Biography of Maria Shukshina. Maria Shukshina: personal life, children (photo) The beginning of the wedding stories of Maria Shukshina

Name: Maria Shukshina (Maria Schukschina)

Age: 50 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 180

Weight: 65 kg

Activity: film actress and TV presenter

Family status: divorced

Maria Shukshina - biography

They say that on children talented people nature is resting. This certainly does not apply to Maria Shukshina: the daughter of actress Lidia Fedoseeva and actor, director, screenwriter Vasily Shukshin herself built successful career and personal life, and she has much to be proud of.

famous surname

Maria has always been considered a mother's daughter: Vasily Shushkin was busy with creativity and disappeared on the set, festivals, wrote. Masha was a year old when the second daughter Olga appeared in the family - her father's favorite. This is probably why there was no warm relationship between the sisters either in childhood or when they grew up.

Masha was similar to Fedoseeva-Shukshina not only in appearance, but also in character: calm, reasonable, but at the same time grasping. It was she who instilled in Mary the main life credo: men come and go, and you can only rely on your own strength. If you want to love someone, take care of your children.

In the future, Mary will be convinced by her own experience of the correctness of these words. The mother taught her daughters that the acting profession is unreliable. Neither personal happiness nor creative success. Units are knocked out, and this does not depend on labor or talent. If you're lucky, you'll marry a director, and he'll shoot you in his films. No - you will remain a third-rate actress, even a famous surname will not help.

Masha in the family was generally taught not to trump her surname: they say, it is indecent and even ashamed. Therefore, after school, she thought about a practical life profession and entered the Faculty of Translators of the Institute foreign languages. In her fourth year, she met her, as it seemed then, fate. Tall curly classmate Artem Tregubenko excited the heart of a young girl. And then everything was lightning fast: a modest student wedding, the birth of Anechka's daughter and a divorce.

She finished her studies, for some time she worked in her specialty, and then the turbulent 90s came. To feed myself and my daughter, I had to get a job as a broker on the Russian Commodity Exchange, and then as a secretary-translator. The place is not bad, but... "Not mine!" Maria will say later. And then she got depressed.

Maria Shukshina - movies

All the main moments in life turned out to be a mistake - marriage, profession ... But fate did not allow the future actress to become limp. Maria herself did not notice how she ended up on the set. And so began her filmography. At first small, but what includes notable work!
This is "American Daughter" by Karen Shakhnazarov, and "What wonderful game"Pyotr Todorovsky," The circus burned down, and the clowns fled "by Vladimir Bortko.

1998 Romance with businessman Alexei Kasatkin is in full swing. He graduated from the same institute with her and was even a witness at her wedding. Alexey courted beautifully: he gave expensive gifts, fur coats, took him abroad. Masha suddenly thought: here it is, happiness! To the offer to live together, she answered “Yes!”. A year later, the couple had a son, Makar, after which he and Alexei went to the registry office and signed, without any celebration.

Maria Shukshina - television

She was not at all embarrassed that she became the third wife of Kasatkin. For two years, Masha sat at home, taking care of her son. But this brought little joy: she was used to working and earning money, and the role of a housewife turned out to be ungrateful and boring. And then, as if by magic, offers from different TV channels rained down. I chose one thing - the TV program "Wait for me", and did not lose.

Program "Wait for me". Millions of people drop everything and watch the program without interruption. Some out of curiosity, some out of hope. And the host... Like no one else, she knows how to sympathize with someone else's grief, especially when it comes to abandoned children. Her tears are sincere, because the fate of this woman cannot be called happy either.

In the blink of an eye, Maria became a national favorite. The audience appreciated her simplicity in communicating with the program participants, genuine empathy and sincere tears - so truly Shukshin ... Maria herself admits that working on each issue is hard, almost overwhelming work. And not only physical, but also psychological. It is simply impossible not to let through life's tragedies and dramas.

A bottle of valerian, one hundred grams of cognac before filming, special psychological tricks the suspensions she was taught didn't help. And then she thought: maybe that’s how it should be, you can’t move away? But how many broken human destinies can a young woman pass through herself, even if she is strong in spirit?..

And her own life can not be called ideal. It so happened that Maria was forced to give Makar to be raised by her mother-in-law: she herself shoots late every day, Alexei has work in Spain. It soon became clear that the mother-in-law was also a burden to take care of her grandson. One day, returning home late at night after the program, Maria realized: yes, she, in fact, does not have a family.

Rare meetings with her son, quarrels with her mother-in-law, scenes of jealousy and scandals on the phone with her husband who is always absent - is this a family? Maria sharply turned the car around and headed for the mother-in-law's house. She woke up Makar, gathered his things and announced to her mother-in-law that she was taking her son on vacation to Bulgaria. Hide, protect, protect - such thoughts were spinning in her head when she was looking for a nanny for Makar and a rented dacha in Vladimir region.

It seems that everything turned out as planned, but ... Once, having arrived at her son, Maria did not find him. Shukshina was in shock. It turned out that her ex-husband Alexei Kasatkin stole the child. I had to raise all connections, disturb a high-ranking official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so that in two weeks the boy would return home. But her ex-husband and mother-in-law continued to harass her and slander her in the press.

It got to the point that once in the editorial office of the TV program “Wait for me” there was a phone call. Elderly woman complained that her grandson had been stolen from her. She called her lover ex-daughter-in-law, host of the program Maria Shukshina.

Near distant happiness

Frustrated by the failures in her personal biography, Maria decided to raise the children herself. Fortunately, her career went up: she was the permanent host of "Wait for me", starred in TV shows where she played strong-willed, successful and wealthy women. And the fact that her children see their mother only on holidays did not bother her.

She herself was not spoiled by parental love: her father, mother, and stepfather always put work in the first place. But, as always happens in life, it is worth giving up something, and it goes into your hands on its own. One day, Maria and her mother went to the dacha to oversee the construction of the house. By coincidence, there was a lawyer on the site at that time construction company, charming businessman Boris Vishnyakov.

Despite the fact that the lover's income could not provide Mary with her usual existence, she accepted his courtship. And then it turned out that she was pregnant. "I will give birth!" - decided the actress. But the proposal of the hand and heart of the stunned from good news She rejected Boris.

For a long time Maria hid her father's name from the press. When the twins Foka and Foma were born on January 3, 2005, Boris was given a condition: she herself is engaged in a career, but he must choose - either business or children. The decision was not easy, but the man in love preferred a family.

He took the one and a half year old twins to him, and while Maria smiled at the children from the TV screen, for four years he turned into a housewife and a nanny. Not surprisingly, his business soon crumbled. And then Mary appeared on his doorstep and took away her sons. "For what? Why?" Many were lost in conjecture.

Vishnyakov decided to defend his right to communicate with children in court. The father of the twins won the process. And along the way, he and his mother gladly gave interviews to the press, telling how Maria Shukshina is bitchy, mercenary, greedy for money, and besides, the worst mother in the world. The actress was silent, did without comment.

And only once she explained her actions. She believes that a woman survives better in difficult situations because she has developed an instinct to preserve her family. woman in critical situation, When we are talking about the need to feed children, is ready to start small and continue to grow. But a man will not agree to work, for example, as a cleaner.

He will wait to be given some kind of leadership position, and during the waiting period lie on the couch. “Unfortunately, men quite often take this position,” Shukshina admits, “and, frankly, I don’t understand what they are waiting for at a time when you need to act and achieve something in life.”

Maria Shukshina - The main thing is children

Now Maria often recalls the words of her mother. She herself says: “Children are everything to me. I live for them, take care of myself, work, develop myself so that they are not ashamed of me.”

Maria Shukshina - filmography, films

"American Daughter"
"What a wonderful game"
The perfect couple»
"Dear Masha Berezina"
"Take me with you"
"I love you"
"Terrorist Ivanova"

The personal life and biography of Maria Shukshina is of interest to many viewers and fans of her work. A charming and talented film actress, Maria Shukshina was born in the spring of 1967 in Moscow. In 2008, Maria was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Maria's parents, already at the time of her birth, were quite famous people throughout the entire former USSR.

Maria Shukshina: with the family and childhood of the actress

Father - Vasily Shukshin: writer, actor, film director, screenwriter. Mother - Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, actress. In addition to Masha, the family has two more children. Elder sister Nastya (mother's mother) and younger Native sister Olga. Olga is a couple of years younger than Maria, their relationship with her sister has always been tense. Initially, Olya was an actress, but then she decided to link her fate with the church.

According to the actress, she and Olga are completely different: “I am very similar to my mother: modest, timid, exemplary, responsible and shy; I couldn't move even half a step away from my mother. And when we came to places where a large number of people, I tightly grabbed my mother by the hand and did not let go until the end of the evening. Olga went in character to her father, the same explosive, independent and independent.

Between them there was always some kind of wall that they never managed to overcome. Even now, their communication is kept to a minimum.

First steps in cinema

Masha from childhood felt all the hardships of the filming process. When she was only 1.5 years old, she starred in the short story "Brother". This is one part of the movie almanac "Strange People".

Then, at the age of 4, together with their younger sister, they played the role of the daughters of the Rastorguevs in the film Stoves and Benches.

In 1974, the young actress was again invited to shoot the film "Birds over the City".

Thus, creative biography Maria Shukshina began almost in preschool age. Her mother Lidia Shukshina always told the girl that even talented actresses cannot always get a happy and carefree life. In everything there is a reverse side of the coin.

student body

After listening to the advice of her mother, Maria decided after graduation from school to get a stable and highly paid profession. She entered one of the prestigious universities in Moscow - the Maurice Thorez State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. She successfully completed her studies and went to work in her specialty. At first she was a referent-translator, but the monotonous work did not bring her pleasure and she decided to change her workplace.

After that, Maria went into the financial field of activity. Shukshina could not force herself to work where she did not like, so after a while she decided to end her finances and follow her dream.

Each time, watching her parents on the screen, she dreamed of breaking into the world of art and never leaving. Although she never aspired to a career as an artist.


In the 90s, the cinematic biography of Maria Shukshina was at the peak of popularity. She played a bright role as a businesswoman in K. Shakhnazarov's film "American Daughter". In this film, Maria played her role excellently, despite the fact that the heroine was completely atypical for her.

Maria Shukshina in the film "What a wonderful game"

In the story, she shamelessly takes her daughter from her father. Then he meets a foreigner and moves to the USA. Despite everything, Alexey comes to see his daughter, but even here she arranges numerous obstacles for him. But no barriers are subject to a loving father ...

Then there was a melodramatic motion picture, “What a wonderful game,” where Maria reincarnated as a charming student who leaked any information about her classmates to the security agencies.

Maria Shukshina in the film "Dear Masha Berezina"

After some time, the actress had to take a break from the movies, as she gave birth and went on maternity leave.

In the early 2000s, Maria continued to conquer theater and cinema. Her first serious works after the break were:

  • "The Adventures of a Magician";
  • “Not all cats are gray…”;
  • "My big Armenian wedding."

Maria is ideally reincarnated from free and independent woman, to a heroine with a difficult fate. One of these roles was Maria Karetnikova in the film Take Me With You and Sasha in the melodramatic film I Love You.

Maria Shukshina in the movie "The Village"

In 2009, the actress was invited to the main role in the drama "Terrorist Ivanova". This film was very difficult for her. The psychological traits and versatility of the personality presented in the plot were not easy to bring to life. But she did it well.

There are several successful projects with the participation of the actress:

  • "Station";
  • "Goodbye boys";
  • "Own someone else's";
  • "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard";
  • "Who if not me?";
  • "Made in USSR";
  • "Yolki 5".

In some interviews, the actress often mentioned that she likes to experiment with her heroines: “I have repeatedly reincarnated in different images. It's interesting enough to expand the usual range of roles. Thus, my work and life becomes better, more interesting.

Maria Shukshina in the movie "Yolki 5"

In fulfilling a new role, I have to recognize myself from a new side. I always want to attract my fans not only with my recognizable appearance, but also with a new manner of presenting my image, ”the actress shared.

Maria Shukshina in the film "Stone Guest"

In addition, Maria Shukshina for 15 years was the TV presenter of one of the popular TV shows on Channel One - “Wait for me”.

Maria Shukshina: personal life, children, photos

The first husband of the actress was Artyom Tregubenko. They met him in student years. Artem also entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Their relationship developed rapidly, and after 3 years the couple decided to get married. After some time, Maria became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, Anya. The birth of a daughter could not strengthen their marriage ties, so they soon divorced.

Maria does not like to remember this period of her life at all. Ex-husband also not too verbose. During an interview, Artem told reporters the following: “To be honest, I have absolutely no desire to talk about this topic.” See the photo of the first husband with children later in the article.

The actress met her second husband Aleskey Kasatkin 10 years after the divorce. The most interesting thing is that Alesya was a witness to her first husband on their wedding day, as well as one of her classmates.

They met quite unexpectedly, talked sincerely and after a while began to live together.

Despite the fact that Kasatkin had long lived with a woman in civil marriage, he quickly left her charming Maria Shukshina. She gave birth to his son Makar (1998).

Their relationship quickly fizzled out. Moreover, according to Maria, Alexei tried to take her son away from her when their relationship was coming to a logical conclusion.

By this he greatly offended her: “In any situation, you must have a sober mind. If the family has good relations - great, but if something goes wrong - then you need to disperse, but in a good way.

For some time, Shukshina hid her son from Kasatkin so that he could no longer take him away. But later she gave her consent for the father to see the child.

The actress has never been burdened by marriage. Often, for the sake of her personal life and the well-being of her children, Maria refused various trips and projects.

Maria Shukshina and Boris Vishnyakov

Boris Vishnyakov is Maria's third common-law husband (see the article for a photo with her husband). He was in love with her long before they met. For the first time he saw her on the TV screen and immediately realized that he wanted to marry her. Initially, he did not even know her name, but after watching the TV show “Wait for me”, he immediately realized everything.

At that time, he worked in the construction business, and his company was building a cottage village.

Maria's mother was also on the list of owners of future housing. Since then, Boris has been looking for any excuse to meet the actress. He took care of her all the time, worried that she was exhausting herself too much on the set. They got to know each other for a long time, talked and walked under the night sky. But when Maria Shukshina realized that he was too serious, she immediately announced that she did not need her personal life. In addition, she has two beautiful children growing up and has a favorite job. At this stage, everything suits her.

But Boris was not even going to give up. He stubbornly went to his goal. And the result of this is a grandiose change in the personal life of Maria Shukshina - the birth of the twins Thomas and Foka (see photos with children below).

For a while they were a happy family. Despite the fact that Mary did not agree to marry him. Then the couple began to have a serious disagreement. Maria continued to build her career, and Boris quit his job and single-handedly raised children. They could not maintain a reverent relationship and broke up. Now Maria Shukshina carefully hides her personal life from everyone's attention.

Maria Shukshina is considered one of the most successful and sought-after actresses, whose heroines are often strong and self-sufficient women. It is very important for her that on the set there are good relations and mutual understanding with the director of the film, thanks to which Maria gets great pleasure from work. Despite failed marriages, Shukshina believes that her personal life has developed happily. Now she is not only raising children, but has also become one of the youngest and most beautiful star grandmothers.

Maria was born in 1967 in Moscow. Her parents are well-known creative people: her father is an actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, and her mother is an actress Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. When the future screen star was seven years old, grief happened in the family: her father died. Mom was often absent from home, going on tour or festivals, so the girl also had to look after her younger sister Olga.

Even during his lifetime in 1972, his father took off his daughters in the film "Stoves and Benches", and two years later Masha played in the film "Birds over the City". But acting did not interest her at all, and after graduating from school, the girl was educated at the Institute of Foreign Languages, and then she was a translator in a brokerage company.

In the photo, Maria as a child with her parents and younger sister

Perhaps Shukshina did not continue acting dynasty, if she had not been offered to star in the film "American Daughter", which was filmed in San Francisco. After the release of the picture on the screens, the first success came to the aspiring actress. Since 1999, her cooperation with television began: for 15 years, Maria hosted the Wait for Me program on Channel One. Among the successful works of the actress, one can note her roles in such film projects as “Who, if not me?”, “Departing nature”, “Yolki 3”, “Such a job” and others.

Despite career success and excellent external data (height - 180 cm, weight - 65 kg), Shukshina's personal life was not easy. During her university years, she began dating her classmate Artyom Tregubenko, who soon became her first husband. In 1989, a daughter Anna was born in the family, however, almost immediately their relationship changed. After few years family life Maria decided to leave her husband.

Actress with eldest daughter Anna

With her second husband, businessman Alexei Kasatkin, she was familiar before: the young man was a friend of her first ex-husband. Having once met with an actress, he called her on a date, after which they did not part. Soon the couple had a son, Makar, but this relationship did not develop into a strong and long-term marriage.

Boris Vishnyakov - the third husband of Shukshina

A new love appeared in Shukshina's personal life a few years later, and businessman and lawyer Boris Vishnyakov then became her chosen one. In 2005, the couple became parents: they had twin sons, whom the happy parents named Foma and Foka. At the same time, her husband started having problems at work, and the couple began to quarrel, as a result of which the actress and children left him. For a long time there was a strained relationship between them, but time passed, and everything worked out. Boris is involved in the upbringing of boys, but here's about the reunion former spouses out of the question.

In the photo, Maria Shukshina with her sons:

Maria strives for her children to grow up as decent and educated people, so she is a strict and demanding mother. Daughter Anya was educated at VGIK, and in 2014 she married her lover Konstantin, with whom she lived in a civil marriage for several years. In the autumn of the same year, they gave the actress a grandson, Vyacheslav. Shukshina rarely shares details of her life with fans, but sometimes on her page you can see photos of growing twin sons, as well as her beloved grandson.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 05/26/2017

Maria Vasilievna Shukshina. She was born on May 27, 1967 in Moscow. Russian actress and TV presenter. Honored Artist of Russia (2008).

Graduated from the Faculty of Translation of the Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez.

Regarding the choice of the institute, she explained: “My mother often told me:“ If you are lucky, you will marry a director - he will shoot you. And if not, you will be unemployed, you will hang out in limbo. "That's why I decided to choose a more stable profession - I entered the Institute of Foreign Languages. I worked as a secretary-translator, then as a stock broker. But the call of the ancestors turned out to be stronger."

According to Maria, she was not going to become an actress, but fate brought her to the set.

Since 1990 he has been acting in films. First there was the picture "Eternal Husband", then the film by Karen Shakhnazarov "American Daughter", in which she played a practical and not prone to sentimental business woman who ran away from her husband with her little daughter to America. Her shooting partner was.

I remember the small but expressive role of the beautiful Olya in the film by Pyotr Todorovsky "What a wonderful game".

Maria Shukshina in the film "What a wonderful game"

In the 2000s, he regularly starred in TV series. In feed "People and shadows. Secrets of the puppet theater» her heroine is a passionate, fatal woman.

The series was even more successful. "Dear Masha Berezina" in which she played the role of Katya.

"Katya fights like a fish on ice and even resorts to help former lover. They were in love many years ago. But then she met her current husband and married him. The rejected man is monogamous and cannot forgive her. He starts mocking her. But Katya is an independent woman. She is trying to make a career in the most difficult business - modeling," she said about her character.

Maria Shukshina in the series "Dear Masha Berezina"

In the TV series "Brezhnev" the actress embodied on the screen the nurse Nina Korovyakova, who works for the KGB and whom Leonid Ilyich feels sympathy for.

It is also worth noting her work in the films “Take Me With You”, “I Love You”, “Terrorist Ivanova”, “Fashion Model”, “Leaving Nature”, “Your Alien”, “Call Husband”, “Yolki 5”, "Serebryany Bor".

"I really love experiments. I have repeatedly experimented in films. As an actress, this is very interesting to me, because the range is expanding. Without them, life and work would be boring. Each new role is a new character. I want to play in such a way that you are not only outwardly they did not recognize, but also in the manner of the game, "says the actress.

Also remembered general public as a TV presenter: from October 12, 1999 to December 19, 2014, she hosted the program “Wait for me” on Channel One.

The growth of Maria Shukshina: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina:

She was married three times (including a civil marriage).

The first husband is Artyom Tregubenko. She met him when she was a student at the Faculty of Translation at the Maurice Thorez Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. He was her classmate. They got married in their fourth year.

Married in 1989, their daughter Anna was born. Anna studied at the production department of VGIK, has a son, Vyacheslav (born 11/21/2014).

The actress does not like to talk about her first marriage. Her first husband, at the request of journalists about the details of the marriage, replied: "To be honest, I do not feel the slightest desire to talk about that time."

Artyom Tregubenko - the first husband of Maria Shukshina with children

The second husband is businessman Alexei Kasatkin. Married in 1998, the son Makar was born.

According to the artist, businessman Kasatkin offended her greatly by stealing his little son Makar when the couple was on the verge of a divorce.

“You have to take any situation for granted. There is a marriage - good, no - also good. And looking at Makar, I often remember my dad. He dreamed that when he grew old and would appear everywhere with me under the arm, everyone around would gasp:“ What a beautiful young mistress Shukshin has!” So I dreamed about the same thing, so that my son would be born and that, when he grows up, he would walk with me by the arm, and everyone would admire: “What a beautiful young lover Shukshina has!”, - Maria said in an interview.

Alexey Kasatkin - the second husband of Maria Shukshina with children

The third husband (civilian) is a lawyer and businessman Boris Vishnyakov. On July 31, 2005, the couple had twins Foma and Foka.

After the break, Boris Vishnyakov accused Maria that she had stolen children from him.

“In a civil marriage with Masha, she immediately put me in front of a tough choice: either I continue my career in business, or I take care of children. I chose a family. I completely began to take care of children. From a businessman, I turned into a nanny. to which close relatives go so that another dear, close, beloved person can achieve in life what he wants. Masha pursued a career. The children were on me. After parting with Masha, our twins, they were one and a half years old, moved to to my dacha. For four years they lived with me, not with her. Until she took them away," he said.

Boris Vishnyakov - the third husband of Maria Shukshina with children

Filmography of Maria Shukshina:

1969 - Strange people (short story "Brother") - Mashenka
1972 - Stoves-benches - daughter of the Rastorguevs
1974 - Birds over the city - Masha, daughter of Vishnyakov
1990 - Eternal husband
1995 - American Daughter - Mom Ann
1995 - What a wonderful game - Olya
1995 - Russian roulette - Galina
1998 - The circus burned down and the clowns fled - Lena, Nikolai's second wife
2001 - The perfect couple
2001 - People and shadows - Larisa Streletskaya
2002 - The Adventures of a Magician - the sorceress Katerina
2004 - My big Armenian wedding - Nadia
2004 - Dear Masha Berezina - Katya
2004 - Narrow Bridge - Natasha, Vladimir's ex-wife
2004 - Not all cats are gray
2004 - I love you - Alexandra
2005 - Brezhnev - Elizabeth, nurse
2006 - Dad of all trades - Yulia Slavina
2007 - A bag with a bright future - Katerina Koltsova
2007 - Trust Service
2008 - Guilty without guilt - Taisa Ilyinishna Shelavina, friend Kruchinina
2008 - Take me with you - Margarita
2008 - Indigo - Irina Sergeevna Ardashnikova
2008 - Terrorist Ivanova - Polina Ivanovna Ivanova
2009 - Justice of the Wolves - Irina, Mika's mother
2009 - Bury me behind the plinth - Olga, mother of Sasha Saveliev
2009 - Roof - Tatyana Petrovna, director of the school, Lena's mother
2009 - Take me with you 2 - Margarita Karetnikova
2010 - Hokkaido Police. Russian department
2010 - Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation - Zinaida
2011 - Made in the USSR - Tatyana Fertman
2011 - Deli Case No. 1 - Zoya Platonova
2011 - My crazy family - Lydia Nikolaevna, Vika's mother
2011 - 20 years without love
2012 - Who, if not me? - Nina Berkutova
2012 - Fireplace guest - Eleanor, prosecutor
2013 - Village - Marina Nikolaevna Gorobets
2013 - Yolki 3 - Natasha
2014 - Fashion model - Vadim's mother
2014 - Leaving nature - Veronika Alekseevna, wife of Zvonarev
2014 - Goodbye boys! - Evdokia Matveevna, Kolya's mother
2015 - Own stranger - Alexandra Anatolyevna Marinets, police lieutenant colonel
2015 - Husband on call - Rimma
2016 - Yolki 5 - Natasha
2016 - Such work - Yana Kovaleva, TV journalist

Today's article will tell you about an amazing actress, TV presenter and simply amazing woman who won the hearts of many viewers with her talent. We will talk about Maria Shukshina, who has achieved the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

To most, Maria was remembered as the host of a television program called "Wait for me." This program is aimed at those who by all means searched for their loved ones and longed for reunification. By the way, in addition to her activities on television, the actress distinguished herself as a caring mother and loving grandmother. Maria has four children and a small grandson.

As expected, the recognizable and famous people there is a fan base that wants to know absolutely a lot about their idols. Our today's heroine is no exception. Fans of the artist's talent are eager to know the answers to questions such as: height, weight, age. How old is Maria Shukshina is an equally popular topic.

So, the growth of the actress is 180 centimeters, and the weight is 65 kilograms. It is precisely such external data, at the age of 51, that Maria Shukshina possesses. Photos in his youth and now, are in the bowels world wide web because these materials are public.

In one of the capital's maternity hospitals, the biography of Maria Shukshina began. The girl was born in a family that is directly connected with the film set, the world of theater and cinema. Maria's debut came at the age of one and a half years, in a cinematic film called "Brother". And four years later, little Masha and her younger sister Olya took part in the filming of the film, which they called "Bees-shops". The next picture fell on the school years. For these roles, you should thank her star parents.

Father - Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, worked in the world of cinema. He was a fairly eminent actor, and part-time an excellent writer, an excellent screenwriter and an unsurpassed director in cinema. Mom - Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina, worked as an actress, and at the same time she was very popular, she was recognized both on television screens and on the stage of the theater. The cinematic tapes in which Lidia Nikolaevna took part were a huge success then, and now they have become masterpieces of Russian cinema.

After our heroine graduated school education, then decided to apply for a foreign language. Her choice fell on the Maurice Thorez Institute, where she chose the specialty of a secretary-translator. After graduating from higher educational institution, for a long time Maria Shukshina worked as a broker and she didn’t even think that she would return to the world of big cinema.

However, parental genes made themselves felt in the ninetieth year of the twentieth century, Maria took part in the filming of a cinematic tape called "Eternal Husband". From that moment, Shukshina began to make up everything that she had missed, and until the year 98 she starred in several films.

Here the actress is invited to take part in a very difficult project called "Wait for me." The essence of this television show was to reunite people who have lost contact with each other. In this project, Shukshina worked for sixteen years.

After that, Maria disappeared from television screens for three years, after this time she appeared in a sitcom called The Perfect Couple. Further roles just fell on her. Offers came one after another, and the actress saw no reason to refuse.

An interesting fact is that the actress is fluent in three different languages.

Filmography: films starring Maria Shukshina

In addition to working on television, fans of the talent of the actress are interested in her filmography. Films with the participation of Maria Shukshina in leading role enjoy great success among the masses. There are a large number of cinematic films in her arsenal, but among them it is worth highlighting such as "Indigo", "Own Alien", "Goodbye, Boys" and so on.

The actress worked out her roles very carefully. Basically, these were self-confident heroines, distinguished by a strong will, deep passion and complexity of character. An interesting fact is that at the time of working on a television project called "Wait for Me", a certain understanding came to Mary. Rather, the realization that everyone equally experienced the feelings that the heroes of the program experienced.

As soon as the actress gained her fame, she was immediately surrounded by fans who tried to get the beauty's heart. However, the personal life of Maria Shukshina is quite complicated. The actress did not pay attention to her fans in a similar vein.

But with all this, Maria was not alone, and gave herself entirely to the passion that arose with the advent of a new gentleman. Shukshina, without any effort, could turn the head of any man she paid attention to. However, with all this prosperity, she never found. Having children from their spouses, family happiness and Maria never found peace of mind.

The house and family in which our today's heroine grew up was as strong as steel. As mentioned earlier, the actress's father was a very versatile and creative person, and her mother is a famous actress. At the age of seven, Masha lost her father, his heart could not stand it, and he left this world.

From that moment on, the family of Maria Shukshina ceased to be complete. By the way, the actress has a younger sister, Olga, who was born when Masha was one year old. Unlike his older sister and parents, she did not follow the acting path and entered a literary university. On this moment Olga does not maintain a relationship with her mother and sister.

For an actress, such a topic as children is a separate universe. A woman believes that children are the greatest happiness in her life. The children of Maria Shukshina were born in different marriages, A eldest daughter has a child herself.

With the second child - Makar Kasatkin, the actress has very painful memories. At the age of two, the boy was abducted, of course, the mother turned to law enforcement and after some time the child was sewn up and returned. The actress also has twins, at the moment they are thirteen years old and go to school. The actress loves her children very much and tries to give them as much time as possible.

For the first time, the actress became pregnant as a student, and the father was a young man who was trained on the same course with our heroine. However, after the child was born, Artem Tregubenko - that is the name of the girl's biological father, left the family.

Now the daughter of Maria Shukshina, Anna Tregubenko, is raising her own child, who was named Vyacheslav. Anna graduated from VGIK as a producer, and she did it on her own, without using the name of her famous mother. The girl is married and happily married. In turn, Maria, having become a grandmother, does her best to raise the child and loves the boy very much.

The second child of the actress was born in 1998 from the union of our heroine and sports manager Alexei Kasatkin. By the way, it was Alexei who witnessed Maria's first wedding ceremony. As mentioned earlier, the son of Maria Shukshina, Makar Kasatkin, was the victim of an abduction. The kidnapper was his own father, whose motives remained shrouded in mystery.

Makar has a rather difficult and impudent character, it is because of this that the guy repeatedly ran away from home. He took part in the filming of documentary films that are dedicated to his family. Now he is studying at the school as a cadet.

In 2004, the actress found out that she was having twins. The sons of Maria Shukshina, Foma and Foka Vishnyakov, were born from an alliance with her common-law husband Boris Vishnyakov. The man has his own business. However, after parting, Maria made it clear to Boris that she would not let her see her children. But after a certain time, she nevertheless allowed him to see his sons.

The boys are hooligan and, like two sides of the same coin, Foma will first do something, and then he will think about his actions, Foka, on the contrary, will think over the strategy, and then he will act. Only their older sister copes with these outrages.

Former husband of Maria Shukshina - Artem Tregubenko

In the fourth year of higher education, a young man named Artem laid eyes on Maria. They were trained on the same course, the guy looked after the actress in every possible way, and she could not resist. That same year, the couple tied the knot.

However, after the couple had a child, began everyday problems, quarrels and scandals. After that, the ex-husband of Maria Shukshina, Artem Tregubenko, decided to leave the family. It is not clear what exactly caused such a decision, but most likely it was the child that became the stumbling block that the marriage fell apart at the seams.

With her second husband, the actress met while still at the university. As noted earlier, it was he who witnessed the artist's first marriage. Ten years later, they met again, and after a while they began a life together.

After a certain period of time, a child appeared in their family. The ex-husband of Maria Shukshina, Alexei Kasatkin, doted on the boy. However, the actress herself decided to leave her husband and take the child with her, while forbidding Alexei to see her son. But in the end, she became softer and gave permission to visit the child.

For the third time, the man with whom the actress decided to connect her life was famous person in the capital. civil husband Maria Shukshina - Boris Vishnyakov was a businessman with a law degree. From the fruit of their love, twins were born - Foka and Thomas. It was the father of these children who took on the responsibility of raising the children, while leaving his business. The boys became very attached to their father.

Four years after the birth of the children, Maria took the boys from her father and left. Boris brought forward the accusation that the actress had kidnapped the children, but after a certain period of time he withdrew all the accusations and improved relations with his wife. civil wife. Vishnyakov sees his children, however, after what happened, about life together Mary is out of the question.

The network contains a lot of photographic materials that show changes in the facial outlines of the actress. The woman herself does not deny the fact that she uses the services of plastic surgeons. Based on this, the comparative photos of Maria Shukshina before and after plastic surgery are genuine.

The actress has a positive attitude towards this, but does not bring this matter to fanaticism and avoids radical methods. Maria tries to follow the regime, eat right and prefer active rest. Regarding plastics, the woman did not undergo a facelift or the like. Of all this, Shukshina uses only mesotherapy, to be more precise, these are injections of hyaluronic acid.

The actress is not a person who is alien to social services. Based on this, things like Instagram and Wikipedia by Maria Shukshina have a place to be.

The site of the free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia" has it Official page. All written on it official information regarding the biography and filmography of Mary, moreover, in chronological order. The actress has an account in the social service "Instagram". It is there that you can see all the latest and official news regarding the work process and leisure, since Shukshina herself leads it. The actress quite often uploads new photos and videos.

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