You can make love before a long journey. Vacation notes. Signs in front of the road. Signs on the road

Signs about the road have their roots in ancient times, however, superstitious people still listen to many of them. And one of these beliefs can explain why you can’t clean the house when someone leaves.

If any of the household starts washing the floors before you hit the road, then there is a danger that luck will turn away from you

Is it possible to clean up before leaving?

You should pay attention to the following signs:

  1. It is highly undesirable for a traveler to carry out cleaning on his own, as there is a possibility that he will never return to this house.
  2. You can't sweep the floor when guests leave. By your actions, you can seriously harm or, as the people say, "blanket the way." As a result, the road will be full of dangers.
  3. If any of the household starts washing the floors before you hit the road, then there is a danger that luck will turn away from you.
  4. It is considered a bad omen when relatives who were visiting you have not yet crossed the threshold, and you have already begun to clean up. You should not start cleaning just before leaving, as quarrels and abuse will settle in the house.

It is worth noting that, according to popular beliefs, it is advisable to thoroughly wash the stairs before leaving. As a result, the road promises to be happy and without obstacles.

Why can't you clean up when someone has left?

Signs advise you to start cleaning your house only after a person reaches his destination. You can't do that right after he left.

  • During cleaning, along with the garbage, the hostess gets rid of the memories of the person who left. It is better to wait until the traveler reaches the end point, helping him with your good thoughts and sharing positive energy.
  • If in long way one of the family members went, then signs insist that it is impossible to clean the house for three days. In this case, the journey will go smoothly.
  • If the guests have just crossed your threshold and went home, you should also not rush to clean up, even if they live very close by. For example, if a person gets to his house by car, then your actions can cause it to break down or crash. You should wait for a call or message from the guests that they are already in place, and only after taking on household chores.
  • If matchmakers were visiting your house, then it is highly undesirable to wash the floors and sweep immediately after they leave. Signs say that in this case the wedding will not take place.

You can only wash the floors if the guests were not welcome. So you can remove the negativity and “wash” these people out of your house forever.

Don't clean up before your trip. Better sit down, as they say, on the path and mentally communicate with the brownie. If you forgot something, he will definitely remind you of it. And after the departure of guests or relatives, you should just relax. And after they reach their destination, you can clean your house.

Road signs are designed to facilitate the journey, because the road has long been considered dangerous place. Find out what not to do when going on a long journey and how to behave when leaving home.

What not to do before leaving

Do not wash the floor before leaving, otherwise you will not come back. In modern beliefs, you can’t wash your hair and, so as not to become inattentive and forgetful. They contain the vitality needed outside the home.

But in Rus', they always went to the bathhouse on the path, as before any important business. You can follow and relax. A compromise solution is to wash your hair a couple of days before departure.

Don't sew up your clothes. Signs on the road promise failure. Set aside a wardrobe item until you arrive and put on something else. On the day of departure, you cannot lend money and borrow things - you can use personal belongings damage.

Do not step over the threshold with your left foot - evil spirits will pay attention. Do not put on the left shoe first. You can not step over objects lying at the crossroads, bypass them. Diseases and damage are reduced to such things.

Coming back is a bad omen

Forgot something - no need to go back. Of course, the sign is irrelevant if money, documents or other things that are difficult to do without are forgotten.

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Those who have returned from half the way of belief are advised to think about whether it is necessary to leave right now. You can go out later or the next day - avoid many failures. There is also an optimistic meaning of superstition - by returning, you avoided the trouble that would have happened if you had stayed where you were supposed to be.

The reason for the negative value is mystical meaning threshold as the boundary between subtle world and familiar reality. Spirits can be offended by inattention and confuse thoughts. Deceived by them Guardian angel may stay at home and not travel with the ward.

Do not forget to sit on the path for a couple of minutes and be silent, the path will be easy. At this time, forgotten things are often remembered. At the exit from the house, he blesses the path, if he had to return, the omen will not work. This is also done before going to visit - so that they are well received. In some regions, they sit on the path on the threshold so that the brownie understands that the family is leaving.

What you need to do before the road - beliefs for good luck

Hold on to the corner of the table for good luck. The dinner table at which the family gathers symbolizes the connection with the home. In the old days, they kissed him in order to quickly complete business in a foreign land and return to their native lands.

Beware of evil eye and envy. In the old days, when asked by acquaintances about the destination, they answered that they were going to kudykiny mountains. In modern realities, you can answer: "on business."

To protect against evil and fatigue, fresh and dry wormwood has long been taken on the road. It can be stored in shoes, talisman bag, wallet, suitcase. Poor orientation in unfamiliar places? Put your clothes on inside out, you won't go astray.

Good and bad road superstitions

Rain on the road is a good omen, especially if it started before leaving the house. Water washes away negativity. Earthworms are not very pleasant to look at, but their presence on the street brings good luck on the road.

Forgot something and found it on the way - way back will be prosperous. If someone brought it before the train departed or gave it away on the doorstep, the sign takes on a negative meaning. A glove is lost - luck is gone.

Tripped on your right foot? The journey will go smoothly. Probably interesting acquaintance. On the left - someone is discussing, and not in the best way. Injure your leg with a sharp object - there will be no luck.

Someone is following in your footsteps or stepping on a shadow - let him get around you. The trace and the shadow are endowed with a sacred meaning. Through them you can find out and inspire thoughts, bring damage or a love spell. Sorcerers know how to deprive of life force, feeding on the energy of an unsuspecting person.

The keys fell - to bad luck. At the exit from someone else's house, catch on a sleeve or other piece of clothing - soon you will find yourself there again. Choke at a party - see you again in a year.

Encounters on the way

Signs about dishes also work in a train compartment. If a fork or spoon has fallen, wait for a fellow traveler to appear. Knife - a man will come. To avoid the appearance of unwanted fellow travelers, silently tap the cutlery on the table. If at least one word sounded in the compartment, it will not work.

Any chance meeting on the way to the station or to the airport - unfortunately. Especially if it happened at the exit from the house or the bridge. Wrap yourself around yourself three times in a clockwise direction to ward off bad luck.

Major problems await if the first person met outside the threshold is a priest. To meet a man - to good luck, a woman - to trouble. But a pregnant lady will bring only good events, just like a Jew in national dress. To see a hunchback on the road is very lucky. Any person with an empty bucket - to empty chores. With full bags or buckets - brings good luck to those who meet him. The funeral procession is a big luck, just do not cross her path. Wedding - at a loss.

Or the dog bad sign, if he crosses the road or sits in the middle of it. It is especially bad if the animal does not let you pass. If a cat or dog of a different color behaves in this way, it does not mean anything.

Choosing the time to travel

Monday and Friday - bad days for a long journey. The point here is not only the intensity of car traffic, a few centuries ago they believed in this belief. Friday - women's Day, the hostesses were resting at this time. Go on a journey - add worries to them on a day off. Best time - midweek or weekend.

A man can't go on the road at the new moon or at the very beginning of the growing phase of the moon. Woman - on a full moon. The night luminary controls not only the ebb and flow. Its influence on the psyche of people has long been proven.

Car superstitions advised to avoid numbers 13 and 6. Both figures have religious overtones. At the secret dinner before the arrest of Jesus, there were 13 people at the table - the feast sign forbidding such a number of guests comes from here. The number 6 is considered the number of the Devil, bringing trouble.

We tried to get up early before leaving. The best time to travel is early morning . This is a rational sign, the one who gets up earlier will have time to do more things. Bad idea to go at midnight. The midnight road is full of difficulties and obstacles.

Signs for the mourners

When someone is going on the road, you can not wash the floor until the person gets to their destination. Otherwise the path will be "washed out", unsuccessful. They only block the road for unwanted guests so that they are less likely to disturb. Sweeping is also not necessary, rubbish symbolizes the dangers that fall asleep on the path.

After the guests leave, you need to brush off the tablecloth after them. Then the path will be “spread like a tablecloth”. From here came the well-known wish: "tablecloth path." splash after clean water to wash away the negativity.

Do not cross the road to the departing, go around him from the back, so as not to frighten off luck. If you want to see someone about to leave soon, look back often at the train or plane in which he departed. Then close person will think of you, and will try to find a reason to come back early.

Feng Shui for travelers

Feng Shui teaches you to attract positive energy. His followers believe that the method depends on the direction of the world, towards which the path lies. The Chinese perform mini-rituals before traveling and feel comfortable anywhere in the world.

The direction to the east or southeast corresponds to wood element. Take a bunch of dry branches or stems, tie it with a red ribbon - this color attracts good luck and positive energy. Wave the bouquet three times in the direction of travel.

Going south, gotta appease the element of fire. Before observing the old Russian tradition - to sit on the path, light a candle. Watch the flames. Calm - and the path will be the same.

Are you heading northeast or southwest? These directions correspond earth element. At the exit from the house, pour three handfuls of sand, earth or small pebbles under your feet for good luck.

Going to the west or northwest, remember - there rules metal energy. Ring the bell seven times before leaving. The sound will scare away evil spirit and cleanse from the existing negativity.

Appease before traveling north water element to help her on the journey. Throw a glass of water in this direction, this will clear the path of negative energy and drive away the evil spirits.

Travel superstitions will help to avoid troubles and fill the trip with only pleasant impressions. The road has long been considered a dangerous place, and they tried to appease higher powers so that the path was easy.

Previously, in order to attract good luck on the road, people observed special road signs. Many still use them today and consider them a great way to attract success and make traveling easier. What signs and superstitions should be trusted in order for the road to be successful?

  • On Monday and Friday, you should not go on a long journey - these days are considered unlucky for travelers.
  • In order for the trip to be easy, before leaving the house you need to sit “on the track”. This ritual helps to recharge the energy of the house, which will accompany you on the way.
  • Sewing something or sewing it in front of the road is a bad omen. You can sew up your luck or forget something important.
  • Before leaving the house, the key fell - the path will be difficult.
  • Before you leave the house, hold your left hand on the edge of the table. The table is a symbol of home well-being, with this action you receive the blessing of your home on a successful path.
  • If you forgot something halfway, it is undesirable to return - you can leave your luck at home. But if you did return, then, when you leave, look in the mirror and show yourself your tongue - this will recharge you with the energy of success again.
  • If you are flying on an airplane, then put a coin between the chairs or in your seat, this will help you attract good luck in money. Your profit will take off with the plane!
  • If you are lost in an unfamiliar place, change some of your clothes inside out - the right way will be found right there!
  • If someone is going on a long journey, you can’t take revenge in the house and wash the floors, it’s fashionable to sweep this person out of the house forever, that is, he may not return.
  • It began to rain before leaving - a good omen! Good luck awaits you along the way.
  • If you see an old shoe or glove on the road, see your relatives.
  • You should not pick up money and jewelry found on the road - you can incur trouble.
  • If you want to attract good luck on the road, then before leaving, turn all the chairs upside down.

These folk signs and superstitions will help you enlist the support of higher powers from a long journey. Have a nice trip and Have a good mood! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.06.2014 09:15

IN modern society to this day, people believe in omens, but there are few superstitions that almost always come true ...

In ancient times, people believed that clothing was strongly associated with its owner. There is in the world a large number of will accept and superstitions associated ...

It was not for nothing that the people composed and continue to compose signs about the road. Beliefs are created to make life easier and more fun for us, so that when we set off on a journey, we believe that he will be happy and arrive in a good mood.

The most famous and popular signs about the road say that it is better to sit in front of the road, that the journey should not start on Friday. The latter is due to the fact that in the old days Friday was considered women's day - the ladies rested, took care of themselves. To plan a departure on Friday meant to deprive the women of the holiday, because they would have to pack the wanderer on the road, take care of the house, and get nervous.

It was not recommended for travelers to get up on the day of departure on the left foot; it was forbidden to wash their hair - to communicate with higher powers did not weaken during the trip. A special place in old road signs is given to black cats, monks and women with empty buckets or other empty containers. It was believed that if any of the listed characters met a traveler, there would be trouble.

1. Before a long journey, you need to sit down and be silent. This is a good path.

2. The path will be safe if the one who is leaving cleans the house to a shine, and especially carefully the stairs.

3. Sweep or wash the floor on the day of departure of one of the family members - sweep, wash it forever.

4. If for some reason you returned halfway - before a new exit, look at yourself in the mirror and show yourself your tongue. You can look under the rug, the rug also helps. - Mystically, the sign is based on the fact that the returnee must certainly deceive or frighten the evil spirit (and it nests just under the rug or looks into the mirror from behind the left shoulder). At the same time, make it clear that they are not afraid of her.

5. Met someone with an empty bucket - the day will be empty.

6. After seeing someone on a long journey, they do not clean the house until he has reached his destination (on the day of departure; three full days) - so that the journey is successful.

7. Go on a long journey in the rain, which went unexpectedly - to a successful path. - It was believed that rain - heavenly water - washes away all diseases and sorrows.

8. Step into the footprints of a person walking in front - take strength from him.

9. Before a long journey, you need to hold on to the corner of the table - this is good luck.

10. Sew up something before the road - you won’t see good luck.

11. If you meet a funeral on the road - there will be good luck.

12. On Friday, it’s better not to go on a long journey: there will be no road.

13. When an animal, such as a dog, follows the companion, and there is no way to drive it away or turn it back, this means that the person is in danger.

14. If you meet a man first in the morning - good luck, a woman - bad luck. - One of the reasons lies in the fact that it was believed that a woman (especially an old one) can jinx it much more often than a man. Another reason lies in the volubility of women, who will then begin to talk about who they met, how he was dressed, where he was going, and so on. And this will certainly affect the plan.

15. If someone goes to a meeting with a full bucket, give way to him, do not cross the path of your luck.

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Since ancient times, people have been anxious about the upcoming road. And it didn't matter if the journey was long or short. For example, it was impossible to say where to go, and no one asked, because it was a bad omen. No one made plans for the upcoming road either, this was also considered a very bad omen. Therefore, the roots of road signs are very, very deep in time. But even now, many signs are considered relevant.

Notes before travel

Before you set out on your journey, know that there are many signs and rituals that many consider, believing that this will secure their path and make the journey successful.

  • It has long been established that before leaving home, you need to sit down on the path and be silent. It is useful to take the corner of the table. This sign is quite logical, because a person once again scrolls in his head whether he took everything he needed on the road.
  • Don't let your keys fall before you leave the house. This will lead to failure.
  • You need to get up early on the road. This sign and helpful advice our great-grandparents.
  • After the departure of a family member, the houses cannot be cleaned for three days, so as not to cover their tracks and the road goes smoothly.
  • But if you thoroughly wash the floors and stairs before leaving, the road will be happy.
  • If suddenly, just before leaving, someone from the family brings a forgotten thing - there will be no luck on the road.
  • Before the road, no matter long or short, nothing can be sewn up, this also leads to failures along the way.
  • In spite of everything, in no case should you look in the mirror before leaving, this is a sure help for the evil eye.
  • If it rains suddenly, the road will be successful.
  • Oddly enough, washing your hair before a long journey is also not recommended. Better to do it in a couple of days.
  • It is not known why and how to explain the sign that says: on Monday you cannot go on a long journey. Perhaps because no one likes this day of the week, because it is considered difficult. However, our ancestors also consider Friday to be unsuccessful for the road, therefore, if possible, it is better not to take any trips on this day.

Signs on the road

On the road, there are signs that can portend both failure and success.

  • To meet a person on the way with a full bucket, bag or package - the road will be fruitful and successful, but if with something empty, then the road will be empty, useless.
  • Returning halfway has always been considered a bad sign. But if you still had to return, you need to look at yourself in the mirror, smile or show your tongue. Then nothing bad will happen on the road.
  • Since ancient times, it has gone so that meeting the first woman is not good, but if you meet a man, good luck will accompany you on the road.
  • Such a nuisance as meeting a funeral procession along the way is considered to be a very good omen.
  • If you really liked the place and really want to come back someday, you just need to throw any coin into the nearest body of water.
  • On the way, to stumble upon a sharp object, such as a nail, means that there will be no luck.
  • If you stumble along the way, no matter which leg, someone does not respond very well.
  • It happens that something gets in the way all the time, something goes wrong. In this case, you need to stop and think carefully whether you need to go to the intended place, whether you forgot to take anything with you, whether you thought out the path well.
  • To meet someone immediately on the threshold or porch is not a good omen and prophesies an unsuccessful road. That is why it is believed that it is impossible to greet or pass something on the doorstep - this is a sign of quarrels and conflicts.
  • When dressing on the road, you need to be extremely careful. It is believed that if any piece of clothing is worn on left side, this will lead to a series of failures along the way.
  • Before visiting, it is also recommended to sit down at home. This is done to ensure that guests are well received.
  • Of course, black catcrossing the road promises bad luck to the walking person. What they don’t do here in order to avoid trouble: hold on to a button, and throw a pebble, and spit three times over their shoulders, and cross themselves. If the dog crosses the road, the omen is not considered bad, but also good.

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