Hawking's personal life: the main women of the great scientist are named. Radiation of life. What did women see in Stephen Hawking? Three children and divorce

Until the age of 20, Stephen Hawking lived a carefree and eventful life, studying at Oxford and Cambridge. He was full of desire to change the world, to unravel the mysteries of space and the principles of the structure of the Universe. He was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in 1963 at the age of 21. For many years, the disease gradually deprived the scientist of motor activity, which is why he even lost the ability to speak. But Hawking did not give up science and was even able to communicate with outside world using a computer program specially created for it. Fortunately, his disease progressed slowly, and the famous theoretical physicist lived with it for more than 50 years.

Even before the production terrible diagnosis Stephen met his future wife Jane Wilde. They met while Hawking was a graduate student at Cambridge. Their paths crossed at a party with mutual friends in 1962. About a week after the first meeting, the young people accidentally ran into each other on the street, and Stephen invited the girl on a date.

Jane was two years younger than her chosen one. She studied languages ​​at Westfield College, University of London. Wilde did not leave her lover when she learned about his incurable illness. They got engaged in October 1964 and got married in Cambridge in July 1965. By that time, Stephen was already using a cane, experiencing significant difficulty walking.

While Jane studied in London, the couple lived separately during the working week. In 1967, their first child was born - son Robert, and three years later their daughter Lucy was born. In 1979, they became parents for the third time: the Hawking family added another son, who was named Timothy.

Of course, during the years of marriage, all everyday difficulties, caring for her husband and raising children lay entirely on Jane’s shoulders. Stephen's illness progressed, he began to use a wheelchair, and his speech became completely unintelligible. Although her husband was an atheist, Mrs. Hawking admitted that her Christian faith helped her overcome everyday difficulties. This one is brave and Strong woman She didn’t forget about her career. In 1981 she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, receiving a PhD in medieval Spanish poetry.

Dramatic changes

Hawking's graduate students and students helped his wife care for the scientist. Thanks to this, she continued her scientific work and found time for a new hobby - singing in the church choir. At the end of 1977, Jane started friendly relations with organist Jonathan Hillier Johnson. The man became a frequent guest in the Hawking family, and the mutual sympathy that the new friend and his wife felt for each other did not escape the scientist’s attention. However, well aware of his condition, Stephen did not object to Jane’s affair on the side.

Jane and Jonathan Hillier Jones

In the mid-80s, the famous physicist found himself on the brink of life and death. He suffered severe pneumonia, during which his wife was even asked to disconnect her husband from life support. Fortunately, she refused. When Hawking's condition improved slightly, he still required round-the-clock medical care. Jane was offered to place her husband in specialized establishment, but she again showed strength of character and declared that Stephen would live at home. From that moment on, nurses were constantly on duty next to him, working in three shifts. Expensive care was paid for by an American fund. Mrs. Hawking had a hard time with the presence of strangers and numerous assistants in the house.

Nurse and wife

During an exacerbation of the disease, Hawking became close to one of the nurses, Elaine Mason. Soon he told his wife that he wanted to get a divorce because he fell in love with another woman. The scientist's relatives and friends were concerned about his connection with Elaine. They suspected Stephen's nurse of self-interest. However, this did not stop the famous physicist from moving out of the family home in early 1990. Five years later, Stephen and Jane officially divorced.

That same year, the scientist married for the second time to Elaine Mason. For his sake, the woman left her husband David, with whom she lived for 15 years and gave birth to two sons. By the way, Elaine’s first husband was a huge fan of Hawking and participated in the development of a speech synthesizer for him. By the way, ex-wife The scientist also married her longtime lover Jonathan Hillier Jones in 1997.

With Jane, her second husband, daughter Lucy and son Timothy

During the years of his second marriage, rumors arose repeatedly about ill-treatment Elaine with her famous husband. Cuts and bruises of unknown origin were found several times on his body. One day, Hawking's daughter Lucy even called the police to his house, saying that her father was being mistreated. True, despite numerous investigations, the scientist himself never brought charges against his second wife. In 2006, the couple quietly and peacefully divorced.

With Jane and the leading actors in the film "Stephen Hawking's Universe".

Mason prevented the physicist from communicating with his first family, so after the divorce, his children and first wife again began to take an active part in Stephen’s life. Jane Wilde published memoirs about her life with the famous scientist in 1999, and in 2007 a new, expanded and edited version of her book was published. Based on this publication, the famous biographical film “The Universe of Stephen Hawking” was shot in 2014.

The English physicist, whose death is reported even by women's magazines, lived a stormy life.

It seems that in recent decades its cosmically advanced wheelchair, the speech synthesizer and the thin stream of saliva from the corner of the mouth were no longer noticed by anyone. These were just familiar details of a whole image that was important to completely different people.

He lived in such a way that now, after his death, no one says that Stephen Hawking- a person who, despite... No, only: a person, thanks to whom...

Scientists recall his breakthroughs in space exploration; pacifists - advocates for peace; ordinary people - how he made the Big Bang a concept that became fashionable to chat about at dinner; those who believe in God - about how he believed in his luck: lucky to live his only life on Earth! Children remember The Simpsons, which features a character in a stroller, "The Most clever man on the planet,” and the tabloids show his two marriages and two divorces.

And one more thing.

The great scientist discovered the special radiation of black holes and named it after himself. And it, of course, is not only about space.

Hawking radiation is the radiation of life. The way he emitted it was from the black hole into which his body fell. And how it will continue to radiate even after he calmly inhaled air through a hole in his neck in the early morning of March 14 last time at his home in Cambridge.

“The universe wouldn’t have much meaning if it weren’t home to the people we love,” Hawking once said.

Jane and Journey to Infinity

There are still loved ones in his Universe. Life with one of them made him Stephen Hawking, was saved by her more than once, filmed and even awarded an Oscar. Life with the other was “ardent and stormy”, became the property of the tabloids and was of interest to the police. And that was all. Not in spite of it. And thanks. Hawking radiation.

Thirst for life, even when doctors say that there are only 2 years left, and you are 20, you have your first love and a scientific discovery pulsating in your head, ready to ripen and burst. Gratitude for the chance to be born and experience happiness on this planet. The belief that “for broken computers (he compared the dying human brain with them) heaven and immortality do not exist,” which means that everything must be done now. Radiation of life.

He managed everything. Managed to fall in love with Jane Wilde, and she - into him. “Hawking from a crazy family,” a brilliant student who gives ultimatums to professors and throws his work into the trash, a shy young man with sloppy bangs falling low over his heavy-framed glasses.

“He was an eccentric phenomenon, a nonsense in puritanical and sleepy St. Albans,” Jane would write after three decades of marriage in her book Journey to Infinity.

Scientific insights, love and the diagnosis “Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, neurodegeneration, at most two years old, a young man, well, two and a half” coincided in space and time.

Hawking was going to get married and become a great scientist, but what was to come - and had already begun: his hands did not obey, his legs gave way - to lose control over his entire body and die from suffocation when the respiratory muscles also failed.

Stephen stopped answering phone calls. Then Jane came with her own feet.

They got married and he became a great scientist.

Jane tried.

“There were four of us in our marriage.”

While Stephen's body inexorably fell into its black hole, muscle after muscle (so that at the end of his life only one remained, the facial one on his cheek, which - with the help of a computer, of course - helped him manage his entire life), his mind was recapturing new territories for herself, Jane carried out quiet service year after year: gave birth to children (three, Lucy, Roberta And Tim, and that was also a miracle), chopped up her husband’s food, fastened his buttons and, girded with babies, flew with him around the world.

“The problem with our marriage was that there were four partners: me, Stephen, the disease and physics.”

Hawking became so great, and she became so holy, that, as Jane recalled back in 2015, their relationship became like that of “master and slave.” Stephen's numerous admirers spoiled family life(“Oh, you are so smart! I should kiss the ground under your feet - in this case, the wheels” - you must admit, this is not what a wife usually says to her husband), and the changing nurses made her simply unbearable.

“I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore and was on the verge of suicide several times.” Love, broken by the everyday life of caring for a person who understands more about the world than an entire scientific institute, but cannot even scratch his nose, love, thinned to a thread, crushed by decades of sacrifice, love that even the famous Hawking humor could not save.. .

Now Jane had to be saved.

And Hawking went for it. The wife starts singing in the church choir. To fill up your lungs, distract yourself, think about yourself... Meets another person. He is ordinary, down to earth, who doesn’t need anything from Jane—except Jane herself.

Hat, gloves, string of pearls around the neck. Music. And no physics... Jonathan Johnson, the choir director, becomes a family friend. Jane helps, admires Stephen, remains silent about her own things.

Hawking is also losing his voice. Literally. During severe pneumonia, when the scientist was hopeless, doctors suggested that his wife disconnect him from the machines. But Jane made a different decision. She gave her husband many more years by refusing to shut down.

Hawking underwent a tracheotomy: a hole was made in his throat for air. He was able to breathe, but stopped speaking. So the computer began to speak for him, and in numerous interviews on television, Hawking’s predictions about the future of the Earth, voiced by the metallic voice of a robot, began to sound completely infernal.

The less body remained in it, the more radiation there was - which sometimes burned out loved ones... Hawking met with British Queen And Barack Obama, floated in zero gravity and starred as himself in a TV show, his book " Short story time" sold in millions of copies, he became a star - the shine of which is sometimes cold and stinging so that you want to close your eyes...

Stephen Hawking went down in history as an outstanding theoretical physicist, cosmologist and writer. The British genius has done a lot scientific discoveries, he devoted his life to studying the theory of black holes. ABOUT professional activity Much is known about Hawking, but much less is known about his childhood and youth. This review contains rare photographs showing Stephen in everyday life.

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942. His parents Frank and Isabel were educated people, both graduated from university. They understood that their children needed to be given the opportunity to go to university, so they worked hard and saved money. Frank was known as a talented physician; he often went on business trips around the world. The family lived poorly, but this did not stop the parents from raising intelligent and inquisitive children.

IN primary school, where Hawking studied, alternative teaching methods were introduced. Later he was transferred to high school for girls. Guys were allowed into some classes with older female students.

Hawking did not have the opportunity to make friends with fellow boys. But Stephen made friends with the guys who were younger than him. With his younger friends he played Board games, made models of airplanes and ships. They also tried making homemade fireworks. Despite the fact that the classes were mainly for teenagers, Hawking was able to discuss complex issues of religion and extrasensory perception at the same time.

Children at school treated Hawking like Einstein. With his teachers, he could easily work on building a computer, but his grades left much to be desired. Over time, it became clear that the guy was fascinated by science and that the academic approach was close to him. When his father suggested that Stephen should go to Oxford after leaving school, the guy tried to pass the exams ahead of schedule... and entered in March 1959.

Stephen completed the university program in three years, and four years later he defended his PhD thesis at Trinity Hall College, Cambridge University. The study focused on the properties of expanding universes.

It is interesting that Hawking was skeptical about his own education; he liked to emphasize that he studied mathematics only in high school, and, having become a teacher at Oxford, in the first year he was only a couple of weeks ahead of the students in studying his own discipline. All this did not prevent him from becoming one of the most outstanding scientists of the 21st century.

The story of Stephen Hawking can be a great motivation for the younger generation. Perhaps even more motivating than the story of the great scientist’s struggle with an illness that paralyzed him and confined him to a wheelchair. When doctors diagnosed Stephen with amyotrophic sclerosis in 1963, the forecasts sounded pessimistic: the guy was promised no more than two years to live. As we know, the great scientist lived until he was 76 years old, leading all these years active life: he traveled, gave lectures, wrote books. In the memory of mankind, he will forever remain a genius, and not a person who suffered due to illness. Using the example of his own life, Hawking showed that it is always worth looking for your purpose, no matter what seemingly insurmountable difficulties arise along the way.

Stephen Hawking and Jen Wilde

Stephen Hawking is a scientist, popularizer of science and one of the most famous physicists of our time, suffering from a serious illness since his youth. But this did not stop him from having two weddings and becoming the father of three children. And both of his wives - unusual women, which evoke conflicting feelings among students of Hawking’s biography.

Stephen Hawking's first wife

Hawking's first marriage was to Jen Wilde. She was an ordinary girl English family, who studied at Oxford at the Faculty of Foreign Literature. The exact circumstances of their acquaintance with the scientist are unknown; according to some sources, Jen was friends with Stephen’s sister.
Now it’s hard to judge what exactly attracted the young and beautiful girl in Hocking, but they got married in 1965, when Stephen had already been seriously diagnosed and doctors predicted that he would die in the year of their wedding. But Jen was able to save her husband from depression, and the disease did not progress so quickly. Perhaps then the girl saved her husband for the first time.

Hawking's first wife truly loved him

Hawking's first wife - Jen Wilde

The first years of their marriage were quite happy, the couple traveled together, and Hawking showed great promise in science and earned enough money to support his family. Two years after the wedding, their first child was born, a year later - the second, and a year later - the third. Jen herself continued her studies at this time and also tried to engage in science by studying literature.

Problems in the marriage began with the birth of their third child. Stephen Hawking by that time had become very weak and was no longer able to move simply with the help of a stick, but was chained to a chair. The wife was forced to fully care for both her husband and three small children, and she already fell into depression. Fortunately, Hawking continued to work, and the family was relatively wealthy, but fatigue from a very difficult everyday life ruined the marriage.

Doctors set another maximum sentence for Stephen, and this forced Jen Wild (by that time long ago Jen Hawking) to think about the life of children after Hawking's possible death. As a result, she decided to find a man who could help both after her husband’s death and now.

He became the musician Jonathan Jones (by the way, she is now married to him), a friend of Hawking. To call a spade a spade, Jen moved her lover into their house, which dealt a heavy blow to Stephen. But in reality, he understood that this step was quite reasonable and justified, although it was difficult for him to be in this situation. But at the same time, Jen did not change her attitude towards Hawking, continued to look after him and treated him very well.

Stephen Hawking with his wife and children

In 1985, his wife saved Hawking's life for the second time, and this incident best characterizes her attitude towards her husband. Stephen became seriously ill with pneumonia (it was then that his trachea was removed and he stopped speaking), the doctors convinced his wife, the only one responsible for the possible decision, to disconnect him from life support devices. Hawking at that time was a very wealthy man, a millionaire, his entire fortune would have gone to his wife, but she insisted on continuing treatment and did not even consider the option of disconnecting her husband from the devices. As a result, Hawking survived and, despite his significantly worsened condition, is leading scientific activity and today, almost 20 years later.

As a result, the marriage of Jen Wilde and Stephen Hawking broke up

But from that moment on, one important change occurred in their marriage - Jen and her lover decided to hire nurses for Hawking. One of them was Elaine Jane, at that time the wife of the engineer who made a speech synthesizer for Stephen and who himself recommended her. As a result, feelings arose between Elaine and Stephen, and the marriage with Jen came to an end. They divorced in 1995, although Hawking moved out from Jen and Jonathan 5 years earlier.
On the one hand, this was a blessing for Jen - her husband found new love, and she was able to legitimize her relationship with Jonathon Jones. But Jen actually didn't approve of Hawking's new marriage, and for good reason.
Today, Jen continues to live with her second husband, sometimes acts in films, and has released several biographies dedicated to her first husband and their marriage.

Hawking's second wife - Elaine Jane

Stephen Hawking and his second wife Elaine Jane

If in sincere feelings Few people doubt Jen, despite all life’s difficulties, then, according to most people, the scientist’s second wife married him solely for convenience. This is a woman with red hair who behaved exclusively demonstratively in public, trying too hard to convince everyone around her of her love for Stephen.
In 1995, she convinced Hawking to legalize the relationship, having previously lived with him for almost 5 years. It is interesting that neither the children nor the first wife came to the wedding. Perhaps Stephen himself was happy, as he later said - their love was stormy and passionate.

The details of the second marriage, which broke up in 2006, are almost unknown. They say that first of all, Elaine fired all the other nurses and hired new ones, and the main selection criterion was not professional quality, but the ability to control them and not let them close to their husband.

Stephen Hawking is a world-renowned astrophysicist, author of many books about the universe, popularizer of science, and director of the Center for Cosmology at the University of Cambridge.

For those who are interested in space, the universe, and theoretical physics in the spirit of what modern scientists are not yet fully aware of, the name Stephen Hawking will, of course, be familiar. His works are about space and time, black holes, quantum mechanics and physics are aimed at making this scientific world a little simpler and more understandable. Hawking proved that the human brain can work in any body, even with limited physical capabilities, you can develop and engage in science.

Height, weight, age. How old is Stephen Hawking

Users interested in science and reading books written by a scientist are much more interested in his point of view regarding certain physical phenomena than his personal life, and parameters: height, weight, age, how old is Stephen Hawking. Alas, the life of the great physicist was interrupted not long ago; he died on March 14, 2018 at the age of 76.

His contribution to science and space exploration is truly invaluable. Until his last breath, the author of scientific literature was studying the universe, and today, for a month after his death, publishing houses are printing the last articles of the scientist that he left to humanity.

Biography and personal life of Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was born in Great Britain in 1942, at the height of World War II. Despite the fact that he ended his life in a stroller, the boy was born absolutely normal and was no different from his peers.

The biography and personal life of Stephen Hawking is described in several books about the great scientist. While studying at school, the boy was most interested in exact sciences, he read with pleasure scientific literature, was interested in discoveries in the field of physics and astronomy, and dreamed of solving at least one problem that had not yet been solved by humanity. Despite all the achievements that are on Hawking's list today, he joked that he was the only professor in the field of mathematics without a higher education in mathematics. After leaving school, Stephen received two diplomas higher education two of the most prestigious universities England: Oxford and Cambridge. After university, the physicist taught physics, mathematics, and other related disciplines in the best institutes around the world, and reached the USA, where he worked in University of California. That's when he first showed signs of serious problems with health.

Family and children of Stephen Hawking

Hawking inherited his love of science and outstanding mental abilities from his father. Frank Hawking worked as a researcher at a medical center, and his mother worked there as a secretary and typist. The parents of the future scientist met at work and lived in London for some time. Because of this, they had to flee from the capital to Oxford, fleeing the bombs. Here the couple had three children - Stephen and his two sisters.

In the life of the scientist himself there were two great love, thanks to which the family and children of Stephen Hawking were born. His first Jane gave birth to his wife three children. The woman was with him for a long time, supported him in everything, and as the scientist himself said, saved him from terrible depression when he started having health problems. Jane also helped the physicist get out of his illness when he became very ill with pneumonia, and literally saved his life. The man was unconscious and the doctors had already suggested to Jane that he be disconnected from the artificial respiration apparatus, but she did not agree and took her husband to Cambridge, where he gradually recovered. At the same time, Stephen undergoes throat surgery and loses the ability to speak.

Stephen Hawking's son - Robert Hawking

Stephen Hawking's son Robert Hawking was born in 1967 in Oxford to his first wife Jane. When the boy was very young, he was diagnosed with dyslexia; his father had the same disease in his youth. Due to illness, the boy learned to read and distinguish letters only at the age of 8, but mental abilities This did not affect the boy and his ability to count in any way.

Robert studied in a class with in-depth study of mathematics and exact disciplines. His father believed in him and helped the boy with his studies, so Robert knew he could handle it. After school, he graduated from the University of London and received an education as a software engineer, which is where he works.

Stephen Hawking's son - Timothy Hawking

Stephen Hawking's son, Timothy Hawking, was born in 1979, and became the youngest of the scientist's children. After his appearance, a real drama unfolded in the family, which Stephen’s wife once described. The fact is that the mother-in-law refused to believe that Tim is Hawking’s son and her grandson. The mother-in-law said that the boy was very similar to their neighbor, and Jane herself was allegedly attracted to him at one time.

Hawking's wife was disgusted and disgusted by the thought that her mother-in-law had such an opinion of her, so she once denied these rumors in her book. As for Timothy, he was always impressed by travel and distant countries. The man knows several languages ​​and works in the field of international relations.

Stephen Hawking's daughter - Lucy Hawking

Stephen Hawking's daughter Lucy Hawking became the only girl in the scientist's family; she was born in 1970. The girl loved to read since childhood and had good inclinations to study foreign languages. She studied French, Spanish and Russian, and today works as a journalist for the most famous publications in the world: The Guardian, The Times, and New York magazine.

Lucy works as vice president of a foundation that helps disabled people and people with limited physical abilities. The woman is also a member of the astronomy society, teaches at the university, and for a long time helped her father write books. Lucy has a son.

Stephen Hawking's ex-wife - Jane Hawking

Stephen Hawking's ex-wife Jane Hawking became his support and first true love. They met in 1963, when the scientist already had health problems. Depression fell on him, he literally lived in fear of the future, and Jane’s love became a lifeline for the man. She seemed not to notice his physical deformity, and never made it clear in a word that she was dating him out of pity. She loved him with all her soul, and accepted Stephen's marriage proposal.

They lived together for 25 years, and their life was not easy, in the end the woman was tired of carrying this heavy burden, Stephen was a rather heavy person, and the couple divorced.

Stephen Hawking's ex-wife - Elaine Mason

Stephen Hawking's ex-wife, Elaine Mason, came into Stephen's life completely by accident. After her departure, Jane hired ex-spouse nurse, that’s how Elaine appeared in the house. Hawking was very lonely. Despite the fact that he could not speak, the very feeling and presence of a woman in the house warmed him. Be that as it may, he needed a person nearby, at least to provide for his daily life. Out of desperation, Stephen married a second time, and unsuccessfully.

Elaine did not marry for love, she just wanted the scientist’s money, treated him with disdain, loved to drink and could leave her husband on the street in a stroller, knowing that he would not call for help and would not be able to move into the house on his own while she was drinking there . The scientist never complained to the children, but in 2006 he filed for divorce.

Stephen Hawking's disease

The scientist’s illness first began to appear in the 1960s. It was just some kind of hell, and since then Stephen Hawking has gone through a lot in his life. Why the physicist was paralyzed until the end, the doctors could not give an answer. He started getting sick nervous system, which literally twisted the man and put him in a wheelchair. At the same time, Stephen Hawking could always walk on his own before his illness. Photos from the man's wedding, where he stands next to Jane, show that he was once normal.

The man’s diagnosis was amyotrophic sclerosis, and doctors told him that people do not live long with this disease, but the scientist had such a passion for life and science that he lasted for many years.

Stephen Hawking died? The cause of death is still unknown

In March of this year, tragic news appeared in the media: Stephen Hawking died. The cause of death was not yet known at that time, but today the tabloids say that the scientist fell ill and his illness complicated his current diagnosis, amyotrophic sclerosis, and therefore the scientist was no longer able to get out.

Although long years Stephen was confined to a wheelchair, he did much more for science and the planet than a number of absolutely healthy and capable people. He did not despair, did not give up, and until the end of his life he remained sane, making new discoveries and solving complex mathematical problems that others could not cope with.

Instagram and Wikipedia Stephen Hawking

Since 1974, the scientist has been a member of the Royal Society of London, to which he was included for his services as a physicist in the development of science in the country. Already in wheelchair, Hawking not only taught and studied the universe, but also wrote books where he described string theory, black holes and introduced the reader to theories about the origin of multiple universes. Stephen's books have been translated into many languages ​​and are still sold all over the world.

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