How much potassium should you consume per day? Why does our body need potassium? Lack of potassium in the body

Difficulties with teething (pericoronitis) are always associated with pain. This problem also occurs when wisdom teeth grow. Pain syndrome appears in the molar and gum due to damage to soft tissue. This condition cannot be ignored. The problem will not go away on its own, so if it occurs, you should visit your dentist.


Pain during molar eruption occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Not enough space. This is due to the fact that initially all the teeth grew incorrectly.
  2. Wrong growth trajectory. When the trajectory of molar eruption changes, it causes severe pain, since in this case the gums are injured.
  3. Infections. As a result, an inflammatory process develops and pain occurs.
  4. Caries. This pathology occurs in case of slow growth of the painter and due to violation of the rules of dental hygiene.
  5. Incorrect treatment. If the manipulation to relieve pain is performed incorrectly, this leads to aggravation of the situation. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that therapy be performed only by professional dentists.


Pericoronitis has the following symptoms:

  • the gums hurt due to tissue damage from the sharp edges of the molar, and the pain can be moderate or severe;
  • the pain syndrome spreads to the corresponding area of ​​the jaw or the entire side of the face, which indicates the beginning of the process of inflammation of the soft tissues;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • the size of the cheek adjacent to the tooth increases, which leads to facial asymmetry - such symptoms indicate the onset of suppuration;
  • redness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • an increase in body temperature or local hyperthermia - this indicates inflammation, and with an increase in the size of the cheek, it also indicates suppuration;
  • difficulty opening the mouth, pain occurs with each such manipulation, in addition, a pungent odor appears from the mouth, which indicates suppuration;
  • sore throat, which intensifies when swallowing - such symptoms are characteristic of a purulent abscess, which is especially dangerous if the pus does not find a way out and falls down.

  • Malocclusion. When a molar grows improperly, it affects neighboring teeth. This provokes displacement of the molars, which causes malocclusion. This pathology has a negative impact on appearance, which causes complexes and psychological disorders.
  • Accumulation of pus in the problem area. If the pus does not find a way out, this leads to the formation of abscesses and other similar pathologies. As a result, pus flows down from the problem area. This can lead to complications and, in the absence of timely treatment, death. To prevent this from happening, you cannot ignore the problem.
  • A wisdom tooth grows into the cheek. This results in regular cheek biting while eating or talking. Frequent damage to soft tissues can have the most disastrous consequences. Non-healing ulcers and more serious complications appear.
  • Intoxication of the body. If the pain syndrome occurs due to an infectious infection, then the lack of therapy can provoke poisoning.

To avoid such situations, you should visit a doctor in the first days after the onset of pain.

What to do

If your wisdom tooth is growing and your gums hurt because of this process, you should visit a professional. This may indicate improper growth of the molar and only a doctor can correct this situation. A professional conducts an examination and prescribes an x-ray of the jaw, since the image clearly shows in which direction the tooth is growing.

If improper eruption of a molar is observed, it is removed. In this case, you can get rid of pain only with the help of a radical solution to the problem.

The doctor may also prescribe surgery. You cannot do without the help of a surgeon in the following cases:

  • Pericoronarectomy. This is a manipulation to excise an overhanging pocket. This pathology occurs when the molar has erupted, but is covered with a gingival hood. In this case, the pain occurs due to food debris accumulated in the crevices. The surgeon removes the growth, which solves the problem.
  • Pericoronarotomy. The essence of the manipulation is to make an incision in the mucous hood that covers the wisdom tooth, which makes its eruption difficult and causes pain. The procedure is carried out only if the direction of molar growth is correct.

If the pain syndrome occurs against the background of an inflammatory or purulent process, the dentist may prescribe drug therapy or the use of drugs traditional medicine. It is recommended to use any pain relief drug only as prescribed by a doctor.

1. Medicines

To get rid of infections or inflammation, the following medications are used:

  1. Drugs with anti-inflammatory properties. Such products relieve pain, and also stabilize body temperature and relieve swelling of soft tissues. Doctors most often advise taking Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and other similar drugs.
  2. Drugs with analgesic properties. These products quickly relieve pain. Analgin gives this effect. This is a budget product with good characteristics, so doctors usually recommend using this particular medicine.
  3. Preparations with antiseptic properties. Such products destroy harmful microorganisms. The products are used to irrigate the oral cavity. Doctors usually recommend using Miramistin.
  4. Preparations for local use. These include ointments that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties. Dentists usually prescribe Cholisal, Metrogyl Denta and other similar products. The drugs are applied to problem areas of the gums. Ointments relieve swelling of soft tissues, relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process.

2. Home remedies

To get rid of pain, traditional medicine is also used, but only on the recommendation of a specialist. Self-administration of medications without visiting a specialist can lead to dire consequences.

1. Calendula solution

To prepare this remedy, take:

  • calendula tincture – 1 small spoon;
  • water – 1 glass.

Calendula tincture is diluted in a glass of warm boiled water. The solution is used to rinse the mouth. The manipulation is performed several times a day. This product disinfects, soothes inflamed gums and relieves soft tissues of excess fluid.

2. Sage-based infusion

Required components:

  • dried chopped sage - 2 large spoons;
  • water – 0.5 l.

The plant is poured with boiling water and left to infuse for an hour. After this time, the product is filtered. The solution is used in parts to rinse the mouth. The manipulation is performed during the day. This drug soothes the pain that occurs due to difficult teething, and also destroys pathogens present in the oral cavity.

3. Furacilin solution

To make this solution, the following products are required:

  • furatsilin – 2 tablets;
  • water – 1 glass.

The tablets are diluted in warm boiled water. The solution is used for the oral cavity. The manipulation is performed every 3 hours. This solution relieves pain and also disinfects oral cavity and removes excess fluid from soft tissues.

4. Decoction based on medicinal plants

Required Products:

  • crushed dried oak bark - 5 large spoons;
  • sage – 2 large spoons;
  • water – 600 ml.

The water is put on fire and after boiling the plant is added. After this, the product is simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. Next, add sage to the broth. The product is left to simmer on the fire for 5 minutes. The preparation is cooled and filtered. The drug is used to rinse the mouth. The manipulation is carried out several times a day. This remedy not only relieves pain, but also removes excess fluid from soft tissues and stops inflammation. The drug also destroys harmful bacteria.

5. Soda and salt solution

To prepare the solution take:

  • soda – 1 small spoon;
  • salt – 1 small spoon;
  • water – 1 glass.

Add all ingredients to hot boiled water and stir thoroughly. The solution is cooled and used to rinse the mouth. The manipulation is performed every 2 hours until the swelling subsides. This solution not only relieves pain and relieves soft tissues of excess fluid, but also draws pus from the gums, preventing the formation of an abscess.

6. Cold compress

Several ice cubes are wrapped in a piece of cloth. The compress is applied to the cheek on the side of the problematic tooth for several minutes. It is not recommended to keep the compress for a long time, otherwise you may freeze your cheek. If you experience pain, you should not heat the problem area, as this may worsen the problem.

When a wisdom tooth is cut and this is accompanied by pain syndrome, it is not recommended to ignore the problem or try to solve it yourself. Pain often occurs due to inflammation, infection, or abnormal growth. Only a dentist can correct the situation. Ignoring a problem or trying to solve it on your own leads to undesirable consequences.

Problems with wisdom teeth are one of the most difficult in dentistry. If at the same time a wisdom tooth grows and your gums hurt, then only a specialist should decide what to do. Symptoms cannot be tolerated or alleviated at home– this is fraught with serious consequences.

Specifics of wisdom tooth eruption

Milk analogues at the end of the jaw in childhood do not grow, and soft tissues in adults are much more difficult to cut through. That is why, when a wisdom tooth comes in, your gums begin to hurt a lot. Another reason lies in the fact that with a narrow jaw type, there is limited space for full and proper growth.

The “wise” tooth often grows at an angle to the neighboring molar, which grew first, and, not yet appearing on the surface, injures it. It can also constantly touch the soft tissue of the gums or cheeks, causing inflammation and pain.

Along with all of the above, third molars are also more often than others susceptible to curvature of the roots. That's why If you have any unpleasant symptoms, you should visit a dentist, since simply relieving the pain when a wisdom tooth is cut is not enough - the problem will remain.

Even if the third molar came out normally, there is another problem: caries. It occurs due to problems with access to the area where plaque accumulates during hygiene procedures. As the disease develops, the gums do not bother you, but the toothache increases and the wisdom tooth is destroyed. Caries penetrates to the roots, and only then does the surrounding soft tissue become inflamed.

It is rare to encounter a situation where the third painter falls out on its own. Usually this happens when it is completely destroyed, and only the upper part falls off. In this case, you should immediately go to the doctor, since the roots remain in the gum and become accessible to pathogens.

Causes of gum inflammation

The wisdom tooth emerges from under the gum very slowly, so it takes a long time transformation of the mucous membrane (hood) occurs, under which pieces of food fall. Using standard hygiene procedures, it is very difficult to remove them from there, and they themselves will not fall out. As a result, the process of proliferation of microorganisms begins, which causes inflammation. It can be noticed by the following manifestations:

During an inflammatory process, it is not enough to simply numb the wisdom tooth, even if it hurts only slightly. To relieve swelling and tissue tension, it is necessary to perform a number of manipulations, and this can only be done efficiently in a dental office. To do this, the doctor uses the following measures:

  • cleaning the gum pocket from food and foreign substances;
  • lubricating the area of ​​inflammation with a gel with an analgesic effect that makes you feel better when your wisdom tooth hurts;
  • removal of part of the hood, which causes pain and interferes with the eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • if necessary - appointment drug treatment;
  • V severe cases– appointment of surgery to remove wisdom teeth.

Medication methods for pain relief

If, if there are signs of gum inflammation, it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, then you can get rid of pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth at home. Anti-inflammatory drugs must be used.

It is not recommended to endure severe pain for a long time when a wisdom tooth comes out. This has a bad effect on a person’s overall well-being. You can take analgesics like analgin or, if they do not relieve pain well, stronger substances, for example, Ketanov. Local anesthetic gels are used.

For swelling and redness of the gums, it is better to use complex medications designed not only to relieve pain, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect. These may be medications based on ibuprofen or Nimesil. Reducing the intensity of inflammation allows you to reduce the level of general intoxication of the body.

You also need to use antiseptics. Rinsing the mouth with solutions containing this type of medication can reduce the number of harmful microbes and bacteria in the area of ​​inflammation.

In the case of independent pre-medical drug treatment, it is necessary to keep records that will contain information about the type of drug, time of administration and dosage. This data must be provided to the dentist, since otherwise a conflict may arise between the active ingredients of medications taken at home with anesthetics.

Traditional medicine

If the wisdom tooth does not hurt much, then instead of pharmaceutical drugs you can rinse your mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs to prevent the intensive development of the disease. You can reduce the inflammatory process in the case of an erupting tooth with the following decoctions and infusions:

  • oak bark has a healing and astringent effect;
  • St. John's wort is a powerful antiseptic;
  • chamomile is known as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • mint and lemon balm have an analgesic effect and ease the general condition;
  • Salvia officinalis is a good antiseptic;
  • a solution of salt and soda disinfects the entire oral cavity.

You can also use sea buckthorn oil. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton swab in it and place the swab next to the problem area. In the same way, you can use propolis or valerian tincture.

You can relieve pain if your wisdom tooth hurts and there are no signs of inflammation, and you can also disinfect your mouth by rinsing it with vodka or other strong drinks. But if the gums are inflamed, then with such a procedure there is a risk of getting a severe alcohol burn, which will complicate further treatment.

Even if at home we managed to get rid of the swelling and it became less painful, it still you need to see a doctor as soon as possible to develop methods for further treatment. A sluggish process, when the wisdom tooth aches and is slightly inflamed, is a source of constant intoxication of the body, which has a bad effect on internal organs. This is also fraught with the spillover into pericoronitis of the acute phase.

Pericoronitis and periodontitis

The inflammatory process in the soft tissues around an emerging tooth is referred to as pericoronitis. It is caused by typical microflora of the oral cavity: anaerobic bacteria or staphylococci. They receive favorable conditions for development, since cleaning plaque and food debris under the hood is difficult.

In addition to the fact that the gums are swollen and the wisdom tooth hurts, the main symptoms of pericoronitis are as follows:

  • painful sensations when opening the mouth and swallowing;
  • the pain intensifies when any object comes into contact with the inflamed hood;
  • the pain may have a “shooting” character, radiating to the ear or upper jaw;
  • on the affected side the lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • pus is released and bad breath appears.

If pericoronitis is not treated, it can become chronic.. One of its complications is often periodontitis of the wisdom tooth. This disease is characterized by a background aching pain and severe pain when biting. The tooth begins to wobble a little, the gums swell more, and the inflammation of the surrounding tissues enters the purulent stage.

Since it is not possible to anesthetize a wisdom tooth that is cutting due to such accompanying factors on its own, even the most fearful patients at this stage are forced to seek help. Although this should have been done much earlier: when the tooth first became ill.

Indications for wisdom tooth removal

If your wisdom tooth is cutting out and your gums hurt, it is not necessary to delete it. With a little intervention you can help the tooth come out. There are often cases when the third molar erupts without problems and functions until old age, and then it is still used when installing bridges.

Good reasons to remove a wisdom tooth, even if it does not hurt, are growth abnormalities. The doctor will prescribe a procedure if the molar:

  • erupts towards the cheek and constantly injures it;
  • erupts towards the second molar, which causes its deformation or displacement of the entire dentition.

You will also have to resort to deletion in the following cases:

  • the presence of caries and the difficulties that arise with its treatment;
  • the presence of a cyst in the root zone;
  • inflammation of the roots of the upper jaw, causing the development of sinusitis;
  • the presence of purulent inflammation, which is difficult to treat, since the tooth interferes with it.

If malposition is suspected, an x-ray photo is taken. With its help, the dentist will develop the optimal sequence of actions during the operation. The photo will also show anomalies in the position of the roots that cannot be determined in any other way. X-rays of the jaw are safe and have saved many patients from the problems of removing irregularly positioned teeth.

Removal process

Before the operation, the doctor will need to numb the area where surgery will be performed. Therefore, if the patient took any painkiller at home to eliminate inflammation near the wisdom tooth, then the doctor must be informed about this.

When removing the third molars of the upper and lower jaw there is its own specificity. The roots of the upper teeth can extend into the maxillary sinus, so an x-ray is almost always taken to determine their position. But on the lower jaw, “wise” teeth hold onto the bone tissue much more tightly, and much stronger physical efforts will be required to extract them.

The surgical procedure itself includes the following steps:

  • cut and remove part of the gum that may interfere with extraction if the object does not come out completely;
  • rock the tooth to lose adhesion to bone tissue;
  • the tooth is picked up and removed;
  • clean the formed hole.

At the end of the removal procedure, the doctor may stitch the hole. If the roots have a complex geometry, it is difficult for the tooth to come out, so it can be cut and removed in parts. In this case, The operation itself (excluding time for anesthesia) can take 20–40 minutes.

Postoperative measures

If a wisdom tooth has been removed, then in the postoperative period it is necessary to carry out all the measures prescribed by the dentist. Usually he prescribes painkillers, less often anti-inflammatory drugs. Their use is limited to 2-3 days.

During this period, pain, slight fever and chills may occur. Therefore, it is better not to plan important things and Do not expose the surgical site to cold or warm it up under any circumstances.. You should not examine the wound yourself or disturb it with your tongue.

Immediately after removal, it will be painful to eat hard and hot foods, and slight swelling of the face is possible. Blood will come out of the hole for some time. If after three days there is no relief, symptoms of inflammation remain, then you need to see a doctor again.

Inflammation of the gums and pain due to improper growth of wisdom teeth are quite normal state. The sooner the patient seeks qualified help, the easier and faster the healing process will be.

Even if, as a result of the examination, a decision is made to remove a wisdom tooth, you should not be afraid of this - the capabilities of modern medicine have increased and make it possible to perform this procedure almost painlessly. If you endure pain for a long time and take only self-medication measures, then there is a high probability of serious complications that may affect not only the jaw area.

Of all the teeth, it is the wisdom teeth that cause the most problems. In addition to the fact that the eights erupt last, pushing out the rest on the way up, they cause severe pain, due to which a person is forced to seek help from a doctor. People often think about the need for wisdom teeth, because it is much easier to pull them out right away than to endure the pain. What symptoms appear when a wisdom tooth comes out?

Features of teething

Despite the specific pattern of wisdom teeth eruption, this process is entirely individual. In some patients, eights appear at 17-18 years of age, in others - at a later age. IN in rare cases A wisdom tooth can emerge only by the age of 35 and such deviations are not considered a symptom of any disease. But if eruption has been delayed for a long time, this should be a little alarming.

It makes sense to see a doctor when there are no signs of teething at 25-27 years of age. In this case, it is necessary to conduct an examination to find out if there is tooth impaction.

Characteristic symptoms

They can be different, ranging from a weak tooth in the gums to an increase in temperature. Also, this process can be asymptomatic, which greatly simplifies the patient’s life. Depending on the characteristics of the body and other factors, the nature of the symptoms may differ.

The most common symptoms of teething include:

On a note! All these symptoms manifest themselves purely individually. In some cases, the patient is forced to experience them all at once, and sometimes the symptoms appear gradually, one at a time. They may also differ from each other in intensity.

Video: Symptoms of wisdom tooth eruption

Incorrect growth of eights - complications

During the growth of a wisdom tooth, serious complications can arise in the form of abscesses, dental caries, phlegmon and other dental diseases. Let's consider each of the possible complications separately.


It is a serious purulent disease that occurs as a result of infection entering the body. May be accompanied by symptoms such as fever, swelling of the neck, cheeks or gums, bitterness in the mouth, severe pain in the figure eight area.

Extensive inflammation (or cellulitis) occurs as a result of an abscess rupturing in the patient’s mouth. The pathology may affect the bone or most of the surface of the patient's face. In rare cases, the disease can lead to fatal outcome due to blood poisoning.

The clinical picture of phlegmon looks like this:

  • temperature increase;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • increased salivation;
  • pain in the gums when chewing;
  • swelling of the oral mucosa.

When the disease worsens, severe swelling can spread to the patient's eye. In this case, the eye becomes swollen, which creates additional discomfort.

Dental caries

A very common occurrence on the eighth molars. Incorrect position makes cleaning the wisdom tooth impossible, which is why small food particles accumulate in the interdental space. Sometimes the figure eight erupts already with caries. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the tooth has been erupting for too long.

Symptoms of caries are standard: blackening of the enamel, increased tooth sensitivity and pain. It is worth noting that the disease also affects neighboring teeth, thereby starting a chain reaction.

The cause of this complication is improper eruption of the eighth molar. Accompanied by an inflammatory process in the jaw tissues and oral mucosa.

Symptoms of pericoronitis look like this:

  • redness of the gums;
  • spread of the inflammatory process to the throat, temple and cheek, which provokes painful sensations during swallowing;
  • difficulty opening the mouth;
  • general weakness body;
  • temperature increase;
  • formation of pus with slight pressure on the damaged gum.

Photo - wisdom tooth hood

The chronic form of this disease is accompanied by pain and hardening of the soft tissues of the mucous membrane. An abscess may also form at the site of the lesion.

Video: Wisdom tooth removal and pericoronitis


This disease appears after the figure eight appears above the gum. Occurs due to insufficient hygiene of wisdom teeth. They are located in a hard-to-reach place, which makes the cleaning process more difficult. As a result, food debris and plaque begin to accumulate there.

A patient suffering from periodontitis has swollen gums and a fever. Improper treatment can cause inflammation to spread to most of the surface of the face. In this case, the patient experiences intoxication of the body and general weakness. If treatment is not started on time, the consequences can be unpredictable, ranging from cosmetic defects to the need for surgery.

How to eliminate symptoms

In some cases, this process can be painless, but often when a wisdom tooth erupts, the patient experiences serious discomfort and pain. To relieve these symptoms, you need to follow step by step instructions which is given below.

Table. Ways to relieve teething symptoms.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Apply a cold compress to your cheek or massage the damaged gum area with a piece of ice. Such actions will relieve inflammation and eliminate pain. Of course, the symptoms will not go away forever, but even a short break between the torments is also not bad. Before a massage, your hands must be disinfected to avoid introducing germs. You need to repeat the massage 3 to 5 times a day, depending on the severity of teething.

Start taking over-the-counter pain medications. These drugs include Tylenol (has antipyretic properties), Ibuprofen and others. In this case, you must strictly follow the instructions, since exceeding the dose of the drug can lead to serious complications in the form of kidney and stomach diseases. It is highly recommended not to combine painkillers with alcohol.

Rinse your mouth regularly with special rinses. A high-quality mouthwash with antiseptic properties is used for the treatment and prevention of various dental diseases. It perfectly relieves swelling, eliminates pain and accelerates the process of restoration of damaged periodontal tissue. As a rinse solution, you can use decoctions of medicinal plants - for example, chamomile.

During the teething period, you need to give up bad habits, adversely affecting the condition of the gums. First of all, this concerns smoking, because nicotine worsens blood circulation in the gums, which can lead to the development of an inflammatory process. Nicotine also reduces immunity, making the body more vulnerable to various diseases.

Consult your doctor throughout the entire teething period if you suddenly notice suspicious symptoms. This will prevent serious complications.

When Removal is Required

There is an opinion among dentists that the wisdom tooth must be removed in advance when the patient is approximately 13-15 years old, because during this period his root system has not yet had time to fully form. In adolescence, the jaw is not yet dense enough.

Doctors do not resort to removing the figure eight in the following cases:

  • if eruption proceeds without any interference;
  • there is the possibility of complete and effective treatment;
  • The wisdom tooth is not displaced to the side or is needed for support during further prosthetics.

Regardless of the patient’s wishes, before removing the figure eight, it is necessary to at least wait for the start of eruption, and then consult with a dentist. The specialist will first order the patient to take an x-ray of the jaw, and then based on the resulting image, a further decision will be made. Only after the x-ray is ready can we talk about removing the wisdom tooth. There are often cases when the figure eight cuts through without problems and nothing interferes with it, but the process takes a little longer.

Eighth molars can cause a lot of trouble and discomfort for a person, but one should not assume that all this is associated with complications or problems with growth. All the above symptoms are nothing more than examples of possible developments. Various complications can be prevented by promptly consulting a doctor. details in the article.

Probably every person knows that ideally a person has 32 teeth. Today, not everyone can boast of this, due to the fact that the indicated figure includes the presence of so-called eights, popularly known as “wisdom teeth.” However, this does not mean that a person has any diseases or pathologies. For many people today, wisdom teeth or molars may not erupt at all. This is due to the fact that in the process of evolution these teeth lost their necessity. Today, our diet no longer contains raw, solid food, therefore, for the chewing process, the remaining teeth are quite enough for us.

Erupting wisdom teeth is a painful process.

When the tooth has almost erupted, it forms a so-called “hood”, which, in the event of any infection, can form an inflammatory process.
The main signs of inflammation include:

  1. pain;
  2. eruption is most often accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues;
  3. increased body temperature;
  4. redness of soft tissues;
  5. various dysfunctions.

When a wisdom tooth comes out, at the first sign of the onset of the inflammatory process, immediately consult a doctor. If treatment is not started in time, the inflammation will begin to progress, pathogenic bacteria will spread, and as a result, a disease called an abscess may appear. This disease is characterized by purulent inflammation of tissues, which over time can penetrate into muscles, bones or other organs, causing irreparable damage To your health.

Possible complications when cutting through wisdom teeth

Why does my gum hurt when teething?

Statistics show that the wisdom tooth in the lower jaw grows more painfully, and always generates severe pain in the soft tissues surrounding it. The upper eights can grow and often, if they grow incorrectly, injure the cheeks and tongue.
Painful sensations are mainly the cause of the onset of the inflammatory process in the gum tissue. The gums themselves have pronounced redness and swelling.
Due to the appearance of pus, a person’s well-being quickly deteriorates, the temperature rises, and there is no appetite. Often the pain radiates to the ear, temple or jaw.
The first sign of the onset of inflammation is bad breath and mild discomfort when eating food.

Possible types of pain when wisdom teeth grow

The danger of wisdom teeth

In case of difficult appearance (in dentistry this process is usually called pericoronitis), the resulting pus provides an excellent environment for the proliferation of multiple bacteria, which can cause the formation of ulcers or erosions. In addition, the lymph nodes also become very inflamed.
The danger also lies in the fact that the resulting pus can break through and enter various organs, which will subsequently lead to severe intoxication and disruption of the entire immune system of the body. At the same time, a person’s mouth cannot open completely, which interferes with food intake. Also, the temperature in this case can rise above thirty-eight degrees. In addition, the patient has complete facial asymmetry.

What to do if a wisdom tooth grows and your gums hurt?

X-ray of a dental cavity with a growing wisdom tooth

Your first step in eliminating this problem, of course, is going to the dentist. Only a doctor will be able to accurately determine the stage of the inflammation process, its accompanying complications and, as a result, prescribe the correct treatment.
However, there are times when going to the dentist right away is simply impossible. What to do in this case? To do this, let’s look at options on how you can eliminate teething pain at home:

We told you what to do if you ask for help at the right time and it doesn’t work out. It is very important to remember that traditional methods They only allow you to get rid of severe pain for a while; they do not cure the existing problem at all. Therefore, in order not to aggravate the situation and not harm your health, contact specialists at the first opportunity. Only doctors will be able to conduct a high-quality diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
Help with teething with medications.

X-ray of a dental cavity with growing wisdom teeth

Sometimes patients use more traditional means to relieve pain: ketanov, ketanol and other painkillers. These drugs can soothe pain from one to four hours inclusive, depending on pain sensitivity. There are also cases when one tablet for pain relief is not enough and many are taken to increase the dose, in this case you need to be extremely careful so as not to harm your health. In this case, instead of increasing the intake of pills, it would be better to choose some other drug, especially since today their range is quite wide.
A very well-known method for relieving gum pain is rinsing. To do this, most often buy the drug chlorhexidine and use it as a weak solution. It disinfects the oral cavity well and helps in the fight against pain.
The method of using various gels is also popular. For example, Kamistad gel, which contains chamomile extract, alcohol and ice caine, copes well not only with pain relief, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Surgical intervention for the eruption of figure eights

Very often, when visiting a doctor, patients are advised to remove a growing tooth. To fully diagnose the structure of wisdom teeth (its inclination, shape, etc.), dentists prescribe an x-ray to the patient.

Wisdom teeth often grow across other teeth

Most often, problems with wisdom tooth removal are caused by the lower molars. Many dentists today, when choosing to preserve a problem tooth, are inclined to leave it. To do this, the procedure of excision of the so-called “hood” is performed. This procedure relieves the inflammatory process and helps the tooth erupt painlessly. However, today more experienced doctors do not want to do this procedure, since statistics show that after excision, very often the pain returns again, the inflammatory process begins to form again in the same place.
Therefore, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination of the patient and choose the most best option treatment. If the problem tooth does not participate in the chewing process, does not act as a holder for any dentures, and, in principle, does not perform any functions, it would be better to remove this tooth. This will make it possible to exclude the appearance of repeated purulent formations, which can cause serious complications.
Possible complications when wisdom teeth erupt.
Difficult teething can lead to the development of all sorts of complications, for example, the problematic appearance of a wisdom tooth can cause problems with bite. That is why patients faced with this problem should visit not only the dentist, but also the orthodontist. When the figure eight erupts, a displacement of the dentition very often appears, so if the problem tooth is not removed in time, problems with the bite may appear.

The choice of treatment for wisdom teeth remains with the dentist

There are also cases when a tooth that has not yet erupted causes a huge number of problems and begins to hurt a lot. On x-rays you can see how a wisdom tooth is coming out (for example, tilted towards its neighbor - the seven). This entails the appearance of pain. In addition, statistics say that there is a risk of caries in a tooth that has not yet emerged. Due to the ability of pathogenic bacteria to penetrate under the gums, there is a risk of problems with adjacent teeth (sevens).
Caries can appear on an erupted wisdom tooth, and this happens very often. The reason for this is poor quality oral care. The wisdom tooth is located very far away, sometimes it is lower than the previous teeth, this does not allow a person to properly maintain hygiene. As a result, the disease pulpitis can form.
To summarize, we can say that pain in the gums during the eruption of wisdom teeth is associated with compacted tissues around this place. If you see a doctor in time, he will help you treat the problem tooth or recommend removing it. Practice shows that to eliminate the appearance possible diseases and complications, it is better to remove the wisdom tooth.

There is a risk of developing caries both in erupted teeth and not

Pain when wisdom teeth appear is also explained by the fact that there were no milk teeth in their place before, and the gums in this place have a denser shape.
In addition to painful sensations, when a problem tooth appears, the mixing of existing teeth begins, the reason for this is also evolutionary process subsequently, the human jaw became smaller and often the eights simply do not have enough space for teething.
Pain in the gums during problematic eruption is long-lasting and aching. Sometimes the pain radiates to the area of ​​the ear, temporal part or jaw. This is due to the onset of the formation of the inflammatory process. In the article, we showed what to do if a wisdom tooth grows and your gums hurt, but for some reason you can’t immediately turn to professionals for help. You can use available traditional medicine. Home remedies are presented mainly in the form of solutions or decoctions. Just remember that traditional medicine only relieves symptoms; it does not cure the disease at all. Therefore, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

If you visit the dentist at least twice a year, the doctor will be able to identify and diagnose problematic teething in the early stages. Using radiography, you can see the direction of growth and the structure of the root system of the problem tooth. As practice shows, a tooth that has not yet formed is much easier to remove than one that has already formed.

Sooner or later, almost every person begins to grow a tooth-eight, usually this happens in adulthood. The process is usually accompanied by unpleasant and extremely painful sensations. You need to not only be able to identify the symptoms of wisdom tooth eruption, but also know how to alleviate the condition. In addition, to avoid complications, you should understand when you need to see a doctor.

How do wisdom teeth grow?

The process of tooth growth in all people follows the same scenario. Their formation begins in the womb. The formation of molars occurs after the 5th month of pregnancy, the final rudiments are formed by 3 years. By the age of 12, children complete the replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones. By this time, adolescents should have 24 of them: incisors, canines, first and second premolars, first molar.

Wisdom teeth are the eighth in the dentition (hence the name “eight”) and the third molars (there are 12 in total). The process of their development lasts until the onset of puberty, after which they remain inside the gums for the next few years. The rudiments of wisdom teeth appear on the surface by the age of 14-15 years.

When cutting through, the figure eight root is only half formed. Its further development lasts for 3-4 years, and the final design is completed, as a rule, by the age of 25.

In rare cases, wisdom teeth do not form. According to research, this may be due to the fact that marriages between blood relatives took place in the clan. In other words, the absence of third molar buds is not normal.

The process of forming eights has distinctive features. These include the following points:

The cutting of a wisdom tooth, as a rule, takes a long time and is painful; a person may experience severe pain, the gums in the area of ​​eruption swell and may begin to fester. Such disorders occur when figure eights develop incorrectly, for example, when they grow towards the cheek. With their normal formation, pathological processes are not detected.

At what age do wisdom teeth appear?

Wisdom tooth eruption occurs differently for everyone. However, there is no specific age at which the third molar should grow.

In most cases, wisdom teeth begin to come out after 16-18 years, but sometimes this happens by 30 or even 40 years. It is extremely rare that the eruption of figure eights is recorded in people very old age. Experts consider such situations to be abnormal. In order to find out how the top of the figure eight tooth comes out, you can watch the video below.

Teething symptoms

When a wisdom tooth comes in, your health may worsen. In this case, the symptoms may be the following:

  • gum pain in the eruption area;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the cheek or tongue on the affected side swells;
  • it becomes painful to swallow and open your mouth;
  • painful sensations occur in the ear, throat, head;
  • purulent discharge appears near the site of tissue damage.

These symptoms may develop according to various reasons. To study the symptoms of wisdom tooth growth in more detail, you should have an idea of ​​the phenomena that provoke their development.

Sore and swollen gums

When a wisdom tooth grows, as a rule, the gums always hurt (see also: at what age does the first wisdom tooth begin to grow?). If at the same time it is also swollen, then we can assume the following reasons for this phenomenon:

When a figure-eight tooth is cut, a so-called gum hood can form - an overhang of the gum over the molar. Overhanging folds should be removed, otherwise when chewing food they will be constantly damaged and clogged with food debris, which will lead to the development of a severe inflammatory process. The presented photo shows what the overhang of the gingival hood looks like over the erupted third molar.

It hurts to swallow

Often, when a wisdom tooth is cut, it is painful to swallow not only food, but also drinks (we recommend reading: How much does the gum near a wisdom tooth hurt as it grows?). When the gums are swollen, the pain can move to the throat area. In such a situation, there may be a suspicion of the development of odontogenic tonsillitis. If severe pain is felt in the larynx, and swallowing is difficult, this may indicate symptoms of purulent inflammation. In this case, you need to immediately take measures to cure it; if this is not done, the abscess can affect the bone tissue of the jaw.


If suppuration occurs in the gum located behind the last tooth of the upper dentition, the pus can enter the brain. In such critical situation we will already be talking about saving the patient’s life.

What to do to alleviate the condition?

If the figure-eight tooth is formed incorrectly, then it cuts for a long time and is difficult, sometimes causing very severe pain. Various medications and traditional medicine that are prepared at home are designed to help alleviate suffering. However, before taking any medicine, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Depending on the condition of the oral cavity and the stage of the disease process, the need for use is determined. medicines and their dosages. In addition, when third molars are being cut, any heating procedures are strictly not recommended. Warming up can provoke a purulent process.


If eight teeth are coming in, painkillers such as Ketanov, Ketorol, Nurofen and others are indicated to relieve pain. However, they do not have a long-lasting effect and can only relieve pain for a few hours.

The drug Etoricoxib can effectively and permanently relieve attacks of pain. Although, judging by the instructions, this drug is not used for pathologies of the oral cavity, experts often recommend it to relieve maxillofacial pain. For this remedy to work, only 1 tablet is enough; the effect lasts for a day.

If you need to relieve pain in the gums and reduce bacterial activity under the gum hood, a drug with a gel consistency “Kamistad” is often prescribed. It contains chamomile and lidocaine hydrochlorite, due to which the product effectively and quickly eliminates inflammatory symptoms and pain.

The drug "Lidocaine-Vial" in aerosol form is extremely convenient to use. It is enough to spray it in the oral cavity on the affected area, and the pain will subside after a short time. In addition to these remedies, Zelenin drops and gels of the brands “Cholisal”, “Komistad”, “Metrogil” and “Dentol” are used to alleviate the condition during the eruption of third molars.

What to rinse with to reduce swelling?

When a wisdom tooth grows, rinsing will help to numb the gums near its emerging tip. It is best to rinse your mouth with the following means:

  • a weak solution of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin, which has antiseptic properties - is used several times a day;
  • weakly concentrated drug "Eludril";
  • the medicine "Angilex", produced in liquid form;
  • decoctions of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, calendula, mint or oak bark - used warm or cool;
  • baking soda - you need to rinse your mouth after diluting it with water, 1 teaspoon per 250-300 ml is enough.

To relieve inflammatory processes during the eruption of a number eight tooth, use a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Dosages of all used medicines, whether medications or healing herbs, must be agreed with the attending physician.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If the third molar is growing correctly and is not causing discomfort, there is no need to remove it. The decision to extract it is made if the following reasons exist:

If the gum next to the cutting wisdom tooth is severely inflamed, the doctor, after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures, determines whether to take measures to cure or remove the figure eight (we recommend reading: what to do if the gum is inflamed under the crown and how to relieve pain at home?). Along with this, there are phenomena in which it is better to preserve the third molar. The reasons for retaining a wisdom tooth include the possibility of:

  • performing the chewing function with its correct location;
  • using the tooth as a support for the possible installation of dentures on adjacent teeth;
  • changes in jaw position when removing the upper or lower eight;
  • destruction of the remaining paired tooth during extraction of the third molar.

In any case, a specialist decides whether to remove or preserve a wisdom tooth. In this case, you only need to contact an experienced doctor and a clinic equipped with modern equipment.

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