Under the wing of the Fire Rooster. year of which animal according to the horoscope: those born in the year of the Fire Rooster

On New Year's Eve, most people are interested in the question - 2017 is the year of which animal? Which animal will become its symbol? What element does it belong to? What color do you prefer? But if it’s easy to decide on an animal, then it’s already more difficult with a color.

Characteristic of the year: what did the Rooster prepare for us?

The symbol of 2017 will be Fiery -. What to expect from this animal? Given that the coming year will be under again fire sign, then you don’t have to rely on a quiet life. It should be noted that the Rooster will enter into full right only after January 28.

The rooster is an animal that loves and appreciates order and home comfort. So is the zodiac. So it's worth thinking about it. If you follow the order not only in the house, but also in the workplace, then the sign will be favorable. Do not forget about thoughts. They also need to be streamlined, so that you can start doing this right now.

People born in are mostly leaders, and in 2017, under his auspices, they will be able to prove themselves as responsible leaders and initiators of many operations. Having such a person in your circle of acquaintances, you should listen to him. His thoughts can help a lot.

Everyone knows that a rooster, like an animal, has a whole coop of partners. So is the zodiac. When the year of the Rooster falls, it always brings with it various temptations.

So you should be careful in the year of this animal, otherwise such phenomena will not bring anything good to family life and possibly even endangered. Unfamiliar companies should be avoided, especially not to drink alcohol in their company.

Considering that the rooster is a bird known for its provocative and fighting habits, in the coming year it is necessary to restrain yourself and try to avoid any conflict situations.

The Rooster is favorable to enterprising and purposeful people who are not afraid of changes in their lives. Taking the risk of showing talent and showing an extraordinary approach to any situation, one can succeed, since the patron of the year only welcomes such actions.

So, 2017 is just the occasion to try to instill such qualities in yourself. No matter what, in life they will not be superfluous, but quite the opposite - useful.

For most, the year of the Rooster will be a fateful one. Each of them will experience the cool temper of the patron of the year for themselves. This can happen in business, and in money, and in love spheres. In a word, the coming year will be bright, like the tail of this bird and like its character - stormy and unpredictable.

Events will rapidly occur one after another, so you must always be focused, attentive and calm, especially in those cases when you need to make an important decision.

How to appease the symbol of the coming year?

In order to coming year was supportive of all the signs, it is necessary to carefully consider the meeting of 2017. In this case, everything must be taken into account: makeup, hairstyle, outfit, color, smell, gifts under the Christmas tree, etc.

How to celebrate the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster?

? After all, a lot depends on the outfit. Without fail, the New Year's outfit should have red, orange, yellow and gold colors.

Do not overdo it in choosing and do not wear clothes with all these colors. Best of all, the outfit is monophonic, and accessories of a different shade. It should be remembered that smartness and accuracy should be present in the image.

If for the New Year's celebration you want to dress up in a costume of someone or something, then by no means opt for costumes that even remotely resemble predators. After all, predators are the enemies of the Rooster, and the suit will not bring anything good.

You should also think about gifts. Don't donate money. Gifts to tear out are more practical than a simple souvenir.

The emotional side should not be ignored either. Not only on New Year's Eve, but throughout the year, it is better to restrain your emotions and feelings a little, to perform actions only when you think through everything well and foresee the consequences. In the year of the rooster, prudence will be greatly appreciated. It is not advisable to offend the people around you. And make vital decisions slowly and deliberately.

2017 provides an excellent opportunity for self-realization. This can be done anywhere, anytime. life sphere activities. Just do not forget that you need to correctly calculate your own strength, so that, in the end, in mastering your capabilities, do not harm your health.

But in 2017, changes can occur not only in the lives of people, but also in states. Perhaps misunderstanding between countries will begin and because of this, the relationship will deteriorate. Also, it is possible that there will be an open struggle over who will dominate this world. Since the rooster is a cocky bird, the coming year may also become the arena of "cock" fights.

To avoid this, all hope is that a person with his prudence will be able to keep aggression in himself and "fiery" will be only according to the horoscope.

On January 28, 2017, the Fire Monkey will give up. To answer the question: whose year is coming, that is, the year of which animal comes in 2017 according to, ─ let's look into the annals of Japanese and Chinese astrology. All animals came to the Buddha in turn and received gifts ─ guidance for years. He himself decided, ─ the year of which animal will be next. The list was opened by the Rat and completed by the Pig. The rooster was tenth. Each animal contributes something of its own to the characteristics of the year.

At the beginning of 2017, the Rooster is already importantly walking around waiting for his turn and is ready to replace the departing Monkey. His tail bristles, his eyes sparkle. He wants to see you in red outfits, "on Louboutins and in amazing pants." We add spurs to the boots, and the owner of the year is delighted with your image, more bright colors and stones, such as topaz or ruby.

60 years ago

The most big planet solar system- Jupiter. For 12 years, this giant makes its complete revolution around our main star. The nomadic peoples of Asia divided this path into equal parts and created a 12-year calendar cycle, which is included in the 60-year one. And since each animal ─ the patron of the year will meet us five times in 60 years, we also designated the color of the year. What's the matter here? The Chinese distinguished five elements in nature ─ fire (red), wood (green or blue), metal (yellow), water (white) and earth (black).

If we ask ourselves whose year is 2017, then we will find the answer that it is Tsutinoto-tori, i.e. Year of the Rooster. Red belonged to this year 60 years ago last time The Fire Rooster came to Earth in 1957.

What did he remember the inhabitants of our country? Launched into orbit first artificial satellite Lands, virgin lands are being developed, the people are confidently building communism, promised by 1980.

How to please the owner of the year

When the Sun conjuncts the Moon in the sign of Aquarius, the stars herald the coming of the next astrological year in Eastern calendar. In 2017, there will be a merger of two luminaries in the ninth degree of Aquarius.

The Year of the Rooster is always an odd year. And odd-numbered years are considered female. The rooster is friends with people born in women's years. Calculating which year of which animal is favorable for the Rooster is quite simple. These are the years going through four - the Buffalo and the Snake enter into a friendly alliance with the Rooster, and another group of odd years ─ the Cat, the Goat, the Boar, ─ opposes them. By analogy, relations between even years are built. Tiger, Dog, Horse are good for each other, and Monkey, Rat and Dragon, get along with each other. Relations between even and odd years are neutral.

Luck does not tend to appear in an untidy house, so a general cleaning with a magical load will not hurt. Stomp and pat, tie bells to the case (well, or to the body). After household chores, it's time to clean up your person. Before the New Year, treat yourself and loved ones to a new thing.

The rooster advises planting beans and eating them. The owner of the year will love it summer rest on South. Make Peacock your talisman, love the bitter taste, go through fluorography. You can worship Mars if necessary, and from magic numbers prefer 7.

The Moon will rule the year paired with Mercury, do not forget to bless them too. For the Moon, take care of your neighbor, and Mercury will like any small things, but at least click the seeds on New Year's Eve. The rooster respects them too.

If on New Year's Eve you dream of a trip by sea or a sunrise, then the year is expected to be happy. On this night, even a snake, knives or swords will be a good omen in your dreams. Ice in a dream on New Year's Eve speaks of imminent marriage or marriage. It is good to see snow ─ fortunately, the moon ─ to glory. Only the rain is unfavorable, ─ troubles will be shed.

Under the wing of the Fire Rooster

The year promises new inventions and improvements. Deep thinkers and workaholics will be born. Such people are sometimes somewhat eccentric, stand their ground and are usually really right.

Self-confident individuals will demonstrate "without hesitation" an original way of life. Society is in a hurry. Someone will tend to be overweight, however, quite moderate. Volume does not spoil, it just adds charm. A smile, no doubt, will revive the faces of many Russians, even those who have forgotten that they can do it. You will want to teach others or choose the path of a missionary.

On the path you will find a magnificent sparkling shield, which will come in handy more than once in battle. Ambitions will be satisfied. Reward received. The hostess will feed the grain for the labors. The rooster will become widely known in certain circles and will be pointed at. Fame and fame will be taken for granted. The reputation will be impeccable. Seeing is not enough, you have to create.

We are waiting for the year of heroes ready for self-sacrifice. Shakespearean passions will flare up. Strait jackets are excluded. The struggle for the idea, restlessness and lack of self-preservation instinct will manifest itself all the time. Orders for awarding those who distinguished themselves will fall in bundles.

Cockfighting among citizens will be a reality in many in public places. Political figures will not want to leave the squares, stands and TV channels, their crowing will be heard from morning to evening. Willfulness and willfulness should be feared. It was in 1957 that Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was named "man of the year" by the American magazine TIME. Subsequently, Khrushchev was sent into retirement for voluntaristic attempts in politics.

If you are tired of everything, go on a trip. There you will find amazing slurred adventures that will not only disperse stagnation in your circulatory system, will give a blush to the cheeks, but will also cause revolutionary changes in life. Just remember that revolutions are not always good. Do not lean towards alcohol, drugs and immorality, you can guess what is fraught with.

The year of the Rooster is characterized by stupid enterprise, which causes various complications with loved ones. The humiliated and offended will be taken under the wing Fire Rooster.

Don't get stuck in your chicken coop, aim to get higher!

The New Year is approaching, and with it new hopes, goals and opportunities. To new life stage met all expectations, you should enlist the support of the animal talisman of the year from the very battle of the chimes.

The coming year 2017 will be held under the auspices of the Red (Fire) Rooster, an expressive and energetic animal. Its accompanying element - Fire - will aggravate these qualities, therefore New Year promises to be difficult, but productive and full of bright events.

What are the features of the symbol of the year

The Rooster loves novelty, so the coming year promises to be favorable for any undertakings. However, you cannot rely solely on the good fortune of Fortune: in order to succeed, you will have to give up all habits that are an obstacle to development from the very beginning of the year - the patron of the year does not tolerate laziness and postponing things for later. But such qualities as enthusiasm, initiative and willingness to take reasonable risks will help you get the location of the Symbol of the Year and change your life for the better.

The Rooster has negative traits: it is known that this animal is stubborn and proud. Remember that virtues with an excessively hot temperament can turn into disadvantages. Therefore, do not be blinded by career success, so as not to start "going over the heads", do not show excessive obstinacy, which can destroy relationships with loved ones. The ability to act according to circumstances, find a way out of conflict situations and the ability to understand the feelings of other people in the new year will be worth its weight in gold.

What to do in the Year of the Rooster

2017 will be an ideal year to improve the family nest. The economic streak inherent in the Rooster will lead you on the right path, and any activities - from general repairs to moving - will help increase well-being and strengthen relationships with the family. Even minor little things will favorably affect the homely atmosphere. It is especially good if, when buying this or that little thing, you give preference to red - the color of the symbol of the year will help you catch your luck.

In the year of the Rooster, it is good to renew interrupted personal ties, attend friendly evenings and get together with the family. The patron animal of 2017 is friendly and enthusiastic, so large events - weddings, anniversaries, large-scale meetings - will be a hit. But do not forget about the cock's temper and propensity for conflicts - be able to redirect the brewing conflict in a favorable direction in time, and personal ties will only grow stronger.

Positive mood, activity and self-confidence are the keys to success in the year of the Rooster. And so that luck does not leave you and your loved ones for a minute, think about it in time Christmas gifts- mascots associated with the symbol of the year will be very useful. Achieve what you want, tune in to the best and don't forget to cash in on the buttons è

07.11.2016 05:34

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The symbol of 2017 according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar is the Red Fire Rooster.

The rooster symbolizes, on the one hand, self-confidence, sociability, straightforwardness, courage, diligence, brightness, honesty, and on the other hand, vanity, arrogance, irascibility, stubbornness, conservatism, wastefulness.

Fire gives the Rooster authority. The red color gives it power.

Red Fire Rooster - born leader. He easily leads the team, captivating with his ideas. At the same time, he never listens to objections and advice. Sometimes he should listen to the opinions of others and behave with others more correctly.

How to celebrate 2017

Red Fire Rooster - family sign. Therefore, it is desirable to spend New Year's Eve in the circle of close and dear people. It is better not to arrange a noisy celebration, but to celebrate the New Year quietly and calmly.

If the family has a tradition of traveling during this time and celebrating an event away from home, it is recommended to change the routine in 2017. After all, the owner of the holiday loves home comfort and does not tolerate the extravagance that accompanies any trip.

At the same time, it is better not to skimp on fireworks, sparklers and garlands. The year of the Fire Rooster is coming - it is worth meeting him “with a twinkle”.

What to wear

The rooster loves red and its derivatives - burgundy, purple. Therefore, for new year's eve a bright colorful dress will do. The second most important shade is gold. You can choose gold jewelry that matches the dress. An accessory such as a feather will look original and appropriate, especially in a hairstyle or on a headdress.

There is a risk that everyone will wear red dresses for the celebration of the New Year 2017. An outfit made of shiny flowing fabric - brocade, silk, satin or crepe satin will help you stand out from the crowd. It is recommended to choose a dress with a romantic air cut. If you have to celebrate the New Year in an old dress, it is advisable to update it with accessories. For this, a satin ribbon or bow is suitable.

You should not wear leopard or tiger clothes - it can bring bad luck in the coming year. The rooster is not friends with the cat family, so he will remember such an oversight in his outfit for a long time.

What to gift

The owner of 2017 does not accept extravagance and useless things. Therefore, it is better not to present any trinkets and souvenirs. It is advisable to give something that is useful in home life - a set of towels, blankets, bed sheets, frying pans, steamers. The original option will be tickets for a concert, theater, spa, master class. The rooster will regard such a gift as a useful event and will be favorable to the giver.

To appease the owner of the year and enlist his support, you need to present a figurine or image of the Rooster.

Since ancient times, mankind has been trying to find an explanation for events or incidents that are not clear to him. This is how legends, beliefs and entire religions are born. One of these beliefs is the parable of 12 animals that came to the Buddha and became symbols of the year - they were given the right to command the whole year, influencing people's lives. The symbol of 2017 is the Red Fire Rooster, which will come into its own on January 28th. Calculations in eastern horoscope are focused on lunar cycles and therefore the year comes into its own not on the first of January, when we celebrate, but much later. This is especially important for those who were born at the beginning of the year, because this determines the animal that will patronize him throughout his life.

What symbol of the year will be in 2017: the color and elements of the year

The rooster is the tenth in a twelve year cycle Chinese horoscope, his order was determined all according to the same parable, it is on the tenth that he will come to say goodbye to the Buddha leaving the Earth. But the color and element of the year are already determined by astrologers, who carefully monitor the change of elements. So, there are five main elements:

  • Tree,
  • Water,
  • Metal,
  • Earth,
  • Fire.

And each of the elements has its own color, which is not difficult to determine. So, the tree corresponds green color blue for water, white for metal, yellow for earth, and red for fire. And although it is generally accepted that the cycle of the Eastern calendar is 12 years - the period when the sign will again dominate during the year - in fact full cycle is sixty years, when not only the year will return to rule, but also the elements.

The fiery sign means that the cycle ends and therefore every year that obeys this element is significant and defining not only for those who were born into it, but also for all of humanity as a whole. During this period, important events take place, scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, conflicts flare up, but also end too.

The red color will also be important throughout the year, as it is inherent in the symbol of 2017 according to the Rooster. This color will bring good luck to its owner, signal dangers and, on the contrary, push them to rash acts. When purchasing new things, be careful - do not overdo it with red, its excess is also unfavorable.

Next year 2017: what animal according to the horoscope

Each year-symbol has its own characteristic, that is, a number of qualities that will become inherent in everyone at the same time, since the totem of the year will exert its influence not only on those born in the year of the Rooster, but also on everyone else.

It is important to remember that the Rooster is, first of all, a hardworking bird - therefore great success Only those who are ready to work to achieve and fulfill their dreams will be able to achieve this year. As the Rooster gets up at dawn to start a new day, so you will have to plan your affairs well in advance, as the symbol of 2017 does not like surprises and spontaneous decisions. But at the same time, this bird is a big boaster: he loves to boast of his achievements and skills, exposing everything that he can do. Perhaps this trait will manifest itself in you most of all during the entire period. Remember: you can only brag about what you already have, and not about future plans, otherwise you will get the glory of idle talk if your plan is not realized on time. In general, try to keep your dreams and goals to yourself, and share them as little as possible. It is better to work more towards their achievement.

The Rooster loves praise not only for his achievements, but also for his qualities and appearance. He carefully chooses outfits, picks up makeup, hair and accessories - he is neat by nature and should always look perfect. Another trait that will show up brightly throughout the year in many people. However, do not rush to completely update your wardrobe. The symbol of the year does not tolerate waste, but is always happy with useful purchases: purchase multifunctional transformer items that can be supplemented with belts and beads. You will not spend too much and will always look original and unusual. The desire to stand out from the crowd, to draw attention to oneself is a feature inherent in the totem of the year.

When wondering which animal is 2017 according to the eastern calendar, also keep in mind that the Fiery Red Rooster will endow you special qualities entrepreneur, even if you don’t have such a vein. Your intuition will sharpen and allow you to make the right decisions in controversial issues, but still try to rely more on a cold mind, and not on a warm heart that tends to make mistakes. The rooster is foolishly thrifty, at times it even borders on stinginess, it is this trait of his that will save you from rash acts. Unless you are no longer exposed to his other trait - eccentricity and impulsiveness. Then you are guaranteed rash purchases, loud promises and public confessions.

The Red Rooster - the symbol of 2017, whose photo you have seen at least once in your life, also has one more not the most positive trait- directness. He is always sure that he is right, even if the facts say otherwise, you will not be able to convince him otherwise. He is also selfish and therefore often does not notice how he hurts the feelings of others by doing certain things. This is what later becomes the cause of scandals and strife with friends, relatives and acquaintances. Try to minimize the influence of these particular traits on your character and focus on improving your own character.

As for amorous affairs, the Rooster is very loving. He knows how to charm and make a great first impression on anyone, so he almost always gets his way. But often it is also his weakness: he cannot stop in time and in a toga becomes a victim of his own charm. When, for example, he starts an affair with several people at the same time. After all, he does not know how to keep many important things a secret - including his love affairs. On the other hand, the Rooster is a homebody, and if he has already managed to find a mate, it doesn’t go beyond flirting. It’s just important for him to sometimes remind himself that he is still in great shape - as an athlete who has completed his career. Therefore, the year is suitable for an excellent and stormy romance or for strengthening already existing connection, but if you are in search, there is nothing to reassure you. It is unlikely that you will notice in a kaleidoscope of meetings and casual relationships who will make you a couple for the rest of your life.

If you know what the next year is 2017 of what animal, then you can try to prepare for it. That is, to plan your actions in advance or prepare the ground for the changes that will occur next year. Be sure that you cannot avoid serious trials, because it is through them that the Rooster will teach you diligence and endurance, diligence and diligence, patience and the ability to wait. Throughout the year, you will constantly feel the burden of responsibility for each decision, but believe - you are going to personal success and rise above your former self. This is how the stars are formed precisely in 2017 - the Red Fire Rooster.

2017 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope: those born in the year of the Fire Rooster

Especially important is the characteristic of newborns, because astrologers, when compiling a horoscope, certainly take into account the time and date of birth, pay attention to the patron of the year and his element at the time of birth. To know exactly what year 2017 is - the year of which animal, the photo of which can be viewed on the network - use the hint in the eastern horoscope. Astrologers have already calculated this information for several years ahead. It is known that 2017 will be held under the auspices of the Red Rooster.

Little Roosters are very curious by nature, it is difficult to keep track of them and generally somehow curb their temper, which will begin to manifest itself from the first days of life. Take it for granted that fidget has appeared in your house: you won’t be able to tie it to the bed, but you’ll have to secure it as much as possible. Therefore, immediately put plugs on sockets, wrap everything with sharp corners soft cloths and lock the closet securely.

The rooster is very emotional and does not always know how to control outbursts and mood swings, which leads to the fact that over time he is considered an eccentric petty tyrant. In fact, he's just very impulsive. You need to teach the child to direct his exuberant energy to useful deeds: Rooster likes to do only what he loves and the sooner you find out the interests and tastes of your child, the better. If you yourself are the same Fire Rooster, then you probably already managed to determine with your own priorities and preferences.

Determining the year 2017 of which animal, futurologists also noted the features of those who were born that year, focusing on the fact that most often these people have problems in communication and in their personal lives due to irascibility and jealousy, which manifests itself very violently. No one knows how to arrange such scenes as the Fire Rooster. But you need to be wary of his excessive enthusiasm for someone. Having chosen an object for adoration, he will constantly show signs of attention, call, write a hundred times a day and be interested in whether he liked the gift, the flowers sent or the past date. In such an uncomplicated way, he begs for compliments and praise, if you yourself do not scatter in gratitude. Or the Rooster thinks that what you say is not enough.

Getting older, the Roosters show their egoism not only in relation to others, but also in study and work. Having set a goal, for example, universal adoration and reverence for their merits, they will stop at nothing on the way to the top. Therefore, it is often said about Roosters that they go over their heads. Imagine how this quality will be enhanced fire element. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious and often achieve great success in their careers, but on the condition that they like the work. Being an ordinary employee and doing something they do not like, they often fall into depressive states and withdraw into themselves. But this is quickly cured by a change of scenery and activities.

Symbols of the New Year 2017: how to celebrate the year of the Red Rooster

There are a number of traditions and superstitions about how exactly you need to celebrate the holiday of the change of year. It's about clothes holiday table, gifts. This is done in order to appease the animal coming into its own and protect itself from the troubles that can happen if, for some reason, the symbol of the year is dissatisfied.

You already know which animal will be the symbol of 2017, so you can make sure that you have everything ready for the meeting of the owner of the year. It’s worth starting with offerings, namely the correct preparation of dishes for the New Year’s table. The first and most important rule is no bird on the table. Not in any way. Replace in meat recipes chicken with pork or beef, and choose the same types of meat for cuts. Put more vegetables on the table, especially green ones, and don't forget about the greens themselves. Use as a decoration for salads dill, parsley and green onion, spread sandwiches on lettuce leaves. And make the salads themselves as simple as possible: complex dishes are contraindicated for this New Year's table. Use cabbage and cucumbers in cooking. It’s good if the main components of a bird’s dinner are present on the table: millet (wheat), rice, corn, seeds (sesame seeds are also suitable). Choose cabbage rolls as a hot dish, because you use both cabbage and grain (rice) in them. Also, be sure to make sure that there is fresh bread on the table (buns are possible) and pastries (cakes, cake).

When preparing for the holiday, remember what animal the new year is 2017 - your outfit should contain the color-symbol of the year: a red dress, shirt, or at least a bracelet. Choose different shades of red and wine so as not to merge with guests, use this color for table setting (napkins or plates, for example). It is best to combine red with white or black, like the plumage of the Rooster itself. As for accessories, it's time to get out the family jewelry - this bird does not like jewelry, only warm and bright gold and stones. Also put on something with a feather: a hat, headband, bracelet, boa. You will not imitate the symbol of the year, but respect it with your choice. Keep in mind that the Rooster loves neatness in everything, so think carefully about your image: everything from hair and manicure to shoes and accessories should look harmonious and complement the image, and not oversaturate it. Make sure your nails are evenly painted and makeup is applied with special care, choose bright lipstick or pearly shadows for the holiday, neatly style your hair - your hair should look hair to hair, no crow's nest on your head!

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