Mars retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio: how can this affect our lives? (6 photos). Mars Retrograde: Brief Summary

Mars goes into retrograde movement every 22 months and is in a retrograde phase for approximately 80 days. During this period, all processes slow down, activity decreases, and there may not be enough strength and energy to achieve your goals. Attempts to force events or increase pressure do not produce results or worsen the situation. If you don't stop, something akin to a broken spring or a steam boiler explosion may happen.

Even things that seem to have started successfully are slowed down, various obstacles arise that prevent you from getting on with your main business. Problems can grow like a snowball, forcing a person to do something other than what he intended. All this irritates a person, he begins to rush around, look for a way out, or in frustration gives up what he started, loses interest in the matter.

Enemies or competitors may become more active. In days retrograde Mars Care should be taken when handling equipment, weapons, and moving mechanisms. Breakdowns and equipment failures occur more often. If equipment was assembled or repaired during the period of Mars retrograde, hidden defects are often revealed later, arising due to the negligence or negligence of the performers.

At this time, it is not recommended to travel, as traffic may be delayed for various reasons and the likelihood of road accidents, which are accompanied by injuries, blood loss, and the need for surgical intervention, increases. These days, people are required to have composure, endurance and patience; any aggression can turn against the one who sends it. Lawsuits and battles that began during the period retrograde Mars, will be lost.

At retrograde movement of Mars people often complain that their frontal sinuses hurt and their heads ache; people complain about a lack of energy, which is a consequence of the concentration of the energy of Mars. Instead of entering into open conflicts, they resort to more subtle means of manipulating people. At the same time, energy that does not find an outlet outside can become destructive. This really is a clear example practical astrology, and during this period it is necessary to slow down and rest a little.

As in the case Mercury retrograde , retrograde Mars makes it possible to return to unfinished, once abandoned matters, the approach to which should now be different.

Mars retrograde has a stronger effect on people who have natal chart Mars has a strong status and is close Ascendant or Meridian or in the signs of Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn. And also for those for whom Mars is Rex aspectarius.

Not recommended when Mars is retrograde:
- start new business, new project, new business, long-term enterprises;
- show initiative, apply for a job or change it;
- go on a trip;
- hold competitions;
- buy or repair a car, any machinery or household appliances;
- start repairs or construction.

Retrograde Mars in the natal chart

Retrograde Mars in the natal chart indicates that in past life there was poor adaptation, the person spent energy poorly and incorrectly. In this life, the reaction to an external stimulus is delayed due to internal uncertainty and lack of opportunities or unfavorable circumstances.

Mars retrograde indicates that impulses to action are unconsciously combined with some elements of the subconscious, thereby creating unconscious motives that guide a person with such Mars. Often, an individual's desires and manifestations may be restrained by internal uncertainty in one's strengths and capabilities or by some other circumstances.

Often this position of Mars also affects sexual potential, creating a certain kind of neuroses or mental complexes. But on the same basis, a certain experience of sublimation of will and desires is also possible, which is clearly demonstrated by the possibilities of yoga. If retrograde Mars used properly, then valuable lessons can be learned regarding the cultivation of will and patience, as well as the organization and implementation of creative ideas and their actual achievement.

Retrograde Mars requires from his wards caution and prudence in their conclusions and decisions, thoughtfulness of actions, confidence in the success of the matter and the mandatory completion of all their affairs. Negative emotional energy should always be contained. This means that all the will and energy that you have must be directed only in the right direction, so that they benefit not only yourself, but also those around you.

There are one or more planets RETROGRADE.

From an astronomical point of view RETROGRADE Planet can be explained this way: when it seems to an observer from Earth that the Planet has begun to move backwards, in the opposite direction. In reality, of course, this does not happen - the Planets always move in the same direction, it’s just that at some point the speed of the Planet slows down and a feeling of reverse movement is created.

To make it clearer, RETRO movement of the Planets can be compared to two moving objects - a car and a bicycle. The speed of the car, of course, more speed cyclist Therefore, when a car catches up and overtakes a cyclist, it seems to the passenger sitting in the car that the cyclist is moving backwards - although he is also driving, his speed is simply much less than the speed of the car. So it is with the Planets.

This RETRO movement of the Planets recorded in the natal chart at the time of a person’s birth will have a very big influence on him - on his psychology and on events during his life on the topic of this Planet.

RETROGRADE there are all Planets except the Sun and Moon.

For those who are not at all familiar with the symbols of Astrology, I will explain - in the natal chart RETROGRADE Planets are indicated by the Latin letter R, which stands next to the icon Planets.

So, what does a RETROGRADE Planet mean for those who have it in ?

1. Firstly, this means obsession person on the same sphere, on the same problem. For example, if in your card:

  • , then you are fixated on the topic of relationships, on the topic of love, on the topic of money,
  • means that you are fixated on,
  • may become fixated on the topic of his authority, high social status, teaching activities, on the topic of travel.

2. Secondly, RETROGRADE Planet means the need for repeated repetitions the same situation (“repetition is the mother of learning”). For example:

  • forces a person to study, study and study again. Repeat and repeat. A person with needs to explain the studied material several times. Such a person will not always hear you the first time. Therefore, do not be surprised if your child (or other to a loved one) you have to repeat everything 10 times. Most likely, it's in his map. You need to be much more patient with such people; you need to explain the same topic to them more than once.
  • a person with will constantly come across the same types of partners - all alcoholics, all athletes, all brunettes with blue eyes, everyone is much older or much younger. All relationships can develop according to the same scenario. It's like a vicious circle that you've been walking in for many, many years.
  • RETRO Neptune- in the worst case, repetition of the theme of alcoholism, mental disorders. At best, it is a repetition of the theme of psychology, spirituality, artistic and musical creativity (you can go to study these professions several times, quit and return to these classes several times, constantly rewrite musical works, redraw your paintings, achieving the best result).

3. RETRO Planet in may indicate personal errors in past lives and mistakes of ancestors on the topic of Planets. Therefore, in this life they give obstacles in achieving anything. For example:

  • mistakes in relationships with brothers and sisters give - it is difficult to establish a connection with them,
  • mistakes in love give - therefore it is difficult to love and be loved, it is difficult to achieve harmony in relationships with partners,
  • mistakes in the topic of career give - therefore in this life there will be obstacles in career ladder, obstacles with government agencies,
  • if you made mistakes abroad, in teaching, in achieving high social status, then it will be in your map - therefore there will be difficulties in being a teacher, obstacles in achieving a high social status, difficulties in relations with foreigners,
  • etc.

4. RETRO Planet its properties are similar to Ketu (the Setting Node). It means that Planet karmically overloaded- this means that you have already gained quite a lot of experience on this topic Planets in their past incarnations. Therefore, in this life you need to “slow down” on this topic. We need to switch to other areas of life, do those things that are indicated by ordinary direct messages. Planets.

But, if you still become more active on the topic RETRO Planets, then you will have more obstacles and restrictions. There will be a certain stupor that will not allow you to move on. Think about it - if there is a certain wall in your life that you cannot “break through” - maybe you shouldn’t do it? Maybe you just RETRO Planet in a map that directly says: “you can’t be active here.” Then you just need to move away from this topic and come to terms with what is - then there is a chance to get what you want, only a little later. For example:

  • if you - in past incarnations you were too active and assertive in achieving your goals - so now you need to pacify this activity,
  • if you have, let go of the topic of partnerships, do not be active in love, in making money,
  • if you have, you already have a lot of experience in your career, so don’t try to build it too actively,
  • if you have RETRO Uranus— you had a lot of friends, you were a very freedom-loving and independent person, so the topic of friendship and freedom has already been worked out, switch to other areas.

5. On this topic RETRO Planets one must “go with the flow without oars.” If the life situation is something offers - take it, no - don’t persist. For example:

  • if a person is offered to get acquainted with, to strike up a partnership, then “you have to take it,” if not, there is no need to persist in this matter,
  • if a person is offered travel, it means “you have to take it”, I invite everyone with RETRO Jupiter on free trips ,
  • if a person is offered a promotion up the career ladder, it means “you have to take it.” If they don’t offer it, don’t persist, don’t push it.

6. RETRO Planet does not mean a ban on manifestation in its area. It only says that according to the functions of this Planets a person's personal initiative must be reduced to zero. Must be "number two" in this area. For example:

  • suggests that it is better not to take the initiative on the topic of love. Wait for someone to approach you and show interest. In partnerships (personal and business), it is better to give the initiative to your partner.
  • - suggests waiting until you are asked to teach, when you are invited on some trip abroad when you are offered a promotion.

7. RETRO Planet does not say that this will never happen. It simply tells us that events Retro Planet will be late in our life – we need to be patient, wait and not relax ahead of time. For example:

  • a person with may start studying late,
  • it's too late to become a teacher, too late will start traveling ,
  • RETRO Neptune will begin to master the profession of psychologist at a conscious age.

8. RETRO Planet tells us that the theme of this Planet needs let go, don’t bother, don’t demand everything from her at once - then the situation itself will take you where it needs to go.

  • for example, you can’t bother with the topic - the situation itself will turn out as it should (if you behave correctly).

9. And RETRO Planet can be a positive foundation from our ancestors with the least amount of effort. For example:

  • in a person with RETRO Uranium one of the ancestors could be an Astrologer, so he will receive invisible support from the family in this profession,
  • in a person with RETRO Pluto there will be support for ancestors in all professions associated with risk to life.

All of the above factors need to be considered not only on the topic RETRO Planets, but also which House she controls. For example:

  • if the Ruler of the 1st House is RETRO, then all of the above will relate to the topic of self-development and appearance,
  • If RETROGRADE Ruler of the 2nd House - to the topic of money,
  • RETROGRADE Ruler of the House - on the topic of contacts, studies, cars,
  • if the Ruler of the 4th House RETRO, then this will be related to the theme of ancestors, place of residence,
  • RETRO Ruler of the 5th House - will indicate the topic of children and creativity,
  • if the Ruler of the 6th House RETRO— the topic of work, health,
  • 7 Houses - the theme of marriage, courts,
  • 8 At home - the theme of sex, risk, crises will be involved,
  • 9 At home - the theme of travel, abroad, teaching,
  • 10th House - career,
  • 11 House - theme of friends,
  • 12th House - the theme of spiritual search, solitude.

Important! I am often asked “What do Retrograde Nodes mean and how to act on them”? I draw your attention to the fact that Knots it's the other way around... The retro phase for the Nodes is their normal movement. Nodes show what evolutionary task has already been completed (according to South Node) and what needs to be accomplished in this life (according to North Node). It's much worse if Direct nodes. If in your Horoscope Nodes in the Direct phase- this means that in past incarnations you did not fully complete your evolutionary task of South Node. Therefore, now you need to do TWO evolutionary tasks - both for the South and North Nodes.

In the comments below you can write which one Planet in your RETROGRADE and how did it play out in your life?

If you also have Retro Planets and you cannot yet interpret them yourself, but you want to find out specifically for yourself:

  • what are the functions of Retro Planet You overspent in past incarnations,
  • what issues did you pay too much attention to in past incarnations?
  • in what areas of life do you experience restrictions?
  • in which areas of life you should not show your initiative, should not be active,
  • where complete external passivity is needed,
  • what exactly Retro Planets mean to you
  • how should you behave with Retro Planets, so as not to aggravate the situation.
  • what illnesses and unpleasant situations in life will make you understand that you are not behaving correctly? Retro Planet.

then you can order this one Astrological consultation

Mars goes retrograde between April 17 and June 29. This phenomenon occurs once every two years. As the planet enters another cycle, we will talk about the impact of this phenomenon on our lives.

Earthlings sometimes observe movement major planets back. This astronomical phenomenon is due to at different speeds movements of celestial bodies. Thus, the backward movement of Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury and other planets is an optical illusion. This phenomenon is well known to fans of rail travel.

When a train passenger looks out the window at a train moving in the same direction, but at a lower speed, the illusion is created that the second train is traveling in the opposite direction. The same thing happens with planets. In fact, retrograde Mars does not change direction - it enters the most distant part of its orbit.

People are most affected by the three retrograde planets

Not all planets can have the greatest influence on us. The most powerful retrogrades are Mars, Mercury and Venus. At this time, people feel differently, they are more susceptible to the energy of the planet. Next, we will find out in more detail what changes can occur under the influence of retrograde Mars.

The energy of the male planet gives willpower, courage, aggression, passion and anger

Mars is a masculine planet and is responsible for making decisions in life. This celestial body is often associated with moving forward and achieving goals. Mars is also associated with carnal pleasures. During the planet's retrograde period, people need to make adjustments in these areas. We must look back, analyze the situation and make the necessary changes. This will allow you to make further movements more rationally and thoughtfully.

During Mars retrograde, people should not plan new beginnings

During this period, people will be exposed to circumstances and events that happened from February 17 to April 17. They will be responsible for the energy sector. But any new initiatives and undertakings are either doomed to failure or will face insurmountable obstacles. Therefore, postpone all new projects until the end of June. Astrologers warn that the retrograde period is not very good time for new cases, but it is perfect for revising and adjusting old ones. Therefore, if you have pending until better days projects, you can make changes and amendments to them.

For whom will this period be especially difficult?

People with assertive personalities may experience certain difficulties. Mars retrograde will exacerbate internal tension. The risk group includes Aries and Scorpios, born under the auspices of the planet. For Scorpios, the influence of Mars will be noticeable for some time after the retrograde period.

Who will be productive?

However, 15% of the planet's population is still incredibly lucky. If you were born during a period when Mars was retrograde (you can find this out from your astrological natal chart or personal horoscope), the coming time will become more productive for you. Over this period of time, these people receive feedback from the Universe. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on unusual phenomena, look for signs and clues. All this will allow you to further expand your capabilities in the future.

Movement from Sagittarius to Scorpio

Mars retrograde begins in the constellation Sagittarius and ends in the constellation Scorpio. The main point on the route will be Antares, the most bright Star, which can be seen from Earth. The red star of the first magnitude corresponds to the character of Mars itself. The star Antares is associated with power, control, reward and success.

Other Features

The beginning of the movement in the sign of Sagittarius promotes expanded experience, new perspectives, learning, travel, business, marketing and sales. Sometimes at this time people are prone to adventures. Before you venture out into adventure, make sure you are aligned with the energy of Mars.

On May 27, the planet enters the Constellation Scorpio. At this time, people comprehend the changes made and affirm new values. There is a high probability of sharing experience, but at the same time there is a danger of disclosing dark sides personality. The specific retrograde possibility acts like a reflection.


Around this time, Pluto in Capricorn begins retrograde. However, the influence of a distant planet, unlike Mars, will be almost unnoticeable. During this period, people should think about their future, about their own life position, about his path in the Universe. After June 29, Mars will continue its normal motion.

Now I will not dwell on the astronomical essence of retrograde, retro loop and astrological interpretation of retro periods, as I have already done this in the article “Retrograde periods of planets in 2016”. Therefore, for those who want to better understand this topic, come here. And now I will touch on the psychological side of the retro period of Mars and recommendations for this period.

Mars goes retrograde once every two years and two months, which makes its retro period quite an important event since it goes retrograde less often than other personal planets. The retrograde period of Mars will begin on April 17 and will last until the beginning of the day on June 30, 2016. But situations that began during this period can be felt and remain significant until Mars leaves the loop, i.e. until on August 21 he returns to 08°53" Sagittarius, from which he began his retrograde path. The sector of the Zodiac that Mars will iron with this triple passage lies from 23°03" Scorpio to 08°53" Sagittarius. In the table below you can see the dates its main points in the retro phase: from entering the loop to exiting it.

Mars retrograde transit through Sagittarius and Scorpio from April 17 to June 30

April 17, 2016 at 12:08 pm Mars becomes retrograde at 08°53" Sagittarius – S.R.

Time is GMT.

Already on February 19, Mars began to slow down, focusing our attention on concerns and problems related to the themes of the natal planets it makes aspects to and the houses it transits. From April 17, 80 difficult days await us, during which Mars will be retrograde, but its entry into the loop and exit from the loop in August also does not promise peace.

Mars and Pluto - the two rulers of Aries and Scorpio turn to retrograde at the same time– April 17 and 18. Mars turns in April to star Antares,having a bad reputationspeaks of a period of tension in the world. In addition, in April and May, Mars will be close to Saturn. There won't be an exact connection between them, butThe Moon, transmitting light, will periodically turn on their indirect connection.Mars and Saturn are planets of opposite nature, they are in enmity even in their best positions, and their current retrograde does not allow them to implement their principles adequately, which can give a tendency to forcefully solve problems. Their exact connection will take place at the exit of Mars from the loopAugust 23-24, 2016 and again on the star Antares, this is one of the stars on the Axis of Catastrophes. In general, an alarming transit.

This retro-Mars period maykindle the smolderinggeopolitical problems and revive frozen military conflicts. This Mars loop has already revived the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. It is noteworthy that during the outbreak of the previous conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in December 1991, Mars also was in Sagittarius, but direct. And on the day of the referendum, December 10, 1991, after which a full-scale war for Nagorno-Karabakh began, Mars was in the 9th degree of Sagittarius, in which its current April reversal takes place.

The logic of retrograde suggests that unfinished business or problems whose solution has been postponed will return during this period. And the current retro period of Mars is interesting because it repeats the path taken by retro Saturn in the past two years. The second station of retro-Mars at the end of June at 23°03" Scorpio, duplicates the degree of the first station of Saturn at the end of February and March 2014. Then it was the time of the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict against the backdrop of the retro loop of Mars in Libra. In Mars makes another loop in the current loop interesting accent- the entire current retropass of Mars will be approximately in the area of ​​the Zodiac where Saturn was retrograde from March to early August 2015. You can remember what happened in your personal affairs during these periods of 2014 and 2015. They could be remembered by those who then had Saturn aspects to the planets or angles of the natal chart. Events, topics, issues and situations from those times that were not resolved or completed may now become relevant. Only they will have to be solved under complicated conditions. Mars, repeating the path of the retro period of Saturn, can cause a significant aggravation of old problems. What was then “frozen” and “mothballed” can break out like an abscess from April to September. Mars is associated with iron, blood, wars and different levels and forms of aggression, and hybrid wars are a typical invention of weak Mars. But in the current period there is an important feature - from mid-April to early June, the earthly trine Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto will be in effect. This gives hope that practical considerations and economic conditions will force more informed decisions than saber rattling if common sense will take over. But, one way or another, this period does not bode well for peace.

Retro-Mars from April to May 7 will be in tau square to the opposition of Jupiter and Neptune. This combination of planetary principles leads to non-transparent actions, the activity of fraudsters, and the use of criminal schemes. In politics and economics, backdoor agreements, political intrigue, indirect influence on opponents, bluff and blackmail can be used to achieve goals. Scandals may arise related to corruption of banks, politicians, international and sports organizations.

From April 17 to May 27 and from August 2 to September 27, Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius focus on ideological and religious themes. At this time dPeople's actions are often motivated by their ideals, religious or ideological views. Routine causes dissatisfaction and a feeling of being confined to the limited space of everyday life. This transit evokes a desire to expand experiences and ideas by exploring new territories, both physically and mentally - through trips to new places or other countries, enterprises associated with foreign contacts. At this time, the love of adventure and conquest intensifies. WITHthe combination of the energies of Mars and Sagittarius can fuel a willingness to defend one’s ideas and views, and rush into battle, defending or imposing one’s ideas. This can lead to ideological disputes and conflicts, the growth of religious extremism, " holy wars" In the retro period of Mars, one can expect an intensification of conflicts on national or religious grounds, an increase in religious extremism, and a high probability of high-profile terrorist attacks.

From May to the end of June, when retro-Mars returns to Scorpio, issues related to corporate business, joint finances, and problems in the banking sector will come to the fore. Facts of corruption may come to light in international organizations, financial scandals arise. Emergencies are likely.

But this is a general background, influence at the mundane level. And now about what you need to know about retrograde Mars, what to remember at this time, and what tactics are best to use.It is important to understand the specifics of this time in order to avoid avoidable mistakes.

When the outer planets become retrograde, they begin to go into opposition with the Sun. Opposition Mars with the Sun is the symbolic full moon phase of the Sun-Mars cycle and an important transit period to pay attention to. (This year Mars will be in opposition to the Sun on May 22 at 01°47" Sagittarius-Gemini.) The Sun is “consciousness, individuality” and Mars - “activity, dynamics”, at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This gives us the opportunity to realize which of our habitual reactions and ways of personal implementation must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective. Situations that arise during the retro-Mars period reveal unconstructive reactions, accumulated irritation and dead-end approaches in our desire to succeed or, on the contrary, in our inability to do anything. This is especially pronounced in cases where the transit of retro-Mars makes a connection or opposition to our natal planet. This also applies to Mars squares.

T Those who have planets and angles in the first decan of mutable signs - Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, or the last decan of fixed signs - Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius can feel the intense influence of this transit in their personal affairs. This one is the most difficultthe period will be for Gemini of the first decan and Taurus of the last decan, to which retro-Mars will be in opposition.The opposition of retro-Mars gives the likelihood of conflicts in marriage or partnership. In business, previous agreements may be challenged, contracts may be terminated or terms may be revised. May resume family conflicts, clarifying relationships with marriage or business partners, competition, rivalry. Problems can be caused by financial relationships, disputes over profit, debts, and joint property. In any dispute, try to avoid the phase when it moves from a constructive plane into an exchange of claims. Now it is important to maintain a balance of interests and take into account the point of view of those with whom you interact in order to avoid a breakdown in relationships.

During the retrograde period of Mars, we may feel a decrease in tone, health problems are likely in the spheres of Sagittarius and Scorpio: Bladder, genitals, prostate, thighs, pelvis, liver, veins. The number of injuries increases and the accident rate increases.

Next, I present my article on the retrograde transit of Mars, written several years ago, since this information is unchanged during the retrograde transit of Mars in any sign. It contains a paragraph about the peculiarities of this period for people with natal retro-Mars, and I also give recommendations for everyone: what should be done at this time and what is not recommended.

* * *

During retrograde, Mars is closest to Earth and farthest from the Sun. This weakens the influence of sunlight on it. Having become backward, it finds itself in a dimly lit space and moves in the direction opposite to the movement of the Sun.Thus, it turns out to be closed from external influences, and at this time we begin to master new levels of past experience, less dependent on any outside interference. In a psychological sense, this means that we get the opportunity to free ourselves from the flow of social influences and stereotypes, from the habitual reactions that control our lives, and reconsider the principles of our activity and methods of action. At this time, our approach to conflict resolution, our hostility, anger, self-confidence, risk-taking, ways of exercising will and physical activity require rethinking and new approaches. In sports and military affairs at this time, defensive tactics bring success.

During the period of Mars retrograde, people from the past can make themselves known in our lives: rivals, competitors, those who stimulated our activity and did not let us relax. This time gives us the opportunity to once again try to achieve goals that were previously unattainable. However, you should not invest on retrograde Mars great forces in achieving what you would like to see last. Our actions at this time do not have a solid foundation, and the same applies to their results.

After the retrograde movement of Mars ends, we unconsciously choose new tactics of action, find new, perhaps more effective ways to implement our plans, sometimes these changes are so large-scale that the need and need for life changes arises.

Features of activity during the retro-Mars period

The retrograde of Mars is associated with an aggravation of internal tension, on the one hand, and a decrease in our energy, on the other. The natural flow of energy at this time is directed towards revision and rethinking, towards internal activity, and not towards external purposes and results. Trying to make a breakthrough in business or implement some kind of blitz projects at this time means sailing against the tide on a poorly managed ship. That is why new projects launched during this period, designed for the future, will not bring the expected result. At this time, things require additional efforts in order to simply maintain the status quo, and there is simply not enough energy for new ventures and the struggle for a place in the sun. Things slow down at this time, the implementation of new ideas leads to difficulties in execution and disruption of plans. Now the ability to slow down and refine what has already been started will bring greater returns than the desire to step on the gas and act ahead.

After all, not only our personal approaches and reactions are changing and revised, but similar processes are taking place in parallel in the economy, in legislation, and in public priorities. Overall entrepreneurial activity is declining as a result of objective preconditions and unstable conditions. Starting a new business at this time is like building a castle on the sand.

Moreover, astrological observations have shown an interesting pattern: those who, during the retrograde period of Mars, start wars, show aggression or take active actions, such as organizing personal squabbles, filing a lawsuit, initiating confrontation, find themselves a loser, even if their cause “ right and holy."Conflicts are dangerous for the party that initiated the conflict. The one who shoots first will ultimately lose.

Mars is also associated with the theme of gender relations and the sexual aspect in relationships. Therefore, at this time it is not recommended to begin courtship or have first sexual intercourse. New sexual contacts at this time, at best, will not receive a harmonious continuation and seem temporary, and at worst, they will turn into problems.

Mars, which is associated with blood, fire and metal, has the most direct relation to surgery. During periods of retro-Mars, you should not perform a planned surgical operation, including cosmetic surgery, although this prohibition does not apply to urgent, “emergency” operations.

This is a period of obstacles and restrictions in free initiative, new things, personal growth, clamps and limitations of will. Don’t swim against the current, move by inertia, don’t show excessive initiative - there will be a reaction to any action, so don’t get ahead of events, don’t break the law, avoid conflicts, especially legal proceedings, control your emotions. Energy should be directed not outward, but inward.

At this time, it is not recommended to start any adventure, buy a car, go on a dangerous journey, or make important changes in life. It’s a bad time to buy equipment, but you can sell used equipment and get rid of the “legacy of the past.” It is better to work on projects that are already running, and when starting new ones, wait until Mars turns direct, if the personal astrological situation is suitable.

Since Mars symbolizes active young people, strength, aggression and brutality, during the retrograde period of this planet accidents, fires, power conflicts, fights and provocations may become more frequent. Martian energy may have an unconstructive outlet. Irritability and conflict increase. At this time, you need to beware of hot spots, nightclubs, and try not to succumb to aggressive provocations from the outside.

On retrograde Mars, you can do what you expect to have a return effect. A practical example: a couple had a fictitious divorce on retro-Mars, in order to subsequently sign again. And this divorce was truly fictitious, it did not change the relationship, and when the need arose, the marriage was registered again.

For people with retrograde Mars in the natal chart periods of transit retro-Mars can be fruitful, since the energy and rhythm of time are consonant with the type of their activity, this habitat for the owner of natal retro-Mars. During these periods, retro-Mars owners may encounter situations that will indicate where initiative, impatience, aggression or anger, or, on the contrary, inaction, create problems that they have to deal with in life. This is the time of realizing the essence of the retrograde of your activity according to the natal retro-Mars, it makes it possible to understand what method of initiatives and what measure of them are effective for you. At the same time, the restrictions that are in the general recommendations for this time are not unconditional for them. And their certain initiatives can get a favorable result, but here everything depends on the prognostic indicators that are in the personal horoscope during this period. For example, a case from practice - a person with natal retrograde Mars filed a lawsuit during the transit of retrograde Mars and won it on the first try. Another thing is that at that time there were indications of possible success in court in his individual prognosis, and his demands in the lawsuit were certainly fair. But about unconditional justice - this is lyric, of course, since the law is not written to our post-Soviet courts)) and they can understand justice in a very different way. Therefore, as a rule, filing lawsuits on retro-Mars, regardless of their validity, may not be successful. But if, for example, a person with natal retro-Mars decided to start a new business during the transit of retro-Mars, here the general restrictions will work more strictly, since starting a new business, the person begins to interact with the general business background. He finds himself in circumstances where he has to depend on other people - suppliers, customers, partners and external circumstances, because we are all part of the world in which we live, and the world is in the retro phase of Mars. And here, for the owner of natal retro-Mars, the same astrolaws will work as for others.
List of recommendations for this period.

Retrograde motion or backward movement is the path of the planet visible from Earth. The retrograde effect occurs as a result of the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun. In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac through which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business.

The retrograde phase of Mars will begin on January 23 and will last until April 14, 2012. However, the consequences retrograde period will be felt until June 19, until it comes out of the loop, i.e. until he returns to 23°06" Virgo, from which he began his retrograde journey.

Entering the retrograde phase, the planet will slow down to stationary (stop - SR), and slowly turn around, return along the recently passed segment of the sign (R), so that at the end of the retrograde period, stop again (SD) and turn to direct (D) movement . The diagram shows the triple passage of Mars in its retro phase from its entry from the loop at 03°41" Virgo to its exit from the loop at 23°06" Virgo.

Mars retrograde transit in Virgo in 2012

Making its way through one sector of the Zodiac three times, the planet poses a problem - during the first passage (1), calls for ways to solve it - during a retrograde passage (2) and gives a way out of the situation and a solution in a new way - during the third, direct passage through that the same area (3).

Retrograde movement Mars

Psychological features of the retro period of Mars

Already on November 18, 2011, Mars began to slow down, focusing our attention on concerns and problems related to the themes of the natal planets to which it makes aspects. We have 80 difficult days ahead of us, during which Mars will be retrograde. Those who have planets and angles in mutable signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces - will feel this period especially acutely.

Mars goes retrograde once every two years and two months, which makes its retro period quite an important event because Mars goes retrograde less often than other planets. At this time, Mars is closest to Earth and farthest from the Sun. This weakens the influence of the sun's rays on the planet.Having become retrograde, Mars finds itself in a dimly lit space and moves in the direction opposite to the movement of the Sun. Thus, he is closed from external influences; turned not outward, but inward, not toward society, but toward the inner world. At this time, the Mars principle begins to master new levels of past experience, without depending on any outside interference.

In a psychological sense, this means that we get the opportunity to free ourselves from the flow of social influences and stereotypes, from the habitual reactions that control our lives, and reconsider the principles of our activity and methods of action.At this time, our approach to conflict resolution, our hostility, anger, self-confidence, risk-taking, ways of exercising will and physical activity require rethinking and new approaches. In sports and military affairs, defensive tactics bring success.

During the retrograde period, Mars enters into opposition with the Sun - this is the phase of the symbolic full moon in the Sun-Mars cycle, the exact aspect will be March 3, 2012. The Sun - “consciousness, individuality” and Mars - “activity, dynamics”, at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This gives us the opportunity to realize which of our habitual reactions and ways of personal implementation must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective.

Situations that arise during this period reveal unresolved conflicts, unconstructive reactions, accumulated irritation and dead-end approaches in our desire to succeed or, on the contrary, in our inability to do anything. This is especially pronounced in cases where the transit of retro-Mars makes a connection or opposition to our natal planet.When analyzing thistransit in the natal chart, the planetary status of the planets should also be taken into account. Fast planets are subordinate to the slow ones. The implementation of the energies of retro-Mars in a constructive manner can provide a period of more intense practical activity aimed at solving the problems posed by the current transits of slow planets.

What to expect from retro Mars in Virgo?

Retro-Mars in Virgo creates a picky, demanding mood and tends to become obsessed with little things; During this period, major quarrels can arise over trivial matters. At the same time, at this time we get the opportunity to gain insight into the unconscious reactions and hidden motives that make us act without thinking. This helps us reconsider our views on life and our personal approaches to business and cooperation.

Topics of health, education, caring for sick relatives, nutrition and hygiene, work issues and daily responsibilities can cause anxiety and cause problems. Relationships with employees may become tense, and management will complain about our performance in our duties. Disorganization and sloppiness will be severely punished. Our efforts to improve our work skills and desire to increase our level of output will be countered by the imperfections of reality. We must develop tolerance in such situations and be prepared for the fact that not all of our efforts will be productive, and at times there will be a feeling that we are working in idle mode. At this time, previous cases may come to light in which our small but key mistakes led to serious problems currently.

If we give in to emotions during this period, we will easily lose the ability to objectively assess the situation and will not be able to see the forest for the trees. This will lead to losses as a result of unreasonable speculation and risky business ventures, or disappointment in love if the topic of personal life is played out at this time. During this period there is also the danger of accident or violence, usually due to carelessness, stupidity or uncontrolled aggressiveness.

During this period, worries and anxieties may arise around health, pharmaceuticals, chemistry and medicine. Nervousness and intestinal problems can be caused by excess food. You need to stay cool and sane to be prepared for any surprises during this time.

As a rule, the problems and conflicts that we face during the period of Mars retrograde began during the last conjunction of the Sun and Mars, i.e. during the symbolic new moon in the Sun-Mars cycle. This means that what we are dealing with externally and internally today has a direct or indirect connection with what was happening in our lives at the end of January and beginning of February 2011.

I invite readers to take a retrospective look at the events of that time in order to better understand the origins of their reactions and problems today. Moreover, you can mentally return to the previous period of retro-Mars, analyze what aspects it made to the natal chart and what events and emotions were relevant to you at that time. On the diagram you will find the dates and degrees of the current, previous and next R-period Mars

Mars retrograde 2012

Transition toR

Transition toD

Exit from the loop

Previous Mars retrograde period 2010

Next Mars retrograde period 2014

Features of activity during the retro-Mars period or what not to do

The retrograde of Mars is associated with an aggravation of internal tension, on the one hand, and a decrease in our energy, on the other. The natural flow of energy at this time is directed towards revision and rethinking, towards internal activity, and not towards external goals and results.Trying to make a breakthrough in business or implement some kind of blitz projects at this time means sailing against the tide on a poorly managed ship. That is why new projects launched during this period, designed for the future, will not bring the expected result. At this time, things require additional efforts in order to simply maintain the status quo, and there is simply not enough energy for new ventures and the struggle for a place in the sun. Things slow down at this time, the implementation of new ideas leads to difficulties in execution and disruption of plans. Now skill slow down and refine what has already begun will bring O greater return than the desire to press"gas" and act ahead.

! Particular attention should be paid to the period of time from March 12 to April 4, 2012, when, against the backdrop of Mars retrograde, it will become retrograde and Mercury. During this period, you cannot make important decisions, borrow or lend, make large purchases, perform planned operations, launch new projects and take any actions aimed at the future.

Mars (R)
After all, not only our personal approaches and reactions are changing and revised, but similar processes are taking place in parallel in the economy, in legislation, and in public priorities. Overall entrepreneurial activity is declining as a result of objective preconditions and unstable conditions. Starting a new business at this time is like building a castle on the sand.

This is a period of obstacles and restrictions in free initiative, new endeavors, personal growth, clamps and limitations of will. Don’t swim against the current, move by inertia, don’t show initiative - any action will have a reaction, so don’t get ahead of the curve, don’t break the law, avoid conflicts, especially legal proceedings, control your emotions. Energy should be directed not outward, but inward! The period has a bad effect on sports and military affairs. Conflicts with security forces are dangerous for the side that initiated the conflict.

At this time, it is not recommended to start any important adventure, buy a car, go on a dangerous journey, or make important changes in life. It’s a bad time to buy equipment, but you can sell used equipment and get rid of the “legacy of the past.” It is better to work on projects that are already running, and when starting new ones, wait until Mars turns to direct movement. It is better to start new business only a few days after the end of this period.

Since Mars symbolizes active young people, strength, aggression and brutality, during the retrograde period of this planet accidents, fires, power conflicts, fights and provocations may become more frequent. Martian energy may have an unconstructive outlet. Irritability and conflict increase. At this time, you need to beware of hot spots, nightclubs, and try not to succumb to aggressive provocations from the outside.

On retrograde Mars, you can do what you expect to have a return effect. A practical example, a fictitious divorce on retro-Mars, was really fictitious and when the need arose, the marriage was registered again. Further short list recommendations.

What not to do:

  1. Start a new business project, or any campaign that requires active action and pressure.
  2. Register a company.
  3. Perform elective surgeries.
  4. Buy mechanisms: cars, means of production, household appliances, tools, etc.
  5. Start construction or renovation.
  6. Organize sports competitions or corporate sports championships.
  7. File a lawsuit, initiate a confrontation.
  8. Initiate disputes, discussions, debates.
  9. Send your car for repairs or maintenance without a good reason.
  10. Change your place of work.
  11. Go on long business trips.
  12. Use firearms and bladed weapons.
  13. Start courtship.
  14. Have first sexual intercourse.

What you can do:

  1. Put things in order in old affairs, finish and tighten up the “tails”
  2. Resume previously abandoned sports activities: wushu, qigong (for the soul).
  3. Do yoga, meditation.
  4. Rest more, take more breaks from work.

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