What is the largest animal on the planet. The largest animals. The largest arthropod in the world: Japanese spider crab

Saltwater crocodile

Saltwater crocodile - dimensions

The largest living reptile is saltwater crocodile. It is also called the saltwater crocodile and the man-eating crocodile. These reptiles attack people. They are found in eastern India, the states of Indo-China, and northern Australia. They live in lagoons, river mouths, and swamps.

There are individuals up to seven meters long and weighing up to two tons. Five-meter long saltwater crocodiles are a common sight. They say that previously they found man-eating crocodiles ten and a half meters long.

Reaches large sizes Nile crocodile. Its length ranges from two to five and a half meters. According to some reports, ten-meter specimens were also found. The record length of an alligator living on the American continent is 5.8 meters. Weight - more than a ton.

The largest snakes

Name largest snake claim on the planet giant anaconda and reticulated python. The anaconda boa constrictor lives in the Amazon. An anaconda was found and measured, which reached 7.5 meters and weighed 250 kilograms. There are many reports of anacondas and large sizes– up to 11 meters. But this is unconfirmed data..

Reticulated python, native to India and South-East Asia, can be 9.7 meters long. However, it is inferior in weight to the anaconda. Both the python and the anaconda are non-venomous snakes. From poisonous snakes the largest - King Cobra. The length of these reptiles is 3-4 meters. In 1937, an individual 5.71 meters long was caught.

The largest lizards

The largest lizard is considered komodo dragon. It is also called the dragon of Komodo Island. It can reach three meters and weigh 120 kilograms. Hunts deer. The most big turtle– sea leathery. Sometimes turtles are found two and a half meters long and weighing 900 kilograms.

The largest dinosaurs

Fossil reptiles are striking in their size. Almost all of them disappeared from the face of the earth about 65 million years ago, as a result of a natural disaster. Archelon tortoise, a relative of modern ones sea ​​turtles, lived in the Cretaceous period.

Its length reached 4.6 meters, weight - up to 2.2 tons, fin span - up to five meters.


Another giant fossil reptile, lived in the sea - an ichthyosaur.

Its length was close to 24 meters. He had huge eyes. The ichthyosaur reached speeds of up to 40 km per hour. This is the largest marine reptile in history.

The largest flying reptile is the Pteranodon, a species of pterodactyl. Its wingspan was 15.5 meters! Pteranodon lived in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

The predator Tyrannosaurus reached a length of more than 12 meters and a height of 4 meters. It weighed, according to the latest calculations, 9 tons. This reptile is well known from the film "Park Jurassic", in which she brings indescribable horror to everyone. But the largest land predator of all time was probably the fossil alligator. His remains date back 8 million years. It was 12 meters long and weighed 18 tons. Some dinosaurs are known only from a few skeletal fragments. Therefore, their size and even the very fact of their existence remain the subject of scientific debate. There are real giants among them. Thus, the supersaurus supposedly reached 34 meters in length and weighed forty tons.

Mamenchisaurus was 35 meters long. Of these, 15 meters were on the neck. This is the animal with the largest neck in history. The length of the amphicelia ranged from 40 to 62 meters, the weight was 140 tons! It's hard to even imagine such a monster. This is the largest creature that has ever lived on earth.

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The extinct dinosaur Amphicelia is described from a fragment of one single dilapidated vertebra, so its size and the very existence of this dinosaur are in doubt. According to calculations, its length ranged from 40 to 62 meters, and its weight was up to 155 tons. Scientific: kingdom - animals, phylum - chordates, - reptiles, - lizards, infraorder - sauropods, family - diplopoids, genus - amphicoelias.

The blue whale is a modern marine animal whose length reaches 33 meters and its weight can exceed 150 tons. Scientific classification: domain - eukaryotes, kingdom - animals, phylum - chordates, class - mammals, order - , family - minke whales, genus - minke whales, species - blue whale. It feeds on plankton, filtered through the lamellar whalebone: the basis of nutrition is krill, less often larger crustaceans, small fish, etc. There are four subspecies of the blue whale - northern, southern, dwarf and Indian. They differ slightly in size and range of habitat. The blue whale is found throughout the world's oceans. Whales rarely gather in small groups; single individuals are more common. By 1960, thanks to whaling, the blue whale was on the verge of extinction. Today, their total number does not exceed 10,000 individuals. In blue whales, females are much larger than males; there is an opinion that whales (puking whales) were previously larger than modern individuals. Their vision and sense of smell are poor. Hearing and touch are well developed. The weight of the tongue is 4 tons, and the size of the pharynx is only 10 cm in diameter. Lung volume exceeds 3 thousand liters. Large individuals have a blood volume of over 8 thousand liters. The blue whale's heart is the largest in the entire animal kingdom and its weight is about one ton, and its pulse is 5 - 10 beats per minute. Females give birth once every 2 years, and pregnancy lasts 11 months. However, population growth cannot compensate for its decline. A born baby weighs about 2-3 tons and reaches 6-8 meters in length. The cub feeds on mother's milk for 7 months and grows up to 16 meters during this period. Whales reach physical maturity at 15 years of age and live up to 80–90 years.

The largest animal on Earth. Its body length can reach 33 meters and weighs almost 150 tons. Of course, you can say that a whale is a fish and you would be wrong. In fact, it belongs to the class of mammals.

The blue whale was first described by Scottish naturalist Robert Sibbald in 1964. The animal has a slender and elongated body, with the head making up a third of its entire length. If you look at the head from above, it has a U-shaped outline, and in profile it is slightly flattened. Lower jaw elongated and wide, much wider than the upper one.

The blowhole is formed by two nostrils and is located at the back of the head. When the animal exhales air, a vertical fountain appears from a narrow hole, the height of which can reach 10 meters. The animal also has longitudinal stripes that begin at the bottom of the head and continue throughout almost the entire body. They, firstly, improve the hydrodynamic properties of the body, and secondly, they help the pharynx to stretch more strongly when swallowing water with food.

The largest specimen ever captured was a female blue whale, which was killed by whalers in 1926 near the South Shetland Islands. The length of her body was 33 meters, but her weight is unknown - they simply did not weigh her. Although, as experts say, it probably weighed no less than 150 tons. By the way, there are larger specimens, for example, fishermen once saw a 37-meter whale, but due to the lack necessary equipment they couldn't catch him.

White rhinoceros

In third place is white rhinoceros- the weight of old males can reach more than 5 tons (average - 2-2.5 tons), and body length - more than 4 meters. However, in nature such specimens are relatively rare. By the way, it is still unclear where the word “white” came from in the name, since there is nothing white in the animal. In fact, its body color is dark gray. There are always two horns growing on the head, the first of which is always longer than the second (the officially registered record is 158 centimeters).

There have always been two areas where these animals lived - South Africa and one of its northern sides, which is near South Sudan and the Republic of the Congo. However, the northern subspecies was completely exterminated by poachers - if in the 60s of the last century there were about two thousand heads here, then by 2008 the last of them were killed. In total there are now about 11 thousand copies, which is slightly more than 20 years ago, but they are all in South Africa. In general, at the end of the 19th century this species was considered almost extinct, but taken into care in time, it is now out of danger of extinction.

Typically, rhinoceroses stay in small groups, and in them you can most often find females with cubs. Sometimes they are ready to accept a male, but only if he does not attempt to mate. Otherwise, he is expelled from the group, and in some cases may even be killed. Males show strong aggression towards other males, so they periodically kill each other in fights. If the group senses danger, it takes a defensive position: adults stand in a circle with their heads outward, covering their defenseless cubs.

As for reproduction, this issue has been little studied. It is believed that sexual maturity in rhinoceroses occurs at approximately 7-8 years. Pregnancy lasts about 17-18 months, after which one baby is born. On the second day, he can not only walk, but also accompanies his mother everywhere. After a week, it can begin to eat grass, although for many months it continues to feed on mother’s milk.

Animals graze only when moderate temperature. They try not to go out into the scorching sun and take refuge in the shade of trees. It also seeks protection in rainy weather. Rhinoceroses often swim in swamps, where turtles await them - they devour the ticks that accumulate on the skin of these giants.

It is worth noting that rhinoceroses have been killed for several centuries - the reason for this is the horn, which, as many still believe, has incredible healing properties. However, at the moment hunting for them is allowed, but in extremely meager quotas. The production license is very expensive - from 100 thousand dollars.

Southern elephant seal

It is impossible not to note this unusual animal, which is a huge seal. Currently, it is the largest pinniped creature on our planet. An elephant can be up to 6 meters long and weigh more than 5 tons!

What is unusual is that males are very different from females in appearance- they have a sac on their nose, which swells very strongly in individuals older than three years. The limbs are small, but they have long nails - up to 5 cm. It is noteworthy that as of today there are at least 600 thousand individuals all over the world, and this despite the fact that in the last century this animal was the object of intensive hunting.

Chinese giant salamander

The giant salamander is a very strange creature in terms of appearance and often causes unpleasant feelings. The average body length of an individual is about 170-180 cm, weight - up to 80 kg. The abdomen is grayish in color, the upper side is brownish-gray, the skin is lumpy.

The animal lives exclusively in the eastern regions of China and prefers cold and clean mountain reservoirs. Used as food small fish and some invertebrates. Unfortunately, in Lately the number of this species of salamander is falling, as its places are polluted natural habitat, and besides, it is destroyed by man. Scientists and the government are trying to find a way out of the situation.


The giraffe is one of the tallest mammals on our planet. In this regard, the animal has no equal.

The height of especially large males reaches more than 6 meters, and their weight is more than one ton. Females are slightly smaller in size. If you look at the neck of this giant, you simply cannot believe your eyes - how can he have only seven cervical vertebrae?! However, this is exactly the case.

It is worth noting that the giraffe also differs in other features. For example, he has a very strong heart, which is capable of passing more than 60 liters of blood through itself in just one minute. Not surprisingly, it weighs more than 12 kg. This creature also has denser and therefore thicker blood. Finally, the giraffe has a 45-centimeter long tongue that helps grasp branches.


This is one of the species of brown bears that lives on Kodiak Island, located off the coast of Alaska. Currently this is one of the most large predators of our planet.

The male can reach 3.5 m in length and 1.5 m in height. This is approximately the size of a small car. Weight is about half a ton, females weigh about half as much.

The body is strong and muscular, the limbs are very strong, the head is massive, and the tail is small. If we talk about the lifestyle, it is exactly similar to what he leads Brown bear. Kodiaks feed not only on plants, berries or nuts, but also on other animals, sometimes carrion. In winter they hibernate, although not always.

Alas, total Kodiaks number no more than three thousand individuals, and more than a hundred bears are still allowed to be shot per year.


And this is the largest of the rodents. Height adult is about 0.6 m, and the body length is up to one and a half meters. The average weight is from 40 to 60 kg, with females being larger than males, although not by much.

From the side, the capybara very much resembles an enlarged one guinea pig, which is clearly visible in the photo. Found in South and Central America. Loves water - in the wild it rarely moves more than one kilometer from the water. During drought, it can travel considerable distances in search of a reservoir. The greatest activity is observed during the daytime, but often switches to night look life if predators appear in the area.

Some Americans keep capybaras as pets, and the latter don't seem to mind at all.


Among birds there is no equal to the ostrich. True, it should be noted that this bird is flightless and is the only representative of its family. The weight of some individuals can be up to one and a half centners, and the height - up to 2.5 m. Ostriches are distinguished by their small head and fairly long neck.

Since these birds are flightless, their wings are underdeveloped, but they rely on very powerful legs, on which you can find a pair of thumbs. Males and females differ: the color of the plumage of the former is black with old spots on the wings and tail, while the females are grayish.

The latter, by the way, lay huge eggs - their length can reach 23 cm and weight - more than 2 kg. They are also distinguished by their thick shell.

Saltwater crocodile

Closing our list is the combed crocodile, which has an incredible size. Some males can reach a length of seven meters and weigh more than one ton. However, such instances wildlife, as you might guess, come across quite rarely.

Most often, these animals are found on some coasts of Australia, as well as in Indonesia. However, significantly smaller populations are also found in the Philippines and even the Seychelles.

The saltwater crocodile also attacks people. The reason is simple - the creature loves to be near the shore. Here the person’s vigilance sharply decreases and the crocodile begins to attack. It is clear that it is difficult to oppose him with anything. Therefore, almost all victims die from the attack.


Several animals claimed the title of the tallest animal in the world, but scientists gave the first one to the giraffe. An adult male weighs about 2 tons, while females are twice as light. It is curious that 250 kg of this weight falls on the giraffe’s neck, and about 10 kg is on its heart muscle. The tallest animal in the world lives in Central and Southern Africa. In appearance, these creatures look very disproportionate: the legs are thin and long, the chest is narrow, the neck is quite long and crowned with a small head with exorbitantly huge ears. A giraffe has small horns on its head. It is curious that the giraffe’s neck, reaching a length of 2.5 m, has the same number of vertebrae as the neck of other mammals, i.e. seven.

Interestingly, due to its long neck, it has the highest blood pressure of any living creature on Earth. Comparing the blood pressure of a giraffe and healthy person, then for the first one it will be approximately three times higher! So unique anatomical features a giraffe requires his heart muscle and certain efforts. As mentioned above, the heart of the tallest animal in the world weighs about 10 kg and is capable of pumping blood to the brain, located at a distance of 3.5 m from the heart! In addition, the unique arrangement of arteries in the giraffe saves it from serious problems, which could be at a watering hole at a time when the animal tilts its head down.

It is curious that the bright skin of the tallest animal in the world has been the basis for the most incredible legends and stories since time immemorial. For example, the ancient Egyptians and Romans believed that giraffes are the offspring of leopards and camels. Returning to the appearance of the giraffe, it should be noted that it is only unprepossessing in appearance, but in fact it is a rather graceful equid! Moreover, giraffes have perfectly adapted to life in the driest African regions. Their long front legs and unique neck allow them to feed on leaves from the tops of acacia trees during droughts.

Other advantages of the tallest animal on Earth include sensitive hearing and excellent hearing. The giraffe is able to notice potential enemies from a fairly large distance, and the hind limbs allow the animal to take off at lightning speed. The tallest animal in the world runs fast - at a speed of 60 km/h. By the way, those with the highest height sleep very little and mostly while standing. It is worth noting that some individuals still try to lie on the ground. At the same time, they place their head on their hind leg, bending their long neck in an arc.

Children are very inquisitive and often ask questions that are not easy to answer. A child, unlike an adult, is of little interest everyday problems. It is more important for him to know why the grass is green, where the clouds come from, why the giraffe Long neck, and the elephant has a trunk where you can see a kangaroo and so on. And many adults cannot answer all these difficult questions. Of course, for a serious businessman it is not so important to know all this, but to expand your own horizons, sometimes you can still get acquainted with some interesting facts. For example, what is the largest animal in the world, what is the smallest, where they live and what they look like.

What animals are there most on earth?

Everyone knows such a thing as the Red Book. This is a document in which very rare representatives flora and fauna. You can often read about the rarest and endangered species of animals included in the Red Book list in natural history textbooks and in scientific literature. But nowhere is there a list of those animals that are most numerous on earth.

As a rule, the occupying animals, which outnumber other classes, are very small in size. For example, a small crustacean animal similar to a shrimp, no more than 5 centimeters in length, which is the record holder for the largest number on earth - this Antarctic krill, an animal from the family (Engraulidae) euphausiids. Krill are quite common and can be found over a wide area from the Southern Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean.

What animals are there most in Australia?

If krill is the most common animal species everywhere, then the question arises, which animals lead the population in certain places, such as Australia?

This continent is home to many unique animals that cannot be found in other parts of planet Earth:

  • Koalas,
  • wombats,
  • opossums,
  • Platypuses and many other rare species.

But Australia is known throughout the world as kangaroo country. These are the largest individuals belonging to the order of marsupials; other representatives of this order are called wallabies. Kangaroos live only in Australia and some places in South America.

The fact is that marsupial mammals less adapted than other animals to the climate that has changed since the time of dinosaurs. The reason for this is precisely that the pouch creates the least favorable conditions for bearing cubs.

Where does the largest animal in the whole world live?

The largest animal in the world lives not on land at all, but in water.

We are talking about a blue or blue whale:

  • The length of the individual reaches 32 meters, and the weight varies from 2 to 3.5 tons;
  • This animal is from the order of cetaceans and lives in almost all waters of the world's oceans. The blue whale feeds on Antarctic krill;
  • The blue whale leads a solitary lifestyle;
  • By number blue whales tend to decline, but nevertheless, this species of animals does not pose the risk of complete extinction;
  • Blue whale, despite gigantic size, does not pose a danger to humans, is quite intelligent and friendly;
  • Despite big size, the blue whale is not able to swallow a large object, as it has a very narrow throat. Interestingly, the largest object that this animal can swallow cannot exceed the diameter of a grapefruit.

Largest land animal

The blue whale, as it turned out, is second to none in size, but this animal lives in water, while on land, the title of largest animal goes to the African elephant.

This mammal from the order Proboscis reaches a height of up to 3.5 meters and weighs almost 7 tons. Moreover, males are larger than females. African elephants are not that common to the globe like blue whales, their habitat is limited to Africa, just south of the Sahara.

The record holder feeds exclusively on vegetation, eating several tens of kilograms of greenery per day. African elephants are friendly. Their numbers tend to decrease, and therefore this species of animal is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The largest animal in Asia

The Indian or Asian elephant is not much smaller in size than its African brother and is the largest animal in Asia.

The Indian elephant, like the African elephant, is a vegetarian and quite friendly.

The elephant has several subspecies, which received their names based on their habitat:

  1. Sri Lankan elephant, who lives on the Sri Lanka peninsula,
  2. Sumatran elephant- found in Sumatra,
  3. Bornean elephant- living on the island of Borneo.

The number of Asian elephants decreases every year, and therefore this species, like the African elephant, is listed in the Red Book of Russia. African and asian elephants slightly different in appearance.

A few main differences:

  • Ear size - African elephants have larger ears, female Indian elephants lack tusks, while females African elephants they are;
  • African elephants are gray-brown, while Asian elephants are darker;
  • The skin of Asian elephants has a small hairline, African elephants have more folds.
  • U African elephant the legs are longer and thinner than those of the Asian.

The smallest animal on earth

If the largest animal in the world was difficult to miss, then the small animals were not so easy to find:

  1. The tiniest animal in the world lives in the warm regions of Thailand and is named pig-nosed bat. Belongs to the squad bats to mind pig-nosed, no more than 3 centimeters long and weighing about 2 grams. This little one's nose is like a pig's nickel;
  2. The Kiti bat is a rare animal, the total number of individuals does not exceed 500, therefore this species is listed in the Red Book. She eats insects and like everyone else the bats leads a nocturnal lifestyle.

Living in a certain place, people get used to the flora and fauna that surrounds them. To a resident of the European continent, bananas growing on a bush, galloping kangaroos and camels seem outlandish. While a resident of Africa will never be able to meet a bear at home. But the human mind is inquisitive, and always strives for knowledge. Even if a person has never seen anyone larger than a cow, he is still interested in what is the largest animal in the world, what it looks like and in what parts of the earth it is found.

Video about the “most-most” huge animals

In this video, zoologist Timur Prokazin will talk about the most gigantic creatures on the planet:

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