A ritual to be invited to a good job. How to find a good job, the plot is strong. What are the conspiracies for getting a job: the most powerful rituals

Stability in life and financial well-being can be achieved by getting a good job. People have legends about the fabulous incomes of people in certain professions, about earnings in large, successful corporations. Unfortunately, not everyone is destined to have a high-paying job. Many can only dream about it.

In this topic:

Some applicants generally “fail” already at the first stages of the interview. To endear yourself to a HR specialist and to please your future boss, you can use a special plot aimed at finding a truly attractive place.

General rules for conducting rituals related to job searches

  • Firstly, rituals aimed at getting a good job should be carried out during the days of the waxing moon. This is the best time for actions aimed at increasing wealth.
    If you choose a day of the week, you should choose Saturday. Saturday is distinguished by its ability to influence a person’s choice of life path. Therefore, they choose this day to find their dream job.
  • Secondly, no one should know that a conspiracy is being read. This is necessary so as not to face the destruction of all your hopes, because even accidentally told information about magical actions will have absolutely unpredictable consequences. It may happen that you have already been hired, but still things will go wrong and the job will be lost.
  • Thirdly, you must believe with all your heart that you will be able to find a job that suits you in all respects.

Ritual with a scarf

If you can’t find the right job for a long time, you shouldn’t give in to despondency or give in to despair. The clairvoyant Vanga's spell on a scarf will help get out of a deadlock. A new scarf is purchased at the store; its color should be white. Immediately on the day of purchase, a conspiracy to work is read on it 3 times:

“I whisper and whisper, God’s servant (name) will have good luck on the road, success in his work. Wherever I go, I’ll find work. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen!"

You need to keep the enchanted handkerchief with you; with its help, things will be resolved for the better in literally a month.

Rituals before an interview

If you have an interview, you need to start acting the day before. In the evening they take a white scarf and a coin. Place a coin on the scarf so that the tails face up.

Then you need to look at this coin and vividly draw in your mind all your dreams about work, what it should be like, how happy you will be in it, how much you will receive. Then they pronounce the spell:

“As the stars are forever with the Moon, so luck is forever with me. Luckily I grumble, I’ll find a good place for myself. I am a good fellow (a beautiful maiden), nice and serviceable in any matter. I can get used to any task and I will be useful in any job. As the red sun rises in the sky, so a good place will come to me. And everything will work out in that place. And the gold will increase.”

As soon as the spell is pronounced, the coin must be wrapped in a handkerchief. The resulting knot is hidden away. If there is no suitable vacancy yet, then the next morning you can go for fresh periodicals to quickly find a suitable option. If the interview has already been scheduled, you must boldly go there and believe in success.

The following conspiracy to work can be used in various situations, only depending on your case, change the final words. You need to choose free time in the morning and start thinking about your desires related to work. Whatever can be formulated should be written on a piece of paper. Wishes must be written down specifically, avoiding abstract formulations. When the recording is made, the paper is rolled up into a tube and lit from a candle flame. As soon as it lights up, they begin to read the plot for the desired job:

“My work is strengthened by fire, the road will appear in smoke. No turns, no ditches, no holes. As straight is my path, so is the flame. I speak with a candle, I write words on black paper. I can’t miss luck, I can’t miss grace.”

When these words are spoken, you must say your desire, which you wrote down on the burnt paper. Then wait until the paper burns completely. When only ashes remain, they are collected and scattered in the wind.

This ritual has its own subtleties. In particular, when it is not possible to light a candle immediately for the ritual, you need to postpone everything until another day so as not to spoil the whole thing.

Conspiracies before an interview

If you are invited to an interview, then for confidence and a successful resolution of the situation, you need to read a conspiracy that will help you get this job. On the way to the place of employment, the words of the conspiracy for a good job are read 7 times:

“I’m walking along the road, heading into a new life! The owner liked me, he liked my face, I liked my character, I was surprised by my ability to work. So that everyone will be touched, surprised and overjoyed! God, help me, give me strength, confidence and good luck! Amen!"

After reading them, you can safely move forward and count only on the good.

When going to a meeting with an employer, it is good to read the plot below. It creates a great atmosphere, fills a person with positive energy, which can attract good luck.

“I go as a fisher, I come in as a merchant. I am a wolf, I am a lion, I am a fox, everywhere there is a ladder for me. Some are lower than others, but I am always higher than others. Everyone would love me, respect me, and invite me to a high position. All my words, be sculpted, strong and tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

You can turn to another conspiracy for work. It is read three times before visiting a future place of work.

“I go to the boyars to plow for nothing, I go to get a contract, to make the owner fall in love. All so that they would be touched by me, the owners would smile tenderly, feed me well, pay me well, and not scold me in vain or beat me. The Lord God is my King, my supreme Sovereign. Lord, help me. God help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Conspiracies for work are very important if several people want to get a job in one place and you feel that other candidates are no worse than you in terms of objective indicators. Accordingly, your success depends on a trivial case. Therefore, you must definitely read the conspiracy, for example, such as the one below.

“As soon as I enter these doors, I will certainly find my luck. I will certainly get the place I want today.”

These words must be whispered as soon as your hand touches the handle of the door where the interview will take place. When the words are spoken, you need to move forward and be sure that everything will be as it should.

Prayer for getting a job

Prayer should be addressed at dawn. You need to read it every day, then you can count on good work.

“God help me, Jesus, save me! Help me solve my problem, find a job, get money! Improve my life and achieve success! Amen!"

You need to turn to this prayer until you can find the job you need. These prayer words are considered very powerful and usually work very quickly.

Candle spell

This conspiracy to find a job can be used in cases where you are not sure that the interview will end in your favor and you will be able to get a good position. You need to take a small candle, light it and repeat the words for as long as the candle burns.

“I am riding on a forged chariot, on a golden-haired mare. I go where I am expected, respected, and not offended by refusal. They will not refuse me today, nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, on any day, on any month or in any year, everywhere and always glory and honor await me. No one will say a bad word against me, no one will ever refuse me anything, open doors will always greet me, everyone honors me, just as everyone believes in me. Cross by cross, the matter has a good ending! Amen."

Ritual for money work

The ritual begins with planting a plant. It could be a tree or shrub. It is planted in the ground outside or in a flower pot.

Thanks to a conspiracy that helps you find a good job, this plant will become a symbol of your prosperity and financial stability; you will need to carefully monitor and care for it. The better the plant is, the better your well-being will be.

A good job that brings pleasure and at the same time a decent profit is the dream of every job seeker. When we are faced with an acute issue of employment, all available methods are used. Often, in addition to knowledge, education and skills, luck and luck are also needed.

One of the methods to gain them is attraction in conjunction with specific actions. Since a person who reads a plot and does nothing has little chance of a positive result. Therefore, an integrated approach is most effective in this situation.

How to find a suitable job using white magic?

Viewing vacancies on employer websites, sending resumes to various organizations, searching for a job through friends and other steps can be supplemented with magical rituals and conspiracies.

Basic rules that must be followed when conducting rituals:

  1. All actions to obtain the fastest possible results are performed on the waxing moon. During this period, it is recommended to change your place of work; the choice will be successful.
  2. To find a more profitable position with a better salary ceremonies are held on Saturday.
  3. A conspiracy to attract money is pronounced on Wednesday.
  4. Unconditional faith in the result is required. Conspiracies pronounced “just in case” are doomed to failure.
  5. Keep your witchcraft secret, otherwise it will not only not be beneficial, but the opposite effect is possible.

Proven conspiracies and rituals

On a handkerchief

You will need a snow-white handkerchief, which can be read three times at home:

“I whisper and whisper, God’s servant (name) will have good luck on the road, success in his work. Wherever I go, I will find work. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen."

Carry a scarf with you and in about a month you will get what you want.

While searching for a job

When going to a potential employer, throw a coin on the road, accompanying the action with the words:

“I don’t ask for mercy! I'm on my way! So that your legs don't get tangled! Wherever I go, there I will get help! Be my way to luck! Amen!"

Before and after the interview

Reading this conspiracy will create a suitable situation so that personnel officers do not find fault, and competitors do not interfere, and people who do not like you do not meet.

“Lord God, I’m going to work to get hired, I want to dress up in your swaddling clothes, I’ll protect myself with the prayer of the saint, I’ll help you with your help. Help, cheer up with your words and blessings. So that I would not be afraid of any bosses and would be accepted for a good job. My right foot, my right hand, my body is solid, my cause is right. I will go in front of the authorities boldly. I go with Holy Easter, and they come to me with affection. I have a charmed poppy in my bosom, whatever I say and wish, everything will be so. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen."

If you like the job and would like to get a job, then read the following magic words.

You need to take it with you take a chocolate candy and, leaving the employer, speak over it three times:

“Sweet is the candy, sweet is my life. Just as I eat candy, I’ll work here, they’ll accept me, they’ll be happy, and they’ll give me a big salary. And I will live sweeter than sweets. Amen."

It is advisable that there are no curious people around. After that, eat the candy and wait for a call from the personnel officer.

To get hired

At midnight, light a church candle and say the following:

“In the name of the Father I conjure, in the name of the Mother I speak: Let the boyars sit in pairs. They look at me with tender eyes. They want to put me in the business. As soon as I step out the door, I will find my business. Whether I go left or right, the roads lead to where successful work always awaits. The boyars will meet me, greet me kindly, and appreciate my talents. Will not be replaced by anyone! Amen."

This powerful ritual is performed three nights in a row. Then write the words down on a piece of paper and carry them with you everywhere. It will definitely work if all the rules are followed.

Magic ritual for water from Vanga

Reading three times for a glass of holy water:

“The power of water, help me! So that the gold merchants would take me to work, so that they wouldn’t offend me with gold or deprive me of attention. I will show myself as the best master of all masters, the best expert of all experts. Everyone will rejoice and marvel at me, bestow gold and honors on me! Amen!"

Afterwards the water is drunk. The result will not be long in coming.

To be offered a good position

It will increase your chances and help you show off your talents more clearly during an interview. Read after waking up.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I got up early in the morning after praying. Crossing herself, she began to work. She praised the Lord with her work, knitted, weaved, spun, sewed, embroidered, and performed a wonderful miracle. Just as the Lord commanded me to live by my work, to apply my talents to life, so I would live by my talent and take a decent salary for my work. The world is my talent, and I am a golden talent. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Talisman for finding money work

With the help of the following plot you will create for yourself, helping to get rid of negativity and also find a decent job.

You will need a small item that is convenient to carry with you. Perhaps it will be a decoration, a scarf, any trinket. Say over him:

"Oh my God. I stand before You! I pray that you save me and protect me from enemies. I pray to the Holy One to help and protect all the army. Ivan the Theologian and John the Long-Sufferer, John the Headless and Ivan the Postilite, Michael the Archangel and Nicholas the Wonderworker. And Praskova the Great Martyr, Faith, Love and Nadezhda with their mother Sophia. I, the Lord's servant (name), stand under your holy shield. Let him protect and protect me! Amen!"

Consequences of conspiracies

Conspiracies to find a job are aimed exclusively at oneself and are environmentally friendly. Therefore, they often do not have a negative impact. The exception is when you are filled with anger or resentment towards rivals or former colleagues.

Such an emotional charge will not bring anything good to you or those around you; according to the boomerang law, you will receive the same answer.

At best, you won’t get the desired position; at worst, the job will endlessly slip away, something like a “crown of celibacy,” only in relation to work.

It is recommended to postpone magical actions until the storm in you subsides and the desire to think creatively appears. It is recommended to perform the ritual in a state of joyful anticipation and emotional uplift; this greatly increases your chances.

    This conspiracy worked a little differently for me... On the contrary, I was fired from my job. That's when I was definitely in shock. I thought I might have messed something up. Therefore, I consoled myself with the fact that it was probably better for me to have a job, but time passed, and there was still no work. I had already forgotten about this conspiracy. Then a friend offered me a job together. Do one Internet project. Work without getting out of bed, no bosses. I then agreed more out of boredom... who knew that this would all turn into a big project with millions in profit! That’s when I remembered this conspiracy. That I did everything right, we just don’t know what’s best for us

    I want to try this spell. I’ve been working in the same field for a very long time, I only changed jobs, but I always occupied not the lowest position, of course, but not a high position either... Although I have more experience than the people who were supposedly my bosses, but they themselves didn’t even know anything close! I'm so tired of enduring this. I would like to find a job where I will be valued, respected and paid well.

    I HAVE BEEN DREAMING ABOUT A GOOD AND HIGHLY PAYING JOB FOR A VERY LONG TIME. I myself worked all my life either as a cleaner, or as a dishwasher, or as a salesperson in stalls. I have a technical education. I myself am from an orphanage, there are no parents. I graduated from technical school, tried to get a job in a profession, but they told me: I need experience or connections or money. Where can I get all this? It was like everything was done for me, I had to work wherever I had to and wherever I was hired. I want to try your cherished plot, maybe I’ll finally become a normal person. I wish I could be so happy!

    Fired from my previous job. At first I was upset, and then I thought that whatever was being done was for the better. I saw this conspiracy, read similar ones, and chose one of those on this site. Now I’m going for an interview, I hope that this is mine, that same MY job. Wish you luck)

    It so happened that I urgently need a well-paid job, no matter by whom, no matter where. I made a big bet with my good friend that I could do it. I decided to turn to conspiracies. I tried this one, found a job - but it was with a small salary. Therefore, I hope for this conspiracy!

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about what home conspiracies you need to read when looking for a new job and how to correctly use the power of magic for your own benefit. Magic can help solve social issues. After viewing this material, you will understand that magical help in finding a job can be very simple and at the same time effective. And the first example: a conspiracy that you need to read when going for an interview.

A conspiracy when applying for a job - so that you don’t refuse and take the position

“I’m going to the bar, neither young nor old. I’m going to make a contract and take a look at the owner. My face is sweet, my soul is not hateful. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be touched by my words. They would not drive away a baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us at all times. Amen. Amen. Amen".

An effective conspiracy to find a high-paying job is essentially universal. It can be read not only by those who practice witchcraft through, but also by magicians working with Slavic gods and warlocks. In the last two cases, only the last line of the conspiracy is changed, turning not to Christ, but to those Forces with which they are working.

What could be the consequences of a conspiracy to get hired?

And can undesirable and negative moments arise at all? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would answer these questions this way: depending on how you perceive change. Sometimes events may look like they are negative, but the end result turns out to be positive for the person. Sometimes events develop unnoticed, like a sprout underground. But, in due time, this sprout will appear on the surface, and this is good.

Could a home spell designed to help solve a work problem not work? Maybe quite so. This usually happens in cases where you have a magical negative, say, a curse on closing paths, or an evil eye on troubles. In this case, there can only be one way out: before doing magical rituals for well-being, read a strong conspiracy to get hired, or to do other positive witchcraft, you need to find out whether there is negativity on the person, and then undergo comprehensive cleansing.

Independent conspiracies to get called to work

Before going to the employer, your potential boss, read the independent plot three times to find a high-paying job:

“I don’t walk, I don’t hurry quietly on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal for me, God’s servant (name), neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday, nor on Saturday. Take it, damn it. So that no one would say a word against me, neither evil nor any, they would not move their tongue against me, they would respect and love me. Cross with a cross, a matter with a good ending. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This conspiracy in finding a good job is very effective, and it works not only when applying for a job, but also in completely different everyday situations. If you need an effective conspiracy to get your son hired, this ritual can give good results. But, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, experience and deep conviction, is the only magic spell to find money job is often not enough. Simply because for any action there is always a reaction, various external factors that can become an obstacle to getting what you want. Therefore, do the rituals yourself in a comprehensive manner. In this case: for general well-being, to attract good luck in finding a job, and for money.

And if you intend to change the place where you work, it would not be amiss to read the plot to get another job. A witchcraft spell for respect and love of people may very well come in handy:

“On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a hut with five walls, there is a wall with twelve knives. These twelve knives have thirteen guards. I will approach those knives, those thirteen guards. I look and look out and see Judas. You, Judas, everyone offended and cursed you, they persecuted you from everywhere, Judas, they spat in your face. Take my sorrows to you so that I may be dear to people. For now, forever, indefinitely. The word is strong. Amen".

What conspiracies to read in search of a good job

To attract an employer so that they want to hire you for a lucrative position that will make you a more successful person than you were before, try making this white one yourself pre-interview spell for your desired job:

“I, servant of God, (name), will stand in the morning, blessing myself and crossing myself. I will go out into an open field and look at all four sides: on the eastern side stands the holy church. Just as they look at this church and become enamored, so would old ladies, old old men, little guys, pretty maidens, young ladies, good fellows look and rave at me, the servant of God (name). Be, my words are strong and strong, like dungeon keys. Amen".

This is a magical employment spell that works like a magnet for the right people. You become attractive in the eyes of others. You can read it directly during the interview, looking at the person on whose decision your employment depends.

A quick conspiracy to get hired for a good job works in the same way.

“Get ready, people, good people, for the honorable holiday of Christ. Just as they look at crosses and domes, at the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, at various images, so if old men, young men, old women, young women, beautiful maidens, little guys looked and looked at me, the servant of God (name). So if the servant of God (employer's name) looked and looked, so I, the servant of God (name), would seem more beautiful than the red sun, purer than pure silver. Be, my words, forever indestructible. The key is in the water, but the lock is on your hand. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

An effective plot to get a profitable job

Sometimes simple words have great magical power. Many conspiracies aimed at solving social issues work on the personal power of the performer. In other words, how much you yourself invest in the magical process, such will be the return.

“Work, work, let me, God’s servant (name), be happy. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for all the stubble. Forever and ever. Amen".

A strong conspiracy to find money work

To find a good job, carry a nickel in each pocket. This should be the change received when purchasing salt, bread and milk. But you cannot ask the seller to give you change in coins. In this case, the magical spell works by analogy with the protective ritual for luck, when a found coin is enchanted. It was found on the street, and did not come to you in any other way.

Before putting the coins in your pocket, for each coin you need to read the words of the lucky charm 7 times: “ Dali didn't ask. I'm waiting for help from the Higher Powers. Let it be so" You need to get to an interview with the person on whom your employment depends before noon on odd days, and cross the threshold with your left foot. At the same time, you need to mentally say an independent conspiracy when interviewing for a rich, monetary job: “ All nickels given by the Higher powers are with me».

If before meeting with your employer you go to church and light 3 candles there: in front of the icon of St. Nicholas, the Mother of God, and for health and enemies, this will be a plus and will reinforce the magical effect on the director of the company. An independent plot to find a high-paying job can show results that will surprise you.

Read effective white conspiracies to get the job you want

If your goal is fully formed, and you know exactly which organization you want to get a job in, try your luck with an independent plot to get a job so that you get it after the interview.

The text of the plot for quick employment should be read at dawn:

“Ever-Virgin Mary, for me, the servant of God (name), intercede for me, the servant of God (name), pray that I have the job I want, so that I don’t regret it, don’t grieve. Forever and ever. Amen".

A strong conspiracy during a job interview is read during a conversation with a potential boss, or immediately after it, at the very time when he will make a decision:

“Lord Jesus Christ, who transformed water into wine, transform my, God’s servant (name), empty troubles into golden troubles. Let me find a good job. Amen".

But this very simple conspiracy to get hired for a good job is done at any time of the day. In your left hand, hold a pebble with sharp edges. Cross yourself, and then throw this pebble over your left shoulder into the corner of the room, and say this:

“A pebble - in a corner, a devil in the forehead, and for me, the servant of God (name) - for noble wealth, for a good job. Forever and ever. Amen".

Do not touch the pebble used in a strong spell to get a good job for one month. He should stay where he fell. After this time, it can be carried and thrown at an intersection. But you don’t need to throw it out the window; it won’t take long to throw away your luck.

I will go along a road - not a road, a road - not a road, a country road - not a country road. And I’ll go look for shares in the damp forest, in the pure field. I’ll take one step and I’ll find a ruble, and I’ll take another step and I’ll find a dupe, and I’ll take a third step and I’ll find half a hundred. The cream will drink, and I will get rich. So that I can live and live. Yes, you don’t know grief. Amen".
You can offer the remaining cream to your family, or drink it, adding it, for example, to coffee. When you go to bed, fluff your pillow and say: “ Mother Cow, you gave me some cream, give me a new, profitable and good job." Then cross yourself three times and read “Our Father” 9 times. Make this strong conspiracy to get hired, on the waxing moon. The real result should be within one lunar month.

What is a powerful conspiracy to get your favorite job?

There is power in the magic of nauz. This ancient magic will help you find a new job, and will also help you return to your previous one, if necessary. And here is an example of a strong conspiracy to take back your previous job, or to find a new one. When getting a job, tie a thread with witchcraft words in a knot spells for getting a good job:

“As tightly this knot is tied, so would it be for me, God’s servant (name), that the matter would quickly and firmly develop, and they would hire me.”

Tie 3 knots, repeating the plot for each one. Place the thread on the threshold, step over, close the door, and go find a job in full confidence in your rightness and in the success of the magic you have created.

A promising, highly paid job is the dream of the modern man in the street. And given the current unstable economic conditions, such a place is a real gift of fate.

Most are destined to do something they don't like, complain about their hard life and do nothing to improve the situation. Sometimes an applicant goes through several dozen monotonous interviews, knocking on the thresholds of different companies, without getting the desired position.

Thanks to a simple magical tool, you can achieve successful career growth, move to the desired position, pass an interview, enlist the support of your manager, colleagues, and gain authority.

To get hired, develop the strongest dedication, especially by resorting to the help of magical powers. Conspiracies carried out to get a good position are carried out at strictly defined time intervals. The most effective magical rituals turned out to be those performed during the growing month. You are more likely to get the desired position if you perform a witchcraft ritual on Saturday.

Promotion on the career ladder and the opportunity to avoid layoffs should be expected after the rituals performed on Wednesday. If you want to be hired for a new job, believe with all your heart the power of magic, a specific ritual. You shouldn’t carry out magical manipulations “just in case,” otherwise the process will be delayed. Greater faith in the implementation of the plan increases the chance of the prayer being triggered. Doubts about the effectiveness of the conspiracy create an energy block that does not allow the desired to be achieved.

They read the plot alone; full concentration is of great importance in achieving the goal.

The applicant will be hired only if he clearly represents the upcoming work and the estimated salary. We advise you not to share your intention to perform the ritual with anyone, even if it has already been completed. Practice shows that it is better to keep everything that happens secret, then the effect will be as noticeable as possible.

Correctly chosen plot - guaranteed employment

When you find a suitable position and want to be accepted, it is recommended to perform the following ritual. To implement it, it is better to choose a day off on the waning moon. At noon, light a candle, look carefully at the flame, then you need to read the words of the conspiracy. You need to repeat them until the candle burns out completely.

Conspiracy “To get a new job”

“I’m riding, riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they do not offend me with refusal. There is no refusal for me today, nor tomorrow, nor the day before yesterday, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse me anything, open doors will greet me, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross by cross, the matter has a good ending! Amen."
you won't be bored
And eternal separation.
Why don’t you (rival’s name) go after my beloved,
His mind and feelings cannot be confused.
And for you (the name of your loved one), so as not to look at the homewrecker, not to desire her,
I just feel disgust for her.
Let it be so."

It also happens that a person simply does not know what kind of work he likes, because of this he has to do something he doesn’t like every day, “just to get it.” But this problem can be solved with the help of the following conspiracy.

Collect 30 coins of the smallest denomination possible. From Monday to Tuesday, sew your own red bag from any fabric. Afterwards, during the waxing moon in the early morning, throw the prepared change into a bag, place it on the palm of your right hand, read the words of the conspiracy 7 times.

Conspiracy “To get a new job” for coins

“30 talismans, 30 coins - find me a job, but hurry up, show me the way now. May God's servant (his name) prosper on his journey. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and I won’t get a refusal.”
with cross-shaped movements on both sides, saying: “Don’t sleep without me, don’t rest without me, but roll and rush around on the down pillow. The life-giving cross is with me! Amen."

After reading, 10 coins are left in a bag and always carried with you, and the rest are buried in different places, as far from each other as possible.

If you want to get a good job, you can create your own talisman plant.

Plant any plant you like, it can be a flower, a bush, even a tree, the main thing is that you like it. You can plant it both in the yard and at home in a pot. During planting, it is very important to correctly read the words of the conspiracy. After the ritual, carefully care for the plant while it lives, develops, grows, you will have good work and profit. If for some reason the plant dies, it is better to plant a new one immediately.

Expected result of the ritual

The result is directly proportional to the desire and accuracy of following the rules when performing the ritual. Practice shows that everyone who was serious about performing the ritual and really wanted to get a good job was hired for a highly paid position. On the contrary, people who performed the ritual for fun risk only aggravating the situation. To prevent this from happening, take the situation seriously.

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