Why does a man look at his hands. Why do men pay attention to women's legs

Are men so mysterious that their thoughts cannot be understood? For an observant woman, much of what for a frivolous woman will remain a secret behind seven seals will not be hidden.. What are the signals that he likes you? One intuition is not enough here, but at your disposal are the sciences of physiognomy and psychology.

sincere disposition

If he likes you, he begins to behave a little insecure: he begins to straighten his clothes, fiddling with some object in his hands, be it a tie, a button, a pen or a cigarette. All his gestures indicate that he is located towards you.: if he shakes your hand, it is turned towards you with a palm, he turns his whole body towards you, the toes of his shoes are also directed towards you.

desire to be closer

If the guy is at a sufficient distance from you when communicating, then it’s too early to talk about rapprochement, but if the distance between you is reduced to half a meter, then he, consciously or not, wants to invade your intimate zone. The most courageous representatives of the stronger sex tend to touch the object of desire as often as possible.: he gladly hugs you at a meeting, tries to shake hands if you are not so close, touches you during a conversation, and so on.

sexual cues

Standing, he puts his hands on his hips, belt or in the back pockets, sitting puts them on outstretched legs - this is the desire to draw attention to the lower body. And, of course, here too, his touch can tell a lot. The longer he keeps his hands on yours, the greater his desire to possess you.

Looks that express sympathy

Even the most courageous man is shy in front of the one who struck him on the spot. He can stealthily throw passionate glances at you, enjoying your facial expressions, gestures, figure, hair. He examines you from head to toe, imagining how he will feel you in his arms. Seeing such views is difficult, but real. Sharply turn your eyes to him - if you see embarrassment or undisguised passion, then you are definitely attracted to him and he is not averse to starting a relationship with you.

Signals in a conversation

The ability to carry on a conversation is a rare gift that will certainly attract the opposite sex. If you see a man discussing some issues with you with interest, consults with you and tries to take your side in the conversation, which means that he is trying to please, and this already says a lot.

Of course, the main thing in any person is his inner world, his soul, moral and ethical qualities. This is what makes us human, makes us show feelings and emotions, sympathize, rejoice, share and help our own kind.

But does all of the above apply to a fleeting male glance from the bus window at a woman walking along the sidewalk?

So where does a man look when he sees a woman

Or a male look, in the summer on the terrace, facing the next table at which he sits beautiful lady? Maybe on the beach a man is looking for spiritual beauty in women, without attaching any importance to naked bodies?

Most likely no. And this is understandable, libido is above all at some point. And to resist the call of a sexual herald is simply unnatural.

What do we look at first of all, what is our gaze fixed on, even if we do not want to show it so clearly?

Women's legs

Women's legs. No matter what happens, no matter how the sky crashes to the ground and no matter how much American astronomers threaten us with the planet Nibiru and giant asteroids that will destroy the Earth in 2 billion years, we still look immediately and always at women's feet.

This is a song, this is our dawn, our "Sapsan stop-cock". Long, slender, in pantyhose, stockings, naked, with or without heels, women's legs always stop us, attract our eyes, make our heads spin around our necks like a top.


Breast. The gaze smoothly rises, and we are fascinated and ready to look without stopping at the female breast. I don’t even think to drag in here our subconscious desire to feed, and everything related to the mother.

Let's leave it to the psychologists who make money on it. We have our, man's truth. Well, tell me how not to admire a woman's breasts?

Show me someone who is not interested, does not excite and does not attract the eye, and I will send him to Mars, Jupiter or Tatooine! Let it not spoil us, men, the feeling of beauty! and yes, in this case it is not entirely clear, but still, or has it ?!

female eyes

Eyes. Yes, even if third, they are on the list of our preferences, but they will tell us everything. After all, a woman feels our gaze, and knows that we have already appreciated our legs, we have already fallen in love with her breasts, and now we look into her eyes, hoping to see approval there.

After all, we admire and it is in her power to inform us of her decision, to give us preference today, to approve and allow us to enjoy. The color of the eyes is not so important to us, but it can additionally excite us, interest, intrigue us, in the end, but the expression is more important to us!

After all, it can tell us a lot, tell us and push the timid to the first step, and the confident to action.

We look at the buttocks, at the hands and fingers, the color of the manicure, the neckline on the blouse and the length of the skirt. These are all secondary moments, they include our fetishes, sexual preferences, our “troubles”, but first of all, these are legs, chest, eyes.

A bit of humor on the topic

And what makes us human, the most important and fundamental, always remains with us, but we will learn its fundamentality later, over time, and not now, not immediately, not when the eye is riveted to ...

P.S. At the University, a lecturer in the subject "advertising and PR" told an anecdote from the series "I'm turned on Freud."

A young woman comes to Freud and speaks.

- I dreamed of a banana. Tell me, what could this mean?

Freud answered the woman.

- Sometimes a banana is just a banana.

Sometimes a woman is just a woman, beautiful and desirable, everything else - then ....

According to psychologists, non-verbal means communication can give a lot of information about the interlocutor , including his attitude, feelings.

The stronger sex is most often inclined to remain silent and not give out his attitude in words, so the fair sex has to guess by non-verbal signs.

If you carefully observe, then facial expressions and gestures of a man in love will speak for themselves and you can guess what is happening inside him.

On the veracity of non-verbal signs

The facial expressions and gestures of a man in love will speak for themselves

They can be completely trusted. If a person’s speech has a meaningful character, he is able to control it, keep something back or lie, then non-verbal cues occur unconsciously and out of control . It is thanks to these signals that one can learn about true feelings, since most of the information is transmitted by them, and not by words.

Recognizing a man in love is not always easy. Many of them, wanting to hide their real feelings, try to appear unapproachable and cold. And it also happens that a man simply plays out a passion that he does not feel. But in this way he tries to seduce the woman he likes.

Facial expressions and gestures of a man in love can help to reveal true feelings.

Common signs of falling in love

Most psychologists are sure: in a conversation with an object of adoration, a man in love will impersonate himself with facial expressions and gestures. He will be energetic, agile, ready to accomplish feats. Especially if the woman you love is nearby.

Many lovers in general can lose control of themselves, do stupid things, say something out of place, which makes them embarrassed and worried.

It is possible to convey true feelings with the help of:

  • Eye;
  • movements;
  • body positions;
  • Appearance;
  • mouth;
  • Vote.
  • Mirror of the soul - eyes

    If a man looks directly into a woman's eyes, it means that his feelings for her are deep.

    When a man sees a woman he likes, his pupils begin to expand , there is a feeling that he just eats her with his eyes. If a man raises eyebrows up or one of them for a split second , then this is also a sign that a woman is attracted to him or he is in love with her.

    The gaze travels over the woman's body. First he will look into the eyes, and then lower and lower . This look is one of the most eloquent and tells the woman everything that is needed.

    It is also worth looking carefully into the eyes of a man caring for a woman. A cold and calm look is unlikely to be a sign of passion, despite fiery speeches. But if eyes wide open, pupils slightly dilated, eyebrows raised , and love shines in the very look - then one can hardly doubt the feelings of this person.

    It is also worth paying attention to gaze direction . If he aimed at a woman's eyes , then this would indicate that feelings experienced by strong sex are elevated and deep .

    If look aimed at the lips , then the man is clearly dreams of kissing .

    Movements characteristic of a lover

    On an unconscious, unconscious level with a beloved woman, a man will begin to correct something, smooth his hair, blow off dust particles, perform other actions that improve appearance . This is one of the sure signs that a man is not indifferent.

    In general, absolutely all psychologists are sure that a man begins to take care of himself more when he wants to please a woman.

    And it is true.

    body position

    A man, when he sees a woman he likes, tries to appear taller, slimmer. He will try to draw in his stomach, straighten his shoulders and back, and demonstrate the dignity of his figure.

    If a man sits next to a woman attractive to him or stands next to her, then the toes of his feet or torso will always be turned towards her . This will even be noticeable in large numbers of people.

    Interest will be given out and thumbs behind the belt, legs wide apart, hands on the hips, unbuttoning the top button on the shirt .

    He may accidentally touch women, thereby reducing the distance, incline above her.

    A man unconsciously copies the gestures and facial expressions of a woman he likes

    A man will unconsciously copy the gestures, movements, facial expressions of the woman he likes , which will mean the desire to protect. He can imperceptibly nod sometimes only with his eyes, listening to a woman, catching her gaze. During a conversation, his gestures will be expressive, even if we are talking About work. Thus, he tries to get into the zone of attention of a woman.

    So if a man often flashes before the eyes, comes close, tries to help, touch , then there can be no doubt - a woman attracts him. If he hugs the waist or shoulders, takes the hand, tries to support it under the elbow , then there is no doubt that he likes a woman. Moreover, such facial expressions and gestures of a man in love will, as it were, tell other representatives of the stronger sex that this woman is his, and others cannot claim.

    The facial expressions and gestures that indicate that a man is in a state of love include the desire to look good in front of the female sex. A man will try to take care of himself, dress up, be interested in perfumery, and keep his appearance neat. With a large number of such signals, it is safe to say that a man is at the stage of falling in love.

    If a man, talking to a woman, accidentally unbuttons a button on his clothes, takes off his jacket, watch, straightens his tie even if he doesn't wear it these gestures carry sexual overtones and clearly indicates that the man is eager to do business. His hands involuntarily reach for the neck or shoulders to straighten the collar.

    The mouth of a man in love may be slightly open, his lips may tremble. In addition, he can play with various objects, unconsciously touch them . Fingering keys, lighters will indicate interest and an attempt to relieve nervous tension.

    A man in love tries to touch the woman he likes

    Having noticed several such non-verbal signs, there is reason to think and observe more. A If same the whole set of the above non-verbal signs is observed, then it can be argued that the man is in love.

    The stronger sex, by its nature, is a master of conspiracy and will rarely be able to confess its love early, as there is a fear of rejection, weakness, vulnerability. But despite this, a woman will still be able to understand how a man treats her, especially if you learn how to correctly interpret facial expressions and gestures.

    Find out now

A man notices all the curves and shapes in female body. Especially the ones that set her apart from the rest. Those little details that make a woman attractive, sensual and unique.

Men do not need ideal body parameters, these canons of ideality are used exclusively for scientific and economic calculations, and in practice women are admired regardless of the length of the legs, body weight and eye shape.

By the way interesting fact, in men who look at the photo attractive women, those areas of the brain that are stimulated by cocaine and money are activated.


The structure of the female ankle reveals the true beauty and mystery of the female form. I think that high heels eloquently emphasize the individuality of the female leg.

Hollow under the chest

This place is always hidden under clothes. It beckons with its secret tenderness and fragility.


The buds of the earlobes are insanely cute: soft and pink, and puffy at the ends.

Part above the lip

A small part above the female lip, which is connected to the nose. Sensual-delicate zone.

Back side of the knee

It's that little fold. So fragile. And so well hidden. A lot of men just want to kiss this place.

back of the head

The back of the neck is where the spine ends and disappears behind scented hair. The very place that makes you feel close.


The shape of the cavity, between the shoulder and the upper part of the female shoulder, is beautiful. So subtle, smooth and graceful.

Also 8 more body parts that men admire!


For men, a deep look and a slight smile are magnetic.

soft hands

soft and soft skin women are like an elixir for a man. And her touch is magical.

long wavy hair

Healthy long hair are a sexual and feminine factor for a man. He likes to touch them with his hands and feel soft touches on his body.

sensual mouth

According to scientists, in the evolution of women's lips have become an indicator of arousal. This phenomenon in science is called “genital echo” - such a reaction female body, transmits an invisible but powerful signal to men.

Lipstick on soft and slightly plump lips looks incredibly sexy for men.

Long legs

Owners of long slender legs always excite men. The secret is simple - long legs riveted the male gaze on the point where they converge.

By the way, a figure can be considered proportional and ideal when the length of the legs is more than half the height. For example, if with a thin-boned body type with a height of 175 cm, the length of the legs is 96 cm, then this is ideal.

Firm chest

For men, the size of the female breast is not as important as its shape and elasticity, which are leading.

Narrow waist and rounded hips

At an unconscious level, a flat stomach and a wasp waist tell a man about elevated level estrogen in the body, which means increased female libido. A healthy woman of childbearing potential has ideal proportions, in which the waist is 60 to 70% of the hips. A lady with such parameters always attracts the attention of men. But as soon as this ratio starts to go off scale for 80%, men lose interest.

To calculate the ideal ratio, you need to divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference, the resulting ratio should be from 0.6 to 0.7. After doing some simple calculations, I was pleased with my proportions: 0.66 (61/92). By the way, the ideal beauties in the waist-to-hip ratio are: Venus de Milo - 70%, Marilyn Monroe 0.61 (56/91.5), Demi Moore 0.72 (66/91), Claudia Schiffer 0.67 (62/92), Kylie Minogue 0.70 ( 63/89).

And remember, it is not difficult to attract the attention of men with beautiful body proportions, but in order to keep his attention, you will need a rich inner world and natural femininity.

Good luck and Love to you! And of course beauty and harmony!

What are your favorite body parts?

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