How to lose weight using the moon fortune teller. A powerful spell for quick weight loss during the waning moon. Weight loss symbols for waning moon spells

How are the phases of the moon and weight loss related?

The phases of the moon have long been used to perform various rituals: for example, during its waning, you can get rid of alcohol and nicotine addiction, as well as excess weight.

Conspiracies for weight loss during the waning moon: how they affect the human body ^

Very often, the phases of the Moon and weight loss are linked by seers: during the waning phase it is customary to start diets, use spells and perform rituals, and also get rid of any harmful addictions.

This is explained by the fact that such a period is best suited for cleansing the body, because... natural and cosmic phenomena only contribute to this.

Nutritionists believe that it is also necessary to lose weight during the waning moon because at this time the appetite is dulled, the craving for fatty and sweet foods decreases, so any diet is easily tolerated.

Losing weight during the waning moon: myth or reality

Despite the generally accepted and proven facts about the most intense weight loss after the full moon, many still wonder: in what phase of the moon is it better to start losing weight? The answer is obvious - only during the waning of the Moon, but to maintain results you should use the growing phase.

Why you need to lose weight during the waning moon:

  • At this time, toxins and waste are quickly eliminated, fats are actively broken down and metabolism accelerates. If you use a diet, you can get rid of excess fluid in the body, as well as fat deposits;
  • During the growth of the Moon, any food is perfectly digestible, so the diet should be as strict as possible.

Rules for losing weight according to the phases of the moon:

  • During the new moon, it is useful to arrange fasting days, as well as drink natural juices and herbal infusions;
  • During growth, appetite increases, so it is necessary to give up any sweets and high-calorie foods, otherwise fat cells will form at an accelerated pace;
  • During the full moon, fasting on juices and herbal teas is recommended, but if this is not possible, you should eat cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • On the waning moon you can eat absolutely everything, but in moderation. It is recommended to balance your diet as much as possible, and for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, it is necessary to remove sweets, baked goods, smoked and fried foods from it, as well as exercise.

Losing weight during the waning moon: rituals, conspiracies and prayers for weight loss ^

Losing weight during the waning moon: what rituals will help you lose weight quickly

Weight loss spell for the waning moon

Weight loss conspiracies have enormous energetic power: they influence a person’s subconscious and also contribute to the rapid burning of fat cells.

  • In the evening, take a wooden comb, lay it out in front of you, light two candles and imagine yourself slim and beautiful. When about 10 minutes have passed, we say a spell: “The comb combs out the lice well, and the fat will go away!” The nits evaporate quickly, and so would my weight! The dirty pig gets fat and fat, but my body gets better and thinner! Amen";

Weight loss ritual for the waning moon

All rituals are performed using various means and conspiracies, which is why they have double power.

  • On the 15th lunar day, we take a bottle of vegetable oil, put the inscription “my fat” on it, and say a spell: “Take my fat, oil, fix it in yourself.” Next, we collect soil into a pot, and over the course of two weeks we pour a little oil into it, saying: “I expel fat from the body, I fill it with oil. Earth, accept my suffering, save me from overeating.” Before the New Moon, pour out the remaining oil and throw away the pot with soil;
  • This ritual is carried out on the first day of departure: we sit down at the table, light 3 candles, somewhere nearby we hang a new beautiful outfit 2 sizes smaller. We close our eyes and imagine ourselves dressed in it, setting ourselves up to lose weight on an energy level. When the images become clear, we say: “As the moon wanes, so does my damned fat disappear forever. I will slowly lose my frailty, obesity and weight on my own. I turn my gaze to the moon, and I turn my spell to my clothes: the path will not be too tight for my body. There was a word, but there will be a deed. Amen".

Weight loss ritual for the waning moon

Before taking a bath or visiting a sauna during the waning phase, read the sea salt spell:

  • “Salt in the earth, salt in the blood, fat in the flesh. Salt grows from water and goes away, so my fat will disappear, and my body will not be found again. Amen".
  • Next, you need to wash yourself thoroughly and massage your skin with salt, then rinse everything off in the shower.
  • Perform this ritual 3-4 times a week during the waning moon.

Prayer for weight loss on the waning moon

Prayers have enormous energetic power, especially if they are read during the waning phase of the Moon:

  • First, we read “Our Father” three times, then we say: “The moon is quickly waning, and my weight melts with it right before our eyes. Amen".
  • We do this every day during the decline.

Diet for the waning moon

It is best to start a diet on the waning moon: at such a time, fats are burned more actively, and weight is lost faster. It is recommended to eat porridge, dairy products, lean meat, vegetables, low-fat cheeses and fruits.

Sample menu:

  • We have breakfast with a portion of oatmeal and green tea;
  • We have lunch with rice porridge and baked vegetables;
  • We have a couple of fruits in the afternoon;
  • We have dinner with a light vegetable salad.

Losing weight during the waning moon: the opinion of nutritionists ^

If doctors are asked a question about when it is better to lose weight - on the waning or waxing moon - they cannot get an unambiguous answer for the reason that dietetics is based on scientifically proven facts.

Despite this, many doctors do not deny the influence of the phases of the moon on the human body, but believe that proper nutrition at any time of the lunar cycle cannot harm health in any way.

When using the period of the waning moon to lose weight, you need to radically reconsider your diet, because... Achieving results depends on him.

Me before I started read a weight loss spell with a glass of water before bed they said that the weight lost after the conspiracy will definitely not return . I was delighted with this feature and before going to bed I decided to try this one magic way- a ritual for weight loss using water magic and a strong spell which will start my weight loss process and help me quickly and irrevocably lose excess weight. In my case, I wanted to lose 15 - 18 kilograms, and without shelving the idea, I began to prepare for the ceremony.

Read water conspiracies for weight loss accepted in many nations of the world. People know exactly what water charmed to burn fat can very quickly remove fat and lose weight necessary for the body number of kilograms. Vanga ordered to independently read this powerful spell that can instantly burn fat on the stomach, sides and waist with a glass of ordinary water, which you need to drink before going to bed, assuring that the weight simply disappears every night. The words of the spell need to be said once over a glass of water. to start the weight loss process in the body and immediately drink it a few minutes before bedtime:

Lord, help, Lord, bless.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a bed,

There is a feather bed on that bed.

There's a pig lying on that feather bed, guarding my fat.

That pig has two heads, three heads,

About four heads, About five heads, About six heads, About seven heads.

About eight heads, With nine heads, with nine mouths.

Eat my fat with your first head, Eat my fat with your second head,

Eat my fat with the third head, Eat my fat with the fourth head,

Eat my fat with your fifth head, Eat my fat with your sixth head,

Eat my fat with the seventh head, Eat my fat with the eighth head,

And the ninth will eat up all my fat,

It will take over my fat.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Already in the morning you will see the first results of weight loss and smooth weight loss on the scales, do not be alarmed, this the action of a conspiracy told by Vanga for weight loss.

© Copyright: Magician

  • A conspiracy to reduce excess weight removes from the body excess water and breaks down fat. People who read a conspiracy to lose weight noticed a loss of excess weight the very next day after they read a strong conspiracy for water and the waning moon. After drinking the enchanted water, a person’s weight dropped to a kilogram per day. Even in problem areas: on the stomach, sides and legs, people’s volumes were reduced due to the dissolution of fat. All magical processes took place without diets and physical activity, but if you healthy image life and love sports, this is only welcome and will contribute to faster weight loss and rapid weight loss. As mentioned earlier, you need to read the weight loss plot on the waning moon. drinking water poured into a glass. The plot needs to be read while looking at the waning moon reflected in a glass of water and then drink all the water in one sip, so initially do not pour a lot of water and it is better to take a dark cup in which the reflection of the moon is more noticeable. Weight loss spell:

  • The spell of a ripe apple for weight loss is an ancient and very powerful witch ritual. Magic really helps you lose weight quickly using the apple spell. Many girls and women who have done the apple ritual and read the weight loss spell write in reviews that very quickly after reading the spell, the weight goes away very quickly and does not come back again. Losing weight without dieting in a quick way is an interesting enough way to try it on yourself. In addition, as it turned out, the apple plot, which reduces weight and starts the weight loss process, is not expensive and is quite simple to perform independently right at home. How the ritual is done and what is needed for it. To cast an apple on your own for weight loss, you need a ripe and definitely not worm-eaten apple. The color of the apple does not matter for the plot, so you can choose any one you like. Taking an apple in both hands, bring it to your lips and barely audibly read the weight loss plot on it:

  • Magic rituals and conspiracies for quick weight loss that cause sudden weight loss are extremely popular. Quick results and 100% effectiveness from a conspiracy to help you lose weight are finding more and more fans who write positive reviews from this conspiracy and boast about the results of how they quickly lost 10, 20 and even 30 kilograms per lunar month (from full moon to full moon). If you need to lose weight in the shortest possible time, this magic ritual for weight loss, which according to reviews has already helped many people, will most likely help you too, and besides, doing it yourself is quite simple. The plot is read in a bathhouse; if you do not live in a village, then there are also bathhouses and saunas in the city. IN lunar day On the full moon, perform this white magic ritual for weight loss. When crossing the threshold of the bathhouse, say a conspiracy for weight loss:

  • Losing weight with magic is the simplest and most quick way which Maginya will now tell you about. To quickly and permanently lose several kilograms of excess weight, read this conspiracy - a weight loss spell is done on the waning moon. It is best if you start doing the ritual on the first day of the outgoing moon, but this is not required condition and any day is suitable, as long as the moon wanes. How to make a weight loss spell and what white magic spell will help you lose weight quickly? To independently carry out a simple and effective ritual for weight loss, in addition to the losing weight moon, you need a red candle (church or ordinary, it doesn’t matter). Having chosen a day to read the spell and in the evening in the dark (turning off the lights), with a lit candle, read the spell for quick weight loss:

  • Strong rite for weight loss is done independently. A strong conspiracy is read over a glass of water - a prayer for weight loss, in order to quickly lose weight you need to drink water that is spelled to lose weight and burn excess fat, thereby triggering the effect of the conspiracy. During the conversation, I was very interested in one question: how does the weight go away after the ceremony? Everything is very individual, body weight begins to decrease the very next day. When you step on the scale in the morning, you can see the first plumb line and it’s different for everyone. Obese people can see how they were able to lose up to 450 grams overnight; someone is happy that in such a short period of time the weight has moved and started to decline, although the scale shows only -100 grams. After the spell is read - a prayer for weight loss, the water for which the ritual was performed enters the body, which basically consists of the same water, penetrates every cell of the body, dissolving fat cells and removing excess water. The body, like a “lubricated clock,” starts metabolism, normalizing all metabolic processes in it. After the conspiracy, many people have a decrease in appetite and evening “zhor” disappears; they no longer have the habit of eating during stress. The magician was so carried away by the story about how to lose weight with the help of magic and a spell - a prayer for weight loss in a glass of water, that interrupting her I asked about the most important thing: WHAT STRONG SPARM DO YOU NEED TO READ TO LOSE WEIGHT QUICKLY AND NEVER COME BACK?

Do you want to become slim, but you can’t? It happens that neither diets bring the desired result, nor gymnastics - and the latter is often too lazy to do! There is not enough willpower to force yourself to get up early and set aside precious time for several exercises. Do you want to say goodbye to extra pounds once and for all without unnecessary effort? Then you should definitely come to us! Magical actions, such as conspiracies, rituals and prayers, which, from time immemorial, our ancestors turned to and, moreover, very successfully, can greatly help with this! Conspiracies and rituals aimed at losing excess weight will help you achieve the desired result easily and in the shortest possible time if you strictly follow all the recommendations. But when performing such magical manipulations, faith is very important! If you gain confidence in your abilities, you will succeed!

This ritual is performed exclusively on the waning moon. Most weight loss conspiracies are read either in the evening after sunset or in the morning, before sunrise, while the moon is visible in the sky. By reading a conspiracy, you trigger its action, which can no longer be stopped - it will end on its own after the new moon. Decide how many kilograms of weight you want to lose. This is necessary in order to calculate the amount of water that will need to be drunk during the ritual (how much water you drink, so much weight will be lost per day). So let's get started.

Place 200 milligrams of holy water in front of you so that the moonlight falls on the glass and read the spell: “The moon is a maiden, dear sister! Driving the water, come from the sky, take my extra weight with you! Amen!" After reading these words once, drink all the water to the bottom. In one day you will lose as many grams of weight as you drink water. Perform this ritual daily while the moon is waning. Then, it will be possible to continue it after the change of the lunar cycle.

Conspiracies for the waning moon

Magic rituals are the use of natural forces for one's own purposes, therefore good plot for weight loss is a great way to get rid of unnecessary pounds, which will work no matter what. More precisely, at the subconscious level it will model your behavior, removing the desire to constantly chew something. Will calm you down at the same time nervous system and harmonizes the work of all internal organs.

This spell must be read while looking at the moon in the sky, and if the moon is not in the sky or is invisible, then at a glass of water, then drink the water. The ritual is carried out for 9 days in a row. “The moon is waning, and I’m losing weight. The moon has new, beautiful horns, and my body is stately and slender. In my word, Moon, and in your deed. Amen!"

The most powerful ritual for weight loss

The ritual is carried out over seven days. This ritual begins when full moon at the moment it begins to decrease. Since this conspiracy is very strong, it requires thorough execution. All components for the ceremony must be prepared in advance: a glass, preferably made of crystal; clean water; wool thread of blue color and matches.

If the moon is clearly visible, you need to go outside and look at it until it begins to blur before your eyes. After this, you need to spin around yourself 9 times and turn your back to the night luminary, while saying: “Just as you, Mother Moon, have been decreasing since this moment, so my weight begins to melt, and the fullness goes away. You, the Moon, are waning and drowning my fat. The round moon will turn into a thin month, and my fullness will completely evaporate. Amen!"

Then you need to return home and throw three burning matches into a glass, read the same words 9 times into the glass, and pour the water onto the ground. Blue wool thread bandage the nameless one with a figure eight and middle fingers and wear it like this for 7 days, then burn the thread and scatter the ashes.

This ritual acts on the subconscious - it opens energy channels and sets the body up for active weight loss. Prayers and conspiracies are completely harmless for those who carry them out, however, if you decide on such manipulations, it is better to take into account that without any effort at all, only magic word and it will be difficult to achieve what you want with your faith if you do not reduce the amount of sweets and delicacies you consume. Healthy and balanced food, more fruits and vegetables, less sweet and heavy foods will be a great help for all these magical actions.

Water spell to curb your appetite

Very often, appetite appears on its own. There is an expression: “Zhor attacked.” This is just about those moments when, after eating, you have a feeling as if you are missing something tasty. You go to the refrigerator, looking around for something else to eat and, finding nothing, you go to the store for chocolate, and where there is chocolate, there are cookies, candies, cake, etc. And what do we do? Let's eat to our heart's content. And the result is overeating. How slim is this?

At such moments, the following conspiracy is very effective. To do this, you need to pour water into an ordinary uncut glass and say the following words: “Water is a maiden, the queen of the sea, you baptize and wash people. With your great power, take away hunger from me so that it doesn’t torment me, take away the passion for food from me so that I don’t want to or think about it. Just as a sage does not eat, does not drink and lives by prayers, so you, water maiden, strengthen in me abstinence from food. Amen!" Drink water in sips.

Spell on a jar of water

We take a jar of water and read the cherished words over it during the waning moon: “The moon is waning, and I’m losing weight. The moon is growing and taking my fullness to itself. Whatever is unnecessary on me, let it dissolve, fly away, evaporate! In the sun, in the moon, in the field and steppe. And let it remain there forever! Amen!" After the hex, leave the water on the window. Let it stay like this for seven days. They begin to drink water during the new moon, taking several small sips. So every day until the water runs out. Repeat this ritual as much as necessary to get results.

Weight loss ritual in the bathroom

During the waning moon before midnight, the bath is filled with water, a glass of milk and the petals of three roses (white, red and pink) are added. You must be wearing a cross. After plunging into a bath of water, relax and visualize yourself beautiful and slender, and then say the words: “Water - water, always come to my aid, help - be kind - gave you milk to drink, cajoled you with flowers, put on a holy cross for you! Help my misfortune, save me from misfortune - take my fats from me, take them far, harmony - give me beauty! Let the excess weight disappear, it won’t find its way to me! Amen!"

Simoron ritual for weight loss

Pour water into plastic bottles so much that it is enough for the period of the waning of the moon, we set it to charge, reading the following words: “I charge the water with power, there are miracles in every drop. And now it’s clean - the water will burn my fat once and for all.” We sign the bottles by writing on them: “Water for burning fat.” And when you get ready to sleep, say: “The night is so full of magic, the water is charged.” You need to drink charged water on an empty stomach in the morning or before bed, saying: “You are a magician - water, you burn my fat forever!”

Excess weight not only changes appearance for the worse, but also affects health. With the help of powerful spells, you will get rid of the hated kilograms, and your figure will become ideal.

If previously excess weight was considered a sign of wealth and solidity, now it is serious problem. Thanks to modern beauty standards, our perception of perfect body has changed significantly, and doctors have found that excess weight is dangerous to health. If you have at least once tried to get rid of extra pounds, then you know how difficult it is to do this. Constant feeling hunger and heavy physical exercise sometimes debilitating to such an extent that we are unable to carry out daily activities. Site experts suggest you use effective conspiracies for weight loss. Believe in their results, and during the waning moon you will be able to find a good figure.

Waning Moon spell with a candle

Waning Moon rituals are usually effective if you want to get rid of problems and difficulties. That is why during this period you can easily say goodbye to extra pounds, and a strong conspiracy will help you with this.

On any day of the waning moon, pour a glass of water and leave it on the window all night. In the morning, drink this water on an empty stomach, and before that say:

"The moon is waning, and my overweight disappear. Just as the queen of the night becomes smaller every day, so I will lose weight. Let it be so".

On the day of the ritual, it is advisable not to eat anything and drink only water. Such cleansing will be beneficial for your body and will significantly speed up the result of your conspiracy.

Water spell for weight loss

Taking a hot shower or bath is believed to speed up the weight loss process. It’s difficult to say whether this is true or not, but with the help of a strong conspiracy you will lose weight in the near future.

In the evening a week before the New Moon, take a warm bath and completely immerse yourself in it, before doing this say:

“Beautiful Moon, your plumpness suits you, but only spoils me, so save me from excess weight. Let me be beautiful, let everyone around me look at me and admire me. Let the water wash away everything unnecessary from me, and let me become slim. My words are undeniable."

After taking a bath, dry yourself with a towel and try not to talk to anyone for the rest of the day. You can repeat the ritual in next period waning moon, however, thanks to the result obtained, you are unlikely to have such a need.

Vegetable oil plot for weight loss

Every person who has it dreams of losing excess weight. However, it is very difficult for many people to pull themselves together and give up their favorite but harmful foods. Some are fans of fried food cooked on large quantities vegetable oil. To carry out this ritual, you will have to get rid of the reason for the high calorie content of your favorite foods.

On the first day of the waning moon, purchase a bottle of vegetable oil and a pot of soil, which should always be stored on the window. Every day before the New Moon, pour oil into the ground and say:

“My excess weight will go away with the fatty oil. It will be absorbed into the earthling and will remain there forever. May I be the most beautiful, may men (women) fall in love with me at first sight, may other women (men) envy me. The moon is waning and my kilograms are going away».

After this period, get rid of the soil. You can simply throw it away or put it in a bag and bury it away from your home. The result of the conspiracy will certainly make you happy, and the attention of the opposite sex will increase sharply.

Sometimes people cannot lose weight only because they are unable to limit themselves in food, and that is why they are waiting for a long time. positive result. Of course, to get rid of excess weight, you need to pull yourself together and seriously take care of your body. And to do this without harmful fasting, use lunar diets. Eat right, be beautifuland don't forget to press the buttons and

13.12.2017 07:52

If you're struggling with excess weight, you've tried everything. possible ways, but they never found it...

This plot is read on the waning moon. The performer will need a glass of holy water and 3 candles (all this must be taken from the church). The ritual is best done before going to bed.

Having retired at night, you need to light all 3 candles and speak to the water three times using the following words:

“The water is wild, it flows here and there. Don't run, but help me. Take my weight and run with it. Water, water, not my problem. Take away the misfortune, and I will not find grief.”

After pronouncing the text, you need to drink water in one gulp to the drop, and then say:

"From clean water I don't know trouble. My weight will go away, it will go to my enemy. Amen (3 times) !”

Wait until the candles burn out completely. The cinders can simply be thrown away or buried. According to some reviews from people who have tried this method, after the ritual, up to 5 kg can be lost every week - until the weight returns to normal.

Another way is to read before bed

During the period when the moon is waning, you need to speak to a jar of clean water using the following words:

“As the moon wanes, so let me lose weight. And when she grows, let her take all my fat. Let everything that is superfluous break off, fall off, go away, fly away, run away. To the moon and the sun, to the forest and to the steppe, and to the field. Let it remain there forever, for human life. Amen!"

In total, the plot is read 7 times, after which the water should be infused in a dark place for 7 days. On the day of the new moon, you need to take a few sips of the charmed liquid, and then drink it a little every day.

The effectiveness will increase if the ritual is repeated every month on the old moon until the weight normalizes.

To the water for swimming

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. Late in the evening (after sunset, but before midnight), prepare yourself a warm bath by adding a glass of cream and petals from 3 roses (white, pink and red) to your bathing water. Lie down in the bath without taking off pectoral cross, and visualize for 10 minutes, trying to recreate a portrait of yourself in your mind - slender, beautiful, graceful and graceful. Then say to the liquid:

“Mother Water, to me, God’s servant (your name), help. I poured milk for you, decorated you with rose petals, and put on a holy cross. Help me in my grief, in my misfortune. Take away all the fat from me, it’s far, far away from me. I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim, so that the extra weight never comes back to me. Amen!"

After saying the words, you can lie in the bathroom for a while. As a rule, the first results should already appear within a month after the ceremony. This ritual can be repeated every month until you reach your desired weight.

Watch another ritual on a red thread from Daria Mironova in this video:

On the water to reduce appetite

The plot helps reduce the performer’s appetite, and thereby makes him eat less. Water poured into a glass made of uncut glass is charmed. The words are read 3 times:

“Queen of the sea, maiden of the water. You baptize, give water and wash all people. With your power, take away hunger from me so that it does not torment me. Take away my passion for food, so that I don’t think about it and don’t want to. Just as the purest person does not eat or drink, but lives by prayer alone, so you, sea maiden, queen of the water, strengthen me, give me the strength to abstain from food. As I said, so it will be.”

After pronouncing the spell three times, all the water is drunk before bed in small sips, at one time.

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