Scenario of the competition of readers "consonance of the words of the living". The script of the literary and musical evening “There is a grace-filled power in the consonance of the words of living

March 24 within the decade, dedicated to the Day Orthodox book, V vocational school No. 29 in Chaplygin, an evening of spiritual poetry was held, organized jointly by the department of youth ministry of the deanery, PU-29 and the district library. The theme of prayer became the central element of the event.

The beginning of the evening was associated with the work of A. S. Pushkin, who transcribed in his poetry two of the greatest prayers - “Our Father” and the Lenten prayer of Ephraim the Syrian. Then we talked about the short prayer“Lord have mercy”, which sounds in the verses of P. A. Pokrovsky, a priest and poet. He accurately conveyed her spiritual state in the poem “Of all the prayers that I know ...”, which Tyurina T. S. read.

The central part of the evening was devoted to prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos and motherly prayer - the narration was conducted by N. N. Nikolaeva, using poems by Yu. V. Zhadovskaya and M. Yu. Lermontov.

Particular attention was paid to the work of M. Yu. Lermontov, who most intimately of all poets perceived the presence of God in his life.

In the final part, the prayer theme of love for God, reflected in the poetry of Grand Duke K. K. Romanov “Teach me, God, to love ...” and Prince P. A. Vyazemsky “Teach me to pray”, was considered. All participants were presented with a "Prayer-Gift" by the believing poet E. Sanin.

The evening was accompanied by the reading of poems performed by students of PU-29, a video presentation and clips "Mother's Prayer" and "God bless you." The exposition of the Orthodox regional library "Svetoch" was used.

In conclusion, Archpriest Vyacheslav Tatyanin, rector of the Nikolsky Church in Chaplygin, responsible for youth work in the Chaplygin deanery, thanked the organizers and participants of the evening and summed up the conversation, saying about the spiritual significance of prayer.

On March 25, a similar event took place at the Chaplygin Agricultural College.

Karpenko Ekaterina Yurievna
Job title: English teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Basic general education Peschanskaya school"
Locality: With. Gerbil
Material name: Methodical development
Subject: script of the competition of readers "Spiritual poetry"
Publication date: 16.03.2016
Chapter: secondary education

Scenario of the competition of readers "Spiritual poetry"

Lead 1.
Many words on earth. There are daytime words - The blue of the spring sky shines through them. There are words - like roses, words - like judgment. They do not surrender with them and do not take prisoners. With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, With a word you can carry shelves behind you.
Lead 2.
A word can betray, and sell, and buy A word can be poured into smashing lead, But we have Mercy, Love, Compassion, Honor for all the words in the language. Let them not serve as a bargaining chip - Keep them in your heart as a golden standard!
Lead 1.
It is hard to imagine our life without poetry... A thought armed with rhyme becomes sharper and brighter. It hits right on target - our heart and awakens the soul. Poetry enriches our lives by giving ordinary words a special magic. The power of the word has a special energy that captivates and subjugates our imagination.
Lead 2.
By tradition, today we again gathered together in this beautiful hall. And again we will speak in verse about the most important thing in the life of every person: about love, faith, compassion, mercy, about what can be called in one word - about spirituality.
Lead 1.
Poems imbued with the spirit of Christian love will not let you drown; rather, “wings will grow” from them. The divine gifts of spiritual poetry are effective and salutary.
Lead 2.
I really want to believe that today's meeting will help each of us replenish our moral reserve, once again think about the eternal values ​​of life.
Lead 1.
The word for greeting is provided by ____________________ __________________________________________________________________

Lead 2.
So, we begin our competition "Spiritual position-2016". “But what is a competition without a jury?” - you say.
Lead 1.
Friends, welcome the distinguished jury.
Host 2. _____________________________________________________________


Lead 1.
_______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Lead 2.
And now attention! We remind you of the criteria by which the jury will evaluate your performances:
Lead 1.
The first criterion is the level of performing skills;
Lead 2.
The second criterion is the individuality of the performing manner;
Lead 1.
The third criterion is intelligibility and audibility of speech;
Lead 2.
The fourth criterion is artistry and stage culture;
Lead 1.
The fifth criterion is the originality, originality of the chosen poem;
Lead 2.
The sixth criterion is the ability to keep the audience's attention during a speech.
Lead 1.
Every time we cross the threshold of the New Year, the soul becomes especially warm, because in a few days the Christmas Holiday will come!
Lead 2.
Christmas is an amazing time when the heart is filled with the expectation of a miracle... And this miracle is happening!..
Lead 1.
Two thousand years ago, in the distant country of Palestine, in the city of Bethlehem, an amazing miracle happened: an extraordinary Baby was born. The predictions of the prophets were fulfilled: the Savior came into the world. That's how it was.

Lead 2.
G. Klemina "Christmas"
read by the smallest contestant, 2nd grade student
secondary school
Atanov Dmitry.

Lead 1.
And then a star rose over Bethlehem, announcing to the world the birth of the God-man, the son of God, the shepherd of man for the atonement of sins, called to build the kingdom of God on earth.
(Clip "On the Night of Christmas")

Lead 2.
Christ came to earth so that the most important miracles would happen in the hearts of people: the greedy one would become generous, the envious one would become disinterested, the weeping would be comforted, the lonely would find a friend. And all this is possible if we believe, pray, hope and love.
Lead 1.
An excerpt from an ode
G. Derzhavin "God"
8th grade student reading
Kharchenko Natalia.

Lead 2.
What blood is to the body, prayer is to the soul. Prayer is called the "wings of the soul", since sincere prayer lifts a person's heart higher than heaven.
(Clip "Prayer to an angel")

Lead 1.
T. Baslina "Children's Prayer"
4th grade student reading
Semenova Alexandra
Lead 2.
When, lost on the road of life, we stop, not knowing where to go, through the roar and roar of the technical era, so powerful and at the same time so impoverished and powerless, we learn to listen to the silence of eternity, the beauty of spiritual poetry, then we will definitely hear the voice of the Creator, infusing him the courage of the word: "I am with you, all the days to the end of the age."
Lead 1.
Irina Ivanova "Your Rights"
9th grade student reading
Melon Natalia.

Lead 2.
What do I believe? - In love. She is the source, she is the beginning. So that the music of life sounds, We call on it again.

Lead 1.
What do I believe? - In love, In its healing power. The world without her is completely wingless! We call her again!
Lead 2.
What do I believe? - In love. She is the soul of any abode, Her cover, her guardian. We call her again.
Lead 1.
How much love I need, So that its cherished fire Warms the hearts at their hour of dawn! I call her again... What do I believe in? - In love.
Lead 2.
A. Korinfsky "Star of Bethlehem"
6th grade student reading
Goloborodko Sofia
Lead 1.
Love is the only criterion for the title of Man. Do not kill the personality of your neighbor even once: neither by a word, nor by a hint, nor by a gesture. Walk through life with love! For, as the Gospel teaches, the first and greatest Commandment is: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." The second, similar to it: “Love your neighbor as yourself…”
Lead 2.
F.M. Dostoevsky "God's Gift"
6th grade student reading
Grigorova Daria.

Lead 1.
Calls time for kindness. It is tired of evil. You told me about fear, darkness, And I about a melted branch.
I remembered this so that the evil that multiplied the hardships, Do not hurt anyone else, At least in the remaining years.
Lead 2.
Zinaida Polyakova "Shards of Kindness"
5th grade student reading
Sirik Polina.

Lead 1.
Open your soul to meet the world, Embrace the whole earth and understand: There is Love. Keep it and listen. We are not alone in the world!
Lead 2.
May everyone always be merciful To the weak, orphans, the poor, the sick! What he has, he will share with the poor And call him his brother!
Lead 1.
Svetlana Kopylova "Window"
read by 7th grade student
Parshin Sergey.

Lead 2.
The day before the birth, the child asked God: - I don't know what I should do in this World. God answered: - I will give you an Angel who will always be with you. - But I don't understand his language... - The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles. - How and when should I return to you? - Your Angel will tell you everything. What is my Angel's name? - It doesn't matter what his name is... you will call him: MAMA...
Lead 1.
An excerpt from a poem
Sergei Ostrovoy "Mother"
5th grade student reading
Bidenko Daria.

(Clip "They say you prayed for me")

Lead 2.
The most beautiful word on earth is mother. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain for anything
indifferent. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the happier, brighter her life. Give mothers your love while they are around, while they are alive.
Lead 1.
Every person has a second mother - Motherland. Love for the Motherland is the most important feeling for each of us. K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “There are many things in the world and, apart from Russia, all sorts of good states and lands, but one for man own mother- He has one and the Motherland. (
Clip "My Russia")

Lead 2.
Love for the Motherland is a very personal, deep, quiet feeling, as the poet said. It shouldn't be exposed. The way we treat our loved ones, parents, friends, our native earth, our great country, is best manifested in our deeds and deeds, and not in loud and beautiful words. In the people it is called the Russian soul.
Lead 1.
Terenty Travnik "Russian Soul"
3rd grade student reading
Arrestova Veronica.

Lead 2.
Applications for the competition have been exhausted. We ask the jury to sum up.
(Jury retires for summing up)

Lead 1.
And we continue to penetrate into the depths of spirituality. We bring to your attention a song on verses
Olga Yakovleva "Life is given by God"
performed by 8th grade students

Lead 2.
And now as a gift to all present
Russian folk

from the dance group "Rhythm"

Lead 1.
We come into the world to make life brighter, At least for a small, modest light, The one that we can carry in our palms Through the darkness and wind of life's roads.
Lead 2.
Do not wait in return for praise or rewards, Giving good, you can not hide self-interest. This is how spring gives us the flowering of the garden, This is how the sky gives us blue heights.

Lead 1.
The heart seeks warmth, the heart spares no strength. Our soul is torn into an endless flight. The heart seeks love, and in separation it gets sick, But doctors are in no hurry to help it ...
Lead 2.
You are not afraid to love and be more generous in feelings. Happy is the one who distributes love without end, After all, from the stinginess of feelings, our souls become emaciated, And from the poverty of souls, hearts become so coarse.
Lead 1.
So, the results of the competition have been summed up. Word to our esteemed jury.
(the jury announces the results of the competition, awards diplomas)

Lead 2.
And so our meeting came to an end. We have touched upon only the smallest part of spiritual poetry. Much remains unsaid. But we hope that we have prompted you to think about many things in life, to analyze your actions, to draw the right conclusions. And we are sure that every year there will be more and more connoisseurs of spiritual poetry wishing to take part in our competition.
Lead 1.
We sincerely hope that this day and our meeting will remain in your memory as a good and happy day spent with friends. All the best to you! See you soon!
(Clip "Thank you, Lord of Nazareth")

Russian writers from a spiritual point of view were ordinary people, but the religious feeling was developed in almost all of them, and, not growing to high silence and asceticism, was expressed in sincere words of poetry ...

R Russian poetry has long been a representative of Russian religious philosophy and Russian prophetic gift. She uttered with her inspired language what other peoples had long ago become the property of prose and journalism.

I. A. Ilyin

Russian religious poetry is a whole world in which the most intimate human feelings of the poet are expressed. It is in religious verses that the poet reveals his soul to the very depths, reveals his feelings about the “higher world” and Revelation. Prayer is also poetic, contains elements of poetry. The experience of Orthodox ascetics, as a rule, was not put into words by the ascetics themselves, but was passed from mouth to mouth - and only a few spiritual writers who had achieved holiness on earth dared to open to outsiders the world of their experience and deep spiritual experiences. This is how patristic literature and church hymnography were born. But this is the height of the spirit, the lot of the saints, and a person, turning with his soul to church hymnography, gradually loses the need for lyrical outpourings, church prayer displaces passionate and unnecessary feelings in him.

Russian writers, even the great geniuses of literature, from a spiritual point of view, were ordinary people, and the experiences that possessed them were spiritual, not spiritual. But the religious feeling was developed in almost all of them, and, not growing to high silence and asceticism, was expressed in sincere words of poetry.

The site of the Sretensky Seminary publishes selected religious poems by Russian poets, wishing to acquaint the reader with the prayerful mood and inner world Russian poets and poetesses. While reading them, let us remember that a poem about prayer is not yet prayer itself, but its anticipation, a reflection of the mood in which a person is ready to turn to his Creator. Poetry like a tuning fork can set the soul in a prayerful mood. This is why Russian religious poetry is especially valuable for us, people of modern times, who are spiritually weak and imperfect.

Valery Bryusov

O Book of Books! Who has not experienced
In your changing fate
How do you heal the one who betrayed
Your weary spirit to you.
In a series of visions unchanged,
How perfect and pure
Your pages are soulful
Infant simplicity.
Cutter, and pencil, and brushes,
And the strings, and the melodious verse -
Even brighter, even brighter
They create a series of your images
What a poet, what an artist
I did not come to you, loving:
Jew, Christian, atheist
Everyone, everyone learned from you.
And how many brilliant ideas
Unknowingly merged with you:
Through the shine of your crystal pages
We shine geniuses dreams.
You are forever new, century after century,
Year after year, after instantly moment,
You get up - an altar before a man
O Bible! O Book of Books!
You are the truth of the hidden secrets,
You are a revelation, you are a covenant,
Almighty given to the whole universe
For past and future years.

Fedor Tyutchev

prophetic soul
O my prophetic soul!
Oh heart full of anxiety
Oh how you beat on the threshold
Like a double existence.
You are like a dweller of two worlds,
Your day is painful and passionate
Your dream is prophetically obscure
Like revelations of spirits.
Let the suffering chest
Fatal passions disturb.
The soul is ready, like Mary,
To cling to the feet of Christ forever.

On fasting days
During the days of fasting, days of repentance,
Leave a swarm of sinful thoughts;
Fear, sinner, retribution;
Direct your mind to the Lord.
Come to the temple not with a proud eye,
As a Pharisee not a hypocrite;
In deep humiliation
Knock on the pardon door.
Like an ancient publican with humility -
Bow your head down;
With sincere condolences
"Have mercy, Lord!" - pray...
Shedding tears of tenderness,
May she be free from sin
Your soul is a stranger to doubt
Receive worthy of Christ.

Vasily Zhukovsky

Dry your tears, clear your darkened heart,
Raise your eyes to heaven: There is the Comforter, Father!
There he is your contrite life, your breath and prayer
Hears and sees. Humble yourself, believing in His goodness.
If you lose the strength of your soul in suffering and horror,
Raise your eyes to the sky: it will give new strength.

Sergei Solovyov

At dawn, the two of us went,
Shaking dew from sleepy herbs,
Carrying from myrrh and aloes
Fragrant composition.
We walked without thinking about a miracle,
In a cold, pink beam.
You are the world in an earthen vessel,
She leaned over and held it on her shoulder.
And we were so afraid to remember
His shame and death and pain...
Like hot wounds washed
Your hair is night pitch.
Like nails from his palms
You, quietly crying, extracted
Looking at the blood, which, as from clusters,
It flowed in thick drops.
Maria Mother and you - both of you -
It was received from the soldiers
And laid in a new coffin
Pouring the aroma on the body.
Look, Saturday night has passed,
And a new day is replaced by darkness.
Sister, tell me why
Are you suddenly quickening your pace?
The garden is near. Here is the lily bowl
Glittered out of the dawn mist.
Sister, why are our clothes
So unnaturally white?
How densely the branches hung here.
Give me a vessel. They came. It's time.
Here is the cave. Where is he? Empty!
Who took it? Oh who, sister?
Who blocked the entrance to the cave?
What happened in the night?
The empty cover turns white, complex,
In the cave - white rays.
Where is the body? Where are the guards? Where is the fence?
Everything is just white flowers.
I'm running towards! No... don't.
You loved - you will meet!

Alexander Pushkin

"Our Father"
I heard - in a cell simple
The old man with a miraculous prayer
Prayed silently before me:
“Father of people, Heavenly Father!
Yes, your eternal name
Hallowed by our hearts;
May your kingdom come
May your will be with us
As in heaven, so on earth.
Our daily bread has been sent down to us
With your generous hand;
How do we forgive people?
So us, insignificant before You,
Forgive, Father, Your children;
Don't lead us into temptation
And from crafty seduction
Deliver us!..”

Prepared by Artemy Bugrov

Literary and musical spiritual hour
"The Enduring Power of the Word of Prayer"
(Prayer in Russian poetry)
slide 1
slide 2
1. Host
Life without Christ is an accidental dream, Blessed is the one who has been given two hearings - Whoever hears the ringing of the church, And hears the prophetic voice of the Spirit! (Ya. P. Polonsky)
Sounds like a melody bell ringing Holy Trinity Cathedral
slide 3
2. Leading.
Russian poetry began with prayers. Through prayer, a person was united with God, strengthened in spirit, and it was easier for him to overcome the hardships and difficulties that fell to his lot. The proverb says about the constant conversion of our ancestors through prayer to God:
We do not live by bread - by prayer.
1. Host
Among the founders of Russian prayer poetry are the chronicler Nestor, Theodosius of Pechersk, Hilarion, Kirill Turovsky, Maxim Grek, Ivan the Terrible. These are the names of the first Russian poets. Russian poetry begins with prayers. One of the first prayer poems belongs to Vladimir Monomakh:
slide 4
Reader 1
Wisdom is the mentors of meaning, the giver of unreasonable teachers and the poor intercessor! Establish my heart in the mind, lord! Give me the gift of words, father!
Do not forbid my mouth to cry out to you! Merciful, have mercy on the fallen!
2. Host
The first prayer verses do not yet have a rhyme, but their musical-rhythmic organization is obvious. The prayerful masterpieces of the authors of the 19th and 20th centuries, the golden and silver ages of Russian poetry, are well known.
Reader 2
Reading a poem by I. Kozlov
slide 5
Forgive me, God, sins
And renew my languid spirit,
Let me bear my pain
In hope, faith and love.
I am not afraid of my suffering:
They are the pledge of holy love;
But give me a fiery soul
I could shed tears of repentance.
Look at the hearts of poverty
Give Magdalene the sacred fire,
Give John purity;
Let me carry my perishable crown
Under the yoke of a heavy cross
At the feet of the Savior Christ.
December 3, 1839
slide 6
1. Lead. In A. Blok's poem "The Girl Sang in the Church Choir", the girl's singing becomes her prayer for all those who are having a hard time now. Beautiful singing, a girl in a white dress resembling an angel, the beauty, peace and tranquility of the temple - all this is opposed to the rough reality, horrors and cruelty of the time of wars and revolutions.
Slide 7
Reader 3. Reading A. Blok's verse "The girl sang in the church choir"
The girl sang in the church choir About all those who are tired in a foreign land, About all the ships that have gone to sea, About all those who have forgotten their joy.
So sang her voice, flying into the dome, And a beam shone on a white shoulder, And each of the darkness looked and listened, White dress sang in the beam.
And it seemed to everyone that there would be joy, That in a quiet backwater all the ships, And that tired people in a foreign land, They found a bright life for themselves ...
And the voice was sweet, and the beam was thin, And only high, at the Royal Doors, Involved in secrets, the child cried That no one would come back.
2. Lead. Almost every Russian poet, with rare exceptions, has prayer poems that can be called pearls of spiritual poetry, because it is they who have the life-giving power to heal human souls tormented by everyday adversity.
The great power of prayer is spoken of in a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "In a difficult moment of life ..."
A video clip sounds, a romance to the verses of M.Yu. Lermontov "In a difficult moment of life ..."
1. Host: Do we know what kind of prayer Lermontov's hero says? No. The poet is silent about this. Why? It probably doesn't matter what kind of prayer it is, but how it is pronounced is important. Any prayer can become "wonderful", "gracious" if it comes from a pure heart and with deep faith.
Slide 8
2. Host: About the prayer miracle and Vasily Afanasiev's poem "The Lark".
Reader 4. Reading the poem "The Lark": I am learning from the lark With self-forgetfulness to pray, - How it fills, friends, In the clear blue this bird! Over the field, meadow, over the river He takes off into the sky, rejoicing ... And I? My God, such a wondrous prayer!
Slide 9
1. Lead. A.S. Pushkin has a poetic arrangement of the most important prayer of Christians - “Our Father”. Its other name is "The Lord's Prayer", as it was given as a model by Jesus Christ to his disciples.
Reader 5. Reading the poem "I heard - in a simple cell ..."
I heard - in the cell of a simple Old man with a miraculous prayer Prayed quietly before me: "Father of people, Heavenly Father! May Your eternal name be hallowed by our hearts; May Your kingdom come, Your will be with us, As in heaven, so on earth. with a generous hand; And as we forgive people, So we, insignificant before You, Forgive, Father, Your children; Do not plunge us into temptation, And deliver us from evil seduction! The light of the lamp Flickered in the dark from afar, And the heart sensed joy From that prayer of the old man./A. S. Pushkin/
Slide 10
2. Presenter The theme of atonement for sins is one of the central ones in Russian poetry. At the heart of Pushkin's dying poem "The Hermit Fathers ..." is the penitential prayer of Ephraim the Syrian.
slide 11
Reader 6. Reading A.S. Pushkin's poem "The Hermit Fathers ..."
Desert fathers and blameless wives, To fly with their hearts in the region of correspondence, To strengthen it amid the valley storms and battles, Laid down many divine prayers; But none of them touches me, Like the one that the priest repeats During the sad days of Great Lent; More and more often she comes to my lips And strengthens the fallen with an unknown force: Lord of my days! The spirit of dull idleness, Amorousness, this hidden snake, And do not give idle talk to my soul. But let me see my, O God, sins, Yes, my brother will not accept condemnation from me, And revive the spirit of humility, patience, love And chastity in my heart.
1. Lead. One of the themes of Russian prayer poetry - thanksgiving - is presented in the poems of the Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov (K.R.) and I. A. Bunin "For everything, Lord, I thank you."
slide 12
Reader 7. Reading a poem by Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov (K.R.)
When there is no urine to bear the cross,
When sadness cannot be overcome
We raise our eyes to heaven
Praying day and night
For the Lord to have mercy.
But if after grief
Happiness smiles upon us again
Thank you kindly
With all my heart, with all my mind
Are we God's mercy and love?
slide 13
A romance sounds to the verses of I. A. Bunin “For everything, Lord, I thank you”
Slide 14
2. Lead. The poet in Russian poetry often appears in the form of a prophet, called to “burn the hearts of people with a verb”, to awaken “good feelings” in them, “to call for mercy for the fallen”, and pray for her in the most difficult moments in the life of the country.
Reader 8. Reading a poem by N. Ognivtsev "Prayer for Russia."
God Great! How painful and hard
My land is crying with fire and lead.
Rus' you are mine! Blue nun!
With a pale drooping face.
Here you are lying on the churchyard, dear,
A rag will plug your parched mouth.
And along the torn cassock, running away,
A scarlet stream flows.
Churches - on stalls, Icons - on chips,
The last Twelfth hour has struck.
Holy God, Holy Strong,
Holy Immortal,
Have mercy on us!
slide 15
1. Lead. Great is the power of prayer during the war ... Many now believe that the Great Patriotic War was won not only by fire and sword, but also by good faith in our rightness, by the prayers of our grandfathers and grandmothers, who deserved intercession for us with their lives Holy Mother of God and our Savior.
Reader 9. Reading a poem by Alexander Zatsepa "Listen, God ..."
Listen, God... Never before in my life
I didn't talk to you, but today
I want to greet you.
You know ... since childhood, they always told me,
That there is no you ... And I, a fool, believed.
I have never beheld your creations,
And so tonight I watched
From the crater that knocked out a grenade
To the starry sky that was above me.
I suddenly realized, admiring their flicker,
How cruel deceit can be.
I don't know, God, will you give me your hand?
But I will tell you, and you will understand me.
Isn't it strange that in the midst of the most terrible hell
I suddenly opened the light, and I recognized you.
Other than that, I have nothing to say.
It's just that I'm glad I got to know you.
slide 16
2. Lead. These verses were found in 1944 in the pocket of the murdered soldier Alexander Zatsepa. They are placed in the book "Save and Save" by Andrey Farberov not by chance. Warriors, believers from childhood, often connected their fate with the service of the Church and became priests. And the soldiers, who did not believe in God before the war, believed in the war and accepted the Bible. They were subdued by the immutable truth about love and kindness, about beauty and truth; All this is reflected in prayer.
Slide 17
1. Lead. Without God, without prayer work for the future of our Motherland there will be no Great Russia. The poetic lines of Hieromonk Roman (Matyushin) sound like a warning to the nation: “Without God, a nation is a crowd” Reader: Without God, a nation is a crowd, United by vice, Or blind, or stupid, Or, what is even worse, cruel. high style. The crowd will remain a crowd Until they turn to God!
Slide 18

Attached files


Publication date: 03.10.2015

Short description:

material preview

Topic: "Prayer Word of Russian Poetry"

People learn Knowledge, people learn Memory, people learn Conscience. These are the three subjects that are necessary in any School and which art has absorbed. Yu. M. Lotman

Objectives: to give an idea of ​​the prayer word; to note the close connection of Russian poetry with Orthodoxy; to acquaint with the best examples of the prayer word of Russian poetry.

Equipment: portraits of poets, cards with poems, songs based on poems by poets.



Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Interview with 11th graders:

What is the name of such an appeal? (Prayer)

When does a person resort to prayer most often? (In hard times)

A true Christian is constantly in communion with God. He believes that everything in the world depends on the will of God. In prayers, we express requests, give thanks for their fulfillment, repent of sins ... What do you think, what should be the inner state of the one who prays? (He must concentrate, discard all extraneous thoughts, be in a state of humility and reverence).

    Teacher's word.

Today we will carefully read prayer word Russian poetry. Listen and try to remember Yegor Isaev's poem "Prayer": Bear in mind, my friend, prayer is not a rumor, She doesn't need random words. She is your soul, she and the body In one wave, boundlessly and completely. She, like inhalation and exhalation, is monolithic, And her universal name is prayer.

The prayer word is at the top of word creation. Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov in his work “The Seven-Colored Rainbow of the Human Word” reflects on the place of each human word. Below - the word is black, abusive, vicious. A little above it - the word is empty, idle. Above - the word is warm, affectionate, kind. The next is a golden, wise, instructive word. In a place of honor, the word is red, artistic. But above it is the prophetic word (the last and bequeathing). And above all words - the word of prayer, holy, addressed to God and the Mother of God. (Can be shown as a diagram)

The self-consciousness of the Russian people cannot be imagined without a millennium of Russian prayers. Already in the "Word on Law and Grace" - the pastoral word of the first Russian Metropolitan Hilarion - two prayers have been preserved. A prayer written by Vladimir Monomakh was included in The Tale of Bygone Years. Among the founders of Russian prayer poetry are the chronicler Nestor, Theodosius of the Pechersk, Kirill of Turovsky, Maxim Grek and Ivan the Terrible. Russian poetry begins with their prayers.

    Here is an excerpt from I. A. Ilyin's book "The Singing Heart" (chapter "On Prayer"):

“There are as many types of prayer as there can be born in one soul or in all souls different states and moods” (John Kasian the Roman). There are prayers of gratitude, admiration, humility, repentance and purification. Prayer can listen to the breath of God, contemplate the wisdom of the Creator and bestow evidence on a person; prayer can doubt, question, despair, grieve and call.

So, there is a prayer of exhaustion, uttered with many tears and giving strength: "Lord, I can no longer ..."

And there is a prayer without tears and without words, instantaneous, contemplative-ray: a single glance of the spiritual eye, directed to the mountain - "He is, He watches, and I am His instrument." This is a prayer of comfort and strength.

And there is a prayer of heartfelt warmth, like this: to touch in oneself His inextinguishable coal; but only.

And in the paths and sufferings of personal life, the prayer of service and overcoming will always have a fateful meaning: “Here I am before You, Lord, Your servant, seeking only Your will. Teach me to faithfully serve Thee with all my breath and deed. Send me Your strength, Your wisdom and Your inspiration. Do not give me up to be reproached by Your enemies; deliver me from their threats. And keep my freedom in life and creativity, for my freedom is in doing Your will.

And on these paths, life becomes a school of prayer, and prayer becomes a true source of life and creative power.”

What types of prayer can you name? (Prayer, thanksgiving, praise)

    Teacher's word.

In 2007, the Veche publishing house published the book Prayers of Russian Poets. XI - XXI century ", in which there are more than two hundred names and more than a thousand works. Prayers go through all the pain points of our history.

In today's lesson, "meet" poems-prayers of poets of the XIX - XX centuries. Despite the different construction, different images of lyrical heroes and wide range feelings, all of them are united by one thing - the message of man to God, his reverent standing before Him.

The poem by A. S. Pushkin “The Desert Fathers” is an arrangement of the penitential prayer of Ephraim the Syrian, which is read during worship during the days of Great Lent.

Desert fathers and blameless wives, To fly with their hearts in the region of correspondence, To strengthen it amid the valley storms and battles, Laid down many divine prayers; But none of them touches me, Like the one that the priest repeats During the sad days of Great Lent; More and more often she comes to my lips And strengthens the fallen with an unknown force: Lord of my days! The spirit of idleness of despondent lubochaliya, this hidden snake, And do not give idle talk to my soul. But let me see my, O God, sins. Yes, my brother will not accept condemnation from me, And revive the spirit of patience, humility, love And chastity in my heart.

M. Yu. Lermontov in 1837, being imprisoned for the poem "The Death of a Poet", wrote "The Wanderer's Prayer", dedicated to V. A. Lopukhina. The poet turns to the Mother of God, "The warm intercessor of the cold world," because he hopes only for her, entrusting her with the fate of his beloved. Especially touching is the request to send the "best angel" to receive "a beautiful soul" at the appointed hour. Angels cannot be better or worse, but the "wanderer" asks for the best with childish spontaneity.

(Expressive reading of a poem by a student)

I, the Mother of God, now with a prayer Before your image, a bright radiance, Not about salvation, not before the battle, Not with gratitude or repentance,

I do not pray for the soul of a hermit, For the soul of a wanderer in the light of the rootless; But I want to hand over an innocent maiden to the warm intercessor of the cold world.

Surround with happiness a worthy soul; Give her companions full of attention, Bright youth, calm old age, Peace of hope for a gentle heart.

Is the time approaching the hour of farewell In the noisy morning, in the silent night - You go to the sad bed to receive the Best angel's beautiful soul.

Another “Prayer” by Lermontov is dedicated to M.A. Shcherbatova, with whom he was fascinated in 1839-1840. A contemporary of the poet A. O. Smirnova-Rosset recalled: “Mashenka told him to pray when he was sad. He promised her and wrote these poems.” The poem is permeated with a light, inspired mood. The poet devotes himself entirely to wonderful prayer, communion with God. We do not know what kind of prayer he repeats. It is important that she helps him, restores peace of mind, it becomes easy and light for him. More than forty composers have set this poem to music.

(song recording sounds)

In a difficult moment of life
Does sadness linger in the heart:
One wonderful prayer
I repeat by heart.
There is a grace
In harmony with the words of the living,
And breathes incomprehensible,
Holy beauty in them.
From the soul as a burden rolls down,
Doubt is far away
And believe and cry
And it's so easy, easy...

During the years of Soviet power, for ideological reasons, it was hushed up

the work of the poet K.R. (Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov) (1858 - 1915). He entered literature under the cryptonym K.R. a bright, outstanding person, poet and composer, actor and translator, warrior and President Russian Academy Sciences, he seemed strange in a high-power family. “For others, I am a military man. For myself, I am a poet,” he writes on August 10, 1888, on his thirtieth birthday. Love for Russia, for the Russian people are the main themes of his poetry. In the poem "Prayer" a humble request to God sounds: "Teach me, God, to love ..."

(song recording sounds)

Teach me, God, to love

With all your mind, with all your thought,

To devote my soul to You

And all my life with every heartbeat.

Teach me to keep

Only Your merciful will,

Learn to never complain

For the entire laborious share.

All who came to redeem

You, by Your pure blood,

Selfless, deep love

Teach me, God, to love!

Love for the Motherland was also a source of inspiration for A.A. Akhmatova (1889-1966). She couldn't imagine life without Russia. In her poem "Prayer" - a plea to have mercy on Russia, to carry black clouds over it severe trials. This poem is consonant with her other works about the Motherland - “I had a voice, he called comfortingly ...” and “I am not with those who left the earth ...”

Give me bitter years of sickness

Breathlessness, insomnia, fever,

Take away both the child and the friend,

And a mysterious song gift -

So I pray for your liturgy

After so many agonizing days

To cloud over dark Russia

Became a cloud in the glory of rays.

I.A. Bunin (1870-1953) - bright poet and prose writer Silver Age. Laureate of Pushkin and Nobel Prize. The poem "For everything, Lord, thank you! .." was written by him in 1901. In terms of genre, it goes back to prayers of thanksgiving. "Thank God for everything!" - the main idea of ​​this poem-prayer.

(expressive reading of the poem)

Thank you for everything, Lord!

You, after a day of anxiety and sadness,

Give me the evening dawn

The expanse of fields and the meekness of the blue distance.

I am alone now - as always.

But then the sunset spilled its magnificent flame,

And the Evening Star melts in it,

Trembling through like a gemstone.

And I am happy with a sad fate,

And there is a sweet joy in the mind,

That I am alone in silent contemplation,

That I am a stranger to everyone and I say - with You.

Atheism was the official ideology Soviet Union. But on the verge of death, a person involuntarily thinks: “What next?”. After the Second World War, a suicide poem was published in one of the foreign publications Soviet soldier, who died in 1942, found in his overcoat. His name is unknown. In the last hours of his life, he turns to God and in this he finds courage before the battle.

(expressive reading of the poem)

Listen, God... Not once in my life

I didn't talk to you, but today

I want to greet you.

You know, since childhood I was told

That there is no You. And I, the fool, believed.

I have never beheld your creations,

And so tonight I watched

From the crater that knocked out a grenade

To the starry sky that was above me.

I suddenly realized, admiring the universe,

How cruel deceit can be.

I don't know, God, will you give me your hand,

But I will tell you, and you will understand me:

Isn't it strange that in the midst of a terrifying hell

I suddenly opened the light and I recognized You?

And besides that, I have nothing to say

It's just that I'm glad I got to know you.

At midnight we are scheduled to attack,

But I'm not afraid: You're looking at us...

Signal. Well? I must go.

I felt good with you. I also want to say

That, as you know, the battle will be wicked

And maybe at night I will knock on You.

And so, even though until now I have not been your friend,

Will You let me in when I come?

But it looks like I'm crying. My God, you see

What happened to me is that today I have seen the light.

Farewell, my God, I'm coming! And I probably won't be back.

How strange, but now I'm not afraid of death!

Bulat Okudzhava (1924-1997) - also a participant in the war. He is a recognized founder of the author's song. In the poem "Prayer" one can hear a subtle combination of faith in the justice of the world order and disturbing doubts about this justice, playful irony and naive frankness. In the repeated appeal to God: “And do not forget about me,” not only the author is implied, but also any of us.

(expressive reading of the poem)

(song recording sounds)

While the earth is still spinning
While the light is still bright
Lord, give You to everyone
What he doesn't have:
Give the head to the wise
Give the coward a horse
Give happy money...
And don't forget about me.
While the earth is still spinning,
Lord, Your power! -
Give to the one who strives for power
Take control,
Give a break to the generous
Even before the end of the day
Give Cain repentance...
And don't forget about me.
I know you can do everything
I believe in your wisdom
As the soldier who is killed believes,
That he lives in paradise
As every ear believes
Your quiet words
As we ourselves believe,
Not knowing what we are doing!
Lord my God
My green eyed!
While the earth is still spinning
And this is strange to her,
As long as she has enough
Time and fire
Give everyone a little...

And don't forget about me.

Poet-bard Alexander Dolsky (born in 1938) - participant in numerous amateur song festivals, laureate State Prize named after Bulat Okudzhava, Honored Artist of Russia. Alexander Alexandrovich performs with his songs in our country and abroad. Poem " family prayer"- a humble petition from God for mercy for the mother, for the wife and children, for Russia, and in the end - for oneself - patience and wisdom.

(expressive reading of the poem)

I will pray first for my mother, so that in the world,

Where her subtle and gentle spirit stays,

It was clean and modest, like in our apartment,

And nothing warped sight and hearing.

And then I will pray for my wife quietly,

So that her sons on the Lord's ways

Her name is bright and grief and famously

They took me away, forgetting about despondency and fear.

And then I will ask for the eldest son,

So that frost does not touch his heart,

So that reason and strength do not become the cause

Maternal care, sadness and tears.

And then I will pray for the middle son,

So that labor and talent are not imputed to him

And the palette of the soul was represented by a picture,

Where love trusts the mind with its brush.

And then I will ask for the youngest son,

So that he lives humbly, working and praying,

Realizing that Mother and Madonna are one

And that music is higher than secular power.

I will also pray for Russia. I'll cry

To leave the life of my sons,

And she treated the Soul and the Forests differently,

And cooled down forever to theft and battles.

And in the end I will pray for myself, so that the All-good

Gave me patience and wisdom inspired,

To let my thoughts go to paper,

To raise the heart to the Mountain Peaks.

Hieromonk Roman (Alexander Ivanovich Matyushin) (born in 1954), our contemporary, author of many spiritual poems. He felt the call to monasticism already in his early youth, and there is evidence of this in his poems. The book of poems "Russian doll" was published in 2002 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II. Songs based on verses by Hieromonk Roman are performed by Zhanna Bichevskaya, Oleg Pogudin, Sergei Bezrukov, Maxim Troshin, and others. Since October 9, 2003, Hieromonk Roman has shut himself away from the world in a skete in the Pskov region. In his prayer verses, hieromonk Roman asks God for favors for Russia.

(expressive reading of the poem)

My joy, the time of repentance is coming,
My joy, autumn around was on fire.
Nothing on earth is permanent
My joy, my only friend.
Yellow, red - everything is multi-colored,
The ditches are lined with gold, gold.
Right in the face of the unrequited spring
The wind tossed a little of the leaves.
Trees languished without rights,
In the robes of the torn, death awaits.
Only golden Orthodox Crosses,
My joy, we are called to immortality.
My joy, this sinful vanity
He even throws sheets on the porch.
But they longed for unearthly peace
White Churches, Holy Crosses.
They are not attracted by counterfeit bills,
Does not attract a stream of gold,
Do you need this false gold,
To you, kissing eternal rest?!
White Churches shine from afar,
Blessing about the other world.
The Preachers of Truth are still alive,
My joy, do not grieve for anything.
White Churches are filled with meekness,
They sanctify the light until now.
My joy is that you are spinning in vain -
The White Churches are now a thousand years old.
You survived, wordless Spectators,
The storms have passed, they have been scattered.
How much has been seen over the centuries
White Churches, Shards of Rus'?
White Churches float in Infinity,
Oh, Keepers of unearthly Purity!
Unbowed Citizens of Eternity,
White Churches, Holy Crosses.
Perishable smells do not concern you,
This October desperate feast.
White Churches - Strongholds of the Universe,
Do not resist - the world will fall apart.
The ringing of bells flies through the centuries,
Meet me at the Temple prayer hour:
My joy, you and I did not notice;
Autumn is already at our doorstep.

III. Lesson results.

Let's turn to the epigraph of our lesson. What Knowledge will you take with you to life from today's lesson? What of what you read and heard will remain in your memory? With what will you compare your actions and your Conscience?

IV. Homework.

Learn by heart any poem you like - a prayer.

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