A passionate and independent woman is a Sagittarius. Sagittarius woman: characteristics, compatibility, eastern horoscope

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by great liveliness, independence, natural manners, friendliness, kind-hearted, honest attitude towards people, lack of hypocrisy and prejudice. She laughs or cries - she does all this from the heart, completely sincerely. The Sagittarius woman has a mind, a cheerful and cheerful disposition, optimism, enthusiasm, extravagance of ideas, a stormy, inexhaustible fantasy; it is interesting to communicate with her.

Catch a representative of this zodiac sign immersed in pessimism and melancholy is almost impossible. To turn into a gloomy, depressing creature, fate must beat her too much.

Sagittarius women cope with all their affairs simply brilliantly; their decisions and movements are quick. They are great smart people, people feel sympathy for them.

If we talk about the relationship between Sagittarius women and men, then the former do not adhere to any conventions in this matter. They communicate very willingly, on an equal footing, on a short leg, and, in the opinion of others, it often looks from the outside. beautiful ladies pretty flippant. This is reinforced by the fact that by nature the representatives of this sign are very feminine and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex.

However, this behavior has its reasons. Sagittarius women are very decent, honest, impeccable and confident in these qualities. All of them, from the point of view of Sagittarius, are sufficient reason not to be afraid for their reputation and pass gossip and rumors past their ears. In addition, ladies born under this constellation are strong in spirit, and therefore are quite able to stand up for themselves.

This manner of communicating with men can mislead the latter. The stronger sex tends to perceive flirting as a prologue and an invitation to close relationships. Sagittarius women are able to teach men an instructive lesson and show that they are very far from a correct understanding of female behavior. Too zealous encroachments will be rejected by them with pride and coldness, and even the most successful seducer will suffer an inglorious defeat. Moreover, being unable to lie, the Sagittarius woman will tell her unlucky boyfriends everything that she thinks about them, without even trying to soften the blow to male pride.

Preferring directness, sincerity, honesty in relationships with people, Sagittarius women often demonstrate a deficiency in their nature of the gentleness and sensitivity inherent in the fair sex. The tactlessness of their statements does not stem from an unseemly intention to force someone to experience humiliation or insult. Representatives of this sign are ardent fighters for the truth, in which they see only good for people. It would never occur to them that sometimes the best solution would be to simply remain silent. They expect a certain reaction to their desire for sincerity, and if it does not coincide with the intended one, Sagittarians will feel strong resentment and bewilderment.

Sagittarius women can pose as reserved, cold persons, and all in order not to allow themselves to slide into the abyss of dreary goodness, into which, in their opinion, all married ladies invariably fall. In reality, women born under this constellation are very romantic and even sentimental; they can keep letters for a long time, things that once touched their soul. Sagittarius is fire sign, and therefore its representatives are distinguished by emotionality, passion, sensuality, love of life, denial of asceticism, beautiful, kind and generous soul.

If a man wants to get Sagittarius as his wife, he will have to patiently and, having called for help with all his ingenuity, bring his beloved to the idea that the role of wife, mother, homemaker can give a lot of emotions and a variety of impressions. He will be required to reorient the innate curiosity of the Sagittarius woman towards family life, to convince her that she will still remain the mistress of her own destiny, that her husband will not seek her obedience and will not interfere with her hobbies and interests.

Sincerity, honesty, romance, pride, wisdom make the Sagittarius woman a great authority among her household members, and children simply do not have a soul in their sociable, interesting, cheerful, mother with inexhaustible imagination.

Sagittarius woman can be just the perfect partner when we are talking about intimate relationships. The desire for new experiences makes her inventive, and temperament, activity, emotionality are aimed at a partner who can get true satisfaction with this woman.

However, there is one important condition here: the Sagittarius spouse must match her temperament and equally openly show all her feelings. If this is not the case, then the relationship in a couple can become noticeably more complicated. Sagittarius women, as a rule, remain faithful to their life partner, but will suffer in secret, risking chronic stress. However, sexual disharmony can lead to more drastic results: trips to the "left" or to a divorce. However, even in such sad situations, Sagittarius remains a worthy representative of the fiery sign: she will not perceive this as a tragedy of her whole life and will not lose heart, considering all this to be a not very good joke that fate has let go of her.

Sagittarius woman and sex

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius is a seductress and an incorrigible coquette. She loves flirting and is reckless in love games. She will experiment in sex with a light feeling so that her partners remain friends. She is incapable of deep emotional attraction and is more inclined to follow the whims of romantic moods. If the connection comes to naught, she will take it philosophically. After a while, she will have a new lover.

A woman born under this sign is not against having sex with a partner, but she is much more interested in friendship, exchange of ideas and romantic adventures. She can be very seductive, and sometimes it is difficult for a man to understand if she has started a sexual game or just looking for a friend.

Her enthusiasm, readiness to meet halfway, sense of humor and wit will please any man. She is a good listener, a good companion for a man who loves sports and adventures, and a wonderful hostess who can spice up any party, interesting people are always drawn to her.

She loves her freedom, and nothing should interfere with her freedom-loving nature. She does not sit still, she loves to travel. She loves variety and is ready to quickly part with a man who no longer interests her.

Her frankness in matters of the heart misleads men. She does not seek to restrain her desire to talk about other men she has known, and if her lover has disappointed her, she will not hesitate to say so.

Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A person with a well-suspended tongue can easily win her heart. As a result, she often becomes a victim of unscrupulous men, while there is no real person nearby. Selfish, changeable and windy, she is difficult to understand and almost completely uncontrollable.

The biggest difficulty is her inability to give herself entirely to a man. She moves indiscriminately from one to the other, never putting up much resistance, but not feeling much pleasure either. She has a lot of experience, but little real feeling.

Suitable for Sagittarius women

Oddly enough, but the Sagittarius lady can create the most ideal union with a man of her sign. The sign itself does not carry a pronounced gender, therefore Sagittarius and Sagittarius will see themselves in each other, love and understand until the last ellipsis.

Slightly less ideal, will be the relationship with Aries and Leo. The lamb feels amazingly subtly his partner-Sagittarius, he has that solidity and pressure, which sometimes the young lady-Sagittarius lacks. In his capable hands, her unthinkable plans will quickly become a reality. In addition, Aries and Sagittarius have a fairly similar temperament, they will be fine in the same bed in any position.

The Leo man is inferior to Aries only in his position regarding the Sagittarius lady. If the first is on a par with her, then the second will definitely put her higher and will admire her like a work of art. Leo is harder to promote for financial assistance in the implementation of projects. But in this tandem, the lady’s complete power over the gentleman in a horizontal position will be a big plus, in the heat of which he will give everything and even more.

Not the best combinations

An interesting and exciting romance awaits Sagittarius with Aquarius, however, this tandem is more likely to end in pure friendship. Aquarius is good with his calm attitude to any antics of Sagittarius, only in her affairs he is not an assistant, after all, he needs to save the world!

Pisces and Scorpio men rarely get involved with the Sagittarius lady. Pisces is frightened by her unbridled imagination and speed of reactions, they are more interested in the concept than in its embodiment. Scorpions, on the other hand, do not agree to be on the sidelines after ideas, and their friends turn out to be very self-centered. The Scorpio man prefers to be the sole target of his lady.

A love affair with Cancer often leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in Sagittarius's soul. He quickly lights up with her plans and desires, but then instead of gait forward, he slowly crawls backwards, which is shameful in the mind of the Sagittarius lady.

Women - Sagittarius are not suitable

Despite the similarity in outlook on life and the desire to experiment, the love affair between a Sagittarius woman and a Gemini man ends quickly, and not at all on a friendly note. It may seem to the lady that the gentleman is unnecessarily demanding, although he himself does not perform the functions of protection and support, while the Gemini will be embarrassed by the exactingness of the Sagittarius. And he doesn't owe anyone anything!

Any relationship with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn for the Sagittarius lady is excluded. Representatives of earth signs in the world of fire and air have nothing to do. Lady Sagittarius, only as a last resort, can become interested in Capricorn, but then quickly fly away from a world in which there is no place for a miracle.

Sagittarius Behavior

Love and Compatibility

Sagittarius Behavior

Sagittarius: characteristic behavior

  • Communication with a sign is not burdened by any awkwardness. These are kind-hearted and good-natured people. Behave naturally and naturally. Do not give reason to prejudice. Actions are controlled by the soul, and if she cries or laughs out loud, then there is not a drop of pretense in this. It's bright and strong man with incredible imagination. That's why it's never boring with her. Those around her are charged with her cheerfulness. It is rare to find a Sagittarius who suffers from depression.
  • The horoscope says that a woman is not always endowed with the sensitivity and tenderness that is usually expected from the fair sex. But her straightforwardness is not a means to offend anyone. She does not even realize that in some situations it would be wiser to remain silent. From his environment, the sign requires reciprocal directness and gets angry if they are denied this.

Career and stone by zodiac sign

stone by sign and career

  • picking up stones And mascots for women, focus on their practicality. So, if you want to increase or secure her financial position, then the zodiac will need a tiger's eye (for example, a bracelet). Sapphire will smooth out conflict situations and help not to heat up the situation (pendant). And the sardonyx stone will serve as an assistant in travel (ring).
  • The role of a housewife is not for her. This is a highly qualified specialist, able to overtake any male competitor. It is not for nothing that the zodiac often occupies leadership positions. Their ability to organize people, show initiative and creative approach to any task should be given credit. The choice of professions is great. The main thing is that the business allows the creative nature to manifest itself and constantly maintains interest, since the zodiac hates routine as in love as well as in the office.

Love and Compatibility

Love and sign compatibility

  • Relationships with men are an important part of the manifestation of the sign. Sagittarius is romantic, emotional and gives himself over to passion. In matters of the soul, they are guided exclusively by the heart. Personal life is freed from monotony and boredom. And often the zodiac goes through several marriages. Sagittarius prefers to omit conventions and already on the first date can seem easily accessible. But this is not licentiousness, but all the same straightforwardness. Due to their innate sincerity, they do not waste time playing games and immediately communicate what they want. This helps to quickly get closer to the opposite sex.
  • You can find out what sign is compatible with Sagittarius, assessing their strengths and weaknesses. So, the second Sagittarius will bring happiness, with which the days will become unpredictable, and life will not be overgrown with cobwebs. Aries will understand the rebellious soul of the girl and soften her selfishness, and Leo will increase the thirst for life.
  • True, it is worth noting that Sagittarians are in no hurry to get married and cling to independence. pass for old maid not scary. They are comfortable living in solitude and at the same time they do not set themselves up against men. The applicant will have to work hard to win her heart and bring her to the altar. To do this, you need to prove that by putting on the ring, the sign will not be trapped, no one is going to lock her in the tower and not let her out. Fate will remain in her hands, and this will not be taken away. So no flowers, gifts and compatibility will not help if Sagittarius is not sure of his future freedom.
  • In the family, she tries to put everything on the shelves. Be frank and truthful. Any quarrels and misunderstandings are extinguished in the bud. The husband can completely trust her, although more than once he will be surprised by her strange, as for a married lady, actions.
  • Life kills her with her routine, so the sign approaches the matter from an unusual angle. These are experiments with the interior, the way of cleaning, new smells. She cannot be weaned from spending money, but in marriage they will go to household needs.
  • Children adore their mother, as she constantly surprises them with new games, exciting conversations, and unforgettable walks. Her imagination is enough for everyone. But she is also demanding and will do anything to unlock their potential. Sometimes this has a negative effect, as the mother can force the baby to realize her failed dream.

The first and most pronounced quality that can characterize a Sagittarius woman is cheerfulness and a positive attitude to problems and troubles. It is difficult to imagine what problems can overtake a girl of this zodiac sign so that she falls into melancholy and ceases to enjoy every day. If you lack brightness, then this tireless, restless and sunny woman will definitely bring joyful emotions into your life.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman

Of course, Sagittarius can be sad, but not for long, because those born under this constellation are a kind of bundle of energy, they literally gush with ideas, optimism and enthusiasm. Friends love them for their cheerful, easy disposition, sincerity, honesty, and men appreciate a sharp mind, a desire for independence and natural behavior without a touch of mannerisms. Everything is given to these women without difficulty, they perform any, even the most responsible task with high quality and in the shortest possible time.

From the outside, they look slightly defiant and frivolous with the opposite sex; in this regard, they do not adhere to any conventions and communicate with everyone evenly and kindly. Such a model of behavior, combined with pleasant external data, certainly attracts young people.

Idle speculation and gossip are of little concern to Sagittarius women, they are confident in their honesty and decency, therefore they behave as they see fit. They are not afraid for their reputation, having a strong spirit, they are quite able to stand up for themselves and repay ill-wishers with their own weapons.

Sometimes young people perceive light flirting of representatives of this zodiac sign as a call to action and further, more intimate communication. However, ladies are able to teach a lesson in female psychology even to the most notorious Don Juan. And especially zealous attempts at rapprochement will be an occasion to tell the insolent person the whole truth in person, Sagittarius are brave and honest enough for this, so the blow to male pride will be very strong.

Sometimes, Sagittarius women still lack purely feminine qualities - softness, delicacy and wisdom. Their impudence in statements is not a malicious act, it's just that such people consider themselves true fighters for freedom and justice, not realizing that there are situations where it is worth keeping silent. Not seeing the approval of their sincere opinion, they can be very offended by others.

All Sagittarians are fans of freedom and independence, the thought of family ties rarely delights them, most often these ladies marry out of great love or due to some circumstances. Without needing a stamp about the conclusion of an official relationship, they may well live their whole lives alone, without experiencing emotional discomfort. The bonds of Hymen seem to Sagittarius to be the end of a free and carefree life, the thought of home comfort and measured family evenings makes these women sad. At the same time, they are not at all feminists and man-haters, on the contrary, they belong to opposite sex with great sympathy.

The second half of people born under the constellation Sagittarius must be mentally prepared that his beloved is not able to sit in one place for a long time. Periodically, she will collect a travel bag and leave in an unknown direction and for an indefinite period, possibly with another person. But in this sense, the spouse should not be afraid, his woman appreciates sincerity and moral cleanliness in everything, therefore she will not allow betrayal in her family.

The fact that they are in no hurry to acquire a cozy home nest does not detract from their dignity as an energetic and talented hostess. In any, even the most routine occupation, a woman will find an opportunity for self-expression and experimentation. Friends and relatives like to visit her house, in many ways Sagittarius becomes an example and authority among others, not to mention children who are simply delighted with their tireless and extraordinary mother.

Sagittarius' ease of communication extends to professional activity, it is only worth noting that they do not like routine tasks, preferring a career in which you can prove yourself as an independent creative unit. In this capacity, a woman is able to achieve high altitudes, having become the boss, however, often does not stay in a high position, as he does not tolerate restrictions on his freedom and independence.

Passion for travel and adventurous adventures often pushes Sagittarius to choose the appropriate profession - a navigator, advertising agent, journalist, lawyer.

Sagittarius Women Compatibility

Sagittarius woman - Aries man - the perfect combination, these two complement each other perfectly. Feelings flare up almost from the first meeting, and a little later a similarity of temperaments and outlook on life is revealed. In addition, this marriage has every chance of becoming happy and durable. This couple just loves traveling, hiking and attending cultural events.

The union of Sagittarius and Taurus is often based on a mutually beneficial calculation, while love and good sex are not excluded in this case. A man is fascinated by the courage and recklessness of his girlfriend, and she, in turn, is attracted by the seriousness and thoroughness of the chosen one.

The Sagittarius woman and the Gemini guy are similar in their desire for independence, this often leads to long and quite happy relationship. However, both are not particularly eager to enter into an official marriage, this will happen only in case of emergency.

Family life, Cancer and Pisces will never be measured and calm. Powerful energy undoubtedly attracts such men, but they are too emotional and passive to keep the second half nearby for a long time.

With Leo and Libra, Sagittarius is able to create a surprisingly harmonious union. These signs are energetic, cheerful, active and love to be the center of attention. A woman sees in the face of a partner a reliable friend and a strong shoulder.

Not very good compatibility for Scorpio and Sagittarius. They are too independent, temperamental and energetically powerful. The couple will constantly have conflicts on the basis of leadership.

A bright and extraordinary romance breaks out between a guy and a girl born under the signs of Sagittarius. This couple just loves traveling, hiking and attending cultural events. As a rule, they have many friends who never tire of admiring active and positive spouses.

For the union of Sagittarius and Capricorn to be strong, there must be really strong feelings between them, because the lady of this sign often has her head in the clouds, unlike the guy who stands firmly on his feet.

Sagittarius woman in love

Often, women born under the constellation Sagittarius try to look restrained and inaccessible so that, like the rest of the fair sex, they do not fall into the abyss of a monotonous and boring family life. In fact, these are very sensual, emotional, romantic natures.

If a guy decides to win the heart of a Sagittarius girl, he will have to show ingenuity and patience in order to get her as a legal wife. A woman will have to be convinced that marriage brings not only routine problems and household chores, it also has a lot of pleasant moments. In addition, it will be necessary to prove to her that even after the bonding of family ties, he does not plan to claim her personal space. One has only to add that there are few men who agree to ensure the free will of the spouse and at the same time not be jealous of her.

Sagittarius woman can for a long time to have an affair with a man whom she will perceive only as a lover. In this case, she will not focus on some of the partner’s shortcomings, especially if he completely suits her intimately. IN individual cases the lady does not break the connection even with several men, this helps her experience acute ones. At the same time, Sagittarius remains in good, friendly relations with all partners.

In bed, a Sagittarius woman rarely limits herself in anything, fully allowing sexual experience in public place if passion captured her so strongly. Preludes, as a rule, are of little importance to her, much more important is the technique itself and the sensations received during intimacy.

Many men are sure that the ladies of this zodiac sign behave selfishly in bed, caring only about their satisfaction. Forgetting about the feelings of a partner, they make fun of him, and after sex they can transfer all communication into a friendly channel.

She is a classic lady: stylish, always in trend, but at the same time without unnecessary cuteness, glamour, and detachment from life. Yes, Sagittarius lives on earth and makes specific plans. Moreover, this lady is not used to constantly looking at someone and waiting for help.

She firmly believes that the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. The Sagittarius girl is not looking for guardianship in a relationship and does not want to remain on the sidelines. She is for equal partnership, for excellent joint projects and bright beautiful life. How to please her heart, what type is best for this not quite ordinary girl - the stars will tell right now.

Sagittarius (lat. "Sagittarius") is the 9th sign of the zodiac, which immediately follows the scorpio and passes the astrological baton to Capricorn, who opens New Year. These people were born on the shortest days of the year, but judging by their temperament, you can’t tell at all. Even archer symbol- an arrow shot from a bow. Such a sign shows a person's aspiration for the future, his assertiveness and enthusiasm.

These qualities are promoted fire element of archer. Representatives of the fire are distinguished by activity, a large scope of personality and an inexhaustible desire to live, with which they infect everyone around.

Lucky Colors- blue, purple, turquoise and crimson. Talisman stones- opal, topaz, emerald, turquoise, and chrysolite.

The breadth of the scope of the Sagittarius girl is well explained by the influence of her patron planet is Jupiter, which is different largest sizes among all bodies solar system. Jupiter symbolizes expansion, rapid development, maximalism, the ability to set really big goals and achieve them, despite worldly obstacles.

Tina Turner

That is why among the famous women born under this sign, we will meet not only bright, talented people, but also courageous personalities who fight not only with their appearance, but also with the natural power of the intellect. These are Britney Spears and Amanda Seyfried, Tina Turner and Anna Smith, Juliana Moore and Daryl Hannah, the divine Patricia Kaas and Nelly Furtado, Ekaterina Andreeva and Anastasia Vertinskaya, Victoria Bonya and Elizaveta Boyarskaya. The list is truly endless.

Sagittarius woman: her character in terms of the stars

Everyone around, familiar with the Sagittarius girl, simply adore her company. It was she who started the company. It is interesting to shine with her and attract attention. This should be taken in those cases when you have to go and defend your legal rights. Finally, it is with the archer that you can watch a funny comedy to laugh the way you want. Surprisingly, archers somehow combine true feminine charm with a completely non-girlish character.

The Iron Lady

Yes, she knows how to be weak, sweet, affectionate and peaceful. But only in those cases when it is very much needed. In general, Sagittarius is a fiery lady with a bright temperament. She is by no means conflict, because she has unfeminine endurance and willpower. But defending your interests is sacred. Sagittarius will never back down, she will not give up her place under the sun. And all because it's unfair.

The strength of the character of this girl is not at all connected with aggression, greed and other impartial qualities. It is for honesty, for world peace, for agreements, not persuasion. Sagittarius is a true business lady. A woman who makes herself and to her liking. The phenomenon of this lady is that her fiery, strong energy is always under control. The archer is not peculiar to saber-rattling, bragging and provocation. She soberly calculates her strength and will never take risks for the sake of risk. That is why she is so popular with her surroundings. An original outlook on life, a combination of the best male and female traits, assertiveness and determination - yes, she has a lot of trump cards, and they are all genuine.

Passion for adventure

Sagittarius is not a homebody, not a kitchen worker, not a grocery delivery man from the store to the plate. She loves her home and her family, but everything is in moderation. Moreover, the fiery temperament constantly requires an outlet. Exit from home. Archer, as a rule, prefers male society, so she goes there for adventures.

This lady just loves the drive, and not the endless discussions of small news, living room design and the latest fashion trends. She needs real, not virtual emotions. And one more interesting point - Sagittarius hates gossip. About yourself, about others - it doesn't matter. She is a business lady, and these are not pretentious words. This lady comes to work to work, and home to rest. On a walk, she walks, and at events she throws out emotions. There is a time for everything - the motto of a typical archer.

I myself

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Sagittarius girls are among those self-sufficient women. From her point of view, a man's concern is not at all about calling 20 times a day and reminding her how little she needs to be done, and whether she is cold on this rainy day.

In fact, this archer is ready to take anyone under guardianship, but she will not allow herself to be guarded. These girls become independent very quickly, they want to see what is there - on the other side of the threshold. And they set off to travel to this crazy, but such an interesting world.


No, but that's exactly how it seems to others. Especially in young times, when the sky is blue and the grass is green. Yes, it is difficult for people who allow themselves to think superficially to prove something that differs from their point of view.

In fact, Sagittarius is a permanent, stable sign of the zodiac. It is not characterized by unnecessary turns, dubious wobbles and stuff like that. It's just that our heroine has been looking for herself in life for quite a long time. And the reason is her ambition. She is not satisfied with little, but constantly strives for more. That is why one job is replaced by another, some friends leave, but new ones come.

A stormy period of formation, radical changes, of course, in time will pass. The hurricane will subside, and the archer will heal completely ordinary life. Of course, in your understanding. It will just take time.

Attitude towards work and money

As already mentioned, the Sagittarius, most likely, will change more than one job in order to finally find his own. This lady is not attracted to work for an idea. She is interested not so much in the current income as in the real prospect. She gladly rotates in the company of influential, wealthy people, because she knows one ancient truth: with whom you will behave.

When, finally, after the next round, the Sagittarius woman lands on a successful airfield and settles in a completely interesting position, work replaces her life. She goes to career heights patiently and with inspiration. He does not lose optimism, but he treats difficulties as if they were sports tests. Such is she - the restless fiery lady.

As for money, the financial manager of the archer, perhaps, will not hurt. Although she is not a spender, she has such a generous nature that she can quite blow a decent amount for the sake of her beloved friends, a brilliant evening, or just to remember this day for a long time. But she does it quite consciously. It’s just that the Sagittarius believes in himself: that she should earn another round sum. Therefore, he does not worry about such trifles.

What kind of man does a Sagittarius woman need

Archer, as a rule, does not drown in romance novels, nor in the series. She loves to watch real life, real people and fictional stories. That is why her ideas about the ideal chosen one develop quite quickly. She is a straight girl and makes fair demands on herself and her future soul mate.

Another thing is that Sagittarius is in no hurry to get married. Just in life there is still a lot of interesting, unknown, alluring. On the other hand, this girl is able to fall in love and literally lose her head. After all, she does not do something by half. Pan or miss, all or nothing - Sagittarius lives in these specific coordinates.

That is why if the chosen one really gets interesting, worthy, she can quickly change her plans. But that's a very big "if". However, the stars can paint the image of her character quite clearly:

  1. He - big man. Yes, the chosen one of the Sagittarius girl should in no case be petty, too prudent, correct. This lady does not like some pre-created framework, strict agreements. Sagittarius always needs to leave room for a fairy tale, improvisation, surprise. If a man is always preoccupied with some earthly, current tasks, she may simply get bored.
  2. He is an optimist. Yes, the archer does not like to surround herself with melancholy people. Of course, she used to inspire, call to fight and stuff like that. But if you do it endlessly, then you can lose all your energy. Sagittarius is looking for a companion, a like-minded person, if you like - the same extreme with a fiery heart. She will not constantly push, beg and beg. It's best to keep this in mind.
  3. He is a natural leader. Sagittarius is accustomed to surround herself only with reliable, interesting and influential friends. It would be strange if she made completely different demands on her half. Our heroine herself is not a timid ten, and expects a chivalrous attitude, a big heart and concrete actions from men.
  4. Finally, he is a romantic. Sagittarius herself is not particularly sentimental. She is more of a supporter of direct dialogue than the manifestation of tender feelings. But in fact, this girl so wants to experience the ocean of emotions that she is constantly looking for someone with whom she can dissolve without a trace. Therefore, her image of the chosen one is an energetic, optimistic man with a kind heart and fair outlook on life.

How not to behave with a Sagittarius

Sagittarius girl - for equality. She is not a supporter of traditional ideas about male and female role. However, this lady is not at all opposed to a man making decisions. In addition, she is not going to claim leadership in the family - she is quite satisfied with an influential position at work and in the company of friends.

Therefore, it is important to keep in mind several useful tips, which will help maintain relations with the archer in the world:

  1. First of all, you need to understand well that the command tone and commanding instructions are worst case dialogue with the archer. Remember: this lady is a real chieftain. She herself knows how and loves to command, but the truth does not allow her to behave like this with a man she respects. That is why, in return, Sagittarius expects a calm dialogue and collective decision-making.
  2. Sagittarius does not tolerate greed. She is a diamond in an expensive setting, and requires quite an adequate price for herself. Moreover, whims and tantrums are never satisfied. Therefore, any man can only rejoice at what an unusual chosen one fate has awarded him.
  3. More than greed, the archer hates deceit. She is a straightforward person who likes to say everything in the forehead. You won't hurt her so much if you say something mean. But if you hide or, even more so, compose a fiction, expect a violent conflict.
  4. The thought that follows logically from all of the above is that the archer can’t stand non-specific men whose words disagree with their deeds. Yes, no one likes these people. But this lady is even ready to leave if the gentleman constantly does not fulfill the promise.

Who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman, and who is not very

Sagittarius are great temperamental people. And on the other hand, astrological opposites get along great with it. There is no contradiction in this - after all, the character of this lady allows her to converge with any person for whom she has deep sympathy.

From the point of view of astrology, the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with other signs of the zodiac looks like this:

  1. Complicated, but beautiful in its own way, is an alliance with representatives of its own fire element. True, with a stubborn Aries, a Sagittarius can lead endless conflicts in which no one will yield to a partner simply out of principle. And in a lion, pride and vanity can irritate her. With a representative of her own sign, the archer will willingly find mutual language, but such an alliance risks turning into a company of two risky partners who can stumble and lose.
  2. Interesting. On the one hand, this is not her type. But on the other hand, Aquarius is able to attract to itself thanks to the breadth of views, infinite humanity and inner charisma. Yes, she will have to constantly push her missus to reach new heights. But if she is ready to pay this price, the tandem will turn out to be very promising. Among other air signs, an alliance with the astrological opposite is promising -. IN lesser degree Sagittarius will find understanding among the aristocratic and indecisive scales.
  3. With water signs of the zodiac, a walk-up Sagittarius will be able to experience a true family atmosphere. True, she needs to take into account that the timid fish man and cautious cancer will have to be constantly inspired to exploits. But the imperious scorpion can suppress her fiery nature, therefore, in such a tandem, it is necessary to agree on important points already on the shore.
  4. As for the earthly representatives (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo), the situation is somewhat worse. These are wonderful, reliable men who value stability and concreteness of plans. They need a completely different companion - an ally, a housewife who knows how to protect the rear and endure hardships. Sagittarius is unlikely to be interested in such proposals.

Sagittarius in bed

The night with the archer never ends. At least that's what all men want. She is a real tigress, the queen of her position. This lady is for vivid emotions, for frank manifestations of love. Sagittarius is given to a partner without a trace, but there is one important nuance.

If she is looking forward to nightly adventures with you, this is very good sign. So, at least she trusts and respects your personality. Yes, the archer sees in a man much more than a set of physical indicators. It is important for her to deal with personality, and not with a set of muscle mass.

The Sagittarius woman is an ataman, a leader, a bit of an adventurer, a fatal lady. If you give her a fulcrum, she will definitely turn something upside down. But only in best sense words.

A Sagittarius woman doesn't always say what you want to hear. More often than not, she will startle you with her frank statements or embarrassing questions. Although from time to time she can say something beautiful that will make you want to sing. A friendly and outspoken Sagittarius woman usually so entangles your heart with her inherent charm that you will have nowhere to go. She is always somewhat straightforward, because she sees the world as it is. And, it must be admitted, talent.

Few people know how to apply reasonable logic to any situation and at the same time maintain a happy ability to believe in the best. She will never lie to you. Sometimes you even want her to lie. Be curious about how she spends her time when you're not seeing her. And you'll get an honest account of how many dates she's put off over the phone, then she can tell you that she's been thinking about your relationship and has decided it's just friendship between you, not love. You don't want to hear such confessions. But don't shout too loud, you will offend her and she might explode. Perhaps she will live alone.

The Sagittarius woman is very independent. Both sexes of this sign have alienation from family ties. Maybe it's because she loves to travel. She is in constant motion. Immediately you need to remember: when you want something from her, you can ask, but not demand. She believes that the techniques of the caveman do not suit her. She likes to be protected, but can't stand being ordered around. Even a mother can't always get something out of her, much less you. However, there is an oddity in her - although she does not like to be commanded, especially in public, you must always be firm in everything, she absolutely cannot stand weak men.

If she goes too far, offending you, treat her like Tarzan for a minute, just to put her in her place. Show yourself sternly when you pull her back. The Sagittarius woman is not going to lose her individuality for the sake of any man, even the most beloved one. But she is pleased to know that you treat her like a woman. Many of them confuse friendship with love. There is no humility in her. This woman behaves quite frankly with men and does not play coquetry. She speaks and acts exactly as she feels. Her excessive frankness naturally causes misconceptions about her, not to mention the fact that it just offends you. She is a very strong woman. Her pride comes to the surface and bails her out crisis situations allowing her to treat her heartache as a joke. Inside, she may sob, parting with you. But she will put all her wits and strength into announcing to her friends that her affair with you was just flirting. Few would think how many tears she cried into her pillow, wondering what she could have done that led to a breakup.

All Sagittarians become indignant when they doubt their honesty. Few of the men perceive her excessive honesty correctly. She openly flirts with no intention of turning it into a romance. Because of this, she gains a reputation as a cold, heartless woman. In fact, she may even remain an old maid, but at the same time she will not be spiteful and mischievous, she will play with life and have fun. She will have many interests to replace a man with. Of course you plan to make her your wife. She is somewhat prejudiced about the loss of her freedom. You will have to use a lot of baits to get it. She has no conventions in relationships with men, because. she considers herself equal to a man, she can copy their manners, wear their sweaters, she loves sports just like men. Although by nature she is feminine.

Because she is very honest, she can be somewhat flippant about her reputation, as well as what society thinks of her. Usually she is surrounded by many men. She knows that her reputation is impeccable, and this is the only thing that matters to her. Naturally, she is wrong here. What other people think is very important for a woman's reputation. But try to understand it. If she laughs at a frivolous joke, it means she didn't understand the subtext. Subtext and double play are very often not clear to Sagittarius.

The basic truth is that by nature she is a trusting child. And her views are so naive that they make her vulnerable to the seducer. Forget about her intelligence and amazing logic. It has nothing to do with her heart. She is very smart and can stand up for herself in critical situation, but her heart is defenseless, it often breaks. And she's also a little clumsy. You can watch her walk gracefully down the street until she trips over the curb and clumsily grabs the kiosk to keep herself on her feet, knocking over a couple of crates in the process. But her friendliness saves the day. Sometimes she may remind you of a clumsy puppy. Typical Sagittarius has a great appetite. He loves good food, wine, clothes, first class travel. She usually spends money. Money for the sake of money does not interest her. Think carefully before lending her money.

A Sagittarius woman can perform in a show, because. she likes the stage lights. Don't expect her to leave her career for you. Never force her to choose between you and the audience. After a while, she will get tired of the flattery of the public and artificial light, and she will return home to feel something real, and that can be you. She needs a man who will say that honesty is beauty, and deception is ugliness. If she gives up her career, this does not mean that her wings are denied, she has them since birth. The suitcase will always be with her. Take her on vacation or let her go, trust her. She loves you, not who she spends time with. Due to her somewhat indifferent attitude towards love and timidity before marriage, you might think that she lacks sensitivity.

You are mistaken, she may cry when she watches sad films, reads poetry, perhaps she kept your first note. As for her talent as a hostess, take courage and patience here. She is tired of the need to constantly wipe the dust, put things in order, make the beds. She just hates it. But when she starts her house, maybe she will pull herself together. Although she prefers to hire a house. worker. If this is not possible, she will make efforts to keep the house in order. Her mother can hardly believe it. Pride makes Sagittarius do the necessary things around the house. First, it must be surrounded by beauty and purity. And then, she realizes that if she doesn't do it, no one will do it for her. It is also difficult to say anything about her cooking. If she cooks all week, you can hardly expect a sumptuous dinner for the weekend. You have to go to a restaurant. Most Sagittarius women don't feel like cooking.

Her own bad mood can be terrible, but fortunately, it is rare. When she is truly offended, she becomes sarcastic, but may forget what she said before she has finished her sentence. And she does not understand why you were offended at the same time. She will not get along with a melancholic. She physically cannot stand gloominess and pessimism. The kids will probably adore her. She will receive guests well, no one can entertain as grandly as she, even the Lioness. Her friendliness makes people feel welcome, and she can easily resolve conflicts. As long as you claim her soul, let her feel free, you will receive a triple income from her: loyalty, trust, love. All these three things are inseparable for her. Because by giving her love, she gives her friendship.

The Sagittarius woman is simply an incredible idealist. And here's a secret she may never have revealed to you, she fell in love with you when she was a little girl and made a wish on a shooting star to have a man in her life with an honest heart. When you finally showed up, she immediately recognized you.

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