Nationality of Lydia Kozlova. Lidiya Kozlova - biography, information, personal life. I can imagine how troublesome it was for you

Lydia Nikolaevna Kozlova. Born on November 19, 1937 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian poetess, songwriter, artistic director of the Lesopoval group (since 2008). Wife of songwriter Mikhail Tanich.

My childhood years were during the war.

From her youth she loved poetry, composed it herself and set it to music. She knew how to play the guitar and had a good voice. She often performed songs in companies and amateur performances.

After graduating from school, she entered a construction technical school, after which she was assigned to Saratov for the construction of the Volzhskaya State District Power Plant.

In 1953, in one of the newspapers, she read a poem by Mikhail Tanich, which she liked, and she decided to set the poem to music. She came up with a song. And three years later she was able to meet the author of the lines himself, who became her husband.

Since the husband served time in prison, he was not allowed into the capital. They lived in Svetly Yar, then moved closer to Moscow - to the town of Orekhovo-Zuevo.

I wrote the story “Next to the War” - about what I myself saw during the war years. The work tells about the tragedy of soldiers who returned crippled from the front. Many of them, armless and legless, did not want to return home and become a burden to their relatives. For such unfortunate people, homes for the disabled were created, where these people could live out their lives at state expense.

When I was young, I was seriously ill; doctors suspected cancer. Lydia Kozlova said: “I developed leukemia. This was in those years when life was very difficult for us - both financially and financially. everyday life. I walked around all white. Hemoglobin was such that one already dies. But I didn’t know that. She just said: “Misha, I can’t walk anymore.” He took me to the writers' hospital. There was a very good chief physician there, Professor Giller, a German by nationality. This doctor walks down the corridor and sees me, all white, barely moving my legs. Turns to the nurse: “Take her blood test.” When they brought the result, he commanded: “Run to the hospital!” She could die at any second." They took me away, immediately gave me a lot of blood transfusion, and I spent two and a half months there. Fortunately, I recovered."

Being a housewife for a famous songwriter, for a long time she did not dare to write poetry. But the creative atmosphere that reigned in their home thanks to her husband nevertheless encouraged Lydia to return to her favorite pastime. But Lydia was afraid to show her works to Mikhail Tanich. She gave the song “Snow is spinning, flying, flying” to the head of VIA “Plamya” Sergei Berezin, asking not to tell her husband who wrote it. After 2 days, Berezin reported that everyone liked the song. It was called “Snowfall” and became Lydia Kozlova’s first hit.

She recalled: “I didn’t show my poems to my husband for two or three years - I was ashamed. But when I had a whole manuscript, I decided: it’s time, otherwise Misha will think that this is betrayal - he’s writing and hiding it. You can imagine his shock! Silently he took the notebook and went into office. He sat there for a long time. He came out and said: “You know, it’s not bad. You reminded me of Akhmatova.” And he no longer stuttered either word or deed to somehow help or teach. He said: “If you have it in you, you’ll learn it yourself.” "".

The most famous song for which she became the author of the lyrics is the composition "Iceberg" in performance.

Her songs were (are) performed by many popular performers. In addition to Alla Pugacheva, these are Philip Kirkorov, Alexander Malinin, Nadezhda Chepraga, Valentina Tolkunova, Edita Piekha, Lyudmila Gurchenko and Vyacheslav Malezhik. Among the co-composers: Igor Nikolaev, Sergey Korzhukov, Igor Azarov, David Tukhmanov, Sergey Berezin, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Ruslan Gorobets, Anatoly Kalvarsky, Alexander Levshin, Alexander Fedorkov, Alexander Malinin, Mikhail Muromov, Irina Gribulina, Vadim Gamaliya and others.

Twice she became a laureate of the “Song of the Year” festival: in 1984 with the song “Iceberg” (music by Igor Nikolaev) performed by Alla Pugacheva and in 2000 with the song “My Red Rose” (music by Sergei Korzhukov) performed by.

After the death of her husband, she has been the producer and artistic director of the group since 2008. "Lesopoval".

Lidia Nikolaevna not only continues to write poetry and produce a famous musical group, but also puts in order the huge archive of Mikhail Tanich: the late songwriter left a lot of poems for which wonderful songs appear.

In 2017, Lidiya Kozlova appeared as one of the judges in the first episode of the second season of the musical television show “Three Chords.” In 2018, she was on the jury of the third season of this TV show.

Lidia Kozlova - Alone with everyone

Personal life of Lydia Kozlova:

Husband - (1923-2008), Soviet and Russian songwriter, National artist Russian Federation.

Lydia first learned about Tanich from a publication - in 1953 she read his poems and set them to music: “Don’t expect advice from me and don’t expect a hint from me, I myself got lost somewhere, like Ivan the Fool from a fairy tale ...".

We met in Saratov at a friendly party in 1956. A relationship began between them, and soon they decided to get married. For a long time lived very poorly. She recalled: “For a little over a year we lived in Svetly Yar, where Tanich worked as a correspondent, there I gave birth to a daughter... We spent fifteen years in poverty, there was nothing, but we loved each other and were happy. I remember Mikhail Isaevich received the first the author's 240 rubles! And with it I bought a wooden folding bed and a huge black radio like a coffin at a thrift store."

The marriage produced two daughters - Svetlana Mikhailovna Kozlova and Inga Mikhailovna Kozlova. The daughters took their mother's surname so as not to be in the shadow of their famous father.

Inga gave her grandchildren Lev and Veniamin. Svetlana has never been married, lives in her parents’ apartment and works on her father’s archive.

As the potess recalled, Tanich confessed his love to her only in old age: “When I was young, he didn’t say such words to me. Mikhail Isaevich didn’t spoil me with compliments. For example, because of this, I couldn’t come to terms with my appearance for a long time. That’s all.” women seemed more beautiful, smarter, slimmer, more practical. Only after living with me for decades, Misha said: “Do you know how beautiful you are? You have some amazing harmony, I would even say, animalistic. Are you like a fox?” looks like, maybe, a she-wolf. And if you make your features more correct, it won’t be true." That’s how the poet explained it to me. And only then did I accept my appearance."

“A month after Tanich’s death, I went into his office and saw on the table a sheet of poetry with the inscription “Lide”. I realized that Mikhail Isaevich dedicated them to me, and we made a song,” said Lydia Kozlova.

Discography of Lydia Kozlova:

1990 - “Tumbleweeds” - Songs based on poems by Lydia Kozlova
2015 - “Fly, my dear” - Songs based on poems by Lydia Kozlova

Songs by Lydia Kozlova:

“Iceberg” - (Music by Igor Nikolaev) - Spanish. Alla Pugacheva, Olga Zarubina and Igor Nikolaev, Lolita Milyavskaya
“Amulet” - (Music by Hassan Bogocharov) - Spanish. Khasan Bogocharov
“Amulet” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Lesopoval group, Galina Besedina, Valentina Ponomareva
“Anna Karenina” - (Music by Olga Stelmakh) - Spanish. Olga Stelmakh
“Twins” - (Music by Vyacheslav Malezhik) - Spanish. Vyacheslav Malezhik
“Blues of a Fallen Star” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Sergey Korzhukov
“In that country” - (Music by Vladimir Kuklin) - Spanish. Ekaterina Surzhikova
“Vanka Cain” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Artem Korzhukov
“Take my heart” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“Looking at the World” - (Music by Vladimir Kuklin) - Spanish. Ekaterina Surzhikova
“Ice” - (Music by Evgeny Shchekalev) - Spanish. Ksenia Georgiadi
“Horizon” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“Rain” - (Music by Tlesa Kazhgaliev) - Spanish. Galina Nevara
“I’ll wait, I’ll wait” - (Music by Alexander Fedorkov) - Spanish. Efim Shifrin
“Living Water” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“The Golden Mean” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“Illusion” - (Music by Dmitry Morozov) - Spanish. Gyulli Chokheli
“What a pity” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Artem Korzhukov, Sergei Korzhukov, Valentina Ponomareva
“What a pity” - (Music by Igor Nikolaev) - Spanish. Lyudmila Gurchenko
“Fireplace” - (Music by Gaia Galitskaya) - Spanish. Gaya Galitskaya
“Cowboy” - (Music by Evgeny Golovin) - Spanish. Evgeniy Golovin
“Kupavna” - (Music by Gaia Galitskaya) - Spanish. Gaya Galitskaya
“Fly, love” - (Music by Vadim Gamaliya) - Spanish. Birute Petrikyte
“Fly, my dear” - (Music by Ruslan Gorobets) - Spanish. Olga Zarubina
“Summer in September” - (Music by Vladimir Kuklin) - Spanish. Dina Rychkova
“Mirages” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Sergey Korzhukov
“I don’t need others” - (Music by L. Osipov) - Spanish. VIA "Lada"
“My heart is free” - (Music by Vladimir Kuklin) - Spanish. Ekaterina Surzhikova
“Mozart” - (Music by Vyacheslav Malezhik) - Spanish. Vyacheslav Malezhik
“You and I are at the threshold” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Sergey Korzhukov
“Don’t repeat it” - (Music by Anatoly Kalvarsky) - Spanish. Mikhail Boyarsky, Larisa Dolina
“Awkward conversation” - (Music by Igor Nikolaev) - Spanish. Alexander Malinin
“Awkward conversation” - (Music by Alexander Fedorkov) - Spanish. Efim Shifrin and Galina Bazarkina
“I promise” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“Autumn” - (Music by Dina Rychkova) - Spanish. Dina Rychkova and Gyulli Chokheli
“Open Look” - (Music by Alexander Levshin) - Spanish. Evgeniy Golovin
“Feel, guess, call” - (Music by Igor Nikolaev) - Spanish. - Edita Piekha
“Tumbleweeds” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov (pseudonym Alexander Lunev) - Spanish Nadezhda Chepraga, Sergei Korzhukov
“Seeing off” - (Music by Irina Gribulina) - Spanish. Valentina Tolkunova
“Farewell” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“Bird - blue wing” - (Music by Mikhail Muromov) - Spanish. Mikhail Muromov and Olga Zarubina
“Pugachev” - (Music by Alexander Malinin) - Spanish. Alexander Malinin
“Five minutes to the train” - (Music Olga Stelmakh) - Spanish. Olga Stelmakh
“Separation” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Sergey Korzhukov
“River-summer” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Sergey Korzhukov
“My Red Rose” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Philip Kirkorov, Yaroslav Evdokimov, Sergei Korzhukov
“The rowan tree shook its branches” - (Music by Irina Gribulina) - Spanish. ensemble "Dubrava"
“Blue Wave” - (Music by Sergei Berezin) - Spanish. VIA "Flame"
“Violin” - (Music by Alexander Fedorkov) - Spanish. Efim Shifrin
“Violin, violin, play” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“The snow is spinning” - (Music by Sergei Berezin) - Spanish. VIA "Plamya", Lev Leshchenko, Alsou, Valery Obodzinsky, group "Bi-2", group "Chuk and Gek"
“Warm me” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“Sun at its zenith” - (Music by Michel Raico) - Spanish. Natalya Stupishina (Anka)
“Judgment Day” - (Music by Michel Raico) - Spanish. Natalya Stupishina (Anka)
“Dance floor” - (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Alena Apina
“Your words” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“You give me so much in life” (Music by Andrei Kosinsky) - Spanish. Alena Apina
“Wilted Flowers” ​​- (Music by Sergei Korzhukov) - Spanish. Lesopoval group, Nadezhda Chepraga, Philip Kirkorov
“Black River” - (Music by Gaia Galitskaya) - Spanish. Gaya Galitskaya
“It only seems” - (Music by Igor Azarov) - Spanish. Igor Azarov
“It only seems” - (Music by David Tukhmanov) - Spanish. Valentina Tolkunova
“This Evening” - (Music by Igor Nikolaev) - Spanish. Edita Piekha
“I'm worried” - (Music by Sergei Muravyov) - Spanish. Alice Mon
“I'm waiting for you” - (Music by Vladimir Kuklin) - Spanish. Vladimir Kuklin
“Apple” - (Music Olga Stelmakh) - Spanish. Olga Stelmakh

ღ Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova: Half a century of happiness that was dreamed of to become reality ღ

Their meeting was destined by fate. Lydia Kozlova first saw him in a dream. A gypsy told Mikhail Tanich about it. They recognized each other at first sight, and then lived together for 52 years. Together we went through poverty, lack of recognition, and fame. And they never ceased to thank God for the meeting with each other.

“I invented you for myself...”

Lydia Kozlova.

She studied at a technical school in Stalingrad and rented an old sofa in the basement of an ancient grandmother. It was the hostess who told Lydia how to see her betrothed in a dream. And Lydia saw, she even had time to examine his beauty.

After technical school, Lydia did not go to Moscow, where she was sent, but asked to go to the Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station. She worked at a construction site and lived in a dormitory. And on November 7, 1956, the same man from her girlish dream came to their party. When she was asked to sing, she lightly touched the strings of the guitar and began to sing the song for which she wrote the music herself, having read the poems of Tanich, unknown to her, in the local newspaper. And he whispered in her ear: “Tanich is me!” He later said that a gypsy woman he met at the market once said that his wife would be called Lydia.

Mikhail Tanich.

That evening, the two of them sat at the table for a long time, and she kept moving away from him, embarrassed and timid. Before this meeting, she had never even gone to the cinema with anyone. He seemed incredibly mature to her, he was 13 years older, he went through the entire war, and then ended up in the camps, serving 6 years allegedly for anti-Soviet propaganda. Essentially, he just said about good roads in Germany. During his imprisonment, his first wife filed for divorce.

After meeting Lydia, Mikhail quit his job at the construction site and moved to a small town. He was finally given a job that matched his qualifications. He wrote letters to her. Touching, full of warmth and tenderness.

Lydia lived by these letters and her love for an adult, wise man. When he asked her to come, she immediately quit the construction site and went to meet her love.

“I’ll be a wife, but I won’t get married!”

They lived poorly, but cheerfully.

They signed when they had already given birth eldest daughter, Inga. Lydia lived with him, loved him immensely, but refused to register the relationship. She realized how talented person next to her. He's been through a lot. And young Lydia did not know whether this adult man would be faithful to her.

Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova.

Already at the age of 18, this fragile girl, looking like a teenager, talked about freedom in love. She believed that a poet should not be limited by lack of freedom. She invited him to mature before marriage with her.

Only eight years later life together They understood: it is impossible to live without each other. And they signed urgently to get a small janitor’s apartment, which Lydia literally begged from the Komsomol Central Committee. By that time they were already living in Zheleznodorozhny: Mikhail Tanich, his wife and their two daughters, Inga and Svetlana. Later, only thanks to Lydia Nikolaevna they will receive Moscow registration.

Union of two hearts

Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova.

Mikhail Tanich himself never asked for anything. Issues of negotiations with officials Lydia was in charge entirely. For three years she was afraid to admit to him that she also wrote poetry. When she had filled a whole thick notebook with poems, Lydia handed it to her stunned husband. He didn’t even know about her work. After reading it, he expressed his complete approval to her.

They both wrote real hits. He had “Black Cat”, “A song goes round and round”, “I’ll get off at a distant station”, “Love is a ring”, “I look at you like in a mirror”, “A soldier is walking through the city”, “Take me with you” ", "Farewell to Love", "Komarovo", "Weather in the House" and more than 1000 songs. But she also had her hits: “Iceberg”, “My Red Rose”, “Snow is Spinning”, “Tumbleweeds”.

Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova.

Lidia Nikolaevna always insisted that she and Tanich could not be put on the same level: he is a genius. And Mikhail Isaevich himself spoke about his wife: “I met amazing person- both in mind and in character... She is my happiness. I myself am not worth anything, I just got a life win - my Lida.”

Lidia Nikolaevna spent 10 years persuading her husband to create the Lesopoval group. This group is still incredibly popular. Mikhail Tanich wrote his songs for them and in almost every one there was his own pain and his experience. However, as a child, Lydia Nikolaevna also spent several years in a row communicating with prisoners who were actually taken to the Invalides Home to die. She lived across the street and was curious what kind of people they were. So she ran to this house from the age of 4 to 13.

Didn't like it enough...

Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova.

Mikhail Isaevich was seriously ill for a long time. The cancer progressed and gradually ate him from the inside. But he was never capricious or complained. And she believed that together they would overcome all diseases, they could. I believed until the very last moment. Shortly before his death they got married. Mikhail Tanich left on April 17, 2008, whispering goodbye that they never fell in love...

He left her a legacy of “Lesopoval”, of which she is now the artistic director. And the lines full of love, found by her after his departure:

Who would know how beautiful you are in the morning,
How do you think your makeup doesn’t suit you?
how they rise above me every time
both suns of your green eyes.
Who would have known and who would have seen? Yes, anyone.
He should wake up with you.
Who would know how beautiful you are - you yourself.
Well, I would go crazy with jealousy...

Mikhail Tanich - Golden disc - concert at the Variety Theater 1993

Lumber felling - Sergey Korzhukov - I will buy you a house - White Swan
- Bright memory and Tanich, and Korzhukov...

Saburova Olga
08 February 2011
"Interlocutor No. 5"
After the death of the poet Mikhail Tanich, the founder of the Lesopoval group, his widow Lydia Kozlova shouldered the leadership of the men's group. But she is not at all burdened by this burden - on the contrary, she is cheerful, open, smiling. Tanich handed over his brainchild to good hands.

Died many times

Lidia Nikolaevna claims that her husband made her an optimist, who “raised” Kozlova from her 18th birthday, when he took her as his wife. He taught by his own example: Tanich never lost heart, although there were enough reasons to despair for several generations. The poet liked to repeat the following phrase: “Life, of course, is a vile thing. But nothing better than life didn’t come up with it.”

Tanich had a typical fate for his peers: his father was shot, his mother was imprisoned, the war began - he went to the front. Mikhail Isaevich, still alive, was buried in a mass grave. But they managed to get it out. Then they imprisoned him on a false denunciation. After 6 years of camps, in 1953, he was rehabilitated. He was released with clear conscience and a whole bunch of diseases.

– When we got married, he was completely disabled! – Lidia Nikolaevna states without any despondency. She remembers her husband’s illnesses calmly - the way she perceived them. - In addition to tuberculosis, his legs were so rotten that for about 20 years I put oilcloth under the sheet: every night there was a quarter of a leak. liter jar pus. Then it was all over, the body recovered... Tanich died many times. It would be sad to tell, but he was a cheerful person.

When his heart began to worry, the poet was operated on by Renat Akchurin. Later, cancer was discovered. For the last 5 months, Tanich has not gotten up from the red leather sofa in the living room where we are sitting. So he received visitors, who traditionally poured into his house from morning to night. I managed to give songs to Boris Moiseev, Alena Apina, Laima Vaikule. In the end, Mikhail Isaevich spoke with great difficulty, and could not write down poems on his own at all - when he woke up, he asked his wife to sit down next to him with a piece of paper and a pen and dictated to her... Embarrassed by the request (“it’s indecent for me to say such a thing, elderly woman"), Kozlova reads one poem dedicated by Tanich to herself:

Who would know how you are
beautiful in the morning
How do you like your makeup?
out of place
How they rise above me
every time
Both of your suns
green eyes.

Kozlova found these lines in her husband’s desk, which she touched for the first time only after the funeral. For a whole week, the widow sorted out the manuscripts: on each sheet of paper there is a TsU - some are easy to save, somewhere in Tanich’s hand notes were made “for “Lesopoval”.

“In April, it will be three years since Mikhail Isaevich has been gone, and I do everything that he did, as if I continue to live for him,” Lidia Nikolaevna shares. – I don’t even feel sad. I only feel sorry that these almost 52 years of marriage are over, that man is mortal... Already dying, in the intensive care unit, where I was allowed to enter for a short time, when my husband was already practically unconscious, he, slightly moving his lips, whispered: “And you and I ... we didn’t like it enough.” Here, of course, tears flowed from both of us. And I didn't cry anymore.

Was Balda

Kozlova did not have to delve particularly into the affairs of the artistic director of Lesopoval. Tanich took care of his wife in this too. When the country sang his first songs - “Textile Town”, “How Serves You” - letters with offers of cooperation began to arrive in bags for the poet. He appointed his wife, who herself is a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, to defend against graphomaniacs.

“In order to identify talented composers, I was appointed by Tanich as “worker Balda,” as in Pushkin’s fairy tale,” Lidiya Nikolaevna laughs. “People came, I listened to the melodies and wondered in my own mind whether there was hope. If the melody was okay, it allowed him to reach Tanich.

His songs, performed by Soviet pop stars, became popular one after another, the poet earned decent money... and suddenly “Lesopoval” appeared in his life. Few people know that it was Kozlova who brought Tanich to chanson through long 10-year persuasion.

– Out of stupidity, people still scold Misha for the “Leopoval” program. Not understanding that there are no bad themes - there are bad songs in this genre - the poet's widow defends the group. – Tanich didn’t want to touch on this topic, but I always appreciated such a song.

The group's first appearance on television created a sensation. The telephone at Tanich’s house did not stop ringing until the morning. One of the callers, Kozlova recalls, was a Doctor of Philosophy. “I don’t approve of such songs,” the lady said. “I think they romanticize the criminal world... But tell me, where else can I listen to them?” The poet laughed in response: “God willing, you will hear.”

Man and steamboat

Tanich left more than a hundred poems for “Lesopoval”. The group continues to perform and release new albums. The music for the group is written by 10 composers who were still under Mikhail Isaevich - not a single one has broken away. The house is also full of guests. Although this apartment where I spent last years Tanich, not as prayed for as the old one, located on the other side of the Garden Ring. It is furnished with antique furniture; all the current celebrities who were still rising then came there.

“When we were planning to move here, Sasha Malinin came to us and asked what we would do with the situation,” Kozlova recalls. “I don’t know,” answered Mikhail Isaevich. “You must leave everything as it is,” said Sasha. “Your museum will be here...” And then Nadya Babkina looked in. Her Russian Song theater is right below us - so she asked to sell her our apartment. But Misha refused: “My Svetka (one of two daughters, the second went to Holland - author) will settle here.”

Kozlova jokes that her daughter still lives there - “like an employee of a museum”... But Tanich still took one thing from the old furnishings: her favorite sculpture, bought with a fee from Kozlova’s song “Iceberg”, performed by Alla Pugacheva. The walls of the poet's widow's two-story home are hung with paintings, and she did not buy any of them. Knowing Tanich’s love for painting and sculpture (he himself studied architecture), his friends tried to give him objects of art. But the poet received, perhaps, the most luxurious gift only after his death. Recently, a man approached Lydia Nikolaevna with a request for permission to name the ship that carries tourists along the Volga after Mikhail Isaevich. Upon closer acquaintance, the shipowner turned out to be the nephew of Evgeniy Leonov.

“I have no reason to be sad,” Kozlova, leaving looking through photographs of her husband, raises her eyes. - You can only regret what you have done in life - meanness, betrayal. Time passed and you realized. You will sit and kill yourself, what an abomination you have committed. Why should I cry? I'm just glad I was with Tanich. I was very lucky to meet a man of such intelligence, such nobility, such humor and such courage. Parting is a difficult thing, but Tanich enriched me with the love of life so much that I don’t even understand that he’s gone. And I continue this love, this relationship from soul to soul...

Group "Lesopoval" "Personal date". 2006

I have been friends with Mikhail Tanich since 1990. until his death. We met in Moscow - then he released his first album “Lesopoval”. This rare recording was released in a small edition on compact cassettes, and was completely different, with the exception of the songs, from the group's subsequent releases. M. Tanich was involved in the compere, reading poetry between songs.

Our Studio has always worked with Lesopoval. We helped them with concerts in St. Petersburg, and always showed their music on “Night Taxi” on the radio. In 1995 published on CD “The Last Concert of Sergei Korzhukov with Lesopoval”.

Mikhail Tanich did not believe that it was possible to make a good “live” concert video. He knew that we had already done many such programs, but he very much doubted that it would work out well with his group: “Sasha, this is a big live band. There are dancers, two vocalists, and musicians. Of course, I understand that you know how to put it all together, but live, in front of an audience...” I am very glad now that I was able to insist on my own, convince M. Tanich, and the shooting took place.
“Lesopoval” arrived, indeed, in full force: 10 people. To the great surprise of the then artistic director of the group, Sasha Fedorkov, M. Tanich came with them. Imagine, he’s 83 years old during the shoot!

The sound check with our sound engineer Slava Raspopov and the band's sound engineer took almost 4 hours. What’s interesting is that they built up well. True, what you see first in the film (3 tracks) was actually recorded last, because in an open area, at the start of recording, the vocal microphones were tightly “knitted”.

Overall the concert turned out great. The audience, as can be seen in the film, were literally hanging on the fence of the set. There were not enough tables for the spectators, of whom there were more than 700 people at the shooting, and therefore the main building of the Lesnoy restaurant was half empty - all the tables were taken out onto the street.

When I brought the DVD home to Mikhail Tanich, he watched the entire film with me and said: “Sanya, I didn’t think it would work, but when I saw it, I’m telling you honestly - this is our best film. Thank you...".
I must admit, I did not expect such a reaction: the concert filming at Lesopoval was mostly either fragmentary for TV or amateur - there were a lot of both, but I knew that Tanich liked them.

I thought now - time flies quickly. Mikhail Tanich is no longer with us, A. Fedorkov and S. Kuprik no longer work at Lesopoval. Time moves inexorably forward, the more valuable is the modest work that we did in 2006, filming this video for you.
Alexander Frumin

Mikhail Tanich is the author of the words of such once famous hits as “Black Cat”, “Komarovo”, “Weather in the House”... His songs were heard in the films “We'll Live Until Monday”, “For Family Reasons”, “Take Care of Women” and many others . He also created the “Lesopoval” group and was its leader. Fate gave the poet 84 years. His heart stopped beating exactly ten years ago.

About the kind of person her husband was, in exclusive interview Told FACTS widow of Mikhail Tanich, poetess Lidia Kozlova(author of the lyrics of the popular songs “Iceberg” and “Snow is Spinning”).

— My husband’s family is from Ukraine,- says Lydia Nikolaevna. — His ancestors lived in Kyiv and Lvov. Misha’s grandfather was friends with Sholom Aleichem. When the writer went abroad, he left him his library. But during the pogroms it was burned... The husband himself at one time - before the war - studied at a Kharkov school and spoke Ukrainian quite well... He prepared very tasty borscht. You won't try this in any restaurant! He knew how to choose meat, tomatoes... He even dedicated a song to borscht - it was sung by the Lesopoval group. There are these words: “You can’t cook borscht without tomatoes, without seeds, without marrow. But the main recipe for aroma is different for everyone. I will treat my friends to borscht, heated over the fire, accompanied by a song, but the song should be just a seasoning for the borscht.” Borscht was his favorite dish. He also has a song about dumplings with cherries. He also cooked them well. And I always admired Kyiv...

— Is it true that several years before you met, you saw your future husband in a dream?

- More precisely, in a few months. I was 18 years old. I lived in the apartment of a 90-year-old woman. She treated me well and once said: “Do you want to see your future husband in a dream? Make a well out of matches and place them under your pillow.” I followed her advice and I dreamed of my life, in which there was a man with Tanich’s face. I saw him close-up, as in the photo. And six months later at the Volzhskaya State District Power Plant, where I was sent to work as young specialist, Misha and I met in a company. I saw Tanich and said: “Oh, I know you!” He was surprised: where from? I answered: “I saw you in a dream!” True, for a long time—twenty or thirty years—he didn’t believe in it. He said: “Well, admit it: did you make this up?” But it was true.

- You have lived together for more than fifty years...

- And I was very happy with Misha! When the priest administered communion to his husband before his death, Misha suddenly turned to him: “Father, can you marry my wife and me?” The priest asked how many years we had been together, and, raising his hand, said: “Well, you are already married THERE! So don't worry."

* Lydia Kozlova: “I was very happy with Misha”

— What gift from your husband is especially close to your heart?

“I didn’t think about gifts, we were so poor when we were young.” When they got married, they had neither furniture nor dishes. There wasn't even a bed! At first we slept on the floor. Someone advised my husband to go to... the morgue, they say, they were throwing out discarded beds there. He chose one and we slept on it for several years. There was no blanket or pillow. Misha brought from the editorial office two meters of paper on which newspapers are printed, wrote “carpet” in pencil and attached it to the wall in the summer kitchen where we lived with four buttons. And then a daughter was born, and we moved to Stalingrad.

- It’s true that your famous song Did you dedicate “Iceberg” to your husband?

- This is a legend. Of course, all poetry is nourished by the past or the present, but it is always modified. You should never think that piece of art written about a specific person.

— I read that this song was created when you were on the verge of divorce.

- No, we have never reached such a border. Although I was much younger than Misha, I understood that reproaches do not strengthen a marriage. I never expressed anything, and I think he appreciated that in me. And Misha has never said a single rude word to me in his entire life. Dying, when he no longer got out of bed, the husband composed some poetry every day. After his death, I found a piece of paper, and on it: “I will sing you a secret bedtime song, this lullaby of mine. The dream touches the eyelashes, the stars in the distance... Fall asleep, beauty, on my hand. And if you wake up, show up, I’m no longer sleeping. Suddenly you show up and I already love you.” And even before he died, he said: “You don’t even know what a faithful husband I was to you.”

— Mikhail Tanich suffered terrible trials...

- Unthinkable! But he never despaired.

— Did you believe in fate?

- Even more. After all, they told him about me too! Misha was then sixteen years old. He decided to buy himself an eight-piece cap. I went to the market. And there I met a young gypsy woman. She invited him to tell fortunes. He said that he had no money, to which the gypsy replied: “And I’ll tell you fortunes for free.” She took his hand, looked and exclaimed: “Oh, and you will have a life! And your wife will be called Lida.” And so it happened. Although Misha didn’t believe it then, because he didn’t know a single girl with that name.

— Have miracles happened in your husband’s life?

- What more! He was almost buried in a mass grave. All the guys in the dugout died. He alone remained alive, although he was severely shell-shocked. Fortunately, one of the soldiers noticed that his cheek twitched. Misha was sent to the hospital. There he came to his senses for three months, since after the concussion he could not hear or see. And as soon as I recovered, I went back to the front line. My husband found himself on the brink of life and death more than once. He said that at the front, when bullets were flying in his direction, he said: “Lord, bring it through!” And not a single one hit him. Misha was a believer.

— Why was Mikhail Tanich sent to a camp for six years?

— I got there through a denunciation. He returned from the front and entered the architectural institute. And since he fought in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, he reached Berlin and told the company that Europe has wonderful roads and very good radios. One of the students reported on him: they say that Mishka praised life abroad, thereby denigrating life in the Soviet Union. And Tanich was sent to logging. There he froze his legs and almost died.

— Did your husband feel fame?

— When the Lesopoval group appeared, we could not go outside. I remember, we were walking, and a drunk man came towards us. He is wobbly, but he is clearly moving straight towards us. I, as a cautious woman, thought: now he will start a scandal, or a fight, or ask for money. And he comes up to his husband and says: “Uncle Misha, what am I like? happy man! Today is my birthday - and I met you!” I think Tanich was very pleased that people liked his songs.

—What character trait of your husband struck you most?

- Cheerfulness and wit. He could see many situations in a slightly ironic light, he knew how to laugh easily and play up the situation to make everyone happy. For example, there is a joke that Tanich came up with. On their birthday they wish one person: “Live 120 years!” And he answered: “No, no, I want 119 - then they will write on the monument: “He left untimely.” Now this joke is considered popular. There were many things that struck me about Misha. English language He started teaching when he was already over 80. This was before our trip to America. Misha taught at school German, so I had to learn English from scratch. And when we arrived in the USA, within three days I began to speak it.

In general, Misha traveled to many countries. And I traveled with him. I remember how in 1971 we went to England. We walked around London. Of course, we also approached Buckingham Palace. Suddenly the police started pushing everyone back. And Tanich, as he stood at the gate, remained so. I was afraid that he would be taken to the police. Suddenly the gate opens and a Rolls-Royce slowly drives out. And there is a queen in it. And suddenly Tanich walks towards the car and blows a kiss to the queen. She smiles and sends him a response, like a good friend... Misha was a very sociable person.

* The fate of Mikhail Tanich was full of miracles

— What kind of person was Mikhail Isaevich in everyday life? How did you dress? What was his favorite dish?

— He dressed well, with taste, but that was not the main thing for him. As for food, he cooked perfectly - right down to the Napoleon cake. And he diligently taught me everything.

— Did he have a hobby?

— I loved sports. From the age of three he played football.

— Do your daughters also write poetry?

— Both are artists. The eldest left with her husband and children for Holland, and they stayed there.

— Do you have your husband’s favorite song?

- I love everything. But the most favorite ones are “The White Light Came Like a Wedge on You”, “Seeing Off Love”, “Mirror”, “White Swan on the Pond”...

— What did Mikhail Tanich die from?

“He had a terrible heart condition.” At 78 years old he had bypass surgery. And kidney failure was also discovered against the background cancer. And before that there was so much! In the camp he suffered from tuberculosis, his legs were frozen - they wanted to cut them off. But Misha said: “If you cut them off for me, I won’t leave the camp. I’ll stay here.” He had been disabled since 1942, but he never moaned. Never!

— Do you dream about your husband?

“He comes in my dreams all the time and supports me.”

-What would you say to your husband if he could hear you?

- I would say: “I love you!”

“Awkward, angular, skinny, ugly, freckled... If Pugacheva looked like anyone in those days, it was not like a professional singer, but like her daughter in the film “Scarecrow.” And what a princess she became later on our stage!” - recalls poetess Lydia Kozlova, widow of songwriter Mikhail Tanich.

When Tanich underwent serious heart bypass surgery, Pugacheva came to visit him in her white limousine. To say that the car was long is to say nothing - it was endless!

Photo: Photo from the personal archive of Lidia Kozlova

Misha, still very weak, his chest tightened with a metal corset, watched from the window as Pugachev’s “bandura” tried to fit into the courtyard-well, and finally could not stand it: “I’ll go down and meet Alla.” "No need! - I begged. “You haven’t gone further than the bathroom after the operation yet!” But he went, and I took his place at the window. And so Pugacheva, seeing Tanich at the entrance, jumps out of the limousine and let’s dance the gypsy girl. And Misha, barely alive, also starts dancing. There is a column of dust - it’s summer, it’s hot. I stand and pray: “Lord, if only his heart doesn’t break!” Thank God, these crazy dances did not harm my husband. Then Alla brought him home, and we drank a little more. That evening she sat with us for a long time, as in the old days... She and Misha had a touching, but, I would say, unstable friendship.

I remember Pugacheva came to our dacha in Jurmala. She gave a concert there, and, as always, Alla was given a sea of ​​flowers. She brought them to us and placed a basket on each step of the stairs leading to the second floor, and then sat in our company for a long time and cried about something. Alla also came to us for the wake of the lead singer of the group “Lesopoval” Seryozha Korzhukov and reproached Tanich: “Mikhail Isaevich, why didn’t you introduce me to Seryozha at one time? I might have married him, and Seryozha might still be alive.”... And she really once conveyed through us to Seryozha an invitation to come to her, but he was a proud boy, he said: “Not even persuade me, I won’t go for anything!” The fact is that when Alla took off, she developed a certain style of relationships with men - somewhat condescending, patronizing, top-down. And this did not suit everyone.

That’s why they couldn’t communicate with Misha often precisely because of this. He always talked to Alla as if he were the little girl he once knew, looked after, and to whom he gave a start in life.


I came up with the prayer with which I turn to God all my life when I was still a young girl: “Lord, I don’t need anything from you - no wealth, no miracles, no great accomplishments. Give me the most important thing, without which I cannot live.” And he gave me Tanich! But first I recognized his poems. I read them in some newspaper, completely by accident, because Mikhail Tanich was not a famous poet at that time, and this publication was the only one at that time. And even then I loved to compose songs - and I set the poem I liked by a certain Mikhail Tanich to music. And soon I, along with other graduates of the construction college, were sent to the Volzhskaya State District Power Plant.

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