Egor Khalyavin before and after plastic surgery. The emaciated Yegor Khalyavin admitted to anorexia. How much weight did Yegor Khalyavin lose?

In this article we will look at what plastic surgeries Yegor Khalyavin performed, and also find out why he decided to carry them out, who is sponsoring it, and what the participant in the TV show “Dom-2” wants to achieve with this.

Participation in the project

Egor has just begun his special long journey to improving his face and body, but as the media say, he is becoming like a doll.

Back in 2014, Khalyavin came to the Dom-2 project, which was one of the most popular at that time. He was a very gallant man, smiling and kind, with his unique sense of humor and sharp mind. Almost half of the project participants (mostly women) did not accept Khalyavin because of his plumpness.

Khalyavin spent almost six months on the project, but nothing worked out for him. He never found a life partner. The organizers of “Dom-2” always helped the participants in transforming their appearance.

Khalyavin was offered a sports complex of exercises and a diet, to which he agreed. Egor lost almost twenty kilograms in a very short period of time.

After this diet, Yegor met one beauty on the project, they even discovered the so-called Love Island for the first time. However, he ultimately had to leave the project.

Changes after "Dom-2"

Immediately after Khalyavin left the project, photographs with a new appearance began to appear on the network.

In addition to his slender figure, he decided to change his appearance. As experts say, and according to Egor himself, he cleaned up the area around his cheeks. The face became more like a doll and thin!

Face correction (oval). acid in the lips and eyebrows with clear outlines - all this was done for the sake of beauty, and Khalyavin confirmed all these procedures. Yegor told his fans that he decided to go to the surgeon again in order to get his body in order.

He's going to turn his face into a doll's. As it became known from the latest photographs, Egor visited a plastic surgeon who was making marks on his face for an upcoming operation.

The surgeon marked the oblique abdominal muscles, back relief, chest and abs with a marker, all of which should appear after plastic surgery.

Egor also did, in addition to all of the above, tightened his eyelids, enlarged his buttocks, removed mucous membranes, carried out surgery, and much more.

Egor Khalyavin after plastic surgery

Khalyavin himself says that with each surgical intervention he feels much more comfortable and better. In total, according to information, about eleven operations out of thirty planned took place.

With the help of plastic surgeons, he removed fat deposits from the area of ​​his face, and also used the service of lifting his face using threads.

Khalyavin every time posts photos of the transformation of his appearance and body. He believes that with the help of plastic surgery he will make himself perfect.

How many operations? As they say, he needs to undergo only thirty plastic interventions to achieve the doll's goal.

Yegor does not pay attention to insults addressed to him; most do not like what he does to himself.

People give examples of who he was and who he is becoming (photos of Khalyavin before and after plastic surgery), but it is not easy to convince Khalyavin, because he is too purposeful and persistent.

As Yegor Khalyavin himself says, he constantly lives in a serious and long recovery period, he constantly feels bad after surgical interventions, but he endures in order to achieve his goal.

What started the attraction to plastic surgery?

After Egor left the television project “Dom-2”, a company engaged in plastic surgery approached him. The Americans made an offer to Khalyavin to participate in their casting.

At that very moment, he broke up with his girlfriend and had nothing to lose. Therefore, he agreed to changes in his life. After leaving the project, he weighed about one hundred and fifty kilograms, which was just right for the American company, because Egor was perfect for their advertising.

After all the plastic manipulations were carried out, conveyors were launched in America, and the production of male dolls in the likeness of Khalyavin began.

At that moment, Egor concluded a huge number of contracts with modeling agencies around the globe. A show about Yegor’s changes and his appearance will be launched on well-known channels.

As Khalyavin said, after the first transformation (operation), not very pleasant words from the fans poured out at him. However, this did not bother him at all, because the guy did not take their words seriously.

Khalyavin’s criticism and attitude towards all this

Critics appeared online who claimed, and still claim to this day, that he simply would not be able to change his genetics, and all his future children would be exactly the same as he was in childhood. Yegor Khalyavin very much wants to start a family, because he recently turned thirty years old.

Khalyavin never told his mother about all his changes and operations, because she is very worried about this.

As Khalyavin himself said, he does not communicate with his relatives beyond one person. And this is a sister who is constantly on her brother’s side and helps and supports him in every possible way.

As people say, if Khalyavin succeeds with his puppet plan, then he will be a completely different person, and comparing with the guy who came to the Dom-2 project will be very stupid, because no coincidences will be found.

go to Yegor Khalyavin's official Instagram - link

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  • Childhood and youth

    Egor was born on May 24, 1987 in Moscow. He was born into the family of a cook and a police officer. The family also has a younger daughter. Almost immediately after her birth, the family moved to a small town in the Moscow region - Zheleznodorozhny. In 2000, we moved to a distant district of Moscow - Yuzhnoye Butovo. Instead of a regular secondary school, he graduated from the naval cadet corps. After which he joined the army and ended up in a unit of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    Speculation and truth

    How did Yegor Khalyavin lose 40 kg? This question can now be found on many websites selling special drugs for weight loss. The participant of the famous television project himself claims that he did not use any “miracle drugs” and that sellers of dubious dietary supplements simply want to cash in on his fame. You can also find statements on the Internet that Khalyavin underwent gastric bypass surgery, but this data has not been officially confirmed.

    Some nutritionists are inclined to believe that Yegor Khalyavin lost weight with the help of plastic surgeons. The conclusion is based on the fact that the man lost a fairly large number of kilograms in just a few months, but his skin did not lose elasticity. Yegor himself did not confirm this version; he states that his success has three components:

    • special food;
    • regular training;
    • hormonal therapy.

    No carbohydrate diet

    How did Yegor Khalyavin lose weight? He simply stopped eating any carbohydrates. According to nutritionists, such nutrition is not suitable for all people, but only for those whose bodies are oversaturated with carbohydrates. In the case of Khalyavin, the diet gave excellent results.

    Another method of burning fat is used by professional athletes before competitions and is called “cutting.” Let's consider what the essence of such a diet is.

    Hormone therapy

    Before you find out how Yegor Khalyavin from “House-2” lost weight, you need to find out what led him to gain weight. The participant of the popular show himself admitted that since the age of 15 he has been suffering from hormonal imbalance, which occurred against the background of thyroid dysfunction.

    Only after taking medications was he able to restore his hormonal levels. It is known that after solving this problem, people lose weight quite quickly and successfully, as happened in the case of Kholyavin.

    Physical exercise

    The no-carbohydrate diet that Egor follows will not work, like any other weight loss system, without physical activity. They are necessary to trigger lipolysis (the process of burning fat deposits).

    Cardiac training will bring the most benefit; it is they that are aimed at eliminating excess fat.

    Khalyavin regularly practices the following classes:

    • swimming in the pool;
    • jogging on a treadmill or outdoors;
    • exercise on an exercise bike;
    • walks at a brisk pace.

    Biography of Yegor Khalyavin

    A native Muscovite, Egor, has studied in the naval cadet corps and served in the army in a unit of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. There were attempts to become a businessman (the young man started as a grocery store salesman, but very quickly became a manager). Success in the professional sphere, backed by considerable ambitions, pushed Yegor to participate in the filming of the Dom-2 project. The young man went there for fame and recognition, but he never managed to build a relationship.

    The main reason for failures in love is the excess weight of a young man. Two girls turned him down for the project, citing the fact that because of his appearance they perceived him only as a friend. By that time, Egor weighed 130 kg. The reason for the excess weight lay in the disruption of the thyroid gland.

    Realizing that the extra pounds were interfering with his life, Khalyavin began to diligently lose weight, which he succeeded brilliantly.

    Body measurements, age, height and weight in 2018

    Before participating in a number of television projects, including “Dom-2,” Khalyavin’s weight ranged from 128 to 135 kg. A photo of Yegor during the project shows that, despite the excess weight, he looked quite cute. But, according to the participants of the show, she is still not attractive enough to count on a serious relationship.

    Khalyavin took his first steps to change his appearance at the beginning of 2015. Then his weight was 130 kg. In just 8 months, the guy lost three dozen kilograms. However, the transformation of his appearance did not end there. After normalizing the activity of the thyroid gland, the kilograms began to melt even faster.

    Egor was so carried away by the transformation process that he resorted to several plastic surgeries (including rhinoplasty and lip shape correction). If you look at the photo of Yegor Khalyavin before and after losing weight, you can see that his face has acquired a different shape.

    In 2018, Khalyavin weighs 90-92 kg with a height of 187 cm. For significant changes in appearance, he was nicknamed “Russian Ken.”

    The essence, principles and rules of the methodology

    On the Internet you can find information about completely different ways for a young person to lose weight. Many sources indicate that he resorted to the advice of domestic stars who lose weight with the help of green coffee or various pills. Other “well-wishers” are convinced that plastic surgery helped him achieve such results in a short time.

    Khalyavin himself claims that he was able to achieve his goal thanks to:

    • Normalization of the thyroid gland. The latter is responsible for all types of metabolic processes in the body. The slightest failure leads to the fact that any nutrients are no longer absorbed normally and are stored in the form of subcutaneous fat. If Khalyavin had not resorted to hormonal drugs, the kilograms would not have melted away so quickly.
    • The strictness of the diet was to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates to almost a minimum. This had to be done so that the body learned to draw energy from its own fat reserves. And switching to protein nutrition allowed me to form a beautiful body and make my muscles more prominent.
    • As with any other diet, Khalyavin advises everyone to drink 1.2-2 liters of water every day and not get carried away with coffee.
    • A 300-gram portion at a time is enough for the body to receive all the necessary substances. And such a volume of food is digested more easily than when eating the first, second and compote.

    Sample menu with recipes

    Khalyavin's main sources of energy are meat products with a minimal amount of fat. The same goes for fish.

    They need to be steamed, baked, boiled or stewed. Fry - under no circumstances. Barbecue is allowed once a week.

    You should also snack on protein foods: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, white omelette, cottage cheese casserole with fruit.

    Greens should be present occasionally in the diet. Even healthy salads without mayonnaise and other trans fats can be included in the diet in small quantities and only in the first half of the day. The same goes for fruits and cereals. And no sweets, flour, soda or alcohol.

    Approximately the Khalyavin menu:

    • Breakfast: three-white omelette with a minimum amount of salt, a slice of whole grain bread with cheese.
    • Snack: two boiled eggs, a glass of low-fat yogurt.
    • Lunch: chicken broth, grilled fish with vegetables.
    • Snack: 2 pieces of Adyghe cheese, a glass of low-fat yogurt.
    • Dinner: chicken fillet with oranges, baked in the oven, salad with avocado.
    • Before going to bed - a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir.

    Physical activity

    Khalyavin is convinced that it is impossible to achieve good results without physical activity. A trainer helped him practice. During the week, Yegor visited the gym three times, where he exercised on machines and with free weights (strength exercises helped tone his muscles and prevent sagging skin when losing weight). Two of the workouts were aerobic, meaning the heart rate did not rise above 150 beats per minute. Khalyavin combined running, cycling and swimming. In addition to the above listed loads, he walked 3 km daily.

    Hormone therapy

    Khalyavin does not talk in detail about hormonal therapy. But he does not hide the fact that only hormonal drugs helped improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and normalize the condition of the body. All previous attempts to lose weight through diet yielded almost no results precisely because of endocrine dysfunction.

    Speculation and truth

    The main speculation, which Khalyavin regularly refutes in interviews, is the use of Thai diet pills. As for plastic surgery, the young man has a positive attitude towards it and is not going to stop there.

    The main advice is not to delay with any decision and motivate yourself at every stage of losing weight. For Khalyavin, initially this motive was the desire to build relationships. Gradually, the process of changing his appearance fascinated him even more than the personal front. So the main thing, according to Yegor, is to set a goal.

    Personal secrets of the creator of the method

    There is only one personal secret: understand what you really want and do everything you can.

    08/21/2018 11:50 79 likes 2,748 9 comments

    Official Instagram Egor Kholyavin

    #Repost @barbieken_models with @get_repost
    Dear friends! We remind you that on August 6, a new GRAND international project “Barbie and Ken Models” @barbieken_models was launched
    In this regard, the Ren-TV channel filmed a report in our new office. The interview was given by our incomparable leader, the First Ken of Russia Egor Holyavin @egor_holyavin. Also, many media outlets became interested in us, and now you can find mentions of us in various publications. We are currently working globally to attract partners in the fashion industry. Beginners and Professional models, girls and young people, we are opening recruitment to our modeling studio. We also remind you that we are simultaneously opening a modeling school. In order to join our team, fill out the form on our website
    And remember our motto - “Beauty begins with you, and opportunities open with us”✨

    08/20/2018 21:46 854 likes 50 comments

    Official Instagram Egor Kholyavin

    We see each other so rarely @vika_chertina But our meetings are always not accidental This time with @nastyakraynova_ we tried on the new collection @chertina_mineev wow it’s so beautiful, I can’t wait for the presentation
    PS: Guys, how tall do you think #designerofGod Victoria Chertina is? Whoever answers correctly first will post your profile in my story (or any photo of you) Write your options in the comments

    08/13/2018 16:23 1,140 likes 267 comments

    Official Instagram Egor Kholyavin

    thank you for everything
    Happy Birthday my dear @dr.starbeauty
    PS: Guys, when is your birthday? I have #2405 Write your date in the comments, I will definitely congratulate you

    08/11/2018 00:11 1,403 likes 230 comments

    Egor Khalyavin: height, weight before and after ^

    Immediately after Yegor Khalyavin radically lost weight, gossip began to spread online about supposedly miraculous drugs, thanks to which he was able to achieve such results.

    Nowadays it is not difficult to obtain photographs of famous personalities, which is what some sites decided to take advantage of, using Egor’s photographs to compare “before” and “after”.

    Of course, the former participant in the reality show “Dom-2” Yegor Khalyavin never took diet pills, which he repeatedly said, but for some time people still had doubts about the veracity of his words, and on forums they increasingly began to assume that he even decided to have surgery.

    If we think more realistically, it becomes clear that Yegor Kholyavin noticeably lost weight not surgically or with the help of drugs, but thanks to a diet, since his weight did not decrease sharply, but gradually, otherwise it would have been noticeable literally immediately.

    In addition, the young man often visits the pool and does aerobic training, which played an important role in getting rid of kilograms, because sport accelerates the burning of fat cells.

    Photos before and after

    Yegor Khalyavin lost weight: before and after

    Now Yegor Khalyavin’s height and weight are 187 cm and 92 kg, but at the very beginning of his participation in the project he weighed 130 kg. No one knows what prompted him to make such changes, but the result is obvious: in 7-8 months he lost as much as 38 kilograms!

    Egor Khalyavin with Marina Afrikantova: photo

    Such weight loss by Yegor Kholyavin did not leave anyone indifferent, and many became interested in how he managed to achieve incredible success. In fact, everything is very simple: he used a special diet, and to this day he plays sports.

    Secrets of losing weight by Yegor Khalyavin

    • You need to limit the amount of any carbohydrates in your diet, but give protein foods the main advantage. Among athletes, such nutrition is called “cutting”, because proteins are the best way to help get rid of fat accumulations without affecting muscle mass;
    • An important condition is sports: for example, you can run, swim, or just walk quickly;
    • You should not eat fatty, sweet, smoked or pickled foods, as well as baked goods.

    Such nutrition is quite effective: this is also proven by how much weight Yegor Kholyavin from Dom-2 lost, because even the most strict diets sometimes do not give such excellent results.

    How Yegor Kholyavin lost weight: diet, rules and recipes ^

    Yegor Khalyavin lost weight: before and after photos

    Rules for losing weight from Yegor Khalyavin

    • It is necessary to eat lean types of meat or fish, boiled eggs, seafood, egg whites, low-fat fermented milk drinks, but vegetables, fruits, herbs, and cereals should be limited, because. they contain carbohydrates;
    • It is advisable to eat at the same time with short breaks.

    Check your body fat %, BMI and other important parameters Height cm
    Weight, kg
    Waist cm
    Neck cm
    Hips cm
    GendermanwomanActivity levelsedentarymoderate activityactive activityResetCount

    Thanks to following these simple rules, Yegor Khalyavin from House-2 lost 38 kilograms, and, as he now claims, he is not going to stop there.

    Diet of Yegor Khalyavin: menu

    Below is an approximate sample menu, because in how Yegor Khalyavin lost weight, nutrition plays a decisive role:

    • When we wake up, we eat a little steamed protein omelet and drink a cup of green tea;

    Egor Khalyavin: height 187 cm, weight 92 kg

    • For lunch we eat low-fat cottage cheese (100 g);
    • We have lunch with boiled chicken breast or any other lean meat;
    • For afternoon tea we drink a glass of compote;
    • We have dinner with a light seafood salad.

    Knowing what diet Yegor Kholyavin was on, you can take advantage of his diet by creating a menu for yourself every day, taking into account all the rules and secrets of losing weight that the young man told.

    Yegor Khalyavin's diet recipes

    The foods he consumed played an important role in how Yegor Kholyavin lost weight, and at the moment there are three recipes that can be used to prepare tasty and healthy food.

    White omelette recipe:

    • Beat the whites separated from the yolks with salt and milk;
    • Pour everything into a steamer container and cook for 20 minutes.

    Chicken breast recipe:

    • Remove the skin from the brisket, throw it into a pan, fill it with water, add carrots, onions and salt;
    • Cook until done, strain the broth and drink separately.

    Seafood salad recipe:

    • Boil the shrimp, then peel them;
    • We cut tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers, mix everything, add salt and season with low-fat sour cream.
  • The Dom-2 project gave Russian show business many new media faces. These included singer Olga Buzova, socialite Alena Vodonaeva, actress Natalya Bardo, Instagram star and one of the presenters of the project Ksenia Borodina. Now Yegor Khalyavin, who is unstoppable in his desire for ideal beauty and a doll-like appearance, has caught his finest hour.

    The guy had just begun his journey of body and face transformation when the domestic media recognized him as the Russian Ken. Let's find out how Yegor Khalyavin changes, namely his face and body before and after plastic surgery.

    Dom-2 as a launching pad in life

    On May 2, 2014, a cute boy Yegor Khalyavin came to the hyper-popular television project. The guy looked like a gallant good-natured man who smiled sweetly. Half of the girls in the project did not accept Yegor because of his obesity, despite his sharp mind, rationality, and sense of humor.

    Egor stayed at the television production site for about a year. He tried unsuccessfully to build love with Tanya Kirilyuk and Marina Afrikantova.

    The organizers of the show have more than once helped the participants go through the transformation of their appearance in order to build love on the project and successfully realize themselves outside of it. Egor was recommended a special diet and a sports complex. The guy lost 20 kilograms in a short time and was even chosen with his other half to live in the Seychelles.

    This couple became the pioneers of Love Island. But you won’t be nice by force, and Khalyavin still had to leave the project. The guy was not upset at all and began to work hard on his body and appearance.

    Changes after leaving

    As soon as Egor left the project, he began posting photographs on the global network with noticeable changes in appearance. Despite the fact that the guy lost a lot of weight on the project, Egor also decided to change his appearance.

    He removed the so-called Bisha lumps on the cheeks. Yegor's face became thin and doll-like. And cosmetologists also pumped hyaluronic acid into the guy’s lips and corrected the oval of his face. Even Yegor Khalyavin acquired clear, beautiful outlines.

    The young man announced to his fans that he was going to see a plastic surgeon again to get his body in order. Egor wants to make his appearance ideal, like his foreign doll “brothers”. In the last photos you can see how Khalyavin visits a plastic surgeon and he applies markings to his body.

    Doctors used a surgical marker to mark on the guy’s body his future breasts, ideal six-pack abs, oblique abdominal muscles and back contour.

    Khalyavin not only went through the listed manipulations of plastic surgeons, but also not so long ago, Egor did liposuction, removed the mucous membrane, tightened his eyelids, and enlarged his buttocks. The guy himself says that with each operation (and he has already completed 11 of the required 30) he feels more confident. With the help of surgeons, he removed excess fat deposits from his face and even used a facelift using threads.

      Would you like to have rhinoplasty?

    The guy posts every photo of his transformation, which brings him closer to his goal.

    Egor believes that it is these plastic surgeries that will make his body perfect. In total, he needs to go through 30 operations to get closer to the intended result. One can only envy Yegor’s perseverance and determination. He ignores the malicious outbursts of commentators against him. Some individuals are very annoyed that Yegor Khalyavin has changed a lot in appearance. He is constantly given examples of what he was like before and what he became after. But it is difficult to dissuade the young man.

    Egor admits that he is in a protracted rehabilitation period; he always feels bad after operations. But the guy steadfastly endures all the hardships of fate and waits for the transformation to be completed.

    How it all began

    After leaving the youth television project, Khalyavin was contacted by an American company that deals with plastic surgery. They made Yegor an offer to go through their casting. At that time, he broke up with his girlfriend and decided it was time to change his life. At that time, the young man weighed 150 kilograms, and the company needed powerful advertising of its services, in other words, resonance.

    After plastic surgery is completed, the production of boy dolls in the likeness of Yegor will be launched in America. He has many contracts with modeling agencies around the world. A show about changes in Khalyavin’s appearance will be launched on popular channels.

    According to Yegor, after the first changes he was hit with a barrage of negativity on social networks. But the purposeful guy says that this is nothing compared to what he had to endure on the famous TV set. There he went through a good school of life, when every day began with humiliation against him because of his obesity. Egor notes that everyone changes themselves as they want. Some people like sports, others follow the same path as he did. The only thing that really hurts the guy is the sarcastic comments about his future, in particular, his children.

    Evil critics write to Khalyavin that he will not be able to change his genetics and his children will be the same as he was before plastic surgery. The guy wants to start a family, because he recently turned 30 and is completely ready for such a serious step.

    Yegor tries not to tell his mother about his plastic surgeries. She is very worried about her son and changes in his appearance. Yegor Khalyavin does not communicate with his maternal relatives. Before and after the plastic surgery, they did not support him in any way because of their biased attitude towards the guy’s lifestyle. But he is very friendly with his sister, who helps him in everything.

    There are opinions that if Khalyavin finally goes through with the implementation of his plan to change his appearance, he will become a completely different person. Egor will not even remotely resemble the guy who came to Dom-2 to build.

    Egor Kholyavin
    ​Photo: Instagram

    Yegor Kholyavin, who during his participation in the project was an immense young man who was not very popular with girls, went to the other extreme. Not only has he exhausted his body with endless plastic surgeries, but now there are also reasons to suspect him of anorexia.

    Yegor Kholyavin lost a lot of weight. In the new photo, which the ex-participant published on the microblog, he looks fragile and delicate even compared to how he was three months ago. Egor does not say how many kilograms he lost during this time, but it is obvious that he lost a lot. And if just recently Kholyavin was afraid to gain weight, now he is asking the question: how can he gain weight?

    This is what Yegor Kholyavin looked like three months ago
    ​Photo: Instagram

    Egor turned to subscribers for advice.

    “SOS! - he wrote under the photo on the microblog. - I'm alive. I'm completely thin... What should I do? How to gain weight? Where is this golden mean? Or maybe we should leave everything as it is? Help".

    Yegor Kholyavin accompanied the post with several hashtags, including “anorexia.” Probably, in this way, “living Ken” makes it clear that he is close to this terrible diagnosis, and if so, then urgent measures need to be taken.

    And this is what Yegor looks like now
    ​Photo: Instagram

    Surprisingly, Yegor Kholyavin’s subscribers are only annoyed by such appeals to them. They call the young man a whiner and believe that he simply demands attention to his person.

    “Why do people turn into whiners and pitiful creatures? Egor needs a psychotherapist. There is nothing left of the man and it’s not just about weight,” “The golden mean will be when you, Egorka, love yourself for who you are, and not constantly remake yourself. You are a charming, intelligent, charismatic young man. Be healthy and love yourself. This is very important,” “It would be better to gain more brains, not more weight,” people say on the Internet.

    Egor Kholyavin - photographs of a Dom-2 participant after numerous plastic surgery of the face and body.

    Yegor Kholyavin is a former participant in the reality show Dom-2. Born on May 24, 1987 in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow region. According to the horoscope, Gemini. Grew up in an average family. Having reached conscription age, he served in the army in a unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. After the army, he entered MSUTU and received a specialty in finance.

    He came to the project on May 2, 2014 and stayed there for a year. During this time, the guy did not build a relationship, but decided to completely change.

    Yegor’s height is 187 centimeters, and his weight after leaving the television set was 92 kilograms. When Kholyavin came to the project, he weighed 130 kilograms.

    Now the guy bears the title of the first “Russian Ken”. To look like the iconic American doll, he has already undergone more than 10 plastic surgeries.

    Thanks to experienced surgeons, Yegor's waist was narrowed by redrawing the oblique muscles, and abs were sculpted from the remnants of the fat layer.

    Implants were inserted into the guy's chest, they added volume to his buttocks, and made his shoulders wider. Kholyavin’s face also underwent major changes. He underwent three-dimensional cheekbone reduction, rhinoplasty, and chin correction.

    By September 2017, Egor, according to the terms of the contract, had to completely transform into Ken. The guy had to undergo another 15 plastic surgeries, which were already paid for by sponsors. However, there is no information whether he performed these operations, but it is known that Yegor’s health has greatly deteriorated due to plastic surgery already performed on his body. It is possible that he will never make it all the way to Ken, because now Egor is going through a long road of recovery

    Recently, Egor finally answered the question of why he needed all this. It turned out that it was all because of tragic love on the Dom-2 project, then he wanted to turn his life around and prove to everyone that he can be beautiful. The plastic surgery performed on his face really made Yegor more attractive and courageous.

    How Yegor Khalyavin changed: photos before and after plastic surgery.

    The Dom-2 project gave Russian show business many new media faces. These included singer Olga Buzova, socialite Alena Vodonaeva, actress Natalya Bardo, Instagram star and one of the presenters of the project Ksenia Borodina. Now Yegor Khalyavin, who is unstoppable in his desire for ideal beauty and a doll-like appearance, has caught his finest hour.

    The guy had just begun his journey of body and face transformation when the domestic media recognized him as the Russian Ken. Let's find out how Yegor Khalyavin changes, namely his face and body before and after plastic surgery.

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