How to climb the career ladder. Promotion through the ranks

For most of us, a career is an important indicator of success. There are, of course, those who believe that this is not the main thing, and that there are other values ​​in life. However, focus on building a career is an indicator of a purposeful person. He is ready to work hard and make every effort to get a promotion and achieve more professionally. Such people deserve respect if only because such behavior requires great self-discipline and the ability to give up everything in the name of achievements in the professional field.

However, having decided to move up the career ladder, many of us are faced with certain difficulties that can slow down your progress to the top. In order not to experience disappointment and confidently move up the career ladder, you need to follow certain rules. They will help you always appear in a favorable light and enjoy the respect and favor of your superiors.

Try to be noticeable. This applies to both business meetings and other work matters. For example, when choosing a seat at a meeting, sitting close to the speaker will show that you are interested and will also help more people notice you.

Express your opinion. If you are always ready to voice your point of view on work issues, you will gradually begin to be distinguished as a competent and intelligent employee. At the same time, you should be prepared in advance to answer questions that your remark may provoke, so as not to look stupid.

Accept praise with dignity. Don't look down modestly when you are praised for a job well done. On the contrary, accept the compliment with dignity, because you really did a good job and fully deserve to be appreciated for your efforts.

Do your own PR. Many of us, even being good professionals, are embarrassed to say it out loud so that no one doubts your competence. But if you behave this way, you may remain a “gray horse” doing the daily routine work. If you are confident in yourself and your professionalism, do not hesitate to directly state this.

Make personal connections with your co-workers and those who can influence your career. Such communication can significantly help you in your future career growth.

Be punctual. If an employee is constantly late for work, it seems that she is not playing big role in his life, and he treats it carelessly. Even if you then work like an ox all day, there is a danger that it will not be appreciated properly.

Attend corporate events. These events are organized specifically to unite the team and establish trusting relationships between employees. Therefore, here you can chat with the director or your manager in an informal setting and make a good impression on him, which can have a positive impact on your career in the future.

Look good. No matter how wonderful an employee you are, if you are not presentable, this may lead to the fact that they will not want to communicate with you. After all, as you know, people are greeted by their clothes. Therefore, pay more attention to your own appearance. Always be well-groomed and neat.

Show interest in your further development. Constantly improve your own skills, especially if the courses are paid for by the company. Knowledge will never be superfluous.

Work overtime. Your zeal will definitely be appreciated. But this should also be stated out loud, otherwise your actions may not be noticed. In addition, constantly expand the range of your responsibilities, talk about the fact that you are capable of more. This will arouse the keen interest of your superiors and will be taken into account.

Meet your boss's expectations. If he is prone to tyranny, you should be executive and strictly observe the chain of command. If he values ​​professionals and does not get hung up on compliance internal rules, the main thing for you is to do your job well.

Use these rules to advance your career. You will be convinced of their effectiveness. Do you think they will be useful in building your career?

We all know people with attractive careers. They are entrusted with the most interesting tasks, they are endowed with powers that their colleagues do not have, and they are the first to be promoted. There is no accident here. Luck appears when opportunities match readiness.

Chances are, a person with an enviable career is very actively working to move in the right direction. And one of the main components of such a movement is the manifestation of courage.

To decisively move up the career ladder, regularly and, if necessary, persistently, do the following:

Instead of waiting for opportunities to advance in your career, find them yourself. First, look for opportunities within your company and, if there are none, expand your search beyond its borders. (If you wait for professional prospects to come to you, then you don’t have the courage.)

Ask your boss for new responsibilities and functions. Having received new task or responsibilities, do your best to learn, improve, expand your skills and develop your talents. (If you don't look for opportunities to learn and grow, then you don't have courage.)

Don't sit in the shade. Make sure everyone knows what a dedicated and passionate employee you are, and what a leader you are. Be discreet, but don't be shy. (If you remain in the shadows, then you do not have courage.)

If you feel stuck in your career, take immediate and determined action to get back on track to success. It's unlikely that anyone will notice (or care) if your career dynamics don't match your intentions. (If you are not at the helm, then you do not have courage.)

If you feel ready and deserving, don't hesitate to ask your boss for a raise or find another job that's a step or two above your current position. Don't expect others to recognize your readiness for promotion - show them that you are ripe for more by taking action and demonstrating your abilities. (If you haven’t done this for a long time, it means you don’t have courage.)

You should have a plan for career growth and promotion steps. If you have it, make sure you dedicate the time to implement it. (If you don’t aggressively pursue your goal, it means you don’t have courage)

If you don't like your job or if you want something different, take action to change the situation. Determine your preferences and stick to them. (If you don't strive for constructive change, you don't have courage.) A healthy, courageous career means you're doing work you truly love and want to do. You also know exactly where you want to work, and you have a plan to get there. You do not shy away from opportunities that enrich your knowledge, skills and experience, and you are not afraid to take on more responsibility, including financial ones - on the contrary, you purposefully seek such chances. You get a promotion or salary increase because you ask for it. When you discover a problem, you call attention to it or solve it. What if difficulties arise? You become part of the solution, not the problem.

Based on materials from the book “Crisis is an opportunity”

Why do some company employees quickly move up the career ladder in just a year, while others work in the same position for years, although they are considered excellent specialists?

Perhaps they are simply waiting for a successful combination of circumstances and do nothing. However, experts say that even the most responsible and experienced employee will never receive a promotion if he does nothing for it. If you are determined to become a big boss, now is the time to take action.

1. Make an action plan. If a worthy position for you suddenly opens up in a company, feel free to prove that you are worthy of this position. Analyze your capabilities and imagine what you would do in a new place, and then be sure to tell management about it.

2. Earn the respect of other employees. Never show excessive weakness or, conversely, treat your colleagues too dismissively. Show yourself as a leader, but do not infringe on the rights of other colleagues. In the eyes of your colleagues, you should look like a person who can be followed and who can solve any problem. The respect of all employees plays a big role in quickly moving up the career ladder.

3. Try to get rid of fears. Fear of the boss prevents you from defending your positions and moving forward. The boss is a person just like you, with his own weaknesses and characteristics. Take a closer look at your boss and try to understand what qualities he values ​​in employees and how he manages his department.

4. Learn to communicate competently and correctly. Be polite and friendly to everyone, do not be rude or raise your voice. Even if you are one hundred percent right, never be aggressive. If you see that the dispute does not lead to anything good, do not defend your position, pretend that you agreed. Don’t interrupt or teach your colleagues, give your opponent the opportunity to speak

5. Don’t be afraid of difficult tasks and projects. If others are turning down a new project, be sure to offer your candidacy. Spare no time and effort, study additional literature and take work home. When you present the result of your work to your superiors, they will definitely appreciate your efforts. Establish yourself as a responsible and experienced employee.

6. Express your point of view. If you notice that the manager is wrong, state your point of view. Understand the problem and suggest the most optimal way out of the situation. When communicating with your boss, you should offer ideas and specific ways to implement them.

7. Regularly improve your skills. Even if your specialty does not require advanced training courses at the expense of the employer, do not skimp and pay for the courses yourself. By the way, you can get additional education completely free, without leaving your home. It is enough to find the necessary literature.

Don’t forget to attend seminars and don’t hesitate to ask your boss questions related to advanced training at the employer’s expense. Management will definitely appreciate your desire to improve your experience.

“The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream of becoming a general.” Suvorov A. V

The same can be said about an employee who is not interested in career advancement.

There are two concepts: careerism and career.

Careerism- unprincipled pursuit of personal success in any activity. It is believed that a careerist only outwardly demonstrates his devotion, when in fact he pursues only his own selfish interests.

It's a completely different matter with the word career. Career- a trajectory towards success that a person builds himself, in accordance with his own goals, desires and attitudes. In terms of meaning, the concepts seem to be close, but attitudes towards oneself give rise to different things.

It is better for a person to be a careerist than for someone who does not dream of becoming a general. Careerists are specific people who clearly understand what though. They have a plan to advance their career. But you need to understand that you won’t rise high if you don’t know how, so you have to learn. Of course, a careerist is more of a person who wants to have more than to be able to. And through force he begins to learn to do what is necessary to get to a higher level. All because he understands that there is no other way.

Much smarter approach- fall in love with improvements in the business you are doing and, as a result, receive offers from managers and bosses for promotion. There's always a shortage good managers, so if you concentrate on your skills, they will come to you with an offer.

Careerism is better than complete passivity, but it’s not entirely smart because people who think more about how to move up the career ladder actually don’t get much pleasure from self-improvement in their profession. Jack Welch, based on his experience, came up with the following formula:

From 100% of employees:

1. 20% are stars;

2. 70% are good people who will never become high-level leaders;

3. 10% are C and D students who need to get rid of.

You can work with good people if you monitor them closely, but only stars become leaders. The remaining 80% of employees, even when promoted, will never occupy leadership positions.

In order to climb the career ladder, the most important thing is to work well. Working well means doing the right thing, in the opinion of your boss, the person who pays you. You need to find a smart boss, because 99% are fools. We need to look hard for this smart boss.

There is such a law:

“If you want to find something, you need to look.”

If the boss is good, then he will be your coach, boss, and teacher - everything. You need to go to a meeting with your boss and then he will go to a meeting with you. Going to a meeting means working on yourself. You need to deserve to be on the team of a very strong leader. When you get into such a team, then you begin to grow quickly. And before you find a smart boss, you need to satisfy the needs of the person you work with and show results. To climb the career ladder, you need to be effective and efficient.

To become a better employee you need:

1. Start your day earlier and end it later than other workers. Nothing distinguishes a star from a mediocre employee more than initiative in work and ability to work. People who work more on their own initiative stay in their jobs longer than those who work from call to call.

2. Work efficiently and always do more than is expected of you. Working hard does not mean working smart. You need to learn how to make the most of your time and regularly raise the bar for yourself. This will be the first signal for the manager to promote you.

3. Ask your manager to be your mentor or find a mentor in your industry. The more experience and wisdom a manager has, the greater the desire to help beginners build their careers.

Few people approach their boss for help, only stars. But this is neither good nor bad. We need to face the truth. Basically, all people are lethargic and lack initiative because they lack energy, so they work from bell to bell. A person first subconsciously feels how much energy he has, then he lives his day so that he has enough of it. And if there is very little energy and a person arrives earlier, you are delayed, it seems to him that he does not have enough energy, so most people do not do this.

There is an expression: “It is better to earn more than to save a lot.” It's the same with energy. But most people try to save money instead of getting more. They think that the later I get up, the more energy I will have. But everything works the other way around. The earlier a person gets up, the more strength he has, the more he puts himself into action, the more strength he has.

According to observations, people have no energy. Either God didn’t give it to them, or they just don’t rock it. Energy also needs to be pumped up. You need to do the right things, then more energy will appear, and then you will have the strength to do quality work. Quality requires energy.

For an intelligent person, work brings great pleasure.

1. So why deprive yourself of pleasure?

2. Why limit yourself?

3. Why, first of all, be an “idiot” and not love your job?

Love your job!!!

4. Jack Welch writes that if your manager checked your work and was unhappy, correct the mistakes. Don’t give up and don’t let him finish what you couldn’t finish. For the manager, correcting your mistakes will be a signal that it is time to look for another more capable employee.

5. Take initiative every day. Managers dream that you will cope with your work, and he will be able to delegate new projects to you. The more he can betray you, the more indispensable you will become to him. Constantly improve all processes, help your colleagues improve, and also do not forget about the delicate manifestation of initiative. It is important that the boss does not feel that you are aiming for his place. Not too much developed person will begin to put a spoke in your wheels. Take initiative sensitively, with the intention of making your manager's job easier.

Initiative- this is the most important sign of a bright, potential person. Initiative is punishable because when you show it, you begin to act, to play. And when you actually play, you either win or lose. You start doing things you've never done, you start moving forward. Initiative is a risk. Therefore, in 70% of cases you will be punished with defeat. But the initiators lose initial stages more often, because there is initiative, but there is no wisdom. And viewers who look at those who take initiative notice this and diagnose that initiative is punishable. Active people who really want to succeed must take the initiative. You need to understand well that sometimes you will be punished for your initiative, and still move on.

6. Complete the task assigned to you.

7. Know how to follow instructions. Only those who know how to obey a leader will be able to learn to lead in the future. Sometimes the manager needs your innovation, but often he needs you to simply complete the project in accordance with the task. You will become invaluable if your manager is confident that you can entrust any task to you and forget about it, knowing that you will do it right.

It doesn't work that way. He says there must always be an ironclad agreement. You don’t need to assign or set tasks, but you need to agree on the result. And then just control it. Otherwise, much will not be done. You need to give him freedom in how he will do it, and often when, but you have an agreement not on the process, but on the result.

8. Respect your manager. If you do not respect a person who is at a higher level, find yourself another job or another boss who will be an authority and leader for you, only then will you be able to learn and grow from him. There are laws of hierarchy. If you don't respect those above you, your subordinates won't respect you. Show signs of respect and never allow yourself to become familiar.

Subordination is the level of culture, and culture is the level of spirituality. Spirituality is subtlety, insight, when a person feels, knows, understands. Spirituality develops the feeling - love your neighbor as yourself. You must feel, as you can tell your boss, feel where the boundary is. And the boss must be cultured and respect subordination in relation to his subordinate. There must be distance.

9. Treat your work as your own business. The more you take responsibility and love what you do, the more you will develop the habit of working like an owner. It is these employees who later become partners and develop the skills necessary to manage their own business.

A person punishes himself when he does something without a soul, because it makes him feel bad. Because the more you put your soul into it, the more you feel in the mood. This is how nature works. We can only be happy if we give our 100% and put our hearts into it. Therefore, you need not to be lazy and find something in which you would like to invest your soul and, as a result, there will be career, a lot of money and self-esteem. There will be human happiness. And happiness begins with love. Everything is very simple.

You can note important points. You need to understand that there are no trifles in moving up the career ladder. The most important thing is initiative, responsibility, desire to develop and grow professionally. If you want to become a star you must be educated because stars cannot be just beautiful and shining. The ability to please a manager not because you are well dressed, but because you are responsible, efficient, and know how to admit your mistakes, and not blame them on someone else and hide behind someone else’s responsibility.

Work hard, then you will have everything you want!!!

Any advancement up the career ladder implies the development of a specialist. People skills will help an HR specialist grow to the top.

From the article you will learn:

Despite the specifics of the profession, the possibilities of building HR specialists have a lot. Let's look at some of them.

How to open up new opportunities in your current position

If you think about it, expand the area professional activity possible by remaining in your position.

Download documents on the topic:

Get busy project activities– implement special tasks. Not only purely HR ones! These are projects in which HR is only one of the components. Other components can be very different - production, marketing, sales, business planning. Thanks to this, you will expand your functionality, bring a sense of novelty to your work, get a better feel for business processes, and become immersed in financing issues.

New knowledge will strengthen your status and open up opportunities for HR specialist opportunities for a wider choice of development options and career advancement. Let's say, become a strategic business partner involved in decision-making, or take another key position in the company.

It is also important that you will feel more confident. After all, during a crisis, HR services are often laid off. HR inspectors are retained, and personnel selection and other HR functions are outsourced. The HR Director plays the role of a consultant and crisis manager. But the danger of reduction hangs over it too. If you lead cross-functional projects, then the threat of dismissal will become less acute. The owners will not even think that you are not busy enough.

Try to become a project manager. But be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to initiate projects and implement them yourself.

To see if you can become a coach, lead change projects in a company. Help your colleagues change their vision and approach to solving professional problems. See if you enjoy seeing your employees begin to grow personally and professionally with your help.

If you help employees see new opportunities, you are already coaching, albeit unconsciously. The main thing is that your interlocutor understands what to do to achieve the goal, what the action plan is. If you have mastered the art of asking questions, you and your client will feel an emotional uplift.

An HR specialist can become a director - for promoting an HR brand or for organizational development. He can be involved in promoting the company's brand and internal communications. This will also help you become more effective in personnel management - use marketing tools to better select and retain staff.

In the position of Director of Organizational Development, people management skills will help you be effective. Only there you will also need to deal with production processes.

In any project work, the experience of working as an HR specialist, his knowledge and skills will be useful. Additionally, it wouldn’t hurt to hone your argumentation and negotiation skills, including on price. Grow up the career ladder in this direction it is possible to be very productive.

Career ladder of an HR specialist: from sales manager to commercial director

An HR specialist must travel with the sales director or commercial director to the fields to visit sales managers. Thanks to this HR will understand better how and how sellers live, will delve into the technology of their work. This will allow him to develop a more effective motivation system for them and teach them how to communicate with aggressive and inappropriate clients. But the most important thing is to understand sales technologies, become closer to the business and consider yourself for other positions, for your advancement career ladder.

Head the commercial department within the capabilities of the HR Director.

But for this he needs:

How can an HR specialist become a director?

Table 1.


What is important to know about functionality

What is important for career development

What to strive for

Selection and adaptation

Psychology of interpersonal communication Various interviewing techniques Specifics of work sites Psychodiagnostic tools

Analytical skills High performance Resistance to stress Proactivity Results-oriented Negotiation skills Responsibility

Director recruitment agency

Personnel training and development

Psychology of adult learning Competency assessment Stages of developing training programs based on the needs of the company Post-training support

Creativity High performance Systems thinking Effective communication Persuasive skills Public presentation skills Flexibility

Business coach, Director training center

Personel assessment

Competency modeling Stages of development and implementation of assessment systems various categories personnel Assessment Center tools (interviews on competencies, case interviews, testing) Mechanism feedback

High level communication skills Ability to argue and defend your point of view Understanding of industry specifics Understanding of business Effective planning Observation

Director of HR practice for personnel assessment in a consulting company

All basic functions

Internal and external communications Fundamentals of marketing and project management Stages of development and implementation of a value system in the company Graduate-recruitment

Creativity Analytical mindset Resistance to stress Ability to multitask Result-oriented Emotional intellect

PR Director+

Read more about building your career in .

How to start your own consulting business

An HR specialist can open a training boutique or event agency.

To do this, undergo training and improve your qualifications:

  1. Option 1: get an economic education. Then you will be able to speak with the top officials of the company in a language they understand.
  2. Option 2: finish an MBA.
  3. Option 3: obtain an international HR certificate. Gives him away English system– Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD) and American – Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). There are representative offices of these systems in Moscow. Training will shake you up and help you look at work in a new way.

You don't have to be an energetic young man. There are many examples where HR specialists with extensive work experience started their own business at the age of 40+ and even 50+.

Be prepared to sell your expertise to potential clients. Prove that you have the knowledge, experience and skills to solve the customer's problem. However, it is necessary to note the disadvantages. Although the consultant has a free schedule, he has an uneven workload. Sometimes you have to work on weekends, at night, on the road.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that it is important for an HR specialist at any age not to stop at and don’t put an end to your career. Career ladder It may not turn out like in the picture, but the fear of being cut off from best practices and falling behind in life is far-fetched. Try your hand at something new, and your professional horizons will expand and be enriched by exposure to different business models, approaches, styles, and values.

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