Personal and family life of Maria Shukshina. Boris Vishnyakov: Shukshina's husband (photo). Famous parents. Early filming

One day I decided to find all the best photos of Maria Shukshina. Outwardly, this actress is very similar to her mother, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, but Masha is more refined, stately, refined, and her height, by the way, is 180 centimeters. At the time of writing this article, Maria Shukshina turned 50 years old, and she is still as pretty as she was at 20 or 30 years old and, it seems to me, even more beautiful.

Maria Shukshina has a younger sister, Olga, who looks like her father, Vasily Shukshina. The sisters are very different in character. About Olga for a long time nothing was heard, they said, they say she went to the monastery, she didn’t share something with her relatives, she decided to hide from the bustle of the world. When I'm looking for someone's photos, and in this case, the hunt was for the best photos Maria Shukshina, I'm starting to get interested in this person - where she was filmed, who are the parents, what creative way how things are on the personal front, how many children, husbands, how he lives, how he breathes. So, it turned out that everything is very confusing in the Shukshin family, they hid so many skeletons in the closet, so many intrigues, insults, family secrets which, from time to time, some of the most offended relatives expose to the public. As it turned out, the most offended of all the Shukshins and those involved in them is Olga Shukshina, Maria's younger sister. The age difference between these women is only a year, but in fact it seems that the youngest of them is not Olga, but Maria. Well, Olga is very offended by her family, she has a hundred claims, but are mother Lydia and sister Maria really some kind of monsters? It seems to me that this is not really the case. I have read such interviews before, where older children complained about their parents, cherished and cherished their childhood grievances, pouring them out on the pages of glossy publications years later. And in fact they were wrong. It seems to these unfortunates that they will tell their story and the whole world will sympathize with them, see how insignificant, selfish their parents were. But in fact, these children are very spoiled, at birth they received everything - status, money, the opportunity to study in the best schools, institutes, housing problem never stood squarely in front of them. But the children suffered from the fact that their mothers were not affectionate enough with them. Moreover, the offspring themselves were far from gifts - they smoked, drank, studied at school disgustingly, early began to lead a wild, free life, they did not shine with special talents. But they demanded more and more return from their parents. But all this is not about Maria Shukshina, she never accused her mother of anything in her interviews. She was only grateful to her, and the fact that her mother, a year after the death of her father, was able to love another did not offend her. Life goes on. Olga, on the other hand, expected from her mother that she would become a recluse and, like the widow of Yuri Gagarin, forever remain away from human eyes, remain faithful to her deceased husband for life. Ridiculous. Why expect this from a mother? Let her be happy in a new relationship. Upon reaching adulthood, both sisters - Maria and Olga inherited impressive sums of money, Masha bought a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, Olga skipped and squandered money on travel and drinking - she visited Paris alone six times. Upon her return, the prodigal daughter waited for her mother to caress her, hug her and shelter her. But sorry, Olga was in isolation, went to burn money and life in America, where she, when the money ran out, worked as a cleaner, barmaid, waitress, drank deeply, ruined and ruined her young life. This is while Maria Shukshina studied at MSLU as a translator. Well, excuse me, if my daughter, like Olga, had gone off the rails, when the second daughter was nibbling at the granite of science at that time, what would I say on her return? Well, I guess I should start lecturing? In fact, I would be shocked by what is happening! Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was only surprised that her daughter did not stay in America, but returned to her native land. But Olga did not expect such a reception. Throughout her life, Olga carried a grudge against her mother and older sister. Maria is more successful, more beautiful, men and the public like her. According to Olga, Masha paid little attention to her sister, did not take care of her, did not cherish and cherish. What for? If the sister of a completely different field is a berry? If the soul does not lie, if only kinship and surname are common?

In the photo, Maria Shukshina with her two youngest children, Foma and Foka.

In the photo, Maria Shukshina with her daughter Anna.

Maria Shukshina, of course, is also not an angel, she has her own stormy, wrong, bitter personal life. Three marriages behind her - from her first husband Artyom Tregubenko in 1989, a daughter, Anya, was born, from her second husband, Alexei Kasatkin, a son, Makar, was born in 1998, and in 2005, Maria Shukshina became the mother of twin boys, Thomas and Foka, whom she conceived with the third husband - Boris Vishnyakov. Not everything is going smoothly with Maria Shukshina's children, only her relationship with her eldest daughter Anya was not discussed in the press, thanks to whose successful marriage she became a grandmother at the age of 47.

In these photos, Maria Shukshina with her son Makar Kasatkin.

Makar Kasatkin has already managed to get into several scandals. A young man met on a certain site with beautiful girl Nastya, living under the name Freya Zilber. This girl is very pretty, but extremely uneducated, and before meeting Makar, she was engaged in very dubious affairs, either escort services, or even worse, at the age of 14 she gave birth to a child, but her daughter does not know who her real mother is, she is Freya calls sister, dear grandmother became her mother. So, this same Freya at the age of 19 became pregnant from Makar Kasatkin, after which she accused him all over the country of assault and distribution of drugs, and now she expects this representative of a distinguished family to provide for both herself and their unborn child.

With the younger children of Maria Shukshina (Foka and Foma), not everything is going smoothly either. At one time they spent more time with their father than with their mother, the fact is that Boris Vishnyakoov did not have a business, but he loves his sons so much that he decided to devote himself to his family and raising his offspring. As a result, there was discord in the family, because Maria Shukshina is attracted strong personalities, and the man who baked pancakes and read bedtime stories to children did not fit in her imagination with the image of the alpha male, and the division of children began. Boris Vishnyakov was very worried about separation from his sons, gave scandalous interviews in magazines (to be honest, when I read these outpourings of an abandoned man, I felt so sorry for him), tried to reach out to Maria Shukshina. After some time, relations between Boris and Masha nevertheless improved, and today a man can see his children more often than indicated in the court decision.

In the photo Vasily Shukshin with one of his daughters.

With daughter Anna.

Shot from the film "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard".

In this photo, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina with her daughters Maria and Olga, as well as with her granddaughter Anya.

Childhood photo of Maria Shukshina.

In this photo, Maria Shukshina with her four children.

Growing up twins.

Little sisters Masha and Olya Shukshin.

In this photo, Makar Kasatkin (son of Maria Shukshina) and Vyacheslav (grandson of Maria, son of Anna's daughter).

Everything is complicated and confusing, not only with Maria Shukshina, it didn’t just take shape family life and her parents. Father Vasily Shukshin is not only an actor, but also a film director, screenwriter, and writer. He died at the age of 45, it happened on the set of the film “They Fought for the Motherland”, it is noteworthy that he starred there with his wife Lidia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, she played a widow, she long and stubbornly refused the role that became prophetic. The cause of Vasily Shukshin's death was myocardial infarction. After the autopsy of the untimely departed Shukshin, it was found that his heart was worn out and did not look like a heart. young man as well as the heart of an ancient old man. Vasily Shukshin lived without sparing himself, he smoked a lot, drank coffee in buckets, abused strong drinks, plus he experienced drama in his personal life. Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina became his fourth wife.

The first wife of Vasily Shukshin is Maria Shumskaya, she was a resident of the same village where Shukshin was born. There was love between the two, but both were too young. Maria was from a wealthy family, only daughter, Vasily was a tramp, his father was shot during collectivization. When Vasily Shukshin entered VGIK, Maria Shumskaya did not go with him, because she was frightened by the unsettled life. Her husband at that time spent the night where he had to. Masha told her husband, they say you first settle down, and only then you will pick me up. And, of course, he didn’t take her anywhere in the end, Moscow life dragged him out, such a prominent man would not be left alone, he started spinning, spinning. But Maria and Vasily wrote letters to each other very sincere, full of love and passions, Maria Shumskaya still cherishes these messages, Vasily Shukshin always carried her letters with him. Vasily Shukshin had many women, some were grateful to him for the fact that, at least temporarily, they became his wives, others held a grudge all their lives. Everyone can be understood.

And how many interviews, programs and shows that Shukshin's ex-wives were called to. Resentment, pain, bitterness. He cheated, he used it - it was like that. The most offended is Lydia Chashchina, she admits that she fell in love with Vasily Shukshin for his strong masculinity, simply because he was an alpha male. That is, she had the right one in the gentlemen, good boy- a pilot, gave flowers, bought fruits, looked after him beautifully, but she gave him a turn from the gate, chose the one who humiliated, deceived, soldered, did not put a penny. Even after many years, Lydia Chashchina could not forget past grievances. On the other hand, no one tied her to Vasily Shukshin - she could always leave, even after his first meanness, but together they lasted about five years.

By the way, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina took her double surname only after the death of her husband. So she promised to become Shukshina after changing her passport, but taking a double surname, she fulfilled the will of her late husband. At Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina herself difficult fate. There are not only two daughters from Vasily Shukshin, but also a daughter from his first marriage. Anastasia was sued by her ex-husband, there were 14 court cases, as a result, the mother was not allowed to see her daughter. The girl grew up, but her mother was no longer eager for her, she had new family, other daughters. Anastasia does not hold a grudge against her mother Lydia after many years.

In her youth, Lydia Fedoseeva Shukshina was such a beauty!

Photo of a young Vasily Shukshin.

Tests for the film. Lydia Fedoseeva with her daughters.

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina with her mother.

The personal life and biography of Maria Shukshina is of interest to many viewers and fans of her work. A charming and talented film actress, Maria Shukshina was born in the spring of 1967 in Moscow. In 2008, Maria was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Maria's parents were already quite happy at the time of her birth. famous people throughout the former USSR.

Maria Shukshina: with the family and childhood of the actress

Father - Vasily Shukshin: writer, actor, film director, screenwriter. Mother - Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, actress. In addition to Masha, the family has two more children. Elder sister Nastya (mother's mother) and younger Native sister Olga. Olga is a couple of years younger than Maria, their relationship with her sister has always been tense. Initially, Olya was an actress, but then she decided to link her fate with the church.

According to the actress, she and Olga are completely different: “I am very similar to my mother: modest, timid, exemplary, responsible and shy; I couldn't move even half a step away from my mother. And when we came to places where a large number of people, I tightly grabbed my mother by the hand and did not let go until the end of the evening. Olga went in character to her father, the same explosive, independent and independent.

Between them there was always some kind of wall that they never managed to overcome. Even now, their communication is kept to a minimum.

First steps in cinema

Masha from childhood felt all the hardships of the filming process. When she was only 1.5 years old, she starred in the short story "Brother". This is one part of the movie almanac "Strange People".

Then, at the age of 4, together with their younger sister, they played the role of the daughters of the Rastorguevs in the film Stoves and Benches.

In 1974, the young actress was again invited to shoot the film "Birds over the City".

Thus, creative biography Maria Shukshina began almost in preschool age. Her mother Lidia Shukshina always told the girl that even talented actresses cannot always get a happy and carefree life. In everything there is a reverse side of the coin.

student body

After listening to the advice of her mother, Maria decided after graduation from school to get a stable and highly paid profession. She entered one of the prestigious universities in Moscow - the State Pedagogical Institute foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez. She successfully completed her studies and went to work in her specialty. At first she was a referent-translator, but the monotonous work did not bring her pleasure and she decided to change her workplace.

After that, Maria went into the financial field of activity. Shukshina could not force herself to work where she did not like, so after a while she decided to end her finances and follow her dream.

Each time, watching her parents on the screen, she dreamed of breaking into the world of art and never leaving. Although she never aspired to a career as an artist.


In the 90s, the cinematic biography of Maria Shukshina was at the peak of popularity. She played a bright role as a businesswoman in K. Shakhnazarov's film "American Daughter". In this film, Maria played her role excellently, despite the fact that the heroine was completely atypical for her.

Maria Shukshina in the film "What wonderful game»

In the story, she shamelessly takes her daughter from her father. Then he meets a foreigner and moves to the USA. Despite everything, Alexey comes to see his daughter, but even here she arranges numerous obstacles for him. But no barriers are subject to a loving father ...

Then there was a melodramatic motion picture, “What a wonderful game,” where Maria reincarnated as a charming student who leaked any information about her classmates to the security agencies.

Maria Shukshina in the film "Dear Masha Berezina"

After some time, the actress had to take a break from the movies, as she gave birth and went on maternity leave.

In the early 2000s, Maria continued to conquer theater and cinema. Her first serious works after the break were:

  • "The Adventures of a Magician";
  • “Not all cats are gray…”;
  • "My big Armenian wedding."

Maria ideally reincarnates from a free and independent woman to a heroine with a difficult fate. One of these roles was Maria Karetnikova in the film Take Me With You and Sasha in the melodramatic film I Love You.

Maria Shukshina in the movie "The Village"

In 2009, the actress was invited to the main role in the drama "Terrorist Ivanova". This film was very difficult for her. The psychological traits and versatility of the personality presented in the plot were not easy to bring to life. But she did it well.

There are several successful projects with the participation of the actress:

  • "Station";
  • "Goodbye boys";
  • "Own someone else's";
  • "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard";
  • "Who if not me?";
  • "Made in USSR";
  • "Yolki 5".

In some interviews, the actress often mentioned that she likes to experiment with her heroines: “I have repeatedly reincarnated in different images. It's interesting enough to expand the usual range of roles. Thus, my work and life becomes better, more interesting.

Maria Shukshina in the movie "Yolki 5"

In fulfilling a new role, I have to recognize myself from a new side. I always want to attract my fans not only with my recognizable appearance, but also with a new manner of presenting my image, ”the actress shared.

Maria Shukshina in the film "Stone Guest"

In addition, Maria Shukshina for 15 years was the TV presenter of one of the popular TV shows on Channel One - “Wait for me”.

Maria Shukshina: personal life, children, photos

The first husband of the actress was Artyom Tregubenko. They met him in student years. Artem also entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Their relationship developed rapidly, and after 3 years the couple decided to get married. After some time, Maria became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, Anya. The birth of a daughter could not strengthen their marriage ties, so they soon divorced.

Maria does not like to remember this period of her life at all. The ex-husband is also not too verbose. During an interview, Artem told reporters the following: “To be honest, I have absolutely no desire to talk about this topic.” See the photo of the first husband with children later in the article.

The actress met her second husband Aleskey Kasatkin 10 years after the divorce. The most interesting thing is that Alesya was a witness to her first husband on their wedding day, as well as one of her classmates.

They met quite unexpectedly, talked sincerely and after a while began to live together.

Despite the fact that Kasatkin had long lived with a woman in civil marriage, he quickly left her charming Maria Shukshina. She gave birth to his son Makar (1998).

Their relationship quickly fizzled out. Moreover, according to Maria, Alexei tried to take her son away from her when their relationship was coming to a logical conclusion.

By this he greatly offended her: “In any situation, you must have a sober mind. If the family has good relations - great, but if something goes wrong - then you need to disperse, but in a good way.

For some time, Shukshina hid her son from Kasatkin so that he could no longer take him away. But later she gave her consent for the father to see the child.

The actress has never been burdened by marriage. Often, for the sake of her personal life and the well-being of her children, Maria refused various trips and projects.

Maria Shukshina and Boris Vishnyakov

Boris Vishnyakov - third civil husband Mary (photo with her husband, see the article). He was in love with her long before they met. For the first time he saw her on the TV screen and immediately realized that he wanted to marry her. Initially, he did not even know her name, but after watching the TV show “Wait for me”, he immediately realized everything.

At that time he was working in construction business, and his company was building a cottage village.

Maria's mother was also on the list of owners of future housing. Since then, Boris has been looking for any excuse to meet the actress. He took care of her all the time, worried that she was exhausting herself too much on the set. They got to know each other for a long time, talked and walked under the night sky. But when Maria Shukshina realized that he was too serious, she immediately announced that she did not need her personal life. In addition, she has two beautiful children growing up and has a favorite job. At this stage, everything suits her.

But Boris was not even going to give up. He stubbornly went to his goal. And the result of this is a grandiose change in the personal life of Maria Shukshina - the birth of the twins Thomas and Foka (see photos with children below).

For a while they were a happy family. Despite the fact that Mary did not agree to marry him. Then the couple began to have a serious disagreement. Maria continued to build her career, and Boris quit his job and single-handedly raised children. They could not maintain a reverent relationship and broke up. Now Maria Shukshina carefully hides her personal life from everyone's attention.

Maria Shukshina is a famous TV presenter, talented actress, one of the most beautiful women on Russian television, was born on May 27, 1967.


Maria was born into a cinematic family. This is the daughter of the most talented director, writer and actor Vasily Shukshin and famous actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. There were three girls in the family - Maria had an older and a younger sister. But it so happened that Masha was the most beloved child for both parents.

Maria as a child with her father

Having barely learned to walk, she was already acting in films, without even realizing that she was in front of the camera. Maria performed her first conscious acting job at the age of five, playing with her younger sister and mother in her father's film "Stoves and Benches". And a year later she was already filming with another director - Sergei Nikonenko.

And if the father was only for the daughter to follow in the footsteps of her parents, then the mother constantly inspired the girl that the acting fate is always difficult, and no one will guarantee that it will turn out well, even despite the help and authority of the father.

Therefore, by the end of school, Masha independently decided that it was better to get a serious prestigious profession, and went to study as an interpreter.

Having successfully graduated from the university, and having mastered several foreign languages, Maria Shukshina worked for a short time in her specialty. The monotonous occupation did not give her pleasure, and she moved to one of the brokerage houses, deciding to try herself in the profession of a financier.

But this attempt was also unsuccessful. Watching her mother's work and her father's films, she increasingly wanted to return to the set.

Film career

Shukshina returned to the screen in 1990 - she, along with her mother, starred in Karen Shakhnazarov's film "Eternal Husband". Then there was a five-year break again, after which she starred in several successful films in a row, which brought her fame not only as Shukshin's daughter, but also as an independent talented actress.

special acting education Maria never got it. All the intricacies of acting art were taught by her parents, helping in the formation of an actress on initial stage. However, she soon coped well on her own and played the most diverse roles - from a business woman to a homeless woman, equally sparkling and talented.

Over the years of his creative activity Maria Shukshina starred in more than 30 different films. Not all roles were major, but almost all were memorable. Most of her heroines are strong multifaceted personalities who independently make their way in the most difficult life circumstances. In 2008 Maria received honorary title Honored Artist of Russia.

In parallel with filming a movie, Maria actively participated in various television projects. Her first experience as a TV presenter was the Wait for Me program, in which the characters, after a long search, finally found each other.

Maria has been the permanent host of this TV project for a long 15 years. She has helped thousands of people change their lives for the better and considers this one of the most valuable achievements in her life.

Personal life

The personal life of Maria Shukshina, although it was never stormy, also made sharp turns from time to time. For the first time, she married while still a student of a foreign language for her classmate Artem Tregubenko. But the marriage, concluded out of great love, after the appearance of a child in the family, began to burst at the seams and soon completely collapsed.

The second spouse of Mary was her longtime acquaintance, former friend ex-husband Alexey Kasatkin, with whom fate divorced her for a long 10 years. But when they accidentally met at one of the Moscow parties, the businessman literally lost his head from her and made an offer less than a month later. And after a while, Maria gave birth to a son, Makar. But this marriage also ended in divorce.

The third husband of Shukshina, but already unofficial, was the famous lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, to whom she gave two sons - Foma and Fok. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long.

Maria Shukshina with her daughter and son

When the boys were only 4 years old, their parents finally broke up. For a while they couldn't find mutual language and the boys did not see their father. But after a couple of years the situation changed and now they communicate normally.

The actress started her Instagram account and for the first time in a long time showed photos of her grown-up children.

Actress and TV presenter 49-year-old Maria Shukshina long years did without social networks. She has repeatedly admitted that all existing pages under her name are fake. However, Maria recently started an Instagram account, in which she officially greeted all the fans, announcing that, after all, she was seduced by the possibilities of the Internet.

« I am glad to welcome you on my first and only page on Instagram. Maria Shukshina", - wrote Shukshina. Most of her Instagram photos illustrate the star's daily workflows. However, there are several pictures with her children. So, recently, Shukshina, for the first time in many years, showed her grown twin sons Foma and Fok from her third husband, businessman Boris Vishnyakov.

The boys, according to the subscribers of the actress, have grown noticeably and very soon will be on the same page with their older brother Makar, whom Maria gave birth to from her second marriage to businessman Alexei Kasatkin. Maria also showed her adult heir by posting his photo on her page.

"Small, but what a part of my children" - signed photo of Shukshin .

The star and the eldest daughter Anya from her first husband Artem Tregubenko did not ignore, posting on the Web joint photo with daughter.

Maria Shukshina with her daughter Anya Maria Vasilievna Shukshina - Russian actress and TV presenter, known to viewers for the films "American Daughter", "I Love You", "Bury Me Behind the Plinth", "Burnt by the Sun-2", "Your Alien", etc. She has hosted the TV show "Wait for me" on Channel One since 1998 to 2014. Honored Artist of Russia (title awarded in 2008).

Childhood and family

Maria - eldest daughter famous writer and actor Vasily Shukshin and actress Lidia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina. The actress also has an older half-sister, Anastasia (born 1960, her father is actor Vyacheslav Voronin), and a sister, Olga, a year younger. By nature, the sisters were complete opposites. According to Maria, she went to her mother: quiet, collected and shy. Olga, on the other hand, had an explosive temperament, so conflicts often broke out between the sisters.

Masha made her debut on the screen when she was only a year old - in the film almanac "Strange People" (short story "Brother"). At the age of six, she starred in the film "Birds over the City" by Sergei Nikonenko.

When she was 7, her father passed away. Mom continued her career, toured a lot, and therefore her daughters were left to their own devices and became independent early.

As a child, Maria Shukshina wanted to become an actress, but her mother dissuaded her: “If you are lucky, you will marry a director. Then he will shoot you. And if not, then you will remain unemployed and you will be in limbo all the time. After these words, the girl decided to choose another, more stable profession for herself, and entered the Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez.

First roles

After graduation, Maria Shukshina worked for several years as a secretary-translator from English and Spanish (later she learned German and French), after she graduated from courses where she learned driving, working with a computer and office work, and got a job as a stock broker. But still, the "call of the ancestors" could not be drowned out - in 1990, the girl appeared in the film "Eternal Husband" by Evgeny Markovsky.

The role of Annie in the melodrama "American Daughter" by Karen Shakhnazarov in 1995 became noticeable. The actress reincarnated as a beautiful bitch who left her husband for a rich American and took her daughter to America without informing her husband (Vladimir Mashkov).

A similar role was in the drama "What a wonderful game" by Peter Todorovsky. Here, too, she played an attractive girl who "mortgaged" her classmates to state security officers. This was followed by work in the film by Vladimir Bortko "The circus burned down and the clowns fled" (1998).

"Wait for me"

In 1998, Maria Shukshina became the co-host of Igor Kvasha in the touching program “Looking for You” (later it was renamed “Wait for Me”). Maria recalls how she got into the program “Wait for me”. The invitation to work on television fell like a bolt from the blue, and simultaneously from four channels. First, the girl auditioned for the talk show "Two", where she was eventually approved. Then an invitation came from ORT. And the topic of the program is close to the people, besides, they were invited without trial. Trust on the part of representatives of the television sphere bribed, and Maria made her choice.

The actress was very fond of the audience: she sincerely empathized with someone else's misfortune, could find the right comforting words for everyone, thereby arousing sympathy for herself. Shukshina herself claims that this program revealed a simple truth for her: "There is no other person's misfortune." Sometimes a woman could not stand it, and ran out of the studio with tears in her eyes, as in an issue about a grandmother whose relatives died from an apartment building explosion.

In 2014, the TV presenter left the program. There were rumors in the press about a disagreement between Shukshina and the channel's management, but the reason lay in banal emotional fatigue. Over the years, hundreds of people have passed through the “Wait for me” studio, each with their own heart and soul tearing story.

Film career

In 2001, Maria Shukshina returned to cinema after a 3-year break - in the comedy television series " The perfect couple"Director Alla Surikova, she got a small, but very funny role - a journalist who interviews Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Then, one after another, roles in the TV series “People and Shadows. Secrets of the Puppet Theater" (beautiful Larisa Streletskaya), "The Adventures of a Magician" (passionate, fatal witch Katerina), "Dear Masha Berezina" (punchy Ekaterina Kruglova, director of a modeling agency). But in the series "Brezhnev" Shukshina became a nurse Nina Korovyakova - she is the last romantic passion of Leonid Ilyich. A woman who had a certain influence on the Secretary General.

Her heroines turned out to be completely different, with the exception of one - they all independent women with a strong character, and almost all of them will face a difficult fate. For example, everything was fine with her Alexandra (TV series “I Love You”), until one day she discovered that her husband had been cheating on her for many years, and she faced the question - how to live on?

The audience also remembered the mother of little Sasha from the drama based on the novel by Pavel Sanaev “Bury me behind the plinth” - she gave her son to be raised by a tyrant grandmother (Svetlana Kryuchkova), doing personal happiness. Her heart aches from the forced separation from her son, but she cannot do anything.

The psychologically difficult role goes to the actress in the melodrama "Terrorist Ivanova" by Vlad Furman, which was released in 2009. Her son Polina Ivanova becomes disabled because of an influential businessman, her husband dies in jail, and the woman begins to take revenge.

As an actress, it's very interesting for me to experiment as the range expands. Without it, life and work would seem boring. And each new role is a new character. I want to play in such a way that not only outwardly, but also in the manner of playing

In the popular TV series Take Me With You, Shukshina also got the main role. Her heroine - Margarita Karetnikova - is a wealthy woman who cannot find happiness in any way. Luxurious life she no longer needs anything, and she finds herself helping the kids from the orphanage.

Maria Shukshina. Visiting Dmitry Gordon

In 2013, the audience saw Maria in the image of a simple woman who managed to be both an actress, and the wife of a venerable director, and a milkmaid (the series "The Departing Nature"). For the role, she even had to learn how to milk a cow.

At the same time, the shooting of the serial drama "The Village" was underway, in which Shukshina embodied the image of a selfless mother who risked going against a criminal gang in order to save her daughter in trouble. Nina Usatova, Pavel Trubiner and Maxim Drozd worked with her on the set.

In 2014, the premiere of the detective series “My Alien” took place, where the heroine Shukshina, police officer Alexandra Marinets, had to not only unravel complex crimes, but also gain authority among male colleagues.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina

Like the life of the heroines of Mary, the personal life of the actress herself is far from cloudless. Shukshina's first husband was her classmate Artem Tregubenko. Witness at the wedding... future husband actresses - Alexei Kasatkin, who studied at the same institute. As eyewitnesses recalled, at the celebration the bride danced more with him than with the groom. In 1989, the couple had a daughter, Anya, but soon the marriage broke up.

In 1995, at a dinosaur exhibition, Maria accidentally met Kasatkin, a successful entrepreneur at that time. Former classmates remembered the past, and it began to spin ... For more than a year, Alexey courted the girl, and finally she accepted his marriage proposal. On November 20, 1998, their common son Makar was born, almost on the same day they signed at the registry office.

Maria and Alexei lived for about 4 years. Family life was full of conflicts. The husband did not want to put up with the specifics of the acting profession, his parents completely accepted the daughter-in-law coolly. When Makar was about 1.5 months old, Maria had to go to shoot in another country and leave her son with a nanny in a cottage by the lake. Upon learning of this, the mother-in-law rushed to "save" her grandson, but the nanny decided that Makar had been kidnapped - the boy had to be "rescued" with the police. And this is just one of the few scandals that overshadowed family happiness Shukshina. In the end, Maria decided to file for divorce.

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