A program for teaching touch typing. Stamina is a set of exercises for learning to type on the keyboard. Programs and online services for training

How to quickly learn to touch type with all 10 fingers? Review of programs and online keyboard simulators for teaching touch and fast ten-finger typing (typing).

There are even specialized courses for this purpose, and in the West it is one of the subjects in secondary schools.

The main advantages of the touch typing method:

1. Typing with all fingers reduces the number of errors.

2. All fingers are occupied, and each of them corresponds to a certain number of letters.

3. The work becomes completely mechanical - the desired letter is unmistakably struck by the finger with which one has been taught to hit it.

4. By mastering the blind ten-finger method and applying it in practice, people will save their health. They won’t have to look from the keyboard to the monitor and back dozens of times, their eyes won’t get tired, and their vision won’t deteriorate. Those trained will become less tired during the working day, as a result of which they will begin to do more work.

5. Using the blind ten-finger method, anyone can achieve a typing speed of 300-500 characters per minute. If we take into account a work team where all the people in it have mastered the blind ten-finger method, then they work 10% - 15% more efficiently. All letters, texts, balances, reports, notes, documents are prepared faster, better and more accurately.

6. When typing blindly, attention is not focused on the fact of typing, but only on expressing your thoughts (suggestions, conclusions, recommendations, conclusions) in the best possible way.

How to learn?

There are a lot of resources, including the already mentioned touch typing courses, and online classes, and special programs. We will not dwell on the courses, but we will look at programs and online simulators.


In general, most of these programs are based on a similar methodology. First, the “student” studies the middle row of the keyboard - this is FYVAPROLJE, trying to get used to typing certain letters with the corresponding fingers. Here, as practice shows, the most difficult thing is to “stir up” ring finger and especially the little finger. After mastering the middle row, the top and bottom rows are added. Learning may be accompanied by irritation because your fingers press the wrong keys, there are a lot of mistakes, etc. – this cannot be avoided. But you don’t need to be too upset - this is a fairly serious skill, and to acquire it, you need to work hard, don’t expect an easy “victory”.

SOLO on keyboard

The most famous program on the Runet for mastering the ten-finger touch typing method is SOLO on the keyboard. I will dwell on this keyboard simulator in more detail, since this is not just a program, but an extended training course. Except simple dialing certain letters in SOLO on the keyboard contain detailed instructions, tips and many other materials that help you cope with irritation from mistakes, and help you not stop halfway.

The entire course consists of 100 exercises. Having completed all 100, you are guaranteed to type text with all 10 fingers, regardless of the keyboard - checked. Each exercise contains up to 6-7 tasks. In addition, after many exercises you will need to repeat one of the previous ones. At the beginning of each exercise there are anecdotes from the creators of the program, which are sure to cheer you up and help you relax a little. There are also numerous letters from people who have already completed SOLO, in which they describe the problems they encountered and what was the most difficult for them. You will find something of your own in them, and this will help you overcome difficulties. After completing the task, you are given a grade on a 5-point scale.

Stamina (Recommended)

This is a free keyboard trainer with a simple but fun interface. The author of this program is not devoid of a sense of humor and did not hesitate to express it in the program interface. Training is based on step by step execution tasks of increasing difficulty. For example, in the first task you will need to type the letters A and O in different combinations, then B and L are added, etc. The tasks are completed to pleasant music. Also various events the program is accompanied by cool sounds, for example, when closing the program, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s phrase “I’ll be back” is heard. The program also has an entertaining toy, which, however, is not related to learning, but you can play with it.

Rapid Typing

A free application from Western developers that supports learning in Russian and English layouts. It has an attractive, user-friendly interface. Class statistics are kept to help you navigate the learning process. Below, as usual, is a diagram of the keyboard.


Not quite a standard keyboard trainer. The authors of the program talk about the extreme effectiveness of their method of mastering touch typing. Their website claims that after 5-15 hours of training you will be able to touch-type at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The technique is really different from the standard one. Here you are immediately asked to type text consisting of letters in all rows of the keyboard. In this case, the proposed strings for typing are generated by a special algorithm that generates phonetic related sequences of characters.

However, I think that this approach will be very difficult for beginners. Explanations about how to hold your hands, what fingers to press, etc. are in the program help, and are described quite clearly, but switching from two-finger “poking” at the keyboard to typing with all 10 fingers is not easy. At the same time, it is very difficult to study which finger is responsible for what, looking only at the keyboard model. I think there is a high probability that the student will simply abandon this matter until better times.

Fast Typing School

This keyboard simulator is designed for those who want to learn ten-finger touch typing on the keyboard. The simulator has various interesting sections:
1. step-by-step learning of the keyboard “muscle memory”;
2. the game “falling letters” helps to take your mind off learning the keyboard and develop your reaction;
3. typing - skill development;
4. touch typing - imitation of working on a typewriter, strengthens and consolidates the skill of touch typing;
5. audio dictation - just like in school, a voice dictates a story and you need to type without errors at speed.

There are other programs of this kind, but I don’t think they are fundamentally different or better than those that we reviewed. This is quite enough.

Online keyboard simulators

Here we will look at 2 good online resources that are dedicated to mastering the touch typing method.

Keyboard solo online

Training is provided free of charge. However, if you want, you can transfer money to ErgoSOLO LLC in the amount of 150 rubles (this is the same amount as their “SOLO on the Keyboard” program costs). The learning process and methodology are no different from those presented in the program. Everything is very high quality and with care for the student. Here you can compete in the rankings with other “online soloists”, of which, by the way, there are already quite a few. Users who have paid for the course will have an asterisk next to their name. In general, both the SOLO keyboard program and the online course are what a beginner needs. I think this is the best option.

All 10 (Recommended)

Another new project, which promises to save us from the habit of pointing two fingers at the keyboard. At the beginning, you will have to take a test to check your typing speed. Then the exercises begin. Two courses are available - Russian and English. The training section provides detailed instructions and recommendations for completing tasks.


The basic rules of the game are simple. The game will select a random piece of text that you and your opponents must type exactly. As fast as possible. When you successfully type a text, your typewriter (always at the top of the list) moves forward. If a typo is made, you must correct it, otherwise there will be no promotion. Based on the results of the race, the winners will be determined and some parameters of the passage of the text will be shown - time, typing speed in characters per minute and the percentage of characters in which errors were made. The results of each race are saved in your personal statistics. For each completed text you are awarded a number of points depending on the length of the typed text.

Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer

The main goal of the Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer project is to provide the widest range of computer users with the opportunity to master typing (touch typing or ten-finger typing). We offer a series of courses for teaching touch typing, as well as developing its speed.

VerseQ online

This is an online version of the famous VerseQ keyboard trainer but, unlike its offline counterpart, allows you to learn from anywhere globe, participate in competitions, share your successes with friends and acquaintances. You need the service if you want to quickly, easily and naturally learn touch typing. And if you are already a typing pro, then show off your skills to others!

More online keyboard trainers

http://urikor.net - the first championship of typewriting in Cyrillic


To all that has been said above, you can add the following. Anyone who works at a computer, and especially if they have to type a lot of text, needs to buy an ergonomic keyboard. It is also called separate because the keys for each hand are separated. In addition, the right and left blocks are at an angle to each other, which allows you to avoid bending your hand at the wrist when placing your hands in the initial position FYVA-OLJ. Working on such a keyboard, you will definitely get less tired, and this will improve your average speed printing and, accordingly, productivity.

I have already said that you should not hope to easily “conquer” the blind typing method. It's quite difficult, especially at the beginning. To complete, for example, SOLO on the keyboard, you will need to put in a lot of effort and patience. In addition, you will need to set aside special time for this. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of this; anyone who wants to will undoubtedly cope with this task. Good luck!

Want to become a speed dial master? Type 100 words per minute and type boring documents faster?

Fast typing is almost a vital necessity. Proper Use keyboards greatly affect our productivity. By typing quickly, you become more productive and “keep pace with your brain.” Skill fast printing allows you to record the thoughts that constantly sound in your head before you lose them.

In addition, it reduces fatigue. When you type long text and constantly move your eyes from the keyboard to the screen and back, your eyes get tired very quickly and begin to hurt. The thing is that they constantly have to change their focus. And if you add the difference in lighting, it becomes clear why unpleasant sensations appear even after short work on the computer.

These 7 tips will help you type quickly and efficiently even while blindfolded:

1. Get rid of bad habits

This point is the most difficult on the path to the art of fast typing. And I'm not talking about eating cakes at 2 am. Although it’s better to get rid of this habit too :) Most likely, you type the text in the same way that you used when you first got acquainted with the keyboard. Right? This also applies to the placement of hands on the keyboard and peeking.

If you like to play games, then most likely you keep your hands over the “C”, “F”, “Y”, “B” keys. And there are those who use only 2 fingers out of 10. If you are one of them, you have to keep looking at the keyboard to press the right letter.

But do you want to work for speed? You urgently need to get rid of this habit and start using your hands correctly.

2. Use all 10 fingers

You ask, What is the correct way to place your hands on the keyboard? If you look closely at your keyboard, you will see that the letters "A" and "O" ("F" and "J" on the Latin layout) have small protrusions. This will help you find the correct place for each finger without looking at the keyboard.

Place your left hand fingers on the “F”, “Y”, “B”, “A” keys, and your right hand on the “F”, “D”, “L”, “O” keys. This is the middle main row of the keyboard. Index fingers Place both hands on the ridged keys.And then look at this diagram:

The colors indicate the keys that are convenient to press with each finger from the starting position.

There is an alternative hand position that many will find more comfortable. Position your fingers right hand above the letters “Y”, “B”, “A”, “M”, and the right one - above “T”, “O”, “L”, “D”. In this case, the hands are in a more natural position, but your little finger will have to work hard.

Choose the position you like best. This factor does not greatly affect the speed.

3. Learn to touch type

People who type large volumes of text every day remember where each key is located. Looking at the keyboard only slows down the process.Learning to keep your eyes open takes practice. And it will take you more than one hour. But if you constantly train, you will notice within a few weeks thatyour fingers “remember” which area “each of them is responsible for”.

Even if it slows you down a lot right now, try not to look at the keyboard. Try entering a sentence. Remember where each letter is. You can sneak a peek at one symbol just once. But you don't need to look where each letter is located. Every day it will become easier for you to type.Once you remember where everything is, all you have to do is choose your typing speed.

4. Remember basic keyboard shortcuts

It is not surprising that in every operating system There is a set of “hot keys” that perform different functions. Your hands are already on the keyboard, so why waste time and be distracted by the mouse?You don't have to remember absolutely every combination.Only the most basic:

  • Ctrl+C – copy;
  • Ctrl+X – cut;
  • Ctrl+V – paste;
  • Ctrl+Z – cancel;
  • Ctrl+S – save;
  • Ctrl+F – find a word;
  • Ctrl+A – select all;
  • Shift+→/← — select the next letter;
  • Ctrl+Shift+→/← — select the next word;
  • Ctrl+→/← — go to the next word without highlighting;
  • Home – go to the beginning of the line;
  • End – go to the end of the line;
  • Page Up – go up;
  • Page Down – go down.

you can use some keyboard shortcuts for quickly working with pages in browsers. Here are some of them that will be useful for you:

  • Ctrl + Tab – go to the next tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab – go to the previous tab;
  • Ctrl + T – open a new tab;
  • Ctrl + W – close the current tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + T – open a tab that was just closed;
  • Ctrl + R – refresh page;
  • Ctrl + N – open in a new browser window;
  • Shift + Backspace – go forward one page;
  • Backspace – go back one page.

Most of these keys are located near the little finger, so it will be involved in typing “hot combinations” most often.

5. How to learn to type online at speed

You don't have to turn the art of ultra-fast typing into a boring, gray task. There are many programs you can use to add fun to the process. Here are a few “allies” that will help you conquer the keyboard and enjoy typing:

  • TypeRacer

This fun program will teach you how to quickly type on a Latin layout. Your typing speed is shown as a typewriter. You are given a small piece of text that you need to type faster than other users. It's like racing. The one who completes it first is the winner.

  • Touch Typing Study

This application allows you to learn how to type on the most different languages. There are even hieroglyphs. You are offered a list of lessons. With each new one the task becomes more difficult. It all starts with memorizing the main row. In the first lessons you are asked to type a meaningless set of letters. This helps to concentrate not on the meaning, but on the arrangement of symbols, in order to print full-fledged texts at speed in the future.

  • Stamina

One of the most popular simulators in the CIS. This small program can be downloaded from the official website. Adds a little fun to your workouts and offers a set different letters and words.

  • Sense-lang

Also provides you with a set of lessons. First, you need to type a set of letters; with increasing complexity and speed, words and sentences appear. You can take a test to test your typing speed and select any language, or type a piece of text of your choice.

6. Practice the rhythm

Typing rhythm is the amount of time between key presses. The smoother it is, the faster you will learn the technique of touch typing. Return your fingers to the starting position after pressing the key.

7. How to learn to type quickly

Take your time when you first start learning touch typing techniques. Increase the speed only when you feel that you have learned the location of the keys and press them out of habit without thinking. Take your time to avoid , and always keep 1-2 words in mind that come next. By gradually increasing your speed, you will not only type quickly, but also begin to do it efficiently.


Now you know how to learn to type quickly. You may ask, does it make a difference on what type of device and manufacturer you type text on? No!Of course, there are several designs, models and layouts. Choose their design to suit your taste. And these recruitment rules are universal. The only thing that changes if you have a keyboard with a layout different from the standard “QWERTY” is the location of the letter “Ё” and some other symbols.

The best keyboard simulators for children and adults, free touch typing simulators, high-quality textbooks, effective tutorials and training programs that will help you quickly and with pleasure independently learn to touch-type texts, type without looking at the computer keyboard and with all ten fingers at once.

A complete list of just such training programs and the best free touch typing keyboard trainers available for download from this section of the site http://site is presented to your attention on this page.

Unique training for developing the mobility of fingers and hands - Greg Irwin Finger Control Fitness - a truly unique and still one-of-a-kind video training course, training aimed at developing extraordinary finger mobility and fantastic coordination of their movements, completely independent of each other .

Ten-finger touch typing tutorials

Tutorials for fast typing from a computer keyboard using the ten-finger touch typing method. Two excellent step-by-step quick typing textbooks, whose professional advice and recommendations will help you avoid a lot of mistakes made by all beginners, and significantly improve the quality, speed and efficiency of your learning to quickly type on the keyboard.

Download fast typing keyboard simulators

Rapid Typing - a free simulator of the ten-finger method of fast typing on a computer keyboard, Russian version free program for teaching touch typing with ten fingers. Using the RapidTyping keyboard simulator, you can learn to quickly type in Russian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

One of best programs in Russian, designed for self-study touch typing method and quickly acquiring ten-finger typing skills. The VerseQ simulator is built on a completely new patented training technology that allows you to acquire high-quality touch typing skills incredibly quickly and efficiently.

Probably the most popular and most famous program in its class, one of the most effective keyboard simulators with a powerful multi-level program for teaching fast typing from a computer keyboard using the ten-finger touch typing method, a training program that does not require any special introduction or description.

A wonderful training program, a bright, very beautiful and easy-to-use keyboard simulator in Russian. Training and practice in iQwer is not based on long and tedious repetitions of typing one or two letters at a time throughout the entire lesson, but immediately teaches you how to type all the letters on the keyboard in use.

Stamina 2.5 Rus for Windows 7 / Windows XP is the famous free keyboard trainer for fast typing, one of the best and truly effective programs for teaching the ten-finger touch typing method from a computer keyboard, which is equally suitable for children and schoolchildren, as well as their grandparents and their parents!

The best keyboard trainers for children and schoolchildren

Free keyboard simulator for children Merry Fingers is one of the best children's simulators, really capable of teaching a child touch typing on Russian and English keyboard layouts in the shortest possible time. The program is very beautifully designed, has several levels of learning difficulty, fun fairy-tale heroes, interesting prizes and pleasant musical accompaniment.

The full version of the famous gaming keyboard simulator BabyType is simply a wonderful, magnificent program, the teaching principle of which is built on a fascinating and incredibly addictive mini-game that plays out the rescue of a small funny animated character running away from all kinds of monsters on top of your keyboard. And to help him escape from them, you will need to enter text from the screen, faster and faster with each new level, with each new...

Free school keyboard trainer from the author of the famous program "SOLO on the Keyboard". Undoubtedly, today this is the best keyboard simulator for schoolchildren in the seventh to ninth grades. Full version The program contains a full set of detailed training materials and step-by-step speed dial trainings.

A free touch typing simulator for schoolchildren - the Bombina 3D program - an excellent school simulator for teaching children to quickly type with ten fingers, specially designed for school and secondary schools educational institutions. The Bombin training program quickly and effectively develops stable ten-finger typing skills on Russian and English language computer keyboard layouts.

Keyboard trainer is a computer program or online service designed to teach or improve touch typing skills. Improving touch typing skills means increasing typing speed and reducing the number of typing errors.

Touch typing or the blind ten-finger dialing method is speed dial text on the keyboard with all ten fingers without looking at the keyboard. The blind ten-finger method has been invented for more than 120 years in America. Using touch printing you can achieve printing speeds of up to 1000 characters per minute! This is, of course, a super-record speed, but there is no limit to perfection!
Anyone can learn touch typing. For this purpose, keyboard simulators have been developed, which our website is dedicated to.

Keyboard trainer? Which one to choose? This question is faced by many users who want to learn high-speed, error-free touch typing. In this article we will look at 7 keyboard trainers that I consider the best. If you don’t like my selection, you can find a lot of other keyboard trainers on our website.

The criteria by which we will choose a keyboard trainer:

  • Price. There are paid programs and there are free ones. Of course, all keyboard simulators on our website can be downloaded and used for free, but this is a matter of your conscience;
  • Availability of guidelines- if you are learning from scratch, you need a keyboard trainer with guidelines; to develop speed, you can use gaming keyboard trainers or programs without guidelines;
  • Language- This article mainly contains Russian-English keyboard simulators, but there are exceptions;
  • Number of exercises and training time- some developers of keyboard simulators promise that you will learn to type quickly in a certain time;
  • Contents of the exercise.
  • Program settings.
I’ll say right away that I won’t write here and disassemble each keyboard simulator in detail “for spare parts.” Let's briefly look at each one according to the criteria; I know that not everyone can read tons of text. Keyboard simulators for children are not discussed in this article.

1. Keyboard Solo 9 is the most popular keyboard trainer:

  • Price: - paid, 600 rubles one language, course 3 at 1,900 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Language: Russian and English(in version 3 in 1 which can be downloaded for free on our website);
  • 100 exercises, training time is individual and depends on the time of training, if you practice 1-2 hours every day, it will take about 1-3 weeks;
  • Contents of the exercises: in exercises Keyboard solo
  • Yes.

  • Price: - free;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator there are , are in the program help;
  • Language: Russian, Ukrainian and English(you can download additional language packs on the official website);
  • Number of exercises and training time: exercises in basic mode 17, training time individually;
  • Contents of the exercises: The exercises are mostly text-based, there are audio jokes, you can switch between lessons at will, there are several modes;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.

    3. Keyboard solo 8 - an early version of "SOLO" but no less popular:

  • Price: - paid, the disc costs 800 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the program itself;
  • Language: Russian and English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 100 exercises, training time is individual and depends on the time of training;
  • Contents of the exercises: in the exercises you can find a lot of things, tests, humor, videos, letters from readers, quotes, tips. You cannot switch upward between exercises in any order (you cannot skip classes);
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.


  • Price: - paid, 170 rubles, (free on our website) ;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the certificate;
  • Language: Russian, German and English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: the number of exercises is infinite, the program generates exercises with problematic symbols;
  • Contents of the exercises: you immediately start practicing;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes, A little.

    5. Rapid Typing Tutor:

  • Price: free;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present
  • Language: multilingual program;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 4 difficulty levels, training time depends on you;
  • Contents of the exercises: you immediately start practicing, you can switch between exercises at will;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes, a lot of.

  • Price: shareware but without restrictions ;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are located in the keyboard simulator itself;
  • Language: Russian English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 100 exercises, training time individual;
  • Contents of the exercises: theory and practice, you can switch between exercises at will;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes.

    7. Virtuoso - Hard Keyboard Trainer:

  • Price: free;
  • Availability of guidelines: guidelines for touch typing in the keyboard simulator are present , are in the certificate;
  • Language: Russian English;
  • Number of exercises and training time: 16 exercises, learning time - until you learn;
  • Contents of the exercises: practice, the difficulty is very high, in order to move on to the next task you need to complete the previous one well;
  • Keyboard trainer settings: Yes;
  • Last year I set myself a goal - to master touch typing. I reached it quickly enough. I don’t remember exactly now, but, in my opinion, it took me no more than a few weeks. It was possible faster, even much faster, but it was not always possible to devote time to training. Now I have decided to master the Latin layout, and, I want to say, mastering the second layout is much faster. In fact, this can be done even in one weekend. Of course, I'm not saying now that you'll be typing at 300 characters per minute, but at least you won't be looking at the keyboard. Today I decided to write about keyboard trainers for touch typing, and in general about what touch typing is and who needs it.

    Why do you need touch typing?

    Just answer one question for yourself: how often do you type on the keyboard? I can predict the answer. Of course, often! This may be a banal correspondence in in social networks, and there may be more serious things - a thesis (if you write it yourself), work reports, copywriting (if). Can you imagine how much time you could save if typing took you, say, 5 times less time. And this is not the limit.

    Yes, first of all touch typing allows you to increase your typing speed. Ideally, you will be able to type at the speed of thought, even much faster than writing with a regular ballpoint pen. You will not think about which key you need to press; your fingers will do it subconsciously. It will be hard at first, but then you will start to enjoy it. You just need to overcome yourself.

    In addition, touch typing is good for the brain. To master touch typing on high level, your brain will have to create a huge number of neural connections. And in general fine motor skills Hand training itself also has an extremely positive effect on brain function. So print more.

    What types of touch typing keyboard trainers are there?

    Well, first of all, there are online keyboard simulators touch typing and offline simulators. There's not much to explain here. You will use the first (online simulators) through an Internet browser, and if registration is provided there, then you will be able to train not only at home. And the second type of simulators (offline) involves installing a program on your computer with all the ensuing consequences. I prefer online simulators, but, of course, they require constant access to the Internet.

    You can also meet free and paid keyboard trainers. Personally, it seems to me that the difference is small, although I can’t really compare, because I myself have only used free simulators. Here, as in Everyday life, it all depends on the person. More precisely, it depends on whether he knows how to achieve his goals or not. By the way, this is a great chance to test this quality in yourself.

    Keyboard simulators can also be divided according to their interest. This is of course not for everyone, but personally I like it when training is built in the form of a game and is divided into levels, when there are some achievements, points, competitions and other gaming stuff. This draws you into the training process, and you don’t even notice how you are developing your touch typing skill step by step. In a word, have fun and profitably.

    Well, I think it’s time to move on to a review of popular touch typing keyboard trainers. I will not divide them according to any gender characteristics or sort them in any way, but will simply describe them and, perhaps, collect the basic information in a small table for convenient comparison. I won’t describe everything, but only those that my heart is drawn to.

    All 10 – free online touch typing trainer

    All 10(website) is one of the best free touch typing simulators. It was on it that I mastered the ten-finger set, so I will describe it first. The site itself looks quite nice and is not annoying to spend a long time on it.

    Interface "All 10"

    Training is based on levels. If you complete the task and advance to the next level, if you fail, beat Claudia until you pass! The tasks from level to level are basically the same, but the only difference is the number of keys on which you need to flutter like a bird. To pass the level, you need to type the provided text at a speed of at least 50 characters per minute and you are allowed to make no more than 2 mistakes. Well, these are the minimum requirements, but purely for yourself, you can set a goal to sit at the same level until the speed is, say, 120 characters per minute.

    Training can be completed in Russian and English languages. What I’m actually doing now is going through levels in English.

    After training you can get certified. For some reason I didn’t pass, I have to pass.

    The service also has statistics for each lesson, where you can compare your results with the average and with the best results.

    In principle, this keyboard simulator alone will be enough for you to learn touch typing. But for the sake of decency, let's look at other interesting simulators.

    Clavogonki is an exciting online game. Touch typing won't get you far

    Clavogons(website) – this is true unique creation, combining all the best that you might need to learn high-speed touch typing. Just look at the table of the best players. The fastest player this week set a record in 892 characters per minute. Can you imagine? 15 characters per second!

    Clavogonki: choosing a race

    There is a development system, ranks, points that can be spent on all sorts of bonuses and other things inherent in any game world.

    The only drawback is that if you are a beginner, then you have nothing to do here! This keyboard trainer can teach you speed typing, but it is unlikely to teach you touch typing from scratch.

    Klavarog – professional free online keyboard trainer

    Speaking of Clavarog(website), it’s easier to start with its shortcomings, because there are very few of them, and then move on to its advantages, which will help you quickly forget about the shortcomings.

    The only disadvantages of this keyboard trainer are that it does not have registration and does not remember your progress. That's all! Oh yes, the interface also looks a little old-fashioned and too simple, but there is nothing superfluous and nothing distracts from the process of learning touch typing.

    Clavarog: a complete professional set

    Now let's move on to the advantages of Clavarog:

    Languages. There are as many as 5 languages ​​in this keyboard simulator - Russian, English, German, Ukrainian and Esperanto.

    For each language it is provided 4 difficulty levels. At the first difficulty level “Start” you will be able to master the very basics - short, repeating words. At the second level “Beginner” there will be longer and more complex words. At the third level you will practice your typing speed. On the fourth - typing random paragraphs of text from books.

    In addition to the usual national languages(not counting Esperanto), you will be able to master touch typing course specifically for programming languages, taking into account the syntax features of each of them. The most popular programming languages ​​are collected, among which you will find JavaScript, PHP, Python, C, C++, Go, Pascal, SQL, XML/XSLT. If you are a programmer, then this keyboard simulator will be effective for you.

    Also provided various options keyboard layouts for each language. You are most likely only familiar with QWERTY, because all keyboards on computers and laptops have this layout. This is when the top row of letters begins with the Latin letters qwerty. However, there are other layouts. They are less popular and certainly less familiar to an ordinary person, but people who use them claim that they are more convenient and you can achieve better results with them (meaning typing speed). Among these layouts are: dvorak, ant, workman, klausler, jcuken and others…

    Programmers most often work with alternative types of layouts. So if you are a programmer, then this touch typing keyboard simulator is doubly suitable for you.

    Touch Typing Study – another good touch typing keyboard trainer (online)

    Big advantage Touch Typing Study(site) is a huge number of languages. But will this be a benefit for you? I think not, unless you are a polyglot linguist. Otherwise, this resource is not much different from its analogues.

    Touch Typing Study - simple, but no less effective

    It is possible to register, but it is not necessary, since all lessons and exercises are available without registration.

    There are also several unique games that are not like Tetris or Snake... although they are more like moving crosswords, I don’t know how to describe it, you just need to see and feel it. For the games they get a separate plus from me, after all, the games are very captivating in the process and I am always FOR this approach to learning.

    By the way, like all the keyboard trainers that I describe, Touch Typing Study is completely free. Use it for your own pleasure, as much as you like.

    Touch typing: top keyboard trainers

    I did not describe all of these simulators in the article, because I described only online and free keyboard simulators, but, nevertheless, these are worthy candidates for you to learn about them. Perhaps someone is not against paid training. But for some people it’s more convenient to download the program onto their computer, you never know, maybe the Internet at home isn’t always available... well, that’s it!

    Keyboard trainers Website Type Price
    All 10

    My typing speed on the Russian layout is now about 150 characters per minute, in English - about 90-100 characters per minute. I achieved this using a free online keyboard trainer " All 10" But the speed is low, I agree. Therefore, after completing the English layout course, I plan to hone my speed typing on the resource “ Clavogons" What do you train on?

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