Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya: biography and private collection. Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya - biography, information, personal life Are you from a family of writers?

The middle son of 55-year-old journalist and photographer Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya and the grandson of the famous poet Robert Rozhdestvensky got married today in Moscow. The mother herself wrote about the celebration on her microblog.

“Good wonderful autumn morning! Today is a wedding in our family!” - reported on her Twitter Chief Editor magazine "7 days" Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya. Rozhdestvenskaya’s middle son, 23-year-old Dmitry Biryukov, got married. He is fond of karting and has repeatedly defended the honor of the publishing house in competitions in this sport. Dmitry's fiancee's name is Oksana.

And Catherine’s friend, the famous TV journalist Oksana Pushkina, posted photos of preparations for the wedding on her microblog.

Let us recall that Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya is married to Dmitry Biryukov, first deputy general. director of the Gazprom-Media holding and president of the Seven Days Publishing House CJSC. The family has three sons: Alexey (born 1986) - musician, graduated from the Faculty of Economics; Dmitry (born 1989); Danila (born 2001).

On July 17, 1957, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya was born in Moscow. Her father is Robert Rozhdestvensky (famous Soviet poet). Mother - Alla Kireeva (literary critic).

The beginning of your career

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya entered MGIMO after graduating from school. She worked for the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. After that I made translations works of art from French and English. The list of more than a dozen novels includes works by John de Carré, J. Steinbeck, Somerset Maugham, Sidney Sheldon and others. She didn't work for some time. Catherine raised children and did housework.

creative idea

Publisher Dmitry Biryukov and his wife Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya were invited to the TEFI award ceremony in 1998. The biography of the woman, starting from this memorable day, has undergone significant changes. The ceremony was attended by many star artists, shining with their luxurious outfits.

Looking at celebrities, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya noted that there is a certain similarity between some of them and the characters in famous paintings. Her creative idea was supported by her husband.

Professional work

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya took up photography seriously in 1999. She published her first works in a magazine called “Caravan of Stories.” She is currently the author of more than three thousand photographs.

All of them were created for such projects as “Kinfolk” and “Fairy Tales”, “Private Collection” and “Vintage”, as well as “Associations”, “Classics” and “Still Lifes” and for many others.

"Private collection"

Photographer Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya has a unique business card. This is her first and most voluminous project, called “Private Collection”. The main idea was to recreate paintings painted by great artists of the past.

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya, whose “Private Collection” had big success, invited to become the heroes of filming famous Russian stars theater and TV, cinema and science, as well as the sports field. Since 2000, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya submits her works every month for publication in the Caravan of Stories magazine. Old paintings in this project sound new, and the scenery and makeup help them in this. At the end of 2001, the “Private Collection” collected photographs of more than two hundred famous people in the country and far beyond its borders.

As Ekaterina herself admitted, she based her first project on fantasy in the field of great works of art. The precision of makeup, costumes and scenery brought the works of the painters to life. An important factor in the success of the works was the charm of the stars, who shocked with their similarity to the originals and made us look at history with a bit of irony. Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya, whose work made it possible to create complex and multifaceted images, revealed her contemporaries by drawing an analogy with personalities from the past. Elena Obraztsova and Vladimir Spivakov, and Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Anatoly Karpov and Valentin Yudashkin, Joseph Kobzon and many other people known to us took part in this project.

Ekaterina Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya began photographing celebrity personalities in a way that no one had ever done before. She found the necessary props by visiting antique stores. Sometimes necessary things were bought abroad. The photographic portraits taken by the author are rich, bright and spectacular. They are made in the format of large paintings. The works are printed on canvas. Top layer serves as varnish.


Watching is a favorite pastime of many people. Of particular interest are those photographs that depict several generations of the family.

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya’s project “Kinfolk” aroused great interest among viewers. She dressed the Menshovs in costumes that were worn at the beginning of the twentieth century. The hippie image suited Presnyakov perfectly. Zapashnye captured by a photographer in the Colosseum arena Ancient Rome in the form of tiger-taming gladiators. Vladislav Tretiak's family looks great in French costumes from the early eighteenth century. There is a work in the “Kinfolk” project that depicts Artemy Troitsky with his wife, son and two daughters in the image of the Adams family. The photo represents a counterbalance to the dreary everyday life of modern society.

In all these works there is a share of self-irony, as well as pride in one’s family, combined with respect for traditions. For many very busy members of the clans photographed by the author, participation in the project became an opportunity to be close to their loved ones, and to do this in an unusual environment.

Men and women

The next project of the famous author is very popular among viewers. This is a series of photographs “Men and Women”. Star actors like Russian show business, and foreign, because it is very tempting to transform for a while, appearing before the audience in a completely different appearance, and then again turn out to be yourself.

As part of this project, Nikolai Baskov, as well as Sergei Makovetsky and Sergei Zverev, were involved in the roles of women. The male images were created by Irina Allegrova, Tina Kandelaki and Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

Film stars

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya dedicated her new project. She called him “Film Stars”. The collection of Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya includes images of great actresses who shone in the thirties-sixties of the twentieth century. Among them are Lyubov Orlova and Greta Garbo, Vera Kholodnaya and Audrey Hepburn, as well as Ada Gardner and Marlene Dietrich. These languid blondes, spectacular brunettes, and fatal red-haired beauties were objects to be imitated. Their style, makeup and hairstyles were copied by numerous fans.

In the “Film Stars” project, famous Russian women “tried on” the images of movie stars of the past. Among them are Valeria and Elizaveta Boyarsky, as well as Kristina Orbakaite and Olga Drozdova, and others. The works, done in black and white, allow viewers to see celebrities from very unusual angles. At the same time, they arouse the viewer’s interest in classical art, as well as in the history of costume and fashion.


This project by the famous photographer allows all viewers to plunge into the half-forgotten world of fashion for mothers and grandmothers. While admiring the magnificent works, each of us will take a trip to the recent past, looking at the models of skirts, coats and dresses, as well as the hairstyles of the fashion models depicted on the canvases. Pass before the viewer's eyes fashion trends forties-eighties of the last century. The photographs reflect things that women pass on from generation to generation, carefully taken out of ancient chests and stored, despite the transience of time.

History of underwear

The entire twentieth century is embraced in a new interesting project. Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya called it “The History of Lingerie.” The special cut of natural amazing fabrics, laces yellowed by time - all this brings back memories and slight sadness to the viewer. Daria Dontsova wrote unique texts for each work.

Pin-Lip Collection

Just like The Story of Lingerie, this project showcases the racy side of Everyday life last century. All photographs are made in the style of American posters intended for men. They depict beautiful girls with a minimum of clothing, standing in seductive poses. All photographs of the project provide real visual pleasure.

Fruitful work and personal life

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya shoots her photos for the cover of a magazine called “Caravan of Stories”, as well as for the popular newspaper “Seven Days”. Today her collection contains more than three thousand works. At the same time, Ekaterina Robertovna is the author of thirty photographic projects, which were demonstrated at seventy-five exhibitions in Russia and neighboring countries.

In 2005, the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Business of the Russian Federation awarded her the title of laureate of the National Award for Women's Achievement "Olympus". In 2009, Ekaterina was elected an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Rozhdestvenskaya is married. The family has three sons. The eldest is Alexey, he was born in 1986. The middle son is Dmitry (b. 1989). The youngest is Danila, he was born in 2001. Ekaterina’s husband, Dmitry Vladimirovich Biryukov, is the first deputy general director Russian holding company "Gazprom-Media" and president of CJSC Publishing House "Seven Days".

Ekaterina Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya is the daughter of a famous Soviet poet. A talented, intelligent, educated woman, Russian by nationality, with Polish roots inherited from her father. Translator, photographer, journalist, writer, editor of the magazine “7 Days”, known to the public from the photographic portraits of the “Private Collection” series published in the magazine “Caravan of Stories”.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Robertovna Rozhdestvenskaya was born in Moscow on July 17, 1957 in the family of the famous Soviet poet Robert Rozhdestvensky and Alla Kireeva, a literary critic. Katya was eldest daughter, her younger sister's name is Ksenia. From a young age, the girl absorbed the cultural atmosphere of the family: they constantly came to the Rozhdestvenskys interesting people, settled down literary evenings.

Ekaterina attended the kindergarten of the Literary Fund, and from the first grade she began to study English language. As a teenager, I dreamed of becoming a doctor, but by my senior year I changed my mind and entered MGIMO. At the Faculty " international relationships» mastered French. Graduated in 1979.

Career and creativity

In her youth, Katya worked on television as a translator of foreign programs into Russian. Then I started doing literary translations from English and French. She worked on the works of John Le Carré and others, and translated more than a dozen books.

In 1985, the USSR State Television and Radio Committee sent Rozhdestvenskaya on a business trip to India. On the banks of the Ganges, Ekaterina made reports for the programs “International Panorama” and “Time”. Then came a break from work dedicated to raising children.

The turning point for Rozhdestvenskaya’s biography was 1998: she, not being a professional, took up photography. At the TEFI award ceremony, the keen eye of a woman noticed that celebrities in luxurious outfits looked like the heroes of paintings by artists of the past. The idea arose to recreate these paintings using a camera. This is how the “Private Collection” project appeared, which the author called “a game based on art.” Photos of this series began in 2000 and now continue to be published by the magazine “Caravan of Stories”.

In addition to the “Private Collection”, Rozhdestvenskaya created such photo projects as “Kinfolk”, “Fairy Tales”, “Vintage”, “Associations”, “Classics”, “Still Lifes” and others. In the filming, the woman involved more than 3,000 models: actors, singers, athletes, public and political figures, journalists, and TV presenters.

In 2001, the newspaper “Seven Days” began publishing the series “The Most beautiful people peace." Ekaterina participated in this project.

An exhibition of works from the “Private Collection” series was first held in 2002 at the Moscow House of Photography. Personal exhibitions of Rozhdestvenskaya’s works are visited by galleries in Russian cities, near and far abroad.

On the eve of her 50th anniversary, in 2006, Ekaterina Robertovna was awarded the Olympia Prize in the Art Style category for her original style in art. In 2009, Rozhdestvenskaya was elected an honorary member Russian Academy arts

In 2011, Ekaterina became a fashion designer. Her line of photographic clothing, ROB-ART by Katya Rozhdestvenskaya, named after her father, was an experiment, but became popular. Dresses and tunics with the author's print (photos from the author's personal archive) were first demonstrated in 2011.

The “Clothes according to your mood” collection attracted attention at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia in Moscow in 2012. Currently, “ROB-ART by Katya Rozhdestvenskaya” is presented in TSUM. Along with clothing, the brand presents home textiles and a line of scarves.

In 2012, Rozhdestvenskaya took over the post of editor-in-chief of 7 Days magazine. On July 28, 2012, President V.V. Putin awarded Catherine the Order of Friendship “for great services in the development national culture and art, many years of fruitful activity.”

Since 2006, Rozhdestvenskaya has participated in several films: 2006 – “Carnival Night-2, or 50 Years Later” (episode), 2008-2009 – “The Crown” Russian Empire, or Elusive Again” (documentary), 2012 – “Secrets of Soviet cinema. Elusive Avengers" (documentary).

Since 2015, Rozhdestvenskaya’s books began to be published:

  • “Once upon a time, they lived and ate and drank. Family stories"(2015) - a culinary encyclopedia about traditional and ancient family recipes, birthday menus, famous guests (, and others), also contains sketches from life.
  • “My random countries. About travels and incidents! (2016) - about the author’s life in India, France, Spain, Finland. At the presentation of the book, the author appeared in a dress in oriental style with homemade Indian flatbreads.

  • “Adult Games” (2016) – in the work, the author revealed the secrets associated with working with the stars on the “Private Collection” project.
  • “The Yard on Povarskaya” (2016) - a book about the writer’s childhood home on the street. Vorovsky, 52, about his life and amazing inhabitants.
  • “Mirror” (2017), “Girl from the Patriarch’s” (2018) - memories of childhood and family.
  • "Private collection. How the photo project was created" (2018) - a work about the work on the main photo project.

Personal life

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya, a mother of three children, was married to Dmitry Biryukov, a journalist and president of the Seven Days publishing house. The young people met in Jurmala, they were 17 years old. A year later they got married. Their relationship was witnessed by Joseph Kobzon from the bride's side. Now the couple is divorced.

Children occupy a huge place in our personal lives. The eldest child, Alexey, was born in 1986 in India. He is an economist by training and creative person by nature: musician (group “FPS”), champion of Russia in e-sports. The middle son, Dmitry (born 1989), is fond of karting. The younger Danila was born in 2001, when Rozhdestvenskaya was 44 years old.

In one interview, Ekaterina said that she really wanted a girl, but the birth of a boy was “a great happiness.” Children bear their father's surname.

Ekaterina Robertovna is an avid traveler. She's against the popular ones tourist routes, loves to explore the outback. The photographer visited Cuba in the company of a TV traveler. I always dreamed of visiting Altai, my father’s homeland.

In 2004, Rozhdestvenskaya presented her studio apartment in the “Where Celebrities Live” program on the “Real Estate” and “RIA Video” websites. Room in office building The photographer arranged it herself without the help of designers.

The photographer loves dogs. She became her friend's assistant at a homeless animal shelter. She has a four-legged friend - a beagle named Basho, whose photo Ekaterina often publishes on Instagram.

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya now

In 2017, Ekaterina participated in the program “Alone with Everyone.” She admitted that her main merit is that “she is the daughter of the outstanding poet Robert Rozhdestvensky.” After the broadcast, there were rumors that Rozhdestvenskaya had plastic surgery on her face, since at 60 she looks 40.

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya in the program “Alone with Everyone”

Ekaterina organizes literary evenings. At one of them, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Robert Rozhdestvensky in the Moscow bookstore, the host was.

Photo projects

  • "Private collection"
  • "Man and woman"
  • "Leaders"
  • "Commanders"
  • "Photo tests"
  • "Cards"
  • "Still Lifes"
  • "Christmas cards"
  • "12 months"
  • "Black and white"


  • 2015 – “Once upon a time, we ate and drank. Family stories"
  • 2016 – “Adult Games”
  • 2016 – “My random countries. About travels and incidents!
  • 2016 – “The Yard on Povarskaya”
  • 2017 – “Mirror”
  • 2018 – “Private collection. How the photo project was created"

Photographer, professional translator, clothing designer, and editor-in-chief of 7 Days magazine. A wide audience became aware of Ekaterina Robertovna after the publication of a series of works in the glossy publication “Caravan of Stories.”

Biography of Catherine

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya was born in July 1957 in Moscow. Her parents are the famous Soviet poet Robert Rozhdestvensky and literary critic Alla Kireeva. Catherine has a sister who is thirteen years younger than her. Her name is Ksenia, she is a journalist.

The writer always remembers her parents with special tenderness and warmth. Mom and dad, according to Ekaterina Robertovna, had great relationship, which were built on mutual respect, sincere feelings and patience. Alla Borisovna and Robert Ivanovich were married for about 40 years. However, in order to preserve love, they had to work on their relationship every day.

From the age of seven, the girl studied English, and from the age of 15 she began to dream of becoming a doctor. However, after finishing school, she changed her mind and entered MGIMO to major in international relations. While receiving her education at the university, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya (the woman’s photo is in the article) learned French.

Writing career

After graduating from college, she served on television and radio. Translated foreign programs into her native language. After that I worked on translations fiction. She worked on novels by John le Carré, J. Steinbeck, Somerset Maugham, Sidney Sheldon and others.

Since the late 90s, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya has been actively involved in photography. Her works have been shown and are still periodically published in the glossy publication “Caravan of Stories.” In a couple of years, the woman filmed more than two hundred people. These were popular Russian presenters, actors, journalists and even politicians. On this moment Ekaterina Robertovna is the author and performer of more than 30 amazing photo projects, published in addition to the “Caravan of Stories” in the monthly magazine “Caravan of Stories. Collection".

Personal attribution

In addition to translations, the writer is the author of several novels. In her books, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya writes about travel, relationships between people, and also shares memories of her childhood and famous parents. In addition, she regularly organizes literary evenings dedicated to her father.

Achievements and recognition

On the eve of her 50th anniversary, the writer became a laureate of the Olympia Prize among women Russian Federation in the “Art Style” category. Ekaterina Robertovna was awarded this award in connection with the creation of an individual author’s style in fashion and art, thanks to a photo project called “Private Collection”, published in “Caravan of Stories”.

A few years later, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya was elected an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts. The photo artist has more than 75 exhibitions that were shown in the Russian Federation, as well as in the CIS countries.

A little later, the writer became famous as a designer. She began creating a new brand and released a line of clothing and home textiles. At the age of 55, she got a job as editor-in-chief at the magazine “7 Days”. In the same year, the President of Russia awarded the writer the Order of Friendship for her long and fruitful work.

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya's husband

Our heroine’s husband is her same age, Dmitry Biryukov. He is a famous Russian journalist, media tycoon, publisher and co-owner of the 7 Days holding. Ekaterina met Dmitry when she was 17 years old, this happened in Jurmala at the House of Writers' Creativity. The young people had just entered college and were too young to start a family.

The relationship between Ekaterina and Dmitry was formalized in 1975; Joseph Kobzon was present at the wedding as a friend of the bride’s family (he was also a witness at the celebration). According to some reports, the couple are currently divorced.

Children of Rozhdestvenskaya Ekaterina Robertovna

The life of the famous writer and photographer is not limited only to art; in addition, Catherine was able to realize herself as a mother of many children. The woman has three sons: Alexey, Dmitry and Danila.

The first son was born in August 1986 in India. It was during this period of time that Catherine, together with her husband, left for South Asia, where Dmitry created reports for such television programs as “International Panorama” and “Time”. When Ekaterina was pregnant for the first time, medical staff feared that she might not carry the baby to term and would lose the child.

Now Alexey is 31 years old, he is an economist by training and grew up like his mother creative personality. In addition, he is interested in music and e-sports.

Ekaterina Robertovna’s middle son is currently 28 years old. He is a professional karter. At the moment I have achieved good results in this sport. The young man won competitions more than once. Not long ago our heroine married her son. His chosen one was a girl named Ksenia.

Ekaterina Robertovna’s youngest son is now 17 years old. This year the young man graduates from school. In addition, he is interested in studying physics, loves to play chess and draws well.

The writer gave birth to Danila when she was 44 years old. Then Alexey and Dmitry could not believe for a long time that they would have another brother. Despite the fact that the last birth was late, it turned out to be the easiest for the woman. After the birth of her child, Ekaterina quickly got into shape and continued working on projects.

The famous Soviet poet Robert Rozhdestvensky was no longer around when his daughter Katya became a nationally known photographer. The portraits of Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya show Russian singers, actors, athletes, politicians in the images of heroes of the past.

Over 16 years, Ekaterina created more than 2.5 thousand images. Three thousand stars of Russian show business became her models. Four years ago, Rozhdestvenskaya became editor-in-chief of the Seven Days magazine, published a book and created a collection of designer scarves.

Ekaterina does not hide the fact that she owes her success to her husband, media tycoon Dmitry Biryukov. Their strong marriage already 41 years old. In her youth, a fortune teller prophesied three sons for Rozhdestvenskaya, and so it happened. The eldest Alexey is already 30 years old, the middle Dmitry is 27, and the youngest Danila is only 15; Ekaterina gave birth to him at 44 years old.
About the secret of long-term marriage, late labor and the famous surname Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya told in a frank interview.

You are an example for many women. Deciding to have a third child when you are approaching your fifth decade requires a lot of courage and strength. How were you not scared?

Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya: I really wanted a girl. I didn’t like the selection of clothes for boys in stores all over the world at all - everything was kind of gray, checkered, striped. I kept looking at the shelves where children's dresses hung, and I wanted them madly.

I wasn't scared. I didn’t feel like an old woman at all. Nowadays they call girls this way from the age of 23, so I didn’t care at all. It is very important to have inner confidence, and I had it.

How Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya almost lost her son, watch in the program “Oh, Mommies!” .

The first time you couldn't get pregnant for 10 years. This is true?

E.R.: Yes, it was quite difficult. I even do not know why. Maybe I just wasn't mentally prepared. Sometimes you just need to relax and have fun, and not try to get pregnant. When I realized that I had to do exactly this, everything worked out right away. With the third child, of course, there was a long break. When I told my elders that we would have another baby, they took it as a joke.

This year your marriage is 40 years old. This is very rare nowadays. What is the secret of such a strong relationship?

E.R.: There are no secrets. I observed the relationship between my parents; they lived together for 41 years. First of all, you need a lot of patience. A man cannot be broken and adjusted to suit himself; he must adapt himself. You need to remember that you are a couple, and you should not always be in charge. You need to be able to find some ways to make it good for both him and you.

Your husband once said, “More often than not, family boat hits everyday life." When you had your first son, there were no good washing machines, diapers. How did you get through this time with your husband?

E.R.: My husband washed diapers. I remember he would grate baby soap, then take out a lump of gauze from the machine and spend three hours unraveling it. He was very economical then, he knew how to do everything, he supported everything. Leshka had complications after whooping cough, and his husband walked with him at night, calming him down.

You have been working for many years as a photographer in a publishing house run by your husband. Is it easy with such a boss?

E.R.: It's horrible. I can't say anything good about it. For example, I shoot someone on the cover, and then he looks and says that this last century, and the actress already looks bad. The discussion begins, and this is the worst thing. How can I tell someone I've already photographed that he somehow doesn't look right?

I don't tolerate interference in the creative process, so everything is very difficult. One day I asked not to discuss any work issues at home anymore, and I got my way. Usually I put this picture aside and just wait for some movie or TV series with this star to come out. Then these pictures go well.

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