Ural animals. What animals of the Urals change their coats for the winter? List of animals living in the Urals presentation

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Participants Children senior group"Gnomes", their parents and teachers Location MDOU - kindergarten combined type No. 19 "Smile", Yuzhnouralsk.

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Purpose Development of children's cognitive activity and erudition in the field of knowledge about nature. Tasks Development of creative initiative, purposefulness in children in the process of finding answers to the question; Development of curiosity; Raising a sense of belonging and the inseparability of the existence of man and nature; Raising children to love native land and its natural wealth.

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Fundamental question. Do we need wild animals? Problem question. How do wild animals prepare for winter? We are growing. we grow, we grow! We will learn everything about the world, We will not offend the insects, We will not destroy the nests of the birds, We will save the anthill, We will not stir up the stream.

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System cobweb for the project "What animals of the Urals change their coats for the winter"

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Distribution of activities by project stages

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We played the game: "Merry Zoo" We learned what sounds animals make and where they live. Played board game printed games, role-playing, dramatization games. Created food chains. Drawn animals. Vova R. Yana Sh. Polina S.

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Learned. The animals of the Urals are moose, Brown bear, wolves, lynx, wild boars, foxes, hares, roe deer, hedgehogs, squirrels, mouse-like rodents. That all animals molt with the onset of cold weather. Shedding in animals is a gradual change of wool. Instead of summer wool, a new one grows in autumn - thick, fluffy. But some change the color of their fur coat in order to disguise themselves to become invisible, these are such as: Hare - hare - in summer, brown-gray, and in winter - white, Squirrel - reddish in summer and gray in winter, Ermine - brown in summer, white in winter , Weasel - in summer yellow-brown, and pure white in winter. Roe deer are red in summer and gray in winter. Squirrel Roe deer ermine Arctic fox Weasel hare

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Preparing for winter, animals behave differently. Squirrel, makes stocks. Dries mushrooms, berries, collects nuts, acorns, cones. Others arrange and insulate the dwelling: a bear - a den, a squirrel - a hollow, a hedgehog - a mink, a fox - a hole. (dry leaves, moss, feathers, wool). They hibernate - a bear, a hedgehog, fatten up. Boar, elk, hare, wolf, fox find food in the forest all year round. They read Trutneva’s poem “Squirrel” They made riddles: Why are there mushrooms on the Christmas tree. Are they sitting on knots? Like a squirrel, I shed a fur coat Not in a basket, not on a shelf, I change gray to white. Not in the moss, not under the leaf - I'll hide under the bush, By the trunk and among the branches. I will sit down under a pine tree, they are not worn on knots. see, the beast does not recognize me Milk mushrooms, mushrooms, bruises, forest. Fat mushrooms - And I eat in the frozen winter Not in dry autumn grass, berries, bark. And put on bitches! Who arranged them so cleverly? We played games in search and cognitive Who cleared rubbish from mushrooms? character: Why do foxes and squirrels have such fluffy tails? Why do rabbits have such long sharp teeth? Can the forest be called home? Wild animals take care of themselves. Lada P. Yana Sh. Anya N.

Motherland! Here we were born and live, here we first felt the gentle light of the sun, here we began to recognize the world. Nature provides man with everything necessary for life. We breathe air, we quench our thirst with water. We love native nature. With pleasure we listen to the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, we admire the beauty of the forest, the expanses of fields, the mirror-like surface of the river. Nature is the mother of beauty, source of joy and inspiration.


Local Russian name- rossomaga, in the Northern Cis-Urals - midges, among the Nenets - inginei, among the Mansi - tulmakh.

The wolverine lives in dense forests and in the tundra of the Polar, Northern and Middle Urals. In the vicinity of the city of Nizhny Tagil, there are single individuals. Usually the wolverine arranges shelters in crevices of rocks, among stones, under roots of the upturned trees.

Being a sedentary animal, the wolverine is found from year to year in the same places, which can be called the "individual plot or hunting grounds" of each individual. But in some years it migrates over very long distances.

Distinguished by great strength for its size, the wolverine is at the same time slow and clumsy. The wolverine cannot take animals after them, and therefore patiently waits for or hides its prey.

In search of food, the wolverine travels more than a dozen kilometers. It goes, despite its slowness and sluggishness, easily even in deep snow, in which it almost does not get stuck. The hunting area of ​​one animal can reach an area of ​​up to 2 thousand km 2.

Sensing people, the wolverine tries to hide. But if the dogs find her, she does not quickly walk away from them, and when caught up, she lies on her back and fiercely defends herself with her teeth and legs, armed with large claws.

In February-April, the wolverine has cubs, there are usually 1-4 of them; newborns are covered with dark hair, but after 3-4 weeks their color brightens and becomes similar to an adult.


The local Russian name is fox, fox; the Nenets have a tone, the Bashkirs have a heifer.

The red fox - a favorite character in fairy tales - has been known to everyone since childhood. Indeed, the bright red color of the fur is perhaps the most famous sign of the fox. Other features that distinguish the real fox from other species (for example, from the corsac living in other regions of the Urals) include the white end of the tail, the dark color of the ears and the front of the legs. 11 species of foxes are known.

In the vicinity of the city of Nizhny Tagil, the common fox lives, it is also called the red fox. It is this ordinary red fox that is called the red cheat, gossip, Patrikeevna. She is considered cunning and thieving, but for all that, quick-witted, cautious - and all this is not without reason.

She needs 15-20 rodents a day. Waiting for prey, the fox clings to the ground, merging with environment, patiently waits and suddenly jumps. The fox “mouses” especially beautifully in winter. A bright “light” is busily trotting across the snowy field, then it froze for a second, shot up like lightning, and the fox dived headlong into the snow, only its tail rushes across the surface.

The fox has very good hearing: the most subtle squeak, the rustle of a mouse tail will not go unnoticed. Foxes also have excellent visual memory. She knows her hunting area well. Gossip makes reserves "for a rainy day" and always easily finds them.

The fox lives in burrows that it digs in elevated places; often occupies burrows already dug by badgers or marmots. Here, at the end of April - May, 4-5 fox cubs appear (and sometimes there are up to 12 of them). Newborn foxes are helpless: they are blind, deaf, they have no teeth, they weigh 100-150 grams.

c) Lynx

In the vicinity of Nizhny Tagil, you can meet the only representative of the cat family in the Urals - the lynx.

The lynx belongs to the family of mammals of the cat genus. She and appearance somewhat similar to domestic cats; different from the last large sizes, long legs and ear tassels. The body length of a lynx reaches 110 cm, and with a tail - up to 130 cm, weight from 8 to 30 kg. Look - a typical cat, but large, on very high legs, with magnificent sideburns on the cheeks and large tassels at the ends of the ears. The coat is soft, thick, grayish-red in color with dark spots. The lynx has a very short, as if chopped off tail and a very wide paw, which, moreover, is also densely covered with coarse hair. Such paws play the role of a snowshoe, and the lynx, despite its rather big weight can easily move through deep snow.

The lynx prefers taiga areas - deaf old forests with dense undergrowth and windfall, as well as mixed and broad-leaved forests.

By way of life, the lynx is a gloomy animal that avoids society even of its own kind.

The lynx does not catch up with its prey, but hides or lies in wait both at night and during the day, usually sitting on a bough or on a rock ledge hanging over the path, in order to rush at it completely silently and unexpectedly for the victim. A light cat's jump and the animal becomes a victim. With an unsuccessful jump, the lynx begins to pursue the prey, choosing the moment for the next jump. The lynx runs fast, swims easily, climbs trees beautifully.

The lynx usually hunts from an ambush at dusk: in the evening or early in the morning. The vision of the lynx is very well developed, but during the hunt it relies more on hearing. A lynx hears a hare gnawing a twig at a distance of 50-60 meters. Here is a rumor! After eating, the lynx “sharpenes its claws” on tree trunks, peeling off the skin and thus marking its hunting area.

In May-early June, cubs are born to the lynx. Lynx kittens are usually born from 2 to 4. Until January-February of the next year, the entire litter is kept together, and then the young begin to live independently.

In the Sverdlovsk region, there are about 2000 lynxes, mainly in northern areas. In 2006, the lynx was repeatedly observed near the village of Staratel near Nizhny Tagil.


Hares are a genus of the hare family. Belyak got its name due to snow-white winter fur. Only the tips of his ears remain black all year round. Everyone knows the seasonal change in color of hare hares: in summer their fur is reddish-brown. Both fur coats, white and reddish-brown, help the animal to disguise itself under the general background of the area and hide from enemies.

In the Urals, hare hares are large, average weight is about 4 kilograms, some individuals reach 5 kilograms. The white hare can be found both in the forest and on open areas- in the fields, but still this rodent prefers to merge in forests with well-developed undergrowth.

White hares are sedentary, they do not go far, although they do not have a permanent hole. They arrange lying somewhere under a tree trunk, under a bush or in a hole. Sometimes, however, hares dig themselves a cave or even a hole in deep snow, they can even climb into the hole of another animal. But holes are not a real home for a hare. In the summer, it is difficult to see a hare in the forest and you may not even suspect that the forest is inhabited by these long-eared animals. But in winter, a hare's footprint is clearly visible: a line of two long parallel holes is imprinted in the snow in front and two small ones - one after the other in the back. When moving, the hare throws forward long hind legs, and puts the front ones behind them.

Hares are vegetarians. Their food depends on the season. In summer, they eat various herbaceous vegetation, preferring cereals, and in autumn and winter, when grass is almost not available, they switch to branches and bark of various trees and shrubs.

Hearing is best developed in a hare, vision and smell can fail: motionless standing man he will not be afraid. Fast running and caution are the main means of protection against numerous enemies (foxes, lynxes, wolves, owls, hawks, owls, humans).

The white hare is quite prolific, which allows it to exist in the presence of a huge number of enemies. In the Urals, hare breeds three times a year from April to August. Rabbits in a litter from 2 to 7, more often 3-5. They will be born quite independent: with hair, sighted, they can move around. It is interesting that the bunny feeds both her own and other bunnies. The female after the birth of the cubs is not with them, but somewhere nearby.


The ermine has a peculiar appearance: a thin, very flexible body, a lively rounded muzzle with small ears, a long non-fluffy tail (9-12 cm with a body length of 16-28 cm), very short paws with sharp thin claws (in the Urals and in Western Siberia the largest species of ermine lives - the West Siberian, or Tobolsk ermine).

The color of the fur is protective: in winter it is pure white, in summer it is two-tone - the upper body is brownish-red, the bottom is yellowish-white. Winter coloration is typical for areas where at least 40 days a year there is snow. The tip of the tail is black throughout the year. Geographical variability in winter fur quality, summer fur color, and body size makes it possible to distinguish about 26 ermine subspecies.

On the territory of the Urals, the ermine is found from the Yamal tundra to the southern tip of the Ural Range - in a wide variety of habitats: in the tundra, these are thickets of shrubs, in the forest zone, clearings, old littered burnt areas, river valleys, in the forest-steppe - pegs, thickets of shrubs along the banks of various reservoirs, in the steppe in the floodplains of rivers and lakes. Here, in heaps of stones and brushwood, under the roots of trees, in the holes of rodents, the ermine makes its nest. The ermine is a typical predator; its prey is small rodents, shrews, various birds, frogs, and insects. Often he attacks larger animals (hares, hazel grouse, black grouse) and usually comes out victorious.

The ermine is a common carnivore, but its numbers have now fallen sharply due to hunting, deterioration of food resources, destruction of habitats, etc.

Ermine is an object of trade (fur is used as a finishing fur). Useful in the destruction of mouse-like rodents.

Birds of our region

Almost the entire territory of the Middle Urals is located in the forest zone. In the southwest and southeast, where the climate is warmer and drier, the forest gives way to the forest-steppe. forest zone characterized by the predominance coniferous forests. Forests are one of the main wealth of the Middle Urals. Wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, chaffinch, oriole, nutcracker, eagle owl, owls and many other birds live in the forests of the Urals.

Woodpecker, cuckoo, eagle owl, hawk, bullfinch, and tit are found in the upper mountain belt.

In the forest-steppe regions of the region, the fauna is of a mixed nature. Among the birds there are many field larks, there are partridges, and among the predators - spotted eagle, saker eagle, goshawk and sparrow hawk.

gray heron

gray heron - large bird 90-100 cm long, with a wingspan of 175-195 cm and an adult weight of up to 2 kg. The head is narrow, with a pinkish-yellow dagger-shaped large. There is a black hanging tuft of feathers on the back of the head. The neck is long and bent backwards in flight. The gray heron is a migratory bird. Winters in most of Africa, south of the Sahara, India and Indochina. The gray heron arrives at nesting sites early, the first birds appear when the reservoirs are still ice-bound and the snow lies on the ground almost completely. These birds build their nests on tall trees, but if they are not, then on large shrubs or in reed creases. The finished nest has the shape of a cone turned upside down. It is very loose, its walls are translucent, so that from below you can see the eggs in it. They complete, rebuild or renovate the nest of the heron-wife together and without quarrels.

Soon a bluish-green egg appears in it. They incubate for almost a month in turn from the first egg. Two days later, the second egg is in the nest, two more days later, the third. And so on up to five. The hatched chicks are completely helpless, but they are sighted. After the chicks have flown out, the herons stay in families, sometimes they gather in large flocks, but it is not uncommon to see solitary birds.

The heron catches only small fish, unimportant in the economy - weedy, no more than a palm long. The beak plunges into the water shallowly. Doesn't dive.

Herons do not oil their feathers. They powder him. In herons on the chest and in other places (on the stomach, on the sides of the tail, in the abu-markubs - on the back) tufts of very brittle down are hidden under the feathers (most herons have at least three pairs of them). Its ends are constantly crumbling into microscopic horny scales, a thousand times smaller than a millimeter. The heron, picking up this powder with its beak and claws, sprinkles feathers with it.

Without powder, she would simply die! From fish mucus, the feather sticks together. The powder absorbs this mucus. Then the heron with a jagged claw of the middle finger, like a comb, cleans off the wet powder and, along with it, all the dirt that has stuck to the feathers.


The male is painted in brown, black and dark gray tones, with white spots on the belly and on the underside of the wing, a powerful light beak. The female is brownish-red with black ripples.

In summer it feeds on grass, seeds, berries; in winter - pine needles, aspen and larch buds.

It nests in both coniferous and mixed forests. From coniferous forests prefers pine forests. It uses stems and branches to line the nest. The nest is a small depression in the soil. Clutch usually consists of 6-8 yellowish-white eggs with brown spots. Capercaillie eggs are similar in size to chicken eggs.

Capercaillie is an almost sedentary bird; during the year he roams on a relatively small area. Throughout the cold half of the year, they feed on pine or cedar needles, they also willingly swallow green cones of cedar, juniper and mountain ash berries. Capercaillie spend the night either in the crowns of dense trees (spruces, cedars, fir), or, if deep and soft snow has fallen, they burrow into it, like black grouse.

Why is the capercaillie deafening? A detailed study of the capercaillie ear revealed that it has a special lobe in the posterior bend of the external auditory canal, abundantly supplied with small blood vessels. During mating, with strong excitement of the bird, these vessels bring a lot of blood, the blade swells and increases in volume, forming a tumor. Capercaillie, tokuya, opens his mouth, and one of the bones of his skull (square) presses on this tumor and closes the ear canal. Capercaillie does not hear at this time, but sees well enough .


Many males and females are similar, the females of our cuckoos have more brown tones in their plumage. They feed mainly on insects, some eat berries, fruits, frogs, lizards, ruin other people's nests. Many species eat "shaggy", bristle-covered caterpillars that other birds do not touch. And this is the benefit of cuckoos. After such a delicacy, eaten in abundance, the whole inner surface The stomach of a cuckoo is completely studded with bristles of caterpillars. Periodically, the bird ejects these bristles through its mouth along with a layer of gastric lining.

The cuckoo tosses its eggs into the nests of other birds. To make it harder to recognize her eggs, the cuckoo "fakes" them. Evolution endowed the cuckoo amazing property: her eggs are similar in size and color to the eggs of birds, into whose nests she throws them.

cuckoo deals with stepbrothers. He won't rest until he's kicked everyone out of the nest. He does this unconsciously, obeying the order of instinct. Already in the first hours of life, an irresistible desire prompts the cuckoo to throw out everything that is there from the nest. On the back of the cuckoo - sensitive papillae. It is worth touching them, as he immediately becomes in the position of "ejector" and prepares to throw the object that touched him out of the nest. Acts like a living machine. But four days will pass and the throwing instinct will disappear. If in four days the cuckoo does not have time to get rid of all the extra mouths in the nest, then he will never be able to do it again.

Animal world The Middle Urals is rich and diverse. On the territory of our region, there are both widely known animals and birds, as well as rare ones that live only here.

Only by studying your native land, you can truly know and love your homeland - Russia, do everything to make it even richer and more beautiful.

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Department of Education of Yuzhnouralsk MDOU of combined type No. 19 "Smile"

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Children of the senior group "Gnomes", their parents and teachers MDOU - kindergarten of the combined type No. 19 "Smile" in Yuzhnouralsk.

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Development in children of cognitive activity and erudition in the field of knowledge about nature. Development of creative initiative, purposefulness in children in the process of finding answers to the question; Development of curiosity; Raising a sense of belonging and the inseparability of the existence of man and nature; Raising in children love for their native land and its natural resources.

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Stages of the project Activities of children and parents Activities of the teacher Stage 1. Identification of the problem. Invite parents to participate in the project. Discussion of the problem; Setting tasks for parents; Identification of issues within the project. Stage 2. Organization of work on the project. Collection of information; Planning joint activities. Organization cognitive activity children; Selection of literature, illustrations on the topic; Conducting an excursion. Stage 3. Practical activity to solve the problem. Examination of illustrations, encyclopedias; Drawing; Watching animals at the zoo. Reading Fiction Literature. Organization of work on the project; Coordination of actions of project participants; Providing practical assistance. Stage 4. Project presentation Children's presentation; Lesson Assistance in preparing a presentation.

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We learned what sounds animals make and where they live. They played board games, role-playing games, dramatization games. Created food chains. . Vova R. Yana Sh. Polina S.

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Animals of the Urals are elk, brown bear, wolves, lynx, wild boars, foxes, hares, roe deer, hedgehogs, squirrels, mouse-like rodents. That all animals molt with the onset of cold weather. Shedding in animals is a gradual change of wool. Instead of summer wool, a new one grows in autumn - thick, fluffy. But some change the color of their fur coat in order to disguise themselves to become invisible, these are such as: Hare - hare - in summer, brown-gray, and in winter - white, Squirrel - reddish in summer and gray in winter, Ermine - brown in summer, white in winter Weasel is yellow-brown in summer and pure white in winter. Roe deer are red in summer and gray in winter. Squirrel Roe deer ermine Arctic fox Weasel hare

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Preparing for winter, animals behave differently. Squirrel, makes stocks. Dries mushrooms, berries, collects nuts, acorns, cones. Others arrange and insulate the dwelling: a bear - a den, a squirrel - a hollow, a hedgehog - a mink, a fox - a hole. (dry leaves, moss, feathers, wool). They hibernate - a bear, a hedgehog, fatten up. Wild boar, elk, hare, wolf, fox find food in the forest all year round. They read Trutneva's poem "Squirrel" They made riddles: Why are there mushrooms on the Christmas tree. Are they sitting on knots? Like a squirrel, I shed a fur coat Not in a basket, not on a shelf, I change gray to white. Not in the moss, not under the leaf - I'll hide under the bush, By the trunk and among the branches. I will sit down under a pine tree, they are not worn on knots. see, the beast does not recognize me Milk mushrooms, mushrooms, bruises, forest. Fat mushrooms - And I eat in the frozen winter Not in dry autumn grass, berries, bark. And put on bitches! Who arranged them so cleverly? We played games in search and cognitive Who cleared rubbish from mushrooms? character: Why do foxes and squirrels have such fluffy tails? Why do rabbits have such long sharp teeth? Can the forest be called home? Lada P. Yana Sh. Anya N.

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The animal world is mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates (molluscs, insects and others). On Southern Urals The fauna of vertebrates is represented by more than 430 species.

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The fauna of the Southern Urals is diverse, although over the past 100-150 years it has become significantly poorer. In 1872, the chief forester of the Orenburg Territory informed the governor-general “There are many deer in the Verkhneuralsky forest, bears roam near Chelyabinsk ... Wolves roam in packs. I saw a tiger 200 miles from Orenburg. In the Southern Urals there were many elk, roe deer, wolves, foxes, badgers and mink, sable was found in the mountains, reindeer, in the steppe - saiga. The bird population of the region was much richer. Currently, more than 70 species of mammals and about 300 species of birds live in the region. Commercial species include 33 species of mammals and 70 species of birds. Reptiles and amphibians are represented by 20 species, fish by 60 species; There are more than 10,000 species of insects on the territory of the Ilmensky Reserve alone.

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Roe deer can often be found in the forests of the eastern slope of the Urals, as well as in flat light deciduous and mixed forests. This is a very beautiful, graceful animal from the deer family, up to 100 cm high, and lives in steppe zone.

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In mountainous and flat high-stemmed forests with dense undergrowth, a large cat, the lynx, lives. She prefers dark coniferous, spruce forests where he hunts various birds, hares and roe deer. The beast is agile, fast and strong, with a well-developed hearing.

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The “master of the taiga” lives in the forest zone - the brown bear. This is a large animal, the weight of which reaches 300 kg, and the body length is 2 m. Its favorite place is the forest wilderness with windbreak, lichens, swamps. The bear also enters the forest-steppe regions adjacent to the mountains. In 1990, there were more than 250 bears in the Southern Urals.

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The largest animal of the mountain-forest and forest-steppe zones is the elk. Its height reaches 3 m, and its weight is 500-600 kg. Elk loves such forest areas, where the undergrowth is thick and the grass is tall. In 1992, there were about 13 thousand of them. The decoration of males is horns in the form of a shovel with a different number of processes extending from the edges. The females have no horns.

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The wolf remains the most bloodthirsty predator in our fields and forests. Previously, wolves caused great damage to the population of the region, bullying livestock. Today, wolves rarely attack domestic animals. They have enough roe deer and other ungulates. Year by year, a network of roads, various pipelines is growing, which drives the wolf further into the wilderness, which is becoming less and less.

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Lives on the territory of the region and such a large rodent as a beaver. They live mainly on mountain rivers, as well as on the Miass and ago tributaries, where their loved ones grow deciduous trees- aspen, willow, alder and others. There are about 2000 of them.

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The usual inhabitants of the forests are: white hare, squirrel, hedgehog, marten, mole, weasels.

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Wild boars are large animals (their weight can reach 150-200 kg) today they live mainly in the northwestern regions: the Nyazepetrovsk region, Kasley, Upper Ufaley, Karabash.

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In open spaces - in the steppes and river valleys - live: badger, ermine. Perhaps the most common animal in the Trans-Ural steppes is the common marmot, or canoe.

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Successfully breeds in the western mountain forest regions such an exotic animal for our places as a raccoon dog. They live in mixed forests with dense undergrowth, in river valleys, on the shores of lakes,. They are omnivorous, and therefore cause significant harm to upland birds, as they eat both eggs and chicks. Today they number up to 1000 individuals.

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Rare and endangered species of animals are listed in the Red Book. The inclusion of a species in the Red Book is a signal of the danger threatening it, of the need to take urgent measures to save it. IN Chelyabinsk region The Red Book of Russia lists one species of mammal - the muskrat and 20 species of birds.

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Fish. In the rivers, lakes and reservoirs of the region there are a lot of different fish. Most of the species belong to local breeds, some, such as silver carp, peled, ripus, were brought to the South Urals from other regions. Crucian carp (gold carp and silver carp) are distinguished by great unpretentiousness to living conditions. They are able to endure large fluctuations in water salinity and oxygen concentrations in it. That is why even in small, swampy lakes of the steppe Trans-Urals, you can mainly find these fish.

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The most numerous among fish is the cyprinid family, which includes common and mirror carp, as well as bream, ide, tench, chebak and a number of other species. Perch lives in almost all reservoirs, some specimens reach 1 kg. valuable big fish from the perch family - pike perch - lives in the lakes Big and Small Miassovo, Chebarkul and some others. Pike perch is also found in the Ural River.

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In mountain rivers and streams on the western slope of the Southern Urals, grayling is found - local trout. Works on acclimatization of various valuable breeds fish in the area continue. Pike is ubiquitous in rivers and lakes, perhaps the most large predator in our reservoirs Individual specimens reach 1 m in length.

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rich bird world Southern Urals. IN taiga forests the largest representative of the chicken order, the capercaillie, lives in our country. The weight of a male capercaillie can reach 6 kg, and the body length is 80-70 cm. Capercaillie settle in large arrays of old pine forests. In all natural areas The region is home to another representative of the order of chickens - black grouse. Today in the region there are about 30 thousand of these beautiful birds.

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Special mention should be made of the gray partridge. This small bird, weighing no more than 500 grams, very often lives near humans. Small flocks of partridges can be found along major roads in winter, both in the steppe and in forest-steppe zones. This is one of the most valuable game birds. The gray partridge, like no other, destroys the Colorado potato beetle - the most terrible pest of potato fields

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Special mention should be made of waterfowl. In the central and especially eastern parts of the region, there are many birds that come to us from more southern regions. Gray goose, mallard, gray duck, red-headed pochard. From migratory birds Swans attract the most attention. The whooper swan and the pecking swan nest on the eagles and reservoirs of the region. The subfamily of ducks is widely represented in our country, these are the large shelduck, the red duck, the mallard, the gray duck, the pintail and the smallest duck, the teal whistler. In total, 16 species of ducks nest in the reservoirs of the region.

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Owls live in forests and plantings, owls are nocturnal hunters for small rodents. One of the first to appear in the spring steppe sky are larks. In any weather, they hang almost in the same place for many hours, announcing the surroundings with a song reminiscent of the murmur of a mountain eagle.

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Much higher than larks, steppe predators soar in the sky: eagles, golden eagles, falcons. Most of the species living in the steppe are quite common, but there are also very rare birds of prey listed in the Red Book. Among them is the Imperial Eagle. He got his name from the fact that he often sits on burial mounds, of which there are a lot in the steppes. Among the daytime predators are peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, saker falcon, golden eagle, imperial eagle soaring high in the sky

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The order of cranes is represented in the Southern Urals by the common crane. In the region, the common crane is also found in the deaf swamps of the mountain taiga, vast swampy areas of the forest-steppe, and in the swamps in the island forests. Live in the steppe zone and such birds that prefer not to fly, but to walk and run. There are both small and large among them. Among the large - bustard. Its weight can reach 16 kg.

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