How to wear sapphire for a Sagittarius man. Gems for Sagittarius women: how to choose the right one based on your date of birth. Suitable talismans and protective amulets

Sagittarius completely restless individuals: they constantly strive for new discoveries and new adventures. They want to see, learn and do everything in the world. Sagittarians constantly come up with different ideas, they always rely on their sense of intuition - and it does not let them down. Representatives of this zodiac sign are completely straightforward: they express their personal opinion, regardless of anything. They are insightful observers of life and can rarely refrain from making comments about the surrounding reality - sometimes quite offensive, but it is absolutely impossible to be offended by Sagittarius for a long time. Despite their sociability, Sagittarians are often very lonely, as they are incorrigible idealists. Even disappointments are not able to change Sagittarius - he will continue to believe in love and friendship, trust people again and again. An ineradicable belief in the best, which is usually generously rewarded, is one of the great secrets of their success.

Sagittarius- a sign of the element of Fire, but at the beginning of December the days begin to decline, and the nights increase, and this sign ends its influence on the day itself long night and himself short day. Therefore, two types of stones are recommended for Sagittarius. In cold, dark, difficult, gloomy times, it is advisable to give preference to fiery and red stones. And in light, hot, active and hot times - cold or dark stones, respectively.

HEMATITE or bloodstone, - a black or dark red shiny mineral, iron oxide. It is often called black pearl. For magicians, it is used to draw a magic circle and secret signs on the floor. Bloodstone is a stone of strong, persistent people. It is contraindicated for weak people. Hematite increases the sexual attractiveness of the owner (or mistress), strengthening him in sexual contacts. This stone can help you if you dream too much and would like to look at life more soberly. Hematite helps withstand heavy life's trials and serves as reliable protection from the evil eye. Hematite was used as a protective amulet against injury during battle. Grants invulnerability and suppresses outbursts of anger.
Hematite can only be set in silver. It brings happiness to men when worn on index finger right hand, for women - on the left.
Present in large quantities in iron ores, - Krivoy Rog (Ukraine), Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (Russia).

JASPER known to man since the Paleolithic era, when weapons and tools were made from it. The name "jasper" comes from the Greek. "jasper" (variegated), probably derived from Arab. "yashb", ancient Hebrew "jasfe" and Persian "jasper". Once upon a time in Rus' the word “jasper” meant “speckled stone”. There are many types of jasper. The color of the stone can be monochromatic or multi-colored; colors such as red, purple, blue, green, white, black are found, all in different shades. Bizarre combinations of stripes, spots, ribbons, specks, veins different colors allow you to create jewelry that is unique in beauty and design.
Jasper protects a person from diseases, helps to align a person’s relationships at work, with his superiors. Associated with social hierarchy, it is best worn at work. Jasper is the only stone that removes all the negative energy potential that has already been accumulated by the body. Hippocrates treated fever and epilepsy with jasper. With the spread of Christianity it was believed that magical properties possesses jasper consecrated in the church. A.S. Pushkin wore a bracelet with green jasper, considering it an assistant in love affairs.
Jasper is the only stone that removes all the negative energy potential that has already been accumulated by the body.
As a talisman, jasper promises wealth and health, gives eloquence, and improves memory. Helps with bleeding and low blood pressure. Treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves pain from bruises.
CORAL. Marine coelenterate polyps living in tropical waters create amazing stones of organic origin - corals. When you take coral in your hands, you feel a sense of belonging to the entire Universe, and the variety of delicate shades with a waxy, unobtrusive shine caresses the eye, making coral flowers truly beautiful. The thin, lace-like, unusually graceful structure of coral colonies cannot but arouse admiration.
The rich shades and variety of forms of coral have long attracted jewelers to it. Corals have been a favorite decoration since ancient times. The warmth and sensuality of this stone gives special energy jewelry. Coral jewelry has been known for 6,000 years. They were also valued in the Sumerian kingdom.
Coral was attributed healing properties, it was believed that it protects people from the “evil eye”, poisoning, and cures a number of diseases. It was even believed that coral, as an indicator, bleaches before the owner develops symptoms of a serious illness.
A strict rule: a man must wear red coral, and a woman only white, otherwise nothing good will happen. Coral is a wonderful amulet for children. As a talisman, it protects the owner from lightning, bad people, and can even remove damage.
Corals live in warm and clean seas all over the world.

People born from November 23 to December 21 belong to the zodiac sign Sagittarius. For the most part, these are sociable and cheerful people, accustomed to being the center of attention. The greatest value for them is independence. They will not tolerate if someone tries to subjugate them.

People born under this sign are quite conservative in their views. They are used to living by established rules and do not like to change them. Stinginess is not a Sagittarius character trait. They are generous and will always lend a helping hand in difficult times.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius values ​​sincerity most of all and cannot stand lies. Among such people there are often zealous fighters for justice.

The disadvantage of people of this sign is the fear of making a responsible decision. They often delegate this task to others. Another drawback of Sagittarius is their reluctance to make plans for the future. They live one day at a time and don’t think about what will happen next, so they often get into trouble.

There are many gems that are suitable for Sagittarius. The task of some is to protect it, the task of others is to attract good luck. There are also stones that are not suitable for Sagittarius. This means that every person of this sign should be able to choose a talisman stone for themselves.

When choosing stones according to the zodiac sign, astrologers advise taking into account the date of birth of Sagittarius, or more precisely, the decade.

Date of Birth Patronage Character traits Stones
November 23 – December 2 Mercury Fearlessness, adventurism, love of adventure. Sagittarians born on these days are distinguished from others by a heightened sense of justice. They do not tolerate it when they offend the weak and cannot stand lies. Lapis lazuli, tiger's eye, quartz, amethyst, etc.
December 3 – 12 Jupiter Sudden mood changes without visible reasons. Sagittarians born these days are distinguished by their wild imagination. Even simple task they perform in a special way. Among such people there are often creative, searching natures. Turquoise, and.
December 13 – 21 Jupiter Perseverance in achieving goals, love of luxury. Sagittarians born these days love to surround themselves with expensive things, with whom sometimes they can no longer part with and because of this, stinginess may appear in their character traits, although this happens extremely rarely. , ruby, sapphire, zircon, topaz and garnet.

To have a complete understanding of which stone is suitable for Sagittarius, you need to know that in winter astrologers recommend wearing red gemstones. Among these are blood jasper, garnet, ruby ​​and others. In winter, such gems are most active. For summer good option Gems of cold tones (blue, transparent and others) will appear. Topaz, turquoise and others have this shade. Accordingly, at this time of year the properties of these gems are enhanced.

You should not limit yourself to wearing a specific stone. Ideal option for a Sagittarius there will be a collection of 5-6 gems, but they need to be worn not all at once, but one by one. You need to combine stones with great care. Some of them cannot exist together due to different energies.

Common talisman stones for Sagittarius

If you do not take into account the date of birth, the main birthstone for Sagittarius is garnet. It helps to gain popularity or gain power over people. can take Sagittarius to the very top career ladder and does not allow you to go down it. This gem protects a person on the road, protects against damage, the evil eye and harsh weather conditions.

Another talisman for Sagittarius is. Its main property is that it helps develop intuition. Sagittarius who dream of love should opt for it. He will help you find that person who will become a reliable life partner. Topaz is also necessary for those people of this sign who cannot come to terms with external age-related changes. The stone slows down the aging process and even reduces appetite. The stone that best suits Sagittarius women is topaz.

is a talisman that is suitable for Sagittarius. It protects against damage and the evil eye and attracts good luck. Tiger's eye calms, with it you can forget about sudden changes in mood. The meaning of this gem for a Sagittarius woman is material well-being.

Chrysolites are also suitable for this sign. They will protect from envious people, help avoid quarrels and establish contacts with the right people. Gems will drive away bad thoughts and nightmares. They will give Sagittarius confidence in their own abilities. Thanks to chrysolites, people of this sign will no longer be afraid to take responsibility and will learn to make plans.

It is one of the best amulets for Sagittarius. It protects against accidents, troubles and troubles. Turquoise will help establish the connections Sagittarius needs. It gets rid of recklessness and puts you in a serious mood. Blue turquoise is suitable for girls, as it will make her more attractive to men and will help her find a loved one, and green is suitable for married ladies, as it helps preserve the family.

Among the many amulets, Sagittarius should not be deprived of attention. It enhances attractiveness to the opposite sex and gives confidence in one’s own abilities. For a long time, ruby ​​has been considered a symbol of power, as it helps to achieve it. With such a stone you will not know what fear and anxiety are.

Stones for Sagittarius women and men

Among the variety of gems for Sagittarius, there are stones that are best suited for men or women. You also need to pay attention to this when choosing a talisman.

If you know which stones suit Sagittarius women according to their horoscope, then you can give them a good and meaningful gift. If a lady loves to travel, then her gem is. He will protect you on the road, no matter how dangerous it may be.


Sapphire is also suitable for a woman of this sign. Such a gem will help to establish relationships with others and give a certain power over them. opens up in a woman Creative skills and develops hidden potential.

Suitable for a man of this sign. It will help you master new skills and knowledge. The gem promotes the development of those skills that Sagittarius already possesses. The stone helps to concentrate attention on completing a specific task and protects against those people who weave intrigues and conspiracies against Sagittarius.

Obsidian is the stone of the man of this sign. It softens an aggressive character, but at the same time makes a person strong and resilient. This stone can improve the functioning of a man’s body. Another property of the gem is protection from damage and the evil eye.

Helps a Sagittarius man to tune into an optimistic mood and get rid of painful thoughts, fears and doubts. It can make a person decisive and courageous. Zircon gives Sagittarius the ability to recognize lies and gives strength to fight injustice.

There are several gems that are contraindicated for Sagittarius - these are Gemini stones, black opal and.

When choosing talisman stones, you need to be guided not only zodiac constellation, but also with my own feelings. If you are drawn to this or that gem, then this is your amulet, which can serve quite well.

First ten days: from November 23rd to December 2nd. Sagittarius whose birthday falls on this period, is subject to the influence of Mercury. He is a brave hunter and fighter for justice, easily getting involved in adventures and adventures. Most suitable stones for him: amethyst, quartz, lapis lazuli, agate, red jasper, tiger's eye.

Second ten-day period: from December 3rd to December 12th. Sagittarians born in this decade are very susceptible to mood swings. This creative people, they show imagination even in the most boring business. Their stones are opal (except black), chalcedony, chrysoprase, onyx and turquoise.

Third ten days: from December 13th to 22nd. Sagittarius born in this decade persistently pursue their goal; they surround themselves with luxurious things and loved ones. Sapphire, zircon, ruby, hyacinth, garnet, emerald, topaz and peridot are most suitable for them.

Sagittarius amulets stones


Turquoise is a very important stone for all Sagittarius. It helps not only improve health and prevent the development of inflammatory processes, but also helps to improve relationships with work colleagues and family. Turquoise will help you with connections - perhaps they will come in handy someday. The only precaution is that it is not recommended to wear this stone in gold.


Very often Sagittarius are simple-minded and straightforward people. They can say whatever they think about a person or some phenomenon without a twinge of conscience. And sometimes this quality can greatly hinder them. Because of him, Sagittarius has ill-wishers and enemies. The chrysolite stone will help strengthen the nervous system and simply become more emotionally stable and resilient. It will help you get rid of annoying bad thoughts and become more self-confident.

Eye of the Tiger

The tiger's eye will help you pull the bird of luck by the tail to your side. This unusual stone, reminiscent of a tiger in color, somewhat softens the negative manifestations of your character and at the same time helps to develop positive ones. good qualities. It helps fight laziness, apathy and even depression.

Stones men


A good and successful choice for you is obsidian. This stone, which is volcanic glass, will help improve health: it stabilizes the work internal organs, helps support the activity of the reproductive system, increases the likelihood of conceiving a child. Obsidian is a symbol of strength and power. It helps protect against ill-wishers, damage and the evil eye, suppress excessive aggression and direct energy to where it is really needed.

Purple Amethyst

Another useful stone for you is purple amethyst. It symbolizes wisdom and concentration and helps you find application for your thoughts. This problem is very common among Capricorns. They may have thousands of thoughts and ideas in their heads, but do not know how to put them into practice. Amethyst will help strengthen your intellectual potential. This stone will prevent ill-wishers from negatively influencing you.


Ruby is a very powerful stone, and Sagittarius can handle it quite well. Ruby is a symbol of power; this stone has long been worn only by the rich and influential people. Therefore, it contains energy that can make you a leader of any team. Ruby will support you in your endeavors and guarantee their success. It will help maintain harmony and comfort in the family and everyday relationships.


Turquoise will help you become more independent in financially. For you, this stone can become a guarantor of economic stability. Turquoise increases the likelihood of resolving any disputes and conflicts in your favor, and helps extinguish the fire of disagreements that have broken out.

Women's stones


One of the most important stones for you is topaz. He will help you if you want to stay young and beautiful. Topaz activates metabolic processes and triggers skin regeneration. Therefore, wearing it, you can maintain your outward youth. Yes, and internal too. Topaz will protect you from stress and sudden mood swings, and will help you remain cheerful and positive. And this, as you know, is the first key to happiness and youth.

Lapis lazuli

Very often, Sagittarius girls are too demanding opposite sex. And because of this, they cannot find a reliable partner who would meet all their requirements. The lapis lazuli stone will help you get rid of excessive perfectionism. With its help you will understand better loved one, you can tune in to his wave. It will make you calmer and more reserved, which will greatly help you at the right time.


We have already noted that Sagittarius is a very straightforward sign. Sometimes he can say something and then regret it for a long time. This trait is especially characteristic of some Sagittarius women. Sapphire will help you suppress excessive talkativeness. It is recommended to choose one of the blue shades of the stone or a completely colorless option. The stone will give you wisdom and perseverance, protect you from blurting out unnecessary things, and help you keep secrets. Prevents rash actions.

You can further enhance the positive effects of the stones you wear. To do this, it is advisable to arrange them in forms that are happy for you in the form of a salamander or a centaur. A centaur, for example, will help you become stronger and more resilient, and be less susceptible to the effects of mental and physical fatigue. The salamander helps direct your irrepressible energy in the right, useful direction.

Dangerous stones

You can't wear Gemini stones. In general, it is not recommended to wear what air signs wear, since this element is not very friendly with fire, which Sagittarius belongs to. And Gemini contains twice as much air, and this can turn the Sagittarius fire into an uncontrollable conflagration. The following stones cannot be worn: alexandrite, pearls, carnelian, citrine.

Give Sagittarius stones of yellow and orange color recommended with caution - it may happen that they do not need the extra fire that stones bring to life bright colors. In this case, Sagittarius should prefer calmer, more peaceful stones for everyday wear. For the frame, it is better to choose a light metal, which guarantees the correct direction of energy and will look great in terms of effectiveness.

You can't wear black opal. It can sow doubts in your soul that will lead you far from acceptance. right decisions. Black opal can immerse you in unrealistic fantasies that have nothing to do with reality.

Jade and jewelry made from it can make Sagittarius even more uncontrollable and aggressive. Due to its effects, you may develop a sense of adventure and recklessness. And these qualities may not be appreciated by your loved ones and loved ones. Jade can also protect you from other people and make you lonely.

For a lover of change - Sagittarius - it is not advisable to have trinkets and jade jewelry nearby. There is a possibility that this stone will push Sagittarius to take rash actions and increase the desire for drastic changes in life. Jade, which strives for loneliness, can also bring it to Sagittarius, for whom it is already quite difficult to find a mate. Back to contents

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Each representative fire element literally radiates creative energy and vitality, so there will always be people who envy such a lucky guy. should play the role of a talisman not only against real dangers, but also against negative thoughts from bad people. Such minerals produce energy, charging the host with it and maintaining its vitality at the proper level. Girls born under the sign of Sagittarius are very difficult to combine with other zodiac signs, which is why it is so important for them to attract into their lives true love, make sincere friends.

Stones for a Sagittarius woman should have a beneficial effect on her mental capacity and psyche, therefore the main talisman for this sign is considered to be a mineral ideal for people whose activities involve mental work. The gem cannot be worn often because it absorbs negative emotions and excitement, but even by periodically wearing such jewelry, a woman can clear her mind of bad thoughts and increase concentration on completing assigned tasks. The amulet lifts your spirits, strengthens your immune system, and protects you from all dangers.

Stones should also attract the energy flow of love into life. Such a useful talisman is the ruby, which belongs to the first category of precious gems. He brings good luck in business, fulfills the most cherished desires. A pure and modest sapphire can calm any passions and direct excess energy in the right direction. The mineral brings its owner victory in any endeavor.

For a Sagittarius woman, stones are the embodiment of beauty and grace, so a little girl can be given a piece of jade that will bring good dreams and peace. Sardonyx will be an excellent talisman for a lover of travel, and the tiger's eye will worry about the financial situation of its owner. In order for the amulet to bring as much happiness and good luck into life as possible, it is recommended to engrave it in the form of a deer, dolphin, salamander, centaur or palm tree.

When considering which stone is suitable for Sagittarius women, it should be borne in mind that these energetic individuals are most influenced by gems of green and blue shades. Fire signs They love to travel, they are great dreamers and fighters. It is better for them to wear elongated rings and on the index finger, so the effect of the talisman will be more clearly visible. A brooch in the shape of a salamander with emerald eyes will be an excellent amulet for a purposeful and self-confident person. A pendant made of bronze or gold is capable of repelling any energy attack.

For a Sagittarius woman, stones play a big role in her life, so they should be loved and desired. A useless mineral (from the point of view of a representative of this restless sign) will not bring good luck. Therefore, it is important not only to look closely at the horoscope, but also to listen to your own feelings. Often a person is drawn to a pebble as if by a magnet, so it will become a real amulet for life.

Sagittarius stones must pacify the violent temper of representatives of this zodiac sign and strengthen it positive sides. Therefore, if you decide to purchase, then be very careful about your choice.

In the article:

Sagittarius stones - what you need to pay attention to

Before choosing, you need to pay attention to the positive and negative sides person. People born under this zodiac sign are very sociable and love to be the center of attention.

Sagittarians believe that they are the embodiment of world justice and perceive criticism from others extremely negatively. These people like to say whatever they think to their face, so they often make enemies for themselves. Sagittarians are very independent and conservative. They don't like to change anything radically. It is easier for them to adapt to the existing system than to change anything.

Sagittarians love to help other people, especially their friends. They do not like violence or deception. We are sure that the most important thing for a person can be his freedom, sincerity and justice. Sagittarians are very optimistic and energetic, often get carried away and are not always able to control their own flow of energy.

When selecting an individual, you should be guided by this knowledge. The selected talisman can activate everything negative traits of this sign, including carelessness, excessive edification, and inability to make important decisions.

It is best if the jewelry is purchased in the presence of Sagittarius himself. In this case, he will be able to choose exactly the stone to which he will be drawn. Then it will not be so important whether this talisman can be ideal for representatives of a given sign or not. The only thing that will be important is that the amulet chose its owner.

Sagittarius - Zodiac stones by decade

If you were born from November 23 to December 2, then belong to the first decade. People born during this period are under the protection of the planet Mercury. They are very lively, are not afraid of anything, and always fight for justice. These people are able to get involved in any adventure in order to experience amazing adventures.

If you were born in the first decade, then you need to have with you such jewelry as:

  • Tiger's Eye;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • quartz;
  • bloody jasper.

If born from 3 to 12 December You must be subject to constant mood swings. Sagittarius, who were born in the second decade, are endowed with extraordinary talent, very creative personalities. They can turn even the most boring holiday into a fun party. It is best for representatives of the second decade to choose:

  • chrysoprase;
  • quartz;
  • onyx;
  • turquoise;
  • opal;
  • chalcedony.

To those who were born from 13 to 21 December, you must always be the center of attention. People born during this period know exactly what they want and stubbornly follow their goals. Sagittarius born in the 3rd decade need to always be surrounded by loved ones and loyal people. The following stones can become reliable protectors for Sagittarius born at this time:

  • hyacinth;
  • ruby;
  • chrysolite;
  • pomegranate;
  • emerald;
  • topaz;
  • sapphire.

Garnet is the most powerful talisman stone

If you were born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius, then you must have a grenade in your arsenal. It is this stone that is considered the strongest and most powerful amulet of all Sagittarius. He can activate everything positive traits this sign. If a person wears such jewelry every day, then he is very quickly able to reach any heights in the professional field.

Garnet will help you be more patient and will not allow Sagittarius to make energy attacks on your loved ones. People who wear garnet will be able to achieve fame very quickly. You can use the amulet to protect against black forces. Pomegranate will save you from damage, the evil eye and any evil spirits. The stone is able to protect its owner from any negative physical impact.

Topaz - intuition and wisdom

In order to develop intuition and become wiser, more reserved and patient, Sagittarius needs to wear topaz jewelry. An amulet in the form of a pendant or brooch is best suited. The talisman can bring happiness and harmony to family life.

If Sagittarius is lonely, then topaz can bring success in your personal life and help you find your one and only. The amulet will help its owner look younger and make the person more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. The stone is able to protect the owner from nervous breakdowns and will provide an opportunity not to take criticism so personally and to respond adequately to the opinions of other people.

Peridot - harmony and balance

Sagittarius needs to frequently adjust their behavior. To do this, you need to wear a ring or pendant with peridot. This amulet will help calm the violent nature of a Sagittarius. Chrysolite will be able to protect its owner from the negative influence of enemies and envious people, will help to be more loyal to the people around him, as a result of which a person will be able to avoid most conflicts.

For Sagittarius who are insecure, peridot will inspire confidence in the future and in the people who surround them. One of the main qualities of the amulet is that it can have a fruitful effect on work nervous system person, harmonize him and eliminate negative thoughts.

Tiger's eye is a strong talisman for Sagittarius

Tiger's Eye is a very important amulet for every Sagittarius. Decorating with this stone will help eliminate negative qualities and enhance positive ones. The talisman will help fight laziness and reluctance to work. The tiger's eye can attract success and prosperity to a person. Those who wear amulets with it will be able to achieve great professional success.

Turquoise - protection from harm

A turquoise talisman can protect a person from any troubles. And it doesn’t matter what provokes them. The stone can eliminate any negative witchcraft influence, will help strengthen a person’s physical health.

In addition, turquoise will cover its owner with a real cover that will protect him from any misfortunes and hardships. The amulet will help establish relationships with new partners and strengthen existing connections.

If you realize that you need an additional source of energy, since you cannot always cope with the difficulties on your way on your own, then you should wear a ring with turquoise. This amulet will become an inexhaustible source of strength.

Which stone will help Sagittarius in learning?

If you realize that absorption new information is not always successful, it’s worth using magical help sapphire. This stone is capable of endowing its owner with wisdom and a thirst for knowledge. With the help of sapphire, Sagittarius can learn to control people without showing aggression towards them.

This stone is especially suitable for those who are engaged in creativity. People with innovative thinking will be able to use the energy that the amulet gives them correctly. The talisman is able to protect its owner from evil forces and give him energy for self-improvement.

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