What to choose from? The most prestigious and highly paid professions

The question "Where to go to study?" stands before graduates sharply: often, when they enter an educational institution, they do not fully understand what kind of profession they choose. This misunderstanding may persist until graduation.

Unlike Russian schools, students abroad are not only prepared for admission to specific universities, but also carry out serious work on career guidance, identifying their talents and inclinations. Students from foreign schools study a wide range of subjects: from classical civilization and psychology to robotics and the latest business technologies. They can practice rowing or debating, play chess or attend a Shakespeare club.

To pick up for a child high school abroad, please contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose the educational institution that suits you, as well as prepare the child in language and subjects so that he feels comfortable from the very beginning of education.

The older the students get, the more disciplines they try. This means that the more choice - what they are interested in as future profession what they tend to do. As a result, by the age of 16, 90% of foreign students already know who they want to become.
In addition, career consultants work with students in secondary schools in Europe and America. Educational institutions also collaborate with big companies. Schoolchildren get the opportunity to work in starting positions during the holidays and set specific career goals for themselves.

But it is not enough to enter an interesting specialty - it is important to understand how and where to apply the acquired knowledge. Often, Russian graduates with deep fundamental knowledge do not have enough practice. This leads to the fact that more than half of our graduates by the end of their studies lose interest in learning and work outside their specialty.

If you've already finished Russian university but want to change majors or get more modern education in your field, consider applying to a foreign university. You can get a bachelor's degree in a new field, continue your specialized studies in a master's program, or take intensive professional courses in your specialty. Learn more from our consultants.

Foreign universities offer up-to-date knowledge and develop practical skills of students. Most higher educational institutions- these are also research centers with their own laboratories, where students work on their projects and participate in the development of large companies.

Studying at a foreign university makes it possible to stay in another country (for example, Canada has soft immigration conditions for young professionals) and build a career at the world level. For those who do not want to leave their country forever, studying at a foreign university is an excellent experience and an important advantage for employment in Russia, especially since many foreign universities teach narrow specialties that are Russian universities Not yet.

What specialty to choose, so that becoming the owner of a diploma does not turn out to be an unclaimed specialist, but to be able to get Good work and financial independence?

IT specialists
The most demanded are professionals in the field information technologies. The need for such personnel exceeds all conceivable limits. Companies need system administrators, programmers and web programmers. And given the constant development of this area, the demand for IT specialists will grow every year.

Design Engineers
Construction professionals are in high demand in the labor market. Considering the relatively low passing score on technical specialties(since most of the applicants prefer to study as managers and economists), mastering this promising profession available to almost everyone. Architects and designers are no less in demand.

Traditionally, there is a shortage of teachers. Schools are finding it increasingly difficult to find qualified teachers. Perhaps in the future, with the revision of salaries for educators, the profession will become not only in demand, but also popular.

They are highly demanded in the labor market, but serious experience is needed here, which comes with years. This is, so to speak, work for the future. Professionals with a legal education are needed in almost any organization. The profession of a policeman is also gaining popularity. This is due to the increase in wages and recent reforms.

Despite the fact that in the past the profession of a doctor was not very popular, now there is a need for workers in the medical field. At the same time, specialists of a narrow profile are especially in demand: nutritionists, speech therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists. But there is a clear shortage of doctors, as well as teachers, and this industry will gladly welcome a specialist of any profile. Dentists remain the highest paid.

Necessary in almost any field of activity. The market, oversaturated with goods and services, requires competent marketers, who are now very few. These specialists are called upon to monitor the market and predict what products or services are currently needed.

HR Specialists
The expansion of the organization and, accordingly, the increase in the number of employees who need to be selected, tested, concluded contracts with them, and so on, leads to the demand for personnel workers.

professional workers
Here we are talking about qualified machinists, locksmiths, electricians, welders, on which last years there is constant demand.

Beauty industry professionals
Stylists, make-up artists, hairdressers are needed due to the rapid growth in the number of beauty salons.

Environmental specialists
In recent years, the profession of an ecologist has become in demand. And this is connected, first of all, with the environmental situation in Russia and in the world as a whole, which leaves much to be desired.

What professions will be in demand in the future?
Experts believe that in the near future, engineers, technicians and production managers will remain the most in demand. Doctors, chemists and biologists will also be required. Nano- and biotechnologies will not stand still, so specialists in these areas will also be needed.

High technologies have not only firmly entered our lives, it is difficult to imagine at least one day without them. So in the future, professional IT specialists, programmers and software developers will be required.

Every year, the tourism sector of the economy and the hotel business are developing more and more, which means that training in these specialties in the present can bring good income in future.

Experts also believe that there will be a demand for quality service and service professionals will be in demand. And finally, protection issues are relevant all over the world. environment, which means environmentalists will be required.

This is the situation in Russia as a whole, but when choosing a profession, you can contact public service employment and get a list of the most in-demand professions in your area. But do not forget that real professionals in their field will always be needed, regardless of the specialty and industry.

When choosing a profession, one must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person beautiful, but the person the place. Do not forget that the profession should correspond to the abilities and bring moral satisfaction.

The prestige of a profession is determined not only by high income and social status, but also such indicators as stability, prospects career development demand in the distant future.

TOP 10 most prestigious professions in Russia:

  1. Programmers, IT specialists. Specialists in this field are in high demand at the present time, their work is well paid. The rapid development of IT technologies in Russia implies a constant demand for the profession for many years to come.
  2. Entrepreneurs, businessmen. Private business in the presence of commercial abilities can bring high incomes. An additional advantage is independence from the employer.
  3. A top manager is the face of a company, a senior executive, which is prestigious in itself. And paid accordingly. In addition to professional skills and specific knowledge in their industry, a top manager must have creative and flexible thinking, high analytical skills, and constantly learn new things. And in different periods The company’s activities require a variety of qualities from a top manager: at the start-up stage, he must prove himself a bright leader and successful entrepreneur; in the heyday - a far-sighted strategist; at the time of the crisis - an experienced anti-crisis manager.
  4. Lawyers, lawyers. The population of Russia for the most part is legally illiterate, and jurisprudence is cumbersome, so lawyers will be in constant demand. The most demanded and highly paid at all times are civil lawyers.
  5. Doctors. The profession is considered the most noble and prestigious in the whole world, but not very highly paid in Russia. The highest salary of doctors in Kamchatka.
  6. Pilots and astronauts. These professions are not only prestigious, but respected, romantic and highly paid in any region of Russia.
  7. Creative professions (designers, artists) are prestigious in terms of respect and recognition. It all depends on talent, dedication, luck. As it is rightly said about creative professions: “In the first half of life, a person works for the name, in the second half, the name works for the person.”
  8. Engineers. The prestige of this profession increases during the period of industrial development, but from a material point of view, this is not the most profitable profession in Russia.
  9. Bankers. All professions associated with finance are initially prestigious. Being a banker was considered prestigious at all times. It all depends on the size of the bank, position, region, etc. Lately It is more prestigious to work in a state bank than in a private one.
  10. Economists. The prestige of the profession also depends on the place of work, position, region. But there is no doubt that this profession is universal and in demand in any social system, in any industry. National economy and at all levels.

When choosing a profession, one must also remember that it is not the place that makes the person beautiful, but the person makes the place. Do not forget that the profession should correspond to the abilities and bring moral satisfaction. You can understand your predisposition to a certain profession at a career guidance consultation at the Elmira Davydova Center.

The most prestigious professions in the world

  1. Nanotechnologies. Specialists in this field will be constantly in demand in the future. Since the industry is the most relevant government program in developed countries world and well-funded, high wages for nanotechnologists are guaranteed for many years to come.
  2. IT specialists. This profession has been on the list of prestigious for many years, and in the future it is also expected to be in high demand, decent pay, due to the fact that IT-technologists ensure the functioning of almost all processes in the modern world.
  3. Biotechnology is the profession of the future in agriculture, healthcare and Food Industry. Being a government program that is going to be rapidly developed, biotechnology is adequately financed. Being a scientist or practitioner in this field is very prestigious.
  4. Ecologists. The problem of environmental pollution is only getting worse with time. Therefore, ecologists will always be in demand not only for the purpose of cleansing the environment, but also for the development of new environmentally friendly technologies and industries.
  5. Marketers. Modern world saturated with goods and services. It is impossible to do without marketers in their implementation and production of new ones that consumers need.
  6. Doctors of various specializations: anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychiatrists, therapists, dentists. Health is the main thing that people value and what they do not save on. And good doctors are respected.
  7. Technical and executive directors in various industries. To create a new competitive product or new technologies requires the ability to work with large amounts of information, to coordinate the work of many hundreds of people. Such work is within the power of extraordinary personalities.
  8. Lawyers. In all countries of the world, legal professionals have a prestigious status. Indeed, even in the age of Internet technologies, when books on legislation are available to anyone, not everyone can understand their cumbersome intricacies.
  9. Pilots. Airliner passengers are initially treated with respect for the professionals they trust with their lives. A modern aircraft is a super-complex machine that requires serious technical knowledge, excellent physical fitness, psychological stability, and the ability to make responsible decisions promptly.
  10. A financial market analyst is a specialist who has information about price fluctuations, the relationship between supply and demand in the market. He can give competent advice on transactions on financial markets and forecast for the future.

The carefree summer time has passed, studies have begun, future school graduates are faced with an important fateful dilemma. Is it worth continuing education after 9th or 11th grade? What professions will be in demand in the future? Which educational institution and the direction of training to choose? Many have already decided, others are acting on the advice of their parents, someone is still thinking. To help tomorrow's applicants, we present an overview - the most popular and highly paid professions in Russia.
We will inform you right away - the rating is prepared on the basis of official statistics of the Ministry of Labor and social protection population Russian Federation for 6 months of this year and contains only vacancies.
Therefore, the answer to the question: “What professions are the highest paid in Russia?” – will come as a surprise to many. The reason is that among the presented there are no stable staffed specialties related to finance, bureaucracy, energy production, service in law enforcement agencies.


1 - captain of an ocean liner

The rating of highly paid professions is headed by the captain of a civilian ocean merchant ship - the average monthly salary is about 500 thousand rubles.
The demand from potential employers is impressive. Why is it the most sought after? There are several contributing factors:

  • less than 10 educational institutions throughout the country provide training for seafarers. Most of them train navy specialists
  • the requirements for men who want to master the best of the top highly paid professions are extremely high: the availability of the necessary personal qualities, physical endurance, moral stability, sailing experience
  • high rates of shipbuilding, commissioning of new ships

Even more surprising is the following fact - personnel of maritime specialties are needed almost everywhere. It is enough to look, for example, at the list of demanded professions in Australia.

2 - aircraft commander

The second line of the top 10 list of highly paid professions in Russia is confidently occupied by the position of another representative of the Russian transport industry - air travel.
The specialty of an aircraft commander (average salary of 320 thousand rubles) was in demand due to an acute shortage of personnel.
Many experts explain given fact mass transition Russian pilots to work in chinese aviation companies. However, the forecast for 2018 is that the outflow will stop, the position will no longer be included in the list of in-demand professions.

3 - chief technologist of the gold mining industry

The “three winners” of the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia are closed by the chief technologist of the gold mining industry (average monthly salary is 312 thousand rubles).
According to many analysts, soon the “palm tree” for the demand of specialists among the extractive industries will again return to the oil industry. The reason is the launch of large-scale projects in the expanses of Siberia and the Far East.
Therefore, when looking through the review of the most demanded professions of 2018, do not be surprised if you see the position of the head of an oil production site somewhere in the Primorsky Territory, Yakutia.

4 - head hockey coach

Why was the head coach of the hockey team among the top 10? Let's name a few reasons:

  • Hockey, along with football, are popular sports. Hockey in our country is played by about 65 thousand people, the fifth world indicator (ahead - Canada, the USA, the Czech Republic, Sweden), the number of amateur hockey players goes off scale
  • the number of officially registered teams, including women's, youth, youth teams, exceeds three hundred
  • only 12 universities are engaged in the training of coaching staff, 4 are specialized in hockey (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Chelyabinsk)
  • even the clubs in Russia's most elite league, the Continental Hockey League, have a huge turnover of coaching staff. Based on the results of the 2016-2017 season alone, 20 new specialists were recruited as head coach (27 teams in total)
  • the average salary of the head coach of a hockey team is high - 300 thousand rubles.

5 - head of the construction site

The most demanded profession in the field of construction is the site manager. There is a steady reduction in the volume of new construction by 10-15% throughout the country, however, the influx of young personnel continues.
Therefore, many experts predict a reduction in demand for a specialty. The expected result - the ranking of the highest paid professions in 2018 will be without representatives of this industry.
We have reached the middle of the ranking! But all the named professions in demand in 2018 in Russia are more suitable for men. Where are the highly paid professions for girls? Go ahead…

6 - dentist

The position of a doctor, suitable for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, was in the sixth position of the top most. The average salary of a dentist in Russia is about 200 thousand rubles.
True, it is worth saying that in order to obtain the necessary permission for independent medical practice in this specialty, it is necessary to graduate from a medical university, the training period is 7-8 years.

7 - risk manager

The list continues with a new specialty that originated in America, which later became widespread throughout the world.
The main tasks of the risk manager are the strategic management of the company, the identification of potential business risks, the identification and analysis of existing risks.
Train a specialist a wide range not easy, therefore, in Russian universities there is hardly an appropriate area of ​​training. However, the work is interesting and highly paid, salaries are about 200 thousand rubles.

8 - electrical engineer

What "domestic" professions will be in demand in Russia in 2018-2025? "Our national" specialty - electrical engineer - the eighth position in the ranking!
The truth remains a mystery, how did the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection calculate the average wage (195 thousand rubles)?

9 - analyst in the field of informatics and computer technology

The Russian labor market is full of vacancies in the field of informatics and computer technology. What profession is the most profitable among them: programmer, web designer, database administrator? The answer is simple - an analyst, the average salary is 195 thousand rubles.

10 - co-pilot of the aircraft


The second ten in the ranking of the most popular specialties are: architects, design engineers, pharmaceutical chemists, marketers, PR managers, environmentalists, IT specialists, tourism industry workers, general practitioners, logisticians.


The specialty of psychology, so beloved by many applicants, is not on the list. Enter a search query, "what are the highest paid professions in Moscow?" - the position is not even in the received distribution. There is reason to think about graduates who choose professions after the 9th or 11th grade in terms of salary.
Recall that earlier the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection published a rating of industries with the highest and lowest wages. Specialists in the financial banking sector receive the most (average wage 78 thousand rubles), least of all - employees Agriculture(21.4 thousand rubles).
The main conclusion that emerges is that a really decent, well-paid job can only be found with a specialized higher education.
Most importantly, follow the advice of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius: "Choose a profession that you love, and you will not have to work a day in your life."


A prestigious profession promises a high income, promotion career ladder, respect or even envy from acquaintances and friends. All this contributes to prestigious professions will be in high demand among university applicants, and universities, in turn, will provide a wide range of such specialties.

Among modernity, representatives of the IT sphere are in the first place, which is not surprising: so many specialists in the field of programming, web design, site setup have never been required. In the age of computer technology development, representatives of the IT industry will never be left without work, moreover, they can count on more than high salaries.

In second place are those who have long occupied the top lines of ratings among the professions of the specialty lawyer, prosecutor,. Of course, the competition in this area is great, and some experts have long been talking about the saturation of the market with lawyers of all stripes. And yet, the popularity of the profession is only growing, and emerging law firms and non-disappearing vacancies of a wide variety of companies indicate that the demand for good lawyers is not going away. At the very beginning of a career, salaries for lawyers are usually low, but you can make an excellent career in this area. Lawyers are required in many areas of business and politics, so this specialty offers graduates the widest opportunities for their application.

Equally popular is the employment of those who were not afraid to start their own business or rise to the rank of the head of the company. The activities of a director, businessman, leader, top manager attract with their high position and opening opportunities in terms of earnings and freedom of action. Not all novice specialists, however, understand what is required of such managers and directors in their work and what responsibility for many employees and the fate of the company lies on their shoulders.

Attractive in terms of prestige, income and opening prospects are professions, an economist and. The activity of any business is connected with finance, and even companies involved in other areas cannot do without competent economists. Therefore, this field of activity remains highly paid, and the demand for specialists in this field does not dry out.

Among popular professions There are also several other specialties. This is an architect, marketer, doctor, psychologist, fashion designer. All these professions can be very profitable, and are considered prestigious in society. In addition, they are not as familiar as an economist and a lawyer, so they arouse additional interest among the interlocutors. A touch of suspense and strangeness will add more more weight experts in these areas.

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