Curl pattern on fingers. Papillary patterns on fingers

Psychic sign on your palm. Fingerprints. Palmistry.

Every person has psychic abilities. This is evidenced by special signs on the palms. Each of them reveals one of the facets of a special gift, be it clairvoyance, talent for the occult, or healing.

An extrasensory gift, like any other, needs to be developed. Only then will it be able to manifest itself fully. But until the age of 28, you should study under the guidance of an experienced mentor or teacher. Otherwise, you can bring on a lot of troubles, such as total bad luck or chronic illnesses. In more mature age There are no obstacles to working on yourself independently. Certain signs on the palm will help you better understand which direction to choose.

1.Cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger indicates a tendency towards clairvoyance. But this gift most often manifests itself after severe stress, for example, a serious accident or the death of loved ones. Holders of this sign can certain moments literally see pictures of future events. The best way to use this ability is by preaching, since the “cross” is also an indicator of good relations with the church.

2.Triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger appears as a result of studying the occult sciences. This sign indicates high sensitivity to subtle energies.

3.Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers can be found on the palms of people with special magnetism and charisma. For example, among leaders who are highly respected. They are able to attract the attention of others. This sign most often appears as a result of many years of work on oneself. It also indicates high professionalism in any field of activity.

4.Minimum three lines on the Mount of Mercury called the sign of the Samaritans. It appears already in childhood and reflects the ability to heal. In ancient times, people with such lines were required to be apprenticed to a doctor. As a rule, owners of the Samaritan sign are very fond of animals and children. If you have it, but you are far from medicine, do not be discouraged. It's never too late to take up energy techniques - for example, reiki, as well as healing touch, living practice, etc.

5. Island on the Belt of Venus occurs in people who are predisposed to clairvoyance and have strong intuition. However, such abilities may not manifest themselves in the normal state. Most often, a person begins to foresee the future by falling into a trance, for example, during a strong emotional experience.

6. White Mage Ring (Ring of Jupiter). This is the mark of a master. He talks about the innate ability to help others through word, thought or action. The “Ring” is often found on the palms of psychologists, spiritual mentors, and yogis. These are people who have achieved deep self-realization. Often bearers of the “white magician’s ring” also have the gift of telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.

7. Black Mage Ring. The owners of this sign are popularly called people with the “evil” eye. It is best not to get in their way and not enter into conflicts with them. They have great potential for negative force, but often do not know how to use it. If you find such a sign in yourself, remember: you need to especially carefully monitor your thoughts, words and actions, because any message sent out will sooner or later come back.

8. Freestanding cross in the center of the palm called the cross of St. Andreas and indicates that a person’s emotions and reason (right and left hemisphere brain) are in complete harmony. Such people are distinguished by absolute calm. They are almost always in a meditative state. And, what is especially valuable, they tend to make the right decisions in any situation.

9. Square on the Mount of Jupiter, or teacher’s square - testifies to innate oratorical talents. Such people are excellent at presenting information. They have a strong gift of persuasion. And if a cross is also visible in the square, it can be interpreted as a sign of protection, the presence of a guardian angel in life.

10. Isis Line. Those with an arcuate line from the Mount of Mercury to the Mount of the Moon often have prophetic dreams. They always foresee the future. And if there is an island on the line, this means that a person is able to read other people's thoughts.

11. Double line life. In extrasensory perception it is called the line of the guardian angel. Such people have significant energy; they are much luckier in life than others.

12. Radial loop on any finger. It is often called the "scanner" sign. Bearers of this difference are able to perceive emotional condition those around you and adopt it. They are often on someone else’s wavelength, and often find themselves in situations that are not “their own.” They are easy to convince of anything and take advantage of it. Therefore, if you find a radial loop on your hand, when communicating with people, try to keep track of where your thoughts are and where they are imposed, someone else’s.

13. Circle at the bottom of the Mount of the Moon. The sign reflects clairvoyance abilities. Its owners can hear other people's voices in their heads and observe “pictures” on the screen of internal vision. Often such visions turn into real events.

Thanks to numerous “police” TV series and detective novels, we are aware that each person’s fingerprints are completely individual. Therefore, when it comes to fingerprints, the first thought is about criminals who are identified in this way. But fingerprints do more than just help distinguish one person from another. They can tell a lot about their “master”.

By what criteria do we not look for lovers? For some, the main thing is appearance, for some it is character, for some it is the size of the wallet, and for others it is the presence of intelligence and a sense of humor.

Nationality, eye color, zodiac sign, year of birth, temperament can be important... In general, humanity has accumulated a lot of data that is designed to help in determining one’s soul mate. One of the authoritative compatibility tests is the fingerprint test.

The figure below shows the 7 main types of fingerprints. You and your lover take turns dipping your index finger right hand in black paint, leave fingerprints on a white sheet (the main thing is not to mix them up!) and see what the future awaits your couple!

What do the fingers advise?

AA- such partners feel good and calm together.

AB- a couple with such prints will be fine. The main condition is to be interesting friend friend and not object to your partner’s hobbies.

AB- the partners have little in common, but if B learns to support A, the union can turn out to be quite good.

AG- both are very independent and are used to relying only on themselves. An alliance is possible, but many quarrels and disputes await it.

HELL- D is too boring with A. Therefore, a good relationship will not work out.

AE- in order for such a couple to form, both need to work a lot on themselves and on their overall relationships.

AJ- despite all the dissimilarity of the partners, the union is promising.

BB- very strong and interesting relationships! To the envy of your enemies and the joy of your loved ones.

BV- Partner B may be too much of an owner, but this will not harm the relationship.

BG- there will be a lot of quarrels, since both are very intolerant. If the couple learns to come to an agreement, the union will turn out to be stable and pleasant.

DB- all responsibility for this union rests with partner D. If he can lead and B can obey, the prospects for the relationship are good.

BE- Partner B should set the tone for this relationship; it is his initiative that is the main one. Partner E is too modest and passive; if you rely on him, the relationship will never work out.

BZ- the union is ideal for partner F: partner B will carry him in his arms all his life!

BB- a gentle, cheerful and cheerful couple! The relationship will be interesting and long-lasting.

VG- despite the fact that each of this Lara is an individualist, the relationship will turn out to be extremely strong and reliable.

VD- both partners are quick-tempered, but easy-going. The union will constantly “spark”, but will not fall apart.

BE- this is the case when opposites not only attract, but also create a harmonious couple.

VJ- an excellent union based not on passion, but on tenderness.

GG- this union is ruled by passion. More precisely, numerous passions. It may be difficult, but it will never get boring.

GD- if these two do not break up after the first date, a great feeling will arise between them for many years.

GE- the complexity of this union is that any relationship implies responsibility, and neither partner wants to take it upon themselves.

GJ- It’s unlikely that anything will work out for these two. They speak different languages.

DD- the motto of this couple is “woe from mind.” If they think less and listen to each other more, everything will work out well.

DE- a stable union, but partner E should pay more attention to partner D: he often needs psychological support.

J- the whole life of this couple is a continuous exciting adventure. Others can only envy!

HER- both are condescending and responsive to others. A couple that will be adored by friends and numerous acquaintances.

HEDGEHOG- a union that is happy in all respects.

LJ- they say about such couples: “A marriage made in heaven.” Ideal spiritual connection and excellent relationships.

Everything is imprinted!

This test is universal. You can check compatibility with someone with whom you have just started a relationship. If you've been married for a long time, the test will help you determine why things aren't going well in your relationship and tell you how to fix it. Even if there is no prince on a white horse on the horizon yet, you can see which partner will be ideal for you, and... Look for your lover not only by a glass slipper left somewhere, but also by a fingerprint!

The ideas of ancient palmistry are the basis modern science dermatoglyphics, which studies the connection between signs on the fingers and the outlines of lines on the palm with genetic factors.

Our brains are programmed to protect us and ensure our survival. When you understand your own subconscious attitudes, as well as the attitudes of people close to you, you will be able to avoid many problems, primarily in your personal life. The lines on our hands reflect our so-called initial programming; they will indicate what reaction to conflict is inherent in us and how this affects life in general.

The pattern of lines on your palms can tell not only about your program, but also what you are thinking and feeling at the moment. Apart from fingerprints, all other lines on the hands change throughout life. Your thought patterns have created a map on your palms that can help you trace where your thoughts and feelings have led you to this moment and where they are likely to take you if you stay on your current path.

Our emotional and mental patterns are formed in the first 7 years of life. And if you don’t change, you will always subconsciously react to conflict situations in the way that was inherent in you back then, in early childhood. Nobody has “perfect programming.” But if you understand from the lines of your hand what exactly was given to you initially, then you can, if you wish, change these patterns so that instead of automatic unconscious reactions to what is happening, you consciously make all decisions. Even complex initial schemes will not interfere with successful personal relationships.

First, let's dispel some superstitions. Hands do not carry information carved in stone about what “should happen.” Remember: your hands are a map of what you are thinking and feeling now. When you look at them, you see the direction of your movement through life, as if you were looking at an ordinary map of the area. If you don't like your destination, just change your route! The more emotions you put into your thoughts, the faster a new neuropathway will form in your brain. Thoughts accompanied by feelings and actions are shortest path reprogram your brain.

Left and right hands in palmistry

The left hand is responsible for privacy and the starting point of your consciousness when you form ideas. It shows you what's in the creative, receptive part of your brain. Thanks to this part of the brain, a person recognizes faces and musical impulses, and feelings, instincts and intuition are born here.

The right hand is responsible for logic, mathematics and analytical skills. It shows how ideas reflected on the left hand are translated into reality. This hand is more responsible for our social life.

Usually the lines on the right and left hands are different. If the difference is significant, it may indicate a large gap between what a person has in mind and the actual implementation of plans, or shows how different his behavior in public and in public is. privacy. Those who have dominant lines of the left hand feel more comfortable in small groups of people; if the lines of the right hand are more pronounced, the person loves crowds of people and is charged with the energy of the crowd.

Note: If you are left-handed, this does not change the meaning of the hemispheres of your brain. It simply means that you operate from the more creative side of life.

Masculine and feminine

Each of us contains both masculine and feminine principles. The masculine principle manifests itself in the reaction of resistance and struggle in a tense situation. This means that a person will defend his opinion, his feelings and decisions. Such people enjoy arguing.

The feminine principle is triggered in an attempt to escape open confrontation. This does not mean that a person will run away at the first sign of a brewing conflict. He is simply programmed to solve problems peacefully. Such a person may remain silent, not advertise his thoughts and desires, demonstrate passive-aggressive command, and emotionally distance himself from the problem.

The more curved lines of the hand carry the imprint of masculine energy, the most straight - feminine. The more straight lines (especially the main ones) on a person’s hand, the less flexible and more focused on results he is. He wants to achieve his goal as soon as possible, right now. Don't distract him or you'll be at great risk! The shorter the line, the more impatient the person is. All this is useful to know to maintain harmony in relationships.

Main lines of the hand

The main three lines of the hand are the heart line, the head line and the life line. They are located in this order for a reason! The heart line is the highest because our heart has the greatest charge in the body. The electromagnetic field around the human heart extends approximately 90 cm. In the area of ​​the brain - only a couple of centimeters, regardless of your IQ. Because the electrical charge of our heart is 100 times greater, and the magnetic charge is 5000 times greater than that of the brain.

That is why some people who are not distinguished by external beauty can make a lasting impression on members of the opposite sex. It's all about personal magnetism. For example, what is the difference between a beauty who attracts the attention of many men, but not for long, and a girl of ordinary appearance who is constantly surrounded by crowds of admirers? Of course, the main difference is in their heart lines!

Heart line

The heart line is the main line at the top of the palm. It runs right under our fingers and is responsible for creative inspiration and the intuitive part of our nature. In palmistry, it is considered the female line. Ideally, by looking at the heart line, we can control how much our life corresponds to the program and build it the way we want it.

A straight line of the heart - with enhanced feminine energy - gives us very emotional people. They do not like confrontation and would rather try to manipulate others than engage in open conflict. The curved (masculine) shape of this feminine line gives more balance and a desire to diversify the experience here. This palm pattern distinguishes researchers who easily deviate from the initial course. People with an uneven heart line love to flirt and explore new territories. They tend to make high demands on themselves and others. They may not even realize that they demand too much from people because they are even stricter with themselves.

Mind line

Below the line of the heart is the line of the head or mind - this is the male line, which is responsible for our logic. It shows in what cases and how we use the mind to implement our ideas in real life. In many ways, the head line also serves as protection for our heart. The heart has more power, but the brain works to protect what we love. Because it is what we love that we are most afraid of losing.

The straight (female) form of this masculine line often indicates a tendency towards negative thinking. Such people constantly have a subconscious fear that everything will happen according to the worst-case scenario. It is important for them to be the best in their work and for others to recognize their superiority. While those with a curved head line are their own censors.

Life line

The life line is the third main one, it lies below the head line. It is neither absolutely straight nor absolutely curved, since we all have both feminine and masculine traits within us. Contrary to popular belief, life expectancy cannot be judged by its length. It rather shows HOW you will live it. If the life line runs close to the center of the palm, this is the palm of an explorer, and if it is close to the hill of the thumb, such a person is not inclined to move a long distance from home and his roots. A high passing line speaks of great ambitions, or. on the contrary, if it starts lower, closer to the big toe. Just a little observation will allow you to avoid many mistakes in communicating with loved ones and relationships.

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There is not a single person on earth with the same finger pattern as yours. Scientists of dermatoglyphics can tell from the patterns on the fingers not only about a person’s predisposition to diseases, but also about his professional qualities.
Dermatoglyphics. Start

The man who stood at the origins of dermatoglyphics (that’s what the science of patterns on the skin is called) was Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton. He was a scientist with a truly unbridled passion for science and research. His relationship with Darwin determined Galton's scientific path; he was a passionate supporter of his brother's theory, and therefore sought to prove that evolution not only had not ended, but also needed correction. Galton is also recognized as the founder of eugenics, which bore its terrible fruits in the racial theory of Nazi Germany.
Galton came to dermatoglyphics after, at the beginning of 1888, the scientific society "Royal Institute" commissioned him to review the then fashionable bertillonage - a method of identifying criminals, which was based on measurements various parts bodies.
Galton took a broad view of things and also mentioned “fingerprinting” among identification methods. On May 25 of the same year, the scientist read his report, in which he presented his vision of the problem.
Four years later, Galton had already published a book about fingerprints - “Finger prints”. This is how dermatoglyphics appeared in the scientific world. However, it must be said that this term itself appeared later, in 1926, at the 42nd Congress of the American Association of Anatomists. It is translated as “skin engraving”.
Arcs, loops, curls

Dermatoglyphics is a relatively young and rapidly developing discipline. According to Alexey Vladimirovich Vlasov, Chairman of the Council International Association dermatoglyphics, new frames are constantly coming to dermatoglyphics. The study of people's fingerprints helps determine the character, temperament, and type of behavioral adaptation of a person in society.
There are three main types of patterns in dermatoglyphics: loop, arc and whorl. It is by their correlation on the fingers that scientists can draw certain conclusions about the bearer of these patterns.
About a third of people have loops on their fingers - patterns that resemble a lasso, usually directed towards the little finger. These people are the bearers of the norm in terms of socialization; they adapt well to life situations, are friendly, moderately secretive, and moderately frank.
People who have curls on their fingers are constantly trying to change the world, they can make a brilliant discovery. These are people with great potential, but often they find themselves out of place in their time or their environment and may show inadequacy. According to psychiatrist and psychophysiologist Nikolai Bogdanov, “it is the one who is considered a “moron” who most often has curls on the pads of his fingers.”
People with dominant arches on their fingers are purposeful and self-confident. They know that problems cannot be avoided, they must be solved immediately. Such people are not shy about methods of solving problems. They are practically not subject to stress. However, their weakness lies in their poor ability for psychological combinatorics and poor adaptation. They are more grunts than jewelers.
It also needs to be said that the poorer a person’s dermatoglyphics, the more difficult it is for him to adapt in society, the more problems he will have to face.
Application value

It is clear that any systematized knowledge requires applied application. Dermatoglyphics is doing well in this regard - it began with practice - Galton collaborated with criminologists and participated in the compilation of fingerprint files. Interestingly, Galton’s technique was recognized only in 1911, when the Mona Lisa stolen from the museum was found using fingerprints. Since that time, dermatoglyphics (its section of fingerprinting) has been a recognized discipline that helps to find the offender.
Dermatoglyphics today is a recognized method of medical diagnostics. The fact is that patterns on the fingers are formed in the womb, at 3 - 5 months of pregnancy, along with tissues nervous system. Skin patterns are individual and do not change throughout life, so dermatoglyphic analysis is a very convenient method. Based on the pattern on the fingers, even before obtaining a chromosomal picture, a child can be diagnosed with Down syndrome, Shereshevsky-Turner and Klinefelter syndrome and other pathologies.
Finally, dermatoglyphic research is being carried out in this area human activity, where genetic predisposition means a lot - in professional sports. The laboratory of sports anthropology of the All-Russian Institute of Physical Culture has been studying the dermatoglyphics of our Olympic team for 15 years.
Long-term analysis has already shown that the dermatoglyphic characteristics of athletes in different sports vary. In speed-strength sports, where you need to perform an exercise as quickly as possible, simple patterns and the smallest comb count (the number of combs inside the pattern) are most often found.
Athletes whose sports are characterized by complex coordination have a more complex pattern of patterns.
The middle position in these indicators is occupied by endurance sports and static stability.
In general, the more complex the sport is in terms of coordination, the more complex combination of patterns the athletes will encounter.
Generally speaking, people with arches on their fingers are more suitable as attackers than others, and those with curls are more suitable as defenders.
Ethnic dermatoglyphics

A separate branch of the science of patterns on fingers is ethnic dermatoglyphics. Anthropologists specializing in dermatoglyphics have collected a huge amount of material on this discipline. It is interesting that the poorest dermatoglyphic picture is observed in Europeans; as you move further south from Europe, it becomes more complex. This can explain the extroversion of Western civilization and the introversion characteristic of the East.
It has also been noted that such a pattern as curls on the fingers can most often be found among peoples living in extreme situations: among the aborigines of the North - the Aleuts, Chukchi, the aborigines of Tierra del Fuego, Australia, and Tibet. People with curls on their fingers find it easier to survive in harsh natural conditions. Their culture is more contemplative.

Current page: 6 (book has 16 pages total) [available reading passage: 11 pages]


The basis of the curl is made up of either a spiral or various kinds of circles, in the center of which the papillary papilla is located (Figure 1.52). In such a pattern, the presence of two triradii is required, which are located on opposite sides of the curl (highlighted in black in Figure 1.52). If the curl is a spiral, then it can be either right-handed (Figure 1.52-2), that is, twisting towards the thumb, or vice versa - left-handed, which twists towards the little finger. The energy in such a curl constantly circulates around the center, so this position of the papillary lines shows that energy can enter and exit, since it goes in a spiral and, having reached the center, returns back.

If the curl consists of concentric circles, which are separated from each other by small distances, and looks like a “target” (Fig. 1.52), then the energy in such a curl is maximally concentrated in the center of the pattern. She remains in it constantly, since she has nowhere to go, and therefore this type of curl is rightfully considered one of the strongest.

The curl is a sign of individuality. Different curls are interpreted differently. For example, a right-handed spiral indicates a dynamic and strong personality, and the left-handed one reports spiritual strength and the gift of intuitive foresight, which helps in emergency situations. Such a person reacts extremely quickly to unexpected events that require immediate action. But this is not a consequence of hasty decisions, but most likely the gift of intuitively finding the right solution. Concentric circles indicate an understanding of all that is beautiful, and sometimes indicate a penchant for parapsychology and esotericism. When analyzing curls, you should always remember that the more complex the pattern, the more complex the human psyche. He will never make a hasty decision, and unexpected changes in plans will be very unpleasant for him. First, such people must internally tune in to the new wave and mentally play out all possible situations in their minds.

When describing the psychological characteristics of curls, I will not dwell on each of the drawings separately, but will generally describe the main features that are present in their owners. A person whose fingerprints represent curls is a bright individual with a clearly formed opinion. The owner of curls always strives to find his niche in life and become a professional in a certain field. This is a seeker and activist, theorist and experimenter rolled into one. Such a person is almost always not satisfied with what is happening both around and inside him, and is constantly trying to change something. He has enormous potential and inexhaustible vital energy, which is aimed at achieving ambitious goals, but often the person remains misunderstood in the eyes of those around him. It is the one who stands out from the crowd, has his own opinions and analyzes common truths, whose skin lines form curls. It is difficult to find a common language with such a person, because he always does everything his own way and does not like outside interference in his personal affairs. Most likely, he will stop taking into account the opinions of other people if they stand in the way of his desires and ideas. Therefore, individuals with a lot of curls often seek adventure in the sexual sphere and simply love to behave in an unconventional way. In addition, curl carriers are cunning and artistic, capable of hiding their inner essence and quickly change “masks”. It is impossible to catch such people in adultery, because they will do everything possible so that their partner does not find out anything. Positive personality characteristics include independence, love of freedom and all-round talent, while negative characteristics include a tendency to isolation, isolation and narcissism. In combination with other signs, curls can indicate a desire to dominate in a relationship. Very often, the predominance of curls indicates a special talent or ability of a person, which may relate to various areas life, including career.

The curls, which are a spiral, speak of a special rhythm of mental experiences that are repeated at certain intervals. As a rule, such people have exceptional memory, so they are often able to recall long-past events from the depths of their consciousness. They never forget what they have suffered once, just like the happiness they have experienced: because of the first, a person suffers, and because of the second, he lives. For the most part, life values ​​are analyzed subconsciously, and personal impressions for such people become the ultimate truth.

People with concentric curls are focused only on their own interests and are least likely to sacrifice themselves for the sake of other people. They are created to lead, or at least by themselves. A person whose concentric helix is ​​located only on the left index finger, passionately devotes himself to what he loves, and if at the same time the index finger is smaller than the ring finger, then this is a sign of a painful perception of criticism addressed to him. Additional concentric curls on the little, middle and ring fingers indicate achievement of success in the areas for which these fingers are responsible.

Curl on the thumb indicates good health, well-recovered strength and excellent memory. Such a person will never change a decision he has already made, and this is especially noticeable if curls are present on both hands.

Curl on index finger displays high aspirations, which are supported by high self-esteem and, as a rule, are distinguished by individuality and originality. Such people have poor adaptability, but thanks to their drive and determination, they rarely stray from their chosen path. They make good leaders, but to do this they need to overcome their natural shyness. Such people have their own view of things and many ideas, by defending which they can force others to take them into account and respect their point of view. Thanks to the energy that is maximally concentrated around the center of the curl, truly magnificent life opportunities open up for such a person.

Curl on the middle finger says that a person has the opportunity to realize all his ambitious desires. He is able to put all his skill into his work, but requires that he be appreciated, which gives him unique incentives and confidence in his abilities. Such individuals are initially introverted, but over the years they become more relaxed and less withdrawn. They cannot stand routine work because they do not receive from it the necessary incentives that help them assert themselves in life. The curl absorbs the maximum energy of Saturn and gives the necessary harmony and self-understanding. Energy can be concentrated so strongly in a given finger that in exceptional cases it can not only smooth out negative patterns on other fingers of the hand, but also give a person the ability to learn from his mistakes.

Curl on the ring finger indicates creativity and indicates receptivity in relationships with a partner. Such a person values ​​family coziness and comfort, but at the same time, the curl endows its owner with shyness and self-doubt.

Curl on the little finger reveals innate instinct and good memory. Since the concentration of energy in such a curl is very strong, this leads to an overabundance of characteristics of both the upper phalanx and the finger as a whole. These are sincere and devoted friends, excellent organizers, very attentive to details and trying to achieve perfection in everything. It is impossible to influence such people and impose their opinion on them, and because of their special view of the world, they are able to carefully select only what interests them, ignoring everything else.

Peacock eye (feather)

The central axis of such a pattern consists of radial or ulnar loops, which are combined into one curl. This is a simultaneous connection of a loop and a curl, so this pattern has an axis of symmetry and only one triradius. The central axis in English literature is called a peacock's eye, because such a figure resembles the pattern on the tail feather of a peacock. This type of pattern is especially indicative for explanation from the point of view of the flow of energy flows in the finger. The energy enters the loop, approaches the center and concentrates in the center of the pattern, but cannot stay there and leaves the center along the delta back out of the finger, which indicates the combined qualities of the loop and curl.

“Peacock eye” (Figures 1.53) is most often found on the index or ring finger, less often it can be found on the middle finger and little finger. The fingers on which such a pattern is located show in which area a person’s talent lies, which, of course, gives the person a certain charm. If this pattern is found on the ring finger, then it bestows a developed sense of beauty and boundless creative abilities. On the index finger this pattern marks managers from God, and on the little finger it gives great talents for communication and eloquence. There is also an opinion that the presence of a “peacock eye” even on one finger is a sign of a person’s protection from negative life situations and sudden death, which, undoubtedly, should be confirmed by other parts of the hand.

Tent arch with loop inside

This type of papillary pattern is combined from a loop, which is surrounded from above by an arc, inside of which there is an axis, as in the example of a tent arc (Figure 1.54). The pattern is of the arc type, since most of the energy passes along the trajectory of the arc papillary lines and only a very small part of it is able to be retained in the internal loop. Since a loop appears in the pattern, it is necessary to determine its direction, because the psychological interpretation of such a pattern will be based on the direction of the loop and the characteristics of the tent arch. For example, Figure 1.54-1 shows a tent arch with a radial loop, and Figure 1.54-2 - with an ulnar loop.

People with such patterns have unusual inclinations or occupations, they can do several things at once or often change professions. A person with a tent arc and a radial loop inside cannot stand orders and regulations, therefore he prefers liberal professions or, at least, establishes his own mode of work. Such people can assert their principles without regard for others, which very often happens in the family, among relatives or neighbors.

Such a pattern on the index finger indicates a suppressed sense of self-esteem, which prevents the individual from fully revealing his natural abilities and talents. Almost all carriers of a tent arc with a loop have an unyielding character, a desire for independence and a conservative outlook on life. Very often such people are let down by intuition, and illusory ideas and dreams lead them astray.

After we have considered the description of the psychological character traits of a person, both in general and of each finger separately, we will consider all these characteristics in a complex according to the most repeated papillary patterns.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is arches. Those whose papillary patterns are dominated by arcs differ greatly concrete thinking. These people are predictable and purposeful; it is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the environment and listen to the opinions of others. They are truthful, frank, do not like behind-the-scenes intrigues and easily cut the “truth” straight to the face. In most cases, arc patterns on the fingers indicate that the person is traditional, responsible, honest and, as a rule, satisfied with everything. These people tend to be submissive and value simple things and pleasures, but can be inflexible, domineering and proud. They prefer to deal with familiar people and things, they very often have problems with self-expression and lack ease and spontaneity in their character.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is loops. People with a predominance of loop patterns on their fingers are the “golden mean”. They have a wide range of interests, they easily get along with others, tolerate any of their oddities, while quite adequately assessing what is happening. With all their pros and cons, these are ideal leaders, capable of satisfying everyone, albeit to a minimum. Moreover, they do not put pressure on others, like those with arc patterns, for example, and do not torment anyone with constantly changing plans, like individuals with curls. People who have most of their patterns in loops are open-minded, receptive and experimental. They are usually self-confident, flexible and sociable - they are social reformers, benevolent and practical people. They are very emotionally responsive, but may lack focus. Loops on all fingers indicate that the person is at ease in public and has a very flexible character.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is curls. Those on whose fingers curls predominate are distinguished by a varied and very difficult behavior. Despite their colossal endurance, they do not like to endure unpleasant circumstances. They are constantly dissatisfied with themselves, prone to self-examination and painful doubts. If most of the patterns are curls, then this is a confident, strong-willed, ambitious and purposeful person. They are individualists, peculiar and stubborn, and can also be originals and rebels. They can be withdrawn, distrustful and prone to solitude. These are strong and independent individuals who easily achieve success in everything.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is tent arches. People whose most drawings represent tent arches are enthusiastic, passionate and sincere. They are loyal and selfless, emotional, idealistic and socially active. In addition, they have a creative mind, they appreciate art and music, they are sensitive and live intense lives. inner life. Both arc and tent patterns indicate people who value traditions and revere family values and, despite their creative nature and liberal views, may seem old-fashioned.

The predominant pattern on the fingers is double loops. Most of these patterns indicate people who are diplomatic, insecure and receptive to arguments from both sides of the argument. They are balanced and want to live in a way that does not disturb others. At times they can be very touchy. These are down-to-earth, realistic and practical people who remain incorrigible idealists and dreamers at heart.

And now we will look at the main character traits with repeating patterns on the fingers and with their complete asymmetry. If there are curls on both fingers of Jupiter, then this indicates that such a person has a calling or destiny for some type of activity, for example, the desire to help others and feel useful to society. It also shows a strong need to be better than others in his chosen field. Such people should never be ordered or even told what to do, and in order to get something from them, you need to politely and without pressure simply ask for a favor.

The curl on the Mercury finger and the curl on the Apollo finger indicate an active subconscious. Such a person sees prophetic dreams, is very impressionable and has a vivid imagination.

The presence of curls on both thumbs speaks of individualism and originality. Their owner will never change his decisions and will not act differently. He is distinguished by great willpower, ambition and independence. It has also been noticed that the owner of a single curl on the thumb of his right hand is inclined to literally torment those around him with lengthy arguments, giving the impression of an intelligent and prudent person.

A loop on the thumb and curls on the rest indicate that such a person is capable of working in a team and, thanks to his individuality, can put his ideas into practice.

A curl on the finger of Jupiter of the right hand and a loop on the left finger indicate a lack of determination and independence when independently implementing ideas, and vice versa - a loop on the right finger of Jupiter and a curl on the left speak of a person who can succeed in any profession, but she will never will occupy first place for him (for left-handers, the arrangement of papillary patterns should be the other way around).

A curl on the middle finger and a loop on the finger of the other hand indicate that such a person accepts other people's ideas better than his own.

It has also been noted that when curls predominate on the right hand, then such a person is quick-tempered, but easy-going and does not remember the insult, and vice versa, when curls predominate on the left hand, then their owner tends to suppress anger, but will long remember the insult caused to him.

Quite often in practice it will be found that a person has both hands equally, or does not know which one is active, which can significantly complicate the analysis of personality when searching for karmic destiny. When faced with such a situation, you should know that the papillary pattern on the active hand will always be more complex than on the passive one. So, for example, a true left-hander will have a whorl on the Jupiter finger of the left hand and a loop on the right Jupiter finger. If the papillary pattern on both fingers of Jupiter is the same, then the fingers of Saturn look the same, etc.

And at the end of this section, I want to again turn to the statistics collected by dermatoglyphics experts. They argue that representatives of different sports differ significantly in papillary patterns. For example, in speed-strength sports, where you need to do your best in a short time, simpler patterns and the smallest ridge count are observed (this is the number of lines inside the pattern). On the contrary, the most complex pattern in combination with a high ridge count can be seen in athletes of those sports that require complex coordination of movements. An intermediate position in these indicators is occupied by sports that require endurance and static stability. In team sports, a slightly different picture is observed: there, the wider the athlete’s field of activity, the more complex the pattern on the fingers (for example, more curls, fewer loops, and no arcs at all).


Nails are made of a substance called keratin, which is a hard, dead form of protein. Nails are not only designed to protect the nerve cells that are concentrated on the first phalanx of the finger, but at the same time they tell us about the state of the entire body and in particular about the human circulatory system. In addition to determining health by the nail plate, you can recognize the main character traits by the shape of the nail, and when applying this data to each finger of the hand, you can understand with what attitude a person will realize himself in one or another area of ​​life. Since in this big topic Since we are studying the signs by which psychological character traits are determined, we will now skip the topic of health and focus entirely on how a person’s nails complement the personality traits we have already studied. In addition, I will show you how to learn to determine future events that will happen in a person’s life in two to three months using the points under the nail plates. The topic of nails is very simple to study and in terms of ease of perception is approximately equal to the topic we previously discussed about jewelry on the fingers.

Before you begin to describe personality characteristics based on the nail, you need to remember one rule for yourself: the nail normal length usually occupies exactly half of the first phalanx of the finger. If the nail occupies less than half of the phalanx, then it is considered short, and if more, it is considered long. A normal nail is shown in Figure 1.55.

Short and wide nails. A nail is considered short if its length is less than half of the upper phalanx, and wide if the width of the nail itself exceeds its length in comparison, as shown in Figures 1.56 and 1.56-1. Owners of such nails have a very large supply of energy, because the energy coming from the third phalanx of the finger to the first rushes upward, quickly reaches the tip of the nail, turns around and goes back into the finger.

A person with such nails has a very hot-tempered, but easy-going character. He quickly reacts to all events that happen to him, is very resourceful and witty. Sexually and emotionally aggressive, prone to jealousy and possessiveness. He likes to argue and in any case tries to defend his point of view. He may not be interested in the feelings of others, especially when it comes to open rivalry. When such a person realizes that he is wrong, he becomes gloomy, withdraws and withdraws into himself, unable to bear criticism.

If the nails are too short and at the same time wide, then their owner will be too aggressive, hot-tempered, irreconcilable and picky. Such nails reveal an avid debater who, if unable to defend his point of view, can turn into a bully and use his fists if he no longer has words left to convince his opponent.

Long and wide nails. Nails of this type occupy most of the upper phalanx of the finger and are wide, since they occupy almost the entire phalanx in width (Figure 1.57). The flow of energy has to travel a long way in order to be reflected from the edge of the nail.

Such nails are a sign of careful, impressionable and prudent people. They can be nervous and have a very sensitive psyche, but at the same time they have an open and kind soul. They are sympathetic, emotional and constant in their affections, prefer to engage in practical activities and strive to achieve success in whatever they do. They are often thinkers, but they lack the competitive spirit and intellectual power to defend their opinions. Being professionals in narrow fields, they have their own personal opinions on many issues, and it can be very difficult to convince them of something.

Wide and rounded nails. A nail of this shape has approximately equal length and width and is rounded at the nail bed (Figures 1.58 and 1.58-1). Streams of energy flow smoothly around such a nail, encountering virtually no obstacles along the way.

The owners of such nails are distinguished by a calm and gentle character. They may be worried and nervous, but very rarely lose their temper. In appearance they may seem thick-skinned, but this is far from the case, and in fact they are delicate and vulnerable natures. People who have this type of nail live by feelings, but are able to listen to opinions from the outside, and in unfavorable circumstances they can stand up for themselves, while showing their inherent courage and strength. This is the most harmonious type of nail, which averages out all the unfavorable properties of other nail forms.

Short spade-shaped nails. The main difference between such nails and representatives of other forms is that the nail bed has a triangular shape, expanding towards the end of the finger, which is why the nail occupies less than half of the first phalanx (Figures 1.59 and 1.59-1). The energy flows around the nail much faster than in the previous case, giving the person an explosive character.

People with such nails are ambitious, active, dynamic, intolerant and often subject to mood swings. They strive to find their niche in society and can use all their natural charm in order to become adored in the team. They have an unstable psyche, and any, even minor problems can easily make such people angry. In order to relieve excess stress, they play sports very often, and with desire and patience they can achieve good results in it. Also, people with such nails are characterized by all the qualities that are inherent in the owners of spade-shaped fingers, namely: earthiness, thirst for money and attachment to everything material to the detriment of spiritual development.

Long and narrow nails. Nails of this type are found only on the fair sex (Figures 1.60, 1.60-1 and 1.60-2). Energy flows do not go into the nail, but flow around it along the path of least resistance, that is, along both edges.

The external attractiveness of such a nail, unfortunately, does not endow its owner with a good, soft and compliant character. A large layer on both sides of the nail indicates selfishness. Such women can be charming and will even behave like children from time to time, but behind this mask lies a rather ambitious, possessive, materialistic and very capricious nature. They love everything good and expensive, but will never spend their own efforts in order to achieve all these benefits themselves. The narrower the nails, the more touchy and irritable a person is, while a nail that is too long gives its owner self-interest. In its extreme manifestation and when confirmed by other signs on the hand, this is the nail of a “bitch”, who is characterized by calculation in relationships and the use of people around her for her own selfish purposes. If the owner of such a nail “loses support under her feet” or her usual way of life somehow changes, then she becomes very irritable, nervous and excitable and begins to treat everything with suspicion, anxiety and tormented by doubts.

Almond shaped nails. Nails of this type are mainly found on conical fingers or on water-type hands (Figures 1.61 and 1.61-1). The energy smoothly flows around the nail, giving such a nail sophistication in characteristics.

Those with this type of nail are sensitive and receptive. They very subtly sense everything that happens around them and have developed intuition. In relationships with a partner, such people are devoted and emotional and tend to give more in love than to receive. They often feel insecure, are overly gullible and trusting, which is why they can be deceived by unscrupulous people. They are very closed and reluctant to share their inner experiences, but in life they always protect their inner world and almost never open up completely. Remember that once you lose their trust, you can never count on them to open up and trust you completely again. Also, such nails have the qualities of conical fingers.

Summing up the overall relationship between long and short nails, it should be noted that owners of long nails have a less critical and more impressionable character compared to owners of the second type. Long nails are characteristic of calmer, polite and flexible individuals, for whom everything in life comes relatively easily. Those with short nails are very skeptical and tend to analyze everything, logically and analytically examine any situation. They will defend their point of view to the end in any case, even if they are wrong. Such people have the character of an inveterate debater, which, however, can be softened by an excellent sense of humor.

And now, knowing the general characteristics of nails, let’s consider them in relation to the fingers, based on a comparison of their length and width. The tendency to criticize is determined by the fingernail of Jupiter, gullibility by the fingernail of Saturn, aggressiveness and the ability to stand up for oneself by the fingernail of Apollo, and insight by the fingernail of Mercury.

Tendency to criticize. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalanx of the finger of Jupiter, then the person is prone to criticism, pettiness and conflict. And vice versa, if the length exceeds the width of the nail, then this sign indicates naivety, compromise, reluctance to delve into the situation, simplification of details and embellishment of reality.

Gullibility. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalanx of the Saturn finger, then the person is not inclined to take his word for it and constantly double-checks the information received. He is skeptical, ironic, and has a tendency to make fun of those around him. On the contrary, if the length exceeds the width, then such a person is gullible, does not see the meanness of his partner and has a very painful reaction to deception.

Aggressiveness. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalanx of Apollo’s finger, then the person’s character has a tendency to object, increased aggression and vindictiveness. With an increased length of the nail, an inability to defend, an aversion to aggression, peacefulness and friendliness manifests itself. Quite often such a person takes a conciliatory position.

Insight. If the width of the nail exceeds its length on the first phalanx of the Mercury finger, then such a person is perceptive and has the ability to grasp all the details on the fly and penetrate to the very essence of things, thanks to which he rarely makes mistakes when making decisions. He is suspicious, but at the same time observant. If the length exceeds the width, then this sign indicates excessive gullibility, which is why such people very often become victims of intrigue and deception.

Nail structure. When analyzing the shape of a nail, you must pay attention to its structure and thickness, since these qualities will complement the psychological portrait of a person. Nails can be hard, soft and brittle in structure, and thick, normal or thin in thickness.

Hard nails testify to the decisive and firm character of a person who has very great vital energy. Such people are strong, powerful, persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time have great endurance.

Soft nails are the exact opposite of solids. Their owners sometimes lack energy and vitality. They need strong partners nearby who can charge them with energy and stimulate them in a certain way, otherwise owners of thin nails will quickly lose interest in everything and experience fatigue. They can often be subject to outside influence and manipulation.

Brittle nails- the first sign of a person’s nervousness. It is very important for such people to live in harmony both with the world around them and with themselves. They are not fighters, and when unforeseen situations or problems arise, they tend to get very nervous and worry, which harms their psyche and health in general. It has been noticed that those with brittle nails tend to walk in circles and may make the same mistakes, since they cannot always treat the situation soberly due to the abundance of different emotions.

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Papillary patterns

Fingerprints are formed even before birth, in the fourth month of embryonic development. From the moment of their formation, they never change again and remain for life, and after any minor trauma to the skin, their original structure is restored again. Each person's fingerprints are unique, and there is an opinion that there are no two people in the world with the same fingerprints, thereby proving that everyone is unique and inimitable in their own way. The index finger, i.e. the finger of the individual, carries the greatest information load associated with the high density of nerve endings. Systematization of papillary patterns gives an idea of ​​the characteristics of a person’s response style, which is associated with hormonal levels and the nervous system, as well as the activity of the cerebral cortex. Likewise, the structure of patterns on the fingertips depends on the organization of the flow of nerve impulses coming to the cortex and the response of the brain to external stimuli. The entire process of brain response is nevertheless strictly ordered, as are the features of the combination of lines in the papillary pattern.

As is known, different zones brain take on the processing of various functions of the body and the response to its changes in external environment. Much the same applies to the fingers, each of which is associated with the potential for perception and response, emotions and talents of a person. If the pattern of papillary lines on the same fingers of the left and right hands is the same, then this sign indicates a beneficial effect hereditary information, and the fingers only symbolize this hereditary transmission. Like the fingers, the subconscious and conscious are coordinated, and their response to external manifestations will have the same characteristics. That is why the style of responding to the surrounding reality does not change throughout life, since the muscular structure of the fingers and the papillary pattern itself do not change.

The science that deals with the study of papillary patterns is called dermatoglyphics, which translated means “derma” - skin, and “glyphics” means hollowing, engraving, and in general terms translates as “skin carving”. Dermatoglyphics, unlike palmistry, is recognized as an official science and deals primarily with the study of the papillary lines themselves on the fingertips, without interpreting or taking into account other signs of the hand. Therefore, in order not to confuse the young science and the oldest knowledge of palmistry, from dermatoglyphics we will only take modern name papillary patterns, but we will study their psychological characteristics only from the perspective of palmistry.

In total, in dermatoglyphics there are three main types of papillary patterns - arcs, loops and curls, and all other types are derived from them. Owners of arc patterns are people with a simple organization of nervous activity, they are stable and go straight to their intended goal. In the process of life, they do not torment themselves with unnecessary thoughts and doubts. The predominant loop pattern on the fingers speaks of a calm, friendly, flexible and responsive personality. These are average people with a wide range of interests who easily get along with others. Carriers of a curl pattern on the fingers are distinguished by the complexity of their organization and unpredictable behavior. They are individualists, inner-oriented, independent and purposeful.

According to studies conducted by dermatoglyphics specialists, long-livers are mainly representatives of the “loops”. This is the mystery of nature - why representatives of scroll patterns have the greatest energy for life. But besides this, as it turned out, an important factor in resilience is the plasticity of the psyche, the ability to adapt without unnecessary stress and internal tension, which is characteristic of representatives of the “loops”. Despite the fact that the owner of a loop pattern may not be able to cope with some life situation, but in the end, due to the flexibility of character, he finds himself in a more advantageous position, and eternally dissatisfied critics with “curls” are prone to self-destruction, quickly burning what what Mother Nature gave them. According to other studies conducted by experts, the owner of “curls”, to the best of his analytical abilities, will try to predict the development of the situation and strive to resolve it; a person with a loop pattern will act adequately to the situation, mainly intuitively, while a representative of an arc pattern, as a rule, acts stereotypically, in accordance with the norms of social behavior. Men, predicting a situation, become entangled in it themselves, often not finding a way out, while women act depending on the circumstances, which ultimately makes them more resilient and strong. Often, among the fair sex, the right decision comes as an insight, due to the fact that the female mind does not want to delve into the complex essence of things and phenomena, opening the way for the work of intuition. But there may be women who have a predominance of curls, so in their logical conclusions and analysis of surrounding phenomena they can be sharper and more insightful than most men. Telling these facts from the research of dermatoglyphic specialists who do not have direct relationship to palmistry, I wanted to interest you in the fact that this science, although young, is nevertheless very interesting for studying a person’s personality, so if you wish, you can easily find research materials on Internet resources and familiarize yourself with them.

And now, after the introductory part, we will begin to study the psychological characteristics of a person depending on the types of papillary patterns on the fingers. As you study, you will learn how character qualities change depending on the presence of arcs, loops or curls on the fingers. After reviewing this very simple material, you will be able to read a person’s character yourself, combining the knowledge gained with the shape of the hand and fingers.

Arc (arch)

An arc (Figure 1.48) is one of the most common variants of a papillary pattern on the fingers, somewhat reminiscent of a wave or an arch. Each of the arcs is located across the fingertip from edge to edge. In the center of the arc there is a bend, although differently expressed, but always directed upward. From the general appearance of the arc, we can conclude that the energy passes along the papillary lines and makes a slight bend in the middle. Thus, this energy is practically not retained in this area, which characterizes such a pattern with a minimum concentration of energy, which is consumed very quickly.

The arc represents fairly ordinary, flexible, good-natured people who prefer business to talk. You can hardly expect them to be brilliant mental abilities, since they prefer physical labor and manual work fresh air. People with such fingerprints are mostly practical, hardworking and resilient. As a rule, in family relationships these are faithful partners who are not inclined to polygamous relationships, but strive for fidelity and stability in marriage. The positive qualities of such people include balance, practicality and an amazing ability to be helpful. Among negative traits– emotional isolation, suspicion, dislike of change and unpreparedness for unforeseen situations and the perception of new ideas. In the intimate sphere, owners of arches on the fingers are always stereotypical and low-emotional, therefore, in a relationship with a more temperamental partner, they have practically no chance of keeping them due to the fact that the partner will most likely very quickly get bored with their uniformity and predictability. Inflexibility in sexual behavior is even more pronounced if the palm is empty and inflexible. Also, according to studies, people with arched fingers never create alliances with each other, since none of the partners is inclined to make concessions. Most often, owners of arcs unite in an alliance with owners of curls and, as a rule, lead in a married couple.

A low arc speaks of earthiness and materialism, and a high one indicates that a person is prone to idealism, and the higher on the finger it rises, the more this quality manifests itself.

And now, after describing the general character traits of the arc papillary pattern, let’s consider the psychological characteristics of each individual finger.

Arch on the pad of the thumb speaks of natural flair, as well as the ability to quickly achieve what is planned, which allows such people not to waste time in vain. If the arc is present on the conical finger, then it grounds the person, removes excessive impressionability and idealism, as well as excessive emotionality, setting him up to accept life as it is.

Arc on the index finger is a sign of reliability, decency and gullibility. Such a person is guided by principles that he is not going to revise. The arc on the conical finger of Jupiter allows its owner to achieve his goal and indicates determination and perseverance. If the arcs on both index fingers are complemented by the arcs on the remaining fingers, then such a person is overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings that are difficult for him to express in words. Career and social status will be aimed at maximizing the possibilities for enjoying life.

Arc on the middle finger indicates a balanced and realistic attitude to life, concentration on material values, adherence to duty, independence, the power of suggestion, as well as the ability to take advantage of any favorable circumstances. The rapid flow of energy along the papillary arch of the middle finger eliminates all the depth and wisdom of the planet Saturn, giving a person a tendency to physical work and the denial of mental and philosophical activity.

Arc on the ring finger corresponds to loyalty and integrity. A person, fulfilling his obligations, is very reluctant to change his lifestyle and does not want to give up his habits. The rapid flow of energy on this finger does not allow you to properly concentrate on something new, tying you to an already established way of life.

Arc on the little finger symbolizes dynamism, practicality and unsociability, but all these qualities are focused primarily on the material spheres of life, and abstract ideas are not welcomed or understood by such people. The energy in the arc passes very quickly, without stopping, which indicates an inability to communicate and focus on oneself.

Hip arch

The tent arch is a derivative of the simple arch (Figure 1.49). If the lines in the center of the papillary arch rise sharply upward, forming some kind of tent, then such an arch is called a tented arch. In the center of the arc, an axis is distinguished, which gives it a certain symmetry and retains energy in this area, therefore, based on the direction of this pattern, one can conclude about the direction of flow of all energy.

This arc pattern, which has an axis of symmetry, corresponds to the explosive type of character, which is determined genetically. People with this pattern are often full of ideas, original, interested in everything new and live a spiritual life. Often there are unexpected turns in their fate, in which they are able to quickly navigate and get out of all troubles without negative consequences. Typically, these people are distinguished by lightning-fast reactions, sometimes too hasty and explosive, which, in conditions critical situations can lead to misfortunes. Most often, this type of arc can be found in the hands of eccentric individuals who are endowed with wild imaginations, or, conversely, people who are prone to despondency due to the failure of their plans.

Such a person is constantly looking for something new in life or starting it over again. If he lives without following his karmic destiny, then an unexpected turn of events can radically change his life and put everything in its place. If a person feels that life places too high demands on him, he easily loses his temper. Internal balance is quickly lost, which is facilitated by an excitable type of nervous system. With such a papillary pattern, such instability does not always go away on its own and is fraught with big problems for a person in life.

Hip arch on the thumb is extremely rare. Such an arc strengthens an already difficult character, making a person even more stubborn and intractable.

Hip arch on the index finger indicates that a person is full of inspiration and ideas, thanks to which he is capable of much in life. By nature, he is given an innate enthusiasm that manifests itself in relation to any business, and high life potential. The energy of Jupiter is retained in the finger due to the axis of the tent, thereby giving that enthusiasm that makes a person unique.

Tent arch on the middle finger speaks of an innate desire for change, self-will and revolutionary intentions. If such arcs are on the middle fingers of both hands, then this indicates that the person is active and devotes himself entirely to work. He is interested in everything new, as he is very inquisitive by nature.

Hip arch on the ring finger reveals an innate sense of rhythm. Most often, such a person is endowed with the ability to dance and music. Typically, such people have an instinctive sense of what and how to wear and how to look best in order to stand out among others. Also, the tent arc denotes abilities in relation to one of the types of art. The flow of energy here is somewhat different compared to a simple loop, as a result of which it turns out that although creative ideas arise, they do not find practical application.

Tent arch on the little finger speaks of the ability to persuade and the ability to express one’s thoughts. There is an increase in characteristics, since the long passage of energy in the arc allows the potential of Mercury to be more fully revealed.

The temperament that the tent arch denotes corresponds to the choleric type. By nature he is an extrovert, nervous and easily excitable.

A loop

The loop is the most common pattern in Russia. Papillary lines rise from the delta upward, reach the edge of the finger and return back. There are two types of loops - oriented outward and inward. If the loop is directed outward, towards the thumb, then it is called radial (Figure 1.50-3), and if inward, towards the little finger, then it is ulnar, or ulnar (Figures 1.50; 1.50-1; 1.50-2). In order to accurately distinguish a loop from an arc, it is necessary to remember that the loop is distinguished by the presence of one triradius, which is not present in the arc. A triradius is a figure of papillary lines in which lines from three directions converge at one point, forming something like a triangle (shown in black in photo 1.50). The energy in such a papillary pattern flows smoothly from below, rises upward and then smoothly falls, creating a harmonious distribution of energy in the finger.

People with this pattern on their fingers are distinguished by their ease of communication and flexible, moderate character. They are very sociable, talkative and know how to easily get along with people, feeling confident in any company. They react very sensitively to changes happening around, especially those with flexible palms. This trait contributes to building successful relationships with others. Such people intuitively sense a change in the psychological climate in the team and in the attitude of others towards themselves, which allows them to quickly change the topic of conversation and behavior. They know how to amazingly quickly adapt to their partner’s mood, predicting his every word and action. If in a marriage both partners have loops on their fingers, then they are able to adapt to each other to such an extent that common decisions will be given to them easily and freely.

The positive qualities of such people include flexibility of character and a sober outlook on things, but the main disadvantage is that they lack individuality, which is why they are classified as the “golden mean”.

The direction of the loop symbolizes the direction of spiritual energy, for which the corresponding finger is responsible. The radial loop indicates that all energy is mainly aimed at improving the personality, and the ulnar loop indicates that the main need of a person is fulfillment in his environment. Radial loops are most often found on the index fingers and less often on the big and middle fingers.

Radial loop on thumb indicates people who are able to realize their intentions always and everywhere.

Radial loop on index finger speaks of people who are able to adapt to circumstances in order to achieve their goals. Also, radial loops report a person’s dynamic and impulsive temperament. The only one negative trait for such people, which I have discovered in my practice, is that such people constantly need to look up to someone. From this they receive an incentive that multiplies their efforts many times over. It’s good if they find a truly worthy example to follow, then this will certainly serve as a real impetus for great things, but if the example turns out to be negative, then they can just as easily slide down the social and karmic ladder. In order to understand how a radial loop works, imagine that it is a funnel that is capable of drawing in anything from the outside. If the environment is good, then such a person will “draw into himself,” adopt and emulate everything good, but if the examples nearby turn out to be negative, then such a noose will pull in everything unpleasant. In any case, this is given genetically and you will have to fight this quality of character by carefully planning your actions and constantly analyzing your actions in order to have time to think about the consequences in time.

Radial loop on middle finger indicates a person with an analytical mindset who strives for professional and social growth, is independent in work and is very reluctant to accept the opinions of others.

The ulnar loop is oriented towards the little finger. It symbolizes openness and demonstrates the ability to adapt to the environment.

Elbow loop on the thumb speaks of innate flexibility and the ability to adapt to circumstances. If such a loop is on a hard thumb, then it partly compensates for the straightforwardness and “sluggishness” of the owner.

Elbow loop on index finger belongs to a person who knows how to adapt to circumstances and who is not driven by ambition. He is versatile, flexible and prone to improvisation. With a strong index finger and a pronounced Mount of Jupiter, the ulnar loop reveals the sanguine person’s temperament in all its diversity.

Elbow loop on middle finger indicates a practical mindset and collectivism. Such people are not inclined to hold strong opinions regarding other people for a long time due to the fact that energy does not stay in the loop for a long time and, having passed through it, goes outside.

Elbow loop on the ring finger shows an innate interest in artistic creativity and an easy-going, easy-going character. If at the same time the loop is extended upward and approaches the beginning of the first phalanx, then such a person can achieve heights in art, but more in theory than in practical implementation.

Elbow loop on the little finger speaks of contact, flexibility and the ability to find a common language with any person. Its owners easily perceive new ideas, are insightful, moderately impulsive and have the ability to do and say the right things at the right time, although in general they express themselves only in words rather than in other ways.

Papillary loops are also distinguished by the type of location on the finger and are divided into low, medium and high.

A low-lying loop (Figure 1.50-1) reveals a person’s ability to realize his talents in practice. If the loop is located high, its owner has the ability for abstract thinking and his own ideals. If the loop occupies a central position, as shown in Figure 1.50-2, then a person can realize his abilities equally in theory and in practice.

Double loop

A double loop (Figure 1.51) is a derivative of a simple loop and consists of two intertwisting loops that transform into one another. The central coil has its own “twin”, slightly shifted to the periphery. Typically, below these double loops there are two triradii (shown in white). The flow of energy in this pattern is very interesting: on the one hand, energy flows along the outer loop, and on the other, it similarly flows along the inner loop, creating a kind of magnet between the two poles, where tension arises.

Among the whole range of qualities represented by the double loop, one can highlight the ability to establish connections and harmonious existence in a social environment. This type of loop speaks of livability, great flexibility and natural adaptability. People who have this type of pattern on their fingers have multifaceted interests and know how to combine incongruous things. They have a keen sense of nuances in communication, prefer to avoid sharp corners and take a wait-and-see approach in conflict situations. At the same time, such people have difficulty making decisions, because before taking any step, they first need to consider it in all details.

Double loop on thumb indicates people who do not tolerate any hesitation when making decisions and prefer the formula “better this way than nothing,” but one cannot fail to recognize their talent and versatility. They can look at an issue or problem from all sides and make the only correct decision.

Double loop on index finger speaks of nervousness and changeability of a person’s beliefs in relation to life values and goals. The energy on this finger can be both negative and positive: on the one hand, a person can understand different points of view, on the other, a person’s internal conflicts are inevitable when realizing his ambitious plans.

Double loop on middle finger reports the ability to adapt to the social environment and in the professional sphere. At the same time, she indicates uncertainty about her own calling. In this case, the tension factor is so strong that the pattern on the middle finger is considered negative, since the middle finger creates harmony and is able to balance between the conscious and subconscious, and the flow of energy in the pattern creates an imbalance that turns into an internal conflict with oneself.

Double loop on the ring finger speaks of an inability to adapt and instability of relationships with a partner. In addition, it indicates multifaceted talents in the field of arts. Here again a tension factor is created, so a person often changes in one direction or the other.

Double loop on the little finger indicates a closed character, provided that the lower loop is turned radially, i.e. inward. If the lower loop is open outward (ulna), then the character of such a person becomes too strongly influenced by Mercury, as a result of which he may show an interest in languages ​​and trade, and his speech will be characterized by some floridness. Multilateral hobbies will interfere with the qualitative development of the individual and affect decision-making. Such a person, despite his characteristic indecisiveness, will be very sociable.

Where did the teaching about finger patterns come to us? It appeared in England back in the 19th century in order to make up psychological portraits criminals. The first scientific work, which presented knowledge about patterns on hands, was written by the brother of Charles Darwin. The science of hand patterns is called dermatoglyphics.

Curls on the fingers are also called papillary patterns. Such patterns are formed in a person in the womb. Each individual has a strictly individual shape and pattern. No two people have the same finger patterns. Even siblings are different. This is why it is so easy to identify a person using fingerprints. It's like a personal signature that never changes.

What do curls mean and what do they say?

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People with curls are bright individualists with a complexly organized psyche. They are very vulnerable. They have excellent memory, a close connection with the subconscious and abstract thinking. These bright individualists are quite selfish, ambitious, secretive and touchy.

Rare patterns on the fingers give them fame, the opportunity to reach the top in various areas life, but at the same time they threaten nervous breakdowns and mental disorders. The more curls, the more pronounced is the inability of such people to make money from their talents. These people need smart managers who will take care of their promotion.

People with curls find it very difficult to work in a group. They are individualists, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing and purposefully pursue a career. They scatter themselves into many things instead of concentrating on the main thing. They find fault with something, hesitate and waste time, while others do not hesitate and move forward.

The presence of almond-shaped (elongated) curls on the fingers indicates people with unusual mystical abilities and the gift of persuasion. These are pastors, priests, psychics, writers, psychotherapists.

Curls and loops on the fingers

Curls and loops on the fingers are divided into three types, depending on their shape. These are curls, arcs and loops. According to statistics, 65% of people wear loops on their fingers. 30% of people live with curls and 10% live with arches.
Loops indicate a fairly developed individual, and diversified, with talents, mental and spiritual. A little cautious and unsure of themselves. They are friendly, sensitive and emotional. Pretty good at sex. They really want to develop and assert themselves.

The loops are divided into radial (directed towards the thumb) and ulnar (directed towards the little finger). In general, any loops indicate flexibility and improvisation. Loops have a developed intelligence, a penchant for risky activities and independence. Such people are determined and have many hobbies. Good leaders.
Owners of curls can represent diametrically opposed personalities: from the most talented poets to the most cruel maniacs.

Maniacs and murderers also have curls, but they have more curls on one arm than on the other, which gives them extreme imbalance. If the right hand has a large number of curls, then the owner of the hand is a quick-tempered but easy-going person. It is desirable that the curls on the arms are located symmetrically.

Curls on the palm

The meaning of curls on a person’s palm varies depending on where in the palm they are located. For example, if the curls are located on the hill of the Moon, then they greatly enhance the properties of the Moon, i.e. here we can talk about a person’s mental illness.

Curls on the thumb

If the curls on the hand are on the thumb, then this sign indicates a very good memory of its owner and conservatism.

Curls on the index finger

The presence of curls on the index finger indicates an initiative and restless person.

on the left hand

If there are more curls on the left hand than on the right, then we have a secretive and vindictive citizen with a huge number of obsessions and complexes. For example, this is exactly the hand that the notorious and most cruel maniac Chikatilo had.

It is known that on Chikatilo’s left hand there was a complex pattern on the Mount of Venus, at the base of the thumb and a pattern at the base of the little finger. It was from the drawings on his hand that they were able to identify this maniac, who had been elusive for many years. The specialist noticed photos of the hands of several suspects on the investigator’s desk and unmistakably pointed to the maniac.

among the Jews

Even a person's nationality can be determined by the presence of curls on certain fingers. For example, if an individual has a curl on the middle finger of his right hand, then we can assume that this is a representative of Jewish nationality (although this sign is also found among Ukrainians). But if there is a curl on this finger and also a loop on the little finger, then with greater confidence we can assume that the person is of Jewish nationality. If all the signs on all the fingers are loops, then we have a Jew with some kind of biological disorder.

Arches on the palm and fingers

People with arched fingers are quite conservative. They are practical, calculating and have great difficulty expressing their thoughts. They do poorly in science, but solve ordinary problems quite well. They, like tanks, decisively move towards their goal, not allowing doubts and hesitations.

In marriage they are faithful, but demanding. They want to receive exceptional loyalty in return. In bed they are not very active and monotonous. In general, the arcs indicate a practical and conservative person. Such a person can be called a “stone wall” - he is so reliable.

Depending on where in the palm the arches are located (on which hillock, in the area of ​​which hill), they have their own specific characteristics. An arc on the Mount of Apollo, for example, indicates a person’s interest in the mystical side of life and developed intuition.

As you can see, the science of finger patterns is very interesting and deserves more detailed study.

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