New agreement of the Eurasian Economic Community countries. EEU Customs Union. Achieving goals and perspectives


In this article we will talk about the history of the EAEU: what were the reasons and prerequisites for its emergence, from which integration associations it was formed, and what are its main goals and objectives today.

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The need to create some kind of integration economic association in the post-Soviet space arose immediately as soon as this space became post-Soviet. During the existence of the USSR, the economies of the union republics were highly interdependent. In many production cycles, it was absolutely normal for part A to be made in one union republic, part B to be made in another, and their final assembly was carried out in a third.

Naturally, during the Soviet era there were no problems with the movement of goods and people across the borders of the republics. But after the collapse of the Union, it became obvious that political sovereignty and strict customs control at the border are, of course, good, but they are not very conducive to the development of foreign trade and, as a result, economic growth.

Moreover, an extremely clear illustration of these thoughts was the formation in the second half of the twentieth century European Union. That is, independent European states have long realized the need for economic integration and have been systematically moving towards it for many years.

Therefore, despite the popular trend of political independence in the early 90s, on the contrary, integration sentiments reigned in the economy. Nursultan Nazarbayev first voiced the idea that was in the air and used the term “Eurasian Union” during his first official visit to the Russian Federation in 1994:

There is an urgent need to move to a qualitatively new level of relations between our countries on the basis of a new interstate association formed on the principles of voluntariness and equality. The Eurasian Union could become such an association. It should be built on principles other than the CIS, because the basis of the new association should be supranational bodies designed to solve two key tasks: formation of a common economic space and ensuring a joint defense policy.

Also one of the important factors is the creation in 1995 of the World trade organization(WTO). This event set the information agenda for discussions on Eurasian integration for the next few years, identifying accession to the WTO as a Big Goal towards which every self-respecting national economy should move.

In this sense, regional economic integration with its closest neighbors was considered as an intermediate stage towards accession to the WTO. The fact is that a country candidate for accession to the WTO was obliged to have a certain legislative framework and developed instruments of customs and economic control. The same was necessary for regional integration. Accordingly, one of the goals of Eurasian economic integration was the development national laws and the above-mentioned instruments, bringing them to the level required for accession to the WTO.

Chronology of events

1994-2000 - period of formation

At this time the search was underway optimal ways cooperation and interim treaties and agreements were signed, which did not yet describe the forms of integration themselves, but only mutual obligations to develop and implement these forms.


Nursultan Nazarbayev first spoke in Moscow with a proposal to create Eurasian Union.


January 6 Russia and Belarus conclude Agreement on the creation of the Customs Union and the formation of a common market. On January 20, Kazakhstan joined this agreement. This can be considered the starting point in the creation of a modern EAEU.


March 29 Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan sign Treaty on Deepening Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Fields. In essence, with this agreement, the countries publicly and officially confirmed their intentions for integration, but so far without much specificity in the wording, mechanisms and formats.


February 26 Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan sign Agreement on the Customs Union (CU). By this agreement they, in fact, establish Customs Union. However, in this composition the union will last only a year and a half.

2000-2011 - Common Economic Space

Despite the fact that the single customs space had already been implemented, the heads of the participating countries expressed a desire for deeper, already economic integration. I wanted not just “common borders,” but a “common economy.”


October 10 Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan sign Treaty establishing the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), in which elements of supranational economic regulation can already be traced. The first supranational body appears - the Court of the Eurasian Economic Community.


On May 30, this agreement comes into force. From this moment on, the Customs Union described above ceases to exist as such, but all its provisions and principles are inherited by the EurAsEC.


September 19 Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan signedAgreement on the formation of the Common Economic Space. From this moment, work began on preparing a legal framework with the aim of creating a single economic space ensuring the free movement of goods, services, capital and work force(“four freedoms” of the EAEU).


On October 6, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed Agreement on the creation of a single customs territory and the formation of the Customs Union on the basis of the EurAsEC. Another supranational body appears - the Commission of the Customs Union and the Supreme economic council. This is already the same Customs Union, in which, after 5 years, many technical regulations will appear.


The Customs Union begins work in January.

In July, a unified Customs Code was introduced for the Union member states.

On December 9, in the Declaration on the Formation of the Common Economic Space, it was officially announced for the first time that the member countries of the EurAsEC were moving towards a new, more in-depth form of integration - the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). In this regard, among other things, the need for a unified system of technical regulation and the introduction of fundamentally new supranational standards (technical regulations) was outlined.


Since July, customs control remains only at the external borders of the Union.

It was signed on November 18 Decision on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

August 16th were published first technical regulations: TR CU 006/2011 “On the safety of pyrotechnic products” (came into force on February 15, 2012) and TR CU 005/2011 “On the safety of packaging” (came into force on June 1, 2012).

In total, 24 technical regulations were approved and published during 2011. All of them came into force in the period 2012-2015. The entry into force of technical regulations for certain products automatically canceled the national standard for these products.

2012-2019 - Eurasian Economic Union

This is the period of formation of the single economic integration association that exists today - the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). At this time, transitional forms were abandoned and supranational institutions developed.

The EAEU is already positioned as the “core of continental integration”, uniting Asia and Europe. Its concept is being developed taking into account the logic of the global Chinese project “One Belt and One Road”, aimed at creating fast and efficient trade routes between Europe and Asia. However, it is important to emphasize that it is not “in accordance”, but “taking into account”.

At the same time, overseas people are starting to say that Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus are building new USSR. To which the leaders of the participating countries have repeatedly stated that the EAEU is not a political union, but exclusively an economic one. The President of Kazakhstan actually proposed a radical way to nip these conversations in the bud, quote: “[When I travel abroad, I often hear] that we are creating the USSR, or something under Russia. Maybe Turkey, a big country, will accept it, and the conversation will end.”.


On February 2, the Eurasian Economic Commission began to function. The Customs Union Commission was abolished, its functions transferred to the EEC.

October 19 to the Customs Union (in which this moment were Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus) Kyrgyzstan joined.

were signed on November 18 Declaration on Eurasian Economic Integration(essentially, a road map for the creation of the EAEU) and Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Commission(official recognition by the heads of state of the EEC as a supranational body).


On May 29 of the year in Astana (now Nur-Sultan) it was signed Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan ratified this treaty on October 5, 9 and 14, respectively.

October 10 signed signed Treaty on Armenia's accession to the EAEU, ratified by Armenia on December 4.


On May 21, Kyrgyzstan ratified the Treaty of Accession to the EAEU and became its official member in August.



On April 14, Moldova became the first (and still remains the only) observer country in the EAEU.


On January 1, the Customs Code of the EAEU came into force, thereby repealing the previous Customs Code of the Customs Union. Now all countries joining the EAEU automatically join the EAEU Customs Union.

Don't get confused by "unions"!

The use of the phrase “Customs Union” as a proper noun was initially not the most best idea, because a customs union [of several states] is a common noun phrase. There are more than 10 customs unions in the world today.

Therefore, from a morphological point of view it would be correct to say thatthere are two Unions:

Firstly, Eurasian Economic Union(EAEU) , which is a unique form of unification of several states,

Secondly, Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU CU), which is one of many customs unions in the world. And a country that joins the EAEU automatically also becomes a member of the EAEU CU.

EAEU today

Today, the EAEU includes five countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan.

Moldova is an observer country.

Free trade agreements have been concluded with Vietnam, Iran, China, and Cuba.

Negotiations are underway to create a free trade regime with Singapore, India, Egypt, Thailand, Israel and Serbia.

There are 4 supranational bodies in the EAEU:

Supreme Eurasian Economic Council- the supreme body, which includes the heads of the EAEU member countries. Meetings of the Supreme Council are held annually.

Eurasian Intergovernmental Economic Council- a body that includes heads of government (prime ministers) of the EAEU member countries. Council meetings are also held annually.

Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)- a regularly operating regulatory body whose tasks include the direct functioning of the Union, the development of integration and supranational institutions and instruments. Consists of the Commission Council and the Commission Board.

Court of the Eurasian Economic Union- a judicial body that solves the problems of law enforcement practice of the supranational legislation of the EAEU.

Today in the EAEU, and their number is growing every year.


Separately, it is worth clarifying the issue of the name of technical regulations.

At the moment, there are two types of technical regulations in force in the EAEU: technical regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU) and technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (TR EAEU).

These are absolutely identical documents that have equal legal force and scope. The difference between them is solely in the name.

If you pay attention, until 2014 inclusive, the technical regulations of the Customs Union were published (the latest was the technical regulations for tobacco products), and after 2015, when the EAEU already officially existed, the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union began to be published. And in the future, only EAEU TR will now appear, but the CU TR will continue to operate without renaming.

The Customs Union is an agreement adopted by the participants of the Eurasian Economic Union, the purpose of which is abolition of customs duties in trade relations. Based on these agreements, general methods carrying out economic activities, a platform for quality assessments and certification.

Thanks to this it is achieved abolition of customs controls on the borders within the Union, are concluded general provisions regulation of economic activity for the external borders of the Customs Union. In view of this, a common customs space is being created, using a generally accepted approach to border control. One more distinctive feature is the equality of citizens of the customs area during employment.

In 2020, the Customs Union consists of next members of the EAEU:

  • Republic of Armenia (since 2015);
  • Republic of Belarus (since 2010);
  • Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2010);
  • Kyrgyz Republic (since 2015);
  • Russian Federation (since 2010).

The desire to become a party to this agreement was voiced by Syria and Tunisia. In addition, we know about the proposal to include Turkey in the CU agreement. However, to date, no specific procedures have been adopted for these states to join the Union.

It is clearly visible that the functioning of the Customs Union serves as a good help for strengthening economic relations between countries located on the territory of the former Soviet countries. We can also say that the approach established in the agreement by the participating countries speaks of restoring lost connections in modern conditions.

Customs duties are distributed through a single sharing mechanism.

Given this information, it can be stated that the Customs Union, as we know it today, serves serious tool for the economic unification of countries that are members of the EAEU.

To understand what the activities of the Customs Union are, it will not be amiss to gain an understanding of how it was formed to its current state.

The emergence of the Customs Union was initially presented as one of the steps in the integration of the CIS countries. This was evidenced in the agreement on the creation of an economic union, signed on September 24, 1993.

Step by step moving towards this goal, in 1995, two states (Russia and Belarus) entered into an agreement between themselves on the approval of the Customs Union. Later, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan also entered this group.

More than 10 years later, in 2007, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed a pact to unite their territories into a single customs region and approve the Customs Union.

In order to specify the previously concluded agreements, from 2009 to 2010, more than 40 additional agreements were concluded. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have decided that, starting in 2012, a Common Market thanks to the unification of countries into a single economic space.

On July 1, 2010, another important agreement was concluded, which put into motion the work of the Customs Code.

On July 1, 2011, the current customs control at the borders between countries was canceled and general rules on borders with states not in the agreement. Until 2013, uniform legislative norms for the parties to the agreement will be formed.

2014 – The Republic of Armenia joins the Customs Union. 2015 – The Republic of Kyrgyzstan joins the Customs Union.

On January 1, 2018, a new unified Customs Code EAEU. It was created to automate and simplify a number of customs processes.

Territory and management

Merging boundaries Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan became the basis for the emergence of the Single Customs Space. This is how the territory of the Customs Union was formed. In addition, it includes certain territories or objects under the jurisdiction of the parties to the agreement.

The limit of the territory is the border of the Customs Union with third-party states. Moreover, the existence of borders for individual territories located under the jurisdiction of the Union member states is normatively established.

The management and coordination of the Eurasian Economic Union is carried out by two organs:

  1. Interstate Council- the highest body of a supranational nature, consists of heads of state and head of government of the Customs Union.
  2. Customs Union Commission- the department that deals with issues related to the formation customs rules and regulates foreign trade policy.

Directions and conditions

When creating the Customs Union, countries declared the main goal socio-economic progress. In the future, this implies an increase in trade turnover and services produced by business entities.

The increase in sales was initially expected directly in the space of the vehicle itself due to following conditions:

  1. The abolition of customs procedures within the Union, which was supposed to make products produced within a single space more attractive, due to.
  2. Increasing trade turnover by eliminating customs controls at internal borders.
  3. Adoption of uniform requirements and integration of safety standards.

Achieving goals and perspectives

Having collected available information about the emergence and activities of the Customs Union, we can come to the conclusion that the results of increasing the turnover of goods and services are published much less frequently than news about the signing of new agreements, i.e. its declarative part.

But, nevertheless, analyzing the stated goals when creating the Customs Union, as well as observing their implementation, one cannot remain silent that simplification of trade turnover has been achieved and competitive conditions have been improved for economic entities of the Customs Union states.

It follows from this that the Customs Union is on the way to achieving its goals, however, in addition to time, this requires the mutual interest of both the states themselves and the economic elements within the Union.

The customs union consists of countries that have the same economic background, but today these states are very different from each other. Of course, in Soviet time The republics differed in their specialization, but after gaining independence, many more changes occurred that affected the world market and the division of labor.

However, there are also common interests. For example, many participating countries remain dependent on Russian market sales This trend is economic and geopolitical in nature.

Throughout the whole time leading positions in the process of integration and stabilization of the EAEU and the Customs Union played Russian Federation. This was possible due to its stable economic growth until 2014, when prices for raw materials remained high, which helped finance the processes launched by the agreements.

Although such a policy did not predict rapid economic growth, it still assumed the strengthening of Russia's position on the world stage.

The history of relations between the parties to the agreements is similar to a series of compromises that were built on the basis of the role of Russia and the positions of partner countries. For example, there were repeated statements from Belarus about its priorities: a single economic space with equal prices for oil and gas, access to Russian government procurement.

To achieve these goals, the Republic increased tariffs on imported cars in the absence of its own production. Because of such measures it was necessary to install rules for certification of light industry goods, which hurt retail trade.

In addition, the standards adopted at the CU level were unified with the WTO model, despite the fact that Belarus is not a member of this organization, unlike Russia. Enterprises of the Republic have not received access to Russian import substitution programs.

All this served as obstacles for Belarus on the path to achieving its goals in full.

It should not be overlooked that the signed CU agreements contain various exceptions, clarifications, anti-dumping and countervailing measures, which have become an obstacle to achieving common benefits and equal conditions to all countries. IN different time in fact, every participant in the agreement expressed disagreement with the terms contained in the agreements.

Although customs posts on the borders between the parties to the agreement were eliminated, border zones between countries have been preserved. Sanitary control at internal borders also continued. A lack of trust in interaction practice has been revealed. An example of this is the disagreements that flare up from time to time between Russia and Belarus.

Today it is impossible to say that the goals that were declared in the agreement on the creation of the Customs Union have been achieved. This is evident from the decrease in the turnover of goods within the customs area. There are also no economic development benefits when compared with the time before the agreements were signed.

But there are still signs that in the absence of an agreement the situation would deteriorate more rapidly. The manifestation of the crisis would be broader and deeper. A significant number of enterprises gain relative benefits by participating in trade relations within the Customs Union.

Methods for distributing customs duties among countries also indicate favorable trends for the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Initially, a large share was planned for the budget of the Russian Federation.

The agreements signed by the parties benefited the production of automobiles. Duty-free sales of cars assembled by manufacturers in participating countries have become available. Thus, conditions have been created for the implementation of projects that previously could not succeed.

What is the Customs Union? Details are in the video.

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Bachelor's program

Direction 100700.62 “Trading”


Subject: « History of the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union"

Completed by: Vanyushina A.A.

Checked by: Romanova M.E.

Moscow - 2015


1. History of the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union

2. Governing bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union

3. Functions of the Eurasian Economic Union

4. Organizational structure Eurasian Economic Union

5. Prospective integration agenda of the EAEU with non-CIS countries



The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an international integration economic association (union), the agreement on the creation of which was signed on May 29, 2014 and comes into force on January 1, 2015. The member states of the Eurasian Economic Union are the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.

The idea of ​​forming a Eurasian Union of States was first put forward by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on March 29, 1994, during a speech in the Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov. It was based on a large-scale project for the integration of new independent states on a qualitatively new, pragmatic and mutually beneficial economic basis. The innovation was to, along with further improvement of the Commonwealth of Independent States, create a new integration structure, the purpose of which would be the formation of a coordinated economic policy and the adoption of joint strategic development programs. Integration in the Eurasian Union was ensured, according to the project, by a clearer and more comprehensive institutional structure of the new integration association and a sufficient amount of its regulatory powers in key sectors of the economy, as well as in the political, defense, legal, environmental, cultural, and educational spheres.

The Eurasian Economic Union is the most ambitious and, at the same time, the most realistic integration project in modern Eurasia, based on clearly calculated economic advantages and mutual benefits. This is a qualitatively new level of economic interaction between neighboring states, opening up broad prospects for economic growth, creating new competitive advantages and additional opportunities for the “integration troika” in the modern global world.

1. History of creation

In 1995, the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and later joining states - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed the first agreements on the creation of the Customs Union. Based on these agreements, the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) was created in 2000.

On October 6, 2007, in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed an agreement on the creation of a single customs territory and the Customs Union Commission as a single permanent governing body of the Customs Union.

The Eurasian Customs Union or the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia was born on January 1, 2010. The customs union was launched as the first step towards the formation of a broader European Union-type economic union of former Soviet republics.

The creation of the Eurasian Customs Union was guaranteed by 3 different treaties signed in 1995, 1999 and 2007. The first agreement in 1995 guaranteed its creation, the second in 1999 guaranteed its formation, and the third in 2007 announced the creation of a single customs territory and the formation of a customs union.

Access of products to the territory of the Customs Union was granted after checking these products for compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union that are applicable to these products. As of December 2012, 31 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union have been developed, which cover various types of products, some of which have already entered into force, and some of which will enter into force before 2015. Some technical regulations will still be developed.

Before the Technical Regulations came into force, the basis for access to the market of the member countries of the Customs Union were the following rules:

1. National certificate - for product access to the market of the country where this certificate was issued.

2. Certificate of the Customs Union - a certificate issued in accordance with the “List of products subject to mandatory assessment (confirmation) of conformity within the Customs Union” - such a certificate is valid in all three member countries of the Customs Union.

Since November 19, 2011, member states have implemented the work of a joint commission (Eurasian Economic Commission) to strengthen closer economic ties to create the Eurasian Economic Union by 2015.

On January 1, 2012, the three states formed the Common Economic Space to promote further economic integration. All three countries have ratified a basic package of 17 agreements governing the launch of the Common Economic Space (CES).

On May 29, 2014, an agreement on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union was signed in Astana (Kazakhstan).

On January 1, 2015, the EAEU began to function as part of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. On January 2, 2015, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan became members of the EAEU.

2. Governing bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union

The governing bodies of the EAEU are the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council and the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is the highest supranational body of the EAEU. The council includes heads of state and government. The Supreme Council meets at the level of heads of state at least once a year, at the level of heads of government - at least twice a year. Decisions are made by consensus. Decisions made become mandatory in all participating states. The Council determines the composition and powers of other regulatory structures.

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is one permanent regulatory body (supranational governing body) in the EAEU. The main task of the EEC is to provide conditions for the development and functioning of the EAEU, as well as the development of economic integration initiatives within the EAEU.

The powers of the Eurasian Economic Commission are defined in Article 3 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 18, 2010. All rights and functions of the previously existing Customs Union Commission were delegated to the Eurasian Economic Commission.

Within the competence of the Commission:

· customs tariffs and non-tariff regulation;

· customs administration;

· technical regulation;

· sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures;

· crediting and distribution of import customs duties;

· establishment of trade regimes with third countries;

· statistics of foreign and domestic trade;

· macroeconomic policy;

· competition policy;

· industrial and agricultural subsidies;

· energy policy;

· natural monopolies;

· state and municipal procurement;

· domestic trade in services and investment;

· transport and transportation;

· monetary policy;

· migration policy;

· financial markets (banking, insurance, currency and stock markets);

· and some other areas.

The Commission ensures the implementation international treaties, constituting the legal basis of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Commission is also the depository of international treaties that formed the legal basis of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, and now the EAEU, as well as decisions of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Within its competence, the Commission adopts non-binding documents, such as recommendations, and can also make decisions that are binding in the EAEU member countries.

The Commission's budget is made up of contributions from member states and approved by the heads of EAEU member states.

3. FfunctionsEurasian Economic Union

The Eurasian Economic Union is an international organization for regional economic integration with international legal personality and established by the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, signed by the heads of state of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia in Astana on May 29, 2014. The EAEU ensures the freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor, the implementation of a coordinated, agreed or unified policy in the sectors of the economy defined by the Treaty and international treaties within the Union. The Union operates on the basis of the following principles: - respect for generally recognized principles international law, including the principles of sovereign equality of member states and their territorial integrity; - respect for the peculiarities of the political structure of the member states; - ensuring mutually beneficial cooperation, equality and consideration of the national interests of the Parties; - adherence to principles market economy and fair competition;

Functioning of the customs union without exceptions and restrictions after the end of the transition periods.

The main goals of the Union are:

Creating conditions for sustainable development economies of member states in the interests of improving the living standards of their populations;

The desire to form a single market for goods, services, capital and labor resources within the Union;

Comprehensive modernization, cooperation and increasing the competitiveness of national economies in a global economy.

The Union is vested with competence within the limits and scope established by the Treaty and international treaties within the Union. Member States shall implement a coordinated or agreed policy within the limits and scope established by the Treaty and international treaties within the Union. In other areas of the economy, member states strive to implement coordinated or agreed policies in accordance with the basic principles and goals of the Union.

4. Organizational structureEurasian Economic Union

Eurasian Economic International Union

The bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union are:

Supreme Eurasian Economic Council;

Eurasian Intergovernmental Council;

Eurasian Economic Commission;

Court of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Higher Eurasian economic advice(Supreme Council, SEEC) is the highest body of the Union, consisting of the heads of member states of the Union. The Supreme Council considers fundamental issues of the Union's activities, determines the strategy, directions and prospects for the development of integration and makes decisions aimed at realizing the goals of the Union.

Decisions and orders of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council are made by consensus. The decisions of the Supreme Council are subject to execution by member states in the manner prescribed by their national legislation. Meetings of the Supreme Council are held at least once a year. To resolve urgent issues of the Union's activities, extraordinary meetings of the Supreme Council may be convened at the initiative of any of the member states or the Chairman of the Supreme Council.

Meetings of the Supreme Council are held under the leadership of the Chairman of the Supreme Council. Members of the Commission Council, the Chairman of the Board of the Commission and other invited persons may participate in meetings of the Supreme Council at the invitation of the Chairman of the Supreme Council.

Eurasian intergovernmental advice(Intergovernmental Council) is an organ of the Union consisting of the heads of government of member states. The Intergovernmental Council ensures the implementation and monitoring of the execution of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, international treaties within the Union and decisions of the Supreme Council; considers, at the proposal of the Council of the Commission, issues on which consensus has not been reached; gives instructions to the Commission, and also exercises other powers provided for by the Treaty on the EAEU and international treaties within the Union. Decisions and orders of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council are adopted by consensus and are subject to execution by member states in the manner prescribed by their national legislation. Meetings of the Intergovernmental Council are held as needed, but at least 2 times a year. To resolve urgent issues of the Union's activities, extraordinary meetings of the Intergovernmental Council may be convened at the initiative of any of the member states or the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Council.

Eurasian Economic Commission- a permanent regulatory body of the Union. The Commission consists of a Council and a Board. The Commission makes decisions that are of a regulatory and legal nature and binding on member states, orders that are organizational and administrative in nature, and recommendations that are not binding. Decisions of the Commission are included in the law of the Union and are subject to direct application in the territories of the Member States.

Decisions, orders and recommendations of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission are adopted by consensus. Decisions, orders and recommendations of the EEC Board are adopted by a qualified majority (2/3 of the votes of the total number of members of the Board) or consensus (on sensitive issues, the list of which is determined by the SEEC).

The commission is located in Moscow.

Court of the Eurasian Economic Union(hereinafter referred to as the Court) is a permanent judicial body of the Eurasian Economic Union, the status, composition, competence and procedure for functioning and formation of which are determined by the Statute of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The purpose of the Court’s activities is to ensure uniform application by member states and bodies of the Union of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, international treaties within the Union, international treaties of the Union with third parties and decisions of bodies of the Union. The Court considers disputes arising on the implementation of the Treaty on the EAEU, international treaties within the Union and (or) decisions of the Union bodies at the request of a member state or at the request of an economic entity. Based on the results of consideration of disputes at the request of a member state, the Court makes a decision that is binding on the parties to the dispute. Based on the results of consideration of disputes at the request of an economic entity, the Court makes a decision that is binding on the Commission.

The Court consists of two judges from each member state, appointed to positions by the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council on the proposal of the member states for a period of nine years. The Court considers cases as part of the Grand Collegium of the Court, the Panel of the Court and the Appeals Chamber of the Court. The EAEU Court is located in Minsk.

5. Prospective integration agenda of the EAEUwith foreign countries

Discussion of the possible integration of Russia as a member of the EAEU with third countries intensified in 2011-2012, when they began to consider the prospects of signing agreements on free trade zones (FTA) with New Zealand, Vietnam and ASEAN countries. Later, negotiations began on signing a trade agreement with the European Free Trade Association (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein), and in 2014 with Israel. The possibilities of creating free trade zones with India and the United States were discussed. Trade and economic integration with the EU has been discussed since the Russia-EU summit in 2005. So far, none of these agreements have been signed, and some negotiations (with Norway, Switzerland, New Zealand, the USA, the EU) have either been suspended or have not even begun for political reasons.


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2. A. Knobel Eurasian Economic Union: development prospects and possible obstacles.

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    Eurasian Economic Union: history, features, prospects. Stages of formation of Eurasian economic integration. EAEU and its geopolitical partners. Problems of the EAEU's work under sanctions. On the Eurasian and European paths of integration in the CIS.

    course work, added 01/10/2017

    Features of international integration processes from the perspective of neo-institutionalism of rational choice. Dynamics of perception of the Eurasian project in the European Union. Economic and political aspects of the integration motivation of the EU and the Eurasian Union.

    thesis, added 11/04/2015

    Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community: general provisions. Commission of the Customs Union: concept, main functions and operating principles, rules and procedures. Secretariat of the Customs Union Commission.

    abstract, added 06/21/2014

    The main goals of the formation of the Common Economic Space. Governing bodies of the Customs Union. EurAsEC observer countries. Customs Union and WTO. Results of foreign and mutual trade in goods of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space.

    course work, added 03/13/2014

    The Tunisian economy is highly integrated into the world economy. History of development economic cooperation European Union with Tunisia. The direction of foreign economic relations and trade and economic cooperation with EU countries.

An international integration economic association (union), the agreement on the creation of which was signed on May 29, 2014 and comes into force on January 1, 2015.


Composition of the EAEU

The union included Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

The EAEU was created on the basis of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) to strengthen the economies of the participating countries and “bring closer to each other”, to modernize and increase the competitiveness of the participating countries in the world market. The EAEU member states plan to continue economic integration in the coming years.

History of the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union

In 1995, the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and later joining states - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed the first agreements on the creation of the Customs Union. Based on these agreements, the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) was created in 2000.

On October 6, 2007, in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed an agreement on the creation of a single customs territory and the Customs Union Commission as a single permanent governing body of the Customs Union.

The Eurasian Customs Union or the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia was born on January 1, 2010. The customs union was launched as the first step towards the formation of a broader European Union-type economic union of former Soviet republics.

The creation of the Eurasian Customs Union was guaranteed by 3 different treaties signed in 1995, 1999 and 2007.

The first agreement in 1995 guaranteed its creation, the second in 1999 guaranteed its formation, and the third in 2007 announced the creation of a single customs territory and the formation of a customs union.

Access of products to the territory of the Customs Union was granted after checking these products for compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union that are applicable to these products.

As of December 2012, 31 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union have been developed, which cover various types of products, some of which have already entered into force, and some of which will enter into force before 2015. Some technical regulations will still be developed.

Before the Technical Regulations came into force, the basis for access to the market of the member countries of the Customs Union were the following rules:

  1. National certificate - for product access to the market of the country where this certificate was issued.
  2. Certificate of the Customs Union - a certificate issued in accordance with the “List of products subject to mandatory assessment (confirmation) of conformity within the Customs Union” - such a certificate is valid in all three member countries of the Customs Union.

Since November 19, 2011, member states have implemented the work of a joint commission (Eurasian Economic Commission) to strengthen closer economic ties to create the Eurasian Economic Union by 2015.

On January 1, 2012, the three states formed the Common Economic Space to promote further economic integration. All three countries have ratified a basic package of 17 agreements governing the launch of the Common Economic Space (CES).

On May 29, 2014, an agreement on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union was signed in Astana (Kazakhstan).

On January 1, 2015, the EAEU began to function as part of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. On January 2, 2015, Armenia became a member of the EAEU. Kyrgyzstan has announced its intention to participate in the EAEU.

Economy of the Eurasian Economic Union

The macroeconomic effect from the integration of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan into the EAEU is created due to:

  • Reduced prices for goods due to reduced costs of transporting raw materials or exporting finished products.
  • Stimulating “healthy” competition in common market EAEU through an equal level of economic development.
  • Increasing competition in the common market of the member countries of the Customs Union, thanks to the entry of new countries into the market.
  • Increase in average wages, thanks to reduced costs and increased productivity.
  • Increasing production due to increased demand for goods.
  • Increasing the well-being of peoples EAEU countries, thanks to lower food prices and increased employment.
  • Increasing the return on investment of new technologies and products due to increased market volume.

At the same time, the signed version of the agreement on the creation of the EAEU was of a compromise nature, and therefore a number of planned measures were not implemented in full. In particular, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and the Eurasian Economic Court did not receive broad powers to monitor compliance with the agreements. If the EEC resolutions are not implemented, the controversial issue is considered by the Eurasian Economic Court, whose decisions are only advisory in nature, and the issue is finally resolved at the level of the Council of Heads of State. Besides, current issues on the creation of a single financial regulator, on policy in the field of energy trade, as well as on the problem of the existence of exemptions and restrictions in trade between members of the EAEU have been postponed until 2025 or indefinitely.

Governing bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union

The governing bodies of the EAEU are the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council and the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council is the highest supranational body of the EAEU. The council includes heads of state and government. The Supreme Council meets at the level of heads of state at least once a year, at the level of heads of government - at least twice a year. Decisions are made by consensus. The decisions taken become binding in all participating states. The Council determines the composition and powers of other regulatory structures.

The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is one permanent regulatory body (supranational governing body) in the EAEU. The main task of the EEC is to provide conditions for the development and functioning of the EAEU, as well as the development of economic integration initiatives within the EAEU.

The powers of the Eurasian Economic Commission are defined in Article 3 of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 18, 2010. All rights and functions of the previously existing Customs Union Commission were delegated to the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The competence of the Commission includes:

  • customs tariffs and non-tariff regulation;
  • customs administration;
  • technical regulation;
  • sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures;
  • crediting and distribution of import customs duties;
  • establishment of trade regimes with third countries;
  • statistics of foreign and domestic trade;
  • macroeconomic policy;
  • competition policy;
  • industrial and agricultural subsidies;
  • energy policy;
  • state and municipal procurement;
  • domestic trade in services and investment;
  • transport and transportation;
  • monetary policy;
  • intellectual property and copyright;
  • migration policy;
  • financial markets (banking, insurance, foreign exchange and stock markets);
  • and some other areas.

The Commission ensures the implementation of international treaties that form the legal basis of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Commission is also the depository of international treaties that formed the legal basis of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, and now the EAEU, as well as decisions of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Within its competence, the Commission adopts non-binding documents, for example, recommendations, and can also make decisions that are binding in the EAEU member countries.

The Commission's budget is made up of contributions from member states and approved by the heads of EAEU member states.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Eurasian Union (EAC), full title Eurasian Economic Union - project of a union of sovereign states with a single political [source not specified 1112 days] , economic, military and customs space, proposed to be created on the basis of the union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus and the corresponding sectoral close integration structures of the CIS - EurAsEC, SES, CSTO, Customs Union.
History of the Eurasian Union project

Eurasian Union
Belor. Eurasian Union
Kaz. Eurasia Odagy

date of creation

2013 -2015

Declaration of foundation: 11/18/2011

EEA: 01/01/2012

Largest cities(over 1 million)

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Novosibirsk, Alma-Ata, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh

Member States

Countries that signed the declaration on the creation of the Eurasian Union:


official languages

Russian, Kazakh, Belarusian


Eurasian Economic Commission

Victor Khristenko


1st in the world

20,030,748 km²


Total ( 2012 )

- Density

7th in the world

169 880 000 (2012)

8.36 people/km²


Total ( 2011 )

6th in the world

$2.720 trillion



Russian ruble

Belarusian ruble

Kazakhstani tenge


UTC from +3 to +12

Telephone codes

7 (Russia, Kazakhstan)

375 (Belarus)

Official site


Due to the collapse of the USSR at the end of the 20th century, a need arose among the public and a number of politicians in some former Soviet republics to restore close integration. IN beginning of XXI century, the idea of ​​post-Soviet Eurasian integration and new Eurasianism became widespread again, and its most famous supporters and ideologists are: the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev, Russian President Vladimir Putin, philosophers and political scientists Alexander Dugin, Alexander Panarin, Sergey Gavrov, Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov and many others.

The need to create a Eurasian Union was first written about in the 20s and 30s. 20th century classical Eurasians - N. S. Trubetskoy, P. N. Savitsky and G. V. Vernadsky. They saw this as a gradual transformation of the Soviet Union into the Eurasian Union, by changing the communist ideology to the Eurasian one.

The first such detailed project for the Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia - the European-Asian Union - was proposed even before the collapse of the USSR by Academician A.D. Sakharov.

During the collapse of the USSR, another project for creating a confederal Union of Sovereign States was not implemented; only a poorly integrated international (interstate) association, the Commonwealth of Independent States, was created.

According to the following detailed project of March 1994, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev it was assumed that initially the Eurasian Union would include five republics former USSR: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. In the future, other states may join the Union - Armenia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, as well as, possibly, self-proclaimed post-Soviet states - Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, Russia and Belarus created first the Community, and then Union State, however, the need for a broader such Union remained.

The process of creating sectoral integration structures of the CIS was dynamic, but the project of the Eurasian Union remained only on paper until new life was breathed into it at the EurAsEC summit in December 2010. In the fall of 2011, the Eurasian Union project received a new impetus from the publication of the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin articles “A new integration project for Eurasia - the future that is being born today” (2011). Putin, and after him United Russia leader Boris Gryzlov, in the article “The Future is Ours” in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, argued that the creation of the Eurasian Union will allow Russia to become another global pole of influence.


After the formation of the Customs Union in December 2010, at the EurAsEC summit in Moscow, agreements were reached on the creation of the Eurasian Union on the basis of the Common Economic Space of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. As stated by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev,

We agreed (not immediately and not without difficulty) to create a Eurasian Union with Kazakhstan and Belarus. A very important decision. Let's develop together.

Medvedev did not rule out the possibility of including Kyrgyzstan in the union:

Our new union and now the Common Economic Space - they will be open to the entry of other countries... This means that we extend a hand of cooperation to our closest neighbors, our friends, thereby creating conditions for them to modernize the economy and improve the quality of life of people.


The movement forward is intensive, we expect that next year we will sign the declaration of the Eurasian Union, which can and should begin its activities in 2013.

On October 3, 2011, an article written personally appeared in the Izvestia newspaper Vladimir Putin. In it, the author discusses the creation of the Eurasian Union on the basis of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, “capable of becoming one of the poles modern world» .

I am convinced that the creation of the Eurasian Union, effective integration is the path that will allow its participants to take their rightful place in complex world XXI century. Only together can our countries become among the leaders of global growth and civilizational progress and achieve success and prosperity. .

Moscow would like to create a single currency of the Eurasian Union with a single emission center.

October 19, 2011 heads of state Eurasian Economic Community decided to join Kyrgyzstan Customs Union, which currently includes Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. This was announced during a meeting of the heads of the EurAsEC countries by the organization's Secretary General Tair Mansurov.

“Somewhere at the turn of 2015, we may approach, if we act as energetically as we have worked so far, towards the implementation of the idea of ​​​​creating the Eurasian Union.”

On October 16, 2011, at a meeting of the interstate council of the Eurasian Economic Community (the highest body of the Customs Union) at the level of heads of government, Kazakhstan blocked the name “Eurasian Union”. The draft union is sent for revision.

On October 24, 2011, the largest parliamentary party of communists in Moldova called on the authorities to take a course towards joining the Eurasian Union, without abandoning European integration.

November 18, 2011, in Moscow, President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and head of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev signed a declaration on Eurasian economic integration.

year 2012

On January 1, 2012, on the territory of the three member countries of the Customs Union, the Common Economic Space (SES) began to operate. The SES integration agreements, adopted on November 18, 2011, will come into full effect in July 2012. The purpose of the formation of the SES is to create conditions for the stable and effective development of the economies of the participating states and improve the living standards of the population.

Following the creation of the Customs Union and the formation of the Common Economic Space, the partner states intend to begin creating a supranational - Eurasian - parliament, State Duma Chairman Sergei Naryshkin said during a working visit to St. Petersburg.

In recent years, there have been active integration processes“,” he explained, “the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space have already been created, which will become the basis for the formation of the future Eurasian Union.

New supranational structure According to Naryshkin, transparent and understandable economic and other legislation will be required. However, those supranational bodies that are currently being formed or have already been created, for example, the Eurasian Economic Commission, “cannot and should not take on parliamentary tasks.” They will have to be resolved by the supranational parliament.

Talk about the structure of the future legislature The Eurasian Union is still premature. According to preliminary data, work on its creation will begin with the formation of a special parliamentary commission in the State Duma, which will develop a certain legislative procedure for the formation of a supranational parliament for Russia. In the future, it is planned to create from among Russian parliamentarians working group, which, together with colleagues from Belarus and Kazakhstan, will begin to develop comprehensive proposals on issues of unified economic legislation for further discussion.

On September 18, 2012, the Majilismen of the Kazakhstan Parliament rejected the idea of ​​​​creating a unified Eurasian Parliament. The head of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security of the Mazhilis, Maulen Ashimbaev, and the secretary of the Nur Otan People's Democratic Party, Erlan Karin, voiced their principled position. Politicians stated:

Despite all attempts to speed up the creation of supranational political structures, in reality, such a formulation of the issue is not and will not be on the general agenda. I will say even more - the creation of a supranational political structure cannot be discussed by us in principle, since this directly affects the sovereignty of our country. And the principle of sovereignty is clearly enshrined in the Constitution, and, moreover, according to the laws of our country, such issues cannot even be submitted to a national referendum.

At the moment, the Eurasian Dialogue discussion platform has been created at the European Club, which is designed to find future problematic issues in the creation of the Eurasian Union and, if possible, solve them.

November 4, 2012, National Unity Day, Eurasian Youth Union and the Eurasia Party announced the start of preparations for an all-Russian referendum on the creation of the Eurasian Union, which is scheduled for 2013. The organizing committee invited all public and political organizations Russia to join the initiative, the collection of signatures in support of it has begun.

On December 19, 2012, Advisor to the President of Russia Sergei Glazyev stated that the issue of introducing a single currency within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union has been discussed several times, but there is no positive decision yet. And then he made the following statement:

Within the framework of the Customs Union, the dominance of the ruble naturally occurs. ...
If we exclude the dollar and the euro, in which payments are still made mainly for energy resources, the weight of the ruble in the mutual trade of the three states is about 90%. .

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced her intention to prevent the creation of " new version Soviet Union"under the guise of economic integration. .

year 2013

The heads of the two states discussed the program of bilateral cooperation for 2013-2015, the progress of creating the Common Economic Space and progress towards the Eurasian Economic Union. The next contact between the two presidents will take place in the fall in Yekaterinburg during the traditional annual Forum of Border Regions. At this meeting, Nazarbayev said:

We have given instructions to prepare a new Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation; I hope we will sign it in Yekaterinburg this fall.

Vladimir Putin, in turn, noted that “the volume of our cooperation is very large, it is constantly growing and this is for the benefit of our economies, our peoples.” “The countries have gained very good experience in integration,” stated the Russian President.

Expansion history



Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia

The three supposed first founding members of the Eurasian Union, having the most high degree integration - Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus - completed the creation by 2010 Customs Union, by January 1, 2012 of the Common Economic Space.

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