Cool new year in oriental style. Scenario of the anniversary "East is a delicate matter". Bazaar artists for an oriental corporate party

Who wants to be in a fairy tale? Not in a terrible one, no, in a kind, bright, romantic one? If there are those who want it, then it’s exactly what you need. Of course, the east is a very broad concept and includes geography from the unique Japanese islands to the Arabian desert. But if we talk about oriental style party, consciousness first of all draws the color of ancient Persia and the bright colors of India. So at home you can arrange a holiday, for example, in the magical style of 1000 and 1 night. So, a few tips on how to make a fairy tale come true - at least for one evening.

Oriental party invitations

The first task is to invite guests beautifully, which is why it is so important to design invitations in an original way. They are simply obliged to reflect the theme of the party, so if the party is oriental, invitations are made in oriental style. Fantasy will tell you specific options, the Internet will serve as a source of inspiration. On the appropriate request, you can view a lot of pictures and stop at something most appropriate.

It looks intriguing, extracted from an oriental bag. Among the incense sticks and gems is placed a small piece of cardboard written in Arabic script. It is he who is the invitation, the Arabic script perfectly imitates one of the fonts of the text editor. You can also write the text by hand, you have to tinker, though, but if you don’t plan to invite a whole crowd of guests, then the option is quite acceptable. Of course, if you need a lot of invitations, then just order at the printing house.

A postcard can be presented complete with a specific, purely "oriental" bracelet. A bead of a certain color on a colored thread will serve as such a bracelet and at the same time a pass to an oriental party, an entrance ticket, isn’t it original? Bracelets are popular in Eastern culture; this is almost an obligatory element of the dress code. And on the attached postcard, the time, place and dress code are indicated.

Oriental party meets by clothes

If the party is planned in an oriental style, it is advisable to choose the appropriate costumes for the participants. The hostess of the holiday is always an oriental princess, the host is a sheikh or padishah, okay, a wandering Bedouin. It makes no sense to talk a lot about women's oriental costumes, everyone perfectly imagines their general appearance. It is impossible to spoil such a costume with jewelry, the more of them, the better, and in the most unexpected places. More glitter, ringing, radiance, embroideries - you can make costumes at home, with your own hands.

It is worth mentioning only about makeup, although here it is also easy to imagine the main trends. In oriental style, makeup plays an important role. Emphasis on the eyes, the characteristic curve of the eyebrows is emphasized, and more color. Natural colors imitating gold or turquoise are welcome, black should be extremely saturated.

An oriental women's costume, by the way, can be built in such a way that it is the eyes that come to the fore. The whole figure is wrapped in a sari, the head and face are covered with a scarf, and only the eyes .... Mind-blowing, bright and beautiful, you won’t see such makeup just like that on the street, but for a party it’s just right. How to apply oriental makeup correctly, Google and Yandex will advise, just don’t get carried away.
As for the men's oriental costume, there are also a lot of ideas. But there is a common detail for the roles of even a Bedouin, even Aladdin: a turban. You will have to practice a little to learn how to lay the fabric in a turban. A robe that hides all other elements of clothing is highly desirable. The robe, of course, should have an oriental ornament, then you will have to take less care of the rest of the costume elements.

We decorate the room for an oriental party

Agree, oriental costumes will look strange in a high-tech room. The room is also decorated in an oriental way. For a party, fabric decor is suitable, well, and increased attention to detail. Oriental outdoor party can be held in a rented tent. To give a small room the maximum resemblance to the chambers of an Arab sheikh, again, drapery with a cloth will help.

You need to take a very light, flowing fabric and fasten a couple of large pieces around the chandelier. Hanging panels are spread in the corners and fixed so that they hide the walls at the same time, and the semblance of a tent is ready. On the walls, too, hang fabric panels, if it is already impossible to drape the entire room completely. The pleasure is expensive, but the oriental decor should not be allowed to look cheap, because the east is associated with luxury. It is better to try to rent this fabric, or use paper wallpaper instead, although the latter is only a last resort.

An important element is the carpet, at least one, and the more colorful, the better. It is good if the entire floor is covered with a carpet (or carpets), but it is enough that there is a table for guests on such a carpet. A hookah is desirable (it can be fake, to create the appropriate atmosphere), chased dishes, daggers and swords. All this is illuminated, if you adhere to the oriental style to the end, with soft diffused light, no powerful chandeliers. At the same time, the lighting must allow the gold present to shine properly, so balance is important.

Treats and entertainment at an oriental party

Parties are not complete without treats, and there is certainly entertainment there. Based on the stated theme, here they must also be oriental. The presence on the menu, for example, pork is highly undesirable, as well as seafood. Lamb, on the other hand, will very much come in handy, pilaf or stew can use rabbit meat, poultry meat. Any hearty, fatty meat dish served with spices and always with greens will not contradict the oriental idea of ​​​​a party.

Oriental style allows the absence of cutlery - forks with spoons. You can eat only with the help of bread, which is recommended to break with your hands and lay in a slide in convenient places on the table. If the party is supposed to be using bread instead of cutlery, guests should be able to rinse their fingers in flavored water. It is clear that oriental bread is also preferable, which we have on sale. And these are not our Slavic loaves at all, requiring the obligatory use of a knife.

For dessert, sweets are served, also oriental, like halva or candied fruits. Fresh fruits are also required, and in large quantities. All this will serve as a table decoration at the same time. Moreover, preparing oriental dishes is relatively simple. Accordingly, drinks should also be oriental. Traditionally in the East it is not accepted to use strong alcohol in such situations.

Entertainment in oriental parties is inextricably linked with treats. No wonder it is believed that the people of the East - Persians and Arabs - come together for delicious food. Therefore, the table will always be the key object of an oriental party. Nobody denies all sorts of contests, dances, outdoor games. Some of them can be carried out without interrupting the goodies, others will serve as a rest, a change of activity from passivity to activity and vice versa.

Music, along with the decoration of the room and costumes, gives the party a special "oriental". If this music, of course, is correctly chosen, it will help the participants to create the right mood. It is recommended to start by choosing melodies that are quiet, calm, immersing unobtrusively into the oriental atmosphere. Later, for dancing, melodies are chosen more energetic, incendiary. In any case, the music should be thematic.

Julia Avdeeva
Party in oriental style

For children 5-7 years old and their parents attending the studio oriental dance. party best done at the end of the school year. When children are already familiar enough with Arabic culture and basic movements and combinations oriental dance.


Rugs to cover the entire floor, pillows according to the number of children with tassels in oriental style; For games: plastic plates decorated in oriental style, "fake" fruits, 3 belts for oriental dances, 3 scarves, jewelry; "book of laws", musical instruments (sagats, darbuka, mazhar); For tea drinking: grapes, halva, any oriental sweets.



Vizier Shamsudin

Haja Nasreddin

Two guards

The hall is an Arab palace, with strange birds on the walls….

The Great Emir enters the hall, holding a bowl of halva in his hands, wailing and groaning…


Oh, woe to me, woe to me ....

I have loved halva since childhood

With nuts and poppy seeds.

And, giving her praise,

I ate it with gusto.

But for many years now

All life has lost its meaning.

And even though I'm fabulously rich,

Not sweet to me, but sour ...


Oh, alas, alas, alas

I lost the taste of halva

I lost the taste of halva

Sultan: Where is my vizier Shamsudin? I order him to come!

(the guards part, the vizier enters the hall)

Vizier: I hear you, O Great Sultan

Sultan: Shamsudin, tell me to send the best doctor, let him heal my illness! I can neither eat, nor sleep, nor rejoice, I dream of feeling the taste of halva again!

Vizier: Oh, lord, but all the best healers, great magicians from overseas countries have already visited you, and they are all powerless ...

Sultan: Oh, woe to me, woe .... I'll go lie down, maybe sleep will bring relief. And you, my faithful servant and good friend, Shamsudin, do not close your eyes, but think of a way to heal me.

(The Sultan goes into the background, lies down on the pillows. The Vizier takes out a large book of laws)

Vizier: Well, I have nothing more to do - to think about your healing!

(in a conspiratorial tone) As long as the Sultan is in this state, I will rule the country, and no one can interfere with me. (laughs, takes out a pen and starts writing) I, the Great Sultan, the lord East, I command: introduce quitrent, in the amount of 100 lire for the creaking of the gate, 300 lire for the barking of a dog in the yard of the house, if someone sees a chicken in a dream, he will pay 500 lire, and whoever sees the Great Sultan in a dream will give 1000 lira of quitrent ...

Sultan: What are you saying to your tray, Shamsudin? I can't sleep! I want songs, dances!

Vizier: As you command, O Most Serene!

(The vizier leaves, the girls enter the hall)

Girls perform the SHAWL DANCE

(Noise, screams are heard ... The guards bring the young man)

Haja Nasreddin: (screams indignantly) Oh Great Sultan east. This can't go on like this! The people are outraged by the dues that you charge them! People already have nothing to feed their children, and you keep getting richer and richer!

Sultan: Whatoo! How dare you, impudent boy, blame the Sultan himself! Guards, execute him!

(the guards clumsily try to catch the boy, Haja Nasreddin deftly dodges)

Haja Nasreddin: Stop! Have mercy on me, Great Sovereign, I can do you a good service.

Sultan: (indignantly) What can you do, boy!

Haja Nasreddin: Everyone knows what trouble happened to you. That you have lost the taste of halva. I know how to help this trouble!

(The Sultan calls the guards back with a gesture)

Sultan: (eagerly) Speak, don't hesitate! What do we have to do?

Haja Nasreddin: Here Look: everything that happens to us has its cause and effect. Do you think that you lost the taste of halva and that made you sad?

Sultan: (thoughtfully) Yes…

Haja Nasreddin: But in fact, everything is just vice versa: you lost the opportunity to laugh even earlier and because of this you no longer feel the taste of halva.

Sultan: And what follows from this?

Haja Nasreddin: but the fact that the medicine that will cure the Great Sultan is LAUGHTER! And the children will help you with this. Only they know a lot of fun, kind and funny games. Guys, can we help the Sultan return the taste of halva?

Children: Yes!

Haja Nasreddin chooses three couples "mother Daughter" and running a competition « ORIENTAL BEAUTY» . Girls, for a while, should dress up each of their mothers in an Arabic costume. (jewellery, coin belt, head scarf). The game is played several times.

Sultan: Well done! Well done! I want more fun games.

Haja Nasreddin: Everyone knows that Eastern girls are the most graceful, they can carry jugs of water on their heads and not spill a drop. And our beauties will have to carry a tray of fruit on their heads without the help of hands.

A RELAY GAME IS HELD: the girls are divided into two teams, in turn, each member of the team must carry a plastic plate with fake (light) fruit and pass it on to the next team member. Whose team will complete the task faster. (Multiple moms can be entered)

(The Sultan is a little more cheerful, actively "sick" for the participants of the relay, clapping)

At the end of the game, Haja Nasreddin invites the Sultan to compete with each other. The Sultan runs clumsily, drops his plate, causing the laughter of all those present.

Sultan: (holding the waist) Oh, and you tired me, I'll go lie down and rest. And you (referring to the girls) dance!

SOLO (dance to drums)

Sultan: (referring to the girl dancer) Eco, you're good at everything. Will you teach me, old man?

The Sultan clumsily repeats the movements of the girl, turning into an unrestrained dance. The Sultan dances, laughs, has fun from the heart.

Sultan: Thank you guys, you had fun, you had so much fun! Finally, the taste of my favorite halva will return to me! (runs to a bowl of halva, tries it and sighs in disappointment) I don't feel anything... (screams angrily) How dare you, impudent boy, lead the Sultan himself by the nose! Guard! Execute!

Haja Nasreddin: Wait! I think I know why the taste of halva did not return to you: One more thing needs to be done. Cancel all unfair taxes and taxes imposed by you.

Sultan: What kind of tribute? Guard! Bring me the book of laws!

(The Sultan leafs through the book of laws and is perplexed)

Sultan: tax for creaking gates?. for a barking dog? Guard! Vizier Shamsudin to me! Immediately!

(Guard turns on the vizier)

Sultan: How could you, Shamsudin, take advantage of the misfortune that happened to me and issue the most ridiculous laws on behalf of the Great Sultan for many years? Guard! Execute!

Vizier: Oh Lord! Oh, the light of my eyes! Oh Sun of Suns! I'm sorry! They were not to be executed! I realized everything...

Haja Nasreddin: Lord, let's forgive? Friends, what do you think? (children and parents are in favor of forgiving the vizier)

Sultan: Well, then listen to all my decree! All taxes and taxes imposed by vizier Shamsudin, without my knowledge, cancel! And forgive the vizier himself, but demote him to the gardeners! And let him grow in my garden as many roses as he collected taxes from the unfortunate inhabitants!

(Khadja Nasreddin brings a bowl of halvah to the Sultan. The Sultan, sighing doomedly, tries, and ... Oh, a miracle! The taste has returned)

The Sultan calls everyone to dance. A DANCE FLASHMOB is held for all those present at the party.

Sultan: Thank you, my family! You, with your kindness and pure hearts, returned the joy of life to me!

Haja Nasreddin: Be happy and smile more often!

Vizier: Be kind and honest!

(heroes say goodbye, leave to the music)

A party continues and a tea party is announced for all those present.

During the tea party, you can show several solo and group dance numbers and a number performed by an orchestra of Arabic folk musical instruments (sagats, darbuka, mazhar).

Increasingly, in Russian enterprises and companies there is a call to take into account the human factor, which means treating employees more attentively, listening to them and sometimes making them happy. After all, business is time, but fun is also an hour. A modern leader is well aware that a friendly close-knit team works much more efficiently than a group of isolated employees. To find a common language between people who are seen only within the walls of the office, it is sometimes useful to give them the opportunity to communicate outside of work. For such purposes, corporate parties are held. In an informal setting, colleagues become more sociable, work stress is relieved, and the level of trust and mutual understanding grows.

In order for your event to bring positive results, and then people do not regret the wasted time, you must approach the issue of organizing it with all responsibility. Chaos and confusion are no help here. If the evening goes randomly, as it turns out, then no entourage with costumes will help, and a good idea will turn into formalism and "coercion". Do not forget that a corporate party is not a party of the company of best friends, where everyone has known each other for a long time. Your invitees may not communicate with each other at all. To make it interesting for each of them to relax with such a composition, clearly plan in what key the celebration will take place.

So, a corporate party is planned, but everyone has long been tired of the scenarios worn to holes? Do you want real fun and something unusual? Then spend it in oriental style. The East is a fairy tale, mystery and incendiary dances. This theme is always relevant and suitable for almost any occasion. Arrange a hot Arabian night for your colleagues. And they will remember this day with warmth for a long time. Where to begin?

Make original invitations

How to organize everyone and not forget anyone? You can notify the team verbally, but people love personal attention when they address everyone personally. Better come up with original invitations, decorated in the theme of your feast. What they will be depends only on your imagination.

The editors of eventspro have selected a small selection of invitations designed in oriental style, you can use them as a sample for ordering at a printing house:

It is not at all necessary to order the services of a professional printing house, after all, the issue of the budget of the evening is always relevant. But handing out standard postcards with dry text will also be boring and uninteresting. Try to make them on your own. It's simple.

Based on the theme of our celebration, come up with Eastern pseudonyms for all employees, including bosses. Ideally, during the holiday itself, everyone continues to call each other the names of the prepared characters. The leader can be the Wise Sultan. The guard is the Chief Executioner, the accountant is the Treasurer, the Guardian, the secretary is Scheherazade, etc. Fantasize. Your task is to properly motivate colleagues, arouse a sincere desire to participate in the event.

Scroll of the Vizier

From colored paper we make an impromptu scroll. Decorate or paint in a fabulous oriental style. We come up with a few lines with a personal appeal to each. For example, “Come, oh, Moon-faced Jamilya ibn Mikhailovna, to the caravanserai (place of celebration). The wisest Sultan commands everyone to gather on the Great Day (reason, event) of the Bright Month (date). We turn the scroll into a tube, tie it with bright satin ribbons. Ready. It remains only to hand over.

magic letter

Creative invitations can also be sent by e-mail. Try to make a virtual postcard for everyone with their own photo. The source can be asked from him personally, or found in social networks or in a photo collection of old joint parties. There are many simple online editors with different templates on the Internet. Select the oriental theme that interests us and insert the faces of colleagues into the templates (let someone be the Old Man Hottabych, someone the southern dancer). Then add the invitation text. It will be interesting and fun.

Photo postcard

If time and resources allow you to prepare more thoroughly, the same name cards can be printed on photo paper at the nearest photo studio. Such invitations will certainly remain in memory and will be kept by people for years, reminiscent of your friendly evenings.

Invitation "oriental attribute"

Oriental-style bracelets will be relevant for an oriental corporate party. Attach a postcard to each of them with text in the manner of 1000 and 1 nights. True, bracelets are more suitable for women. And for men, we suggest sending a small decorative dagger or pipe (just don't forget about the postcard).

Beat the meeting of guests

Regardless of where you have planned to celebrate the event, it will be great if each of the guests is solemnly met by someone and helped to take their seats. Let it be a colorful genie in a turban and a waistcoat on a naked body, or a beautiful Zulfiya in a short top and a loincloth with coins. It's great if both characters work together. Compose a short greeting text for them and a few movements in the style of oriental dances so that guests plunge into a fabulous atmosphere right from the doorstep. After the welcoming speech, Zulfiya and Genie serve the newcomer a glass of wine and a plate of sweets. Genie - for women, Zulfiya - for men. A little alcohol will relax and negate the embarrassment of the guests.

Instead of alcohol, you can use some traditional oriental drink, for example, an invigorating ginger drink, milk tan or ayran.

Oriental outfits

Choosing an image for a corporate party with a thematic bias is a serious matter. First, since we have a general idea, then we must implement it in its entirety. Everyone should come in a suit. Or at least wear the right accessories. If someone appears simply in everyday clothes, the general atmosphere of the fairy tale will immediately disappear. Make sure that there are no "white crows". Stock up on some pieces of clothing in reserve, in case someone fails to prepare. Secondly, the images must be different. If five Little Mucks come to the feast, it will be sad. Discuss this with the team.

Costumes can be rented from theater establishments, or you can do it yourself. There are plenty of options for ideas on our topic.

For the image of the beautiful Concubine, Dancer, Gulchatai, Princess Budur and others, the following elements are suitable:

  • bright makeup (expressive eyebrows, arrows on the eyelids, shadows with sparkles);
  • flared skirt, loincloth with coins;
  • harem pants (the recently fashionable “Afghan pants” or “Aladdins” are also suitable);
  • paranja (from a beach poreo);
  • impromptu bright bodice (can be over clothes: for example, the top of a swimsuit decorated with sequins);
  • massive bracelets, monisto.

Where will we arrange an oriental corporate party?

Modern corporate celebrations are held anywhere:

  1. clubs;
  2. restaurants and cafes;
  3. rented assembly halls;
  4. work office;
  5. country houses and restaurant complexes;
  6. beaches;
  7. saunas with swimming pools and relaxation rooms.

And yet, preference in choosing a place is traditionally given to either renting a restaurant or an office. And, of course, the most ideal place for such a theme would be an oriental restaurant. This will save you not only from the need to decorate the room, but also to think over the design of such decoration, because laying out pillows and carpets is not enough to create true oriental comfort.

If for some reason it doesn’t work with a restaurant and you decide to use an office as a venue, then we suggest that you take the design issue seriously.

The color of oriental decoration can be created using:

  • bright little pillows;
  • shiny textiles on the walls;
  • carved wooden backgammon;
  • canopies;
  • carpets;
  • hookahs;
  • copper utensils;
  • and old jugs.

Feel free to involve employees in the search for scenery. Surely every home has something suitable. And don't forget the incense! Aromas will create the right mood.

Tables should be low, as is customary in the east. This is done so that it is convenient to reach for the necessary treats. As an option, we offer something like a dastarkhan. We lay the tablecloth directly on the floor (ground) and furnish it with appropriate dishes with dishes.

Choose the background music

The choice of oriental music is huge. Download different songs on the Internet from incendiary dance songs like Aidamir Mugu's "Black Eyes" to Didula's lyrical instrumentals.

Look for compositions by Joseph LoDuca and something with the sound of the Armenian duduk (such an instrument).

As examples, as well as the first stone in the foundation of your playlist, we also suggest considering the following national Caucasian compositions:

Think about what part of the evening the chosen styles will suit. And it is best to entrust this to a professional DJ.

What to serve guests

Oriental cuisine is a variety of spices, spices, all kinds of sauces, grilled meat, exotic fruits and, of course, world-famous sweets.

It does not matter whether there will be an abundance of meat dishes on the tables or you will get by with a modest buffet table: be sure to buy sweets! In a real Arab palace, tables should be bursting with halva, sherbet, marmalade, baklava, Turkish delight and marshmallow.

Muslims do not eat pork. More preference is given to horse meat, lamb and beef. We offer several options for oriental treats:

couscous - lamb with vegetables;

If your company has a sense of humor and you are not planning to hire a professional, surprise everyone with a surprise. Dress one of the most daring men in your team as a southern beauty and turn on fast music. Let him improvise. Do not forget that impressive curvaceous forms are needed for dancing. To have something to dance, put foam rubber and balloons in the right places in his clothes. Audience laughter is guaranteed.

Stadium of my heart

Such a competition does not require unnecessary movements and is ideal for a feast. Divide the women and men into two teams. They should take turns complimenting the rival team in the manner of Hottabych’s speech (“Oh, the most beautiful of women Jasmine Grigorievna”, “Moon-faced houria Svetlana Nikolaevna”, “The incomparable and greatest ruler Igor Viktorovich” and so on).

The one who says the most wins. Tell the participants that absurd, unrelated words sound more fun. With them, the competition will last longer.

A short plan for preparing for a corporate party in oriental style

If you have always had sympathy for oriental themes, and with the sounds of a rhythmic lezginka you just want to start dancing (even if you don’t know how to dance), we suggest you move from words to actions. Answer yourself the first most important question: we will organize it ourselves or order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a turnkey corporate event, the issue of choosing a quality contractor is very acute, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

If you decide to test your abilities, here is our short thesis plan that will help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything while preparing. Copy, print it in Word and boldly go towards the oriental tale.

  1. Determine who will be responsible for preparing the corporate party (one or more people, if several, determine who will be in charge) and distribute the tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a list of participants. Who can come? (You need to know how many people to count on).
  3. Determine the date and time of the corporate party.
  4. Determine the budget that you are willing to spend on a corporate event (the solution of all subsequent issues will largely depend on this amount)
  5. Distribute the roles between the participants (who plans to be in what image)
  6. Find suit rental studios and give each employee a memo with addresses and phone numbers (this way you can avoid excuses like “I didn’t know where to find a suit…”)
  7. Decide where you intend to hold a corporate event (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex, and so on). To solve this issue easier, leave a request on the site indicating that an oriental-style corporate party is planned, for sure, sites specializing in oriental cuisine will answer you, which means that design issues are off your shoulders.
  8. What dishes should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  9. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of guests home
  10. Decide who will be responsible for decorating the space. If you plan to do everything on your own, decide on the decoration elements, it is best that they be ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site, you will be offered not only design options, but also demonstrate the existing decoration elements. You can choose the best performer for quality and price.
  11. Consider the entertainment part. What contests and competitions attract your employees and what do not? Use our contests section to quickly solve this problem.

Characters: presenter, astrologer, performer of oriental dances.

(The hall is decorated in oriental style (fruits, organza, oriental lanterns, pillows).

On the wall- a comic collage from a photograph of the wife of the hero of the day in different years and in different images.
The collage is called "My Favorite Harem". To the sounds of A. Ukupnik's song "Petrukha" the presenter comes out.)

Leading: Good evening friends! I welcome you to today's celebration, which I am pleased to begin with poetic lines:

Abode of wisdom and the sun,
A sprout of great antiquity!
His mysteries are endless -
I invite everyone to the east!

Dear guests! Today we have a chance to feel the whole flavor of the East, namely: make a trip to the famous oriental bazaar, feel the aromas of various spices, taste outlandish fruits, see the original dance of an oriental beauty, get acquainted with the famous Baghdad astrologer and much more! This wonderful gift of fate - to visit a real holiday of oriental life - became possible thanks to the hero of the day, respected ... (name patronymic of the hero of the day).

And it is to him that I dedicate the first ancient oriental toast: One day a magician came to the padishah, who became famous for his good deeds, and brought him three priceless gifts. He told him: “My first gift is health! May you be strong and not subject to illness. My second gift is the oblivion of fears, sorrows and troubles. Cleanse your soul from these hardships! And the third gift is the gift of intuition, which will tell you in life the right move." Let's wish our hero of the day these three gifts: health, oblivion of sorrows and intuition, which would lead a happy life through life! (Short pause.) Host: Friends! In the previous wise oriental toast, we wished the birthday man to have three priceless gifts in life: health, forgetfulness of sorrows and intuition. And now let's ask him to accept three no less valuable gifts purchased at a real oriental bazaar. All three items symbolize wealth, which is also very necessary in our lives!
(Three assistants in oriental costumes carry out souvenirs on beautiful trays, which are presented to the hero of the day with brief explanations for them.)

1. A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is a very popular oriental symbol of great luck. The coin in the mouth represents gold. The easiest way to activate money energy is to place one toad in each room of the house or place it on the office table. The main thing is to make sure that the toad sits with its back to the door, as if it had just jumped into your house.
2. The money tree is the most common symbol of wealth. An old oriental legend tells about it: when a tree is shaken, golden coins fall to the ground like raindrops. We hope that the rain of these coins will literally flood your home. But be careful - don't drown!
3. Oranges and tangerines in a beautiful vase - in the east they symbolize gold and successful business. Let a vase with these fruits decorate your home at any time of the year!

Leading: Once, in an eastern caravanserai, I overheard beautiful words of wisdom that I want to say today in this hall: lush foliage of those trees that have deep roots. Of course, you guessed that we are talking about the inseparable connection of children with their parents. We bow low to the respected ... (first name and patronymic of the parents of the hero of the day) for their love and patience! After all, they gave the world such a beautiful son! (Congratulations to the parents of the hero of the day.) (Short musical pause.)

The chorus of the song "Oriental Tales" performed by the group "Brilliant" sounds.

Leading: It is known that the East is full of secrets and mysteries. Perhaps the most mysterious and charismatic oriental personalities are magicians and soothsayers. Meet one of them - the keeper of great secrets, a connoisseur of human destinies, a sage and astrologer from Baghdad, Huseyn Huslia!

An astrologer comes out, he has a turban on his head, in his hands is a small book in a velvet cover, on his wrist is a bag of coffee beans.

Astrologer: Oh dear ones! Greetings to all of you and especially to the noblest husband who has gathered such a large number of friends! I believe that prosperity and happy summers await all those present! Let me arrange a small exam on the knowledge of the most ancient oriental science - astrology. So, my friends, pay attention! The zodiac horoscope divides the year into twelve signs, to which my questions are devoted:

1. What is the zodiac sign of the royal title? (A lion)
2. What sign can whistle on the mountain? (Cancer)
3. What sign is similar to itself like two drops of water? (Twins)
4. Which sign can lead to flooding? (Aquarius)
5. What sign has sharp horns? (Capricorn)
6. Which sign can accurately hit the target? (Sagittarius)
7. What sign is the husband of a meek sheep? (Aries)
8. Which sign is the most feminine? (Virgo)
9. And what sign is considered the most stubborn? (Calf)
10. What sign will a woman never agree to stand in the presence of a man? (Scales)
11. What is the sign of a poisonous sting? (Scorpion)
12. What sign does every angler dream of? (Fish)

Astrologer: I made sure that you are well versed in the teachings about the stars, planets and their combination, but the exam is not over yet! A real magical oriental talisman will be received by the one who calls:
- the sign of the zodiac under which the hero of the day was born;
- a symbol of the year when the birthday boy was born.

The guests who answered these questions correctly are given bean and bean beads by the stargazer. Beans are considered in the east as a love talisman, as well as a strong amulet. To make beads, you need to soak the beans in water, string them on a thin fishing line and let dry. In parting, the astrologer offers to tell fortunes to the hero of the day in the old oriental way - on coffee beans.


The stargazer takes out 6 coffee beans from his bag and passes them to the hero of the day.

The birthday boy, under a calm oriental melody, pouring grains from hand to hand, must imagine how coffee seeds are saturated with his energy. Then he needs to bring his palms to his forehead, close his eyes and focus on the exciting problem. After that, the fortuneteller throws the grains on the table, and the astrologer counts how many of them fell upside down, and reads out a prediction: when solving a problem that concerns you, you will discover a lot of new and useful things for yourself. In the meantime, open a bottle of wine and don't think about anything!

The stargazer says goodbye and leaves. The 1st verse and chorus of the song "Harem" performed by Irina Allegrova sounds.

Leading: Is it possible to imagine the East without beautiful brown-eyed beauties;
without the magical ringing of monist, sparkling beads, flowing chiffon and silk, delicate velvet;
without the brilliance of jewelry and the charm of music that turns every woman into a fabulous goddess.
Our holiday will not do without incendiary oriental dance. Meet Jamila - a wonderful representative of the East!

Music sounds, the dancer performs a dance. At the end of his speech, Jamila silently leaves a mysterious bundle on the table and disappears.

Leading: Such beautiful women live in the East! Let's see what's inside the package.

The presenter takes out a hookah and an old parchment with an inscription from the package.

Leading(unfolding parchment): This is an appeal from all Eastern women to our hero of the day!

Is reading:
Padishah of the Persian fairy tale!
We ask for indulgence.
And from all Eastern women,
We present you a hookah as a gift!
Let in dreams immediately arise
Sensual concubines groans.
And hookah smoke will give
Sleep and sweet languor.
All of us, women of the East,
We would be glad to get into your harem
Night, moon, hookah and you -
There is no better reward in life!

Signatures: Gulchatay, Zuhra, Zarina, Guzel, Saida, Hafiza, Leyla, Zulfiya and further 18 more female names.

Leading(passing the hookah to the hero of the day): Unfortunately, we have to disappoint these 26 lovely women - they have no chance of getting into the harem of the hero of the day! All harem places are occupied by the only and beloved wife ... (wife's patronymic name). Sometimes difficult, but happy years have been lived with her, and the spouse has always in one person perfectly coped with the duties of a wife, mistress, mother, and keeper of the hearth.

(The host draws the attention of the guests to a comic collage of photographs of his wife).

It is no coincidence that the hero of the day, calling this collage "My favorite harem", awarded his wife the highest title - his beloved and only wife!

(Congratulations to the wife of the hero of the day.)

Leading: I'll tell you a secret: maintaining a harem is not an easy task! In the East they tell the following story: the Sultan's harem was five kilometers from the palace. Every day the Sultan sent his servant for the girl. The Sultan lived to be a hundred years old, and the servant died at thirty. Moral: it's not women who kill men, but running after them! To be ready to conquer many women, you need to have excellent health, as well as a trained body. I invite men to be the owners of the harem and try to win the hearts of the ladies present here! The host chooses two men from among the guests to participate in the competition, and the hero of the day becomes the third participant.


(Competition for men)

Three participants - candidates for sultans - are given hula-hoops and fans.
The one who can spin the hoop at the waist the longest while fanning himself wins the competition and gets the right to be photographed among the beautiful inhabitants of the “harem”, that is, simultaneously with all the women present at the celebration.

During the competition, ladies are advised to cheer loudly for potential sultans. The host sums up the results so that the hero of the day becomes the winner. Even if the birthday boy did not cope with the task, it can be announced that the support of his fans was the most active. The birthday boy and the ladies present at the celebration pose for the photographer.

Leading: Eastern wisdom says: “The tongue is one, the ear is two; Say it once, listen twice! Especially for the winner of the competition, our dear hero of the day ... (name patronymic)

everyone's favorite song from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is performed. The song “If I were a Sultan” sounds, then a dance break.

Leading: You can not ignore the famous oriental cuisine, which has recipes for thousands of delicious dishes that can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet. It is known that many spices are used in the preparation of dishes in the East. The prize will be given to the one who names the most expensive spice in the world. (Answer: Saffron is the most expensive spice and is valued more than gold, because the process of its production is very laborious.)

The prize for the correct answer is a set of spices.

Leading: I announce a women's competition for the best connoisseur of oriental sweets! Why female? Because they are the biggest sweet tooth.



Three women take part in the competition, who take turns pronouncing the names of oriental sweets. If the word is not named, the participant is eliminated. Possible answers: baklava, shaker, kurabye, churchkhela, candied fruit, Turkish delight, gozinaki, badam, nougat, halva, sherbet, roasted meat, marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade. The winner receives a set of oriental delicacies.

Leading: In the East they say this: you can lead a camel to water, but you cannot make him drink. Men, it's time to check the correctness of these words!


Three participants (men) distribute roles among themselves: the first neighbor, the second neighbor and a penny. The facilitator reads the text, the players drink a glass of vodka at the mention of their role.

Fairy tale: Once two neighbors went to the market to sell wine. Along the way, the neighbors sat down to rest and eat.
“It would be nice to drink a glass of wine now,” the first neighbor sighed.
- I agree, but we are bringing wine to sell, and you can’t waste a single drop! - reasoned the second neighbor.
Then the first neighbor searched his pockets, found a copper nickel and said to the second neighbor:
- Pour me some wine for a nickel.
The second neighbor poured one glass for him, then returned the same nickel and asked the first neighbor: - And now you pour me one.
So this penny went from hand to hand until the wineskins were empty, and both neighbors snored drunk and satisfied with the trade.

So let's drink to a good deal!

Participants of the game and spectators drink.

Leading: This is such an instructive story! Our "camels" did not want to drink, but I had to! Now let's do a sobriety test for them. To identify the most sober, I ask the participants in the game to say loudly and clearly the following simple phrase in turn: the concept of social stratification. The men are trying to complete the task, the host announces the name of the "Most sober" and invites him to go to the opposite category, that is, drink a large glass of vodka.

If the player agrees (it is not necessary to drink), then he is awarded the second honorary title "The Most Courageous".

Leading: Friends! And now I propose a test of collective intelligence! You have to correctly solve a riddle with an oriental twist. I will read the text and ask a question, and at the right time you will give me the right answer together, in unison.


Behind the carved trellis of the garden,
Among the greenery of the east,
Three tired travelers
We walked peacefully on a moonless night.
The first said: “Where is she?
The light of my eyes is the moon!
The second answered in the dark:
“May Allah help us!”
Well, the third did this: Eeyore! Eeyore! Eeyore!
It was an old donkey!
Suddenly broke through the clouds
Bright, full, lunar circle.
The first one screamed:
"Here she is! The light of my eyes is the moon!
With gratitude in the eyes
The second said: "Oh, Allah!" (Viewers)

Attention! Chorus of the third man tell me the words!
Guest response: Eeyore! Eeyore! Eeyore!
Leading: And now everyone quickly grab your ears. (Pause) Are you all right? Has anyone's ears grown? And then you screamed so naturally ... It was, of course, a joke. And now I will make a serious oriental toast and ask all those present to support me! In the East, they think this: if you want to be happy for one day - get drunk, if you want to be happy for one week - get sick, if you want to be happy for one month - get married, and if you want to be happy all your life - be healthy! Let's raise a glass to the health of the hero of the day!


Congratulations to the guests, musical pause. During the musical break, the host stops the music and offers to listen to an instructive oriental story.

Leading: The fool saw a watermelon in the market and asked:
- What it is?
- Donkey egg, - they answered him.

He chose the largest watermelon, put it under his arm and went home. On the way, he dropped a watermelon, and it rolled downhill, hit a stone and cracked. And then a hare jumped out of the bushes and ran away.
- Oh, what a quick donkey hatched, and I missed it! - regretted the fool.

At this point, I had to say: let's drink to fools, without whom it would be boring to live in the world! However, I prepared a surprise and changed the ending of this story: so let's taste this ripe, fragrant watermelon, and I hope no one in this room expects a donkey to hatch from it.

Assistants take out a watermelon, treat guests. The musical pause continues. Host: The East has given humanity many very useful inventions. I ask you to raise your hands of those who have an “A” or “B” in history in their matriculation certificate. Guests raise their hands. The host invites them to go on stage and holds a competition "Great Inventions of the East".


(Team competition)

Three teams of 2-3 people participate.
Each team is given three items:
- Calendar, sheet of paper, pack of tea;
- A chess piece, a silk scarf, a bag of rice;
- Compass, chopsticks, paper figurine (origami).

The task of the teams is to conduct a historical study in 1 minute and determine in which country each of the items was invented.
(Correct answers: calendar - Egypt; chess - India; origami art - Japan; paper, tea, compass, silk, rice, daddies - China.)

The team with the most accurate answers wins the right to keep the items as prizes.

Leading: Friends! I propose to look into the eastern Antiquities Shop, where among the coins, weapons, utensils, clothes, household items and other antiques you can find really old and mysterious objects. An example of such an unusual acquisition can be this vessel.

The host demonstrates a bottle of five-star Armenian cognac, made in the form of an amphora.

Leading: Giving this mysterious vessel as a gift for our birthday man, the seller of the Antiquities Shop told me the following story:
The ancient vessel was raised
From the waves of the mysterious sea.
And in it - a gray-haired magic genie
Languishing in captivity for centuries!
P.S. At the bottom, the vessel was covered with mud,
Jin was pretty bored.
He was waiting for the cork to be opened,
And even a little wild...
Break the seal of times,
Five stars - like five centuries.
And release the genie in an instant
You are from binding shackles!
Just make a wish -
And he will perform at the same moment!
After all, the famous school of magicians
He was a capable student.
So that the genie of mothballs spirit
Didn't it seem too gloomy to you,
I just spiced it up a little -
After pouring the spirit into the bottle ... cognac.

Leading(passing the bottle to the hero of the day): Handing over this magical vessel, I want to recall the well-known oriental wisdom: make your wishes with caution, because they can come true.

If the hero of the day offers to immediately open the bottle, its contents are poured to those who wish, and the one whose glass is filled last is considered gin. He is obliged to fulfill any wish of the birthday man.

Leading: Friends! Of course, you know from the school curriculum that such a term as the Great Silk Road is closely connected with the word East. This caravan trade route was the longest and played the role of a link between the countries of different civilizations. I propose to repeat this difficult route right in our hall and deliver some goods to their destination. I need the help of two men who will play the role of caravaners.

The host chooses assistants and forms their "caravans" - two teams of 4-5 people.


(team game)

Team members line up one after another, the caravaneer is ahead of everyone. Then they connect all the right legs to each other, and in the same way all the left legs to each other. On the start line there are various items (there should not be many of them, otherwise the game will be delayed), which the “caravan” needs to deliver to their destination - to the finish line.

To prevent the “caravan” from moving back empty, objects are also placed on the finish line. To the sound of the song "Uchkuduk" performed by the group "Yalla", the teams begin to move, led by caravaners.

The first team to move all the items wins.

The game can be complicated by laying a strip of wallpaper from start to finish, then the participants will need to move strictly along this “caravan route”, without going beyond it. Players of the winning team receive toy compasses as prizes.

Leading: In the East there is a wonderful way to keep the age. Those days that are spent with guests are not taken into account. I propose a toast to you, dear guests, because today, without knowing it, you extended the life of our hero of the day! (Dance program.)

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