Maria Golubkina, biography, news, photos. Biography of Maria Golubkina. Personal life, filmography and interesting facts Friend of Maria Golubkina

Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev is a famous Soviet screenwriter who worked in feature films. Also known as operator documentaries and director. It was he who was the famous theater and film actress Maria Golubkina. Although raised and raised by her adoptive dad - National artist RSFSR Andrey Mironov. Masha's mother is a popular actress Larisa Golubkina.

Biography of the screenwriter

Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev was born at the very beginning of 1945. Throughout his career, he has worked for State Committee for foreign economic relations. At the same time, he was engaged in literary activity, and it was closely connected with cinema. At the same time, he has two higher education. Nikolai Sherbinsky-Arseniev graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute and the Moscow Gorky Literary Institute.

He has received three international awards for his work. His most famous work is the novel "According to the Law of War". In 1983 it was filmed by director Igor Slabnevich.

It is interesting that Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev is a nobleman by birth. It is reliably known from his pedigree that his grandfather was an admiral Baltic Fleet under Emperor Nicholas II. His other grandfather, on the maternal side, held the high post of vice-governor of Novorossiya.


The cinematic career of Shcherbinsky-Arseniev Nikolai Georgievich was mainly formed at Mosfilm. In his track record about fifty documentaries.

Among his most notable projects is the drama "Somewhere the Oriole is Crying ...", directed by Shcherbinsky-Arseniev as a screenwriter. This is a story about six-month-old Marina, who is taken to Belgium from Russia as a baby. During World War II, she joins the ranks French Resistance, fighting against the Nazi invaders. She commits a daring murder of a high-ranking German officer, for which she is sentenced to death. It is noteworthy that Feature Film based on true events that happened to the daughter of the Russian General Shafrov.

In 1982, the war film by Igor Slabnevich "According to the Laws of War" was released on Soviet screens, which we have already mentioned. It tells about the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In a small Soviet town, a train is preparing to be sent to the front. The main characters are four soldiers who, having gone on leave, were late for the train's departure. During the war, such an act was regarded as desertion. Therefore, the comrades decide to act independently. They make their way to the railway bridge, where they find a group of German saboteurs. Soviet soldiers enter into an unequal battle, at the cost of their lives, saving the bridge and train from death.

In 1984, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev, whose biography is described in this article, wrote the script for Oleg Viktorov's melodrama "The Road to Yourself". It tells about the young Vienna Sidelnikov, who, secretly from his parents, goes to work on a large Soviet construction site. There he meets with real difficulties, helping him to show character, to understand what he is worth in this life.

The last notable work in the cinema of the hero of our article was the script for the criminal detective Igor Popov "86,400 seconds of the work of the police on duty." The tape is based on real events that took place in 1974, when in Riga criminals robbed collectors, killing the driver.

Relations with Golubkina

Larisa Golubkina is a popular theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR. She became famous for her roles in Eldar Ryazanov's musical comedy "The Hussar Ballad", the lyrical comedy of the same director "Give me a plaintive book", Naum Birman's comedy musical "Three men in a boat, not counting the dogs."

In 1969, she met screenwriter Scherbinsky-Arseniev Nikolai Georgievich, with whom they began to live in civil marriage. In 1973, the couple had a daughter, who was named Maria. True, for the hero of our article, this was not a reason to make Golubkina a marriage proposal. Young people still continued to live unregistered. As a result, in 1974 their union broke up.

Golubkina met soon with whom she officially formalized relations in 1977. They lived together until the death of the actor in the 87th.

Daughter of Shcherbinsky-Arseniev

The personal life of Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev cannot be called successful. Officially, he never formalized the relationship with Golubkina, in fact, he left the family when his daughter was about a year old.

Maria Andreevna Golubkina took the name of the new parent and his patronymic. Officially, she never recognized Shcherbinsky-Arseniev as her father, although this was obvious to everyone around her.

In the mid-90s, Maria Andreevna Golubkina graduated from the Shchukin School, following in the footsteps of her parents. She made her film debut in 1990 in Vyacheslav Krishtofovich's tragicomedy Adam's Rib.

Her most successful film roles were in Pavel Lungin's dramatic comedy The Wedding, Vera Storozheva's comedy melodrama The Frenchman, Igor Zaitsev's biographical television series Yesenin.

Acquaintance with Golubkina

For many years, almost nothing was known about the relationship between Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev and Golubkina, until the screenwriter himself somehow told the journalist the story of their relationship in an interview.

Shcherbinsky assures that he met Larisa Golubkina back in 1968 at an evening in the House of Writers. Exactly December 27th. Such accuracy is easily explained - on that day it was just 30 years since the death of Osip Mandelstam.

Shcherbinsky in those years was a recognized writer, and Golubkina sang on stage. The polyglot and refined erudite immediately won the heart of the actress. He dedicated spiritual poems to her and courted her beautifully. Soon they began to appear together at secular receptions.

Golubkina and Mironov

Moreover, by that time Golubkina was well acquainted with Mironov, and Nikolai knew this. Larisa and Andrei met back in 1963. Golubkina claimed that Mironov was crazy about her, made her an offer several times, but she constantly refused. Finally, in 1971, Mironov, in despair, married

By that time, Golubkina and Shcherbinsky had been living together for several years, it seemed to many around that it was going to the wedding. But Nikolai constantly put off this question.

As their acquaintances recall, their family life did not work out initially. The mother-in-law was unhappy with her daughter-in-law, and Larisa and Nikolai often quarreled over professional matters. Shcherbinsky was convinced that one should act only in high-quality films and did not support when Larisa played for the sake of earning money.

Birth of Mary

In an interview, Shcherbinsky assures that the birth of his daughter was a long-awaited and joyful event for him and for him. civil wife. He himself named the child in honor of his grandmother Maria Konstantinovna. Initially, the girl was registered in his last name, as Shcherbinskaya.

When Masha was only six months old, Nikolai and Larisa broke up.

By the way, Mironov also had a daughter in the same year, and also family life soon went wrong.

"Turn off" from life

If Gradova did not prevent Mironov from seeing his daughter after he divorced her, then Golubkina actually "turned off" Shcherbinsky from her and her daughter's life.

They didn't let him in, even when he came to see Masha. Nikolai is still going through this situation hard. Moreover, Maria Golubkina openly declares that she does not know him and does not recognize him as her father.

Golubkina Maria is an outstanding theater and film actress. At 44, she managed to star in more than thirty films, including "Girls", "Personal Number", "The Tale of a Woman and a Man", "Instead of Me", "Leningrad" and others. The biography of Maria Golubkina is not easy. There were many difficulties in her life. However, this did not stop her from climbing the star Olympus and becoming the favorite of millions of viewers.

The parents of the actress and her childhood

Maria Andreevna Golubkina was born in a Moscow maternity hospital on September 22, 1973. Her blood father, Nikolai Grigoryevich Shcherbinsky-Arseniev, is the owner of three international awards that he received for directing and camera work. Maria herself does not recognize her biological father. Most likely, this is due to childhood resentment. After all, Nikolai Grigorievich left the family almost immediately after the birth of Masha.

Maria Andreevna's mother, Larisa Ivanovna Golubkina, is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, known for films such as The Hussar Ballad, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Three in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog, etc. When Masha was a year old , Andrey Mironov came to their family. Her mother lived with him for 14 years - until the death of Andrei Alexandrovich. Mironov loved Masha very much, so after a few years life together with Larisa Ivanovna, he officially adopted her. So two daughters appear in the life of Andrei Alexandrovich: one from his first marriage, who, by the way, was also called Maria, the second is our heroine. Unfortunately, the sisters never got along. To this day, the girls have a dislike for each other, which has been visible since the moment they joint work in the film "Wedding" (dir. Pavel Lungin).

In her interviews, our heroine very often raises the topic of her parents. In the biography of Maria Golubkina, they played an important role - this is true. Their advice has always helped Masha make the right decision.

The beginning of the creative path

As is often the case, Maria followed in the footsteps of her parents, although she had all the makings to become a professional athlete. From the age of 11, the future actress began to engage in equestrian sports. All your own free time she dedicated to horses and riding. However, over time, acting genes still took their toll - Golubkina wanted to become a great artist.

For the first time, Maria managed to try herself in the cinema in her school years. So, at the age of 16, she was invited to star in the film "Adam's Rib" (dir. Vyacheslav Krishtofovich) in the role of Nastya. After the picture was released on TV screens, Masha had her first fans.

Student and further work in the cinema

To continue developing her acting talent, Masha enters the Shchukin School. In parallel with her studies, Golubkina continues to act in films. Over the entire period of her studies at Pike, she managed to star in four wonderful films, including Tomorrow (dir. Alexander Pankratov), ​​Fandango for the Monkey (dir. Alexander Burko), Felix Detective Bureau (dir. Vladimir Laptev) and Khorovod (dir. Vladimir Kuchinsky). However, the film "Wedding", filmed in 2000 by director Pavel Lungin, will bring all-Russian fame to our heroine. After millions of viewers see this picture, a sharp creative upsurge will occur in the biography of actress Maria Golubkina. Her filmography will begin to replenish rapidly.

Today, Maria continues to act in films. Among her recent works films such as "Cuba" (2017), "Garden Ring" (2016), "Synchronists" (2016), "Pearls" (2016), "Muscovite" (2014), "Breaking the vicious circle" (2014), " The Way of the Leader (2013) and others.

Theater career

In 1995, our heroine graduated from the Shchukin School and joined the troupe of the Satire Theater, in which her stepfather, Andrei Aleksandrovich Mironov, once played. Maria will work there for 11 years, and then move to the Theater. Pushkin, where it will not last long either.

About personal

Personal life in the biography of Maria Golubkina occupies a special place, she has always been interesting to many of her fans. Therefore, it would be unfair if we do not talk about it.

The first husband of Maria Golubkina was the notorious Nikolai Fomenko (actor, showman, musician). The lovers got married in 1995, almost immediately after Maria Andreevna graduated from the Shchukin School. Their marriage did not last long - only 13 years, but gave former spouses two wonderful children - Anastasia and Ivan.

In general, Maria was very upset by this divorce. In order to somehow drown out her pain, Golubkina began to take antidepressants. Then alcohol was added. Her children helped Maria Andreevna return to life. For them, she pulled herself together and continued to build acting career. From that moment on, a new period began in the biography of Maria Golubkina. By the way, now Maria and Nikolai support friendly relations.

Were there any other husbands in the biography of Maria Golubkin? And here the most interesting begins. In 2013, five years after her divorce from Nikolai Fomenko, the actress appears in public in wedding dress, arguing this by the fact that she recently left the registry office and has not yet had time to change clothes. Then Maria Andreevna revealed the secret that her new husband was an astronaut, who immediately after the end of the marriage went to conquer space. The actress could not disclose the name of her chosen one due to the fact that it was a state secret. Of course, all this turned out to be an invention of the artist. With such a trick, she wanted to expose Russian journalists to the ridicule of the public. You have to admit that she did a great job.

A true story about a new lover

More recently, a "real" man appeared in the life of our today's heroine. Mary's new lover was the son of the Soviet "Sherlock Holmes" - Boris Livanov. The fate of this man is not easy. He had to spend several years behind bars. But, despite this, Maria Golubkina was still able to discern in him a sensitive and kind man. There is also information that the lovers have already applied to the registry office and soon want to play a chic wedding. Well, we can only wait. Let's hope that this is not another invention of Mary.

We have already talked about the biography, personal life and new husband of Maria Golubkina. Now it's time for some interesting facts:

  • Russian actress has been involved in equestrian sports for more than thirty years.
  • Maria passed on her love for horses to her first husband, Nikolai Fomenko. A few years ago, he even had his own horse.
  • After the Theater. Pushkin, a new artistic director began to work, our heroine immediately quit her job.
  • In 1991, Maria Andreevna was awarded the Constellation Prize in the Debut nomination.
  • After her divorce from her first husband, Maria for a long time She avoided contact with her family and friends. By the way, about the reasons for the breakup of relations former lovers there is still no exact information. Someone says that the divorce was due to the betrayal of Nikolai with a young lady from St. Petersburg, others believe that the “hard” character of Mary, with whom Fomenko was very hard to come to terms, is to blame.
  • Maria Golubkina had known her new man, Boris Livanov, since the Shchukin school. However, love between them broke out only decades later.

present tense

Today, the biography of Maria Golubkina continues to be replenished with bright events: she actively acts in films, works on radio and television, and tries to build new relationships. In addition, the actress is a frequent guest on Instagram. There you can see a huge number of photographs of Mary in various guises.

“I heard so much talk about the complex character of my grandmother ... There was nothing complicated about it - she just said what she thinks. But just in case, I treated her with some caution "Maria Mironova, Andrey Mironov with Larisa Golubkina and daughter Masha Photo: Valery Plotnikov

Yes, I didn’t talk much with my mother at that time! In a word, my grandmother was offended by me. And the more time passed, the more terrible it was to call. And I was afraid. Now I look at my children and understand that they rarely call me, but periodically. I think this is a natural process. There are relatives with whom you have a very close relationship, and you will not forget to call them. I had a close relationship with my uncle Cyril. And his voice is very similar to my father's, which I was very pleased with. He lived in St. Petersburg, so we talked on the phone. One day he said: “You don’t call me anymore. I'm old, I'll get used to you. And you will leave me, and I will suffer. But I called him anyway - we were comfortable together, we laughed ...

- Now you communicate a lot with your sister Masha ... It's not so long ago that you became close? Not since childhood?

- They were against your communication?

I don’t know, it’s hard for me to understand who wanted what or didn’t want ... Well, we just lived the way we lived. To be honest, I never even figured out why. I suppose that women get jealous ... Now my children communicate quite calmly with Kolina ( ex-husband - Nikolai Fomenko. - Approx. ed.) wife, and with his brother (Fomenko's six-year-old son from his fourth marriage. - Approx. ed.) and with older sister (daughter of Fomenko from his first marriage. - Approx. ed.). Kolya already has three grandchildren. And everything is fine. We generally live a little bit in a different time, now it's all easier. For example, Masha went on vacation with her husband, little Andryusha, with Andryusha's father and his girlfriend. Everyone is normal great relationship. And before it was not customary to get a divorce, it was considered offensive. It did not follow from this that people did not disperse. They just went bad.

The magnificent actress, who gained her popularity thanks to the theatrical stage and cinema, is also known as a TV and radio presenter - all this is Maria Golubkina. From childhood, it became clear that the life of this person would be connected with the world of theater and cinema. After all, Mary from the very early age spent very a large number of time backstage and on stage.

Her childhood dream was the appearance of a brother or sister, but the dream never came true. Her dream may have been due to the fact that she was very loved and cherished. However, Maria herself did not want to use this at all and understood how to behave.

Due to her popularity, the actress has many fans of her talent. But in addition to admiration, fans want to know what the actress's height, weight, age is. How old is Maria Golubkina, the question is quite popular, and the answer is publicly available. The actress is 165 centimeters tall and weighs 64 kilograms. This delightful woman in her 44 years has such physical data.

Most of the female audience wants to know how Maria Golubkina maintains her figure. Photos in her youth and now, which, by the way, can be found in the public domain, reflect the fact that the figure of the actress has not changed much.

Biography 👉 Maria Golubkina

The future actress issued her first cries in the maternity ward of the capital, at that time still the USSR, in 1973, on September 22. At the moment when the little girl was born, then the biography of Maria Golubkina started. The girl's mother, Larisa Golubkina, mastered the acting craft and achieved great popularity. At the same time, the biological father of Maria Golubkina, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev, left the family, leaving his wife with a newborn child.

The mother of the future actress got married a second time. At the age of seven, a little Masha has an adoptive father - Andrei Mironov. Maria, in turn, considers Mironov to be the real father. From the age of eleven, the future actress began to go in for equestrian sports and reached not small heights in this sport, but still decided that she would choose the scene.

The girl decides to apply to the "Pike" and at the age of sixteen gets her debut role in the cinema.

At the end educational institution, a young girl performs as part of the theater troupe of the Moscow Theater of Satire, and then in the theater named after A.S. Pushkin. After working for five whole years in the theater, Maria leaves the troupe, as she did not agree with the appointment of the artistic director.

Filmography 👉 films starring Maria Golubkina

Filming in cinematic films began in student years. Maria Golubkina took part in the filming of such films as "Round Dance", "Fandago for the Monkey", "Detective Bureau" Felix "" and many others. The most famous roles of the actress, which brought her fame and fame, were such films as "Scam" (Maria played a journalist) and "Wedding" (the role of Sveta).

In addition to working on the stage of the theater and in the big cinema, Maria Golubkina is on “you” with television and radio. The actress does an excellent job as a host of all kinds of TV shows, as well as headings on the air of radio stations.

As Maria herself notes, the program “Girls” became the most successful television show. One of the presenters of this TV show was Marina Golub, who died under tragic circumstances. After this unfortunate event, it was decided to close the program due to the refusal to replace the deceased TV presenter. After that, Golubkina decides to devote herself to working on the radio.

Now the actress continues her career both in the theater and on the stage of big cinema. Her filmography is full of such films as Leningrad, Yesenin, Moscow Heat, The Fifth Corner, and many others. Speaking about the theater, Maria performs in various performances, in various theaters.

An interesting fact is that Maria's adoptive father, Andrei Mironov, has a daughter from his first marriage. Her name is also Maria, but Golubkina and Mironova could not intermarry, although they are both engaged in acting and even took part in the filming of the film together. But becoming real sisters is not meant to be.

Personal life 👉 Maria Golubkina

The actress, like everyone else, is trying to hide all the details of her personal life, but still some episodes did not remain in the shadows and the press quickly published it. In general, the personal life of Maria Golubkina was happy and measured, it lasted for thirteen years. But everything began to change rapidly when the first husband of the actress cheated on her. Maria was unable to forgive and filed for divorce.

The actress was lonely for some time, until such a topic as her new husband. After all, the press officers had three goals, Maria Golubkina herself, a biography, and husbands. How her life has changed, whether the former and current spouses support communication, all in order to complement the biography of the actress.

Maria herself also maintains communication with her ex-husband, but she does this in order not to spoil the strained relationship with her children.

Family 👉 Maria Golubkina

As noted earlier, the actress grew up and was very happy. The family of Maria Golubkina is very closely connected with the acting craft, like her adoptive father, Andrei Mironov, whom the woman herself considers real and in no way adopted. Maria very rarely made contact with her biological father, but even then she did not feel that this man was her father.

An interesting fact is that the adoptive father of the actress already had a daughter, also named Maria. In this regard, our heroine took maiden name mother - Golubkina. This was done so that viewers would not confuse them in the future.

Children 👉 Maria Golubkina

In addition to children from her first marriage with Nikolai Fomenko, the actress has no others.

Such a topic as the children of Maria Golubkina is in itself very sensitive, because after the dissolution of the marriage with Nikolai, the children were seriously upset and even stopped communicating with their mother. Because of this, the son went to his father, and the daughter did not communicate with Maria until the actress promised to have other children.

In general, children, for an actress is very subtle topic and not just her own. The woman is seriously involved in charity events, in her opinion there are no other people's children and all of them should not be left alone.

Son 👉 Maria Golubkina - Ivan Fomenko

The son of Maria Golubkina, Ivan Fomenko, was very much worried about the divorce of his parents. The boy was born four years after his birth older sister Anastasia.

Fans note the fact that the guy's appearance is very similar to his father's, but at the same time has the look of his mother. IN this moment Ivan lives with his father for a while, as he could not accept his mother's new husband. Now the guy is a student of the capital's gymnasium. He is seriously passionate about sports, his choice fell on such sports as American football and rugby. Ivan is sure that the main thing in life is the formation of oneself as a person.

Daughter of 👉 Maria Golubkina - Anastasia Fomenko

The first child in the first marriage was a girl who was born in 1999. The daughter of Maria Golubkina - Anastasia Fomenko as well as her younger brother she loves her parents very much, in confirmation of this it can be noted that Nastya was very jealous of her parents for the born Ivan. Another moment of jealousy was the divorce of her parents. The girl quarreled very strongly with Maria because of speculation about the birth of new children in her mother's second marriage.

Anastasia shares the mindset of her mother in terms of theatrical and cinematic craft, as she decided to follow in the acting footsteps of her relatives.

Ex-husband 👉 Maria Golubkina - Nikolai Fomenko

Married for the third time ex-husband Maria Golubkina - Nikolai Fomenko. Their union gave birth to two wonderful children.

The couple completed the marriage process shortly before Anastasia was born. By the way, the initiative to name the girl by that name came from Mary herself, and Nikolai did not object to this.

A few years later, the couple has a second child, which strengthened their happiness. married couple and it seemed that nothing could separate them. But still, five years after the birth of their son, the couple decide to divorce.

At this point in time, the ex-husband of the actress is not hefty in popularity and he manages to work at a radio station and broadcast on one of the Russian channels.

Husband 👉 Maria Golubkina - Andrey

The actress does not want to comment on her personal life and tell something about her second wife. Almost nothing is known about this person, the husband of Maria Golubkina is Andrei by profession a pilot-cosmonaut, and the couple met in one of the church buildings of the capital Russian Federation. However, apart from this, no other information about this person was found by the press services.

In turn, neither the actress herself, nor her relatives, nor her inner circle comment or disclose at least some details. The press didn't even know real name Mary's new husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Maria Golubkina

The social life of the actress is not limited to all sorts of interviews and publications. So it turns out that Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Golubkina are quite in demand. The actress personally maintains pages in many social Internet services. Instagram was no exception, or as it became fashionable to call it Insta, it is a service for sharing photos and videos.

Maria's Instagram constantly appears fresh photos herself, as well as relatives of the actress. Also, the photographic materials that a woman uploads reflect almost her entire life. These are photos from filming locations, and from places of rest, and from places of professional photo shoots, as well as other leisure activities. Maria has an official page in the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. There you can find accurate and up-to-date information about the actress herself, as well as information about replenishment of the filmography or possible filming.

By the way, you won’t be able to find photos with your current husband, this is what the actress herself says.

This actress has eminent relatives who are directly related to art. She could take advantage of their position and connections, and easily be on top of Olympus. But Maria Golubkina is used to achieving everything in her life on her own, therefore, despite all the difficulties that she had to overcome, today she has become a successful actress, on whose account there are already more than three dozen successful film projects.

Maria Golubkina appeared in the cinema very early, the girl was only 16. The first picture that brought her success was Adam's Rib. Then there were many good and successful works, but it was in this film that she learned to work with the director and defend her point of view.

In the same 2017, she was invited by the host to her program "Secret for a Million". In it, the actress spoke frankly about her personal life with the father of her children, and revealed the secret of their stay in London.

In the summer of 2018, the picture "Garden Ring" was released, in which both daughters of A. Mironov, Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina, were involved. The role of the main character went to Mironova, Golubkina in this series became Katya. The partners of the two half-sisters in the film were A. Bely.

Selected filmography

  • 1990 - Adam's Rib
  • 1993 - Detective bureau "Felix"
  • 2000 - Wedding
  • 2001 - Scam
  • 2004 - Personal number
  • 2005 - Brezhnev
  • 2005 - Yesenin
  • 2009 - Country Comedy
  • 2012 - Nightingale the Robber
  • 2016 - Garden Ring

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