Video of Professor Osipov's lecture online. Orthodox monks burn the books of Professor A.I. Osipov

Modern people often too absorbed in today's hectic pace of life and concern for material wealth without thinking about spiritual matters. However, they are an integral moral component of the existence of any person; in no case should they be forgotten.

The lectures of Alexei Ilyich Osipov, Doctor of Theology, Honored Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, are devoted to this topic, one of which is presented in the video. The man slowly begins to read, giving the audience a definition of personality. A clear and at the same time heartfelt speech of the lecturer makes even those who are generally not very interested in such concepts listen carefully to his words.


Alexey Ilyich analyzes the interaction of mind and heart inherent in any person. Using religious terms, he at the same time presents the material at a level that is quite accessible to people who are far from faith and reading the relevant literature.

The professor of theology talks about how closely interconnected the body and soul are in each individual, explains the need for their harmonious coexistence. Watching the video will certainly make each of the viewers think about a lot, regardless of their individual position in the field of religion. Watch the video "Lectures by Professor Osipov" in good quality 720HD. All materials of 2017 and 2018 are contained on and are available on our website without registration.

Friday, 18 May 2012

And all his deeds will burn...? Russian monks and their assistants burn the edition of the book “From time to eternity. Posthumous life of the soul” by professor of the Moscow Theological Academy of the ROC MP A.I. Osipov.

Who does not understand why Orthodox monks burn Osipov's books, read:

Theological commentary on the book by Professor MDAiS A.I. Osipov "Afterlife":

Sites with criticism of theology prof. Osipova:

I don’t yet have exact data on the video (who burned it and where), but judging by the message of glebin, an Orthodox fighter against abortion, it is possible that the books were burned in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery.

“I have just been to the Pskov-Caves Monastery. I was there for a short time, just a few hours, but what I saw and heard was very encouraging.

For example, one of the monks of the brethren told literally the following: once a whole box of Osipov’s books came to the monastery: “with the stamp of the Publishing Council, the circulation of the publication is 30 thousand copies, on glossy paper.” Well, at first they started handing out these books. And then, when they saw that in this book, literally on every page, or Origenism, or Marcionism, or some other heresy condemned by the Councils, they destroyed everything sent, trying to take away what had already been distributed.

By the way, oh Oleg Stenyaev said that Archim. John Krestyankin very warmly and joyfully received Father Daniil Sysoev, an irreconcilable detractor of Osipov's false teachings. However, this false doctrine is rejected not only in the Pskov-Pechora Monastery: it is known, for example, that the Athos monasteries do not give Osipov an entry visa.”

A.I. Osipov - From time to eternity. Posthumous life of the soul

Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Alexei Ilyich Osipov, the author of many catechetical and theological works, offers his own, sometimes different from the generally accepted, vision of the afterlife of a person.

The book has many color illustrations and is intended for a wide range of readers.

How to understand eternity? What are tollhouses? Can God-Love give life to someone who, as He knows, will go to eternal torment? Do our passions operate in the afterlife? Are there any real means of helping the deceased? What is the effect of prayer on the posthumous state of the soul? No one can remain indifferent to these deep questions, this mystery human life in two dimensions - time and eternity.

The brochure of the professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Alexei Ilyich Osipov, compiled on the basis of his public lectures and answers to questions from the audience, will help the reader in many ways to rethink what was previously known, to look at that world through the prism of patristic teaching.

Osipov Alexei Ilyich (March 31, 1938, Belev, Tula region) is a Soviet and Russian theologian, teacher and publicist, doctor of theology honoris causa. Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, a major apologist, a prominent Orthodox catechist of our time. Active member of the RANS.

In 1955 he graduated from the secondary school in Gzhatsk (now Gagarin, Smolensk region).

In 1959 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary.

In 1963 - the Moscow Theological Academy. He defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Theology on the topic: "Translation of the rites of Matins and Vespers according to the 1951 edition of the Greek Church Servant in comparison with the Russian Synodal Servant".

In 1964, he completed his postgraduate studies at the MTA and was left with her as a teacher. IN different years lectured on Ecumenism, History of Russian religious and philosophical thought, Actual theological problems, Protestantism.

In 1969 he received the title of Associate Professor, in 1975 - Professor, in 2004 - Honored Professor.

In 1985, for the totality of theological works, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Theology.

From 1982 to 2006, he was the head of the postgraduate course at the MTA.

In 2007 he received a diploma of honorary professor of the Institute of Friendship of the Peoples of the Caucasus. In the same year he was elected a full member Russian Academy Natural Sciences.

Since 1991, co-chairman of the International Annual Conference “Science. Philosophy. Religion” (Dubna, Moscow Region).

He was the secretary of the commission of the Russian Orthodox Church for the preparation of materials for the Religious and Ethical Encyclopedia, published in Athens. Editor-in-chief of the journal of the Moscow Theological Academy "Theological Bulletin".

He took part in bilateral dialogues held by the Russian Orthodox Church with the Ancient Eastern (Pre-Chalcedonian) Churches, the Roman Catholic Church, the Catholic organization Pax Christi Internationalis, the Lutheran Churches of the FRG, the GDR, Finland, the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), the Anglican Church, National Council of Churches USA, Protestant Episcopal Church USA, Disciples of Christ (USA).

He was a member of a number of Assemblies of the World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Conference of the Conference

European Churches, Christian Peace Conference, African Christian Peace Conference and other World and Regional Christian Conferences.

He has spoken at world, international, regional Orthodox, inter-Christian and secular assemblies, conferences, at universities and institutes, in the auditoriums of public and business organizations, in Houses of Culture, both in Russia and abroad: in Australia, Austria, England, Belarus, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Greece, Israel, India, Iran, Iceland, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Poland, Syria, Slovakia, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Estonia.

Books (14)


Amazing Fact- all attempts to find in the time available to historical science any atheistic people, or at least small tribe were not successful.

Some suggested that in those distant times this was due to ignorance of the laws of nature and the impossibility of a natural explanation of many of its phenomena, especially those that caused fear, or, on the contrary, amazed the imagination with their beauty and grandeur, hence the fantasies about the existence of another world, spirits , gods, God.

But now the long-awaited realm of science has come, the time of the amazing development of scientific and technological progress and ... little has changed.

From Time to Eternity: The Afterlife of the Soul

The book examines one of the most complex and vital important issues being: what awaits a person in eternity?

Numerous testimonies of the Holy Fathers of the Church, its councils and liturgical tradition speak of the paradoxical response of the Church to this question. She did not condemn the teachings of either the Fathers, who speak of the infinity of the hellish torments of sinners, or the Fathers, who affirmed the fulfillment in Christ of God's creative plan for man, when God will be all in all (1 Corinthians 15:28).

Thus, the Church, for a variety of reasons, left this issue a mystery. eternal life, but, having warned, by the lips of the saints, "that although Gehenna is subject to limitation, the taste of being in it is very terrible, and beyond our knowledge is the degree of suffering in it."

Seeking salvation. Tips and Cautions

A brochure by Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Alexei Ilyich Osipov will help the reader to look at the issues of personal salvation through the prism of patristic teaching, which indicates the true path of salvation and warns of possible mistakes along the way.

Love, marriage and family

“Love, marriage and family” is a topic that covers, one might say, the very core of the earthly, “horizontal” side of human life, in modern conditions taking on a special urgency.

This "horizontal" can go back to the fullness of unity in marriage, but it can also sink into the depths of licentiousness, unnaturalness and betrayal. These vectors are determined to a large extent already in the early years of a person's life.

The well-known Russian philosopher of the late 19th century, Vladimir Solovyov, very accurately noted: “Both hell, and Earth, and Heaven are watching a person with special attention at that fateful time when Eros inhabits him.” Eros is the ancient god of love. But why did the philosopher call the time when Eros "infused" a person "fatal"?

Spirit Bearers

Knowledge of the laws of spiritual life and the dangers that stand in the way of a Christian is one of necessary conditions his sure attainment of the heavenly Jerusalem.

Such knowledge is of exceptional importance at the present time, when, on the one hand, to Russia stormy stream all sorts of "spirits" flooded in and countless varieties of spirituality appeared; on the other hand, the patristic understanding of spiritual life and the wisdom of applying its laws to psychology and forces modern man for many reasons is becoming increasingly rare.

Ignorance of these laws leads to the fact that many, even those who sincerely seek, are often carried away by outwardly attractive, but, in essence, far from Holy Tradition Churches are forms of spirituality, as a result of which, at best, they remain fruitless, at worst, they fall into sects, destroying their souls and upsetting their physical and mental health. All this has the most serious consequences not only for their lives, but also for the life of the entire Church and society as a whole.

About the beginnings of life

Modern ideas about spiritual life are filled with many and deep contradictions. Therefore, the Orthodox understanding of it is especially in need of clarification. Hegumen Nikon (Vorobiev), whose 50th anniversary of death is celebrated this year (2013), with special fidelity preserved and lovingly passed on to his compatriots the main thing in it - the patristic teaching about its laws. The value of such people in our time is invaluable.

This book contains the most important thoughts from the letters, sermons and conversations of Abbot Nikon on faith and life in Orthodoxy.

Letters to Spiritual Children

This edition of a selected part of the epistolary heritage of Abbot Nikon (Vorobiev) is caused by great interest in his work, which is completely devoted to the main thing in human life - its spiritual needs.

This topic is now acquiring particular relevance in connection with the development of many negative processes in its understanding. The believer will find in this book answers to many questions that cannot be solved by scientific psychology.

Posthumous life of the soul

The brochure is devoted to the problems of human existence beyond death. How to understand Eternity with the help of our earthly measurements? How do our unconquered passions act in the afterlife? Gehenna - is it a place of punishment and residence of the soul or its own state? Will my relatives be blessed if they end up in heaven and I in hell? What and how can we really do for our departed loved ones?

How exactly does prayer affect the posthumous state of the soul? No one can remain indifferent to these deep questions, this great mystery human life in two dimensions - in time and in eternity. The brochure of one of the best theologians of our time - Alexei Ilyich Osipov, compiled on the basis of his public lectures, answers to questions, will help the reader in many ways to rethink the well-known, look at afterworld through the lens of your own life.

Osipov Alexey Ilyich was born on 03/31/1938 in Belyaev, Tula region, in a family of ordinary employees. He spent his childhood in his native city, later he moved with his parents to live first in Kozelsk, and then in the village of Optino (Kozelsky district). He moved to Gzhatsk in 1952. The biography of Alexei Ilyich Osipov contains information about his youth, career, but there is nothing about his personal life, wife, children, and even family photos.

Youth and studies

In his school years, he, like all students, was offered to join the Komsomol. But Alex was one of the few who flatly refused the offer. He did not talk about the reasons for this decision, but perhaps this is due to faith.

After 3 years, namely in 1955, Osipov graduated high school, but he refused to enter the university, despite the persuasion of his parents. The reason for the refusal, again, was faith. Instead of higher education, he deepened theology for several years under the guidance of the clergyman hegumen Nikon. In 1958 he received from a mentor letter of recommendation, thanks to which he managed to enter the fourth grade of the Moscow Theological Seminary the first time.

Osipov Alexey Ilyich

Just 1 year later he was already studying at the Moscow Theological Academy. He defended his thesis in the Department of Ancient Greek. Graduated educational institution, receiving a Ph.D. in theology. Upon graduation, he was issued a certificate directing him to work in the Smolensk diocese.


Despite the opportunities, he accepted an invitation to graduate school at the Moscow Theological Academy. After graduating, he stayed there to teach in the discipline "Ecumenism", which was new for that time. Two years later, he was offered to lead classes in Basic Theology, and then the same subject in the seminary.

Ecumenism (universe, inhabited world) is an ideology of all-Christian solidarity, striving for the unity of religious communities throughout the universe.

As a graduate student, Ilyich gave lectures on contemporary theological problems, the history of Russian religious and philosophical thought, and Protestantism. At the academy, in addition to his main subject, he also taught Western confessions.

As a graduate student, Alexei Ilyich lectured on contemporary theological problems.

By career ladder rose slowly but surely. In 1969, he became an assistant professor at the same academy, after 6 years - a professor, and after 9 - a doctor of theology.

Many people are wondering why Alexey Ivanovich, having gone through a rather long path of study, eventually receiving a candidate of theology degree at graduation, did not become a priest, because in theory everything went exactly to this. In fact, he just realized at some point that his true direction is not the priesthood, but pedagogy.

In his opinion, taking orders at the academy is a very strange act. The priest must have a flock. In the academy, its head is the rector, and the job of the priest is only to serve. They can conduct teaching activities, but only in dignity.

Life outside the academy

Outside of academic life, Alexei Osipov also achieved a lot. For example, in 1964 he was appointed secretary of the commission of the Russian Orthodox Church for the preparation of materials for the religious and ethnic encyclopedia of Athens. From 1967 to 1987, and later 1995-2005. - as a member of the collegium of the almanac "The Bogoslav Works". Around the same period (1973-1986) he was a member of the training committee at Holy Synod. Also for a long time (1976-2004) he was a member of the commission of the Holy Synod.

For about 22 years, Osipov worked as the head of the postgraduate department of the Moscow Theological Academy at the department for external church relations. He was the editor-in-chief of the Theological Bulletin and co-chairman of the annual international conference"The science. Philosophy. Religion".

Since 2009, he has been a member of the Presidium of the Inter-Council Presence and its Church Commission

For a year he worked simultaneously in the publishing council of the Moscow Patriarchate, the joint coordinating committee for interaction between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Later he was a member of the permanent Presidium of the I-IV World Russian Councils.

Since 2009, he has been a member of the Presidium of the Inter-Council Presence and its church commission.

Participated in bilateral dialogues held by the Russian Orthodox Church with the Vatican, the Pre-Chalcedonian churches, the Lutheran churches of the GDR, the US National Council of Churches, etc.

Participated in various assemblies, for example, in the World Council of Churches, the Christian Peace Conference, many international, regional and other events both at home and abroad.

He spoke on radio broadcasts, television programs, in secondary schools, institutes, universities, houses of culture, parish churches and conferences (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Turkey, Poland, India, etc.).

Excerpts from his books were published in Theological Works, the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, newspapers, and also abroad.

In 2014, in many newspapers, magazines, and on the Internet, information appeared that Alexei Ilyich Osipov had left the Moscow Theological Academy in connection with reaching the age of 75. But on the official website of the academy, he is still listed as an employee.

Alexey Ilyich Osipov received many awards

For his active work, Osipov was awarded many awards, for example: the Order of St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus' of the III degree, the Order of the Holy Blessed Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir of the III degree, etc.

Aleksey Ilyich is sure that among people who consider themselves Orthodox, indifference to "moral and dogmatic teaching" is widespread. He believes that now the Churches unite those who are completely indifferent to the faith and truth of Christ. In his opinion, this is due to the fact that the Orthodox people know their faith very poorly and are easily subjected to superstition.
Osipov, despite his fame even outside of Russia, is very closed person. So much so that, probably, even all those who are with him long years communicate, know almost nothing about him. On the official website of Osipov Alexei Ilyich there are many photos with colleagues from the academy and not only, but nowhere are there family pictures with his wife and children. The biography says nothing about him.

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