When is the best time to go to Arkaim on what date? Review of the trip to Arkaim. How much does it cost to relax in Arkaim

Preparations for a journey of 2500 km are in full swing. The closer June 18, the start date of the trip, the more memories of the previous trip come flooding back.

Arkaim is not just a city. According to scientists, the Urals was a chain of volcanic activity 300 million years ago!!! It's hard to even imagine. Therefore, a tectonic fault passes under the Arkaim depression, along the cut of which energy is radiated.

Today my notes are connected with several mountains at once. The first mountain is Shamanka. It's hard to call it a mountain. But when you get up, you realize that it is very difficult. Three ledges, like a circular staircase, lead to the top: the ledge of repentance with cleansing energies, the ledge of priestesses - with the possibility of memories of past incarnations, and the Pegasus ledge - which collects the human biofield and gives awareness of the mission of its incarnation, destiny.

At the top there is a spiral, a labyrinth... after passing through the labyrinth, being in the center of the spiral, you become the center of a kind, feeling unity with your ancestors with every cell. They raise you in their arms in gratitude for the fact that they managed to feel the power of the Family - they bless you for life!

After that, you can feel relief, breathe easier, the brightness in the world has increased. If you understand what karmic knots are, then this place helps to untie them or weaken the action.

The labyrinth has an entrance and an exit. Many tourists come to get the "wow effect", but do not achieve it. Energy has rules to be understood. Shaman - an organism of ancestral memory will help in difficult situations of everyday life, in obtaining a ancestral resource. It helps to build and see the family system of life, health, goodness. Perhaps you will become the most enlightened after visiting it. How to know...

Mountain of Love

According to legend, there were 3 temples on this site: the temple of the birth of children, the temple of love and the temple of the priest.

And according to geological studies, local spots of energy fields were found in this place. That is, the volcanic activity of an extinct volcano continues to exist.

At this time, feather grass blooms. Extraordinary grass! She twists into runes, then into images, answering your questions.

Discoveries on this mountain are connected with nature: every blade of grass, every Living being knows how to live, what to do. Why does a person with consciousness not understand this? To love and protect the Earth, nature, honoring and respecting the ancestors!

Another mountain that left an indelible impression is called "7 Seals".

You can't just climb this mountain. Everyone has a task to complete. Each of us, having performed actions, went upstairs. The energy of this mountain can open psychic abilities. And if you are already familiar with them, strengthen them.

This mountain met us first with a strong wind, then shed rain on us and at the end showed a double rainbow that flashed like a smile of heaven and earth.

A year has passed since the last trip to Arkaim, but every corner of this land still vividly lives in my memory, helping me in different areas life… This place is impossible to forget, it becomes a part of your life as a reminder of natural beauty and power, healing energy and love…

We conducted an interesting study of the main reasons why many people get out of their homes, their usual lives and go to the steppe, shrouded in a huge number of stories, myths, historical facts and esoteric insights.

It is believed that from June 21 to 22 (Day summer solstice) the energy of Arkaim reaches its peak. The holiday of the summer solstice gathers an amazing number of tourists, pilgrims, psychics, adherents of many religions and teachings. These days here you can see fire shows, concerts on ethnic instruments, unusual ceremonies and rituals. Mystical place, Why does all this happen here?

It is this place that is the birthplace of the Aryans - a mysterious people, the creators of a great civilization, a place of "power", a place where hopes and desires come true, understanding the world and self-awareness.

Many understand that they have missed something very important in their development, or rather, the spiritual component that is needed to restore balance and harmony with the surrounding reality.

Year after year people go to Arkaim and many of them not for the first time... Why? Someone, having been there, felt healing, others, having made a wish or realizing their capabilities, realized their plans easily, casting aside all doubts, someone wants to touch antiquity, someone believes that they will find answers to the questions of the meaning of life.

There is a strong opinion that Arkaim does not let everyone in. Even for those who gather, unforeseen circumstances may occur, and the trip will be postponed. Once in Arkaim, you will most likely get a huge mass of impressions.

Let's start with the fact that many cannot explain these reasons, except for "they told", "heard something", "there were friends and they really liked it", "we got there by accident and it was something", "something pulled" , "offered to go."

So reason one briefly sounds like this - “Arkaim is calling”, in other words, it cannot be explained, these are some internal vibrations of the soul that form the intention to go.

The second reason based on the stories of friends, acquaintances, publications in the media - this is a way (not a panacea) of HEALING from a mass of physical and mental problems. The place itself gently harmonizes the inner state of a person. It is important to note that many people have completely different reactions in the first hours of their stay and are often overwhelmed with emotions, and after half a day a person calms down and plunges into a new reality in a new world.

Third reason- concerns the esoteric practices and magic of this place. Considering ancient history of this place, the artifacts found and the settlement "Arkaim" itself, scientists and archaeologists provided the world with a lot of information that rituals were held here, magical rites and the place itself is an open-air temple. Nowadays, there are also places in Arkaim where shamans, witches and others perform their rituals...

Fourth reason- something in common with the first. Literally after a couple of days, a person's consciousness begins to change, in the soul and body an inexplicable feeling - "this is flying away." Another world, other people, a different manner of communication and inner state. Note: we do not take into this definition some merchants of souvenirs and food (they have their own work).

So fifth reason- 95% of opinions, stories, reviews are the embodiment of cosmic positive, when the soul is filled with this feeling, when for no particular reason a person smiles, is at peace with himself and with the whole Universe.

A few days ago, my son and I returned from Arkaim.

For those who don't know, this is amazing place forces in the steppe on the border of the south of the Urals, 400 km from Chelyabinsk, which was opened in the 80s of the twentieth century.

The age of Arkaim is 4 thousand years, according to other sources - much more. They say that Arkaim is older Egyptian pyramids. It is located on the site of a former paleovolcano, extinct more than 300 million years ago.

This settlement was at the same time a fortress, a craft city, a temple, an astronomical observatory and the universe in miniature, because the city was built on the principle of the zodiac circle.

What really happened there, no one knows, but the city was completely destroyed by fire, and its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

The powerful energy of Arkaim beckons like a magnet. And not in vain, because for many who were there, real miracles begin to happen in their lives. I won’t talk about my miracles yet, too little time has passed, and as for those people with whom we talked on Arkaim, they all confirm that Arkaim is a real miracle! Many go there more than once.

Almost all the mountains of Arkaim are of volcanic origin and contain a high content of quartz. As we know, quartz has the ability to accumulate energy in itself. Quartz generates electromagnetic waves, protects against radiation and dissipates static electricity. In addition, quartz has healing and rejuvenating properties, attracts love, good luck and wealth, reveals clairvoyance, increases intuition.

And now imagine that the entire Arkaim is a kind of quartz battery with an area of ​​several hectares, which has been charging for millions of years, and now gives up its energy.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that miracles happen there. Most of the people from our group have been to Arkaim more than once or twice, and they living testimony what miracles happen after visiting Arkaim.

Unusual clouds on Arkaim. They look like UFOs, angel wings, feathers, you can look at them and see something new every time...

There are three mountains near the camp - Shamanka, Mount of Repentance and Mount of Love.

Irina Ivanova, the most important guide in Arkaim, like a fairy princess

The monument, which we called the woman-horse, because on the one hand there is a horse, and on the other a woman)) Everything is clear and understandable. In prehistoric times, the same thing as now, women carried everything on themselves like horses)

The rest of the mountains are a few kilometers from the camp, we went there by bus.

Mount Collapsible, view from different sides

Mountain of abundance, the road to the clouds ...

Tomb Kurgan-Temir, completely unique place. If you take a good look at the photos, you will see a lot of interesting things ...

In this birch grove there is a time portal where you can get into another dimension, so it's better not to go there alone. All birch trees are crooked, which is the first sign of an anomalous zone.

Settlement Arkaim. Here was a city in the form of a mini-universe. Now what's left of it...

Valley of stones

huge boulders, probably relatives of the megaliths of Karelia, which Ivan Goncharov spoke about in his interviews one and two. Of course, they are much smaller than the Karelian megaliths, but very similar.

We were accompanied everywhere by the beautiful Nicole, who did not want to be photographed in any way ...

Nicole loves to eat carrots very much))


And at night there was a fire with Tibetan and crystal bowls, a jew's harp, a shaman's tambourine, spirits and magic...

In this fire, everything that needed to be let go of your life burned down ...

I want to tell you about my impressions after Arkaim, such an aftertaste.

Everyone who lives in cities, especially in large ones, often has a state of chronic fatigue, eternal lack of sleep, and energy exhaustion.

I had this condition for many years. I could not switch off and not think about anything, my head was so busy all the time with all sorts of things, work and various worries.

On Arkaim, for the first time in many years, I was simply HERE AND NOW, feeling the rustle of the wind, the hot Ural sun, the glare of a night fire ...It was amazing... All extraneous thoughts somehow self-destructed and did not interfere with enjoying the beauty of the Ural nature.

That alone was worth the trip..

And we also had a wonderful group, the girls were all from different cities, some of them came to Arkaim not for the first time.

A huge thank you to everyone who was on this trip!

Another very important information for everyone who travels to places of power.

Each Place of Power has its guides. Not to be confused with tour guides, guides, organizers. It's not like that at all.

A conductor is a person who CONDUCTS the ENERGY of this place, will help you get benefits for yourself and not pick up negativity, which is always and everywhere enough, and in places of power too. It should be a local person who knows well the places where you are going.

He knows where to go and where not to. He knows how to communicate with the spirits and how to enlist their support. Whether you believe it or not, it's best not to risk it. There are places of power where time flows differently than we are used to and you can just get lost there.

There are rules of conduct in each specific place that an outsider who is not a guide may not know. There are some places where it is simply dangerous to go without a guide.

I found a guide to Arkaim by accident, or maybe not by accident. Some force called me to Arkaim a year ago and I started looking on the Internet for a local guide. So I met Irina Ivanova.

This is an amazing woman who has been living in Arkaim for more than a dozen years.

Her regalia alone will take up a whole page:

  • practical psychologist (graduated from Moscow State University, work experience more than 10 years) accreditation and certification of a specialist;
  • member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, 3rd degree higher. – actual participation in the PPL
  • graduated from international school psychological counseling and psychotherapy (Chelyabinsk at ChelGU and Institute practical psychology"Ego Resource");
  • Specialist of the International Professional Medical Association of Specialists in Complementary and traditional medicine psychologists and healers;
  • master of health massage based on breathing practices of the All-Russian Research Center for Traditional Folk Medicine "ENIOM" Author's School spiritual development and healing Irina Vlasova (Moscow);
  • bioenergy therapist (St. Petersburg Academy of Natural Technologies);
  • cosmoenerget, reiki master, parapsychologist and numerologist;
  • was awarded the golden badge "Elite of Healers of Russia" ( International School"Eniom" by Ya.G. Galperin);
  • awarded with a planchette International Union"The Hope of Mankind" of the Moscow School of the Spiritual Revival of the Nation, Strengthening and Preserving the Health of Mankind;
  • child psychologist (IPKRO) and speech therapist (USPU Yekaterinburg).

Roman Ainutdinov (Kemerovo) –

  • Specialist of the International Professional Medical Association of Traditional Traditional Medicine of Psychologists and Healers,
  • conductor,
  • master of wellness massage based on breathing practices, reiki,
  • bioenergy therapist
  • aurogrammist

Irina and Roman have been working at Arkaim for many years. A thick book of joy with reviews of people who were in their group, begins already in 2004! There are so many emotions, so many enthusiastic reviews of people who have felt for themselves what places of power are! And on every page thanks to Irina and Roman!

I also want to leave my review about the trip to Arkaim.

The program was very rich, valuable and useful, 10+, but there was no sense of haste, everything was somehow smooth, harmonious and measured.

No one ran anywhere, they were in a hurry, we got enough sleep, worked out, did energy practices, meditated, swam in Karaganka, sunbathed, went to the mountains, bought many interesting souvenirs, and everyone was in time.

We got a lot important information, practical advice, many of which were a real discovery for me. Some things may be revealed later.

Irina and Roman did a holistic massage for everyone, numerological calculations good luck. Immediately upon arrival and on the eve of departure, the biofield was measured for everyone, and during these 5 days the field increased almost 3 times! Every day was filled with very interesting practices and hikes, campfire stories and magical rituals.

So 5 days flew by imperceptibly and it was necessary to return home and that's why it was a little sad, during this time everyone became such relatives and friends to each other. Of course, thanks to our presenters and guides Irina and Roman. There is also good news that an online club of Arkaim lovers will open soon, and everyone who has already been there and is still going to be able to learn more about this amazing place.

If someone wants to go to Arkaim, detailed information see LINK

There are also contacts of Irina Ivanova.

This is only the smallest part of the Arkaim journey, which I wanted to talk about. There are many more interesting stories and legends, which I will write about a little later.

Galina Nikolaeva

information producer of esotericism and psychology

Arkaim, trip report, June 2017

3.2 (63.77%) 53 votes

A story about how to recharge with positive energy and find answers to your questions in one of the most ancient places on the planet Earth.

GPS coordinates

52.642172, 59.543212

Arkaim on the map


A few years ago, I was going to spend the next weekend in a summer nightclub in Yekaterinburg and I wanted to invite my friends to come with me. To my invitation, I received the answer that "Today we are going to one amazing place, to Arkaim - to recharge our batteries."

For me then it was alien, I didn’t believe in energy then, and I didn’t really like nature either. Just because I haven't tried it.

And now, 3 years have passed, it's hot sunny summer 2015 and thoughts began to flash in my head “Let's go to Arkaim”, “Arkaim ...”, “Maybe to Arkam for the weekend”. Thoughts are thoughts, and deeds are deeds. And here, on last week I open my calendar and put in my plans "Trip to Arkaim".

Of course, I didn’t read about what Arkaim is, I just suddenly wanted to go there. It was enough for me to look at the photos of this place and see the route from Yekaterinburg to the ancient city.

I am used to traveling long distances, especially since my obedient and nimble Sonatochka 2.4 makes it easy to travel over a distance of 400-700 km in one day and not get tired.

A little about the way there...

In order to save time, it was decided to go to Arkaim on the night from Friday to Saturday and arrive there in the morning. Then go to bed, wake up for dinner and start enjoying nature.

Labor Friday is over, the time is 18:00, I leave the office and go for Masha. We arrive home, go to bed before an overnight trip, and wake up everything in the world. The clock struck 22:00, and we are just starting to get ready.

“Where is the Go-Pro, where is the Mac Book, where is the iPhone charger?” Thoughts flashed through my head ... As it turned out later, this was not the most important thing that I had to take with me to Arkaim. Of the most valuable were a warm blanket, a tent, an air mattress and a hookah. Everything, the rest of the things we just did not use.

Not a phone, not a laptop, nothing. Although no, at night a headlamp and Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev’s book “Up the Inclined” came in handy at night. I read his work half the night when I could not sleep, but more on that later.

In the meantime, the gathering continued: Masha was collecting our clothes (read her clothes and my socks, sweater and all), and I was collecting the entire “technical base” (chargers, telephones, hookah, tents, etc.). At midnight we left the house and went to the city center for a hookah bowl. Luckily, it crashed a few weeks ago.

There were plenty of people in the center today, either some kind of holiday was held in the center of Yekaterinburg, or the people just got bored of sitting at home, and they pulled their priests out into the street. The city was like New York at rush hour, the streets smelled fresh, the summer breeze blew. It was great!

By 2 o'clock in the morning we got to my dacha in the village of Kashino (40 km along the Chelyabinsk tract) and took tents, sleeping bags and other important camping accessories there. I express my gratitude to my parents for the fact that they once acquired all these things for themselves, and now I can use them at any time.

And now, the time is 03:00, Masha and I are racing at 149 km / h along the “flat” and “smooth” Chelyabinsk highway. And it seems that it used to be even, and before it was possible to drive all 200, the car was now a pity. On the other hand, we wanted to come as soon as possible, and we found a compromise.

By the way, if you drive outside the city at 149 km / h, then there will be no deprivation of rights, because this excess is less than 60 km / h. The main thing is to follow the signs so that there are no signs of speed limits up to 70 and below.

Soon we reached the glorious city of Chelyabinsk. Ahead of us was a fork of two routes: either to go around the city, or through the center. We chose the second.

Surprisingly, Chelyabinsk has very wide streets and more or less smooth roads. I was pleasantly surprised by the right turns without traffic lights, it saves a lot from traffic jams. That is, to turn right into the street, you do not need to wait for a green traffic light, you always turn right, even on red (if there is a special lane).

Chelyabinsk residents have achieved wide streets. Now it remains to build beautiful monolithic skyscrapers along these streets, as in Yekaterinburg, and Chelyabinsk will have something to boast to us. Naturally, Yekaterinburg is not going to lag behind, so it will be a fair race of "cities".

On the way out of the harsh Ural city we were slowed down by sleepy GAI officers. They checked our documents and asked us to open the trunk. Such a classic morning divorce, a la, first you open the trunk, and then you are asked to go to their car to draw up a protocol for something. And what it will be, they will already decide in the car.

I had tinting, a fine of 500 rubles. They forgave me, they understood me and let me go. They let me go further to magical Arkaim. By the way, the traffic police did not know what Arkaim was and made a surprised face when I said where I was going.

Sometimes it seems to me that traffic cops lack some kind of drive, chases, adventures, and they just stop cars out of boredom. Seriously.

By about 07:30 in the morning, the energy drink stopped working and I began to “hack”. We got up at some village cafe and fell asleep. We slept only 2 hours, but it seemed that we slept all night. There was a lot of energy. And so, we are again rushing along the highway to Arkaim.

The Middle Ural pines replaced the South Ural steppes. Instead of steep mountains, there were now gentle hills and plains around. The change of scenery went unnoticed. Forest, forest, and beyond it steppes, endless steppes. Such steppes and hills are drawn to cycling. During the journey, I kept thinking about how to take a bike now and jump from the highest hill at full speed. And since we didn’t take any big ones with us, I had to be content with my imagination.

By the way, it is in such steppes that the city of Yuzhnouralsk is located. It looks like a deserted city from the Resident Evil horror movies (a scene about Las Vegas in the desert). Despite the location, the city is richly built up. We even met our Ekaterinburg chain of building materials stores "SuperStroy" there.

We're almost there, but...

So... we're almost there. But it was not there. A woman is such an adventurous being who is always trying to push you on an adventure. My beloved suddenly wanted to go to the toilet, and in the steppes you can see everything, even for 100 km. Actually, there is nowhere to stay.

And so, I saw a turn to the right, onto some kind of field road planted with tall pines. I go to them, I go, I go. Suspecting nothing ... ahead of the sand, the earth. No signs of trouble. But suddenly we sat on the bottom, driving up to our ears in the very mud.

The car does not move forward. I turn on the reverse gear and I understand that she does not go back either. She doesn't go anywhere at all. We must do something, otherwise we will not get to Arkaim. Then I remembered the movie "Boomer", when the guys called the tractor to pull them out of the pit.

I did not want to call the tractor, and I began to push the car. At this time, Masha got behind the wheel. She just recently passed on the right and understood where the brake is, and where the gas is. By the way, she is generally well done with me, she understood everything from the first word, and on the way back she even drove 100 km behind the wheel, quite accurately.

And so, I push the car, but it does not want to budge in any way. Well, nothing helps. It's good that I recently went to the race of heroes, where I ran waist-deep in mud. Now I am not afraid of dirt, so I pushed the car, standing in the mud, as if on asphalt.

Since the problem cannot be solved by force, we will solve it by cunning. I came up with the following plan, so that Masha would turn on the reverse gear, put her backpack on the gas pedal, and the two of us began to push the car on the sides. Then, when we get out of the quagmire, we quickly jump in and drive on. The plan was good and adventurous, like in the movie "Fast and the Furious", well, or almost like in it.

But while Masha was looking for a backpack, I made even more efforts and pulled the car out of the mud. When there is strength, cunning may not be used.

Meanwhile, We are going to Arkaim again! And I am very glad that we went through this adventure, otherwise the road has already begun to tire.

Arkaim. Expectation and reality

Don't trust the pics on google! Really don't believe it. Especially about Arkaim.

Under Arkaim, I imagined a group of hills located on the plains. I assumed that there would be the remains of ancient settlements on these hills, there would be practically no tourists around, and we would be able to put up a tent on land untouched by modern civilization. To take a break from people, electricity, ordinary food and retire with nature - that's what we wanted.

The first thing that caught our eye was a huge camp at the foot of 3 hills. The administration, an attraction pool with a zorb ball, several tent trading places, a shower, a toilet, a dining room, a barbecue and a bunch of other buildings and structures are well located on the territory of the camp.

Judging by the tents, from 300 to 400 people rested here today, if not more. People came from all nearby regions: Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Yekaterinburg and even Kazakhs were here. I recognized them immediately appearance and car numbers.

Accommodation prices are quite democratic: we paid only 200 rubles for a parking lot, a place for a tent, a paid shower and toilet. And all this for two. In the camp, you could buy table food, barbecue, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, and even beer.

I wonder why people drink alcohol in places like Arkaim? It seems to me that some people came here simply for "entertainment" or because "it's necessary."

In my opinion, it is better to come here when there is the word “I want” inside. That is why Masha and I did not perform any rituals in the form of walking in circles, we just “were” there. I’ll tell you about the “being” on Arkaim a little later, but for now I’ll tell you how we organized ourselves there.

Upon arrival, we quickly pitched the tent. In general, if you are tired and really want to sleep, then you do everything quickly, correctly and without any extra effort. They inflated the mattress, spread out the sleeping bag. It was hot outside, but we still got blankets, because they are somehow more comfortable to sleep with. Whoever does this will understand me.

Before going to bed we wanted to smoke a hookah. To do this, we even approached a local barbecue, asked to help kindle coals for a hookah. To which he replied that he had never smoked hookahs and asked to treat him. Masha and I graciously agreed.

It's just that there are still people on Earth who have not tried hookahs. Everything happens for the first time. The young man preparing the kebabs took 5-6 breaths and really liked the taste. Then he added that he was pleasantly relaxed. In appearance, he was not particularly outstanding, but very educated and intelligent. He probably watches a lot of TV or reads. In any case, sometimes it seems to me that I am somehow ignorant of simple everyday things, such as the situation in Ukraine. Or maybe it's just not interesting to me. In any case, I kept the conversation going.

After chatting for 10-15 minutes, we went to the side. I really wanted to sleep after long road. We fell asleep...

The first dose of Arkaim's energy: Warm-up

After waking up, Masha and I immediately headed to the first and lowest mountain called "Mountain of Forgiveness". Climbing it, you can ask for forgiveness for all your flaws. Only whom to ask, we were not told. I asked of myself and the universe. Asked for a lot. In relations with Masha, I began to understand how many destructive things I had done before, that for some people it was unpleasant. On the other hand, I just showed myself, I so wanted to.

In one of the places where we stopped, I felt a strong flow of energy from the heels to the top of the head. It was a kind of "goosebumps" that ran back and forth on the skin. It made my hair stand on end and my body straightened. This state lasted for 40 seconds and then began to fade. From that moment I realized that there is energy on Arkaim.

Probably, this phrase is similar to the phrase of British scientists that there is water on Mars. And this is not a myth, it really is there, only in a different form. In the same way, there is energy on Arkaim, you just need to learn how to capture this essence.

The most amazing thing is that in those places where people want to circle in a spiral, there is no energy. It seems to me that it is not there because everyone just wants to get it. And since there are many who want it, it is simply exhausted. After all, people just swarm in crowds on top of 3 hills and walk in circles. And they are waiting for something, walking in circles for hours.

Masha and I did not wait. In particular me. I just let go of all thoughts, and the body itself went somewhere. Suddenly I wanted to go down from this "pop" mountain. Pop, because there were a lot of people-tourists. And I went down, somewhere in the steppe. He walked and walked and suddenly saw a trench. She was dug up modern technology for the construction of a dam.

Despite all the modernity, there was a huge accumulation of energy. Masha and I immediately felt it. There was a pleasant surprise on her face, because perhaps for the first time she is aware of this feeling when energy passes through you. For me, this state has become familiar. When I say some “true things” (things that seem right to me), when I think positively, when I do some good deeds, I feel goosebumps quickly run down my skin and this is energy. This is her exit (or entrance). Either way, it's a movement.

I also get goosebumps from my favorite music, from beautiful visual images in my head. So I disperse myself before each working day.

And so, we were charged with energy in this artificial pit, and we wanted to go further. I found some mountain with depressions and stood on a rock. Some lonely stone on the top of the mountain, but for some reason I wanted to get up there.

Suddenly I felt like I had already been there. And it was a very, very long time ago. Perhaps I lived there or once walked. Back in antiquity. No, I didn't go crazy, I just had this feeling. I suddenly came to the realization that in this very place there used to be houses, the houses of the ancient inhabitants. And no one lived on the hills, they just went there to perform rituals. Apparently, therefore, there was no longer any energy left on the hill, and there was plenty of it at the site of the ancient remains.

I stood on this stone for 5 minutes, maybe more. At that moment, time stopped for me, I just breathed and didn’t think about anything. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to move, I didn't want to do anything at all. I just wanted to look ahead and remember what was here before. I knew it, I knew what was here before, but I could not explain it.

Suddenly, I felt an inner impulse that it was time to leave. And Masha and I went to the tent. As I now understand, the impulse came at the right time. As soon as we closed the tent, a powerful downpour began. We didn't get wet and that makes us very happy.

Sometimes you have to trust your intuition. If you want to go somewhere, go. If you want to say something to people, say it. The main thing is to let your feelings out. On the other hand, it is important to be aware of them, and if they are destructive, not to let yourself be offended by them.

While I am writing this, I remembered that a local dog followed us, whom we later sheltered in a tent from the rain, and he fell asleep there, sly. He slept with us until the morning, did not eat anything and did not even say goodbye. Rogue, in a word.

It was dark outside, and we went to bed.

A sleepless night

Masha quickly fell asleep and I, along with her. I woke up a couple of hours later and didn't want to sleep anymore. Apparently due to the fact that he brought down the day and night regimen. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't sleep.

Then I decided to build a fire in the street, just like that, out of boredom. “At the same time I’ll make a hookah,” I thought. While I was doing all this, I remembered that I had with me the book “Up the Inclined”, this is a book-story about one modern hero-philosopher Mukhtar Gusengadzhiev. It is about the fact that “anyone can become anyone”, it is only important to want and work for this. Simple truths that people, on the one hand, understand, and on the other hand, are too lazy to change something in themselves.

I read 12 pages and my eyes began to close. Apparently, reading under a flashlight, and even with a hookah, and even when the rain drips on the tent, is tiring. Also, the mattress is not very comfortable, so the arms, legs and neck numb very quickly.

I went to bed. But it was not there. 30 minutes before bed, I put on my green sweater on the naked body, because it was cold. This sweater made my hands, neck and stomach itch. I did not know what to do: it is a very unpleasant feeling when all the skin itches.

I wiped my hands with water, napkins, even smeared baby cream. Nothing helped. Only when the desire to fall asleep blocked the sensation of itching, I fell into a dream. Just for a couple of hours ... and then I woke up from the cold. A couple of hours later I woke up with a fever. The night was fun, in a word.

Answers to questions or a second portion of energy

We woke up very quickly and went to have breakfast. By the way, we took all the raw food in vain. The chicken and fish were rotten from the heat along the way, even the dog would not eat them. Therefore, we were very lucky with the dining room.

Important advice: do not carry raw fish with you in the car in the summer. It melts very quickly, flows, and then the smell is absorbed into the carpet. Now I drive with the windows open, the smell does not come out. I'll have to go to the car wash and order dry cleaning with odor removal.

After breakfast, I wanted to lie down to take a nap, at least for 5 minutes. I understood that if I fell asleep, it would be for a long time. It was impossible to sleep, and I just decided to close my eyes. They helped me convince myself to get up from the mattress inner reflections. On the one hand, I really wanted to sleep, wallow and do nothing. On the other hand, I wanted adventure, to get answers to my questions and recharge my batteries.

I thought about the question why we humans constantly want to rest. Ate - I want to sleep, came home after work - I want to sleep. Woke up in the morning on a day off - I want to sleep. So you can sleep all your life and not see anything in the world.

The only option to live an interesting and beautiful life, is to realize that the desire to sleep, sit and do nothing is imaginary. If you are really tired and want to physically sleep, it will be felt. And if thoughts “I wish I could lie down” hover in your head, while you stand firmly on your feet, drive these thoughts away. They make our life boring.

After thinking for 5 minutes, I decided to get up from the mattress.

And I also came to the conclusion that man, by nature, is a lazy creature. He ate, slept, went hunting for prey, ate again, slept. Walking in the mountains, reading books and playing sports is a thankless task. You're wasting energy. What if predators come and eat you. We need to save energy. That's the body and saves it after eating.

This habit was formed in us millions of years ago and is still present. Therefore, it can only be "outwitted". And now, thanks to such a trick, Masha and I are standing on the mountain. This mountain is the highest on Arkaim and is called the mountain of "love".

To my surprise, I didn't feel anything up there. Nothing at all. The mountain was as if empty, as if everything had been sucked out of it by tourists. I asked myself internal question“Where is the energy and answers to my questions”… and inside I felt a certain impulse. He led me to one of the stones on which I stood.

Standing on a stone, my gaze was fixed on a small mountain a kilometer from the top. I realized that my path lies there. Actually, I just felt it. It cannot be explained in words. It was just my natural desire.

And here I go. I was sure that this was the right place. And there weren't hundreds of tourists there, there weren't any spiral circles that everyone walked around to recharge their energy. There were just rocks and that's it. All that was called pure terrestrial energy.

An inner impulse led me to the very top of the mountain ... I closed my eyes because I felt like it. Suddenly I realized that I was in a deep trance. It wasn't a dream, it was a conscious trance. Those who at least once plunged into it with the help of audio recordings or a psychologist will understand what I mean.

Various images began to come to me, I felt a powerful breath of wind with my whole body. Metaphorically, it was like I was being carried away somewhere far, far away from this planet. It is in the place where I will find the answer to my question.

Suddenly I wanted to spread my arms and stretch them up, to catch the energy with all my palms. My fingers spread out on their own, and I felt these magical vibrations. I don’t know what happened to me at that moment, but I was in exactly the same position as the shamans in the pictures are when they meditate and catch energy.

I tilted my head back and went deeper into the trance. Everything, I got to this place. I felt it. I received an answer. But he still couldn't articulate it. I wanted to lower my head and arms. I opened my eyes abruptly and wondered, "Where am I?" Everything was unusual, I still did not fully understand how I ended up here and why I am standing here.

During a trance, the temporal chain of events is lost, and the person suddenly suddenly realizes that he “turned on” in time. Turned on - it means he realized that there is no time and the person is in a state of "moment". During a deep trance, this “turning on” takes a little longer.

And so, while I turn on, Masha and I go back to our camp. All this time, while I was in a trance, she sat on a stone and thought about something. I didn’t ask her about it, but she didn’t tell me anything, maybe she just didn’t want to share, or she just didn’t think about anything at that moment.

And received the answer "Know the world". Just a clear answer. No more, no less. Moreover, our creator (I do not believe in a mythical creator, I believe in something more), he meant that he gave mankind all the resources for research.

Say, here's a huge planet Earth for you, here's food, water, shelter, brain, mind. Do whatever you want. All in your hands. The more you learn, the more interesting and useful your life will be.

According to my answer, we were created in order to learn as much as possible. And for some reason, in this life we ​​learn as little as possible. 11 classes of education, 5 years of college, 2-3 professions and that's it. Add more Turkey, Egypt and Thailand. That's all knowledge for life. Moreover, all of us were literally “forced” to learn all this. Society has done its job.

Why weren't we sent to explore the same Arkaim or the Ob river valley? Around advertising Turkey, Egypt and Thailand. Only a few go anywhere according to their own feelings.

This topic of reasoning requires a separate article. I will write it when I get even more answers to my questions. So far, I have understood for myself that there are plenty of resources for all people and that our whole life is research. The more you explore, the more rich and interesting it is, life.

And this includes not only the study of the surrounding world, but also the study of oneself. This is also very important. Although who cares. Someone is interested in exploring TV shows on the screen, and someone is interested in the world around them.

In addition to answering my questions, I was energized. My ankle pain in my left leg, which I sprained 3 weeks ago and which was “aching” all the time, has disappeared. Also, my hand passed, which I recently cut on glass in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brush.

I feel 100% healthy and energized. I even type this text with great passion and very quickly. My fingers practically keep up with my thoughts.

Way home

We didn't go back, we flew back. On one of the sites I included legendary band Flying Steps and accelerated to 210 km / h. At this speed, you feel as if you are floating in the air. Everything around slows down, becomes unimportant. There is only you and the road. Moreover, the entire surrounding space begins to move not backward, but forward. It's like you're going backwards.

The main thing is that the road is smooth. It was this road that ran near the city of Yuzhnouralsk. Fortunately, there were almost no cars on the road.

Masha, too, was a little amused when I let her steer. And I felt very comfortable in the passenger seat. It's very comfortable to sit there. Now I understand how my friends feel when I take them to clubs at night.

Summary of the trip to Arkaim:

  • If you want to recharge your batteries (feel more energetic)
  • If you want to get answers to deep questions about yourself, a situation or something else
  • If you love nature, travel and new unusual places

If I went to Arkaim a second time, then:

  • I would go there on weekdays when there are fewer tourists
  • Took my bikes with me to explore the whole area
  • Went there for 3-4 days including road to enter normal mode
  • I would take a minimum of perishable products

The cost of the trip is quite budgetary:

  • 4500 rubles for gasoline (AI-95 for 35 rubles, 130 liters per 1300 km)
  • 1000 rubles for groceries
  • 500 rubles for meals in the canteen
  • 200 rubles for cold drinks in the buffet (water, tea)
  • 200 rubles for accommodation, shower, toilet per day

Total: 6400 rubles for two.

  • Be sure to take mosquito repellent, because they are somehow special, I still have all the bites itchy.
  • Take more fun and energetic music on the go.

And most importantly: be sure to set yourself a goal for the trip so that it is useful and productive for you.

Thanks to everyone who read this post to the end, I wish you pleasant discoveries. Write comments, I will be glad to receive feedback.

June 23rd, 2012

Arkaim is a historical and cultural reserve located in the south Chelyabinsk region. Arkaim arose as an archaeological site at the site of an ancient settlement, but over time acquired a number of sightseeing objects, the status of a reserve and acquired sacred significance.

I have been planning to visit Arkaim for a long time. Before the trip, I had heard different reviews, from sacral-enthusiastic ones like “place of power” to skeptical “nothing interesting”. And then, at the end of June, the opportunity finally presented itself.

On the way, shortly before the final destination, in the village of Kizilsky, Europe suddenly ended and Asia began.

No sooner had we entered Asia than miracles began. The first was a huge victory park outside the village, with a stele towering on a hill. I did not expect to meet a monument to a victory of this magnitude so far from the battlefield. As far as I remember, the Germans did not reach Kizilsky.

As soon as I moved away from surprise, I saw in the field, not far from Victory Park, a huge size ... cactus. Something, but I expected to meet even less cactus here. I decided that I had an optical illusion and stopped to see if it was a mirage.

But no, it really was a five-meter cactus. I was even more surprised. Well, okay, park, there was a victory after all. But the Mexicans definitely didn’t pass here. Moreover, there were no signs explaining the appearance of this work in such an unexpected place.

At the entrance to Arkaim, the first thing that catches your eye is a windmill with an old Cossack estate in the middle of the steppe. Looks very impressive.

Well, then a view opens up of the tent camp against the backdrop of small hills and people wandering along the peaks.

All visitors to Arkaim are accommodated on the territory of the tourist camp.

For accommodation, you can rent a bed in a trailer or put up your own tent.

The majority of people prefer tents, since with a comparable level of amenities it is much cheaper.

We found a suitable place for a tent at the foot of a small hillock, on which people wandered all the time. As it turned out, this hillock is called the mountain of forgiveness (I will talk about it below).

Having set up the tent and sorted out my things, I went for a walk around the camp.

The camp turned out to be very colorful.

With no less colorful people.

The motives of people who come to Arkaim are very different: someone goes to see the archaeological sites, someone is charged with cosmic energy, and someone makes a wish. I must say that there are much more people of the last two types.

People come from all over Russia. I met tourists from Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Kazakhstan, Bashkiria…

The atmosphere of the camp is very difficult to convey in words, so I will try to do it with the help of photographs.

People equip their life as they can.

For myself and for the birds.

Gazelle with built-in plumbing system.


Shaman camp.

Shaman paraphernalia.

In the shaman camp, a young shaman talks about the essence of shamanism. To be honest, he looks the least like a shaman. A Tatar from Chelyabinsk who spent his childhood in Altai... a dubious story. But he talks very interestingly and says the right things.

Resting citizens.

Administration. By the way, the longest queues were not for excursions (as one might assume).

And to the toilets.

If you want to go inside - be kind, wait 20 minutes in line.

Announcements on the administration trailer.

P.S. And an empty head is even better.

Patriotic call. I wonder which phone is better to save?

Wish tree in the center of the camp.

New era, new time.

Okay, at least not strict.

Summer cafe.

A lecture about the new time is being held in the summer cafe.

And in the health camp there is a process of treatment and recovery.



Zorb. Everything for the tourist.

And the river is flowing.

People are swimming. The small size of the river does not bother anyone.

Faith, love, beauty.

The shopping street is no less colorful.

Incredible mix of cultures, from Tantric to Slavic.

The bulk of the goods, of course, are souvenir-exoteric.

Approximately such a property.

A salesman who looks like Basilio the cat when he was young.

Struck a large number of clothes in Indian style.

I really wanted to buy myself a shirt like these two lads, but I never found it.

But food for every taste and color. Pies.

Barbecue, koumiss.

Why not the Arbat?

A tour of the camp would not be complete without a visit to the Hare Krishna camp.

They stood a little apart and fenced off with signal tape.

But the entrance was free for everyone.

There was a relaxed atmosphere in Krishna's camp.

The chariot is parked. In general, it seems that there were much more curious people than the inhabitants of the camp themselves.

The Krishnas calmly prayed.

Sang songs.

And they answered all questions.

But everything changed when the time came for the "procession of the cross". Several times a day they harnessed their "golden chariot" ...

We got up in a column, and passed through the camp.

And, both during the day and at night.

With songs and dances.

What gathered around him a huge number of onlookers. Someone followed, someone looked from the side. The result was a procession of a couple of hundred people, and the small shopping street was completely packed with people. It looked impressive.

Then they found a suitable place somewhere in the center of the camp or on the mountain and stopped.

Handed out books.

They sang and danced.

The melody, I must say, is groovy for them, and it pulls to start dancing.

What many did.

In fairness, it should be noted that they do not look like sectarians, they smile with benevolent smiles, look with kind eyes and make a peaceful impression. No one tried to hypnotize me and take me away. But for two more days their song sounded like an obsessive motive in my head.

Attentive readers have probably already noticed that many photographs show small mountains with crowds of people on the tops. It so happened that Arkaim is better known not as an archaeological site or museum complex but as a kind of sacred place of power.

And he owes it to these three small hills: “mountain of love”, “mountain of desires” (Shamanka), and “mountain of forgiveness”, located on its territory. The tourist camp is located just between these hills, and therefore they are visible from almost anywhere in it.

Crowds of people walking around the peaks and periodically raising their hands to the sky create a mystical picture that is somewhat reminiscent of pictures from the movie "Apocalypse".

The smallest of the mountains (at the foot of which we camped) is the mountain of forgiveness.

Actually, it can be called a mountain with a big stretch, rather, a small hillock. That, however, does not prevent her from being popular.

On the tops of all three mountains, paths are lined with stones in the form of a spiral twisting inward.

It is believed that these mountains are an accumulator of cosmic energy, and here a person can not only “replenish the energy charge”, but also find answers to questions that torment him, or make a wish that will surely come true.

The algorithm of actions is this. First, moving in a counterclockwise spiral, you need to go inside the circle. In the center of the circle, you need to ask for what you came for, recharge your batteries, and, moving clockwise, return back.

Each of the hills has its own purpose. On the mountain of forgiveness, it is customary to ask for forgiveness, on the mountain of love - happiness in your personal life, but on the Shamanka make wishes.

On the way to the mountain of love, I came across some interesting sculpture.

Of course, I couldn't get past. True, what kind of sculpture is this and what it means, I never found out.

A woman was sitting on the ground near the river with her feet in some kind of well. When I asked what she was doing, she replied that she was treating her legs.

In the forest at the foot of the mountain, some strange company, sitting in a circle, arranged a get-together.

On the mountain of love, the spiral was the smallest of all three, and even on an inclined surface.

This was partly compensated by bushes of desires, on which you need to tie ribbons.

As well as great views.

By the way, the shaft between the mountains in the middle is a dam, from the construction of which the history of Arkaim began. They were going to make a reservoir from the valley on the right, and archaeologists who explored the area stumbled upon the remains of an ancient settlement.

Well, then the ubiquitous psychics pulled themselves up and discovered that there was also a “place of power” and a “source of cosmic energy”. And it began.

But the most popular mountain is Shamanka, or the mountain of desires.

The flow of people there does not dry out.

Everyone wants to make a couple of wishes.

Next to the Shaman is another tree of desires. Apparently, the demand for their execution is so great that they decided to automate the process by cloning trees throughout the camp.

There, not far from the top, lies a stone of health or, according to another version, a philosopher's stone, on which it is customary to ask questions about the meaning of being and one's place in this world. My nephew, inspiring himself, meditated a little.

Well, I just sat with a thoughtful look.

There, on Shamanka, we went early in the morning to meet the dawn.

Many took their seats since the evening, so as not to go twice.

People were waiting for the sun to appear, looking into the distance with hope. But the sun did not appear, hiding behind the clouds.

But on the other hand, a cloud appeared. And we hurried back to the camp, because we didn’t really want to meet the rain on the top.

To be continued...

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