What does a double life line on the palms mean? Life line on hand

If you look at a photo of two people’s hands, you can see different life lines, which means that everyone has their own destiny. Palmistry studies the pattern of lines on the hand and helps to reveal information about events in a person’s life.

Palmistry studies the pattern of lines on the hand

The lines are read on both hands, the dominant one is the main one (for a right-hander - the right, for a left-hander - the left). By the active hand they read what happened and what changes should be expected, and by the second - how it was determined by fate from birth.

Many people, relying on the pattern on their palm, are ready to accept their fate. However, lines are capable of changing during the course of life. Some bifurcate, send out branches and lengthen, others shorten and receive additional signs. A person is the creator of his own destiny, and the lines can only indicate, warning against failures and serious losses.

Characteristics of the Life Line

The life line is the most important when reading the hand, as it represents a constant. The ideal line is considered to be smooth, shallow, without breaks or additional symbols. They are divided according to their characteristics:

  • deep, indicates that the person has strong strong-willed qualities, a lot of energy;
  • shallow, which shows that a person needs additional energy, he needs peace and quiet more;
  • different depths over the entire surface indicate a change in health status.

Depending on the length, we can talk about the quality of life, but not about the duration. If it is short and does not reach the middle of the palm, this means limited physical strength; the person’s relatives often died at a young age. Long indicates excellent physical condition; if there are no other marks, then a predisposition to longevity.

Why can’t we judge life expectancy based on the length of the life line? One of the main factors that influences changes in life expectancy is the acquisition bad habits, not quite conducting healthy image life.

If the line on the active hand bifurcates at the end, this means that there is no need to worry about your health, illnesses will be avoided. The double line predicts happiness and wealth; in women it is an indicator of sensuality. When additional signs and symbols are located on the hand, this indicates influence various factors both favorable and negative.

Meaning of the signs

If you look closely at the line, you can see small but obvious signs. What could they mean? A small triangle indicates receiving a decent amount of money; during this period it is possible to receive an inheritance or cash gain. In the case when a triangle is located on a line, as if interrupting it, this impedes the flow vital energy, can talk about events related to the fire. A person will not necessarily suffer physically in it; material costs are possible.

When there is a square on the line, it symbolizes protection or patronage. If it interrupts the line on the hand, then this means the neutralizing effect that it has on diseases, that is, it speaks of a speedy recovery. A square located towards the Mount of Venus has a completely different meaning; this indicates imprisonment, it is not necessarily imprisonment, there are many options.

Islands located on the line speak of a temporary loss of strength and illness. The larger the island, the more difficult it is to recover from illness.

When this line bifurcates, as if changing direction, or places a large branch on the Mount of the Moon, this means distant and long-term departures from one’s hometown, from home.

Double line

A double life line on the hand is a good sign, especially when the pattern is clearly visible, with a slight indentation. Its location is on the inner side of the Mount of Venus and parallel to the main line of life. Owners of such a sign on the palm were “born in a shirt”; they always have an additional supply of vital energy.

Sometimes it happens that with the passage of time a bifurcated life line appears on the palm. This means that a person himself influences his own destiny, he has found a patron who will protect him and help him in every possible way in life. The patron can be the real individual(relative, friend, lover or acquaintance) and an astral object.

It happens that the double line of life bifurcates when a person immerses himself in religious teachings and develops spiritually. If at this moment a person notices changes on the life line, he can perceive this fact as approval higher powers. From this moment his life will change better side, will become more successful and happier, higher powers will guide you through life and help you in all your endeavors. The location on the right or left palm will be of particular importance.

If it is on the left palm (passive for a right-handed person), then the bearer of such a mark has early childhood It was difficult with my parents, they had different views on life. As a result, two various systems values, even religion. In his youth, a person will be faced with choosing his own path, but he will choose a more slippery, thorny path.

When this line is located on the active one, right hand(for a right-handed person) this means that from birth a person is endowed with a large supply of vital energy, it is in full swing. In this case, a person acquired a defender only thanks to his efforts and accomplished deeds. The life of such a person is divided by two personalities, duality is observed in everything; at work he can be a strict, demanding boss, but in the family henpecked.

For a representative of the fair sex, such a line indicates difficulties in the profession and family life. It will be difficult for a woman to combine two roles - wife, mother and successful employee, but she will never give up any of them.

Judging by the general interpretation of double lines, they are an additional support. If there is no forked life line on your hand, you should not be upset; this does not mean at all that your life is full of failures. It is worth reconsidering life principles and views. By making the right conclusions about your existence, you can change the course of your life, and over time, you will find signs in your palm that mean happiness and prosperity.

It owes its name to the “palmists of antiquity,” who from time immemorial used it to predict life expectancy. The area of ​​health and judgment about the supply of vitality are associated with this line.

On the left hand it shows the hereditary constitution of a person. On the right hand, this line marks all upcoming and past events and diseases.

The Life Line is the most important because it is the most constant of all the lines. The lines of the Mind (head) and Heart are sometimes, although rarely, absent, the line of Life is never.

An impeccable line of Life is considered to be a smooth, clear, thin, not too deep fold, running from beginning to end without the slightest interruption and without any extraneous signs on it in the form of dots, stars, crosses, etc.

If the life line is long and strongly marked, then this is a sign of physical and mental vitality.

Too thin, even if long, perfectly defined and clean, is a sign of unstable health, nervousness, but still indicates longevity.

The long and thin line of Life indicates an impressionable and soft person who, if necessary, can decide on extraordinary perseverance and endure unexpectedly much.

Being very wide is more a sign of muscular strength than vigor.

A too wide, deep, red line of Life means cruelty and viciousness, a tendency to crime.

If the Life line is long and bifurcates at the end, then this is a sign that a person need not fear for his health; he is exceptionally immune to disease.

Short and strongly defined, it indicates mainly a person who is strong and stable, but prone to excessively scattering his strength.

Short and poorly sketched indicates a very strong nature, one that must balance its strength with its intentions and live in moderation.

If the line of Life goes unevenly, bends, has unequal depth and tension, then this is a sign of precarious health, but does not predict an early death, because a person can live to a very old age with all kinds of illnesses.

Should not be given of great importance the length of the Life line. Palmists generally look at the signs that exist on the palm as warning signs, and not as decisive ones.

If fate with a short Life line predicts for you short life, be careful, take care of your health and live long. And vice versa, do not rely on a long line: if you waste your strength unwisely, then you will shorten your life no matter how long it is.

A break in the Life line indicates illness or a tendency to it, especially if it is visible on both hands. If it consists of small segments, then this is clearly a sign of poor health, poor digestion and lack of vitality.

A rather formidable sign in this regard is the abrupt interruption of the Life line. This predicts either a very dangerous illness or violent death.

Palmists advise that children who have this phenomenon be very protected. It happens that two pieces of the Life Line are connected to each other by a figure similar to a quadrangle - a person is in danger of dangerous disease or misfortune, but everything will go well.

It is necessary to pay attention to the beginning of this line. If at the beginning it is forked, forming forks, then this is a sign of especially strong, indestructible health.

If the Life line bifurcates parallel to the Mind line and the second is less visible, then this indicates that the person is not used to working; he is persistent, demanding a lot for himself, striving for constant superiority.

If it begins high at the base of the Mount of Jupiter, the person has good control over himself. His destiny will be subject to his ambition. If the line is below, it indicates lesser degree self-control.

If, looking carefully at the line of Life, you pay attention to a whole series of points, i.e. small depressed places, then you can conclude that a person is threatened with frequent illnesses, but not life-threatening.

An island on the line is a bad sign. This is a sign of poor health, anemia, malaise, and thinness. Some consider the island a sign of mysterious illegitimate origins.

The Life line can have branches directed up and down.

Branches going upward, that is, to the lines of the Mind and Heart, foreshadow all sorts of everyday blessings, success in business, indicate knowledge of very active life; descending branches - poverty, failure. A branch extending from the line into the triangle is considered a particularly reliable sign of wealth.

If a branch extends from the Life line towards the Mount of the Moon, then this indicates death abroad after a long stay there.

Sometimes, at the beginning or end of a line, a cross-shaped figure can be discerned. Such a cross at the beginning of the line (at the top between the thumb and forefinger) is fully consistent with the expression “to bear the cross” and means a life full of failures and disasters. The cross below means happy life or old age.

The double Life line predicts happiness or wealth. Some consider this phenomenon a sign of great sensuality, especially in women. If one of the paired lines is broken, this may be a sign of a non-life-threatening illness.

Time (age) along the life line

To determine the time along the Life line, let's turn to the figure on the left: lower a vertical line from the middle of the base of the index finger to the Life line, we get the age of 10 years.

As we can see, it is very easy and convenient to calculate time from just one point.

Also, for convenience, you can break the line into smaller segments to make dating more accurate.

Life line options

The figure on the left shows options for the Life line; let’s consider each of them in order:

1. Non-overlapping gap

This configuration indicates a sharp change in a person’s living conditions, which can be caused by anything (for this you need to look at other lines).

2. Short

Contrary to popular belief, it does not mean a short life at all, but indicates poor health and lack of vitality.

3. Overlapping gap

Such a gap indicates a smooth change in living conditions; at the same time, human resources double for the time the lines are blocked.

4. Self-intersecting Life Line

This position of the lines reflects a health crisis, to determine which it is necessary to look at other areas and lines, as well as measure time along the Life line.

This Life line indicates a person who spends most of his life traveling, away from home.

6. Open gap

It poses a health hazard; if confirmed on other lines, you must contact an experienced palmist.

Signs on the Life Line and their meaning

The dot may be red or dark. A red dot indicates a danger from nature, a dark dot indicates health problems due to illness. Consider other signs too!

The island indicates a period of poor health, fatigue, and lack of vitality for the duration of the sign. If the entire line of Life goes in the form of a chain and consists of islands, the person has poor health and often gets sick.

3. Triangle

Danger to life, treated as an accident. A thorough analysis of the entire palm is required; we recommend that you consult a specialist. The sign must be clearly expressed and be on both hands; if the sign is on one hand, the situation is probabilistic.

4. Mole

A mole indicates unfavorable events that are fatal in nature, but are quickly forgotten as they pass. As a rule, events relate to health and financial condition.

The cross shows a danger to the heart; health problems are possible because of it. You should analyze the heart line, as well as make a general health diagnosis of your hand.

The star indicates a very bright event in a person’s life and most likely a negative one, since the negative is most strongly etched in the memory! Analyze the line of fate and the line of mind.

The circle indicates problems with vision and back. Pay attention to the condition of your vision organs, consult an ophthalmologist. Also watch your back.

Life Line on the Palm

Let's look at this line, make markings along it and try to describe some of the signs.

Pay attention to the drawing - the diagram, which is located on the left. It is marked following signs: 1 - point, 2 - island, 3 - rising line, 4 - secant, 5 - gap and 6 - fork.

Let us denote time, which is evenly spaced from top to bottom. Let's take the beginning of the Life line as 0. To find age, let's lower the vertical line between the index and middle fingers.

At the intersection with the Life line, it will indicate the age of 20 years. Let's mark the line in equal sections of 20 years, after which we calculate the age of specific signs. We immediately present the final result - the age is indicated in white numbers next to a specific sign.

As you can see in the figure, at the age of 18 there is a dot on the Life line. As we said above, this is a danger from the elements of nature. Since the dot is dark, these are health problems due to illness.

The island is marked with two dates of 20-23 years, since its influence extends throughout this sign. The island indicates a period of poor health, as well as a protracted illness from 20 to 23 years.

Pay attention to the Life line after completing the island - if it returns to normal, then the person’s health will improve.

3. Rising line at 25 years old

It indicates favorable events at the age of 25, for example: career, the birth of a child, the fulfillment of a dream, strong and positive events in a person’s life. Interesting fact- the Life line in children, as a rule, is formed very clearly and changes little during life.

4. Lines crossing the Life line

Such lines are usually called secant lines. They are also called lines of influence, but this name is not entirely appropriate. In the example we see a line crossing the Life line at the age of 32.

Such a line is interpreted as a strong and Negative influence relatives, which causes problems in a person’s life. Fortune telling along the line of Life differs from its study in that the researcher does not try to guess the event and age, but operates with exact meanings and interpretations.

5. Breaks

Breaks represent a change in the line of Life as a result of which the line ends and continues in another place.

A short Life line does not mean short life, since there is no direct relationship between its length and life expectancy. In children, this line may have breaks, but this does not mean that it will remain like this throughout the child’s life.

There may also be two lines of Life on the hand, in which case the person has increased health and physical endurance!

A broken line primarily indicates strong changes in the usual way of life. What caused these changes and what are they? Here it is worth looking at how the Life line continues after a break: if it is deeper and clearer, then the person’s health will be restored, but if it is less pronounced, then it is worth considering the issue of health more closely.

In our example, we see the Life line that breaks at 44 years. The gap does not overlap, the line does not change its usual course and continues in the same direction as before the gap. This situation is interpreted as abrupt, strong and long illness at 44 years old.

From possible options- back disease or back problems, but for an accurate diagnosis you need to study middle finger(he is responsible for the back), the entire line of Life (have there been such problems before), nails (for pathological changes), as well as small signs that may indicate a predisposition to such diseases.

6. Bifurcation

As we see, at the age of 52 the Life line bifurcates. At first glance, such a split is negative and does not bode well.

At the same time, such a configuration can be very interesting: the point is that you need to pay attention and study how the line changes after this fork.

In the case when the bifurcated end of the Life line loses its strength and depth, we can talk about a severe weakening of a person’s health. When the Life line strengthens, we conclude that there is a positive force that helps a person.

What does the double line of Life on the hand mean?

IN in rare cases we can observe a double line of Life on the hand. This configuration indicates a large reserve of physical strength. In literature, it is called the “line of Mars”, “line of the Guardian Angel”, in the Indian tradition, it is called the “line of parents”.

In the first case, we see an interpretation according to the properties of the hill of Mars through which it passes; in the second case, it is interpreted as a line of influence extending from the line of life and indicating the influence of parents in a person’s life.

Even to the common man it is clear that the double line absorbs many meanings and characteristics, reflecting interesting features person.

Of the most bright examples- a double line of Life in the hands of Yasser Arafat, on whom during his life many assassination attempts were made and none of them were successful.

Other signs on the hand and their meaning

People with the right life line have not only good health, but also a stable psyche. It is difficult to unbalance them and upset them with something, maybe that is why life goes well. These are hardy people who never give up and take the maximum benefits from fate.

A thin, barely noticeable line speaks of an insecure and suspicious person. He has little vital energy, so he is not in good health and does not have charisma. As a rule, these are losers in life who simply exist. They perceive any negative situations acutely, worry for a long time and often suffer from colds.

If this line is located too close to the thumb, it will indicate a tendency to dramatize events. A person can fall into a depressed state for any reason and not get out of it for a long time.

Double line

Sometimes you can find a double life line. What does this mean? Palmists claim that the second line shows a strong human genetic fund. These people are the owners of powerful self-healing energy, they are knee-deep in the sea and can handle everything. In addition, they have a very strong will, which few people manage to bend.

These are the darlings of fate, optimists and lucky ones. They go through life singing and are not afraid of anything. A bright line can predict brilliant career military, and dark red will show a heartthrob or a loving person. Such people are very attractive to others because they have charisma. However, the envy of others is not a hindrance for them - powerful energy is capable of suppressing any energy message in their direction.

What do the thin lines that cross the life line mean? They indicate a person’s emotional mobility. A very good sign near this line is - it speaks of unexpected wealth. But the triangle, located directly on the line itself, symbolizes possible death in a fire.

If the lines rise up towards the fingers, this indicates a constant replenishment of vitality. It’s bad if the lines are directed towards the wrist - your vitality is constantly decreasing.

Forked line

What does it mean if a line bifurcates? This can be seen when there is a short life line. This indicates a lack of vitality. These people often get sick, are constantly tired and look apathetic. But if the life bar bifurcates at the very top, this predicts the patronage of an authoritative person.

Short line

Many people believe that a short life line predicts early death. Is it so? Palmists claim that this speaks of the coldness of a person’s nature, and not of his short age. But if the line suddenly breaks off right at the thumb, this may be a sign of premature death.

Is it possible to extend your life? Globa proposed his own version of life extension: you need to draw exactly the stripe that you need on your right hand every day. This is a kind of programming to extend your life. Draw the stripe with a pen with red ink or a red felt-tip pen until your living space expands. How can this be felt? First intuitively, and then you will notice that your life line has lengthened in the palm of your hand.

Danger signs

Many people get scared when they see a gap in the main line of the palm. How to determine how long to live? Is the gap really showing? sudden death? Palmistry reassures on this score, saying that a break symbolizes changes in life. For example, a person will change his worldview or move from one faith to another.

However, if breaks are visible on both palms in the same place, it is worth considering. Sometimes it symbolizes an accident or some tragedy in life. If crosses or dashes appear on the lines, this may warn of risky situations or illnesses.

A bad sign is the combination of three lines into one - the lines of life, heart and head. What is the meaning of this combination? This speaks of a person’s adventurous character, love of adrenaline and risky adventures. As a rule, such individuals do not live long, as they die in the next adventure.

Sometimes on the life line you can see islands that look like eyes. This indicates vision problems. If instead of islands you can see large islands, the sign warns of a serious illness. However, if you notice the squares, it means that higher powers will protect you from premature death.

The grille is considered a very unfavorable sign. This is a symbol of restrictions of any kind, including a prison cell. However, there is no need to be upset in advance, because the grid indicates both military service and study at a private college.

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In palmistry, a double life line is a special sign. Its owners are the lucky ones who are lucky in life, some of them have patronage from above. But the meaning of this symbol is not always clear. Additional marks and designs on both hands influence the interpretation of the sign. Palmists are confident that a detailed study of the double life line will allow us to learn a lot about a person and protect him from unpleasant situations in the future.

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      How does a double life line manifest itself?

      There is a double life line on both hands. One of the hands is considered active and the other passive. For a right-hander, active means the right hand. All changes in life that a person has made himself with the help of his own willpower and actions will be reflected in it. The left hand for a right-handed person is considered passive, so those signs of fate that were destined from birth will be visible here. If a right-handed person has signs on his right hand that are not on his left, then he is a strong-willed person capable of changing his destiny. For a left-handed person, the meaning of the hands changes places.

      • Palmists advise comparing the drawings on both palms, studying them in detail and only then drawing conclusions.

        The main life line usually goes around the Mount of Venus and the lower Mount of Mars. The second life line runs from inside Mount of Venus and parallel to the main one from beginning to end. In some cases, the life line bifurcates into two branches only in the lower part of the palm, closer to the hand.

        The outline of the line can be:

        • clear and deep or superficial and barely noticeable;
        • intermittent or continuous;
        • short or long;
        • with or without additional drawings;
        • with or without deformations.


        In most cases, a double life line is a good sign. For a right-handed man, the location of such a sign on the left hand speaks of the duality of human nature, the presence of several views on the world. One look came from my mother, and the other from my father. If the sign appears on the right hand, then the owner of such a palm is a persistent and strong-willed person who is able to overcome difficult trials and has great vitality.

        For a woman, the presence of a double life line speaks of perseverance and perseverance in achieving what she wants. Such a woman goes towards her goal despite all difficulties; she is very sensual and emotional.

        For both sexes, the second line always means support in life - from the father, clan or higher powers (guardian angel). Perhaps the owner of this sign has a twin brother or sister, which is also considered support.

        The second life line appears in several cases:

        • when a person begins to follow the spiritual path of development, he goes into some kind of religious teaching;
        • when a person himself is able to influence his destiny and change it for the better;
        • when the owner of the sign has another guardian angel.

        Another interesting option is if the fork appears only in the lower part of the palm. The owner of such a sign in certain moment life will take up something that he has not tried before.

        Deep or superficial line

        A clear and deep double life line shows that a person has good health and a stable life. An additional plus is if the line is long and reaches the brush. In this case, the person is a long-liver.

        IN otherwise, when the line is superficial and barely noticeable (dull), a person has health problems, lack of strength, or some problems in life (personal, financial). It is advisable to take care of yourself and improve your health.

        The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

        Long and short lines

        Although some palmists talk about a direct relationship between life expectancy and the length of the life line, there is no exact pattern between these parameters. The line is an indicator indicating the amount of vital energy given to a person from birth. The more energy a person has, the more resilient and stronger he is, and the longer his life line. It may change over time. The nature of the changes depends on the owner’s personality, character, perseverance, willpower and decisions made at certain stages of life.

        The longer the line, the larger the semicircle it encircles around the thumb (mount of Venus) and the further it is located from it. This option indicates that the individual has a lot of vitality, she is distinguished by special enthusiasm, love of life and positivity. A person with such a sign is capable of feats of labor, he quickly recovers after physical activity, loves active recreation.

        The smaller the line, the closer it is to the Mount of Venus. The owner of this sign has little energy, he is slow, weak, passive and gets tired quickly, needs frequent relaxation and rest. The solution in this case will be regular physical activity, exercise, healthy eating and therapeutic procedures to strengthen the immune system.

        Intermittent and continuous

        A solid double line without breaks is a good sign that indicates normal healthy life. The meaning only changes if additional pictures are present.

        Deciphering a broken line is becoming more difficult. This sign is peculiar, and its meaning varies depending on the length of the breaks and their location. There are 4 options for breaks:

    1. 1. A small tear (about 1 mm) indicates short-term problems or illnesses.
    2. 2. A large gap (more than 1 mm) indicates illness or life difficulties that will take a longer period of time than in the first case.
    3. 3. A break with a displacement of lines towards the Mount of Venus is a very unfavorable sign, which indicates a decrease in vitality due to a severe illness. A more difficult case is when the sign is manifested on both palms - you need to seriously think about your life, reconsider your worldview and take care of your health.
    4. 4. A break with a line shifting away from the Mount of Venus is a good sign; it speaks of positive changes in life: moving to other countries, fateful events, meeting an important person.

    If gaps are present only on the left hand, then some important events will not come true.

    Additional drawings on the double life line

    The lines crossing the double line indicate difficulties that a person will face at a certain moment. This is a harmless symbol, but it is worth paying attention to.

    Islands (circles, ovals) are also an unfavorable sign, indicating loneliness, problems, depression and stress. The owner needs to reconsider his views and seek help from a psychologist.

    A square is a sign that carries several meanings for the owner. If it is located at the place where the line breaks and covers it, then this indicates a favorable completion of affairs - the person will cope with difficulties. If the square is simply on the line, then this is a sign of a person’s internal isolation at a certain point in time, imprisonment, a secluded lifestyle or study are possible.

    A triangle is a good omen, indicating that a person has special talents, for example, persuasion, thinking or creating brilliant things.

    Branches pointing upward represent luck in life and opportunities that await in the future. The dot is an omen of severe stressful situations and health problems. A fork is a good sign that indicates honors and wealth awaiting its owner. The person will become a famous poet, writer, artist or scientist.

    If there are different deformations on the double life line, then this is a sign of difficulties and trials during certain periods of time.

    In general, palmists interpret a double line as a sign of a person’s existing support. In life, the owner of such a sign feels confident and protected, he has more energy and strength to accomplish his plans. You should not think that the absence of a branched life line is a sign of failure or danger to life. Such people have enough strength and energy of their own for all accomplishments. The second line can appear in any person when she deserves it or changes her destiny in the right direction.

Finding out what fate has in store for a person is not difficult; you don’t have to turn to a psychic for this. The life line on the hand shows a lot of information. You just need to learn to read it correctly. The main thing to remember is that the line will not tell you how long a person has left to live. It will show the quality of fate, the main points of health that you need to pay attention to.


By appearance The life line is divided into two types:

  • clear, without breaks;
  • short, with breaks in some places.

If a person has a deep line, then this characterizes him as a confident and energetic individual. Typically, such people are stable in their work and relationships. Self-confidence and a constant flow of strength allow you to achieve what you want and not stop on the path to your goal.

If the line is weak, there are breaks - the person is insecure. Very often there are health problems, insomnia torments. Such people are cut off from the surrounding reality; they live in their own small world, rarely trust anyone. Uncertainty makes it very difficult to achieve something. A person cannot cope with anything on his own; he constantly asks for help. Health problems are a consequence of internal instability.


The life line on your hand can tell you a lot. It is not difficult to find a photo with a transcript, but not everyone is able to correctly decipher the information. Its location plays a huge role on a person’s character.

  1. There is a bend towards the center of the palm, the line is located quite far from the thumb - this characterizes a strong character. Such an individual is not afraid of any difficulties; he will overcome obstacles with his head up and achieve success again.
  2. If the line is located too close to the thumb, then this characterizes a person with a weak character. Constant fear of making a mistake, uncertainty and weakness always accompany.
  3. It is very rare to find people whose life line originates near the index finger. Such an individual is full of energy, wants to achieve justice and rarely tells lies. Quite difficult to find mutual language with a person because sometimes it’s better not to tell the truth to someone’s face.


You can characterize a person only by looking at the lines on both hands. If there are tears on the right hand, it means that life will not go smoothly. It is possible that a period will come when you will have to go through a divorce, moving to another city, or illness.

Tears on the left hand date back to when the child was growing up. It is possible that at this time the person experienced the divorce of his parents or lost loved one. Breakups mean vital instability of the psyche, which came from childhood.

How the line behaves after a break:

  • if it is clear, it means that all changes are for the better and will only strengthen the strength of spirit;
  • if it is weak, it means that what is happening will negatively affect health and energy flow;
  • if it approaches the central point of the palm, it means that changes are expected, it is possible that the person will achieve success and achieve career growth;
  • if the line after the break is closer to the thumb, it means that a calm and measured life awaits the person.

Actress Lyubov Nikolaevna Tolkalina has always believed in palmistry. Personal life, divorce and other life events correspond to breaks in a woman’s palms.

Is the science of palmistry accurate? The life line can say a lot more than many people think. Look at the branches from it and compare with the events happening to you.

  1. There is a small fork at the base of the line. This means that a person will have a journey where he will meet his true love. The trip will change your life for the better.
  2. The branches are short and slightly upward. Many undertakings await, most of which are doomed to success.
  3. The branches are short, but directed downwards. There may be events where the individual will lose a lot of energy. The result is anxiety and possible troubles. You need to carefully consider every action so as not to regret it later.


Sometimes a person has a double life line on his hand (a photo can show what it looks like). If it is on the active hand, it means that the person has not set priorities. A great example is combining work and personal life, work and study. For some, everything ends well, for others, sooner or later nature makes the choice. When a double parallel is on the passive hand, the parents are not similar in character, and everyone is trying to impose their point of view on the child.

If the parallel lines passing by the main (life) are thin, then such a person is very lucky. He can be sure that he can rely on his family and friends in difficult times. A person is reliable and chooses friends of the same character.

There is an opinion that the duration human life has a direct relationship with the lines on the palm. On the one hand, this is true, but the phrase should be reformulated a little differently. Man is the master of his own destiny. An excellent proof of this is the film “A Lifelong Smile.” Petrosyan showed very well that you always need to think positively. If there are relatives and friends who will always help and support in a difficult situation, then a person with a short life line will live long and happily and will not get sick. All for the reason that on a subconscious level he will not feel lonely.

“A Lifelong Smile” is a very interesting film filled with deep meaning. A person is able to change his own destiny with the help of feelings, positive emotions and actions. This is how the future is shaped. Sometimes you notice an impressive trend. The lines on the active palm change; a short one can become long. It really is possible. Some divide it into 12 segments. Each segment is 7 years. IN total turns out to be 84 years old. Is it possible to clean up how many years an individual will live in this way? The concept is quite relative, because 84 years is not the limit. Some live up to 100 years. A life-long line - there is no need to focus special attention on this, people live as long as they wish for themselves.


  1. If the line of life is crossed by a line, this is called the “line of injury.” It predicts the emotional component of human existence. Those who have this trait need to be careful because it is a harbinger of mental turmoil.
  2. Small tears. They mean illness. Particular attention should be paid to health.
  3. Overlay. If one line overlaps another, it means that a moment of significant change will come in a person’s life, which will radically change his consciousness.
  4. Chain type. The person has a very complex character. It is apathetic, quickly lights up and goes out just as quickly.
  5. Cross. It means a difficult period in a person’s existence. You need to be mentally prepared for it in order to overcome all the troubles with dignity.
  6. Lattice. People do not have any specific goal, they do not strive to achieve what they want, there is no dream. This is bad, because it is impossible to exist without a goal. If you are interested in what such a life line looks like, you can easily find a photo; the grid is clearly shown there.
  7. Square. There will be a danger that will harm your health. But it is this square that will protect – there will be no threat to life.
  8. Star. Talks about a difficult period in life. Maybe this is an accident that will leave an imprint on health and emotional state. The way out is to learn to pull yourself together and think positively.
  9. Grooves. They show that the person is very nervous and can flare up out of the blue. He often quarrels with relatives and friends simply because he got off on the wrong foot.
  10. Triangle. Good sign. Such people belong to the category who thinks first, then acts. They know how to smooth out conflicts and will always find the right words of support.
  11. Sister line. It runs very close to the life line and stands parallel. This means that a person will have two choices; by accepting one, he will determine his own destiny.

Decoding the life line on your hand is not difficult, but you shouldn’t worry right away when you see a bad sign. The more you prepare yourself for negative events, the more likely it is that it will actually happen. Signs are just warnings, little tips that you shouldn’t be afraid of, but be able to use them.

Was last modified: November 30th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

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