Agriculture. organic farming

Lecture 1

Topic - Introduction to agriculture


    Agriculture is the most important agronomic science.

    Agriculture as a branch of agricultural production.

    Agriculture is the science of rational use earth.

Agriculture is the most important agronomic science, giving future specialists knowledge and practical skills in the use of arable land in order to obtain agricultural products - grain, root crops, hay, etc. One of the main tasks of agriculture is to preserve and increase the fertility of the soil, i.e. when studying this discipline, the student is taught in a strict logical sequence methods and techniques for preserving and increasing soil fertility, methods of its cultivation, scientifically based crop rotations, etc. Soil fertility is significantly reduced and can lead to its complete loss in case of erosion and deflation. Erosion is a word of Latin origin, literally means corrosive, i.e. flushing and erosion of the most fertile soil layer with melt and storm water. Deflation is also a word of Latin origin and means blowing out, i.e. destruction of the soil with the help of wind.

For the qualitative assimilation of agriculture as a discipline, it is necessary to have solid knowledge in such theoretical disciplines as soil science, microbiology, chemistry, botany, plant physiology, etc.

At the same time, the discipline of agriculture is one of the fundamental disciplines for mastering such disciplines as plant growing, agrochemistry, vegetable growing, plant protection, seed production, etc.

Farming forms students' agronomic outlook and the ability of a specialist to creatively apply in practice a scientifically based set of measures that form the basis of modern farming systems, to make changes to them, taking into account the soil and climatic features of the economy, scientific achievements and market needs.

As a result of the study and assimilation of agriculture in the Stavropol region, the student should know: the laws of agriculture, methods of expanded reproduction of soil fertility and optimization of plant life conditions; biological and ecological features of weeds and methods of their control; scientific foundations of rational crop rotations, rules and principles of their construction in various agro-soil zones of the region, their introduction and development; technological properties of the soil, methods, techniques and systems of its processing, depending on the previous crop and subsequent moisture, phytosanitary condition, etc., methods for assessing the quality of field work; soil protection systems against erosion and deflation; features of agrolandscape farming in the main zones of the region.

The student must be able to: develop and implement in the conditions of the economy a system of agrotechnical and organizational and economic measures to preserve and increase soil fertility and protect it from erosion and deflation; define species composition weeds, their biological groups, develop and implement a system to combat them; design crop rotations for the economy, their development, determine their agroecological and economic efficiency; draw up and implement a system of moisture- and energy-saving tillage, control the quality of tillage and other works.

Agriculture as a branch of agricultural production, its features and main stages of development

Food production has long been the main task of agriculture and crop production. To this must be added the production of pet food and raw materials for industry.

The population of the northwestern Caucasus, before the advent of agriculture, was engaged in hunting and cattle breeding. In the second half of the II millennium BC, along with a gradual increase in the proportion of cattle breeding, significant progress was made in agriculture. It was at this time in the North Caucasus that flint sickles were replaced by copper ones.

Just before the invasion of the Tatars (shortly before 1235), the Dominican monk Julian wrote that on the way from the Taman Peninsula to the North Caucasian steppes occupied by the Alans, he did not meet any houses or people. Having reached Alanya, Julian notes that here all the people of one place go to the field, mow together and plow together. The missionaries made spoons for the Alans, for which they were paid in millet. From this it follows that even the steppe inhabitants of the Alans had arable farming, that they grew millet, and among the agricultural implements they had a scythe.

In the steppe zone along the banks of large rivers, agriculture has been revived since the 14th century. This can be judged from the description of the city of Madzhar, located on the middle reaches of the Kuma River, i.e. in the territory located directly adjacent to the northwestern Caucasus.

The production of bread among the Circassians was such that its surplus from time to time entered the external market. So, during the famine in Venice in 1268, bread from Circassia was delivered there.

After the Tatar invasion, arable farming in the North Caucasus existed in the steppes and foothills. In the mountains, in many places, the hoeing method of cultivating the land is still preserved. In the steppes and foothills, the shifting system dominated, and in the mountains, the slash-and-slash system of agriculture. Sowed mainly barley, oats and millet.

In the southern Russian chernozem steppe and forest-steppe regions, with the transition from primitive gardening to field farming, the fallow, and then the shifting system of agriculture began to be used.

From this short digression it can be seen that in the North Caucasus they were engaged in agriculture in antiquity. But constant raids, internecine strife led to the decline and ruin of agriculture, and the assertion that the development of agriculture in the North Caucasus began in the 18th century has no basis.

Associated with the development of capitalism in Russia is the marked development of agriculture. Domestic scientists made a great contribution to the development of agriculture with their work. M. V. Lomonosov (1711-1765) developed a materialistic view of nature and, in particular, of the soil. A.T. Bolotov (1738-1833) laid the foundation for domestic scientific agriculture, which is why he is rightly called the first Russian agronomist. Original work by A.T. Bolotov "On the division of fields" revealed the shortcomings of the fallow system of agriculture, and instead of it, he proposed a fallow-shifting system with the introduction of a seven-field crop rotation, in which three fields were occupied by grain, one was under pure fallow and three were under fallow.

In the treatise "On Fertilizing the Fields", A. T. Bolotov outlined the idea of ​​air and soil nutrition of plants. He conjectured about the nutrition of plants with minerals, predicting for many years the largest discoveries of the nineteenth century.

A great contribution to the theory and practice of domestic agronomic science was made by I.M. Komov (1750-1792). In his book "On Agriculture" a generalization of Russian and foreign science of the 18th century is presented. I. M. Komov believed that “the main way to improve agriculture is cattle breeding,” and proposed changing the ratio between arable farming and cattle breeding in favor of the latter. Even then I.M. Komov expressed the idea of ​​intensifying agriculture. For the first time in agronomic practice, he gave a rationale for the fruit-shifting system of agriculture. “The main art, wrote I.M. Komov, is to establish a circulation of sowing different plants so that the land is not exhausted, but profits from it can be obtained as much as possible. This can be achieved if, in turn, then bread, then a vegetable, then grass sow".

By the end of the 19th century, the agronomic science of Russia was enriched by the works of Russian scientists A.V. Sovetov (1826-1901), D.I. Mendeleev (1834-1907), P.A. Kostycheva (1845-1895), V.V. Dokuchaev (1846-1903) and others.

A.V. The Soviets gave a classification of farming systems and their historical development. D. I. Mendeleev investigated the issues of plant nutrition and increasing the yield of agricultural crops. Works by V.V. Dokuchaev and P.A. Kostychev formed the basis of the national school of soil scientists.

In the 20th century, domestic scientists occupy leading positions in world agronomic science. K. A. Timiryazev (1843-1920), D.N. Pryanishnikov (1865-1948), K.K. Gedroits (1872-1932) empirically proved the need for widespread use of fertilizers, correct use organic and mineral fertilizers.

V.R. Williams (1861-1939) deeply revealed the role of vegetation and soil biota in the development of the main soil property - fertility.

The productivity of agriculture largely depends on the correct placement of crops and varieties.

N. I. Vavilov (1887-1943) made a significant contribution to the development of this problem. The collection of world plant resources collected by him, the organization of geographical crops of cultivated plants and state variety testing have provided and continue to provide big influence to increase crop yields.

Stavropol scientists made a significant contribution to the development of agriculture. The region is characterized by diversity in soil and climate. From the zone of sufficient moisture in the south-west of the region, to the extremely arid zone in the north-east, 150-180 km. Farms located in different soil and climatic conditions, as a rule, have their own characteristics in terms of thermal and water regimes, soil fertility, and this requires a differentiated approach to the selection of crops that most effectively use the moisture regime in specific natural and climatic conditions, soil fertility and so on. Soils are presented from light chestnut to super-powerful chernozems.

A. A. Kornilov (1902-1983), V. M. Dokuchaev (1912-1973), N. M. Solyanik (1938-1999), V. I. Kharechkin (1939-1998) made a significant contribution to the development of agriculture in the Stavropol region , V. M. Penchukov, L. N. Petrova, E. I. Ryabov, B. P. Goncharov, V. V. Ageev, V. M. Goryainov and others.

Under the guidance of the above scientists and with their direct participation, rational farming systems have been developed for all zones of the Stavropol Territory, which include the selection of crops, scientifically based crop rotations, a soil tillage system, a system of measures to combat erosion and deflation, and other issues. All this is aimed, first of all, at preserving and increasing the fertility of the field, at obtaining high and high-quality crop yields.

At present, the main task facing the agricultural production of the region is to ensure further growth and greater sustainability of food production and raw materials for industry. But the fulfillment of this task should not be carried out at any cost, but on the basis of preserving and increasing soil fertility.

In agriculture, a cultivated plant is considered not only as an object of human labor, but also as a means of agricultural production, synthesizing an organism that converts the kinetic energy of the sun with the help of soil minerals and air carbon dioxide into organic substances. In this regard, K. A. Timiryazev pointed out that a plant forms organic matter from the air, and a reserve of strength from a sunbeam. This explains the profitability of the farmer's labor: having spent a relatively small amount of a substance - fertilizer, the farmer receives large masses of organic matter; having spent a little strength, he receives a huge supply of strength in the form of fuel or food (K.A. Timiryazev, 1962).

The ability of plants to absorb the energy of the sun is not the same. Cultivated plants, even with a high agrotechnical background, use only 1-2% of the photosynthetic active radiation reaching the Earth's surface. Some plants, for example: corn, sugar beet, at high yields are capable of producing 150 or more centners of dry organic matter per hectare, while other crops under the same conditions yield several times less.

The quality of agricultural products largely depends on the scientifically based selection and ratio of cultivated crops and varieties that are most appropriate for the soil, weather and other conditions of the area.

The use of solar energy by plants depends not only on the size of the territory they occupy, the correct selection and ratio of cultivated plants, but also on the provision of plants with life factors - water, air, mineral elements food that plants receive through the soil or from the surface layer of the atmosphere.

Agriculture in the Stavropol Territory is characterized by aridity. Three years out of five, in most cases, are dry, and therefore one of the main tasks of agriculture is the preservation and accumulation of moisture (Fig. 1 and 2).

Land as a means of production has limited space. As the country's productive forces developed, the amount of arable land increased, and in recent years this figure has begun to decline significantly, as the process of urbanization, the laying of highways for road and rail transport, the development of minerals, the loss of arable land as a result of erosion and deflation processes. At present, Russia has 0.86 hectares of arable land per inhabitant, and 1.43 hectares in the Stavropol Territory.

With the development of the natural sciences, the growth of the productive forces, and the change in production relations, agriculture changed and improved. There was a gradual transition from extensive forms - an increase in gross crop yields, subject to the expansion of sown areas, to intensive ones - the use of high-yielding varieties, organic and mineral fertilizers, chemical and biological means plant protection, etc.

is. 1. Productivity of grain crops in the Stavropol Territory, c/ha

Note: from 1940 to 1960 used data from V. M. Goryainov (1963), from 1961 to 1995. Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Stavropol Territory.

Rice. 2. Dynamics of winter wheat yield in the Stavropol Territory, c/ha

Note: from 1871 to 1960 used data from V. M. Goryainov (1963), from 1961 to 1999. - Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Stavropol Territory.

Agriculture is the science of the rational use of land

Modern agriculture is the science of the traditional, economically and ecologically, technologically justified use of land on an agrolandscape basis in order to obtain sustainable, high in quantity and quality crop yields while maintaining and increasing soil fertility.

In recent years, the role of agriculture as an experimental, applied, zonal science has significantly increased with the use of local practical experience in weed control, the development of moisture- and energy-saving techniques and methods of tillage and their integrated application, the cultivation of crop rotations that most effectively use soil fertility, in the fight against erosion, deflation.

Deep scientific knowledge in unity with many years of practical experience, they determine the successful development of agriculture as the leading branch of agricultural production.

Food production is one of the main tasks of agriculture and crop production. This also includes the production of pet food and raw materials for industry. High and constantly growing yields can only be obtained on fertile soils. Therefore, the use of arable land should be carried out in such a way that, with the growth of crop yields, there is a systematic increase in soil fertility.

The theoretical basis of scientific agriculture is the doctrine of soil fertility and its reproduction.

What is soil fertility? German researchers E. Ryubenzam and K. Raue (1969) write: “Soil fertility is understood as the objective quality of the soil on the basis of its physical, chemical and biological properties to serve as a habitat for cultivated plants and an intermediary in providing water and nutrients - the necessary conditions for growth plants."

In modern agriculture, fertility is understood as the ability of the soil, based on its physical, chemical, physicochemical and biological properties, to be a habitat for cultivated plants, a source and mediator in providing water, air and nutrients and meet economic, environmental and technological requirements.

In agriculture, natural fertility is distinguished, that is, fertility created under the influence of natural factors without human participation and artificial - as a result of anthropogenic influence. These two concepts are essentially inseparable and are expressed in the concept of effective fertility. Effective fertility is understood not only as the presence of certain reserves in the soil nutrients and its physicochemical and biological properties, but also the system of their use in agriculture.

I.V. Tyurin (1956) explains the connection between these concepts using nitrogen as an example: "... the reserves of total nitrogen in soils can be considered a conditionally quantitative indicator of potential soil fertility. The amount of nitrogen that vegetation annually uses from these reserves can serve as a similar conditional measure of the actual or, as they say, effective soil fertility.To increase both effective fertility, that is, productivity, and potential fertility, that is, the supply of nutrients in the form of humus (with normal content nitrogen), providing an improvement in physical properties and a more stable nature of effective fertility, it is necessary to simultaneously use sufficient doses of manure and mineral fertilizers in combination, where possible and beneficial, with a culture of perennial legumes.

Soil fertility plays a major role in crop formation. The return on labor expended, as a rule, is higher where soil fertility is higher.

Lecture 2

Topic - Scientific foundations of agriculture


    plant life factors.

    The laws of agriculture.

All organisms require energy to carry out life processes. Without energy supply, individual cells and the whole organism as a whole lose their ability to grow, the processes of synthesis of substances stop in them, and the metabolic processes necessary for life activity stop. Thus, one of the most important conditions for the implementation of vital processes is a constant and uninterrupted supply of energy to organisms.

Green plants are the only organisms on earth that have the ability to photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is the ability of green plants to accumulate solar energy and convert it into potential in the form of organic compounds - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, that is, to convert the radiant energy of the sun into chemical energy. The synthesized chemical energy is ultimately used for the synthesis of organic compounds, thanks to which the life of plants, animals and humans on Earth is possible, photosynthesis is a source of free oxygen on our planet. Due to it, up to 90% or more of the dry matter of plants is created. Consequently, the crop yield is largely determined by the intensity of this process.

Man uses organic substances synthesized as a result of photosynthesis as food, feed for domestic animals and birds, heating, clothing, raw materials for industry. In addition, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen, which is necessary for the life of humans and animals.

Green plants can grow and develop if there are so-called life factors - light, heat, water, air and nutrients. Light and heat are the cosmic factors of plant life.

Light hits the earth from the sun. The sun is a kind of thermonuclear reactor in which helium atoms are synthesized from hydrogen atoms. At the same time, a huge amount of energy is released into the environment. The source of light is beyond our influence, but the degree of assimilation of solar radiation depends on the level of agricultural technology. The greatest assimilation of light energy in a number of crops occurs when 3.5-4.5 square meters of leaf area is formed on one square meter of field area.

This indicator, first of all, depends on the rate and method of sowing, the direction of the rows of tilled crops (sunflower, corn) from north to south, morning and evening light is better absorbed, and when located from east to west - noon. In the Stavropol Territory, especially in arid conditions, tilled crops should be sown from north to south, since at noon the most intensive evaporation of moisture is observed to maintain a certain temperature in plants, and with this arrangement, the plants cover each other and less direct sunlight falls to the sheet machine. And therefore, plants more economically consume moisture, which has a positive effect on the formation of the crop.

Weeds seriously compete with cultivated ones in the struggle for light, the destruction of weeds improves the illumination of cultivated plants, and therefore its assimilation increases.

Like light, heat is a cosmic factor and at the same time the main factor in the life of plants and necessary condition for biological, chemical and physical processes both in the soil and in the plants themselves.

Plants in different phases of growth and development require different quantity heat. In the initial phases of growth and development, plants require, as a rule, a smaller amount of heat, and in the phases of budding, flowering, and the formation of generative organs, they require an increased amount.

All life processes are connected with water in plants. Water, as a factor of life, plants receive mainly from the soil. The need of plants for water increases from germination to the formation of seeds, and the water reserves in the soil, especially in arid conditions, decrease from spring to autumn. The task of the farmer is to build tillage in such a way as to preserve the available moisture in the soil, to accumulate the moisture of precipitation as much as possible and to minimize the processes of evaporation of water from the soil. Water is an element of soil fertility.

Plants need air as a source of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which are used by plants in the process of photosynthesis. Air also plays a decisive role in the microbiological processes in the soil, as a result of which plant residues are mineralized to form mineral compounds, which are used later by cultivated plants.

Along with water, nutrients are elements of soil fertility. The growth, development of plants, as well as the quantity and quality of crops depends on nutritional conditions. The presence of nutrients in the soil is an indirect indicator, and their absorption by plants depends on humidity, temperature, illumination, the reaction of the soil solution, soil aeration and other conditions.

Plants from germination to maturity increase the absorption of nutrients, and therefore the farmer must cultivate the soil, apply mineral and organic fertilizers in such a way that the cultivated plants are provided along with other life factors and nutrients.

Cosmic factors (light and heat) come from outside, while water, air and nutrients are the earthly factors of life. They are used by plants from the soil and the environment.

In addition to life factors, the growth and development of plants is also significantly influenced by environmental conditions: soil - structure, composition of the arable layer, solonetz or solonchak, the presence of organic matter, etc.;

phytocenotic - harm and harmfulness of weeds, pests and diseases;

agrotechnical - the quality and timeliness of tillage, the choice of the right predecessor, sowing at the optimal time and at the right depth, etc.

In agriculture, the transformational role of the soil is of great importance, that is, its ability to transfer the introduced nutrients and water to plants. The more fertile the soil, the higher its transformation properties.

Each factor plays a significant role in the life of a plant, whether it be water or air, light or heat, etc. Only if all factors are present can a high and high-quality crop be obtained.

agriculture. A rapid industrial revolution in ... a crisis plan Dawes was replaced plan O. Jung. This plan provided...

  • Lecture 6 organization of crop rotation system on farms


    LECTURE 6 ORGANIZATION OF THE SYSTEM OF CROP ROTATION IN ... from the leading links of the system agriculture, crop rotation topics most subordinate to this... plan, of which is plan organization of the territory, productive use of land, introduction crop rotations. This plan ...

  • Agriculture is a branch of agriculture, which, thanks to the applied methods of influencing the soil, preserves it and increases soil fertility, creates conditions for obtaining high and stable crop yields. The main methods of influencing the soil used in agriculture are mechanical tillage, fertilization, crop rotation, etc. Agriculture is also a science, the main section of agronomy, which studies general methods of cultivating crops and developing the most rational ways to use the land.

    Due to the diversity of soil, landscape and climatic conditions in our country, the techniques and methods of influencing the soil are not the same. The main types of agriculture are: sustainable, dry, irrigated, rain-fed, mountain, polar.

    Sustainable agriculture is characteristic of areas where there is sufficient rainfall (the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia, some regions of Ukraine, Belarus, etc.). Dry farming is characteristic of areas where precipitation is insufficient and uneven during the growing season (Kazakhstan and other areas steppe zone). Irrigated agriculture is widespread in the zone of dry steppes, rainfed agriculture - in non-irrigated areas of irrigated areas (see Farming systems, Land reclamation).

    The development of agriculture in each country is characterized by certain farming systems, which show the intensity of land use, ways to restore and increase soil fertility. Farming systems are changing under the influence of the development of the productive forces of society.

    In pre-revolutionary Russia, agriculture was small-peasant, technically backward, almost all work was carried out by hand. Plow and wooden harrow dominated. Fertilizers were hardly used.

    After the October Revolution, large farms were created in our country - collective farms and state farms, in which all the main agricultural work was mechanized. Every year they receive a lot of agricultural machinery and mineral fertilizers. Agriculture has moved far to the north. During the years of Soviet power, the area of ​​arable land increased significantly, which by 1980 amounted to over 227 million hectares. The development of virgin and fallow lands was of great importance. Irrigated agriculture is developing rapidly. The area of ​​irrigated land in 1980 reached 17.3 million hectares (in 1913 there were about 4 million hectares).

    Agriculture as a science develops in close connection with soil science, crop production, agrochemistry, agrophysics, microbiology and other agricultural sciences. The intensive development of the science of agriculture began in the 18th century. A. Jung (Great Britain), J. Liebig (Germany), J. Bussengo (France), Russian scientists M. V. Lomonosov, A. T. Bolotov, I. M. Komov and others made a great contribution to it. and in the second half of the 19th century. and in the XX century - A. V. Sovetov, P. A. Kostychev, A. N. Engelgardt, V. V. Dokuchaev, K. A. Timiryazev, V. R. Williams, N. M. Tulaikov, I. A. Stebut, D. N. Pryanishnikov and others. They developed the scientific principles of highly productive agriculture for the diverse natural conditions of our country, offered specific recommendations for improving soil fertility and its rational use.

    The creation of scientific research institutions played an important role in the development of scientific agriculture. At the All-Union Research Institute of Grain Economy, under the leadership of A. I. Baraev, a highly effective soil-protective farming system for the steppe regions was created Western Siberia, Altai Territory and Northern Kazakhstan. Large-scale research is being carried out in connection with the implementation of the program for the reclamation of excessively moistened and arid lands (drainage and irrigation). T. S. Maltsev developed a new system of soil cultivation for the regions of the Trans-Urals (see Soil cultivation).

    Modern scientific agriculture is developing the following problems: the creation of a cultivated arable layer, minimization of soil cultivation (refusal of cultivation or its reduction to a minimum), crop rotations in conditions of specialization of agricultural production, protection of soils from erosion, etc.


    Agriculture is one of the most important branches of agriculture, engaged in the cultivation of food, technical, fodder and other plants, as well as studying general methods of cultivating agricultural crops, developing methods for the most rational use of land and increasing soil fertility in order to obtain high and sustainable yields of grain, tubers, root crops, fiber and other high quality crop products.
    The tasks of agriculture as a branch of agricultural production. Agriculture is of exceptionally great economic importance, as it provides the population with food, farm animals and poultry with feed, and many industries (food, feed, textile, pharmaceutical, etc.) with raw materials.
    Agricultural crops cover vast areas. They are located in different natural and economic zones, which determines the seasonality and zoning of agriculture, and also causes difficulties in the practical activities of the farmer.
    The Communist Party and the Soviet government pay great attention to agriculture, and in particular to agriculture.
    The “Basic Directions for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1976-1980” states: “The main task of agriculture is to ensure further growth and greater stability of agricultural production, to increase the efficiency of agriculture and animal husbandry in every way to better meet the needs of the population for food and industry in raw materials, creating the necessary state reserves of agricultural products.
    Compared with the ninth five-year plan, the average annual volume of agricultural production should increase by 14-17%.
    “In agriculture, the most important task is to increase grain production in every possible way, increase the sustainability of grain farming by improving the structure of sown areas, increasing productivity, effective use mineral and organic fertilizers, the maximum expansion of crops on reclaimed lands and on lands in areas of sufficient moisture, the introduction of high-yielding varieties and hybrids, and the improvement of agricultural technology for the cultivation of grain crops.
    Grain is the basis of all agricultural production. It is necessary both as a food product and as a raw material for the preparation of concentrates - the most important type of feed for poultry and livestock. The development of the livestock sectors of agriculture largely depends on the state of the forage base. Grain is also a product of trade, and due to its suitability for long-term storage, it is a food reserve.
    Grain production in our country is constantly growing. Its average annual production in million tons in the last five years was: the sixth five-year period (1956-1960) - 121.5, the seventh five-year period (1961-1965) - 130.3, the eighth five-year period (1966-1970) - 167.6, ninth five-year period (1971-1975) - 181.6 million tons.
    The average annual grain production for the tenth five-year plan (1976-1980) is planned to be 215-220 million tons. In the first year of the tenth five-year plan, grain production amounted to 223.8 million tons, in 1977 - 195.5 million tons.
    The resolution of the July (1978) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU provides for an average annual gross grain harvest in the eleventh five-year plan (1981-1985) of 238-243 million tons, and by 1990 its production will be up to 1 ton per person on average in the country.
    There are still large fluctuations in the grain harvest in individual years in the country. This is explained by the fact that large areas where commercial grain is produced are concentrated in areas of extreme aridity and unstable moisture. Therefore, in farming systems for many natural and economic zones of the country, methods aimed at accumulating, saving and productive use of soil moisture, combating drought, timely field work, growing zoned varieties and hybrids are of great importance.
    The cultivation of grain crops on reclaimed lands is also of great importance. Delivered and starting to run very important task- creation of large zones of guaranteed production of marketable grain on reclaimed lands to reduce the decline in the gross grain harvest in some years due to natural Disasters and in particular due to drought.
    A feature of the development of modern agriculture, and in particular agriculture, its further intensification. This is not a temporary phenomenon, but the main direction of development at the present stage and in future years.
    In agriculture, intensification is determined by the additional costs of labor and capital per unit of land area (agricultural land, including arable land) in order to obtain more products per unit area, that is, to achieve higher crop yields.
    The intensification of agriculture should contribute to an increase in the level of soil fertility and, against this background, an increase in productivity while reducing costs per unit of production.
    Even in the pre-war years, collective farms and state farms paid attention to the intensification of agriculture, but it began to develop more rapidly after the March (1965) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
    The intensification of agricultural production is determined by the agrarian policy of the party, its main directions: 1) the creation and improvement of a system of economic relations that ensure the material interest of agricultural workers, increase production, and further economic strengthening of collective farms and state farms; 2) the transfer of agriculture to a modern industrial base, a decisive acceleration of scientific and technological progress in agriculture.
    The most important areas of scientific and technological progress in the field of agriculture are complex mechanization, automation and electrification. production processes, chemicalization and land reclamation.
    The state technical policy sets the following tasks: 1) to create qualitatively new tools and a more advanced production technology, while it is necessary to focus on a level that exceeds the best world standards; 2) accelerate the pace of renewal and replacement of obsolete equipment; 3) widely mechanize labor-intensive work to replace manual labor machine. These tasks were set for the ninth five-year plan, and they remain the main ones for the years of the tenth five-year plan.
    During the years of the tenth five-year plan, it is planned to supply the country's agriculture with 1900 thousand tractors, 1350 thousand trucks, 538 thousand combine harvesters, 1580 thousand tractor trailers and other agricultural machinery, agricultural machines in the amount of 23 billion rubles.
    In the production of tractors and combines, as well as in the creation of the total power of tractor engines, our country has consistently ranked first in the world.
    The expansion of chemicalization in agriculture is the widespread use of mineral fertilizers, lime, gypsum, synthetic films, pesticides and herbicides. The USSR also ranks first in the world in the production of mineral fertilizers. By 1980, it is planned to bring the supply of mineral fertilizers to agriculture to 115 million tons, chemical plant protection products - up to 628 thousand tons, by 1985 - mineral fertilizers to 135-140 million tons.
    Before agriculture, the task was set to continue in on a large scale land reclamation, that is, their radical improvement. It is designed to improve water-air and other soil regimes, as well as land use.
    Land reclamation in our country began to develop especially rapidly after the May (1966) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. For ten years (1966-1975) the area of ​​irrigated and drained agricultural land in the country increased by 1.7 times and in 1975 amounted to more than 25 million hectares, and in 1974 and 1975. more than 1 million hectares of irrigated lands were put into operation annually. No state in the world has known such rates.
    For 10 years, 16 million hectares of fodder lands and arable land have been improved through cultural and technical work: removal of stones, destruction of undergrowth, shrubs, as well as planning and other works. Anti-erosion, land reclamation work and others are being carried out on a large scale.
    During the years of the tenth five-year plan, it is planned to put into operation 4 million hectares of irrigated lands at the expense of state capital investments and drain 4.7 million hectares. It is planned to water 37.6 million hectares of pastures in desert, semi-desert and mountain regions.
    The intensification of agriculture is also carried out through the development and improvement of the components of the farming system (see the chapter "Farming Systems"), the introduction into production of the achievements of agricultural science and best practices in the field of agricultural technology, the protection of cultivated plants from pests, diseases and weeds, the selection and seed production of cultivated plants , economics, management and organization of agricultural production. The intensification of agriculture is also facilitated by the strengthening of agriculture by qualified specialists, especially highly qualified specialists, who actively influence the efficiency of agricultural science and production.
    In our time, the process of intensification goes further. Specialization and concentration of agricultural production are developing more rapidly, and inter-farm cooperation in the countryside is being further developed.
    The resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures for the further development of agriculture in the Non-Chernozem zone of the RSFSR" (1974) and "On the land reclamation plan for 1976-1980 and measures to improve the use of reclaimed lands" (1976) say that ensuring high rates of development of agriculture on the basis of its intensification, comprehensive mechanization, extensive land reclamation and chemicalization of land, the use of the achievements of science, technology and best practices is a national task.

    The value of fruit and berry crops in human life

    1. Fruit growing as a branch of crop production and as a science

    Fruit growing is a branch of crop production in which the objects of culture are fruit trees and berry plants that provide people with food and the fruit processing industry with raw materials ...

    Innovative attractiveness of agricultural production in the Kaluga region

    2.2 Crop production

    Crop production is increasing, mainly due to the increase in private enterprises. It is profitable for private enterprises to invest in innovations in order to reduce the cost of production in order to obtain greater profits ...

    Organizational and production structure of the Kalinin collective farm

    5. Crop production

    Features of crop production. Primary processing and transportation of milk


    Crop production is the science of cultivated plants and methods of growing them in order to obtain high yields of the best quality with the lowest labor and cost ...

    Breeding and zootechnical discount in KSUP "Ganuta-Agro"

    2. Crop production and fodder base

    Crop production on the farm is an auxiliary industry producing feed for livestock. Data on sown areas and their structure, as well as data on the yield of grain and fodder crops are presented in Table 4. Table 4…

    Fruit growing as a science. Peace in fruit crops

    eleven). Fruit growing as a science and a branch of agricultural production

    Fruit growing is a science that studies the basic laws of the structure, growth, development, reproduction, fruiting and agricultural technology of fruit and berry crops. The task of the science of fruit growing is to create a theoretical basis ...

    Origin and modern geography potato production


    Plant growing as a branch of agricultural production

    eleven). Plant growing as a branch of agricultural production

    Crop production is a branch of agriculture, the main task of which is to grow plants to obtain products that satisfy the human need for food, animal feed, raw materials for the processing industry ...

    Land transformation

    1.5 Crop production

    Crop production is the basic branch of agricultural production. Among the branches of crop production, grain farming is the most important. It forms the food fund and supplies fodder grain to animal husbandry ...


    §1. Plant growing as a science, object of study, connection with other sciences

    Crop production is a branch of agriculture engaged in the cultivation of crops to obtain products that satisfy human needs for food, animal feed, raw materials for the processing industry.

    Plant growing includes field growing, vegetable growing, horticulture, viticulture, fodder production, forestry. as scientific and academic discipline Crop production studies only a group of crops that is part of the field crop sub-sector: cereal families Bluegrass, legumes, tubers, fodder root crops, spinning, oilseeds, essential oil, perennial and annual grasses and some other crops grown on arable land.

    The number of cultivated globe plant species exceeds 20 thousand.

    The most important are 640 species, of which about 90 belong to the field culture. They are included in the field of study of plant growing as a science.

    The objects of crop production as a science and an agricultural branch are plants and their requirements for the main environmental factors, as well as methods and techniques for meeting these requirements in order to obtain a high yield of good quality.

    The purpose of cultivation is to obtain a quality crop.

    Almost all environmental factors- physical and chemical composition soil, its moisture supply and aeration, wind speed, temperature and insolation dynamics, air humidity, etc.

    Therefore, in order to optimize the conditions for growing a particular crop and variety in specific environmental conditions, the plant breeder must take into account the state of all these factors. The influence of environmental factors on the level and quality of the crop is manifested mainly through the soil and cultivation technology.

    To achieve a quality harvest, crop production integrates the knowledge of fundamental and applied sciences.

    In order to know the biology of a plant, it is necessary to study the systematics, ecology, physiology, biochemistry and genetics of plants, selection and seed production. To meet the requirements of the bioecology of a crop, to optimize the conditions for its cultivation, it is necessary to have complete information about the soil, to study geology, mineralogy, soil science, microbiology, agrochemistry, hydrology, melioration.

    In addition, it is necessary to have knowledge of meteorology, geodesy, land management, and agriculture. To protect cultivated plants from harmful organisms, it is necessary to know entomology, phytopathology, chemical methods of protection against weeds, pests and diseases.

    Plant growing conditions are regulated by technological methods. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the economic aspects of crop production - economics, organization, management. Finally, the crop must be processed and brought to the consumer. All these sciences are difficult to master without knowledge of mathematics, physics, inorganic, organic, analytical, physical and colloidal chemistry.

    Therefore, in order to master the science of managing the growth and development of plants, the size and quality of the crop, it is necessary to integrate the knowledge of many fundamental and applied sciences.

    Classification and origin of cultivated plants

    In the evolution of plants, the ecological conditions of the area of ​​their origin have a decisive influence on the formation of the genotype.

    All cultivated plants are divided into two groups according to the type of photoperiodism: cultures of short-day photoperiodism, which formed as species in the tropical and subtropical zone, where in summer the day length is close to the length of the night (short day), and cultures of long-day photoperiodism, which formed in the mid-latitude zone ( temperate zone), the zone of a long summer day.

    In the tropical and subtropical zones, the intensity of insolation and temperature regime is higher than in northern latitudes, the temperature here never limits the growth and development of plants.

    At high temperature tension, the top layer of soil dries up quickly, but the plants have adapted to this: in the first growing season, they send most of the assimilants to root system so that the roots can reach the moist soil layer. This is of great agrotechnical importance. Long-day weeds, growing intensively from the first phases of development, drown out short-day crops, and it is impossible to get a good harvest without weeding and herbicides.

    In the northern latitudes, where types of long-day photoperiodism have formed, the intensity of the temperature regime is lower, the duration of the growing season is often limited by the duration of the frost-free period.

    The same factor limits the amount of active temperatures, and the more, the higher the northern parallel. The growing season of short-day crops here is also limited by the last date of the return of spring cold weather and the onset of autumn frosts. In the northern latitudes, due to the lower intensity of the temperature regime, the upper horizon of the soil dries out more slowly, and long-day species, including weeds, rapidly increase the above-ground vegetative mass from the first phases of development.

    Long-day crops are more competitive with respect to weeds than short-day crops.

    The soils of the zone of formation of short-day crops, as a rule, are medium and heavy in granulometric composition, have a neutral or alkaline reaction of the medium, are rich in monovalent and divalent cations, therefore short-day crops require neutral or slightly acidic soils with a high capacity of the soil absorbing complex (SAC).

    In the northern latitudes, soils are often light in texture, slightly acidic and acidic, with a low content of the main elements of mineral nutrition. Therefore, long-day crops better withstand acidic soils that are not rich in nutrients (although they realize their potential productivity on slightly acidic and neutral soils rich in nutrients).

    It has been established that with the advance of short-day crops to the north, the duration of their growing season and the accumulation of vegetative mass increase, and with the advance of long-day crops to the north, on the contrary, the vegetation period is reduced and the phytomass decreases.

    For the passage of each interphase period of ontogeny, a plant needs a certain amount of active temperatures.

    The active temperature is considered to be the lower temperature threshold at which all physiological processes in the plant proceed normally. A temperature of +10 °C is conventionally taken as such a threshold. For ontogenesis, each species and variety requires its own sum of active temperatures, determined by the genotype.

    Knowing the sum of active temperatures of a variety, one can accurately determine the area of ​​stable ripening of its seeds, knowing the sum of temperatures for each interphase period, it is possible to predict the onset of each phase of development with a high degree of reliability.

    For example, for soybeans of southern varieties, from germination to budding, the sum of active temperatures of 1500 ° C is required. Until the plants reach this sum of temperatures, they will not go into the generative period, and the products of photosynthesis will be directed to the growth of the vegetative mass. From the budding phase to the formation of fruits (beans), the sum of active temperatures of another 400 ° C is required, and in total these varieties require 3500 ° C for ontogenesis.

    Where the sum of active temperatures is less than this value, soybean will form a vegetative mass.

    For long-day crops, not only the sum of active temperatures is important, but also the length of daylight hours.

    With an increase in the length of the day, the interphase periods are reduced, and, consequently, the time for the accumulation of the mass of vegetative organs; the growing season is shortened, but the mass of plants is reduced.

    Thus, the type of plant, its genotype are a reflection of the environmental conditions of the zone of its formation.

    The more extreme conditions a species has formed, the less requirements it imposes on growing conditions. The farther a species is cultivated from its area of ​​origin, the greater the number of basic environmental factors a person has to correct with agrotechnical methods, the more money to spend per unit of production of this species.

    An alternative to this provision may be the creation of a variety whose biology is changed compared to the original form and corresponds to the parameters of the main environmental factors of the zone for which the variety was created.

    Therefore, in order to find out what the requirements of a culture are for growing conditions, it is necessary to know the ecological conditions of the species formation zone.

    N.I. Vavilov in 1935 identified eight main centers of origin and introduction to the culture of species: 1 - Chinese (East Asian); 2 - Indian (Southwest Asian), including Indo-Malay; 3 - Central Asian; 4 - Western Asian; 5 - Mediterranean; 6 - Abyssinian (Ethiopian); 7 - Central American; 8 - South American, including Chilean and Brazilian-Paraguayan.

    With the accumulation of factual material on cultivated plants and their ancestors, the boundaries of the centers were refined. N.I. Vavilov considered it more correct to call them the centers of origin of cultivated plants, while highlighting the centers of genetic diversity and the centers of morphogenesis. P.M. Zhukovsky gives the following classification of centers of genetic diversity of cultivated plants:

    Sino-Japanese (East Asian, according to N.I. Vavilov), including the temperate and subtropical regions of China, Korea, Japan, is the birthplace of soybean, soft wheat, millet, chumiza, paisa, buckwheat, etc.

    2. Indonesian-South Chinese (South Asian tropical, according to N.I. Vavilov) - the birthplace of oats, wild oats, sugar cane and many tropical fruit and vegetable crops.

    3. Australian - motherland wild species rice, Australian cotton, underground clover, tobacco, eucalyptus, and many woody tropical plants.

    Hindustan (N.I. Vavilov included it in the South Asian Tropical) is the birthplace of rice, round grain wheat, sugar cane, Asian species of cotton, vegetable and fruit plants.

    5. Central Asian (according to N.I. Vavilov, South-West Asian), which includes the territories of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as the Western Tien Shan and Afghanistan.

    It is closely connected with the Central Asian focus. Here crops of peas, fodder beans, lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, hemp, Afghan rye, safflower, melon, some types of cotton, and other perennial plants arose.

    6. Western Asia (Mountain Turkmenistan, Iran, Transcaucasia, Asia Minor and the states of the Arabian Peninsula) - the birthplace of a number of types of wheat, barley, rye, oats, peas, alfalfa, creeping flax and many vegetable and fruit crops.

    The Mediterranean (according to N.I. Vavilov) includes Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Greece, Italy and other countries adjacent to the Mediterranean - the birthplace of oats, some types of wheat, barley, most species leguminous plants, creeping clover, red clover, flax, cabbage, beets, carrots, swedes, radishes, onions, garlic, poppy seeds, white mustard, etc.

    African (together with Abyssinian, according to N.I. Vavilov) is the birthplace of sorghum, African millet, castor beans, African rice, a number of wheat species, some legumes, oil palm, sesame, coffee, kola nut, some types of cotton, etc.

    9. European-Siberian - the birthplace of fiber flax, hybrid and creeping clover, variable and sowing alfalfa, hops, wild hemp, kendyr, and other fruit and vegetable plants.

    Middle American, which includes Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Pana-

    ma, - the primary focus of the culture of corn, long-staple cotton, beans, pumpkins, zucchini, sweet potato, some types of potatoes, shag, pepper, etc.

    South American (according to N.I. Vavilov, Andean) - the birthplace of cultivated potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, perennial barley, popcorn, etc.

    12. North American - the birthplace of some types of barley, lupins, herbaceous perennial sunflower species, many vegetable and fruit plants.

    In world agriculture, the dominant position is occupied by field crops, which include about 90 plant species.

    Each of the species differs in morphological, botanical, economic features. For convenience of study, field crops are usually divided into groups, taking into account the most characteristic features(artificial classification systems): according to the characteristics of cultivation (I.A. Stebut), according to the use (D.N. Pryanishnikov), the nature of the use of the main product (V.N. Stepanov, P.P. Vavilov), botanical and biological features of the species (tab.

    Table 14

    Production and botanical-biological grouping

    (classification) field crops

    Group of crops by use




    1. Cereal bluegrass

    Cereal legumes

    3. Buckwheat

    Wheat, rye, oats, barley, triticale

    Corn, millet, rice, sorghum

    Peas, broad beans, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, beans, lupins


    4. Root crops

    5. Tubers


    7. Kale

    Sugar beet, fodder beet, swede, carrot, turnip

    Potato, Jerusalem artichoke

    Watermelon, pumpkin, melon


    forage grasses

    Oilseeds and essential oils

    perennial legumes

    5. Perennial Bluegrass Herbs

    6. Annual legumes

    7. Annual bluegrass herbs

    8.Non-traditional fodder plants

    9. Oilseeds

    10. Essential oil

    Clover, alfalfa, sweet clover, bird's-foot, eastern goat's rue, sainfoin, perennial lupine

    Timothy grass, hedgehog, brome, fescue, wheatgrass, foxtail, ryegrass, wheatgrass

    Vika, pelyushka, seradella, crimson clover, shabdar

    Sudan grass, mogar, chaff

    Leuzea, comfrey, hogweed, sylphia, mountaineer, mallow, oil radish

    Sunflower, safflower, rapeseed, mustard, camelina, castor bean, sesame, peanut

    Coriander, anise, cumin, mint, sage


    Plants with fiber on seeds

    16. Bast fiber


    Flax, hemp, kenaf


    17. Narcotic and hops

    Tobacco, shag, hops

    Factors determining the growth and development of cultivated plants

    A complex of environmental factors influences the growth, development of plants, yield and its quality. At the same time, none of the factors can be replaced by another; in terms of their physiological action, they all have equal value for plant life (the law of equivalence of factors).

    For example, low light cannot be replaced by high temperature, excess potassium does not compensate for the lack of phosphorus.

    Plant growing as a science

    In addition, the growth, development of plants, yield and its quality are limited by a factor that is at a minimum (the law of the minimum).

    All physiological processes in the plant will be active and they will realize their potential productivity if the parameters of each environmental factor are optimal (optimum law).

    An excess of each factor is just as harmful as its deficiency. For example, excess water leads to a decrease in soil aeration, and oxygen becomes a limiting factor; an excess of divalent calcium acts as an antagonist of the potassium cation even with an increased content of this element in the soil.

    Some of the factors influencing plants can be regulated by a person - varietal qualities, weediness of crops, damage by diseases and pests, provision of nutrients, soil pH, some can only be partially regulated - humus content and moisture content of the soil, PPK capacity, wind and water erosion, etc. ., some cannot be regulated - the sum of active temperatures, the duration of the frost-free period, relief, the amount of precipitation, etc.

    (parameters of unregulated factors are determined by the geographical area).

    That's why main task crop production is to minimize, with the help of regulated factors, the negative impact of unregulated and partially regulated factors on the growth, development of plants, yield and its quality.

    For example, for the conditions of a short duration of the growing season and a low sum of active temperatures, crops and varieties with the corresponding requirements of biology are selected; the insufficient content of nutrients in the soil is replenished by the use of organic and mineral macro- and microfertilizers; to reduce the infestation of crops, damage to plants by diseases and damage by pests, agrotechnical, chemical and biological methods of pest control are used.

    The role of the plant protection system against weeds, pests and diseases in agriculture.

    A great reserve for increasing the yield of agricultural crops and improving its quality is competent, well-organized protection of plants from pests, diseases and weeds. At the same time, a close combination or integration of chemical, biological, agronomic and other methods of plant protection is necessary, taking into account the current economic situation.

    World experience shows that any of the currently known farming systems under the conditions of the highest and most promising form of agricultural intensification is impossible without organized plant protection, as a factor that determines constantly high yields.

    In the conditions of large specialized farms, agro-industrial associations, against the background of extensive land reclamation, a sharply increased supply of agriculture with mineral and organic fertilizers, energy capacities, annual losses from pests, diseases and weeds are still large and reach 20-30% of the gross crop, and for some cultures and more.

    All modern agricultural enterprises cannot count on stable profitable work if they do not provide reliable and effective protection of cultivated crops. And it is quite obvious that with the further intensification of agricultural production, the role of plant protection will increase, since along with the creation of more favorable conditions for plant growth, better conditions are created for the development and reproduction of harmful organisms.

    Naturally, without solving the problems of plant protection, it is impossible to seriously consider the tasks of increasing the efficiency of the stability of agricultural production.

    Timiryazev considered the study of the requirements of cultivated plants and the development of ways to meet them to be the main task of scientific agriculture. These methods should be directed primarily to the development of the plant in the direction necessary for the farmer, for example, to obtain the maximum number of seeds of good quality or to develop vegetative organs (stem and leaves), to obtain root crops, etc.

    Developing Timiryazev's teaching on the relationship between plant physiology and agriculture, D.N. Pryanishnikov considered the objects of study of physiology - the properties of plants, soil science and meteorology - the properties of the environment, and agriculture - ways to harmonize these properties by influencing mainly the soil and the plant.

    2. Plant growing as a science

    V.R. Williams saw the main task of agriculture "in providing cultivated plants continuously throughout the entire period of their life with the simultaneous maximum availability of assimilable water and assimilable food in the soil" .

    The laws of agriculture are a particular expression of the laws of nature, manifested in the agricultural process.

    They reveal the natural connections of a developing plant with environmental conditions. At the same time, they determine the paths for the development of the most important branches of agricultural production, which must proceed in strict accordance with the requirements of the laws of agriculture.

    The law of return was discovered in the middle of the 19th century by the founder of agricultural chemistry Yu.

    Liebig. It is formulated as follows: all substances used by plants in the formation of the crop must be completely returned to the soil with fertilizers. Violation of this law sooner or later leads to the loss of soil fertility.

    In principle, posing the question of the need to return biologically important elements, and not all the elements removed from the soil by the harvest, is correct and progressive.

    This was repeatedly emphasized by K. Marx, K.A. Timiryazev, D.N. Pryanishnikov, who noted that the doctrine of the need to return a substance to the soil is one of the greatest achievements of agricultural science.

    The history of crop production is closely connected with the development of natural science, agriculture and agronomy). The beginnings of crop production as a science can, apparently, be considered the first records of agriculture. IN Ancient Rome Among the works of this kind should be attributed "Agriculture" by Cato the Elder (234-149 BC).

    e.). In Russia, the development of scientific plant growing is associated with the names of M. V. Lomonosov, I. M. Komov, A. T. Bolotov, A. V. Sovetov, A. N. Engelgardt, D. I. Mendeleev, I. A. Stebut, V. V. Dokuchaev, P. A. Kostychev and many other scientists. Outstanding works on introduction of page - x. plants, the creation of the world collection of cultivated plants belongs to N.

    I. Vavilov.

    The rapid intensification of agricultural production has created favorable conditions for the development of research in crop production and the introduction of advanced agricultural technology. cultures. Based on scientific data and experience of advanced farms:

    • recommendations have been developed for the introduction and development of crop rotations in relation to soil and climatic conditions and cultivated crops,
    • the degree of efficiency of fertilizers is established,
    • the optimal doses, methods and terms of their application for different crops and varieties in the main soil-climatic zones of the country are substantiated, recommendations are given for their use,
    • complex fertilizers with an optimal combination of nutrients for various agricultural crops have been introduced.

      crops and varieties.

    Under the guidance of plant breeders P. P. Lukyanenko, V. N. Remeslo, V. S. Pustovoit, F. G., and others, many new varieties of grain crops have been created and improved. Forms of wheat of hybrid origin are derived as a result of crossing:

    • wheat with wheatgrass (N.

      V. Tsitsin),

    • rye with wheat (V. E. Pisarev).

    Highly lysine hybrids of corn (M.I. Khadzhinov, G.S. Galeev, B.P. Sokolov) and barley varieties (P.F. Garkavy), varieties of one-seeded sugar beet and polyhybrids of this crop, wilt-resistant varieties of cotton have been obtained. Scientists-potato growers are introducing agricultural techniques into production that increase the starch content of potatoes.

    High-yielding varieties of potatoes created by A. G. Lorkh, I. A. Veselovsky, N. I. Alsmik and others are widespread.

    Vegetable breeders have developed new intervarietal hybrids of cucumbers, onions, and cabbages. Varieties of vegetable crops have been created for the Far North, deserts and semi-deserts, for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. Using the Michurin breeding methods, gardeners have bred many valuable varieties of fruit, berry crops and grapes for various natural zones of the USSR.

    The studies begun by N. I. Vavilov on the immunity of plants to diseases and damage by insects are being successfully carried out (MS Dunin, P. M. Zhukovsky, and others). Varieties of sunflower resistant against moths and broomrape, potatoes - against phytophthora and cancer, fiber flax - against rust, etc. have been bred.

    Along with the creation of varieties of agricultural - x.

    intensive crops, much attention is paid to the development of agrotechnical methods that contribute to a more complete realization of the potential of new varieties and the maximum use of soil fertility.

    Given the fact that Russia has vast areas located in various climatic zones, agriculture in the country does not specialize in a particular crop, but can provide itself with almost all types of products.

    All regions with developed agriculture produce certain crops. So, Altai region specialized in the production of rapeseed, soybean and sunflower.

    And the economic association "Gardens of Altai" produces large volumes of fruits and berries. At the same time, huge areas in the Altai Territory are currently not used. The Rostov region provides the country with rice, millet and corn. Sunflower, potatoes, sugar beet are grown in the Voronezh region.

    We can say that the development of crop production in Russia is on the path of maximum diversification.

    Russian consumers do not depend on one specific manufacturer. And this, in turn, gives confidence that even under emergency circumstances, Russian farmers will be able to provide the population with food in sufficient quantities. Altai Krai is a traditional producer of grain, milk, meat, sugar beet, sunflower, oil flax, fiber flax, hops, rapeseed and soybeans are also grown here.

    Arhangelsk region.

    The main crops are potatoes and vegetables.


    SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY – SUMMARY – Plant growing as a science

    Wheat, rye, oats, barley (grain crops) and sugar beet, sunflower (industrial crops) are grown. Ivanovo region. The leading industry is represented by flax growing, potato growing and forestry.

    Rostov region. Of paramount importance in its structure is grain farming, under which about half of the sown area is occupied. The main grain crop is winter wheat. Crops of corn, rice, millet, buckwheat and other cereal crops, and soybeans are widespread.

    Sunflower is the leading industrial crop. Horticulture and viticulture have been established on an industrial basis. Large areas are occupied by vegetable growing.

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    Research methods in crop production

    In order to obtain high and stable yields of field crops, it is necessary to conduct appropriate research, as well as to process the information received by plant breeders, soil scientists, agrochemists, and agrometeorologists.

    The analysis and generalization of these materials provide for the widespread introduction of electronic computers in crop production, as well as the training of appropriate personnel.

    In crop research, various methods are used: field, laboratory, laboratory-field, vegetative, production.

    When setting up experiments, observations and methods developed by agrometeorology, agrochemistry, biochemistry, soil science, physiology, biophysics, plant development biology, and genetics are widely used.


    The main method of research in crop production is a field experiment, since only as a result of a field experiment with a particular species, variety, it is possible to draw a definite conclusion, for example, about the response of a variety to terms, seeding rates at one or another point of the study and other conclusions that have applied value.

    According to this method, experiments are carried out in a field environment close to production conditions.

    Field agricultural experience - a study carried out in a field setting on a specially designated area. The main task of the field experiment is to establish the differences between the variants of the experiment, quantification the influence of life factors, conditions or methods of cultivation on the yield of plants and its quality.

    No matter how valuable the observations, the results of laboratory, vegetation and lysimetric experiments, before drawing conclusions from them and recommendations for production (if such can be offered at all), they should be verified under the conditions of a comparative field experiment.

    All this makes the field experiment the main, most important method of research in field crops, meadow growing, vegetable growing, and fruit growing.

    Field experience links theoretical research in agronomy with agricultural practice. The results of field experiments and generalizations of practical observations can be a fairly convincing basis for the widespread introduction of new means of increasing yields - agricultural practices, new varieties, fertilizers, etc.

    Field experiments are carried out in several repetitions on the same site to level the differences caused by the soil microrelief.

    The results of field experiments are subjected to variation-statistical processing.


    Field experiments are divided into two large groups: 1) agrotechnical; 2) experiments on variety testing of agricultural crops.

    The main task of agrotechnical experiments is a comparative objective assessment of the effect of various life factors, conditions, cultivation methods or their combinations on the crop yield and its quality.

    This group includes, for example, field experiments on the study of tillage, predecessors, fertilizers, methods of controlling weeds, diseases and pests, sowing rates and dates, etc.

    Variety testing experiments, where genetically different plants are compared under the same conditions, serve to objectively evaluate varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops.

    Based on these experiments, the most productive, valuable in quality and resistant varieties and hybrids are zoned and introduced into agricultural production.

    According to the place of conducting, field experiments are subdivided, laid down on plots or experimental fields specially organized and adapted for these purposes, and field experiments conducted in a production environment - on collective farms and state farms in the fields of economic crop rotations.

    Experiments are called single if they are laid in separate points, independent of each other, according to various schemes.

    If field experiments of the same content are carried out simultaneously according to agreed schemes and methods in different soil-climatic and economic conditions, on a country, region or district scale, then they are called mass or geographical.

    According to the duration of the field experiments are divided into short-term, long-term and long-term.

    Short-term experiences include experiences lasting from 3 to 10 years. They may be non-stationary. The first ones are laid annually according to the same scheme with the same culture and are repeated in time, usually 3-4 years. For long-term - experiences of 10-50 years and long-term more than 50 years.

    LABORATORY AND FIELD EXPERIENCES. A variation of the field research method is laboratory and field experiments.

    Their peculiarity is the small size of the plots with an increased number of repetitions, combined with an in-depth study of plants and soil in the laboratory. This method is of particular importance in studying the effect of new types and forms of fertilizers on plants, as well as in a detailed morpho-physiological analysis of plant growth and organogenesis, in particular, for establishing correlations between plant development and the action of various environmental factors or agricultural practices.

    The laboratory-field method is used to study the characteristics of plant response to environmental conditions, to the supply of nutrients in the study of soil response, the role of microorganisms and other issues.

    This method opens up wide possibilities for the use of isotope analysis, continuous recording of growth processes, radiography of internal organs of plants at different stages of organogenesis, as well as for studying the response of plants to the action of various sources ionizing radiation (on gamma fields).

    Preliminary information, less costly than field experience, can be obtained from laboratory and vegetative experiments.

    These experiments are carried out in a small area with a large number of options. As a result of their implementation, it is possible to select the most effective options, which are further studied in the field.


    No less widely used in crop production is the vegetative method, in which plants are grown in vegetation houses, in special vessels (soil or water crops).

    In recent years, along with growing houses, photoperiodic cameras, luminescent installations, and phytotrons are used, in which the influence of various conditions (duration of photoperiods, spectral composition, light intensity, temperature regime, and others) on the life processes of plants is studied.


    Study of plant life and the dynamics of soil processes in special lysimeters, which allow taking into account the movement and balance of moisture and nutrients in natural conditions.

    The lysimetric method differs from the vegetative method in that the study of plant life and soil properties is carried out in the field, in special lysimeters, where the soil is fenced off on all sides (from the sides and below) from the surrounding soil and subsoil. The main condition that determines the design of the lysimeter is devices that make it possible to study the infiltration of water and substances dissolved in it.

    The thickness of the layer in the lysimeter can vary over a wide range - from the depth of the arable layer to 1-2 m.

    Lysimetric experiments are used in agriculture, land reclamation, soil science, agrometeorology, physiology, agrochemistry and breeding to clarify such issues as the water balance under various crops, the leaching and movement of nutrients by atmospheric precipitation and irrigation water, the determination of transpiration coefficients in a natural setting, etc.

    Depending on the method of filling with soil, lysimeters with soil of natural structure and lysimeters with bulk soil are distinguished.

    The materials from which lysimeters are made can be very diverse - concrete and brick lysimeters with a volume of 1-2 m3 are made for long-term use; metal - with a radius of 10 to 40-50 cm and the so-called lysimetric funnels with a diameter of 25-50 cm.

    2. Plant growing as a science

    There may be other designs of lysimeters.

    In lysimeters, it is much easier to keep records of moisture and nutrients in the soil and plants growing on it. However, the complete separation of the soil in lysimeters from the underlying layers undoubtedly creates a different nutrient and water-air regime in them than under normal field conditions.

    LABORATORY EXPERIMENT. Laboratory experiment - a study carried out in a laboratory setting in order to establish the action and interaction of factors on the objects under study.

    Laboratory experiments are carried out both in normal (room) and artificial strictly regulated conditions - in thermostats, boxes and climatic chambers, which allow you to strictly control light, temperature, air humidity and other factors. Many important agronomic questions are successfully resolved precisely by the method of laboratory experiment.

    For example, in seed science, a laboratory experiment is widely used to determine the optimal conditions for seed germination, to assess the influence of biological properties and quality of seeds on their germination. Laboratory experiments on germinating seeds and plant seedlings are used in studies with fertilizers, pesticides and growth regulators.

    PRODUCTION EXPERIENCE. One of the forms of the field method of research is the production experiment, which is carried out on collective farms and state farms.

    The results of these experiments make it possible to establish the economic feasibility of cultivating a particular crop with certain methods of agricultural technology being developed.

    Production agricultural experience is a complex, scientifically posed research that is carried out directly in production conditions and meets the specific tasks of the material production itself, its continuous development and improvement.

    Production experience is carried out on a large area (from one to several tens of hectares), should be considered as a synthetic method for studying issues of crop production.

    It includes best options experience gained from the field experience. Production experience can be set up with or without repetitions, but always with plots of the control variant. The elements of agricultural technology already worked out in the conditions of production are taken for control. A successful production experience can be simultaneously considered as the result of the introduction of scientific achievements into agricultural production, since, as a rule, it then spreads over large areas.

    When conducting field and laboratory-field studies, phenological and agrometeorological observations are essential.

    However phenological observations do not completely reveal the course of individual development of plants in interphase periods, when complex processes of development and growth take place and not only the structure, but also the quantitative characteristics of each organ are determined.

    MORPHO-PHYSIOLOGICAL METHOD. The deepening of research on the identification of the patterns of development and growth of plants required the development of an analysis technique that would cover the entire process of individual plant development.

    This method, called morphophysiological, has now been developed and is already being used by a number of research institutes and departments.

    It consists in systematic observations of the processes of differentiation of rudimentary organs. At the same time, anatomical, cytochemical analyzes of tissues and cells of each of the organs developing at one stage or another are periodically carried out. Morphophysiological methods of research served as the basis for the development of a method of biological control over the development and growth of plants (F.

    M. Kuperman, 1952-1973).

    Modern plant growing has a wide arsenal of various analytical and synthetic methods that make it possible to consider the plant and soil in their relationship with the entire complex of agrotechnical measures.

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    Agriculture is a branch of agricultural production based on the rational use of land for the purpose of growing crops. It is divided into a number of sub-sectors: field farming - studies the methods of growing field crops (cereals, fodder, technical, melons); vegetable growing; fruit growing, meadow growing, etc. The task of agriculture as a branch of agricultural production is to obtain (at present and in the future) the maximum amount of high-quality crop products per unit of agricultural land at the lowest cost and economically beneficial to the producer. The most important feature of agriculture is the fact that here production is organically connected with the use of soil and natural environment. Moreover, the soil is the main indispensable means of production. In agriculture, the results of production largely depend on the properties of the soil, its fertility and location. This largely determines the location of agricultural production in the country and the specialization of farms. Farming technology directly depends on the specific natural conditions. Large differences in natural, climatic and economic conditions in individual zones, regions of the country have a significant impact on the specialization of farms, on the features of mechanization, chemicalization of agriculture, and reclamation work. Thus, the task of agriculture as a branch of agricultural production is to provide plants with all factors growth and development, and agriculture as a science - to develop methods for their most productive use.


    March 2019

    On March 26, 2019, state inspectors of the border veterinary control department at the State Border of the Russian Federation and transport of the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for the Republic of Tatarstan inspected and processed the cargo controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision:

    March 26, 2019 by state inspectors of the border veterinary control department at the State Border Russian Federation and transport of the Office of the Rosselkhoznadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan at the Kazan International Airport, 15 flights were inspected. During the inspection of hand luggage and luggage of arriving foreign air passengers, a controlled product illegally imported into Russia was detected and seized:

    Specialists of the Department of State Veterinary Supervision of the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for the Republic of Tatarstan regularly check vehicles transporting animals on highways.

    Specialists of the Department of State Veterinary Supervision of the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration for the Republic of Tatarstan regularly check vehicles transporting animals on highways. At the veterinary post of the Tsivilsk-Ulyanovsk highway, a car transporting a bull without accompanying veterinary documents was inspected. The bull was transported from Chuvash Republic in the Drozhzhanovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. By their actions, the person carrying the cargo violated the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589 "On approval of the veterinary Rules for the organization of work on the execution of veterinary accompanying documents, the procedure for issuing veterinary accompanying documents in electronic form and the procedure for issuing veterinary accompanying documents on paper" and Law of the Russian Federation No. 4979-1 “On Veterinary Medicine”.


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