The hospital where the butcher doctor works. Alexander Myasnikov: what the TV presenter looks like after blepharoplasty and a circular facelift. Are there children

Health, how often in the everyday bustle we underestimate its role. And how grateful we are to the people who come to our aid when problems arise. Millions know one of these people. Alexander Myasnikov is a representative of a medical dynasty who continued the family’s legacy. Honored doctor, scientist, TV presenter, author of a number of books. Our story today is about him.


The boy's childhood was happy and carefree. The eternal question “Who should I be?” never stood in front of Alexander. He knew that he would be a doctor. This was predetermined by the fate and traditions of the family, in which the role models were the great-grandfather - a zemstvo doctor, the grandfather - an academician who stood at the origins national cardiology, and father is a professor. The young man’s mother, Olga Myasnikova, was also involved in medicine, working on the problem of longevity.

The child grew up in a single-parent family. Parents divorced when Sasha was 6 years old. But they were able to instill a love of medicine in their son, since everyone contributed to the upbringing and personal development of their son. And yet, the leading role in choosing a profession belonged to grandfather Leonid. Grandfather always found time for his beloved grandson. Their intimate conversations and joint holidays at the dacha left their mark on the boy’s soul. And my grandfather’s attitude towards the sick became a source for imitation.

Education and medical practice

After graduating from school, the young man successfully passed the entrance exams to the Pirogov Moscow Institute. Having demonstrated extraordinary abilities in medical science over the years of study, Myasnikov brilliantly completed his residency and postgraduate studies. In 1981, after defending his Ph.D. thesis, Alexander became a full-time doctor of the geological team, which included people different professions and nationalities, was sent to Mozambique. At that time, this small state was under martial law, and the young doctor experienced its hardships firsthand.

From 1983 to 1989, a talented and promising physician successfully practiced in Zambezi, Angola. They had to work in Africa under difficult and dangerous wartime conditions. The operations had to be carried out in the field, but human lives were saved at the cost of all the difficulties.

Returning to the capital, Alexander Leonidovich got a job at a cardiology research center. But already in 1993 he left to work in France at the Russian Embassy.

Next was America. Here he was trained and received an international certificate of a highly qualified doctor. In New York, with American colleagues, he worked enthusiastically to solve issues related to the problem of aging of the human body.

Having accumulated a solid store of knowledge in the field of practical medicine over the years of travel, Alexander Leonidovich returned to Moscow in 2000 and began working at the American Medical Center. center as chief physician. Subsequently, Myasnikov went to work in a private clinic he organized, in which he was able to apply everything he had learned abroad.

Worked for one year (2009 -2010) at the Kremlin Hospital of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation chief physician

Currently, Alexander Leonidovich heads the 71st city clinical hospital in Moscow.


Alexander is married. This is his second marriage. His wife Natalya is a historian by training and a former TASS employee. Natasha is like a good luck talisman for the doctor. For 30 years now, she has supported her husband in all his affairs and accompanies him on trips. Even in Hard times Myasnikov’s work in Africa was nearby. Together they are raising their son Leonid, who, following the traditions of the family, chose the profession of a doctor.

Children are a difficult topic for the Myasnikov family, since he is the father of another child, eleven-year-old Polina. The girl has unique creative abilities: she draws well and has an excellent style. Polina wrote a series of fairy tales and illustrated them. A loving father treats his children with equal tenderness and care and makes every effort to ensure that they find a worthy place in life.

Book publishing activities

Alexander is the author of almost twenty books. The first of them is “Is there life after 50?” It was based on the doctor’s thoughts and reasoning, recorded on a voice recorder. The works of Alexander Leonidovich not only encourage readers to healthy image life, but are also reference material in the fight for your health.

Working on television

In 2012, from the educational and informational program “Did you call the doctor?” started television career Alexandra. The next TV project was “Say, Doctor.” The program “About the Most Important Thing” brought him the greatest popularity. All programs are distinguished by their relevance to the topics that the practicing doctor conveys to viewers in an accessible language. The advice he gives to viewers is very useful and makes everyone think and reconsider their lifestyle, which often leads to illness.

In Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of Man,” Dr. Myasnikov, in addition to issues affecting health and medicine, spoke about little known facts biographies.

On the official website of the famous and talented doctor on the Internet, you can find information about his medical and social activities, get acquainted with books and announcements of television shows with his participation. Those who wish are given the opportunity to make an appointment with a doctor.

On his Instagram page you can admire photographs of his family and favorite animals.

Alexander Myasnikov devoted his whole life to the problem of improving the health of Russians, calling on TV screens and the pages of his books to think about their health and help themselves gain longevity.

Alexander Myasnikov is a famous person in professional activity doctor, and more. He is also a metropolitan showman, thanks to which the whole country knows him. During his life he gained many admirers of his, so to speak, “creativity”. The name of this popular doctor is always heard. The biography is very rich, but in matters of his personal life, Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov belongs to that part of the celebrities who hide it. With what more people hides, the more journalists and fans want to know. They were always interested in who is Alexander Myasnikov’s wife?

Alexander’s family goes back a long way – a hereditary doctor – his dynasty of professional medicine has lasted for almost two hundred years. A professional in his field is known to many television viewers, as Myasnikov participates in a program called “About the Most Important Thing.”

Alexander, as a medical worker, is known not only in Russia - he is also known abroad. However, with such fame, he still manages to hide his personal life. Although we still managed to find out a little!

Alexander Myasnikov's wife photo

Alexander Myasnikov was married twice. The second marriage has lasted almost forty years. Doctors don’t have such a frantic life, even famous ones. That's why family life They are happy and calm. Alexander Myasnikov and his wife travel a lot for work. As they say, “in joy and in sorrow.” A photo of Alexander Myasnikov’s wife and son is presented below.

Myasnikov has two children. A son, who was named Leonid in honor of his grandfather, and a daughter, Polina. It is not known who Polina’s mother is, but Myasnikov’s wife warmly accepts the girl and does not interfere with her communication with her father.

Very little is known about Dr. Myasnikov’s children. Leonid was born late. During pregnancy, Alexander's wife experienced many problems, but the couple tried with all their might to save the child and they succeeded. Their desired child was born. According to the tradition of the Myasnikov dynasty, he was given the name of his grandfather.

Love and care reign in the family of a talented doctor. Although Alexander is busy with work, he still tries to devote a lot of time to his son and passes on to him his vast experience, accumulated over centuries. Now the son of Alexander Myasnikov has grown up to be a talented and versatile person: he reads a lot, is involved in tourism and the art of combat. He, like his ancestors, followed in the footsteps of his fathers - he studied in France to become a pharmacist.

Daughter Polina is growing up creative personality, which is not typical of the Myasnikov family. The girl draws beautifully and writes fairy tales. She has already published a few collections, which she composed and drew illustrations entirely on her own.

Nothing is known about the first wife of the talented doctor. She didn't appear in public, no joint photos, The media couldn't catch her. Alexander himself is “dumb as a fish” on this matter. Myasnikov doesn’t even mention the name of his ex-wife. The doctor claims that his initial marriage failed because they did not get along in character and there were some disagreements in family life.

Alexander Myasnikov met his current wife, Natalya, at an event where he was with his first wife. By the way, Natalya was at this reception with her fiancé. But as fate would have it, the young people fell in love with each other from the first moment, after which they could not live separately.

Natalya’s profession is in no way related to medicine. She received her education at the Institute of History and Archives. After marriage, Myasnikov’s wife became a housewife. Alexander always finds support and warmth from his beloved wife. It creates incredible home comfort for all household members. The wife and children of Alexander Myasnikov live with the doctor as a happy family.

Today we would like to draw your attention to one famous person, professional doctor and the capital's showman Alexander Myasnikov. It is probably now difficult to find someone who has never heard the name of this person.

Alexander Myasnikov belongs to ancient dynasty medical workers. He himself currently holds the position of chief physician in one of the Moscow clinics.

It is worth noting that Alexander Myasnikov is not only a talented doctor. He became known to the general public as a presenter thanks to the television program “About the Most Important Thing” on the Rossiya TV channel. In addition to medical practice and work on television, Alexander Myasnikov is the author of several collections on medical topics.

Our hero is a professional in his field. He has incredible charisma. He also feels confident and at ease in front of the camera. Many people use his advice.

The path to success was not easy. Alexander Myasnikov had to work a lot, first of all on himself. His life path filled with bright events, where there were not only ups, but also downs. But Alexander Myasnikov managed to overcome everything and gain public recognition.

Height, weight, age. How old is doctor Alexander Myasnikov

Many TV viewers are interested in various kinds of details about the hero of our article, including what are his physical parameters, namely height, weight, age. How old is doctor Alexander Myasnikov? frequently asked question. It is known that the doctor was born in 1953. This means that in 2018 Alexander Myasnikov celebrates his 65th birthday.

Photos in his youth and now are a frequent request on the Internet. And this is not surprising, because at his age Alexander Myasnikov looks simply magnificent. This is quite a handsome man. He is 180 centimeters tall, fit, confident and cheerful. Alexander Myasnikov carefully monitors his health and tries to keep himself in shape. He leads an active lifestyle and adheres to the rules healthy eating and does what he loves.

According to his zodiac sign, Alexander Myasnikov belongs to the sophisticated, sensible Virgo. And the Year of the Snake, in which he was born, endowed him with self-confidence, determination and hard work.

Biography and personal life of doctor Alexander Myasnikov

Our hero is a native Leningrader. Celebrates his birthday on September 15th. Father - Leonid Myasnikov - professor, doctor of medical sciences. Mother, Olga Khalilovna, also devoted herself to medicine and, at almost ninety years old, amazes with her health, vigor and endurance.

It is worth noting that as a child, little Sasha did not dream of conquering medicine. Rather, he wanted to become a driver and travel the world. But still, the father insisted that his son continue the dynasty of doctors.

Thus, Alexander Myasnikov graduated from the Pirogov State Medical Institute. He completed his postgraduate and residency studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after his grandfather.

During my time I gained considerable experience and great knowledge. He worked in Africa and served as a doctor at a government hospital in Angola. In the early nineties, he worked as a doctor at the Russian Embassy in France.

Now Alexander Myasnikov is the head physician of Hospital 71. Many people are interested in how to get an appointment with a talented doctor. And this is not surprising. After all, his popularity grew with the release of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

We see that the biography and personal life of doctor Alexander Myasnikov is eventful. One can write and write about his merits and the merits of his ancestors. Alexander Myasnikov rightfully received recognition not only from his colleagues, but also from the general public. His advice is useful to everyone. Professionalism is obvious. Scientist, cardiologist, doctor general practice... In addition, he is the author of several books on medical topics and broadcasts on radio and television. Alexander Myasnikov has been awarded various prizes and titles, including the honorary badge “Honored Doctor of the City of Moscow.”

Family and children of doctor Alexander Myasnikov

Our hero is a hereditary doctor. Medical dynasty Myasnikov’s tradition dates back to the nineteenth century. For two hundred years now, this family has been becoming doctors. During this time they became famous outside of Russia. For example, Alexander’s grandfather, Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov, is a world-famous scientist and academician. Students of medical universities study using his textbooks. Alexander Myasnikov is very proud of his ancestors, in whose footsteps he decided to follow himself. He often talks about them, about their successes and professionalism.

As for the personal life of our hero, we note that the talented doctor speaks about it reluctantly, trying to change the topic of conversation. The family and children of doctor Alexander Myasnikov is a rather sensitive topic. It is known that his family life was not successful the first time. He was married twice.

He has been with his second wife for more than forty years. They live calmly and happily. His wife tries to accompany him everywhere - be it on vacation, travel or business trip. The marriage produced a son, who, according to the tradition of the Myasnikov dynasty, was named after his grandfather - Leonid.

Myasnikov also admitted that he has illegitimate daughter Pauline. The wife managed to forgive the betrayal. The doctor's family communicates with Polina; the girl has a good relationship with her half-brother.

Son of doctor Alexander Myasnikov - Leonid

There is also little information about our hero’s children. It is known that he has two children. The son of doctor Alexander Myasnikov, Leonid, is a late and welcome child. The boy was born in the second marriage of a talented physician. During pregnancy, his mother, the wife of Alexander Myasnikov, experienced a lot of problems, but still saved and gave birth to an heir. By family tradition the child was named after his grandfather.

The boy was brought up with love and care. Alexander Myasnikov, despite his workload, spent a lot of time with his son and tried to invest in him as much knowledge as possible. And now he helps him with everything. It is known that Leonid followed in the footsteps of his father and studied to become a pharmacist in France. He loves to read and is involved in martial arts and tourism. Now Alexander Myasnikov is trying to pass on his experience, knowledge and capabilities to his heir.

It is worth mentioning that Alexander Myasnikov compiled an extensive pedigree for his son - Letters to Leni’s son. In it, he spoke about his numerous relatives, their merits and successes, interesting stories. This was a great gift for Leonid.

Illegitimate daughter of doctor Leonid Myasnikov - Polina

Our hero's second child was born about eleven years ago. Now, the daughter of doctor Alexander Myasnikov, Polina, is in seventh grade.

This is a pretty smart child. Possesses creative abilities. Polina has no plans to become a doctor yet, she loves to draw and her skill is growing with age. Let us note that members of the Myasnikov dynasty loved painting, but almost no one knew how to draw. It is known that she previously composed a small collection of fairy tales and prepared illustrations for it herself. They decided to release it in a small edition.

The ex-wife of doctor Alexander Myasnikov

As mentioned earlier, our hero does not like to talk about his personal life. He tries to hide information, to move the conversation in a different direction. That is why there is very little information on this topic in the media.

However, it is known that the talented doctor was married twice. Ex-wife Doctor Alexander Myasnikov is nowhere to be seen in the media. Even her name is unknown.

Alexander Myasnikov notes that the first marriage was not entirely successful. Perhaps feelings played a role and there were some disagreements. And yet it is an experience.

The wife of doctor Alexander Myasnikov - Natalya

With the second chosen one, and subsequently future wife, our hero met at a social event while still married. He came there with his first wife. Let us note that Natalya was not alone then - she had a fiancé. The young people experienced such a strong feeling that they could not more friend without a friend.

They have now been married for over 40 years. They live happily. The wife of doctor Alexander Myasnikov, Natalya, always supports him. They are together everywhere, even on business trips she accompanies her husband.

It is known that Natalya has nothing to do with medicine. She graduated from the Historical and Archival Institute. Now a housewife, she creates home comfort. The family had two children - son Leonid and daughter Polya.

Wikipedia of doctor Alexander Myasnikov

Our hero is very famous. Therefore, it is not surprising that his biography and personal life are especially popular. There are many sites dedicated lives celebrities, where you can find current news about him.

For example, Wikipedia of the doctor Alexander Myasnikov provides extensive information about the life and career of a talented doctor. Here you can read his biography and creative way; his books, television work, awards and honors are presented. All information is written in clear language and is available to every Internet user. Article found on

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich – chief physician one of the Moscow clinics, a doctor with an impressive work history. He is known far beyond the capital and even Russia as the author of books about illness and health written in accessible language, as well as as a frequent guest and host of popular television programs.

Doctor Alexander Myasnikov


Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov (junior) was born in 1953, on September 15. He became the representative of the 4th generation of doctors in the family and was named after the famous grandfather. The dynasty began in the 19th century; our hero’s great-grandfather was a zemstvo doctor in the Tver province, who financed the opening of a clinic for the poor. His wife trained as an ophthalmologist. Grandfather-academician Soviet times stood at the origins of Russian cardiology, headed the All-Russian Society of Therapists. Alexander’s father also followed in the footsteps of his ancestors, although in his youth he dreamed of serving in navy. He lived only 45 years, died of kidney cancer, but managed to become a professor. His wife, Olga Khalilovna, a Crimean Tatar by nationality, began her studies in aviation, but then transferred to medical school. She specialized in gerontology (issues of longevity, age-related diseases).

Alexander was born into a family of doctors and made a brilliant career

So Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich is the chief physician of the series medical institutions It was no coincidence that the biography of a person who grew up in such a family was predetermined. Although his parents divorced when Sasha was only 6 years old, his mother and father instilled in him a love and interest in medicine. After graduating from school, the young man left his native Leningrad for the capital and entered the Pirogov Institute. His studies at medical school, which ended in 1976, were followed by a 5-year residency.

Alexander has few photographs of his family

Attention! The aspiring physician completed his residency at the cardiology research center named after his grandfather. (He headed the National Medical Research Center of Cardiology for 17 years, until his death in 1965).

Medical career

After completing his residency, the young doctor defended his PhD thesis and went to Mozambique to provide medical care Soviet geologists. He then continued to work in the Zambezi, Angola. Returning from Africa to Russia in 1989, he became a cardiologist at the center, where he trained before leaving. After working in Africa, Myasnikov took the problems of migrants to heart, so at the same time he got a job in the medical department of the IOM, an organization that deals with these problems.

Alexander Myasnikov in his youth

From 1993 to 2000, the doctor again worked abroad:

  • in France, as a doctor at the Russian embassy;
  • in the USA, where he undergoes residency and improves his qualifications, confirming them at the international level.

Work and study in the States, as well as obtain membership in a number of American organizations of the corresponding profile had an impact on Myasnikov’s future career. Returning to the capital, he became the chief physician of the American Medical Center, and a few years later he himself created and headed a clinic that met the standards accepted in the United States.

Alexander Myasnikov has extensive experience working abroad

In 2009, he was invited to the position of chief physician at the most prestigious healthcare institution in the country - the Kremlin Hospital. And starting next year, Myasnikov heads the capital’s clinical hospital No. 71. He combines his work as a doctor with social activities, holds one of the leading positions in the public council under the Ministry of Health and is a member of the Moscow Public Chamber. About 9 years ago, Dr. Myasnikov began regular appearances on TV.

A television

Myasnikov hosted a number of television programs on different channels; his debut was the program “Did you call the doctor?” This is a television program in the “doctor’s appointment in the studio” format, where a specialist gives answers to questions regarding diseases, recommends appropriate treatment and warns against mistakes. Also during the program, problems and prospects for Russian healthcare in general were discussed. Around the same time, Alexander Leonidovich began appearing on radio in the mornings, in joint project Vladimir Solovyov and Anna Shafran. He is a regular presenter of the medical section of the radio show “Full Contact”. Solovyov often invites him to his television program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov.”

Alexander Myasnikov in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

Then came information project medical orientation “Tell me, doctor!” with the participation of the best metropolitan doctors who live answered questions from viewers. And Alexander Myasnikov’s most famous television project is the program “About the Most Important Thing,” which airs on the Rossiya-1 channel. Its slogan: “Everything that matters most is about your health.”

Alexander Myasnikov, practicing doctor

Chronology of A. L. Myasnikov’s work on television:

  • 2009 – presenter, expert of the program “Did you call the doctor?”;
  • 2012-14 – host of “Tell Me, Doctor!”;
  • from 2013 to the present day - co-host of “About the Most Important Thing.”

This morning show airs every weekday at 9:55 am. The program is based on the idea: if you devote just one hour every day to taking care of your health, you can extend your life by one and a half to two decades. The program just teaches how to properly take care of your health. Practicing doctors with extensive experience take part in it and discuss the most different topics: treatment and prevention of diseases, proper nutrition and safe weight control practices.

Are you watching the program "About the Most Important Thing"?

  • Dr. Myasnikov acts as a cardiologist, a specialist in anti-aging therapy, and also covers more common topics as a family doctor. In particular, programs devoted to influenza and vaccination, Alzheimer's disease, varicose veins, and joint health were released.

    Alexander Myasnikov appeared in other television projects as an expert

    Recordings of various programs with Myasnikov’s participation, as well as video interviews, can be found and viewed on his official website. Many of the topics that the doctor discussed in the television program are also covered in the book “About the Most Important Thing with Doctor Myasnikov.”


    Alexander Leonidovich for a long time believed that he did not have the talent of a writer, but succumbed to the persistent persuasion of the publisher and put his thoughts into words, creating the book “How to Live Longer than 50 Years.” It was published in March 2013, the circulation of 300 thousand copies was almost completely sold out and the success of the work forced the doctor to continue what he started. He believes that the level of awareness of the Russian population about issues related to health and disease is catastrophically low. Therefore, educational activities, presentation of information about the causes of diseases, measures for their prevention, and possible complications in simple, accessible language are extremely important. It is in this language that Alexander Myasnikov’s books are written.

    Preamble to one of Alexander Myasnikov’s books

    It is interesting that the doctor did not write his first book, but dictated it while traveling on trains. Then his notes were deciphered and recorded. Over time, he mastered computer typing and typed subsequent books himself.

    Alexander at the book presentation

    Here are some of them:

    • The two-volume encyclopedia “About the Most Important Thing,” which includes 9 books in the series with a self-explanatory title;
    • “Russian Roulette” is a book that teaches you to fight for your health despite the imperfections of the healthcare system, to consciously approach the choice of medications and follow doctors’ orders;
    • "Vector of fear. How to stop being afraid of cancer and protect yourself from it” - about the basic principles of preventing various cancers;
    • “How to live longer than 50 years” - a comparison of treatment principles in Russia and foreign countries, recommendations on how to avoid serious illnesses in old age taking into account Russian realities;
    • “Rust” – all about cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, causes of heart pain, life after a heart attack;
    • “The Esophagus” - about the optimal nutrition system, reducing the risk of obesity and other diseases, a selection of recipes from Dr. Myasnikov;
    • “Ghosts” is about an illness that occurs “out of the blue” and does not manifest itself with objective symptoms. Analyzes do not reveal abnormalities, examination does not allow us to establish the causes of this condition, and performance is significantly reduced. In scientific language, this mysterious illness is called somatoform disorder;
    • “Infections” (“Friend or Foe”) - about the real reason many dangerous diseases, the functioning of the immune system, methods of preventing and combating infections.

    Books by Alexander Myasnikov

    Alexander Leonidovich created 3 more books based on the notes of his grandfather. A special place among Myasnikov’s books is occupied by the work “Genealogy. Letters to his son Lena,” illustrated with numerous photographs from family archives. The history of the Myasnikov dynasty and other ancestors of the author, as well as his wife, is described here in detail. In it, Alexander Myasnikov shares some details own biography and personal life.

    Personal life

    Now Alexander Leonidovich is married for the second time; nothing is known about his first wife except the very fact of her existence. The second wife, Natalya Aleksandrovna Kolpakchi, is from Lvov. Her father was at one time the secretary of the Sochi City Party Committee, and then he was transferred to the capital, to the Ministry of Food and Industry. Here Natalya graduated from the Department of History and Archives and met her husband, and traveled with him to many countries.

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