Time management for women of different social statuses. Business lady: how to combine family and work. A business woman should not focus only on the company

Long gone are the days when representatives of the fairer sex were exclusively involved in housework. Many modern women establish business connections, make a career for themselves or open their own business. We will talk about how to become a business lady from scratch in this article.

Where to begin?

Are you interested in how to become a successful business lady? The most important thing is to start your business correctly. You should not immediately take out huge loans to purchase a ready-made enterprise. First of all, decide what you would like to do.


  • Choose a good business idea;
  • Read relevant literature;
  • Chat with successful entrepreneurs;
  • Collect everything Required documents and officially register your enterprise;
  • Attend trainings and seminars;
  • Invest your profits into business development to achieve better results.

What to do?

How to become a business lady and where to start to make your dream come true?
  • Look like a business lady. Buy expensive, high-quality things, wear moderate makeup. Your appearance should indicate your success;
  • Try to communicate more often with people who have managed to achieve success. They will help you become more confident and believe in yourself. Communication with those who constantly complain about life should be limited;
  • Constantly engage in self-development;
  • Learn to think as if you own a big business;
  • Constantly striving for something new will help you achieve heights in any endeavor.

Children's beauty salon

If you are concerned about the question of how to become a business lady and open your own business, pay attention to the beauty industry. This line of business brings good profits at any time.

Rent small room and open a beauty salon for children. Grooming a child is a rather troublesome task that not every professional can handle. Hire hairdressers who love children and enjoy working with them. You can hire young specialists who have just completed their studies and don’t know. The room should be decorated with various pictures with fairy-tale characters so that the baby is not afraid to enter the beauty salon. Also hang a TV where your little visitor can watch cartoons while getting a haircut. Usually parents do not spare money for their children, so such a business will bring good profits.

Creative studio for children

Any mother believes that her baby is talented and special. But modern parents usually don’t have enough time to deal with it on their own. If you have a pedagogical education and have certain knowledge, open own business-children's creativity center or playroom. In this case, you won’t have to think about taking a teaching vacancy in some kindergarten. educational institution. You yourself will become an employer and will receive not only pleasure from your work, but also a good profit. The demand for educational activities with children is constantly growing, so you will not experience a shortage of clients. This is a fairly profitable business that does not require large initial investments.

Cleaning of apartments and houses

Almost all women know how to clean and put things in order. Why not make money from it? To start such a business, you do not need large investments. It is enough to purchase necessary equipment for cleaning, buy cleaning products and you can advertise in the media to find your first customers. At first, you can do the cleaning yourself. If you can't handle the work yourself, hire 2-3 assistants to handle more orders.

Let's figure out who a business lady is? This is a woman who has business acumen and knows how to make money out of the blue. Cleaning is a simple and affordable business that can be opened in any city literally from scratch. If you take your business seriously and responsibly, over time you can become the owner of a large company.

Culinary products

Let's figure it out, shall we? First of all, he is a cook and pastry chef. Such professionals are needed always and everywhere. If you know how to cook well, you can open your own business, for example, producing culinary products or making custom cakes.

Modern people highly value original cooking, so they often order cakes from private pastry chefs. To do something like this you don't need a lot of money. start-up capital. It is enough to purchase the necessary equipment and purchase quality products.

You can advertise your services in in social networks and thematic forums on the Internet. This advertising option, despite its low cost, is quite effective. In the future, if successful, it will be possible to expand the business and increase profits.

Online trading

If you have firmly decided that I want to become a business lady, but don’t know where to start, try opening your own online store.

You can sell online:

  • Clothes and shoes;
  • Kids toys;
  • Training video courses and more.

Trade on your own resources and on other sites using partnership programs. In addition, you can engage in network marketing - distribute cosmetics, gift books or nutritional supplements. Before becoming a business lady, you can work sales representative in some large company to gain invaluable experience. After that, feel free to open your own business.

Via the Internet - this is a popular and profitable occupation, which you can start almost from scratch. Don't be afraid to try your hand in this direction.

Children's things to order

Young mothers who are in maternity leave, can start sewing children's clothes to order. Original high-quality clothes for kids are always in great demand. The model advertising the product is usually your child, dressed in beautiful, unusual things. In addition, you can make designer children's toys or make baby soap with natural extracts.

Trainings and seminars

Are you interested? Better try opening your own business. This is the most The best way earn money and at the same time, assert oneself. Women who have public speaking skills can conduct trainings on various topics:

  • Family relationships;
  • Parenting;
  • Beauty and health;
  • Housekeeping.

At first, classes can be held at home. When the audience begins to expand, rent an office or training room.

Nowadays, online trainings are very popular. Using Skype, you can communicate with your students, without having to spend money on renting an office, which will significantly reduce the payback period for your business.

Handmade souvenirs

Almost every woman has some useful hobbies. This could be embroidery, knitting, making souvenirs, etc. Any hobby can be turned into a business that will generate good income. You can sell your products online. Author's items are in great demand, especially on foreign sites. When your business begins to expand, open your own gift shop, where you can sell not only your products, but also other goods.


There are different ideas on the basis of which you can create a profitable promising business. Many of them do not require a large initial investment. During the work process, certain difficulties may arise, but do not get upset ahead of time. If you encounter setbacks, never give up. Love your business, and it will definitely become successful.

“You need to hire intelligent people. Because they think not only about themselves, but also about the space around them. Such a person will not make you hostage to the trust you place in him. And you need to trust if you take on a team talented people. Basically, you just need to not interfere with people's work. In Russia this is difficult, because we are an Asian country, and we are famously successful in all the pyramidal structures when the leader gets involved in everything. I’m trying to build a flat company, my task is to inspire and push people to perform great deeds. Especially boys. Our vulnerable boys, whom the country made such, our system has been destroying men’s will for more than five hundred years.

A person needs to be allowed to express himself and cultivate the chemistry of success in him. And also give the right to make mistakes - let him learn. What is happening in our company is well-organized chaos. I am a brand custodian, that is, someone who upholds the values ​​and spirit of the company.

The leader must be a moderator, someone who understands and sees what is good, what is bad and where the quality level is. The main thing is that any employee, faced with a problem, can approach you as the “conscience of the brand” for advice. It costs a lot. I am first and foremost a team member. In general, I have a lot of personal relationships with my employees. We don’t have an aunt who is responsible for the deadline - you are responsible for it, you look the client in the eye. Therefore, there is no question of forcing someone. You can't keep everything to yourself.

In our company, everything is built on anti-taboos. Right now we desperately need gays. We need such a human texture, because a gay man could come up with something for a brand of tights - who else but him? We only have taboos against scoundrels, scoundrels and gossips.”

Natalya Kasperskaya, General Director of InfoWatch

“For some reason, many people think that vertical growth is good and want to manage someone. I am especially surprised when people immediately after school go to study to become managers. Since childhood, I have been an activist and always tried to control someone. Several years ago I received my MBA, but I am skeptical about the idea of ​​a business education. It is impossible to teach business - it must be in the blood. If it were that simple, everyone would become a Rothschild.

In fact, you have to rely on your intuition, knowledge of the market and understanding of people. When I hire a person and a person has an MBA degree, then this is not a good sign for me. After interviewing two candidates, with and without this diploma, I will choose the second. MBA graduates have more ambitions, they inflate their salaries and believe that they already know everything.

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When I hire a person, I don't rely on intuition. My experience, unfortunately, shows that the higher the position, the more difficult it is to determine professional suitability. If you hire a marketing director, he is already so prepared for the interview and knows all the questions in advance that it is not clear what he will be like in the job. I manage developers. On the one hand, it’s easier - they understand everything themselves, but on the other hand, it’s more difficult, because many of them are much smarter than me. Ordering, banging your fist on the table is not my story, although there have been cases. But in general, top managers do not need minute instructions.”

Tatyana Rogachenko, owner of Jean Louis David salons

“In my business, working with people is the most difficult thing. Because everyone is a key figure. His emotions can have both a positive and negative impact on the client. Even the best master is not immune from this. I consider myself a flexible and diplomatic person, I always try to remain calm. I allow myself emotions only in my personal life.

Many people think I'm tough. One of my former employees wrote that I was a bitch. Perhaps because I am a demanding leader. But at the same time, I really like to train staff and pass on my experience to them.

I'm lucky, I get paid to do what makes me happy. My principle in life is not to reinvent the wheel. Therefore, when I decided to open beauty salons in Russia, I chose the franchise path.

Our clients are more picky than in the West. And men stop being shy. They not only get their hair cut, but also get their nails done – this is already a must. Pedicure and cosmetologist are on the way.”

  • Tatyana Berkovich, restaurateur

    “In the restaurant business, as in any other, the main thing for a manager is fairness. That is, do not allow yourself to act under the influence of emotions and personal sympathies. I always try to explain and put them in my place: “What if you yourself...” I try to create an atmosphere in the restaurant. I always tell my employees: “Bring everything good you have here. All problems should stay at home.” I teach them by example. They are young, but not stupid, and they understand that I will not give bad advice. I worked as a bartender in a nightclub in Düsseldorf, and how lucky it was that everything would come in handy. Purely everyday and management skills can only be acquired from life - no gymnasiums teach this.

    Our people have become more knowledgeable about food. With France, everything is clear - the cooks there are hereditary, in the fifth generation. What's here? It is clear that if you eat potatoes and pasta for 70 years, then at the level of genetics they degenerate taste buds. We have talents, but there are only a few of them - we don’t yet have mass cooking. I don’t have a single foreign chef in my restaurant. All Russians, young guys. The less he knows, the better. Better from the bench of a culinary college. The only thing he should be able to do is peel potatoes. After all, retraining is much harder than teaching from scratch.

    I always ask if I served in the army. It means a lot to me - a man has to go through this! The kitchen should have military discipline. I have a favorite - Jamie Oliver. He's brilliant! In everything. He is not afraid of food and treats himself with humor. After all, as soon as a person starts taking himself seriously, it’s all over. No matter how expert he is, he is a fool.”

    Maria Maksimchuk, conductor of the Moscow Musical Theater named after. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko

    “As a child, I was afraid to be alone on stage, so I decided to become a conductor - he is always in the company. A female conductor always has to prove something. This is a very ambitious profession and the competition is fierce. Like in an enclosure. Artists require extremely tight management. My dad led the army, and a big one - you can’t show emotions there. But in music it’s the other way around. When you get into a rage, it’s clearer to the artists.

    Although the conductor is also a commander. Because he risks himself, is the first to go ahead, and people follow him. He is responsible for everything. As soon as the conductor begins to play to the audience, the orchestra begins to do the same. You need to love and trust the orchestra, because how can you take responsibility for something you don’t love? An orchestra is a one-time presence in one mood, one thought. As soon as you think about something else, everything falls apart. A lot depends on the degree of concentration and involvement of the conductor.

    I see the eyes of everyone in the orchestra, and it is important that they look at me. Otherwise, the artist will sit and read “Soviet Sport”. There is no such thing as female conducting. Rocking, waving your arms – this shouldn’t happen. We must do everything like a man. They are structured in such a way that their gesture pattern organically develops - it is more correct, stingy and strong.”

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  • Elena Yatsura, producer

    “Gender issues in the profession are still an open topic for me. Despite the grandiose achievement list, the men pretend that they are in command. I'm a stubborn person. But everything must be resolved through negotiations. Including the creative staff, who have their own cunning and stubbornness and who are the most difficult to work with, even though they are the smallest. My employees are not afraid of me because I don’t hire cowards. I like to teach if I see that there is ability.

    I have a peculiar relationship with money, which is probably why I still haven’t learned to ask for it. I say right away that this is not quick money. During the time of default, it was such that for the cinema I borrowed... two thousand from my aunt, two from friends, and for the first time in my life I took four on credit. Cinema - not Goldmine, as many people think. Loans, investors, business plans, market analysis every three months. The story that “guys, give us money, and everything will be back in six months” does not work - you have to answer for everything.

    The peculiarity of Russian business, in particular cinema, is that the main one who does not understand who a producer is and how everything should be arranged is the state. It mindlessly interferes in everything, instead of engaging in the development of new technologies and promotion. We have an impeccable audience, and it’s a lie that they only watch pop music. You just need to be able to sell and build cinemas in the provinces. It’s terribly convenient to say that the public is an idiot.”

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    The society is interested. A large amount of money attracts attention and is annoying. Many people want to believe that they, these “rich” people, “also cry”, that they have a lot of problems. And all only because it is simply impossible not to pay attention to business women: they are socially active.

    Meanwhile, say, a music teacher or an engineer at an institute is an equally interesting object for the attention of psychologists. And what distinguishes them from businesswomen is the absence of small specific problems. Therefore, it would be more correct to talk about the problems of professionally oriented women in general.

    After all, both the owner of her enterprise and the teacher at school have a certain range of common problems: work, if a woman takes it seriously, takes away from her a large number of strength, thoughts, creativity, time. And, accordingly, all the problems that professionally oriented women face can be divided into “work” and “personal”.


    1. How to avoid becoming a workaholic?

    The main problem for a working woman. In this global theme The question also includes: “should I become?” On the one hand, this is perhaps the safest of addictions - it generates self-confidence, a thirst for life, and allows a woman to feel like an extraordinary person. But, on the other hand, “workaholism” leads to the deterioration of other aspects of life, primarily personal life, leads to stress, overexertion, a feeling of lack of freedom and discomfort from this dependence.

    2. Playing on a foreign field.

    Second important problem- unequal starting conditions in business for men and women. It is still relevant in our still patriarchal culture. It is believed that business is a man's business, that women are not capable of leading, that being a leader is not a woman's business.

    As a result, in order for a woman to receive equal respect with a man, she needs to spend not as much effort as a man, but 2.5 times more! This generates its own psychological problems. And as a rule, again, not only work problems (difficulty of negotiations, conflict, aggressiveness of women in business), but also personal ones.

    There is a well-known opinion that “no matter what a woman does, she should remain feminine and charming.” And when she - simply due to business conditions - has to be uncharming, statements like: “Well, what do you want from her - she works hard for days!” or even worse: “Is she on her period?!” By the way, in American culture, psychology textbooks recommend that women respond to such a sexist attack: “No, I’m just ANGRY!”

    3. Everything should be in order on the farm!

    Many women - due to upbringing and traditions - have an attitude that a good woman should have cleanliness and stock in her apartment. clean linen, products, the child must be healthy. To this attitude is added the “Soviet sense of duty” - to the family, to the state. And so the woman becomes terrified that everything is flowing past her, life is uncontrollable. Yes, a woman is indeed socially trained to be responsible for many little things. But this perfectionistic attitude is often carried over by women to the workplace.

    The level of concern becomes higher, since in any business there are many more things than in the house that cannot be controlled by one person. Because of the desire to personally control absolutely everything, it is much more difficult for women to delegate authority at work.

    What danger lies in the desire to “do everything better than everyone else”? Permanent stressful state female leaders, at least. In addition, this clearly harms the work: not having time to keep track of everything, but not giving leadership to subordinates, a woman loses in business! This problem also exists in Western culture. Even the psychological term “superwoman complex” was created: “ideal mother, daughter, wife, housewife, boss.”

    In itself, the need for high achievements in everything at once is not very healthy. You need the ability to somewhere say to yourself “stop” or “I’ll do it the way I do it!”, to develop in yourself, so to speak, “healthy indifference”! And the main skill that needs to be developed is not the ability to “jump as high as possible,” but the ability to set the bar yourself! And within reasonable limits female attention attention to detail and the pursuit of perfection are not a minus, but a plus for a business woman.


    Personal problems Business lady are the same as those of their “home” friends. These are family problems, problems of misunderstanding with children, dissatisfaction with oneself, loneliness. But due to busy work and lack of emotional strength to communicate with loved ones, these problems are especially aggravated for them.

    Children for whom there is not enough time, husbands who need to “pour out their souls” to someone, but instead they are forced, at best, to while away the time watching TV, and at worst, listen to complaints about work from their wives. In addition, there is no need to discount the pride of husbands - not every man can calmly tolerate having a strong, independent, wealthy woman nearby.

    The result is problems in the family. But problems in the family inevitably affect business!

    But for those who do not have families, the situation is no better. It is not so easy for a business woman to get married - a new one or the first. This is often associated with women’s lack of self-confidence: they do not perceive themselves as attractive women, knowing, suspecting and often mistaken that men see them only as a business partner.

    As a result, they do not know how to present themselves, do not know purely feminine ways of communicating with men - and again we return to the problem of “role conflict”: they behave like men, dress like men and think like men. This loss of identification can be very painful. And you also need to work with it separately or in groups.

    Another problem: it’s difficult for men to accept that a woman can, maybe knows, no less than they do. So it turns out that, on the one hand, business women are trying to look for a “life partner” among businessmen, they gravitate towards socially close circles, but on the other hand, our successful women have nothing to count on in their environment!

    Another side of the problem of loneliness is a woman’s fear of losing her freedom. Successful women experience big problems when someone tries to control their life. All the problems that our society has just faced have been experienced by women in the West. They have long gone through the “school of survival” in a world dominated by male values. Women's groups provided great assistance in this regard personal growth and individual consultants.

    It has become the norm in Western culture that successful women have their own psychologist, just like they have their own hairdresser or dentist. The second most common topic of discussion in business women’s social conversations is the topic of personal growth. Most business women, when asked whether they would choose something different if they were starting over, think for a long time, and you can see proposals from Arab sheikh and similar opportunities, but then they say apologetically: “I would have done a lot differently, but in general, no!” This means that in general, they can and should be happy!

    Based on materials from: Personnel Training Center “Class”
    Ekaterina Mikhailova

    The path to success is not strewn with rose petals. Everyone knows this. And if the path to successful career If a woman builds it, then it is doubly difficult. Business lady– a woman running a business, creating commercial structures, focused only on financial success. However, it is not always important for a woman to be a leader.

    Who is building the business?

    Businesses are built by people who take risks when creating something new. They know that having invested money, they need not only to return it, but also to increase it.

    A successful business lady is prone to taking risks, but within reason, in order to accomplish her own assigned tasks. Successful woman always predicts the result of his actions and clearly knows where to invest money to obtain maximum profitability.

    TO strengths Women businessmen can be classified as sociability, initiative, the ability not only to select a team, but also to work in it, talent for communication, a strong-willed personality. It's not so easy to be a businesswoman.

    Stereotypes about successful women:

    1. A successful business lady is successful not only at work, but also in her personal life.
    2. A business woman prioritizes her career; family is not important to her.

    There is some truth to these stereotypes. Women who have successful business, even if they have a family, they pay minimal attention to it. Of course, everything needs harmony. But practice shows that improperly organized time and low efficiency of a domestic businesswoman prevents her from working on two fronts. “Soviet” upbringing gets in the way - we were taught for years that for efficient work you need to work 50 hours a day. That’s why midnight work, protracted presentations, etc. have become the norm.

    Of course, with such a distribution there is no time left for family. The mistake of our post-Soviet workers is the incorrect allocation of time and the inability to delegate authority to their employees. The myth of “presence” also serves negatively - not a single enterprise has ever collapsed if the manager does not control every second.

    Successful business lady and their categories

    Of course, taking into account the factors described above, your personal life is falling into the abyss. In such a situation, a business woman can be classified into two categories.

    Women of the first category understand that they cannot forget about family. They try to find time to walk with their children, communicate with them, spend quality time, although not very much. A successful woman will always find time for her family.

    Our business women and those who are abroad are directly opposite. In other countries, both time management and delegation of authority are excellent. Foreign business women devote more time to their families and children.

    The work of a successful business woman and her psychological problems

    Women additionally have to face many psychological difficulties, including the male team. Entrepreneurs for the most part treat their colleagues with disdain. Every day a woman has to defend her right to a place in the sun. Being successful is not easy.

    The second problem is often illiteracy and unpreparedness, this can apply to both men and women. Our entrepreneurs can't stand up for their space and emotional health. As a result, incorrectly conducted negotiations, incorrect distribution of time and tasks between their subordinates. Such intense work can have an extremely negative impact on nervous system women. Often, lack of self-control due to nervous exhaustion contributes to divorce and loss of contact with children. Only professionalism will help solve the problem. If a business woman is a professional of the highest class, then the male team will follow her and appreciate her merits.

    What qualities does a business woman need?

    Not every woman can be a businesswoman. According to statistics, only 10-15% of people have a business sense. To be successful you need to be highly developed intellectually, sociable, courageous, have leadership qualities, and it is very important to be able to correctly set tasks and goals. It is important to learn how to negotiate and accept right decisions. Remember, business is hard work and you need to be prepared that you won’t be able to rest and relax. Try to achieve harmony and be successful in your affairs and endeavors.

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