Alas, I am not a Lugovskoy prophet. Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence. A dash in a simple sentence. Special cases of setting a dash between the subject and the predicate

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Help with homework
Highlight the grammatical foundations of the sentences. Put, where necessary, a dash between the subject and the predicate and explain why
. 1. Alas, I am not a prophet (Lugovskoy). 2. The silence of dying cereals is a bright time in the world (Block). 3. It is a great merit to destroy an enemy, but it is the highest honor to save a friend (Tvardovsky). 4. One hundred and twenty-five rubles is big money (Rasputin). 5. I am like a lonely bird without a nest (Turgenev). 6. Writing is not the art of profit (Aseev). 7. Criticism is an integral part of art (A.N. Tolstoy). 8. I am not a new person (Yesenin). 9. A poet is a kunak for a poet (Yesenin). 10. We are no longer slaves (Yesenin). 11. The moon is like a turnip, and the stars are beans (Prokofiev). 12. Distance is not an obstacle either for laughter or for a sigh (Martynov). 13. To be happy, after all, means not to be unhappy (Selvinsky). 14. Uncle Lesha and his family are not the only inhabitants of this deaf side (Paustovsky). 15. We are the most ordinary people (Markov). 16. The mountains there seem to be only models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere (Goncharov). 17. Nowhere have I seen such a spaciousness as it was here: big red flowers like fires, butterflies like birds (Prishvin). 18. A scholar without labor a tree without fruit (Saadi). 19. Yermolai was a man of a strange kind (Turgenev). 20. But in such big water to swim is madness (Fedoseev). 21. Search and find the causes of obscure, but fruitful human states the case of writers (Paustovsky). 22. Grass is a hound dog, and her job is to drive game (Prishvin). 23. This is their [leopard and tiger] constant trick to go into the back of a person chasing them (Prishvin). 24. Do you think that going to your death under bullets, under shells means not experiencing anything, not being afraid of anything? No, this means both being afraid and experiencing, but suppressing fear (Makarenko). 25. The Cherry Orchard mine (Chekhov).

Answer left Guest

1. I (subject) is not a prophet (predicate); the dash is not needed, because there is a "not" between them
2. Silence (subject) of dying cereals is a bright time in the world (predicate bright time)
3. To destroy an enemy is a great merit, but to save a friend is the highest honor (to destroy is the subject, the merit is the predicate, to save is vile, honor is the subject)
4. One hundred and twenty-five rubles is a lot of money. (Dash between the subject numeral and the predicate noun)
5.. I am like a lonely bird without a nest. (I am mean, the bird is a predicate)
6.6. Writing is not the art of making money. (The dash is not put because it is "not")
7. Criticism is an integral part of art. (Criticism is mean, part is a tale)
8. I am not a new person
10. Already we are no longer slaves (we are vile, not slaves - a tale; there is a "not" therefore a dash is not needed)
11. The moon is like a turnip, and the stars are beans
12. Distance is not a hindrance either for laughter or for a sigh
13. To be happy is, after all, not to be unhappy.
14. Uncle Lesha and his family are not the only inhabitants of this deaf side

15. We are the most ordinary people (Markov)
. 16. The mountains there seem to be only models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere (Goncharov)
. 17. Nowhere have I seen such space as it was here: red big flowers like fires, butterflies like birds

18. Scientist without labor - tree fruitless (Saadi).
19. Ermolai was a man of a strange kind (Turin
20. But to swim in such big water is madness (Fedoseev). 21. Search and find the causes of obscure, but fruitful human states is the business of writers (Paustovsky).

22. Grass is a hound dog, and the business of chasing it is game (Prishvin).
23. This is their [leopard and tiger] constant trick - to go into the back of a person chasing them (Prishvin).
24. Do you think that going to your death under bullets, under shells, does this mean not experiencing anything, not being afraid of anything? No, it means both being afraid and experiencing, but suppressing fear (Makarenko)
. 25. My Cherry Orchard (Chekhov)

Exercise 10 Highlight the grammatical foundations of the sentences. Explain the presence or absence of a dash in the sentences.

1. The picturesque people of the Indians (Goncharov). 2. This officer is not like you (Fedin). 3. Loneliness in creativity is a difficult thing (Chekhov). 4. Ussurian tiger not a fairy tale at all (Martynov). 5. An amazing thing is a dream (Turgenev). 6. Of course, the great art is to wait (Sobolev). 7. Twenty years - a good thing(Simonov). 8. It is very unbearable to move (Goncharov). 9. I am an honest person and never compliment (Chekhov). 10. This is the house of Zverkov (Chekhov). 11. Without you, I am a star without light. Without you, I am a creator without a world (Bryusov). 12. Awakening hearts to fight is the best destiny of a singer (Kondyrev). 13. The writer's job is to resist suffering with all his strength, with all his talent. The business of the artist is to give birth to joy (Paustovsky). 14. The landscape is not a pendant to prose and not an ornament (Paustovsky). 15. To know the nature of one's land, its history, life means to root in oneself love for the Motherland (Nikitin). 16. Poetry is not a profession, poetry is like love; 17. I am a shepherd, my chambers are the borders of unsteady fields (Yesenin). 18. Sad song, you are Russian pain (Yesenin). 19. I am the last poet of the village (Yesenin). 20. Unbearable weather, bad road, stubborn coachman (Pushkin).

Exercise 11 Highlight the grammatical foundations of the sentences. Put, where necessary, a dash between the subject and the predicate.

1. Alas, I am not a prophet (Lugovskoy). 2. The silence of dying cereals is a bright time in the world (Block). 3. It is a great merit to destroy an enemy, but it is the highest honor to save a friend (Tvardovsky). 4. One hundred and twenty-five rubles is big money (Rasputin). 5. I am like a lonely bird without a nest (Turgenev). 6. Writing is not the art of profit (Aseev). 7. Criticism is an integral part of art (A.N. Tolstoy). 8. I am not a new person (Yesenin). 9. A poet is a kunak for a poet (Yesenin). 10. We are no longer slaves (Yesenin). 11. The moon is like a turnip, and the stars are beans (Prokofiev). 12. Distance is not an obstacle either for laughter or for a sigh (Martynov). 13. To be happy, after all, means not to be unhappy (Selvinsky). 14. Uncle Lesha and his family are not the only inhabitants of this deaf side (Paustovsky). 15. We are the most ordinary people (Markov). 16. The mountains there seem to be only models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere (Goncharov). 17. Nowhere have I seen such a spaciousness as it was here: big red flowers like fires, butterflies like birds (Prishvin). 18. A scholar without labor a tree without fruit (Saadi). 19. Yermolai was a man of a strange kind (Turgenev). 20. But to swim in such big water is madness (Fedoseev). 21. It is up to writers to seek and find the causes of obscure but fruitful human states (Paustovsky). 22. Grass is a hound dog, and her job is to drive game (Prishvin). 23. This is their [leopard and tiger] constant trick to go into the back of a person chasing them (Prishvin). 24. Do you think that going to your death under bullets, under shells means not experiencing anything, not being afraid of anything? No, this means both being afraid and experiencing, but suppressing fear (Makarenko). 25. My Cherry Orchard (Chekhov).

dying cereals is a bright time in the world (Block). 3. It is a great merit to destroy an enemy, but it is the highest honor to save a friend (Tvardovsky). 4. One hundred and twenty-five rubles is big money (Rasputin). 5. I am like a lonely bird without a nest (Turgenev). 6. Writing is not the art of profit (Aseev). 7. Criticism is an integral part of art (A.N. Tolstoy). 8. I am not a new person (Yesenin). 9. A poet is a kunak for a poet (Yesenin). 10. We are no longer slaves (Yesenin). 11. The moon is like a turnip, and the stars are beans (Prokofiev). 12. Distance is not an obstacle either for laughter or for a sigh (Martynov). 13. To be happy, after all, means not to be unhappy (Selvinsky). 14. Uncle Lesha and his family are not the only inhabitants of this deaf side (Paustovsky). 15. We are the most ordinary people (Markov). 16. The mountains there seem to be only models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere (Goncharov). 17. Nowhere have I seen such a spaciousness as it was here: big red flowers like fires, butterflies like birds (Prishvin). 18. A scholar without labor a tree without fruit (Saadi). 19. Yermolai was a man of a strange kind (Turgenev). 20. But to swim in such big water is madness (Fedoseev). 21. It is up to writers to seek and find the causes of obscure but fruitful human states (Paustovsky). 22. Grass is a hound dog, and her job is to drive game (Prishvin). 23. This is their [leopard and tiger] constant trick to go into the back of a person chasing them (Prishvin). 24. Do you think that going to your death under bullets, under shells means not experiencing anything, not being afraid of anything? No, this means both being afraid and experiencing, but suppressing fear (Makarenko). 25. My Cherry Orchard (Chekhov).

p - subject, c - predicate

1. I (p), not a prophet (s)

2. Silence (n), before "this" you need to put a dash; it's time (s)

3. don't know

4.125 (p), big money (c), put a dash before "big money"

5. i (n); bird (s)

7. Criticism (p); component (s)

9. poet (p); kunak (s)

10. We (n); not slaves (s)

11. Moon (p), turnip (s); stars(n); dash; beans (s)

12. distance (p); dash; not a hindrance(s);

13. to be happy (p) means not to be unhappy (s)

15. We (p), people (s)

16. mountains (p), models (s)

17. I (p), didn’t see (s): it was (s)

18. scientist (p); after "without difficulty" you need a dash, a tree (c)

19. Ermolai (p); dash; was a person (s)

20. swim (p); dash; madness (s)

21. case (p), before the "case of writers" you need to put a dash; seek and find (s)

24. you (n), think (s); go to death (n), then (s). This (p) means to experience (fear, suppress) (s)

25. Garden(n); my (s). Perhaps a dash is required before "my"

Dash in simple sentence. A dash between the subject and the predicate.
Between the subject and the predicate can be placed
only one punctuation mark - DASH. It is placed first
queue in the following cases:
1. Subject - noun in
NOMINATIVE case, and the predicate
SIS with zero link and nominal
noun part
in the NOMINATIVE case.
For example: The sea is the birthplace of the little mermaids.


predicate SIS with zero connective
nominative case.
For example: Conjure is the main
prince - save the distressed

3. Subject - infinitive, predicate
GHS of a special type with zero copula and

spoil (proverb);

A dash is placed if the subject is -
noun in them. n., and the predicate -
infinitive: Our duty is to protect
breath ... (Pushkin).

4. Subject - numeral in
NOMINATIVE and predicate
also a numeral in IM. case: Five
five - twenty five.
A dash is placed if one of the main members

numeral or turnover with a numeral.
For example: So nine forty - three hundred
sixty, right? (Pismsky); Specific gravity
gold - 19.3 g/cm3.

5. If before the predicate, expressed
noun in im.p., numeral in
IM.p., the particles THIS are infinitive,
HERE, MEAN. For example: Teacher means
friend of children. Big Dipper- This
placed in the form of a bucket.
For example: The Kremlin is a treasure trove of Russian
architecture, creation of great masters, living
Chronicle of a centuries-old history (From the newspapers). All
past, present and future are us, not
blind force of the elements (Gorky).
Compare: The most late fall- this is when from frost
the mountain ash will wrinkle and become, as they say,
"sweet" (Prishvin) (the role of the predicate is
whole sentence; violated here
grammar rule).

THE DASH IS USUALLY NOT PUT, although the subject and
the predicate is expressed in the nominative case

there are comparative conjunctions AS, AS IF, AS LIKE,
between sisters like a white dove
pigeons (Nekrasov); Do you have a brooch
At home
snow (Gorky).
For example:

DEPARTURES from this rule are connected with the desire
the author to emphasize the shade of comparison contained
in the predicate, for example: Silence is like an icicle, its
break further in a whisper (Leonov); Your words are like
sharp knife... (Lermontov); ...Such a phrase -
it's like a big helmet in jumble (Turgenev);


negation of NOT, for example:
This officer is not like
you ... (Fedin); Analogy is not proof.
sayings: The word is not a sparrow: fly out - not
The heart is not a stone.
But a dash is put if it has a purpose logically and
for example: But an explanation is not an excuse

water" (Stelmakh); Living life is not a field
go (proverb);


if between subject and predicate
for example: ... Goose, it is known, is an important bird and
Wed the presence or absence of a dash, depending on
specified conditions:
Cotton is the most important industrial crop. -
Cotton is known to be the most important technical
culture (inserted introductory combination).
Cinema is the most mass view art. – Cinema is still the most popular art form (inserted

rubber (conjunction inserted).
December is the beginning of winter. -
winters (particle inserted).



if before
the predicate is pertaining to
him inconsistent minor
sentence member, for example: Stepan us
neighbor ... (Sholokhov);


if the predicate precedes
subject (inversion),
for example: Lovely man Ivan
Ivanovich! (Gogol).
However, putting a dash in this
case emphasizes intonation
dividing the sentence into two parts,
for example: Nice people are neighbors
my! (Nekrasov); Good side -
Siberia! (Bitter); Psychological
curiosity - my mother (Chekhov);


if the subject is combined with
the predicate forms an indecomposable phraseological phrase, for example: Grosh
the price of a theory that fixes one
templates (S. Golubov).

15. Special cases of putting a dash between the subject and the predicate

1. A dash is placed between the subject,
expressed indefinitely
verb, and predicate, expressed
predicative adverb in -o, if between
the main members of the proposal is
pause, for example: Preparing for exams -
not so easy (Fedin); Yield -
shameful (V. Tendryakov); This is very
unbearably - to move (Goncharov).
But (with no pause): Judge a person
in disgrace very easily (L. Tolstoy).


A dash is placed before the predicate,
pronounced phraseological
turnover, for example: Both a woman and
a man - a nickel pair (Chekhov); A
porch - God forbid another prince ... (A.N.


3. With the subject, expressed
pronoun THIS, a dash is placed or
not dependent on
logical selection of the subject and
the presence or absence of a pause after
him. Wed:
This is the beginning of all beginnings; This -
the first performance of the actress; This -
loneliness (Chekhov);
This is the house of Zverkov (Gogol); This
net for catching quails (Chekhov); This
very difficult problem.


A dash is usually omitted if the subject
expressed by a personal pronoun, and the predicate -
for example: ...I am an honest person and never speak
compliments (Chekhov); I'm terribly glad that you are mine
brother (L. Tolstoy); He is a corruption, he is a plague, he is an ulcer
local places (Krylov).
For example:

young old man and practitioner... (Chekhov); I

manufacturer, you are a ship owner ... (Gorky); Not me, not
I, and you are a harmful element (Fedin).


Exercise 1. Find the grammatical foundations. Arrange the signs
Alas, I am not a prophet (Lugovskoy).
The silence of dying cereals is a bright time in the world (Block).
It is a great merit to destroy an enemy, but it is the highest honor to save a friend.
One hundred and twenty-five rubles is big money (Rasputin).
I am like a lonely bird without a nest (Turgenev).
Writing is not the art of profit (Aseev).
Criticism is an integral part of art (A.N. Tolstoy).
I am not a new person (Yesenin).


10. We are no longer slaves (Yesenin).
11. The moon is like a turnip, and the stars are beans (Prokofiev).
12. Distance is not an obstacle either for laughter or for a sigh
13. To be happy is, after all, not to be unhappy.
14. Uncle Lesha and his family are not the only inhabitants of this deaf
sides (Paustovsky).
15. We are the most ordinary people (Markov).

erected mountains (Goncharov).


Alas, I am not a prophet
The silence of dying cereals is a bright time in the world.
To destroy an enemy is a great merit, but to save a friend is
highest honor.
One hundred and twenty-five rubles is a lot of money.
I'm like a lonely bird without a nest.
Writing is not the art of profit.
Criticism is an integral part of art.
I am not a new person.
Language is the most important means of human communication.


10. We are no longer slaves.
11. The moon is like a turnip, and the stars are beans.
12. Distance is not an obstacle either for laughter or for a sigh.
13. To be happy is, after all, not to be unhappy.
14. Uncle Lyosha and his family are not the only inhabitants of this deaf
15. We are the most ordinary people.
16. The mountains there seem to be only models of those terrible, somewhere
erected mountains.


Exercise 2. Highlight the grammatical foundations of sentences.
Set up punctuation marks. Explain the presence or absence of a dash in
The picturesque people of the Indians (Goncharov).
2. This officer is not like you (Fedin).
3. Loneliness in creativity is a difficult thing (Chekhov).
The Ussuri tiger is not a fairy tale at all (Martynov).
5. Sleep is an amazing thing (Turgenev).
6. Of course, it is a great art to wait (Sobolev).
7. Twenty years is a good thing (Simonov).
8. It is very unbearable to move (Goncharov).
9. I am an honest person and never compliment (Chekhov).


11. Without you, I am a star without light. Without you, I am a creator without a world (Bryusov).
12. Awakening hearts to fight is the best destiny of a singer (Kondyrev).
13. The writer's job is to resist suffering with all his might, with all
talent. The business of the artist is to give birth to joy (Paustovsky).
14. The landscape is not a pendant to prose and not an ornament (Paustovsky).
15. To know the nature of your land, its history, life means
to root in oneself love for the Motherland (Nikitin).
16. Poetry is not a profession, poetry is like love: if there is, then there is
she, but no, and do not fuss (Fedorov).
17. I am a shepherd, my chambers are between unsteady fields (Yesenin).
18. Sad song, you are Russian pain (Yesenin).
19. I am the last poet of the village (Yesenin).
20. Unbearable weather, bad road, stubborn coachman (Pushkin).


Exercise 2. Highlight the grammatical foundations of sentences. Explain the presence or
lack of dashes in sentences.
1. The picturesque people of the Indians (Goncharov). 2. This officer is not like you (Fedin).
3. Loneliness in creativity is a difficult thing (Chekhov). 4. The Ussuri tiger is not a fairy tale at all
(Martynov). 5. Sleep is an amazing thing (Turgenev). 6. Of course, that great art -
wait (Sobolev). 7. Twenty years is a good thing (Simonov). 8. It's very obnoxious -
move (Goncharov). 9. I am an honest person and never compliment (Chekhov).
10. This is the house of Zverkov (Chekhov).


11. Without you, I am a star without light. Without you, I am a creator without
peace (Bryusov). 12. Awakening hearts to fight is
the best lot of the singer (Kondyrev). 13. The case of the writer -
resist suffering with all your strength, with all your talent.
The business of the artist is to give birth to joy (Paustovsky). 14.
The landscape is not a pendant to prose and not an ornament
(Paustovsky). 15. Know the nature of your land, its
history, everyday life - this means rooting in oneself love for
Motherland (Nikitin). 16. Poetry is not a profession, poetry is like
love: if it already exists, then it exists, but if it doesn’t, don’t talk too much
(Fedorov). 17. I am a shepherd, my chambers are the boundaries of unsteady
fields (Yesenin). 18. Sad song, you are Russian pain
(Yesenin). 19. I am the last poet of the village (Yesenin). 20.
The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the coachman is stubborn


Exercise 3. Highlight the grammatical foundations of sentences. Put,
where necessary, a dash between the subject and the predicate.
1. A scholar without labor a tree without fruit (Saadi).
2. Yermolai was a man of a strange kind (Turgenev).
3. But to swim in such big water is madness (Fedoseev).
4. Search and find the causes of obscure, but fruitful human
state of affairs of writers (Paustovsky).
5. Grass is a hound dog, and her job is to drive game (Prishvin).
6. This is their [leopard and tiger] constant trick to go into the back of the pursuer
their man (Prishvin).
7. You think going to your death under bullets, under shells means nothing
experience, nothing to be afraid of? No, it means both to be afraid and to test, but
suppress fear (Makarenko).
8. My Cherry Orchard (Chekhov).


1. A scholar without labor is a tree without fruit.
2. Yermolai was a man of a strange kind.
3. But swimming in such big water is crazy.
4. Search and find the causes of obscure but fruitful
human states are the business of writers.
5. Grass is a hound dog, and her job is to chase game.
6. This is their constant trick - to go into the back of the pursuer
their person.
7. Do you think that going to your death under bullets, under shells is
No, this means both being afraid and experiencing, but suppressing fear.
8. My cherry orchard.

Related exercises
"Dash between subject and predicate"
Exercise 1. Highlight the grammatical foundations of sentences. Explain the presence or absence of a dash in the sentences.
1. The picturesque people of the Indians (Goncharov). 2. This officer is not like you (Fedin). 3. Loneliness in creativity is a difficult thing (Chekhov). 4. The Ussuri tiger is not a fairy tale at all (Martynov). 5. An amazing thing is a dream (Turgenev). 6. Of course, the great art is to wait (Sobolev). 7. Twenty years is a good thing (Simonov). 8. It is very unbearable to move (Goncharov). 9. I am an honest person and never compliment (Chekhov). 10. This is the house of Zverkov (Chekhov). 11. Without you, I am a star without light. Without you, I am a creator without a world (Bryusov). 12. Awakening hearts to fight is the best destiny of a singer (Kondyrev). 13. The writer's job is to resist suffering with all his strength, with all his talent. The business of the artist is to give birth to joy (Paustovsky). 14. The landscape is not a pendant to prose and not an ornament (Paustovsky). 15. To know the nature of one's land, its history, life means to root in oneself love for the Motherland (Nikitin). 16. Poetry is not a profession, poetry is like love; 17. I am a shepherd, my chambers are the borders of unsteady fields (Yesenin). 18. Sad song, you are Russian pain (Yesenin). 19. I am the last poet of the village (Yesenin). 20. Unbearable weather, bad road, stubborn coachman (Pushkin).

Exercise 2. Highlight the grammatical foundations of sentences. Put, where necessary, a dash between the subject and the predicate.
1. Alas, I am not a prophet (Lugovskoy). 2. The silence of dying cereals is a bright time in the world (Block). 3. It is a great merit to destroy an enemy, but it is the highest honor to save a friend (Tvardovsky). 4. One hundred and twenty-five rubles is big money (Rasputin). 5. I am like a lonely bird without a nest (Turgenev). 6. Writing is not the art of profit (Aseev). 7. Criticism is an integral part of art (A.N. Tolstoy). 8. I am not a new person (Yesenin). 9. A poet is a kunak for a poet (Yesenin). 10. We are no longer slaves (Yesenin). 11. The moon is like a turnip, and the stars are beans (Prokofiev). 12. Distance is not an obstacle either for laughter or for a sigh (Martynov). 13. To be happy, after all, means not to be unhappy (Selvinsky). 14. Uncle Lesha and his family are not the only inhabitants of this deaf side (Paustovsky). 15. We are the most ordinary people (Markov). 16. The mountains there seem to be only models of those terrible mountains erected somewhere (Goncharov). 17. Nowhere have I seen such a spaciousness as it was here: big red flowers like fires, butterflies like birds (Prishvin). 18. A scholar without labor a tree without fruit (Saadi). 19. Yermolai was a man of a strange kind (Turgenev). 20. But to swim in such big water is madness (Fedoseev). 21. It is up to writers to seek and find the causes of obscure but fruitful human states (Paustovsky). 22. Grass is a hound dog, and her job is to drive game (Prishvin). 23. This is their [leopard and tiger] constant trick to go into the back of a person chasing them (Prishvin). 24. Do you think that going to your death under bullets, under shells means not experiencing anything, not being afraid of anything? No, this means both being afraid and experiencing, but suppressing fear (Makarenko). 25. My Cherry Orchard (Chekhov).

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