Table 7 - Annual demand for crop products produced on arable land, t

    Name of productsNeedsale seedsfeedother needstotalGrain incl. grain legumes350088211965578Hay12581258Silage80858085Haylage47274727Potatoes300086511605025Greens tr15771577Root vegetables41834183Straw930930

    From Table 7 it is clear that we need to obtain a large amount of agricultural products, and the area of ​​arable land will not be enough, for this reason we had to reduce the grain sales plan from 5 thousand tons to 3.5 thousand tons.

    The estimated sown area for crops was obtained by dividing the requirement by the yield. Then she compared the sum of the areas of all crops with the area of ​​arable land and balanced them. I also planned an area of ​​pure steam.

    Table 8 - Structure of sown areas

    NeedProjectedCropsWill be obtained, tYield, t/haArea% of arable landGrainWinter rye664.42.0332.47.0Spring wheat2184.52.3949.820.0Barley 1187.32.5474.910.0Oats1234.72.6474.910, 0Vika379.91.6237 ,85.0SilageCorn3291.112.6261.25.5Sunflower4884.118.7261.25.5HayMn.tr1291.73.4379.98.0HaylageMn.tr4853.514.6332.47.0Green fodderSingle. tr1980.313.9142.53.0 Potatoes 5242.913.8379.98.0 Root crops Beet fodder 4407.123.2190.04.0 Can be used for fallow 332.47.0 Cropland total 4749100

    After calculating the sown area of ​​each crop, we chose the number of crop rotations 4, their areas, and distributed the sown area of ​​each crop among the crop rotations, trying to ensure that the soil properties within each crop rotation did not differ sharply.

    2 Calculation of the structure of sown areas

    After calculating the sown area of ​​each crop, it is necessary to select the number of crop rotations, their area and distribute the sown area of ​​each crop according to crop rotation. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the properties of the soil within each crop rotation do not differ sharply. On erosion-hazardous slopes, floodplain lands and hard-to-reach areas, it is necessary to allocate independent crop rotations. In these crop rotations, perennial grasses should occupy a large proportion. Vegetables and other moisture-loving crops are placed on floodplain lands. Near a large livestock farm, it is advisable to select a fodder crop rotation in which to plan to obtain the majority of poorly transportable succulent feed. It must be remembered, however, that an increase in the number of crop rotations usually leads to a decrease in the average field size. Taking into account these features, establish the types of crop rotations, the number and area of ​​fields in each crop rotation in such a way that together the planned crop rotations implement the planned structure of crops.

    Table 9 - Distribution of sown areas by crop rotation

    crop rotation schemefield area% of crop rotation area1 Field, grain fallowFallow 332.416.6Winter rye332.416.6Spring wheat332.416.6Potatoes332.416.6Spring wheat332.416.6Oats332.416.6Crop rotation area1 994.4 Average field size 332.42 Field, grain-row-crop Annuals 142.516, 6 Spring wheat 142.516.6 Barley 142.516.6 Beets 142.516.6 Barley 142.516.6 Oats 142.516.6 Crop rotation area 855 Average field size 142.53 Forage, grass Many. Tr 142.416.6 Mn. Tr142.416.6Mn. Tr142.416.6Mn. Tr142.416.6Mn. Tr142.416.6 Spring wheat + Mn. Tr 142.516.6 Crop rotation area 854.5 Average field size 142.44 Forage, grain-row crop Corn (261.2) + Sunflower (261.2) 522.450.1 Barley (189.9) + Vetch (237.2) + Potatoes (47.5) + Beetroot (47.5) 522.149.9 Crop rotation area 1044.5 Average field size 522.2

    CONCLUSION: crop rotations are field and forage, which is determined by the specialization of the farm.


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    Agriculture is a branch of agricultural production based on the rational use of land for the purpose of growing crops. It is divided into a number of sub-sectors: field farming - studies the techniques of growing field crops (grain, fodder, industrial, melons); vegetable growing; fruit growing, meadow growing, etc. The task of agriculture as a branch of agricultural production is to obtain (currently and in the future) maximum quantity high-quality crop products per unit of agricultural land at the lowest cost and economically beneficial to the manufacturer. The most important feature of agriculture is the fact that here production is organically connected with the use of soil and natural environment. Moreover, soil is the main irreplaceable means of production. In agriculture, production results largely depend on the properties of the soil, its fertility and location. This largely determines the location of agricultural production in the country and the specialization of farms. Farming technology directly depends on specific natural conditions. Large differences in natural, climatic and economic conditions in individual zones and regions of the country have a significant impact on the specialization of farms, on the features of mechanization, chemicalization of agriculture, and land reclamation work. Thus, the task of farming as a branch of agricultural production is to provide plants with all the factors growth and development, and agriculture as a science - to develop methods for their most productive use.


    March 2019

    On March 26, 2019, state inspectors of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport of the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor in the Republic of Tatarstan inspected and processed the cargo under the control of the state veterinary supervision:

    On March 26, 2019, state inspectors of the department of border veterinary control at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport of the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan in International airport"Kazan" 15 flights were inspected. During inspection hand luggage and the luggage of arriving foreign air passengers, a regulated product illegally imported into Russia was discovered and seized:

    Specialists from the State Veterinary Supervision Department of the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Republic of Tatarstan regularly check vehicles transporting animals on highways.

    Specialists from the State Veterinary Supervision Department of the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the Republic of Tatarstan regularly check vehicles transporting animals on highways. At the veterinary post of the Tsivilsk-Ulyanovsk road, a vehicle transporting a bull without veterinary accompanying documents. The bull was transported from Chuvash Republic in Drozhzhanovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. By his actions, the person transporting the cargo violated Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589 “On approval of the veterinary Rules for the organization of work on the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents, the procedure for the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents in electronic form and the procedure for the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents on paper” and Law of the Russian Federation No. 4979-1 “On Veterinary Medicine”.


    High yields, minimum costs, no “chemicals” -

    Basic principles, history, facts and evidence.

    Organic farming- this is a reasonable approach to the land and plants, thanks to which stable yields are achieved at minimal cost, without the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Its essence is to organize the economy like natural ecosystems, in which each creature has its own purpose and lives in harmony with others. For hundreds of millions of years, ours fed vast forests, meadows, and steppes. No one plowed or fertilized the soil on purpose, and its fertility was inexhaustible. For more than 6,000 years of cultivated agriculture, the fertility of the land was maintained. In the twentieth century, due to active improper cultivation, the soil began to become impoverished. Over the past decades, scientists have realized many mistakes. As a result, organic farming began to develop, based on an understanding of how plants, animals and the forces of nature interact. Creating his farm in harmony, a good farmer only directs all processes, and does not waste energy fighting nature. It is not for nothing that in ancient times the profession of a farmer was considered the most respected and qualified!

    The basic principles of organic farming are simple. Firstly, the soil should be loosened no deeper than 5 cm, and not dig and plow. The earth is a living organism. It is like a sponge, penetrated by many roots, saturated with a huge number of worms and microorganisms. This is what V.V. Dokuchaev wrote in his book “Our Steppes Before and Now”: “Try to cut out a cube of soil from the virgin ancient steppe, you will see in it more roots, herbs, bug holes, larvae than earth. All this seethes, drills, wears out, digs the soil, and the result is a sponge incomparable to anything else.”. Charles Darwin wrote about the decisive role of worms in the formation of soil fertility in his book “The Formation of the Vegetative Layer by the Activity of Earthworms”: “ Long before the invention of the plow, the soil was properly cultivated by earthworms and will always be cultivated by them.". Russian scientist Yu.A. Slashchalin, and after him many others, discovered that on 1 hectare of land not poisoned by chemicals, about 200 kg of bacteria live and about the same number of worms and other living creatures, which produce more than 500 kg of vermicompost per year. It is these “natural farmers” who fertilize and nourish the plants.

    Scientists have convincingly proven that deep plowing and digging suppresses the activity of worms and microorganisms, destroys the structure of the soil, and reduces its fertility. With deep plowing and digging, the soil is saturated with oxygen, which encourages soil bacteria to convert humus into mineral elements available to plants. This ensures high yields on plowed virgin lands. But only the first 2-3 years! And then the amount of humus rapidly drops, yields decline, plants weaken, pests and diseases spread. And then fertilizers and pesticides are needed. And how much effort is spent on this! For example, when digging up 6 acres, you have to turn over up to 200 tons of earth with a shovel! With the help of a Fokin flat cutter, the same 6 acres can be easily prepared for planting in half a day. The structure of the soil is not disturbed during such treatment, but is loosened and fertilized by “natural farmers” and copes with this work better than any artificial technology! The effectiveness of flat-cut processing has been confirmed by many years of experience among farmers in many countries.

    The second basic principle of organic farming is. Mulch is everything that covers the soil: hay, straw, leaves, sawdust, or simply weeds cut with a flat cutter. Not in nature black earth, it is always covered with leaves or grass. Bare, unprotected soil overheats in the sun and evaporates moisture very quickly, after rain it turns into mud and stops breathing, it becomes supercooled during frosts, and is subject to erosion. Mulch protects the soil, creates favorable conditions for worms and microorganisms, and over time turns into humus.

    Finally, the soil must be revitalized by feeding worms and soil microorganisms. The easiest way to do this is to use “green fertilizer”, green manure plants that successfully replace manure, compost and mineral fertilizers. Preparations of effective microorganisms provide invaluable assistance in increasing soil fertility. These are beneficial microbes and fungi that, when introduced into the soil, actively multiply, utilize organic matter, process it into a form easily digestible for plants, suppress pathogenic bacteria and fungi, and fix mineral elements. This achieves the amazing effect of accelerating plant growth, increasing the weight of fruits and their shelf life. This technology was developed by Japanese scientist Higa Tera and has been successfully used in many countries around the world for more than 15 years.

    Organic farming has its own subtleties and agrotechnical techniques: natural and effective ways to protect plants from diseases and pests, planning beds, crop rotation, variety renewal and much more.

    The history of soil-saving agriculture is very long and full of amazing and dramatic moments. In the ancient Sumerians (XX century BC) they cultivated the land with a knotty stick and received 200-300 centners of barley and wheat per hectare! (S.N. Kramer “History begins in Sumeria”). Now 50 centners is almost a record. And the secret is simple: there was nothing to plow or dig with, so they just loosened the ground. And this, as we now know, is the optimal method of processing. And only ears of corn were needed for food: all the straw remained in the fields and was turned into fertilizer the next year.

    Then the knotty stick was replaced by a shovel. Labor productivity, especially in virgin lands, has increased. But from that moment on, the soil began to experience “shock” at the hands of man. The plow that came after cultivated the soil without turning the layer; the soil organisms did not experience any special shocks. More than two hundred years ago, a horse-drawn plow was invented, which cultivated the land with a layer turnover. It made it possible to develop very large tracts of virgin lands in a short time. The plow had a dramatic effect on the inhabitants of the soil. The tractor plow used later was even more productive, but the impact on the soil was catastrophic. After its invention came the most dramatic period. When plowing with a dump of the layer, the virgin soil loses its mighty turf. Upper layer soil moves down, the bottom moves up. Microorganisms die to a large extent. There is a great negative impact earthworms and other inhabitants of the soil. The processes of water and wind erosion are intensifying.

    The first harbinger of upcoming environmental disasters associated with large-scale plowing of virgin lands was intense erosion, drying out and dehumification of soils in the south of Russia in the mid-19th century. The consequences of this massive plowing of the land were vividly and clearly analyzed in the book by V.V. Dokuchaev “Our Steppes Before and Now,” published in 1893.

    At the end of the 19th century, in the work of I.E. Ovsinsky ("New System of Agriculture", Kiev, 1899), based on numerous experiments, it was proven that the land should be cultivated no deeper than 2 inches (an inch is equal to 2.54 cm): " ...already 4-5 inch plowing destroys the network of tubules and thereby impedes the germination of roots", "...shallow 2-inch plowing causes rapid improvement of the soil to a significant depth", "the famous Krupp with his shells of military destruction did not bring as much harm to humanity as he did factory of plows for deep plowing." Ovsinsky used a horse-drawn flat cutter instead of a plow and received good harvests even during the drought of 1895-1897, when there was no moisture in the plowed fields.

    An even more clear lesson in the form of a man-made natural disaster, then perceived as the end of civilization, was presented to the whole world on the great plains of the United States and Canada in the 30s of the 20th century. The massive plowing of many millions of hectares of virgin prairie land has led to widespread wind erosion. In the book “Before Nature Dies” (M. 1968), J. Dorst describes one of the most terrible, as he says, “mourning” days in the United States on May 12, 1934, when “the vast plains became the scene of a natural disaster unprecedented in the history of America ,... the wind carried the tornadoes across the continent to the east... they darkened the skies over Washington and New York, swept into the Atlantic. The denuded areas, which have since been called the "Dust Bowl", became the focus of wind erosion "... Officially recognizing erosion as a national disaster, the government organized the Soil Erosion Control Service, which 2 years later was reorganized into the Soil Conservation Service. Enormous efforts have been made to develop erosion control farming systems, in which the plow has given way to the flat cutter, and all other techniques have acquired soil conservation content (stubble seeders instead of conventional ones, rotary harrows instead of tine harrows, disc harrows instead of plows, etc.). Together with administrative bodies, scientists for a long time overcame the conservatism of farmers in mastering the new system (Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences V.I. Kiryushin, “Lessons of Virgin Lands”). Now in Canada and the USA, machine cutters have completely replaced plows. According to leading Russian agronomists who visited Kansas in 1995, young farmers there (aged 30-40) do not even know what a plow is, and their fathers remember moldboard plowing with irony. Flat cutters are also widespread in Europe, Asia, and Australia.

    The next catastrophe occurred in the USSR in the 60s, after the massive plowing of virgin lands in Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Urals. From 1954 to 1962, 42 million hectares of land were plowed. This area is comparable to the area of ​​Spain or France. With the rise of virgin soil, the plowed area increased sharply and reached 80% or more in a number of steppe regions. And the catastrophe unfolded across the entire width of the steppe fields Western Siberia and Kazakhstan in the form of a grandiose “dust bowl”. At first, the dust storms did not cause much concern in the upper echelons of government. The problems of erosion were calmly discussed, the need to improve agriculture was discussed... This could have gone on for quite a long time, right up to a complete disaster, if not for the creation in 1957 of the Kazakh (later All-Union) Research Institute of Grain Farming, headed by A.I. Baraev. One of the few A.I. Baraev understood that to improve classical system agriculture is impossible, a fundamentally new solution is needed. Such a solution already existed in the world in the form of flat-cut tillage, which Baraev became familiar with in detail in Canada in 1957-58.

    It took a lot of work to integrate Canadian experience into the new soil conservation farming system. The advanced Siberian experience, generalized and multiplied by T.S. Maltsev, also played a significant role here. This began with the testing of Canadian technology and the creation of our own anti-erosion tools and machines. The first samples of domestic flat cutters were developed, and fundamental extensive experiments were carried out. At first, the agronomists who were brought to these experiments, especially scientists, looked skeptically at the “sloppy” fields with crop residues “sticking out” after processing with a flat cutter, while others were indignant, since this contradicted all the elementary truths learned from agricultural textbooks. Many scientists prophesied the futility of the new system based on a variety of assumptions: an increase in crop weeds, the development of diseases, pests, etc. Meanwhile, the contradictions were somehow resolved by various agricultural practices.

    This story is very remarkable. At that time, P.T. Zolotarev, an agronomist from the Poltava region, experimenting with soil cultivation, said the unheard of at a session of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Tselinograd:

    To get good grain harvests, the land does not need to be plowed, peeled, cultivated, or harrowed - you just need to sow and harvest.

    There was laughter in the hall, and then ironic applause, which forced Zolotarev to leave the podium without finishing his speech. He only managed to ask the presidium a question:

    Comrades academicians, doctors of science! Why does it often happen like this: a wheat field is overgrown with thistle, spurge, and wild oats, but nearby on the virgin lands there is not a single sow thistle, spurge, or wild oat? The seeds of these weeds are carried tens of kilometers away. This means that they exist in virgin lands as well. So why don’t they germinate in untouched soil?!

    The next day, the scandalous agronomist was removed from work and put on trial. But the matter was hushed up: the yield on the experimental plots of the “non-standard” agronomist was much higher. Since Prokopiy Tikhonovich did not plow the surface of the soil, did not disk, or peel, it means that the weeds here were not cut by the paws of the cultivators, but already in the second year there were half as many of them, and in the third there were very few left. From the fourth, they disappeared completely. It would seem that all this can be transferred to widespread industrial practice. Not so. The seeder developed by Zolotarev was ordered to be moved with a tractor. No matter what high places Zolotarev addressed with his proposals, no matter what thresholds he knocked, he always ran into a blank wall.

    And they got it. The turning point was the dry year 1965, when dust storms were especially widespread and merciless. Those who had to experience this natural phenomenon will never forget the taste of dust, immersion in darkness, a feeling of hopelessness and some kind of special anxiety, vaguely comparable to the perception of a solar eclipse.

    In the dust bowl that engulfed northern Kazakhstan in the spring of that year, the Experimental Farm of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agriculture, which had fully mastered the soil protection system, looked like a prosperous island with a clear sky, demonstrating the success of the business and the wisdom of A.I. Baraev. Since then, an active process of developing a soil protection system on farms has begun. A particularly important role in its organization was played by the leaders of the Tselinograd and Pavlodar regions N.E. Kruchina and F.T. Morgun. These people supported A.I. Baraev in the most difficult days for him in August 1964, when N.S. Khrushchev ordered his removal from the post of director of the institute. It is difficult to imagine a more senseless and destructive action. Barayev did not fit into the extensive propaganda campaign for the row-crop farming system. It is difficult to imagine the development of events if Khrushchev had not been removed from power that same year.

    Fyodor Trofimovich Morgun, now Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, academician, corresponding member of the International Slavic Academy of Information Processes and Technologies, Hero of Socialist Labor, did immeasurably more than anyone else for the introduction of flat cutters and other soil protection technologies. He strongly supported A.I. Baraev, insisted on abandoning deep plowing with moldboard implements and cultivating the soil with flat cutters and wide-cut cultivators, as the Canadians did and recommended by A.I. Baraev. Moreover, he called the plow the dinosaur of plowing and wished it a speedy “death.” In 1963 he went to Canada to master erosion control. And soon Fyodor Morgun, already the head of the agricultural department of the vast Virgin Lands region, reported what he saw in Canada to Leonid Brezhnev, then the second secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. As a result, large factories were ordered to produce flat cutters, seeders, cultivators, and subsoilers. And starting in 1965, virgin state farms began to receive them in large quantities. Interest in the soil protection system was increasingly expanding. Since the beginning of the 70s, the development of soil protection farming systems has acquired a wide scale in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan, Siberia, and Trans-Urals, and its elements have actively penetrated into European part countries. By the 1980s, its influence spread to an area of ​​50 million hectares. Thanks to the efforts of F.T. Morgun, then already the first secretary of the Poltava Regional Committee, this system was introduced in Ukraine.

    F.T. Morgun described the history of the development of virgin lands in his famous book “Thoughts about Virgin Lands”. Now Fyodor Trofimovich is retired. I didn’t write memoirs - I went to Belgorod to promote the production of flat-cutting equipment.

    The whole story told is about tractor flat cutters. However, almost all potatoes and more than half of vegetables, berries and fruits are grown in household plots and summer cottages. Tools: shovel, hoe, rake... A new direction in soil cultivation without soil rotation (as the most economical in terms of energy costs) is especially useful here. It's time to mention Fokin's manual flat cutter. Here is what Fyodor Trofimovich Morgun himself writes about him in his article “Bon voyage, Fokina flat-cutter”:

    “I constantly dreamed about the need to create a horse-drawn and manual flat-cutter that would replace a shovel and was sure that there would be smart people who would offer this tool.”

    And here is the magazine “Science and Life” No. 1 and No. 2 for 2000: two articles about Fokin’s hand-held flat cutter - a lightweight garden tool. I read it with admiration, professional interest and joy. It’s very easy to work with a new tool that replaces a shovel, hoe, rake, pitchfork, scythe, in fact, all gardening equipment. I got together with the author and inventor Vladimir Vasilyevich Fokin and soon came to him in the village. Muromtsevo Vladimir region, I was convinced of the ease of performing two dozen garden jobs with a manual flat cutter... Everything is really fast, simple and easy! I believe that Fokin’s flat cutter and the unconventional technology of gardening carried out with its help (without digging and plowing) have rightfully and for a long time taken their place in the historical spiral of improving the farmer’s tools.”

    As you can see, flat tillage and organic farming in general are not some kind of super fashionable novelty. This is a natural continuation and development of farming methods, and in many ways - an exit to high-quality new level. The history of the development of agriculture, as well as rational methods of small-scale and large-scale farming, are described in detail in the book of the agronomist scientist, graduate of the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, N.I. Kurdyumov, “Mastery of Fertility” (Rostov n/D, 2004). This book contains all the experience of regenerative agriculture known to the author - the works of Ovsinsky, Faulkner, Fukuoka, Maltsev, Allen, the experience of domestic field farmers, as well as the classics of Russian agriculture - Timiryazev, Dokuchaev, Kostychev, Williams. The works of field growers and naturalists convincingly show that the fertility of the soil under cultivated plants with proper farming increases, and does not decrease.

    To provide summer residents, gardeners, market gardeners, farmers with everything necessary for organic farming, to help them obtain high yields at minimal cost, without mineral fertilizers and pesticides, the Club was created Organic Farming. We hope it will become a significant help for everyone who wants to live, work and relax on their own land.

    If you liked this material, then we offer you a selection of the best materials on our site according to our readers. You can find a selection - TOP about existing eco-villages, family estates, their history of creation and everything about eco-houses where it is most convenient for you The task of agriculture is the production of food for humans, feed for farm animals and raw materials for the processing industry. In agriculture, there are two leading sectors: farming and livestock breeding. Farming is a branch of agricultural production based on the rational use of land in order to grow crops and obtain a stable and high-quality harvest. It is divided into a number of sub-sectors:
    1) field farming - studies techniques for growing field crops (grain, fodder, industrial, melons);
    2) vegetable growing;
    3) fruit growing;
    4) grassland farming, etc.
    Agriculture as a science originated about 10 thousand years ago. At first it existed in the form of skills for cultivating agricultural plants, which were passed down from generation to generation, first orally, then in writing (clay tablets with descriptions that are about 6 thousand years old have reached us).
    The content of agriculture as a science changed with the development of the productive forces of society. At first it was complex, encyclopedic in nature, combining the issues of crop rotation, soil cultivation, application of fertilizers, land reclamation, agricultural technology, pest control, diseases and weeds of agricultural crops, i.e. included today's agronomic disciplines: agriculture, crop production, selection and seed production, agrochemistry, agricultural reclamation, entomology, phytopathology, agricultural mechanization, etc. As knowledge accumulated from the 19th century. differentiation of agriculture began, a number of disciplines spun off from it, and in the first quarter of the 20th century, when agriculture was divided into general and private (plant growing), its content became what it is in our time.
    Modern agriculture can be defined as the science of rational use of land. Its tasks include the development of agrotechnical measures to increase effective soil fertility using physical and biological methods.
    In Fig. Figure 1.1 shows the relationship between agriculture and other agricultural sciences.

    Rice. 1.1. The relationship of agriculture with other agricultural sciences
    Thus, agriculture is based on soil science, plant physiology and agricultural microbiology, is in close contact with agrochemistry, plant protection and agricultural mechanization and, in turn, serves as the basis for crop production.
    The main task of farming as a branch of agricultural production is to maximally satisfy the growing needs of society for food, feed and agricultural raw materials. According to statistics, in terms of production and consumption of agricultural products our country is now significantly inferior to the most developed countries. In Russia, the population is not provided with nutrition in accordance with medical standards (Tables 1.1 and 1.2).
    Table 1.1 Agricultural production per capita

    Grain production requires special attention. In civilized countries, about 1 ton of grain is produced for each inhabitant. For Russia, this means an annual gross grain harvest of 140-150 million tons, while in the last 10 years it has been 70-90 million tons, i.e. about half of the recommended amount. This involves increasing the production of domestic grain by increasing yields and stabilizing the domestic market.
    If we look at the data on grain yields in our country, then over 100 years compared to pre-revolutionary period(1913) it increased approximately three times, but remains low and unstable, with fluctuations from 0.5-0.7 t/ha in dry years to 2.0-2.2 t/ha in wet years.
    As statistical data show, we are significantly inferior to civilized countries both in terms of agricultural yields and labor productivity in agriculture (Table 1.3). Ways to overcome the existing gap arise from the experience of world and domestic agriculture. This is an environmentally friendly intensification of production, an achievement based on science and advanced production experience of high farming culture.
    From an economic point of view, intensification is an increase in labor and capital costs per unit of land area while simultaneously increasing production output. From an agronomic point of view, agricultural intensification is an increase in human impact on soil and plants in order to increase yield.

    In the field of agriculture, intensification is carried out mainly through mechanization, chemicalization and land reclamation. The intensification of agriculture is characterized by the most complete regulation of plant life factors by humans, which makes it possible to increase the return on use of arable land, i.e., on the one hand, we invest more, on the other, we take more from the land. But intensification must be carried out within environmentally sound limits and modes, otherwise it causes Negative consequences. Thus, the task of agriculture as a branch of agricultural production is to provide plants with all the factors of growth and development, and agriculture as a science is to develop methods for their most productive use.

    Lecture, abstract. Agriculture as a science and branch of agricultural production - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

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