The snow leopard is the group to which the species belongs. Irbis or snow leopard from the cat family - description with photos and videos. Snow leopard sightings

Niramin - Sep 2nd, 2015

Irbis or, as hunters have long called it, the snow leopard is an animal from the cat family. Similar in appearance to a leopard, but slightly smaller in size. Because of their valuable fur, people massively hunted them, after which they were listed in the Red Book of the World. Therefore, if you were lucky enough to see a snow leopard, then you are very lucky. Since each time the probability of meeting with him sharply decreased.

The appearance of the snow leopard

The body length of the snow leopard, including the tail, is about two meters. Its weight is about 45-55 kg. Males are usually much larger than females. Outwardly, in the shape of the head and its physique, it resembles a domestic cat. The wide paws of the predator are strong, equipped with curved and sharp claws. Thanks to its paws, the irbis easily steps over the snow without falling into it. Due to the beautiful coat color, gray-white with black spots on the fur allows the predator to camouflage well among the rocks in winter. Of the representatives of the cat family, this is the only animal that can jump from heights of 15 meters down with pinpoint accuracy.

Where does the snow leopard live

Leopards are very secretive animals. They live alone in hard-to-reach places, in stony cliffs high in the mountains, up to about 5 thousand at sea level, among the mountains of the Middle and Central Asia. If in summer he lives high in the mountains, then in winter he descends into the valleys.

What do snow leopards eat and who do they hunt?

For hunting, the snow leopard chooses the main time - twilight. During the day, they bask in the sun or rest in the den. They always hunt alone, chasing their prey for a long time. Having killed their prey, they bring it into the dwelling and only then, they start eating food. They can eat up to 3 kg of meat at a time.

Predators feed on artiodactyl animals, such as rams, goats, sheep, but they also love a hare and even a mouse. If they are completely hungry, they can go down to the valley and attack livestock.

How do snow leopards breed?

The mating season or breeding season for leopards falls on the beginning of spring: March - April. Pregnancy of the female lasts up to 100 days, and therefore give birth only once every two years. Usually up to 3 cubs are born. At two months, they already begin to follow their mother everywhere, since the father does not take part in the upbringing. They feed exclusively on mother's milk up to 4 months. final puberty in predators reaches the age of three.

See a selection of photos of the snow leopard:

Irbis in a high jump.

mother and cub

Photo: Angry Irbis

Video: Irbis is a legend snowy mountains(Film by Ivan Usanov).

Video: Snow Leopard attacked a bull yak (Snow leopard attacks bull yak)

Video: Afghanistan: Snow Leopard: WILD HD

Snow Leopard- this is an amazing inhabitant of the highlands, a predatory, dexterous, and very graceful beast. The animal is not called snowy for nothing. This is the only representative of the family that lives in the mountains, where all year round there is snow. The predator is also called the irbis, the lord of the mountains or the snow leopard.

In ancient times, because of the similarity appearance they were called snow leopards, and were even considered representatives of the same species. However, snow leopards are not related to leopards. They are much stronger and faster, although inferior to them in size. Unfortunately, today this incredibly beautiful predator is on the verge of extinction.

Origin of the species and description

Irbis are representatives predatory mammals. They belong to the cat family, are allocated to the genus and species of snow leopards. The theory of the origin of this amazing and very graceful predator has not yet been formed.

At the end of the 16th century, Russian fur traders and artisans heard from Turkic hunters about a mysterious handsome man, whom they called "Irbiz". For the first time, Europeans were able to see an outlandish cat in 1761. The researcher Georges Buffon showed pictures to the European nobility, which depicted a very beautiful wild cat. He supplemented his pictures with information that they are trained and brought up to participate in hunting in Persia.

Video: Irbis

Since then, many scientific researchers and zoologists have been interested in this amazing beast. In 1775, the German naturalist zoologist Johann Schreber wrote a whole scientific work that was devoted to the origin and evolution of animals, as well as a description of their appearance and lifestyle. Subsequently, the Russian scientist Nikolai Przhevalsky also studied the life of the snow leopard. A number of scientific, including genetic, examinations were carried out, according to which it was possible to establish that the approximate existence of a predator of the cat family is about one and a half million years.

The first remains of the animal, which by all indications belonged to the snow leopard, were discovered on the western border of Mongolia, in Altai. They are dated to the late Pleistocene period. The next significant find is the remains of an animal in the northern region of Pakistan. Their approximate age is one and a half million years. Initially, snow leopards were classified as panthers. A little later, studies showed that the snow leopard and panther have no direct common features.

This member of the cat family has features that are not found in other members of this family. This gives grounds for isolating them into a separate genus and species. Although today there is no exact information about the origin of the genus of snow leopards, scientists are inclined to believe that the snow leopard and panther did not have common ancestors. The results of a genetic examination suggest that they separated into a separate branch a little more than a million years ago.

Appearance and features

The snow leopard is an animal of incredible beauty and grace. One body length adult- 1-1.4 meters. Animals are very a long tail, the length of which is equal to the length of the body. Tail length - 0.8-1 meter. The tail plays very important role. Animals use it to maintain balance in mountainous areas and to warm their front and hind legs in snow and frost. The mass of one adult is 30-50 kilograms.

Sexual dimorphism is not pronounced, but males are somewhat larger than females. Predators have large front paws with round pads measuring 1 * 1 cm. Long hind feet provide fast movement among mountain peaks and dexterous, graceful jumps. The limbs are not very long, but thick and powerful paws. The paws have retractable claws. Thanks to this, there are no traces of claws on the snow where the graceful predator has passed.

The predator of the cat family has a round-shaped head, but which has small, triangular-shaped ears. IN winter period in thick, long fur they are practically invisible. Animals have very expressive, round-shaped eyes. The snow leopard has long, thin whiskers. Their length reaches a little over ten centimeters.

Interesting fact. The snow leopard has very long and thick fur, which keeps it warm in harsh conditions. climatic conditions. The length of the coat reaches 50-60 centimeters.

region of the spinal column and side surface the bodies are gray, close to white. abdomen area, inner surface limbs and lower abdomen has a lighter tone. A unique color is provided by ring-shaped dark, almost black rings. Inside these rings are smaller rings. Circles of the smallest size are located in the head area. Gradually, from the head, along the neck and torso to the tail, the size increases.

The largest size rings are located in the neck and limbs. On the back and tail, the rings merge, forming transverse stripes. The tip of the tail is always black. The color of the winter fur is smoky gray with an orange tint. This color allows them to go unnoticed by steep rocks and snowdrifts. By summer, the coat becomes light, almost white.

Where does the snow leopard live?

Animals live only in mountainous areas. The average height of its permanent habitat is 3000 meters above sea level. However, in search of food, they can easily climb to a height twice this figure. In general, the habitat of the snow leopard is very diverse. The largest number animals is concentrated in the countries of Central Asia.

Geographic regions of the snow leopard:

  • Mongolia;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Tajikistan;
  • China;
  • India;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Russia.

In our country, the population of the feline predator is not numerous. They are located mainly in Khakassia, Altai Territory, Tyva, Krasnoyarsk Territory. The animal lives in such mountains as the Himalayas, Pamirs, Kun-Lun, Sayan Mountains, Hindu Kush, in the mountains of Tibet, and many others. Also, animals live in the territory of protected and protected areas. These include the territory of the national park Altushinsky, Sayano-Shushensky.

Most often, the predator chooses the territory of steep stone cliffs, deep gorges and thickets of bushes as a habitat. Irbis prefer regions with low snow cover. In search of food can go down to forest areas, however, spends most of the time in mountainous areas. In some regions, snow leopards live at an altitude not exceeding a thousand kilometers above sea level. In regions such as the Turkestan Range, it mainly lives at an altitude of 2.5 thousand meters, and in the Himalayas it climbs to a height of six and a half thousand meters. In winter, they can change their location depending on the regions where ungulates live.

The territory of Russia accounts for no more than 2% of the total habitat of predators. Each adult individual occupy a special territory, which is prohibited for others.

What does a snow leopard eat?

By nature, the snow leopard is a predator. It feeds exclusively on food of meat origin. He can hunt both birds and large ungulates.

What is the feed base:

  • Sheep;
  • Argali;
  • Serau;
  • Kekliky;
  • Feathered;
  • Mountain goats.

For one meal, an animal needs 3-4 kilograms of meat to be completely satiated.

Interesting fact. The snow leopard takes food only at home. After a successful hunt, the leopard carries its prey to the lair and eats it only there.

Irbis is a unique hunter, and in one hunt it can get several victims at once. In summer, it can eat berries or various types of vegetation, young shoots. For a successful hunt, the leopard chooses the most convenient position for an ambush. It mainly chooses places near waterfalls where animals come to drink, as well as near paths. Attacks with a sharp, lightning-fast ambush jump. A taken aback animal does not have time to react and becomes the prey of a predator. The leopard usually attacks from a distance of several tens of meters.

An animal of especially large size attacks with a jump on its back and immediately bites into the throat, tries to bite or break its neck. Irbis, as a rule, has no competitors. He eats fresh meat, and leaves everything that is not eaten to other predators or birds.

During the period of famine, it can descend from the mountains and hunt livestock - sheep, shelter, pigs, etc. Feathers, rodents and smaller animals are a food source only when there is an acute shortage of larger animals in the region where predators live.

Features of character and lifestyle

Irbis prefer a solitary lifestyle. Each adult individual chooses a specific habitat, which is prohibited for other representatives of the species. If other individuals of this family enter the habitat, regardless of gender, they do not show pronounced aggression. The habitat of one individual is from 20 to 150 square kilometers.

Each individual marks its territory with marks with a specific smell, as well as marks of claws on trees. In the conditions of existence in national parks, or reserves, where animals are limited in territory, they try to stay at a distance of at least two kilometers from each other. In rare exceptions, snow leopards exist in pairs.

It is most active at night. They go hunting at dawn or after dark. Most often, he develops a certain route and, in search of food, moves only along it. The route consists of places of watering and pastures of ungulates. In the process of overcoming its route, it does not miss the opportunity to catch smaller food.

In each route, the snow leopard has landmarks. As such, there may be waterfalls, rivers, streams, high mountain peaks or rocks. The passage of the chosen route takes from one to several days. During this period of time, the predator overcomes from ten to thirty kilometers.

In winter, when the thickness of the snow cover increases, the predator is forced to first tread its own paths in order to be able to hunt. This can play a cruel joke on him, since the paths visible in the snow and the habit of not changing their route make them easy prey for poachers. Animals are able to develop great speed and thanks to their long feet they jump 10-15 meters in length.

Interesting fact: Irbis- this is the only representative of the cat family, which is unusual for growling. They often make long sounds. This is especially true for females in the period marital relations. With such a sound, which is formed by the passage of air masses through the nostrils, females notify males of their location.

This sound is also used as a greeting by individuals to each other. Facial expressions and direct contact are also used as communication. In order to demonstrate strength, animals open their mouths wide, exposing their long fangs. If the predators good mood and are peaceful, they slightly open their mouths without showing fangs, and also wrinkle their nose.

Social structure and reproduction

Animals tend to lead a solitary lifestyle. Individuals of the opposite sex communicate with each other only during the period of marriage. Mating of females occurs every two years. By nature, animals are monogamous. When existing in captivity or in conditions national parks and protected areas can be monogamous.

The period of marriage is highly dependent on the time of year. It starts with the onset of winter and lasts until mid-spring. Females attract males by making a long, creaking sound. The males respond to the call. When individuals of different sexes are found in the same territory, she behaves more actively. She raises her tail with a pipe and walks around the male. In the process of mating, the male holds the female in one position, grabbing the hair in the withers area with his teeth. Pregnancy of the female lasts 95-115 days. In the period from mid-spring to mid-summer, small kittens appear. Most often, one female is able to reproduce no more than three kittens. In exceptional cases, five kittens may be born. The female leaves to give birth to her babies in stone gorges.

Interesting fact. The female makes a kind of hole in the gorge, lining its bottom with wool from her stomach.

The weight of each newborn kitten is 250-550 grams. Babies are born blind, after 7-10 days their eyes open. The lair is abandoned after two months. Upon reaching 4-5 months of age, they participate in hunting. Up to six months, the mother feeds her babies with mother's milk. Upon reaching the age of two months, kittens begin to gradually join the solid, meat food. Females reach sexual maturity at the age of three, males at the age of four. During the first year, they maintain the closest possible relationship with the mother.

The average life expectancy of predators is 13-15 years in natural conditions. In captivity, life expectancy can increase up to 27 years.

Natural enemies of snow leopards

The snow leopard is considered an animal that stands at the very top of the food pyramid and has practically no competitors and enemies. In some cases, interspecific hostility occurs, during which adult, strong individuals die. Often there is hostility between snow leopards and. Adult, strong individuals pose a threat to young and immature snow leopards.

The greatest threat is the man who kills animals in pursuit of valuable fur. In Asian countries, skeletal elements are often used in medicine as an alternative to tiger bones for the manufacture of medicines.

Population and species status

Today, this amazing and very graceful predator is on the verge of extinction. This status of this species of animals is caused by a number of specific reasons.

Reasons for the extinction of the species:

  • The habitat of individual groups of animals is very remote from each other;
  • Slow reproduction rates;
  • Impoverishment of the food base - a decrease in the number of artiodactyls;
  • Poaching;
  • Very late onset of puberty.

According to the data world organization for the protection of animals in the world, there are from 3 to 7 thousand individuals. Another 1.5-2 thousand animals exist in zoos and national parks. According to approximate statistics, the number of individuals in Russia has decreased by a third over the past decade. The disappearance of the species was also facilitated by a sharp decrease in the number of mature females.

Snow leopard protection

In order to protect this species of predatory animals, it is listed in International Book, as well as in the Red Book of Russia, as an endangered species. Listed in the Red Book of Mongolia in 1997 and given the status of "very rare view". Today, in order to preserve and increase the number of these amazing predators, National parks and protected areas in which animals breed.

In 2000, the animal was included in the IUCN Red List under the highest protection category. In addition, the snow leopard is listed in the first Appendix of the Convention on Interethnic Trade in Various Species of Animals and Plants. In all countries in whose territory the animal lives, hunting and destruction of the handsome man are officially, at the legislative level, prohibited. Violation of this requirement is a criminal offence.

Snow Leopard is a mysterious and very graceful animal. It is a symbol of greatness, power and fearlessness of many countries. It is unusual for him to attack a person. This can only happen in rare exceptions.

Hello friends! Guess the riddle:

Lives high in the mountains

This wild snow cat.

I am sure that all of you perfectly understood that this is a snow leopard. A carnivorous animal from the cat family. A relative of the tiger, panther and leopard.

This animal has other names. It is also called the snow leopard or irbis. The word "irbis" came to us from the Turkic language and means "snow cat".

This predator is called snowy because of its beautiful light fur. Its fluffy, thick, warm fur coat is whitish-gray in color with dark rings in the form of rings, making it very similar to a leopard. And this coloring makes it almost invisible in natural environment a habitat. Where does he live?

Lesson plan:


The snow leopard is a mountain dweller. He lives in high and rocky mountains Middle and Central Asia.

This beautiful cat can be found in countries such as:

  • Afghanistan;
  • China;
  • India;
  • Mongolia;
  • Nepal;
  • Pakistan etc.

On the territory of Russia is found:

  • in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • in the Republic of Tuva;
  • in Khakassia;
  • and in Altai.

The snow leopard arranges its lair in caves or crevices. There he spends most of his time during the day. Resting, playing, relaxing. Well, at dawn or at sunset, the leopard goes hunting. Want to know who he's after? Then read on)


As we already know, the irbis is a predator. It preys on ungulates such as:

  • mountain goats;
  • sheep;
  • roe deer;
  • moose;
  • deer.

Sometimes he likes to eat hares, partridges, marmots and other small animals.

In summer, the leopard adds plant foods to its diet, chews grass and various leaves.

Snow leopards hunt mostly alone. They sit in ambush for a long time, watching their prey, and then overtake it with several powerful jumps. And the predator jumps just fine: up to 6 meters in length and up to 2.5 - 3 meters in height. Then the leopard drags the prey to a secluded place and eats calmly there. Moreover, in order for the leopard to eat enough for him, 2-3 kg of meat is enough, so he does not finish eating to the end, he simply abandons his prey and leaves.

The snow leopard likes to attack prey from above, so it is much easier for him to knock down a large animal and kill him. Hunting continues in hot summers and snowy winters. And the winter in the mountains is harsh, but the leopard is saved from the cold by his chic warm fur coat with thick undercoat. And in general, nature has created this predator in such a way that he feels comfortable in the snow.

What does a snow leopard look like?

The leopard is much smaller than such well-known predatory cats as a tiger or a lion. The length of his body, together with his head, reaches 130 cm. The height at the shoulders is 60 cm. The weight of males is 45-55 kg. Males are slightly larger than females. The head is round. The ears are small and rounded. The legs are short and strong. The paws are flat and wide, this helps the irbis to move through deep snow and not fall into it.

But if the snow is loose, then the leopard cannot walk on it and not fall through. Therefore, he often treads paths in snowdrifts, which he uses to move around. And the leopard has to walk a lot. Once every few days he makes a round of his hunting grounds.

And the irbis has a beautiful, long, fluffy tail. The length of the tail can reach 1 meter. The tail helps the leopard to make precise maneuvers while hunting. That is, time to turn in the right direction. And little leopards are very fond of “hunting” for their mother’s chic tail. They play with him when they are with their mother in the den.


For the birth of cubs, the female arranges a lair in the most inaccessible and hidden places. Leopards are born from April to June. Usually two to five cubs are born. They are born blind, but after 8 days the babies open their eyes and can see.

When the leopards are 5-6 months old, their mother begins to teach them to hunt. They go hunting with the whole family, but the last decisive jump is made by the female. Mother brings up her children for 2 years. And then they leave to live an independent life. A life full of dangers.

Snow Leopard Enemy

In nature, the snow leopard has no enemies. However, the leopard is in serious danger. And this danger comes from man. It is man who is the most terrible, strong and cruel enemy of this beautiful predator. Despite the fact that snow leopards live in very remote places, poachers kill them. They need beautiful fur, which is very expensive.

The snow leopard is afraid of people. Only two cases of a predator attack on a person are known. The first happened in 1940. Near Alma-Ata, a leopard attacked two people and seriously injured them, as it turned out, he suffered from rabies. And in the second case, a very old, toothless, emaciated and hungry leopard jumped on a man from a cliff.

To date, only about 7,000 individuals are known to live in nature. Another 2,000 live in zoos around the world.

Snow leopards are listed in the Red Book and they need our protection. In the ecological calendar there is even a “Day of the Snow Leopard”, which has been celebrated since 2010 in Altai on May 26th. You can read about other environmental holidays.

10 interesting facts about the snow leopard

Oh yes, I also prepared a wonderful video for you, which will give you the opportunity to see the snow leopard with your own eyes.

I wish you success in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

The irbis, or snow leopard, hunts alone in the highest mountains of the world.


Russian name - snow leopard

English name - snow leopard

Latin name - uncia

Squad - predatory (Carnivora)

Family - cats (Felidae)

Genus - snow leopards (Uncia), has 1 species.

Conservation status of the species

Irbis is endangered, listed in the IUCN Red List.

View and person

The irbis has been persecuted by humans in the past because of its beautiful fur. Since 1952, in India and the USSR, he was taken under protection. Currently, hunting for it is prohibited everywhere.

Distribution and habitats

Irbis lives in the mountainous regions of Asia from Afghanistan to western China, in the Himalayas, in Tibet, in the mountains of Mongolia, in Altai. This is one of the highest mountain animals. In most areas in summer, the snow leopard stays near alpine meadows along the snow line at an altitude of 3500-4000 m, in the Himalayas - up to 5500-6000 m. selects areas where small open plateaus and narrow valleys alternate with steep gorges and heaps of rocks.

Appearance and morphology

The body length of the snow leopard is 110–125 cm, weight 20–40 kg. If we compare the length of the tail and body, then of all the cats, the snow leopard has the longest tail, it is more than three-quarters of the body length. The general tone of the color of the back and sides of the body is grayish-smoky, sometimes slightly yellowish. Against this background there are dark spots with unsharp outlines - large annular and small solid ones. On a small head - short, wide-set ears and large, high-set eyes. The fur cover of the beast is very thick, lush and soft. Thick wool grows even between the toes and protects the paw pads in winter - from the cold, in summer - from hot stones.

Irbis hunting alone in the highest mountains of the world

Irbis hunting alone in the highest mountains of the world

Irbis hunting alone in the highest mountains of the world

Irbis hunting alone in the highest mountains of the world

Irbis hunting alone in the highest mountains of the world

Irbis hunting alone in the highest mountains of the world

Lifestyle and social behavior

Animals live alone. They mark their sites with scrapes and scent marks. The home ranges of males may partially overlap with those of 1–3 females.

Feeding and feeding behavior

The basis of the nutrition of the snow leopard is made up of large ungulates: the Siberian mountain goat, argali. In the foothills, the snow leopard hunts roe deer and wild boar. In its vast hunting area (up to 100 sq. km), the predator moves, adhering to the same routes, bypassing the pastures of potential victims known to it. Like other high-mountain animals, the snow leopard makes regular seasonal vertical migrations: in summer it follows ungulates to high-mountain alpine meadows; in spring - in the forest belt; after heavy snowfalls descends to foothill plains.

In alpine meadows and outcrops of rocks, the irbis, except for ungulates, catches marmots and ground squirrels, snowcocks and partridges. The leopard silently sneaks up on its prey and suddenly jumps on it. It can jump up to 10 meters in length and up to 3 meters in height. Not catching the prey immediately, he stops the pursuit after a few jumps. Having killed a large animal, the predator drags it under a rock or a tree and starts eating. At one time, he eats only 2-3 kg of meat, and throws away the abundant leftovers of the meal and does not return to them anymore.


Irbis do not emit a loud inviting roar, characteristic of large cats, but purr like small ones. During the rut, the animals make sounds similar to bass meowing.

Reproduction and education of offspring

The snow leopard rut occurs in March - May. The male meets with the female only at this time and subsequently does not take part in the upbringing of children. Three months later, in the lair, which the female arranges in a cave or in a crevice of a hard-to-reach gorge, 2-4 kittens are born. Newborns the size of a small domestic cat, completely helpless, are covered with thick brownish fur, dotted with dark solid spots. They open their eyes at the age of one and a half weeks. At the age of two months, kittens begin to leave the den to play at its entrance, from this time the mother gives them meat food. At the age of 3 months, the cubs begin to follow their mother, and five to six months old already hunt with her. The prey is hidden by the whole family, but the decisive throw is made by the female. Animals move on to an independent solitary life by the beginning of next spring.


In captivity, they live up to 20 years, in nature - less.

Irbis have been kept in the Moscow Zoo for more than a hundred years. The first snow leopard appeared on display in 1901. It was a gift from the Honorary Trustee of the Zoological Garden K. K. Ushakov. Since then, more than one generation of these amazing cats has changed in the zoo's collection. There was a time when eight snow leopards were kept on the Cat Row. The workers of the section achieved regular breeding among these inhabitants of the snowy expanses, so many snow leopards exhibited at the zoo were of their own breeding. For many years at the exhibition "Cat's Row" in the aviary between Far Eastern leopard and a puma was a female snow leopard named Olga, who was born in the Moscow Zoo in 1996. She had kittens only once, but this well-deserved grandmother had a very calm, balanced character, was not at all afraid of visitors and sat near the bars for a long time. She lived for over 20 years and died at the end of January 2017.

In addition to her, we now have three more cats - two males and a female. In 2013, it was she who gave birth to three kittens. Blue-eyed fluffy babies from the first minutes were surrounded by maternal care. In a secluded den in the interior, the female fed them with milk, licked them, carefully guarding them from prying eyes. Even employees were allowed to look at the kittens for a while. As soon as the babies could be taken away from the mother, who stopped feeding them, they moved to a new place of residence, each to his own. Someone - to Finland, to the homeland of their father, one of our two males, someone - to conquer the inhabitants of France with their beauty, the third - to Hungary.

They feed the snow leopard, like all predators in the zoo, once a day with meat. Various vitamin and mineral mixtures are necessarily added to it to maintain a balanced diet, periodically - hydroponic greens. One day a week, the snow leopard always has an unloading day, when the cat does not receive food at all. With this diet, predators feel better, do not overeat.

The snow leopard can hardly be called an aggressive animal, but even after living in captivity for a long time, it remains wild and cannot be tamed. As true inhabitants of the highlands, living near the border of ice, snow leopards do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, in summer, our cats often hide in the shade, and it can be difficult to see them.

Preservation of populations of snow leopard (irbis) and Altai mountain sheep(argali) in the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion are the most important tasks for WWF. Both species are listed in the Red Book Russian Federation as endangered. The state of the populations of these species reflect the overall "health" of the ecosystem, so they can be called indicator species.

Snow Leopard - mysterious predator Asia. Threats and solutions.

Snow leopard (irbis) - mysterious and mysterious beast- is still one of the most understudied feline species in the world. Very little is known about the biology and ecology of this rare predator, and its abundance within the modern range is determined very conditionally. For many Asian peoples, this beast is a symbol of strength, nobility and power, the folklore of Asia is full of stories and legends about this elusive predator. Few people manage to see the snow leopard in wild nature, much more often you can find traces of his life - scrapes, bullies of a predator on trees, wool, excrement, urinary points on stones.

The snow leopard is listed in the Red Book International Union Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and has the status of a rare or endangered species in all 12 countries where it lives: Russia, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, India, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Bhutan.

According to WWF experts, there are about 70-90 snow leopards in the Russian part of the Altai-Sayan ecoregion, while there are no more than 4,000 rare predators on the planet.

© / Linda Stanley

Camera traps in Tuva captured the charismatic predator © Alexander Kuksin

Journalists are rarely taken to these places. Even trained people find it difficult to walk on the "land of the snow leopard" © M. Paltsyn

Snow leopard trail in the Argut river valley, Mountain Altai, March 2012 © Sergey Spitsyn

Festival "Land of the Snow Leopard" in Tuva © T. Ivanitskaya

What is WWF doing to save the snow leopard?

Back in 2002, WWF Russia experts prepared and approved by the Ministry natural resources Russian Federation. The document was developed taking into account the very limited experience of studying and protecting the species in Russia. The number of snow leopards in Russia, according to the Strategy, was estimated by WWF experts at 150-200 individuals, however, as shown by further studies in snow leopard habitats in 2003-2011. , the actual abundance of the species in Russia is at least two times lower and is unlikely to exceed 70-90 individuals. An updated version of the Strategy, taking into account the experience of work and new realities, was approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation in 2014.

In Russia, the snow leopard lives at the northern limit of its modern range and forms only a few stable groups in the optimal habitats - the mountains of the Altai-Sayan ecoregion. The number of snow leopards in Russia is only 1-2% of the world population of the species. The survival of the snow leopard in our country largely depends on the conservation of spatial and genetic links its Russian groupings with the main population core of the species in Western Mongolia and, possibly, in Northwestern China.

In 2010, WWF moves to a new stage of work and, in cooperation with numerous partners, begins monitoring snow leopard populations with the help of modern methods research: photo and video traps. This method made it possible to clarify the boundaries of the habitat of groups and the abundance of the species. Disappointing conclusions were drawn from a study of the snow leopard group in the Argut River valley in the Altai Republic, previously considered the largest in Russia. The camera traps recorded only the lynx, despite the fact that the conditions for the existence of the snow leopard on the Argut are ideal: high mountains, rocky gorges, the presence of the largest Siberian group in Russia. mountain goat in 3200-3500 individuals - the main food of the snow leopard in the Altai-Sayan mountains. Surveys of local residents revealed the fact of the almost complete destruction of the snow leopard group on the Argut in the 70-90s of the twentieth century, when loop fishing flourished in the mountains. The task of WWF was to preserve the surviving remnants of the group and gradually restore its numbers.

Support for anti-poaching activities is becoming one of the priorities of WWF. In the same year, at the initiative of WWF, a search dog German Shepherd Eric was trained to work in the Altai Mountains in order to search for and identify traces of the life of the snow leopard, which became an assistant to specialists in the field.

In 2012, employees of the Altai biosphere reserve and WWF managed to obtain the first photographic evidence of the snow leopard's habitat: the cameras recorded a female and a male, who received the names Vita and Kryuk. In addition to photomonitoring to account for and study the elusive predator in collaboration with scientists from the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after. A. N. Severtsov RAS (IPEE RAS), scientists use the method of DNA analysis of the collected traces of the life of the snow leopard (excrement, wool, etc.), SLIMS and other modern methods ...

In 2011, in Altai, in order to divert the local population from poaching, illegal collection of wild plants or logging in the region, the WWF and Citi Foundation Program was launched to improve the quality of life of local residents and create sustainable income from sustainable businesses. Through training seminars, exchange of experience, and provision of microgrants and microcredits for the local population, WWF and Citi aim to develop legal small businesses in the field of rural tourism and ecotourism in the habitats of the Altai mountain sheep and snow leopard, the production of souvenirs and felt products, and improve performance livestock quality, etc.

In 2015, with the support of Pernod Ricard Rouss, WWF specialists for the first time tested the method of involving former hunters in environmental projects. Having passed a special training and received cameras for monitoring the snow leopard, residents receive a reward for the fact that the snow leopard continues to be recorded by camera traps, remains alive and well. There are already six people, including hunters from families of hereditary leopard hunters, who have been trained to work with cameras and participate in WWF raids, helping inspectors with information, forces and participating in expeditions.

The snow leopard is a predator that does not recognize state borders. The well-being of this species directly depends on the connection of Russian groups with snow leopard groups in neighboring Mongolia and China. Therefore, the development of transboundary environmental cooperation is a priority task for WWF in the region. Joint research, exchange of experience, scientific, environmental and educational activities with WWF Mongolia and colleagues from other environmental structures in Mongolia are carried out annually and quite effectively. Joint projects with colleagues from Kazakhstan include the creation of protected natural areas and support for joint environmental activities.

Camera trap in the Chibit tract

© Alexander Kuksin

© Sergey Istomov

Sergey Istomov fixes snow leopard tracks

Irbis on Tsagaan-Shibetu, Tuva © A. Kuksin

© Mikhail Paltsyn

© Alexander Kuksin

What remains of the master of the mountains

What to do next

Today, the main threat to the snow leopard in the region remains illegal fishing with wire loops. An inconspicuous noose is set by a poacher on an animal path along which animals move, and, tightening as the animal moves, becomes a deadly trap. Cheap loops are often thrown by poachers, and they remain alert for many years, threatening animals with death. According to WWF experts, there are only a few cases of purposeful hunting of the snow leopard in the region. More often, the loops are installed on other types of animals, in particular, on the musk deer, whose musk gland is an excellent and expensive trophy, which is valued on the eastern market of medicines and potions. Musk deer poaching is a big threat to the snow leopard.

In conditions of insufficiently efficient equipment and a small number of employees of state structures for the protection of wildlife, WWF provides logistical support for operational activities in the habitats of rare and endangered species. Particular attention is paid to the fight against loop fishing.

Work in the Republic of Tyva has its own characteristics. In the region with the highest livestock population in the Siberian federal district shepherds live in the highlands almost side by side with the snow leopard. The decline in the number of wild ungulates, climate change are the reasons forcing the snow leopard to attack livestock, which is a source of life for pastoralists. Shooting or trapping a snow leopard by local residents in retaliation for attacking livestock is a big threat to the predator in Tuva. To reduce conflict situations, WWF takes various steps. Thus, a scheme was tested to compensate shepherds for livestock lost as a result of an attack by a snow leopard, and measures are being taken to foster a special attitude towards a rare predator among local residents. In 2010, a simple but effective measure to reinforce vents in sheltered livestock pens with netting prevented snow leopard attacks on livestock and saved the lives of many predators.

Today, about 19% of key snow leopard habitats and 31% of argali habitats in Russia have the status of protected natural areas. WWF plans to expand the network of protected areas or improve the status, as well as the quality of management protection and existing protected areas. The number of the group in the valley of the Argut River is growing - photo and video traps record the habitation of females with kittens here, a new habitat of the snow leopard has been found on the Chikhachev Ridge. In 2015, for the first time, an online information system was developed for snow leopard specialists, which will collect all available information on each snow leopard encountered in Russia and Mongolia - from frames from automatic cameras to meeting points and features of each snow leopard.

International cooperation between Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan should develop, ensuring the conservation of animals that do not recognize state borders.

WWF will continue to use A complex approach and work in partnership with numerous partners. This will optimize resources and ensure the long-term conservation of these species in Altai and the Sayan Mountains.

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