Name for a wood processing plant. Wood processing methods. Do I need to hire workers in the carpentry shop

- common, but far from the most effective practice. Yes, wood decomposes faster than plastic, for example, it burns well, however, this waste has great potential for subsequent use.

Recycled wood has a variety of uses. Depending on the types of its processing, wood is obtained from:

  • turpentine, coal and acetic acid, if it has been chemically processed - by hydrolysis;
  • during the mechanical processing of wood, wood chips are formed, from which a building material is obtained - chipboard. and , are also the result of such processing.

The mechanical process is simpler and less expensive.

Shredder-shredder with BEAR CAT SC5720B +PSM. Mobile, high performance.

To the main processing equipment wood waste, relate different kind shredders:

  • Shredders are capable of shredding waste regardless of its original size. Horizontal, designed for processing small waste, and vertical - for larger ones. sharpness cutting knives shredder, significantly affects the quality and speed of the grinding process.
  • Slow-speed shredders are less speedy, but no less reliable at the same time, and are often used in production.
  • Briquetting press, produces briquettes for fuel. In the future, the product of their combustion is an excellent element for fertilizer. Distinctive characteristic such a press is the ability to work with different types of raw materials, whether wood or paper.
  • Silos are necessary in large workshops, as they provide storage and transportation of material.

TO additional equipment relate :

  • A planer that removes the surface from both sides of the wood, thus preparing it for the next processing process.
  • Milling machines are used for additional work on wood. After processing wood on such a machine, chips are formed, which is another material for processing.
  • Peeling machines do not produce chips in the course of their work, but thanks to them, veneer is produced.
  • Debarkers are used to remove the bark from wood, in two stages: a light and deeper process of cleaning the wood.

Wood processing plants produce: charcoal, briquettes, and wood waste is also processed into gas.

Utilization and processing of sawdust, wood chips

Many enterprises simply burn sawdust, although there is another more rational way. Fuel briquettes can be made from sawdust and wood chips. In terms of energy release, they are comparable to firewood.

There are several ways to process sawdust.

For sawdust processing, screw pressing lines are used. They work for natural gas and diesel fuel and electricity.

The method is popular when using. This method has good performance and small overall dimensions of the equipment.

Pressing takes place without the addition of glue. The advantage of this is that the subsequent combustion of the briquette takes place without the release of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

Automatic sawdust and shavings press. Stationary, high-performance and automated. Much more efficient and productive than homemade hand presses.

In private and public utilities, special equipment is used for crushing tree branches, which is attached to a tractor or machine through a special shaft. The performance of such a device reaches approximately 6 cubic meters per hour. Sawdust is pressed right on the spot. In this way, an environmentally friendly and ready-to-use product is obtained.

There is another way to use sawdust as a fertilizer for the soil. Sawdust and shavings are also used as raw materials for the manufacture of building materials, and in chemical production for the manufacture of technical fluids, alcohols, solvents and other materials.

Often, other wood waste (for example,) is processed into sawdust and wood chips for further processing.

A very popular way of processing wood is in special.

Wood processing line

Ecological approach to consumed natural resources allows them to be recycled. A significant part of the recycling segment is occupied by wood processing. This process can be carried out in several ways: chemical, mechanical, mechano-chemical. The choice of technological method will depend on the planned end product of such processing.

  1. The mechanical change in the original type of wood occurs in the way of its grinding, sawing, milling, turning, splitting, peeling, drilling or planing. The result of processing is lumber or fibrous semi-finished products. If wood fibers are pressed under high pressure, the result will be the production of pellets - fuel pellets with extreme energy concentration.
  2. The combination of mechanical change with chemical change gives a homogeneous product from wood - chips, crushed wood and veneer, from which modified wood is subsequently made. The intermediate wood product (obtained by mechanical means) is subjected to polymerization by means of a synthetic binding ingredient under the action of pressure and a certain temperature. This is how plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, OSB are produced.
  3. Purely chemical method processing with alkali or acid is used to obtain gum, solvents, tanning agents, rosin from wood, components of fillers for varnishes, bitumen, and also as a raw material in paper production.

Choice specialized equipment involved in multi-variant wood processing lines is huge. Therefore, the capacity should be completed in accordance with the planned end result.

I would especially like to draw attention to the production of wood chips, or the "building stone" of the future (as it is otherwise called). Being the basis for the integrated waste-free use of forest resources, it opens up new opportunities for the recycling and utilization of any type of wood.

The line for processing wood into chips is the most in demand in this segment of production.

Due to its mobility and compactness, such an installation can be used at all stages of harvesting and wood processing (starting with grinding directly to clearings and ending with the processing of waste from large woodworking complexes).

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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Wood processing as a business is enough profitable area entrepreneurial activity. Wood is a wonderful material with many advantages. positive qualities used in most different areas construction and light industry.


Currently, the only rational way of disposal is incineration, respectively, in obtaining energy. This procedure is carried out in special boilers or CHP. The latter device helps to significantly reduce the cash costs for electricity in small and medium-sized enterprises.

However, it is better to use garbage like branches and sawdust as fuel for the above structures. This will significantly save on the purchase of fuel (there is no need to purchase briquettes, you can simply purchase wood waste) and save environment.


According to experts, getting charcoal is the most effective method recycling. Despite the fact that the method is directly related to incineration, it is largely isolated. To obtain charcoal, a process called "pyrolysis" is used - the decomposition of raw materials in a device without oxygen.

There are three classes of coal:

  • Class A. A similar group is obtained as a result of the processing of branches and other hardwood waste.
  • Class B. Obtained by mixing hard and soft waste.
  • Class C. A mixture of hard, soft and softwoods.

Among all groups, only the first is actively used in industry: in the manufacture of activated carbon, silicon, and the product is also used as a reducing agent in metallurgical plants.

Processing steps

Wood can be processed different ways, depending on what product should be the output. The desired product can be obtained with various types of wood processing:

  • chemical processing of wood
  • mechanical processing
  • deep wood processing
  • complex wood processing

Chemical processing, coupled with mechanical processing, will allow you to get plywood, chipboard or fiberboard.

Using heat treatment, you can get various resins, coal, acetic acid. Consider the processing in detail, it allows you to get paper, cardboard, pulp or chipboard from branches and sawdust.

The process involves the following steps:

  1. The tree is divided into pieces, like branches, trunk and greenery. Then they are sorted by rocks, subjected to hydrothermal treatment, rotten areas and foreign elements are disposed of.
  2. After primary processing, wood waste is crushed. A complete processing of wood into chips is carried out using a chipper. To obtain chips, which will later be used for the manufacture of fibreboard or paper, disk machines are used. Processing with a drum chipper is only suitable for hydrolysis production.
  3. The next stage of the process will be the transportation of chips for further processing using scraper or belt conveyors.

After the primary processing of branches and other wood waste with chips, you can work further, they can be pressed into briquettes or other wooden semi-finished products.

Chemical method

The processing of wood waste using wood chemical technology makes it possible to obtain products that are used in almost all areas of human activity, such as turpentine, rosin, acetic acid and other goods.

The basis of the chemical method is the hydrolysis reaction, after which monosaccharides are formed. Further, these substances are processed in a biochemical way, resulting in the formation of products such as glucose or ethyl alcohol. But chemical treatment more focused on obtaining the production of furfural, which is the basis for the manufacture of medicines, plastics and many useful products.

Not every type of wood waste is suitable for such a procedure. More often they use secondary raw materials from birch, aspen and ash. There is also chemical recycling, which is environmentally friendly, but the disadvantage of such recycling is its economic irrationality, it requires large investments and careful work with chemicals.

mechanical way

The main essence of the method is to change the size and volume of elements. Mechanical methods involve planing, cutting and milling operations. Chips are first created from the original wood raw materials, and only then they are processed into chipboard material.

Mechanical processing compared to chemical processing is more economical in terms of money resources and time. However, there is a nuance, the equipment for wood processing is not universal, completely different machines are used for each type of raw material.

It is worth highlighting the briquettes, which are created by mechanical processing. Briquettes are one of many forms of preparing wood waste for use as fuel. Briquettes are a great business that requires little investment and has a short payback period. Therefore, recycling as a way to get rid of wood waste is irrational.

Quality standards

Depending on what will be the final product from a process such as deep processing, there are certain standards that the chips must meet. For all areas, it is imperative to exclude the presence of various impurities, such as: rot, sand, earth or metal particles.

  • For the production of paper or cardboard, chips are taken that do not contain bark at all.
  • For the production of fibreboard, waste with a bark content of up to 15% can be recycled.
  • The highest quality fiberboard will be obtained only from wood chips that contain no more than 3% of the bark.

Compliance with these standards ensures the quality of products.

There is the concept of "thinner" - this is a raw material of low quality. The diameter in the upper cut of the thinner softwood is 2-6 cm, hardwood 2-8 cm, length 1-3 m. Over time, this material is increasingly used, despite its low quality. Processing of thin wood takes place, as recycled raw materials are used in construction, agriculture and mining industry.

Profitable business

If we consider the processing of wood waste as a business, then there are several undoubted advantages of entrepreneurship in this area.

  • Firstly, it is relevant, because effective use wood waste today is not widely used. A lot of raw materials quite suitable for processing are left to rot.
  • Secondly, a quick payback, although the initial costs may seem quite impressive, mainly due to the need to purchase specific equipment. With proper performance and well-established distribution channels, all costs can pay off in the first year.

Thus, we can conclude that the proper processing of wood and branches is quite a profitable business, of course, with a competent organization of production.

Russia has the most significant forest reserves, almost a quarter of the world's.

The forests of our country are a colossal resource base.

Wherein used less than half of all wood waste, and in Siberia, that is, in the most “forest” region of our country, no more than 35% of wood raw materials.

The rest is simply thrown away without any attempt at disposal.

Remain unrecycled:

  • tree greens;
  • bark;
  • sawdust;
  • shavings.

Thus, the figures indicate the presence of business development opportunities in this industry.

In the recent past, sawmill waste was simply destroyed. A business built on the basis of wood waste processing is:

  • promising;
  • does not require significant investments;
  • having an accessible organization of production.

Waste production in the woodworking and forestry industries are lumpy and soft waste:

  • woodworking;
  • plywood production;
  • furniture production;
  • sleepers;
  • sawmilling.

They also include:

  • branches;
  • branches;
  • tree greens;
  • tops;
  • roots;

The scope of wood waste is very extensive.

  1. Sawdust can be used in hydrolysis production, for the manufacture of gypsum sheets, for heating.
  2. From shavings it is possible to produce chipboard and cement chipboard, which are used in the construction of houses.
  3. From wood waste paper is made; they are also used in agriculture.
  4. Wood chips predominantly coniferous species is used for the production of a unique in its characteristics building material.

Where to get wood waste inexpensively or for free

When using wood in any area, be it furniture production, construction, etc., wood waste can be between 35 and 50%.

Utilization of wood waste in cities is a serious problem. They are formed during the care of trees and during the sanitary felling of green spaces on the street, in parks, forest parks, squares. These wastes are low quality wood of medium size:

  • branches;
  • tops;
  • edging of deciduous and coniferous species.

A significant problem in terms of disposal is sawn timber waste during the repair of premises and buildings, wooden products that have already gone out of use, furniture, and containers. A huge amount of wood waste is generated during sawmilling.

Under the condition of self-delivery, almost all types of wood waste can be obtained absolutely free of charge.

Cost-Effective Options for Using Sawdust

There are many ways to make money on wood waste, in particular, on sawdust. We list the main options, and below we will consider some of them in more detail:

  • production of sawdust concrete. It is possible both at enterprises and privately;
  • on livestock farms, sawdust can be used as bedding for livestock;
  • in greenhouses, industrial greenhouses, sawdust can act as a constituent of the soil, plant nutrition;
  • sawdust on their own excellent fuel;
  • sawdust - compost in agriculture;
  • for private houses sawdust is used as insulation in attics and basements;
  • production of chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, furniture structures sawdust - the main raw material;
  • for sewage treatment plants in industry, sawdust can serve as waste water filters;
  • sawdust in half with peat - magnificent dry closet filler.

During the cooking of pine and cedar bark, woody greens, condensate accumulates at the bottom of the distillation vat, which is called VAT residue.

One of the inexpensive productions is its processing at coniferous extract.

Coniferous extract has a lot of biologically active substances that dissolve in water during prolonged cooking.

This condensate contains a large number of substances that have a beneficial effect on living organisms, including humans:

  • vitamins;
  • chlorophylls;
  • organic acids.

Concentration of condensate turns it into a coniferous extract, which has high consumer properties.

The extract can be successfully used as a feed additive for livestock and poultry in agriculture, as well as a preparation for taking therapeutic baths. Coniferous extract can also be used for industrial production antibiotics for animals.

Feed meal

After digestion of the extract, approximately 90% of the feedstock (pine and cedar bark, tree greens) remains in the form of waste solid waste. Business income can be increased with further processing of solid waste into feed meal.

Feed flour has bactericidal and anti-tuberculosis properties. It can be used as an alternative to roughage.


Fertilizer can be prepared from wood waste using a fairly simple composting process.

The main implementation costs this project the laying and equipment of trenches for the preparation of compost mass is in favor.

It would be advisable to use such compost to improve the fertility of highly mineralized and loamy soils.


Recycling wood waste is a promising area that has a lot of areas for implementation. Many technologies that are based on the processing of wood waste are successful in the market.

- one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly fuels, consisting of almost one hundred percent carbon. When burned, it does not poison the air with toxic fumes and is quite convenient for fast food food. It can be used not only in the economy, but also in industrial production.

A number of chemical and metallurgical industries operate on its use, from small to large ones. In the construction industry, it is used as an insulating material. Just like other derivatives of wood waste, it is successfully used in agriculture as a feed additive for livestock and poultry.

The spent mass of wood waste can be used for further processing as a fuel.

The use of modern and environmentally friendly fuels will help provide the population with inexpensive energy sources, while reducing the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Thus, the negative impact on the environment is reduced, and the sanitary condition of forests is improved.

In recent years, the EU countries have been undergoing a very active transition to organic fuel. The market is stimulated by government agencies, turning towards:

  • fuel pellets;
  • briquettes;
  • firewood.

Energy carriers from wood waste are currently purchased in significant quantities.

We buy equipment

Of course, processing requires:

  • equipment;
  • electricity;
  • room;
  • storage facilities for raw materials and finished products.

Equipment for the production of briquettes and fuel pellets on the market is available in sufficient variety, both from foreign and domestic factories. With equal quality, Russian equipment costs several cheaper.

The equipment package includes:

  • chipper(machine for grinding raw materials), from 180 thousand rubles to 2.3 million rubles;
  • granulator. Cost from 50 thousand rubles. up to 2.1 million rubles The price for the OGM-1.5 granulator model is about 1 million rubles;
  • Dryer. The spread of prices ranges from 150 thousand rubles. up to 2.5 million rubles;
  • packing machine. Price - from 80 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles

In general, equipment for making, for example, pellets can be an industrial line or a mini-granulator.

Approximate cost:

  1. an industrial line that produces 1 ton/hour costs about $132,000;
  2. with a capacity of 2 tons / hour will cost 196 thousand dollars;
  3. the price of the line for 4.5 tons / hour is about 408 thousand dollars.

The price for a finished line, providing a capacity of 300 kg of product per hour, is about 1 million rubles. In the same case, if there is a room (own suburban area) and raw materials (wood waste at the lowest price or free of charge for pickup), then the investment, taking into account organizational issues, will amount to a little more than 1 million rubles.

Implementation and expansion of production

The sale of manufactured products can be carried out through the following channels:

  • wholesale firms that export goods abroad;
  • you can open your own online store;
  • sale through own outlets in the construction and economic markets;
  • sales to organizations that sell in construction markets and supermarkets.

One of the best ways business expansion for the sale of products based on sawdust is cooperation with municipalities.

The fact is that oil-fired boilers are installed in many formations. Their efficiency is many times lower than the efficiency of pellet boilers. If we agree with the local authorities on the replacement of fuel oil with pellet boilers(at the expense of budgetary funds) and the supply of your products, then everyone benefits.

Local authorities receive significant savings during the heating season, and fuel producers receive a significant channel for selling their own products.

It is also worth paying attention to areas where there is no gasification.

In such areas, it is possible with considerable success for business to sell fuel briquettes.

But first it is necessary to explain the advantages of boilers operating on fuel briquettes.

Business expansion opportunities will thus be achieved by increasing the number of sales of manufactured products.


The difficulties that may arise in the implementation of this business are usually reduced to several points:

  • transportation of finished products over long distances is not always profitable;
  • when certifying, for example, fuel pellets, certain difficulties may arise. The second point is the composition of the fuel: it should not contain more than 30% bark;
  • for the full implementation of finished products, it will be necessary to independently search for consumers;
  • Control over workers in production is a must for any type of business.

On the other hand, the domestic market of our country needs more and more various wood processing products, and demonstrates full readiness for their use.

Where to start and the price of the issue

Production activities require the presence of an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the system taxation of the simplified tax system(6% or 15%, respectively). For the operation of the enterprise it is required:

  • 2-3 handymen;
  • driver;
  • accountant;
  • sales manager.

A business based on the use of wood waste, if properly organized, can bring significant profit. At the same time, the level of investments can vary from the smallest to the largest. Which production to choose depends on the level of opportunities and claims.

Due to the huge amount of wood waste to be processed in our country and their affordability, it makes sense to start Earn Money in this industry.

Using such waste as raw materials, businesses will help solve a number of pressing environmental problems:

  • cleaning forest areas from wood waste, preventing their decay;
  • prevention of forest fires;
  • when used as a fuel, there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • contributes to the conservation of forests.


In Western Europe and many other countries, in recent decades, they have turned their faces to ecological fuels, as well as to non-waste types of production in general.

With the active support of the state and subsidies from it in support of these types of businesses, we can soon expect more active development of commercial projects based on the processing of wood waste.

The tendencies developing in the West are always or almost always the forerunners of commercial trends in our country, so it may be worth taking a closer look at them.

Given the ever-increasing global demand for environmentally friendly and cheap energy, people with a commercial streak should hurry to take this most profitable and promising business niche which is just starting to fill up.

This is how a wood chipper works:

In contact with

Depending on the type of raw materials consumed and the output of wood products, woodworking enterprises and industries are grouped into four groups: sawmill production, production of glued, laminated wood and wood-based laminated plastic, steel and furniture production and production for the processing of waste and non-commercial wood.

At the sawmill, from round timber - whips, logs and logs, wood semi-finished products (boards, bars, rough blanks, etc.) are obtained.

The main products of industries manufacturing glued and fibreboard plastics, as well as semi-finished products: veneer, plywood, plywood boards, wood laminates, plywood pipes, glued blanks.

The group of carpentry and furniture industries includes the production of building parts and assemblies, furniture, wooden musical instruments, wooden ships, parts and products for the equipment of motor ships, railway cars, motor vehicles, sports equipment, etc.

Waste and non-commercial wood processing industries produce various wood-based panels (chipboard, wood-fibre, fiber cement), wood flour, etc.

Modern woodworking enterprises with complex processing raw materials and materials in accordance with the stages of the technological process has a number of workshops. The main ones are: sawmills, cutting (preparation), drying, machine (or machine), assembly or finishing. Some enterprises may have other workshops: plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, carpentry, etc.

In addition to workshops, woodworking industries have warehouses for raw materials, intermediate warehouses, warehouses for finished products and a number of service or auxiliary shops (boiler room, mechanical repair shops, etc.).

The buildings of the sawmill shop are in many cases combustible, one-story, non-attic, with a basement or semi-basement. The area of ​​the building depends on the number of sawmills installed in the workshop and can be of considerable size. In the basement, semi-basement, crushing machines, bunkers and conveyors are installed to collect and remove wood waste obtained from roundwood sawing. The sawmill is connected with the round timber warehouse, the boiler house and the sorting area by means of overpasses and conveyors; with the help of a ventilation (exhaust) system - with cyclones, bunkers, sawdust storage places. Overpasses are combustible structures on supports in the form of open areas or covered galleries with conveyor devices. The ventilation system is designed to remove sawdust and other small waste; consists of steel pipes, fans with motors and cyclones. The length of steel pipes can reach several hundred meters. The speed of air movement in the pipes reaches 20 m/s.

Sorting rooms are usually placed under a combustible canopy of considerable size.

Wood drying is carried out in special chambers. Drying chambers are built of non-combustible materials and are windowless rooms with one or two doorways. Feed lumber without windows with one or door openings. Feeding lumber into the chambers is carried out on open platforms-trolleys. Drying chambers must be equipped with fixed fire extinguishing installations.

The main and auxiliary workshops of woodworking industries and warehouses are located mainly in one- and two-story buildings of varying degrees of fire resistance.

The height of one-story production workshops and closed warehouses with a crane reaches 10-15 m, in multi-storey ones the floor height is 4.8-6 m. Woodworking workshops have an extensive network of ventilation and dust extraction installations, which can serve as one of the reasons for the rapid spread of fire.

In assembly and finishing shops, the danger is increased by the presence of glue machines, in the finishing shop - by the use of lacquers and paints, flammable liquids (acetone, benzene, methyl alcohol, etc.) as solvents, and in the drying - heating devices.

At modern furniture assembly plants, new materials are used in significant volumes: films based on resin-impregnated papers, paper-laminated plastics, polymer films, plastics, high-impact polystyrene, high-density and strength polyethylene, polypropylene, expanded polystyrene, rigid polyurethane foam, etc. Many of These materials burn well, and during combustion they emit toxic products, which can significantly complicate the situation in a fire.

When processing and grinding dry and hard wood, a lot of wood dust is released on the machines, which, due to the malfunctioning of the aspiration systems, passes into a suspended state, and then settles on the building structures and process equipment. Wood dust of fine fraction (up to 100 microns) can form explosive mixtures with air, LEL - 12 - 25 g / m 3.

Many workshops and areas are under one roof.

The water supply of such enterprises is the economic and fire-fighting water supply, in the workshops - fire hydrants, sprinkler and deluge systems. In addition, production facilities can be used to extinguish fires. water basins, fire reservoirs and natural water sources, near which woodworking enterprises are located.

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How profitable woodworking as a business can be said only in accordance with the characteristics of a particular market at a certain point in time. In other words, every region market conditions may be different and may change. It is very important that before opening such a business, conduct market research and draw up a detailed business plan.

Restrictions on starting a business

The most obvious limitation: you cannot open a business where there are no profitable offers for the supply of raw materials (wood of the right species). In addition, when conducting market research, it is important to consider:

  • to what extent the regional market is already saturated with products;
  • what type of product is the rarest and at the same time the most in demand;
  • what sources of raw materials exist and how stable they are;
  • how actively construction is being carried out and what are the recent statistics in this area.

It is very important to make sure that within recent years physical and legal entities uninterruptedly buying processed wood of various types - otherwise the project will simply “burn out”.

Enterprise organization

Since a small woodworking business involves the use of special equipment and technologies, it will be necessary, in addition to the standard set of permits (fire, sanitary inspections, and so on), to ensure that:

  • the room met the technological requirements;
  • all equipment, especially machine tools, was certified;
  • specialists and workers had the necessary knowledge and skills.

Important advice to entrepreneurs: don't waste your time, even on simple routine tasks that can be delegated. Shift them to the freelancers of "". Guaranteed quality work on time or money back. Prices even for website development start from 500 rubles.

Do not neglect contacting legal specialists who will advise you on regulatory documents. The thing is that highly specialized enterprises that use special technologies imply a lot of legal nuances - they may be unknown even to a person with sufficient business experience. The optimal form for organizing an enterprise is an LLC using the basic taxation system.

Premises selection

Which premises to choose for the enterprise, the owner decides on his own. However, it is best that it meets certain parameters: the area is at least 400–500 square meters, the location is optimal in terms of transportation of raw materials and finished products, with convenient access.

When planning the relative location of the premises, you need to consider that there should be enough space for:

  • warehouse of raw materials,
  • finished goods warehouse,
  • production shop,
  • equipment repair shop,
  • offices of managers and specialists,
  • wardrobe,
  • showers and toilets,
  • rest rooms.

At your discretion, you can also organize a medical office and a canteen at your enterprise, but this will require additional permits and hiring additional staff.

Selection and hiring of personnel

Things to remember when developing a business plan: woodworking is complex technological process and the staff must have some experience. In general, the following employees are required:

  • Chief Accountant;
  • technicians and equipment repair specialists;
  • locksmiths and workers with various specializations;
  • loaders, forklift drivers;
  • cleaners, technicians.

As necessary, full-time security guards, medical workers, canteen workers can also be appointed. For the enterprise it is recommended to select employees whose work experience is at least three years.

Equipment selection

Most often, a dry edged board is used for woodworking, but other options are possible. The process includes three main stages:

  1. Delivered raw materials are unloaded and stacked in a warehouse.
  2. Raw materials are processed on machines and finished products are obtained.
  3. Finished products are placed in a warehouse for subsequent shipment.

But this is only the main process, requiring minimal costs. If you want to use unedged board that has not been dried, you can save on purchasing raw materials, but you will need to include pre-treatment and drying in the production process. The equipment is selected in accordance with this: if you need to process a dry edged board, then it is enough to purchase and install four-sided machines; if an unedged board of natural moisture is processed, then two-saw machines, chippers and drying chambers will also be needed. In any case, forklifts will also be required for transporting and loading and unloading materials.

Business plan for a woodworking enterprise

High-quality woodworking equipment for small businesses must be selected after a thorough analysis of statistics and reviews, best of all - under the guidance of an experienced specialist who can point out the pros and cons of certain machines. The question of whether it is worth saving and choosing Russian products, or is it better to give preference to foreign machines, remains open, and there are no unequivocal opinions on this matter. All purchased equipment must be insured against production risks.

Financial prospects, payback

As a business idea, woodworking looks quite promising - subject to all the technical nuances. The cost of premises and the purchase of equipment, depending on the scale and location, averages 10-20 million rubles. In addition, insurance costs should be taken into account depending on the conditions of equipment insurance - usually it is from 0.3 to 0.6% of the sum insured per year.

With regular deliveries and stable cooperation with customers, a woodworking enterprise of initial size is able to bring in one million rubles a month, in regions with active construction - from one and a half million. Thus, the payback period is from one and a half years. This business is well suited for those who are ready to pay enough attention to the process and have an initial capital of 20 million rubles or more.

28.07.2015 23:35


Coursework: Business plan for the harvesting and processing of wood

Business plan for a timber harvesting and processing enterprise

(topic name)



1. Business plan

1.1 Summary

1.4 Competition

1.5 Marketing

1.6 Operational plan of action

1.9 Forecasting and risk assessment

1.10 Financial cash flow schedule

1.11 Project financing strategy


APPENDIX-Block of calculation tables by file

Figure 1-Financial profile of the project

Figure 2-Determination of break-even production volume

1 Business plan

The business plan is one of the first generalizing investment justification documents and contains aggregated data on the planned product range and output volumes, characteristics of the sales markets and raw material base, the need for production in land, energy and labor resources, and also contains a number of indicators that give an idea of ​​the commercial , budgetary and economic efficiency of the project under consideration and, first of all, of interest to the participants-investors of the project.

Summing up, it can be noted that a business plan is a document that describes the activities of an enterprise and allows you to anticipate the movement of finances.

The business plan is an object of intellectual property, a trade secret and is subject to appropriate protection.

1.1 Summary

Business plan of the enterprise for the harvesting and processing of wood. The billet volume is 165 m3; payback period 4 years. We have own funds in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, the amount of a bank loan is 130 million rubles.

Due to reasonable prices and high quality, our enterprise will occupy one of the leading positions in the sale of forest products in the near future. Thus, the cooperation of your bank with our company will raise your prestige.

Credo of our company: You help us, and we will help you!

We work on mutually beneficial terms.

We have special offers for you. For example, your bank will appear in advertising campaigns along with our products.

We look forward to cooperation and strong business relationship with you!

1.2 Structure marketable products

The commercial products of the enterprise include:

· coniferous pulpwood;

· other coniferous round timber (LM);

birch plywood log;

lumber wood;

lumber (PM) export GOST 26002;

· PM domestic market GOST 8486;

· woodworking products (DO).

The company works for import and export. PM is exported to Western Europe at the price of ____ rub/m3, import- central Russia(Moscow, Krasnodar). We process shavings and chips on the spot or rent them to the region.

1.4 Competition

The competitors include an enterprise of a similar profile, LDK No. 3, which is also engaged in the harvesting and processing of wood.

1.5 Marketing

To enter the market, this company makes the main emphasis in the marketing strategy on conducting advertising campaign. The success of product promotion depends on this. The main emphasis in advertising should be on the quality of products, low prices compared to the prices of competing firms.

· Advertisements in newspapers, magazines;

· Information on websites on the Internet;

1.6 Operational plan of action

The initial stage for an enterprise is the idea of ​​the enterprise itself, the preparation of a business plan. This is followed by the protection of the project in the bank with the further provision of a loan. After that, the purchase necessary equipment(See Appendix 1, Table A3) Next, we equip the premises and hire managerial and working personnel.

After 5 years, the profit of the enterprise will be _____ million rubles, which I will be able to invest in the development of this enterprise, in the development business relations with partners, the creation of joint projects for the sale of our products.

1.7 Organizational structure enterprises

The management staff consists of 16 people:

General director - 1 person;

Deputy director - 1 person;

Chief engineer - 1 person;

Head of the financial department - 1 person;

Economist - 1 person;

Chief accountant - 1 person;

Materials accountant - 2 people;

Payroll accountant - 2 people;

cashier - 2 persons;

Head of the material and supply unit - 1 person;

manager - 1 person;

marketing specialist - 1 person;

secretary - 1 person

Workers - 70 people.

1.8 Legal support of the project

We will sign a service agreement with a law firm, that is, the lawyer will solve specific problems as needed.

How to set up a woodworking business

The company will not have to introduce a highly paid position of a lawyer, which will save money.

1.9 Forecast and risk assessment

External conditions are not constant, very often circumstances develop in such a way that we cannot influence them in any way, (but we can foresee): changes in prices for fuel, electricity, transportation costs. There may also be situations related to accidents at work, illnesses of personnel, dishonest attitude towards the work of employees. As noted above, all this can be foreseen, for this it is necessary to have a certain reserve of funds in the account.

There is also the risk of lack of sales: its probability is low, however, in order to reduce it, it is necessary to establish contacts with potential buyers already at the stage of pre-production - and the risk of insolvency of buyers: the probability of this risk is difficult to assess, and this must be done in the course of marketing, check the solvency of customers before making a transaction, be extremely careful and vigilant.

1.10 Financial plan

To carry out the productive work of the enterprise, it is necessary to draw up a business plan and purchase equipment in the amount of 82 thousand rubles, the initial capital of the enterprise is 100 thousand rubles, the amount of a bank loan is 130 million rubles. We begin to pay out a loan with interest from the 15th month of the enterprise's operation in the amount of ____ thousand rubles. After paying the first loan on the account, the balance of funds is ___ thousand rubles.

1.11 Funding sources

RosBank is the source of financial financing for the enterprise. Also sources of financing are own funds and funds of partners.


The business plan gives a real picture of the development and activities of the enterprise. The production of our products is economically feasible, as it brings profit and has a good profitability.

The business plan is designed in such a way that after 5 years of operation, the profit will reach million rubles. The design assignment has been completed.


1. Zunin L.N., Rymashevsky V.L., Smirnova O.L. - Organization and planning of production at a logging enterprise: guidelines to the implementation of the course project. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing House of ASTU, 2005-40s.

2. Meskon M.I., others - Fundamentals of management: translation from English - Moscow: "DELO LTD", 1994.-702p.

3. Marketing: textbook / edited by prof. Utkina E.A. - Moscow: "EKNOS", 2002-302p.

4. Selyanov A.K., Nabokov V.I. Terminology of management: a dictionary. - Moscow: Publishing house "Marketing", 2002.-224p.

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Small business woodworking machines

Today, equipment is almost a key element in any kind of activity. Accordingly, many devices expand the scope of their application, allowing them to be used for more original and previously unknown purposes. So, for example, woodworking equipment today may well be used in the activities of small workshops, creative author's shops, etc.
It is thanks to this versatility that equipment that could previously only be used in production now looks quite adapted to small amounts of work. So, there is a whole category of units that are woodworking machines for small businesses.
Developing the topic of equipment in small manufacturing or creative companies with a small scale of activity, it is worth noting that machines designed for working with wood can be used in several areas at once and for various purposes. Firstly, some small workshops today provide services for the manufacture or repair of small pieces of furniture. By the way, author's workshops that make exclusive models to order can be attributed to the same category.

Business Plan for Starting a Wood Processing Enterprise (Page 1 of 5)

No less popular are such units for the work of craftsmen who create fakes from wood with their own hands for the purpose of their further sale.
Among such equipment, it is worth mentioning small milling machines, which allow you to work with any tree and perform a wide range of functions with this material. Also present in this segment are wood engraving machines. They are, to a greater extent, in demand for creative workshops when creating author's drawings on such an elite and high-quality material as wood.
In addition, it is impossible not to mention such woodworking machines for small businesses as small combined units that can perform a very wide range of tasks at once. The convenience of their use in small-scale production is explained precisely by the versatility of the devices, the ease of their adjustment and small dimensions, which is also advantageous for small areas and rooms.

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