National parks of the Sakhalin region. Law of the Sakhalin region Tumberg pine, dense-flowered pine

For a long time, people underestimated the harm that they caused to the world around them through their economic activities. Therefore, new ones are now being introduced waste-free technologies, agroecosystems are being built, environmental laws are being approved, Red Books are being written, and systems of specially protected natural areas are being created.

There are six main categories of protected areas around the world.

  • Reserve.
  • Natural monument.
  • National Park.
  • Reserve.
  • Protected land and water landscapes.
  • Protected areas with managed resources.

State Nature Reserve is the most stringent form of territorial nature protection. It represents, firstly, a territory completely withdrawn from economic use, and secondly, research institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena.

National Park - this is a vast territory, including both completely protected areas and areas intended for recreation, health improvement, short-range tourism, and promotion of environmental knowledge.

Natural monuments - these are individual natural objects that have scientific, aesthetic, cultural or educational significance. They can be an unusual spring, a waterfall, a ravine with rare plant species, or very old trees.

Reserve is a natural complex designed to preserve certain types of natural resources while limiting the use of others. In areas occupied by nature reserves, certain species are permanently or temporarily prohibited economic activity


1984 is the year the Kurilsky Nature Reserve was founded.

The Kurilsky Nature Reserve is located in the Yuzhno-Kurilsky district of the Sakhalin region on the island of Kunashir and

adjacent to it

Malaya Islands

Kuril ridge

Red Book species of plants and animals

  • Of those listed in the Red Books, 43 species are found, including mosses, mushrooms and lichens.
  • From marine mammals There are 3 species listed in the Red Book - the Kuril sea otter, the Kuril seal (antur) and the sea lion.
  • Acclimatized European mink is a rare species
  • Of the bird species, 31 species are included in the Red Book.
  • Two species of reptiles, distributed in Russia only in Kunashir, are listed in the Red Book: the Far Eastern skink and the Japanese snake.
  • Of the invertebrates - motley aphrodite ("sea mouse"), Deryugin's craboid, wrinkled ground beetle and, apparently, several species of pearl mussels.

Unique natural objects of the reserve

  • Caldera of Golovnin volcano- unique with various points view: from the scientific point of view - manifestations of modern volcanism, originality of vegetation cover, originality of soils; from the aesthetic point of view - a huge volcanic basin with a mirror lake Hot and mud milky lake Boiling.
  • Volcano Tyatya It is considered the most beautiful volcano in the world in terms of beauty and regularity of form.
  • Bird Waterfall. The largest waterfall on the island (12 m), the most beautiful object in Kunashir.
  • Bird River the second largest river Kunashir, along its entire length is a series of waterfalls. The color of the water changes from blue to completely transparent.
  • Group of spawning rivers Tyatina,

Saratovka, Nochka– have a special

value as the core of salmon spawning in

Tyatinsky forestry reserve.

  • Neskuchenskie springs. Thermal

sources and outlets of hot gases

Vlk. Dokuchaeva


The reserve is located in the Poronai region, in the eastern part of Sakhalin Island within the most extended part of the Tym-Poronai lowland and the southernmost part of the Central Range of the East Sakhalin Mountains. It was organized in 1987. It consists of two sections - Nevsky and Vladimirsky.

  • The fauna of the forest part of the reserve is dominated by taiga species with the addition of species characteristic of the broad-leaved forests of Primorye.
  • Colonial sea birds nest on the rocks: slender-billed guillemot, black-tailed gull, spectacled guillemot, great and little auklet, old auklet, white-bellied auklet, etc. A large bird colony is located on Cape Terpeniya.
  • The following species are included in the Red Book of Russia: Sakhalin musk deer, Aleutian tern, mandarin duck, white-tailed eagle, Steller's sea eagle, osprey, grouse, peregrine falcon. To valuable in


species include those living

in the Northern Nature Reserve

deer, sable, otter,

Brown bear.

Wildlife sanctuaries federal significance

SMALL KURILES”- The reserve includes wintering, nesting and concentration areas for numerous species, migratory waterfowl and seabirds and was created to protect nesting, migrating and wintering birds and marine mammals living in the area, including species listed in the International Red Book and the Red Book Russian Federation.


  • Includes a large number of rare plants: Sakhalin napkin, rough bluegrass, todomoshir oleaginus, obovate peony, pointed yew, cordate aralia, Sargent's juniper.
  • High water transparency (up to 30-40 m), action warm current, determine the existence of rare species of underwater fauna: abalone, Plasaster boreal, giant tugami, as well as the preservation of populations of commercial invertebrates (sea urchin, sea cucumber) and fish.
  • On the coastal reefs of the island there are rookeries of marine mammals: sea lions, sealed seals, which are especially numerous during the spring-autumn migrations.
  • Rocky coastal islets serve as nesting sites for seabirds. On the island there are colonies of puffin puffin, rhinoceros puffin, sea gulls - black-tailed and Pacific gulls, slender-billed guillemots, Japanese cormorants and other species, peregrine falcon and white-tailed eagle nest.


  • The reserve performs the functions of a biological, hydrological, geological and landscape reserve, maintaining the overall ecological balance: preservation of the natural landscape, a unique marine ecosystem with high biomass, coastal and underwater gas-hydrothermal sources, as a result of active volcanic activity and a unique hydrochemical composition sea ​​water in the bay.


  • "Northern"

supports the integrity of natural communities, protection of nesting sites, mass gatherings and rest during migration of waterfowl and other migratory birds, conservation and reproduction of rare and endangered animal species, eagles - Steller's and white-tailed eagles, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, little swan, black mallard, great , medium and small, white heron, mandarin duck, etc., as well as economically valuable,

scientific and cultural relations between species of animals and birds: brown bear, otter, sable,

American mink, hazel grouse, ducks


  • maintains the integrity of natural communities, protection of nesting sites, mass gatherings and rest during migration of waterfowl and other migratory birds, conservation and reproduction of rare and endangered species of animals and their habitats, the original habitat of the northwestern population of wild reindeer, economically, scientifically and culturally valuable species of animals and birds: brown bear, wild reindeer, otter, sable, American mink, hazel grouse, ducks and others, and

also protection and preservation in

natural state of forests

communities of the northern taiga.


  • in order to preserve natural natural ecosystems in the area inhabited by the indigenous peoples of the North, protecting the grouse grouse population, as well as restoring the numbers of wild reindeer and other economically, scientifically and culturally valuable animal species

and plants.


  • maintains the integrity of natural communities, protection of nesting sites, mass gatherings and rest during migration of waterfowl and other migratory birds, conservation and reproduction of rare and endangered species of animals and their habitats, the original habitat of the northwestern population of wild reindeer, valuable economically, scientific and cultural relations between species of animals and birds: brown bear, wild reindeer, otter, sable, American mink, hazel grouse, ducks and others, as well as the preservation of unique, aesthetically valuable forest landscapes.


  • protection of endangered migratory birds, as well as their habitats, in order to protect nesting sites and mass gatherings during migration of waterfowl, reproduction of rare and endangered bird species, as well as economically valuable animal species: sable, otter,

wild reindeer,

brown bear, American

mink, fox and others.


  • maintaining integrity

natural communities,

restoration of natural complexes

mountain taiga, conservation and reproduction of rare and endangered species of animals, such as: Sakhalin musk deer, white-tailed and Steller's eagles, osprey, fish owl, mandarin duck, as well as economically, scientifically and culturally valuable species of animals and birds: wild reindeer , brown bear, otter, hazel grouse, ducks; rare and endangered plant species: obovate peony, cordate aralia, large-flowered slipper, spotted slipper, Kuril cherry, Iezian wolf, Nippon gentian, Gray's bifoil, viburnum forked, weak lily, Sargent juniper, twisted juniper, wrinkled holly, rosea radiola, yew ostokone personal , bird cherry Soori


  • Maintaining the integrity of natural communities, protecting nesting sites, mass gatherings and rest during migration of waterfowl and other migratory birds, conservation and reproduction of rare and endangered animal species and their habitats, such as: Steller and white-tailed eagles, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, small swan, black mallard, great, middle and little, white heron, mandarin duck, as well as economically, scientifically and culturally valuable species of animals and birds: brown bear, otter, sable,
  • American mink, fox,
  • raccoon dog, hazel grouse, ducks

"Lake Dobretskoye"

  • maintaining the integrity of natural communities, protecting nesting sites, mass gatherings and resting during migration of waterfowl and other migratory birds, conservation and reproduction of rare and endangered animal species and their habitats, such as: Steller and white-tailed eagles, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, little swan, black mallard, great, middle and little herons, mandarin duck,

as well as valuable in economic,

scientific and cultural

relationships between species of animals and birds:

brown bear, otter, sable,

American mink, hazel grouse,


  • protection of endangered migratory birds and their habitats, in order to protect nesting sites and mass gatherings during migration of waterfowl, reproduction of rare and endangered bird species, as well as in connection with the acclimatization of the European mink on the island of Iturup. Protected animal species: European mink, sea otter, black stork, golden eagle, osprey, peregrine falcon, black crane, Okhotsk snail, sandpiper, black-necked grebe, gray heron, great heron, egret, great bittern, white stork, white goose, lesser white-fronted swan, lesser swan, kloktun, black mallard, little chaser, oystercatcher, lapwing, ringed plover, sea plover, black duck, mountain snipe, Asian snipe, wood snipe, garnish, Icelandic sandpiper, sandpiper, white-tailed sandpiper, turukhtan, stilt, chegrava, long-eared owl, great nightjar and others.

Natural monuments

"Okha district"

  • Wrangel Islands (complex)

Formed 12/23/87 G

Area 85 hectares

Protected bird species: colonies of Aleutian and common terns, Sakhalin dunlin

"Nogliki district"

1.Daginsky thermal springs

Formed 12/23/87

Area 9 hectares

Mineral healing waters and mud

2. Larvo Island

Formed 05/19/83

Area 100 hectares

3. Lunsky Bay

Formed on 08.09.97

Area 22110 ha

Species nesting on the territory of the natural monument include Steller's sea eagle, white-tailed eagle, spruce grouse, osprey, Aleutian tern, and long-billed murrelet. During migration, peregrine falcon, spade sandpiper, and redshank are regularly seen

4. Gull Island

Formed 02.25.86

Area 118 hectares

Colonies of nesting 2 species of terns – common and Aleutian terns

"Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky district"

1. Placer of agates of the Cape and the Chernaya River

Educated 05/19/83

Area 100 hectares

Placers of agates

2. Gorge of the Oktyabrsky stream

Educated 05/19/83

Area 150 hectares

Denudation rock outcrops on both sides of the canyon, reminiscent of the ruins of medieval age watchtowers

3. Kabarozhi rocks with grottoes

Educated 05/19/83

Area 150 hectares

Geological phenomena, as well as the Sakhalin musk deer

"Smirnykhovsky district"

  • Mount Vaida

Formed 05/19/83

Area 600 hectares

Karst caves

"Uglegorsk district"

  • Lesogorsk thermal springs

Established 08/23/85

Area 2069 hectares

thermal springs

"Poronaisky district"

  • Waterfall on the Nituy River

Formed 03/28/90

Area 28.3 hectares


waterfall 8 m high.

and 12 m wide

"Makarovsky district"

1. Group of Pugachev mud


Formed 05/19/83

Area 1370 hectares

On the territory of a natural monument

grows: Sakhalin primrose

(endemic), muddy wormwood (endemic),

swamp-loving gentian (endemic), koroda onion (endemic), Sakhalin kopeechnik (endemic)

2. Ammonites of the Pugachevka River

Formed 01/04/95

Area 89 hectares

Ammonites are rare types of fossil shells that have become extinct cephalopods ammonidium

3. Rock population


Formed 05/19/83

Area 0.1 ha

Sedum multi-stemmed,

Japanese thyme, Sakhalin resin (endemic)

4. Population of endemic plant species

Formed 05/19/83

Area 0.2 ha

Endemics: wormwood, marsh-loving gentian, Sakhalin primrose, koroda onion

5. Population of Vaccinium eminentum (Redwort)

Formed 05/19/83

Area 20 hectares

Vaccinium population

"Tomarinsky district"

1.Tomarinsky pine forest

Formed 05/13/80

Area 7 hectares

Thumberga pine, densiflora pine

2. Krasnogorsk yew forest

Formed 12/28/88

Area 80 hectares

pointed yew

3. Lakes of Mount Spamberg

Formed 03/28/90

Area 1100 hectares

Plants: Gray's two-leaf, Glen's cardiocrinum, spiky yew, Sargent's juniper.

Animals: Sakhalin musk deer, swallowtail, Chashkevich's satyr, Japanese nigella

"Dolinsky district"

1. Starodub oak forests

Formed 05/19/83

Area 11 hectares

curly oak

2. Anna River

Formed 05/19/83

Area 3.05 hectares

The territory of the natural monument is home to 201 species of vertebrate animals, including 162 species of birds, 35 species of mammals, 2 species of amphibians, 2 species of reptiles.

"Kholmsky district"

1.Kostroma cedar forest

Formed 05/13/80

Area 5 hectares

Korean cedar

2. Cape Slepikovsky

Formed 01/04/95

Area 600 hectares

About 200 species of higher vascular plants, 12 species of mammals, 5 species of amphibians, 2 species of reptiles, 80 species of birds

"Nevelsky district"

1.Cape Kuznetsov (zoological)

Formed 05/19/93

Area 519 hectares

Steller sea lion, red-legged crake, peregrine falcon

"Anivsky district"

1.Uspenovskie cranberries

Formed 04/06/95

Area 300 hectares

Cranberry, as well

medicinal plants:

three-leaf watch, wild rosemary; berries: lingonberries, blueberries, cloudberries

2. Aniva grove of white acacia

Formed 05/13/80

Area 0.5 hectares

White acacia out of range


"City of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk"

1. Structural denudation remnant “Frog”

Formed 05/19/83

Area 12 hectares

Group of structural-denudation remnants

2. South Sakhalin mud volcano

Formed 05/19/1983

Area 25 hectares

Fragments of mudstones, siltstones and sandstones soaked to clay, containing fragments

Upper Cretaceous ammonite shells

age (more than 70 million years)

3. Population of cardiocrinum (lily) Glen

Formed 12/28/1988

Area 4 hectares

Cardiocrinum Glen

4. Novo-Alexandrovsky

relict forest

Formed 05/19/83

Area 1 ha

Sakhalin fir, Ayan spruce, Manchurian ash, hawthorn, actinidia kolomikta

5. Highlands of Chekhov Mountain

Formed 05/19/1983

Area 1910 hectares

Rare species of animals and plants

6. Verkhne-Bureinsky

Formed 02/25/1986

Area 150 hectares

Rare species of ground beetles, as well as rare plant species: acuminate yew, Glen's cardiocrinum, Gray's bifolia, macropodium pterygosperm

7. Aniva hazel

Formed 05/13/80

Area 0.5 hectares

Manchurian walnut

8. Korean cedar

Formed 05/13/80

Area 2 hectares

Korean cedar

"Korsakovsky district"

1.Busse Lagoon

Formed 06/07/77

Area 5740 hectares

Ahnfeltsia and marine commercial organisms (sea urchin, shrimp, sea cucumber) are noted on the territory of the natural monument.

2. Korsakov spruce forest

Formed 05/13/80

Area 10 hectares

spruce glen

3. Ozersky spruce forest

Formed 05/13/80

Area 6620 hectares

spruce glen

4. Lake Tunaicha

Formed 06/07/77

Area 23400 hectares

29 species of fish from 13 families. The most numerous are salmon (9 species), carp (4 species), and smelt (4 species).

5. Chaika Bay

Formed 02/25/86

Area 150 hectares

Akiba, sea lion

6. Bear Waterfall

Formed 12/23/87

Area 145.7

183 species of vascular plants grow on the territory of the natural monument

7. Cape Giant

Formed 03/28/90

Area 43 hectares

Spruce-fir forests of the marine terrace. On the protruding rocks there is a bench of seals,

bird colonies

"South Kuril region"

1.Mendeleev Volcano

Formed 05/19/1983

Area 30,000 hectares

Hot springs and sulfate fields, sulfur outcrops with temperatures of 83-870C, rare species of animals, including the Far Eastern skink

2. Kunashir shrub relict forest

Formed 05/13/1980

Area 0.5 hectares

3. South Kuril relict forest

Formed 05/13/1980

Area 0.5 hectares

Dimorphant, yew acuminate, magnolia obovate

4. Lagunoozersky relict forest

Formed 05/13/1980

Area 0.5 hectares

Dimorphant, pointed yew

5. Phellodendron grove on the island. Shikotan

Formed 05/19/1983

Area 0.1 ha

Sakhalin velvet, aralia

high, actinidia kolomikta,

oriental sumac

The water surface and the air space above them, where natural complexes and objects are located that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health value, which are withdrawn by decisions of the authorities state power in whole or in part from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established.

Specially protected natural areas are classified as objects of national heritage.

In Russia, the most important legislative act regulating relations in the field of organization, protection and use of protected areas is the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas”, adopted by the State Duma on February 15, 1995.

If you look into the history of the protection of some natural objects, then Peter I issued a decree banning the shooting of moose in the St. Petersburg province. However modern system The protected area dates back to the creation of the world's first national park, Yellowstone, in the United States (1872). In Russia, the system of protected areas has been formed for more than 80 years. One of the first was the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve, founded on Lake Baikal in 1916. By the end of 1998, this system included 99 nature reserves, 34 national parks, about 1,600 state reserves and more than 8,000 natural monuments.

State Nature Reserve(full reserve) is the most stringent form of territorial nature protection. It represents, firstly, a territory completely withdrawn from economic use, and secondly, research institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena. Only scientific, security and control activities are allowed in the reserve, and in exceptional cases, the organization of educational and environmental routes. Sometimes even cleaning up fallen and dead trees, disrupting the natural development of natural processes.

Of the total number of reserves, biosphere reserves are especially distinguished, they are part of the international system of biosphere reserves and carry out global environmental monitoring. In Russia, about 20% of nature reserves have this international status, including Prioksko-Terrasny, located near Moscow.

In addition to areas that are completely closed to visitors, it is also necessary to create areas accessible to controlled visits. World experience says that the main thing for nature conservation now is the education of environmentally literate people, especially the younger generation.

National Park- this is a vast territory (from several thousand to several million hectares), including both completely protected areas and areas intended for recreation, health improvement, short-range tourism, and promotion of environmental knowledge. One of the famous national parks in Russia is Losiny Ostrov (Moscow).

Reserve is a natural complex designed to preserve certain types of natural resources while limiting the use of others. In areas occupied by nature reserves, certain types of economic activity are permanently or temporarily prohibited. For example, any economic activity leading to disturbance of the landscape is prohibited, but hunting may be permitted. Temporary hunting reserves are often created to preserve and restore the numbers of certain animal species.

Although nature reserves and monuments play a positive role in maintaining ecological balance, they cannot radically solve the problem. Only systemic natural aggregates can be preserved, and not individual components.

Natural monuments- these are individual natural objects that have scientific, aesthetic, cultural or educational significance. They could be an unusual spring, a waterfall, a ravine with rare plant species, very old trees that were “witnesses” of some historical events, for example, oak trees in the Kolomenskoye estate (Moscow), preserved from the time of Ivan the Terrible.

Depending on their purpose, protected areas may be federally owned and managed, or may be regional or even municipal property.

Protected areas of federal significance

1. State Nature Reserve "Kurilsky"

2. State Nature Reserve "Poronaisky"

3. Federal reserve "Little Kuriles"

4. Therapeutic and recreational area (resort) “Lake Izmenchivoe”

5. Sakhalin Botanical Garden

SPNA of regional significance


1. Moneron Island


1. Northern

2. Tundra

3. Alexandrovsky

4. Krasnogorsky

5. Makarovsky

6. Red deer

7. Lake Dobretskoye

8. Eastern

9. Nogliki

10. Kraternaya Bay

11. Island


1. Kabarozhye rocks with grottoes

2. Gorge of the Oktyabrsky stream

3. Scattering of agates from the Cape and the Chernaya River

4. Uspenovsky cranberries

5. Anna River

6. Starodub oak forests

7. Bear Waterfall

8. Chaika Bay

9. Structural denudation remnant "Frog"

10. Lake Tunaicha

11. Busse Lagoon

12. Ozersky spruce forest

13. Cape Giant

14. Korsakov spruce forest

15. Zhdanko Ridge

16. Ammonites of the Pugachevka River

17. Group of Pugachevsky mud volcanoes

18. Population of rock flora

19. Cape Kuznetsov

20. Waterfall on the Nituy River

21. Chayachy Island

22. Larvo Island

23. Lunsky Bay

24. Daginsky thermal springs

25. Wrangel Islands

26. Mount Vaida

27. Krasnogorsk yew forest

28. Tomarinsky Bor

29. Lakes of Mount Spamberg

30. Lesogorsk thermal baths. sources

31. Kostroma cedar forest

32. Cape Slepikovsky

33. Mendeleev Volcano

34. Lagoon lake relict forest

35. Phellodendron Grove o. Shikotan

36. Kunashir shrub relict forest

37. South Kuril relict forest

38. Novoaleksandrovsky relict forest

39. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk mud volcano

40. Highlands of Chekhov Mountain

41. Manchurian walnut grove

42. Cardiocrinum (lily) Glen population

43. Verkhnebureinsky

PAs of local importance

1. Natural monument “Black Rocks”

2. Natural monument “Rock Gorge”

3. Natural monument “Cape Konakova”

4. Natural monument “Cape Isoya”

5. Natural monument “Cape Eugene”

6. Natural monument “Bear Ridge”

7. Natural monument “Caldera Urbich”

8. Natural monument “Lion's Mouth Caldera”

9. Natural monument ""

10. Natural monument “White Rocks”

Currently, in the region there are two nature reserves, Kurilsky and Poronaisky, as well as 12 reserves, including Noglikisky, Aleksandrovsky, Kraternaya Bay, Izyubrovy, Krasnogorsky, Ostrovnoy, Makarovsky, Severny, Tundra, Small Kuriles, Moneron Island, Lake Dobretskoye, 57 monuments nature.

Kuril Nature Reserve
The Kuril Nature Reserve is located on Kunashir Island and the small islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge; in the Sakhalin region. Founded in 1984, area 65.4 thousand hectares. The reserve's topography is varied; the islands are the peaks of an underwater ridge. The territory exhibits active volcanic activity: thermal springs, hot gas outlets. There are many inactive volcanoes. On the island of Kunashir there is the Tyatya volcano (1819 m), the cone of which is distinguished by its remarkable regularity of shape. The reserve preserves monuments of the Ainu and Okhotsk cultures of the Neolithic era. The climate is monsoon and relatively mild.

Most of the Kuril Nature Reserve is covered deciduous forests from Sakhalin velvet, oak, ash, wild magnolia, elm. There are also spruce-fir, coniferous-deciduous forests; The dense undergrowth is characterized by intricate interlacing of ferns and vines (actinidia, lemongrass, Cognier grapes). At the edges of the forest, thickets of Kuril bamboo and tall grasses up to 4 m high (thickets of hogweed) are common. About 800 species of higher vascular plants are registered in the reserve. Animal world rich - 22 species of mammals, 223 species of birds (122 nesting species). On the territory of the reserve there are rookeries of Steller sea lion and seals (largi, antur). One of the rare animals is the sea otter (Kamchatka beaver). Rare birds include the Steller's sea eagle and the white-tailed eagle, the fish eagle (island population), and the Japanese crane. Salmon fish spawn in the rivers of the Kuril Nature Reserve.

Poronaisky Reserve
The Poronaisky Nature Reserve is located in the eastern part of Sakhalin Island, near Terpeniya Bay and on the Terpeniya Peninsula, in the Poronaisky district of the Sakhalin region of Russia. The reserve was founded in 1988, covers an area of ​​more than 56.7 thousand hectares, and consists of two sections - Nevsky and Vladimirsky. The reserve is dominated by mountain taiga forests of Ayan spruce and Sakhalin fir, and larch. Representatives of the Okhotsk, Manchurian, North Japanese and North American fauna (over 200 species) and flora (over 400 species) gathered here. Along the shores of the bay and on the coast Sea of ​​Okhotsk There are flight paths for waterfowl.

The fauna of the Poronaisky Reserve is represented by 34 species of mammals, 192 species of birds (92 species of nesting birds), 3 species of amphibians, 2 species of reptiles. The reserve is home to: reindeer, sable, otter, and brown bear. Colonial sea birds nest on the coastal cliffs: slender-billed guillemot, black-tailed gull, spectacled guillemot, great and little auklets, old man, and white-bellied gull. At Cape Terpeniya there is a large bird market. Sakhalin musk deer, Aleutian tern, mandarin duck, white-tailed eagle, Steller's eagle, osprey, grouse, peregrine falcon living in the reserve are included in the Red Book of Russia.

Craternaya (bay)
A bay in the southern part of the island. Kraternaya Bay is a small bay on the southern coast of Yankich Island (Ushishir Island). The entrance to the bay is located between Cape Craterny and the Kolpak rock. Open to the south, protrudes into the island for 1 km. The width of the entrance to the bay is about 300 m. The depth is up to 56 m. The area of ​​the bay is about 0.7 sq. m. km. On the shore of the bay is the Ushishir volcano (388 m), on the slopes of which grows taiga vegetation The bay descends directly to the water without forming a beach. The entrance to the bay, in contrast to it, is the shallowest. In the center of the bay there are two small islands (37 and 72 m high). The coast of the bay, like the entire island of Yankich, is not inhabited. The tide height in the bay is 1.8 m. The flora and fauna of the bay is isolated from surrounding nature. There are sea urchins at the bottom of the bay. 6 new species of living creatures were discovered in the bay. In 1988, Kraternaya Bay became a biological reserve.

Moneron Island
Moneron is an island in the Tatar Strait, 43 kilometers off the southwestern coast of Sakhalin. The area of ​​the island is about 30 square meters. km. The length from south to north is 7.15 km, width 4 km. The length of the coastline is about 24 km. The eastern and western shores are rocky and steep (up to 200 m). An island of volcanic origin, the highest point is Mount Staritsky (439.3 m). Around the island there are small rocky islets - Pyramidal, Red, Eastern, etc. The climate is monsoonal, big influence The climate is influenced by the warm Tsushima Current. The largest watercourses are the Usova River (length 2.5 km) and the Moneron River (length 1.5 km). A series of waterfalls. Forest cover 20% (mainly birch and alder).

There are nesting colonies of seabirds that live mainly not on the island itself, but on the islands and rocks surrounding it, which is associated with the penetration of predatory mammals (fox, sable) onto the island. Black-tailed gulls and rhinoceros puffins have the largest numbers. Also inhabited are the northern storm petrel, the Ussuri cormorant, the Bering cormorant, the Pacific sea gull, etc. Rookeries for sea lions and seals are established in certain areas of the coast. The influence of the warm Tsushima Current causes the existence in the waters around the island of subtropical species of mollusks (for example, abalone), rare-spined sea urchins, and multirayed starfish.

Nogliki Nature Reserve
The state natural biological reserve of regional significance "Nogliki" located in the Nogliki region was established in 1998. The area of ​​the reserve is 65,800 hectares. The reserve was established with the aim of preserving natural ecosystems in the area inhabited by the indigenous peoples of the North, protecting the population of grouse grouse, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, as well as restoring the number of wild reindeer and other economically, scientifically and culturally valuable species of animals and plants. It is under the jurisdiction of the Sakhalin Hunting Administration. Main features of nature: larch forests with lichen cover. Geographical position: upper and middle reaches of the Nysh, Karpyn, Dagi river basins.

This Law has been developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Sakhalin Region and other regulatory legal acts of the Sakhalin Region.
This Law regulates relations in the field of organization, protection and use of specially protected natural areas of the Sakhalin Region.
The law is aimed at preserving unique, typical and positively affecting natural complexes, objects of flora and fauna, places of interest natural formations, the study of natural processes in the biosphere, the control over changes in its state, environmental education and education of the population of the Sakhalin region.

SECTION I. General provisions

Article 1. Categories and types of specially protected natural areas of the Sakhalin Region
1. Taking into account the peculiarities of the regime of specially protected natural territories and the status of nature protection institutions located on them, the following categories of these territories are distinguished in the Sakhalin Region:
a) state natural reserves;
b) national parks;
c) natural parks;
d) state natural reserves;
e) on-farm, hunting and forest reserves;
f) natural monuments;
g) dendrological parks and botanical gardens;
h) security zones;
i) medical and recreational areas and resorts.
2. Scientific hospitals may be declared objects of specially protected natural areas of local importance in the Sakhalin Region.
3. The administration of the Sakhalin region and local government bodies, within the limits of their powers, may establish other categories of specially protected natural areas: territories containing green zones, urban forests, city parks, protected coastlines, protected river systems, biological stations, micro-reserves.

Article 2. Subjects of relations regulated by this Law
The subjects of relations regulated by this Law are:
a) public authorities of the Sakhalin region: Sakhalin regional Duma and the administration of the Sakhalin region;
b) local governments municipalities Sakhalin region;
c) legal entities and citizens.

Article 3. Attribution of specially protected natural areas to forms of ownership
1. Natural parks are specially protected natural areas of regional significance. They belong to the property of the Sakhalin region and are under the jurisdiction of state authorities of the Sakhalin region.
2. Sanctuaries, natural monuments, dendrological parks, botanical gardens, medical and recreational areas and resorts can be classified as specially protected natural areas of federal or regional significance.
3. Specially protected natural areas of local importance located on the lands of municipalities are municipal property.

SECTION II. Powers of state authorities of the Sakhalin region, local governments in the field of organization, protection and use of specially protected natural areas of the Sakhalin region

Article 4. Powers of the Sakhalin regional Duma
1. Adopts laws and regulations regulating relations in matters of creation, organization, protection and use of specially protected natural areas of regional and local significance, makes changes and additions to them.
2. In the process of reviewing and approving the regional budget submitted by the governor of the Sakhalin region, it determines the amount of funding for activities for the development of specially protected natural areas.
3. In accordance with the law, establishes tax benefits for legal entities engaged in the management, study, protection, and maintenance of specially protected natural areas.
4. In accordance with the law, establishes tax benefits for owners, owners, users land plots within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas that have restrictions on their use in connection with compliance with the protection regime of specially protected natural areas.
5. Approves regional programs for the development of a system of specially protected natural areas and certain categories of specially protected natural areas.
6. Exercises other powers in the field of creation, organization, protection, use of specially protected natural areas in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Sakhalin region.

Article 5
1. Within the limits of its competence, decides on the classification of specially protected natural areas as objects of federal property. Makes proposals to the Government of the Russian Federation on changing boundaries, on changing the status of specially protected natural areas of federal and regional significance.
2. Decides to create specially protected natural areas of regional significance.
3. Manages specially protected natural areas of regional significance, monitors compliance with the established environmental regime.
4. Makes decisions on reserving land plots for planned specially protected natural areas and on limiting economic activity on them.
5. Maintains the state cadastre of specially protected natural areas of regional significance.
6. Prohibits the construction of environmentally harmful facilities, makes decisions on limiting, suspending, and terminating the activities of facilities that do not comply with the requirements of environmental legislation in specially protected natural areas.
7. Develops and ensures the implementation of programs for the development of specially protected natural areas.
8. Carry out, within its competence and in accordance with the established procedure, foreign economic activities aimed at attracting investments for the development of a system of specially protected natural areas and rational use their natural resources.
9. Exercises other powers in the field of organization, protection, use of specially protected natural areas, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Sakhalin region.

Article 6. Powers of local government bodies
1. Participate in accordance with the legislation in coordinating issues on the creation of specially protected natural areas of regional significance on their territory.
2. Submit proposals to the administration of the Sakhalin region to recognize the territory as a medical and recreational area or a resort of local importance.
3. Make proposals to the administration of the Sakhalin Region on changing the status of local specially protected natural areas, on changing the boundaries of local specially protected natural areas and giving them the status of regional ones.
4. Carry out management of specially protected natural territories of local importance, exercise control in the field of their organization and functioning.
5. Provide funding for the creation and operation of specially protected natural areas of local importance.
6. Maintain the state cadastre for specially protected natural areas of local importance.
7. Exercise other powers in accordance with the law.

SECTION III. State control in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas of the Sakhalin Region

Article 7. State control in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas
State control in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas at the regional level is carried out by the administration of the Sakhalin Region and specially authorized to do so. government agencies Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection natural environment.

SECTION IV. Economic basis for the functioning of specially protected natural areas of the Sakhalin region

Article 8. Financing of specially protected natural areas
1. The creation and maintenance of specially protected natural areas of regional significance is financed from the following funds:
a) regional budget;
b) regional extra-budgetary environmental fund of the Sakhalin region;
c) funds from environmental institutions;
d) other sources of financing not prohibited by law;
2. The creation and maintenance of specially protected natural areas of local importance is financed from the following funds:
a) local budgets;
b) the regional extra-budgetary environmental fund of the Sakhalin region in terms of expenses provided for the implementation of environmental measures of local importance;
c) other sources of financing not prohibited by law.

Article 9. Economic activity in specially protected natural areas
1. Economic activities in specially protected natural areas are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Sakhalin region and the regime of the corresponding protected area.
2. The administration of specially protected natural areas and legal entities and individuals - users in charge of specially protected natural areas, in accordance with the legislation of the Sakhalin region, have the right to carry out tourism, educational, scientific, advertising, publishing, recreational and other activities, not contradicting the tasks assigned to these territories, in the manner established by the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Sakhalin region.
3. Owners and users of land plots located within the boundaries of specially protected natural areas are obliged to ensure compliance with the regime established for these territories, as well as to protect animal and animal objects in these territories. flora, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Book of the Sakhalin Region.

SECTION V. Objectives and regime of specially protected natural areas of the Sakhalin region

Article 10. Natural parks
1. Main task natural parks is:
creating conditions for the use of natural parks for environmental, scientific and educational purposes and for the purpose of organizing conditions for recreation, including tourism.
2. Natural parks are non-profit organizations.
3. Management of natural parks is carried out by the directorate. Director natural park appointed by the Governor of the Sakhalin Region based on the results of the competition and agreed with the territorial authority federal body executive power for protection environment.
4. The regime of protection and nature management on the territory of the natural park and its buffer zone is determined by the Regulation, which is approved by the Governor of the Sakhalin Region, in agreement with the specially authorized state body of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and the relevant local authorities.
5. The protection of natural parks is provided by the park management and is carried out by employees special service parka.

Article 11. State nature reserves
1. State natural reserves of regional significance (hereinafter referred to as "reserves") - territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the conservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components. The tasks of the reserves are: the preservation or restoration of natural complexes in their natural state, the preservation of individual components of the natural environment or natural resources.
2. Reserves may be legal entities and are under the jurisdiction of the body that created them.
3. On the territory of state nature reserves, any activity is permanently or temporarily prohibited or restricted if it contradicts the goals of creating a state nature reserve or harms natural complexes and their components.
These types of activities could be:
a) allotment of land plots for all types of economic activity, development, collective gardens, etc.;
b) final felling and other types of forest felling, harvesting of nuts, berries, fruits, seeds, medicinal and technical raw materials and other types of secondary forest use;
c) construction of buildings, structures, roads, pipelines, power lines and other communications;
d) commercial, amateur hunting, egg collection, fishing, prey aquatic biological resources, other types of use of wildlife;
e) collection of zoological, botanical, mineral collections, as well as paleontological samples;
f) plowing land, using pesticides, mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, growth stimulants and other chemicals, as well as biological agents, damage and destruction of ground cover vegetation;
g) driving and grazing livestock;
h) any types of pollution of the territory and water area (including industrial emissions and vehicle emissions), changes in the hydraulic regime of reservoirs included in the territory of the reserve;
i) survey, blasting and drilling operations;
j) travel, parking and washing of vehicles, ships and other watercraft;
k) arrangement of tourist sites and camps;
l) other types of economic activities.
4. Features of the regime of a specific state natural reserve, depending on its profile, as well as the significance of the reserve are determined in the Regulations, which are approved by the administration of the Sakhalin region (for reserves of regional significance), in agreement with the specially authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection environment.

Article 12. On-farm, hunting and forest reserves
1. On-farm, hunting and forest reserves are created by decisions of the administration of agricultural, forestry, hunting and fishing enterprises, institutions and organizations on the lands assigned to them; they are departmental, specially protected natural areas prohibited for hunting. Their territories are important for the conservation and reproduction of certain types of flora and fauna resources, in which enterprises and organizations of local, hunting, fisheries and other natural resources are interested.
2. On-farm, hunting and forest reserves are formed for the purpose of preserving and restoring the resources of flora and fauna, as well as organizing the rational use of these resources. They are formed without seizure of land and cannot be legal entities.
3. By decision of the administration of agricultural, forestry, hunting and fishing enterprises, institutions and organizations on the territory of on-farm, hunting and forest reserves, hunting and other types of environmental management are limited or completely prohibited.

Article 13. Natural monuments
1. Natural monuments are intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes, as well as regulated tourism and other activities not prohibited by law, if this activity does not entail a violation of the safety of natural monuments.
2. The administration of the Sakhalin region determines the legal or individual, under whose protection the natural monument is transferred.
3. Features of the regime and the significance of a particular natural monument are reflected in the passport, issued by specially authorized bodies of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection. Based on the proposal of the same bodies, the administration of the Sakhalin region determines the enterprises, institutions, organizations under whose protection the natural monument is transferred, as well as officials responsible for its protection and condition.
4. Compliance with the environmental regime of a natural monument is ensured by the owner, possessor and user of its territory in accordance with the “Protection Obligation”.
5. Expenses of owners, holders and users of land plots who have accepted the “Protective Obligation” are compensated from extra-budgetary and budgetary funds, funds from the regional extra-budgetary environmental fund, as well as tax and other benefits.

Article 14. Dendrological parks and botanical gardens
1. Dendrological parks and botanical gardens are environmental institutions whose tasks include the creation of special collections of plants in order to preserve the diversity and enrichment of the flora, as well as the implementation of scientific, educational and educational activities. The territories of dendrological parks and botanical gardens are intended only to fulfill their direct tasks, while land plots are transferred for indefinite (permanent) use to dendrological parks, botanical gardens, as well as research or educational institutions, which manages dendrological parks and botanical gardens.
2. Buildings, structures and premises on the balance sheet of dendrological parks and botanical gardens are not subject to privatization.
3. In the territories of dendrological parks and botanical gardens, any activity that is not related to the fulfillment of their tasks and entails a violation of the safety of floristic objects is prohibited.

Article 15. Security zones
1. Protected areas of federal and regional significance may have protective zones corresponding to the status of these protected areas with a regulated regime of environmental management.
2. Protected zones or districts with a regulated regime of economic activity, created in areas of land and water adjacent to specially protected territories of other categories for the purpose of protection from adverse anthropogenic influences, are specially protected natural areas and are subject to all the rules governing relations on issues protection and use of specially protected natural areas.
3. Protected zones are created by the administration of the Sakhalin region on the proposal of the directorate of protected areas, and in the absence of one, on the proposal of the authorities in whose jurisdiction this protected area is located.

Article 16. Medical and recreational areas and resorts
1. The territory is recognized as a medical and recreational area or a resort of regional significance by a decision of the administration of the Sakhalin region in agreement with the specially authorized state body of the Russian Federation in the field of health care.
2. The objectives, status and regime of medical and recreational areas and resorts are determined in the manner established by federal and regional legislation.

Article 17. Reserve territories
1. Particularly valuable territories of the Sakhalin region, forming the main natural resource potential and representing a heritage fund for future generations, provided with guarantees of its safety, can be classified as reserve territories of environmental significance. Subsequently, the status of these territories may be changed and assigned to the category of specially protected natural areas.
2. Economic activity in the reserve territory is limited in order to prevent irreversible changes in the natural environment.
3. Reserve territories are formed by decision of the administration of the Sakhalin region. The order of their functioning, the regime of economic activity, security, liability for violation of the regime, compensation for damage are determined by the Regulations on reserve territories, approved by the administration of the Sakhalin region.

SECTION VI. Grounds and procedure for canceling the status of a specially protected natural area of ​​the Sakhalin region

Article 18. Grounds for cancellation of the status of a specially protected natural area
The status of specially protected natural areas can be canceled on the following grounds:
a) expiration of the established period of validity of this territory, if its extension is considered inappropriate due to the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it by the specially protected natural territory;
b) cessation of existence natural complex or natural object as a specially protected natural area as a result of natural or anthropogenic impact.

Article 19. Procedure for canceling the status of a specially protected natural area
1. The status of a specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance is canceled by a decree of the governor of the Sakhalin region upon submission territorial body federal executive body for environmental protection and in agreement with other specially authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.
2. The status of specially protected natural areas of local significance is canceled by a decree of the governor of the Sakhalin region upon the proposal of local government bodies and agreement with the specially authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.
3. Liquidation of environmental institutions is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

SECTION VII. Responsibility for violating the regime of specially protected natural areas of the Sakhalin region

Article 20. Responsibility for violating the regime of specially protected natural areas
Violation of this Law, the regime of specially protected natural areas or other rules for the protection and use of the environment and natural resources in specially protected natural areas entails liability under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

SECTION VIII. Final provisions

Article 21. Entry into force of this Law
This Law comes into force on the date of its official publication.

Governor of the Sakhalin Region I.P. Farkhutdinov
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. October 2, 2000. No. 214.

Newspaper “Gubernskie Gazette”, No. 197(1099), 10.10.00.

Modern man looks at the world through a screen. This is some kind of average estimate. Agree, not everyone has the means to travel. And the world is so magnificent! So we study it through a computer, fortunately now it’s easy. However, is it possible in this way to feel the thrill in the soul that necessarily arises from contemplating the stunning corners of the planet? Take, for example, the Kuril Nature Reserve. Anyone who was there will confirm: no films or photographs will reflect the magical essence of this extraordinary place.

Location and climate

The Kuril Nature Reserve occupies a considerable area (65,365 hectares).

It consists of three islands. These are Kunashir, Demina and Oskolki. The first of them belongs to the Great Kuril Ridge and is the largest in area. The islands are a product of volcanic activity. The terrain here is mountainous, there are rivers and lakes. The Kuril Nature Reserve is famous for its mineral springs. Interestingly, they all differ in chemical composition, temperature conditions. The most famous are Tretyakovsky, Alekhine and Golovninsky. Since the Kuril Islands were formed by volcanic activity, the relief is mountainous. The rivers here are small, no more than twenty kilometers. Most of them are spawning. The largest is Tyatina (Kunashir). It flows directly along the Dokuchaev volcanic ridge. In this part of the reserve the terrain is mountainous. And to the north it becomes hilly. The largest one in the reserve is also located there. Such an almost clerical description, of course, does not convey the splendor of this place. Let us add that the climate here is very mild. Winter is not scary with frost, and summer is not scary with heat. The only factor that a person will definitely not like is the monsoons. The Kuril Nature Reserve withstands winds and hurricanes, responding only with a slight rise in water in the rivers.

A little history

Already from the dry description given above, it is clear that the Kuril Islands are a rich region. You haven’t read about the flora and fauna yet! How did it survive amid the storms and troubles that befell Russia over the past centuries?

There were caring people. Work on creating a protected area began in 1947. Many prominent scientists spoke about the need to protect this original, magical place from destruction. The reserve project was created in 1975. Moreover, this event took place after the signing of an agreement with Japan on the protection of nesting sites and habitats of migratory birds. Further, the territory of the security zone expanded. It was formed in its present form in 1984. And, remarkably, the subsequent devastation in Russia in the nineties did not have any impact negative influence to these territories. The reserve has been preserved!


Nature reserves, as you know, are different. The purpose of their creation is one - to preserve the pristine nature of this corner of magnificent nature. So that the activities of greedy humanity do not affect the wealth created long before our appearance in this world. The Kuril Islands have something to be proud of and something to protect. The area here is mostly wooded. Mostly coniferous species grow. But how amazing it is to see tropical vines among the cedars and spruces! This is just a miracle. Scientists have calculated that only ten percent of the reserve is deciduous. But they are so uniquely woven into the taiga landscapes that they make this area uniquely beautiful. And in forest clearings, bamboo takes up space from trees, forming impenetrable thickets. The grasses in the lowlands reach a height of four to five meters. Where else have you seen this? Kunashir is not associated with Because of this, very rare plant species have been preserved on its hills and mountains. The so-called vertical zonality can be seen here. That is, the nature of the vegetation changes as you move into the mountains. If you go from the shore, then broad-leaved and coniferous forests are replaced first by fir trees, then by stone birch forests, then by dwarf cedar. There is something to admire, freezing in admiration.


It seems that a region cut off from the mainland cannot be densely populated. However, this is a mistake. We won't list the numbers. It should only be noted that the animal has not yet been fully studied! Science has long been confident in the similarity, for example, of insects in the Kuril Islands with species living in Japan. Only in last years It turned out that there are also endemic species here. Today there are 37 known of them. They are widely represented in the reserve sea ​​shellfish. They are found off the coast and in lakes. That is, they are presented and freshwater species. Pearl mollusks are listed in the Red Book.

Kunashir is also proud of its salmon. The largest pink salmon in the entire Far East spawns here, and the Kuril chum salmon leads the world in size. Amphibian lovers also have something to see. Three species of frogs live in Kunashir. There are also unusual reptiles here. For example, only in the reserve can you find the Far Eastern skink (lizard). This species does not live anywhere else in Russia.

Birds and mammals

The birds of the reserve are a special conversation. The fact is that the Kuril Islands are important on a planetary scale. They are a resting place. Hundreds of thousands of feathered travelers find shelter and food here. Without this corner, the planet would lose many rare species. Let's give some statistics. In total, 278 species of birds can be found in the reserve, and 125 live permanently. When winter comes to the Southern Hemisphere, the birds fly to the local shores. For example, loons and cormorants, swans and rhinoceros puffins are found here. Only ornithologists will understand this colorful and loud world. Let us add that the protection of the reserve is of truly planetary importance. The islands are a significant point on the map of the feathered world. A few should be added amazing facts. Do you know that there are fishing owls? This one nests in the reserve rarest species. Here you can also find those considered endangered. Large animals include sable, chipmunk, weasel and even mink. These animals breed safely in Kunashir.

Significance of the reserve

Even from a short text it is already clear that this world is unique. People are trying to understand what nature reserves there are, what’s interesting about them, and what to admire. In fact, it is not only natural beauties and rare animals that are important. The wisdom and work of those who care for these incredible places of pristine nature, thereby allowing the planet to survive despite the activities of mankind, should be appreciated.

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