They will look for collusion in the patrimony of Yuri Roslyak. Roslyak Yuri Vitalievich: family. Nervous workdays

In 1975 he graduated from the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute.

Since 1976 - designer at SKB Mosgidrostal of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

From 1977 to 1979 - service in the USSR Armed Forces.


May decrees. The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation indicated the Saratov region among those lagging behind

Auditor Yuri Roslyak noted that last year in the Saratov region only 24.8 percent met the target settlement rate. At the same time, in Tyva, Tula, Amur and Ivanovo regions meet targets for last year haven't started yet.

Russian family left with mortgage

AHML did not build affordable housing

According to the auditor of the Accounts Chamber, Yuri Roslyak, who prepared the report, the Ministry of Construction and AHML approached the implementation of the program quite formally.

Agreements on the implementation of program activities concluded between the Russian Ministry of Construction, AHML JSC and the regions were in fact of a formal nature, including the planned annual values ​​for the volume of commissioning of economy-class housing were not established, which did not allow for proper monitoring of the achievement of program indicators , - noted Yuri Roslyak.

The Accounts Chamber proposes to estimate the volume of "Khrushchev" buildings for demolition

An assessment of the volume of housing from the first period of industrial housing construction, which will soon fall into disrepair, must be carried out in Russia, the auditor of the Accounts Chamber, Yuri Roslyak, said at the board of the Ministry of Construction.

The funds from the Reserve Fund will be used to create the urban environment

Auditor of the Accounts Chamber Yuri Roslyak emphasized that the material presented by the Ministry of Construction does not contain an assessment of the effectiveness of the use of subsidies. In addition, regional budgets must provide funds corresponding to the co-financing agreement, Roslyak emphasized.

The Ural senator said that the Ministry of Finance is provoking a social explosion in the regions

Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia Leonid Gornin reported to the senators that new order interbudgetary relations comes into force with all amendments from January 1 of the next year. Yuri Roslyak, auditor of the Accounts Chamber, said that many subjects of the Federation have planned a significant increase in revenue, which will now remain at the disposal of local budgets. The Kurgan region was named among the leaders, where growth of 18 percent is planned, reports Parlamentskaya Gazeta.


“The agreements on the implementation of program activities concluded between the Russian Ministry of Construction, AHML and the regions were in fact of a formal nature, including the planned annual values ​​for the volume of commissioning of economy-class housing were not established, which did not allow for proper monitoring of the achievement of program indicators” , says Accounts Chamber auditor Yuri Roslyak.

It has been revealed: what Kadyrov asked from Medvedev and the Kremlin

Let us recall that after a thorough audit, the representative of the Accounts Chamber, Yuri Roslyak, told the press that the allocation of financial assistance to Chechnya at the level of last year was justified - saying that “the republic is one of the highly subsidized regions.”

Will Roslyak get away with it?

The Prosecutor General's Office will check the former deputy mayor of Moscow Yuri Roslyak for corruption ties with construction companies capital Cities.

State Duma deputy Jamaladin Gasanov personally sent a request to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika demanding that he conduct an audit of the relationship between auditors of the Accounts Chamber (CA) of the Russian Federation and managers of companies involved in pricing in the construction complex.

The fact is that since 2013, Mr. Roslyak has been an auditor of the Accounts Chamber. Previously, Yuri Vitalievich was already suspected of corrupt connections with the Moscow Lights bank. During that case, his daughter received prison term with a delay.

They will look for conspiracy in the estate of Yuri Roslyak

State Duma deputy Jamaladin Gasanov sent a request to the head of the Prosecutor General's Office, Yuri Chaika, asking him to conduct a prosecutor's investigation into the relationship between auditors of the Accounts Chamber (CA) of the Russian Federation and managers of companies involved in pricing in the construction complex. The parliamentarian, referring to the appeal received from industry representatives, mentions a certain “corruption connection between auditors” and believes that the Accounts Chamber does not use the development of estimated prices prepared by state experts. And this, according to Hasanov, leads to inflated construction costs. The facts stated in the letter may lead the security forces to auditor Yuri Roslyak, whose name has already appeared in a scandal with similar circumstances.

The Accounts Chamber called subsidies to Chechnya and Crimea justified

The Chechen Republic and Crimea are among the highly subsidized regions, therefore maintaining financial assistance for them in 2017 at a level not lower than last year is justified. This was announced on Tuesday, January 17, by the auditor of the Accounts Chamber, Yuri Roslyak.

Province in debt

On Tuesday, February 24, under the chairmanship of Russian President Vladimir Putin, a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council “On measures to increase economic sustainability and financial support for the powers of the regions” was held, at which, in particular, the situation with the regional budgets of the current year was discussed. On last week discussed the financial problems of the regions with the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, former first Deputy Mayor of Moscow Yuri Roslyak.

Yuri Roslyak, auditor of the Accounts Chamber

Yuri Roslyak was born in 1954 in Moscow into the family of a hydraulic engineer. As a child, he and his parents moved repeatedly around the country from one construction site to another.

Graduated from the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute named after. V.V. Kuibyshev in 1975 with a degree in hydraulic engineering. He began his working career as a mechanic for the construction department. Since 1976, designer at SKB Mosgidrostal of the USSR Ministry of Energy. In 1979, he joined the Main Directorate of Capital Construction of the Moscow City Executive Committee, where he held various engineering and technical positions.

In 1986, Roslyak went to work in the system of executive authorities in Moscow. He was deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Krasnogvardeisky district council. Since 1990, Deputy Head of the Main Construction Directorate of the Moscow Construction Committee. In 1991, he was appointed first deputy head of the Economics and Forecasting Committee of the Moscow Government. Then - head of the Department for Prospective Development of Moscow.

In 1995, Roslyak became Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government and headed the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow. On December 30, 2003, Roslyak became the first deputy mayor of Moscow in the Moscow government, head of the complex of economic policy and development of the city of Moscow.

In August 2005, after the appointment of the vice-mayor of Moscow V.P. Shantsev as governor Nizhny Novgorod region, part of his powers passed to Roslyak. In particular, Yuri Vitalievich headed the Regional Energy Commission of the city of Moscow.

In September 2010, Yuri Roslyak was named in some media, citing a source close to the presidential administration, as a “person from the Moscow team” who could be appointed to the post of mayor of Moscow in the event of the voluntary early resignation of Yu. M. Luzhkov.

On December 20, 2010, Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin signed a decree releasing Yu.V. Roslyak from his position. At the same time, he was appointed as a representative from executive body state power of the city of Moscow in the Federation Council Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the term of office of the mayor of Moscow.

Married. Has one child.

Photo by the press service of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

State Duma deputy Jamaladin Gasanov sent a request to the head of the Prosecutor General's Office, Yuri Chaika, asking him to conduct a prosecutor's investigation into the relationship between auditors of the Accounts Chamber (CA) of the Russian Federation and managers of companies involved in pricing in the construction complex. The parliamentarian, referring to the appeal received from industry representatives, mentions a certain “corruption connection between auditors” and believes that the Accounts Chamber does not use the development of estimated prices prepared by state experts. And this, according to Hasanov, leads to inflated construction costs. The facts stated in the letter may lead the security forces to auditor Yuri Roslyak, whose name has already appeared in a scandal with similar circumstances.

Then the issue of pricing in the construction industry was raised by State Duma deputies Konstantin Fedorov and Anton Romanov, Argumenty Nedeli reported (05.21.15). According to the publication, parliamentarians asked to check the affiliation of auditor Yuri Roslyak with the pricing monopolist in construction in Moscow, which is led by a person close to him, Larisa Podgornaya. Deputies sent relevant requests to the chairmen Investigative Committee, Attorney General, Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and Chairman of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova. The reason for the parliamentary appeals was journalistic investigations that appeared in the media, which revealed the mechanisms of price inflation on large federal construction projects and traced the connections of those involved in this.

According to publications, prices for construction work financed from the federal budget are developed by specialized organizations - in particular, the Federal autonomous institution « Federal Center pricing in construction and industry building materials"(FAU FCCS). At the end of 2014, as a result of complaints about the validity of prices and the organization’s operating methods, the head of the Federal Center for Central Communications, Evgeny Ermolaev, was fired.

Let us recall, as the Company magazine wrote (03/06/15), the head of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova, said that the cost of constructing the ground infrastructure of the cosmodrome was overstated by 13 billion rubles. This amount, according to the auditors, was spent not on construction, but on FSUE Dalspetsstroy (a division of Spetsstroy) solving its problems. Moreover, according to the unofficial version, because of problems with this construction, the head of Roscosmos Oleg Ostapenko was dismissed. The auditors also made claims against the FCCC. As Golikova told President Vladimir Putin at the end of January, in this organization, which develops estimates for major state construction projects, “preconditions have arisen for the possible use of corruption mechanisms.” According to the head of the joint venture, companies have also appeared on the market making money on the sale estimate standards.

In an interview with Kommersant, Ermolaev claimed that the scandal surrounding the estimates was initiated by the joint venture auditor Yuri Roslyak in order to put his own man in place of the manager. At the same time, subsequent events, as noted by Argumenty Nedeli, demonstrated that the words of the ex-leader could be justified. Ermolaev was fired in 2014, and on February 15, 2015 he was approved new line-up The Supervisory Board of the FCCC, which included Larisa Podgornaya, who is associated with Yuri Roslyak, as Arguments of the Week write, “long-standing and strong business relationship" Until 2002, she was the general director of Stroyproektinvest-3 LLC, the owner of which, according to Kontur-Focus, was the former first deputy head of the capital’s Department of Economic Policy and Development, Yuri Petrov, also a former subordinate of Roslyak. Now Petrov owns a large stake in NS Bank, which specializes in working with construction companies. Larisa Podgornaya is listed on the board of directors of NS Bank, being also its minority shareholder (3.44%).

It should also be noted that since May 2016, the FCCC has been headed by Irina Lishchenko, who previously worked at the Olimpstroy Group of Companies. At the same time, Larisa Podgornaya became a member of the Scientific Expert Council on Pricing under the Ministry of Construction, which deals with issues of reforming the pricing system and estimate standardization in construction, as well as checking and updating estimate standards included in the federal register.

The validity of these standards in a number of cases is very controversial, although on the basis of their data all significant construction projects in Moscow were and are being carried out, noted the Company magazine - for example, the Lefortovo tunnel, the memorial complex at Poklonnaya Hill, Moscow Ring Road, Third Transport Ring. At the same time, according to the publication, the regulations initially contain enormous opportunities for corruption. In particular, a column that allows up to 50–70% of the construction budget to be written off as “other expenses”. Perhaps it is no coincidence that experts and politicians argued that in Luzhkov’s time the amount of a bribe for the construction of a facility in Moscow reached 300 thousand dollars. It should be noted that, according to official information Accounts Chamber, Yuri Roslyak’s responsibilities do not include construction, he deals with “interbudgetary transfer funds to the budgets of the subjects Russian Federation And municipalities and spending funds on housing and communal services and regional investments.”

The very fact that Roslyak was also involved in construction matters in the Accounts Chamber is quite interesting and quite expected. When Yuri Luzhkov was mayor of Moscow, Roslyak worked as head of the Department of Economic Policy and Development and first deputy mayor in the Moscow government. He was one of the creators of Luzhkov’s urban planning policy, the consequences of which the new mayor’s team is now trying to cope with. Political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky said that Roslyak had protection from the owner of Inteko at that time, Elena Baturina, the Company notes. Moreover, in 2010, Roslyak was even named among the potential candidates for the post of mayor. At the same time, as Argumenty Nedeli writes, Roslyak’s department was the main customer of the company’s services, which Deputy Hasanov asks you to pay attention to in his request.

The Roslyak family has made its mark not only in the construction industry. In February, Maria Roslyak, the daughter of an auditor of the Accounts Chamber, was convicted of embezzling 6 billion rubles. Maria Roslyak was the president and co-owner of the Moscow Lights bank. According to investigators, in 2010–2014, she issued loans to fictitious companies controlled by the bank’s management, and thus over 6.2 billion rubles were withdrawn from the bank. In addition, in April–May 2014, 365.5 million rubles were stolen from the bank. investors under the guise of concluding agreements on the assignment of claims. As reported by " New Newspaper"(03/28/16), in the fall of 2014, almost four months after the bank’s license was revoked, the Investigation Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District opened several criminal cases at once - according to statements of more than 100 individuals, from whose accounts money in the amount of 1 billion rubles was written off using forged documents, as well as according to statements from the Deposit Insurance Agency, which revealed facts of withdrawal of funds from the bank, and businessman Elchin Shakhbazov, whose deposit in the amount of $10 million was illegally converted into ruble deposit and stolen.

The investigation into these cases was openly delayed for a long time, notes Novaya Gazeta (03/28/16). For example, the investigator who was initially entrusted with carrying out investigative actions more than once complained about interference in the course of the investigation by the leadership of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which allegedly prohibited holding bank employees (including ex-president Roslyak) accountable under threat of dismissal from service. As a result, the court found Yuri Roslyak’s daughter guilty of all three counts of crime and sentenced her to four years in prison to be served in a colony general regime. But, taking into account mitigating circumstances - the presence of two minor children and pregnancy, he postponed execution of the sentence for 10 years.

Surprisingly, both of these high-profile scandal did not shake the position of Yuri Roslyak, who, according to participants in the construction industry, continues to control the issue of pricing in construction through the people and structures under his control.

However, the processes launched by the Ministry of Construction are already irreversible and are systemic in nature. Thus, on June 29, the Federation Council approved a bill that radically changes the system of estimated standardization and pricing in construction. The document will establish basic, system-forming rules for the creation and operation of a system for generating reliable construction costs. The concepts of estimate norms are introduced into the Town Planning Code for the first time. Actively work in progress on the creation of FSIS CA - a unified electronic federal state system pricing in construction, which will reflect all current information on prices for building materials, the cost of technical and labor resources, including taking into account territorial specifics, and price standards will be formed for all types of work.

All this together is nothing more than the creation of a transparent, easily controlled pricing system, in which the story of paying 100 thousand rubles. for a nut will become nothing more than an anecdote from the past.

And given that the fight against corruption has reached new level, as exemplified by a whole series of recent high-profile corruption cases against high-ranking officials, one can hope that neither the administrative resources nor the high status of the defendants can no longer prevent the security forces from thoroughly investigating the area in which billions of public money were leaked through well-established corruption schemes. It remains to wait for the response from the Prosecutor General's Office.

Born in Moscow in the family of a hydraulic engineer. As a child, he and his parents moved repeatedly around the country from one construction site to another.

Graduated from the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute named after. V.V. Kuibyshev in 1975 with a degree in hydraulic engineering. He began his working career as a mechanic for the construction department. Since 1976, designer at SKB Mosgidrostal of the USSR Ministry of Energy. In 1979, he joined the Main Directorate of Capital Construction of the Moscow City Executive Committee, where he held various engineering and technical positions.

In 1986, Roslyak went to work in the system of executive authorities in Moscow. He was deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Krasnogvardeisky district council. Since 1990, Deputy Head of the Main Construction Directorate of the Moscow Construction Committee. In 1991, he was appointed first deputy head of the Economics and Forecasting Committee of the Moscow Government. Then - head of the Department for Prospective Development of Moscow.

In 1995, Roslyak became Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government and headed the Department of Economic Policy and Development of Moscow. In December 2003, Roslyak became the first deputy mayor of Moscow in the Moscow government, head of the complex of economic policy and development of the city of Moscow.

In August 2005, after the appointment of the vice-mayor of Moscow V.P. Shantsev as governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, part of his powers were transferred to Roslyak. In particular, Yuri Vitalievich headed the Regional Energy Commission of the city of Moscow.

Since December 24, 2010 - Member of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Property Representative from the executive body of state power of the city of Moscow.

Publications with mentions on

Today, December 26, at a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, local government and the affairs of the North were rendered...

At a retreat of the Federation Council in Belokurikha, the Committee on Economic Policy of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation took the initiative to create a Debt Agency for Municipal Entities, ...

The work of the textile and light industry in the conditions of Russia’s accession to the World trade organization was discussed at an off-site meeting of the Council's Temporary Commission...

A meeting was held in the Federation Council, during which the problem of the debt burden on the budgets of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation was discussed. As the press service of the Northern Fleet told FederalPress,...

KALININGAD, June 4, RIA FederalPress. The Committee on Economic Policy of the Federation Council held an extended offsite meeting in Kaliningrad. Russian senators...

MOSCOW, June 25, RIA FederalPress. Federation Council Committee on Budget and financial markets recommended the approval of six candidates for appointment as auditors of the Accounting...

PYATIGORSK, June 28, RIA FederalPress. The development of effective forms and methods of state support for agricultural engineering will be discussed at a meeting of the Temporary Commission of the Council...

PYATIGORSK, July 2, RIA FederalPress. As part of the on-site extended meeting of the Temporary Commission of the Federation Council for monitoring the participation of the Russian Federation in the WTO and Customs Union, ...

Residents of Moscow know very well who Yuri Vladimirovich Roslyak is. How else? After all, this politician for many years was only engaged in developing the capital of Russia. Through his efforts, many residential buildings and cultural monuments were erected. And all because he early years was accustomed to love and respect for the Motherland.

Roslyak Yuri Vitalievich: biography of his early years

The future politician was born in Moscow on January 19, 1954. His father was a born hydraulic engineer and constantly traveled around the country, rebuilding Soviet Union. Yuri and his mother followed him everywhere. Therefore, by the age of 10, the boy managed to see almost his entire homeland.

Over time, Yuri Roslyak realized that he wanted to be like his father. He really liked what he did. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1970 the boy decides to enter the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. Five years later, he successfully graduates with a degree in hydraulic engineering.

Nervous workdays

The first job that Yuri Vitalievich Roslyak took was the position of mechanic in the construction department. However, the guy did not want to stay in this post for long. He understood that this place was not his calling. Therefore, in 1976, Yuri Vitalievich moved to the vacant position of design engineer at SKB Mosgidrostal. Here the future politician throws himself into his work in order to master all its subtleties.

It should be noted that in those years, responsible workers were often promoted to high positions. Roslyak Yuri Vitalievich was no exception. In 1979, the man was offered a good position in the Main Department of Capital Construction of the Moscow City Executive Committee, which was a good impetus in his career. In addition, having received a promotion, Roslyak began to work even harder, which only elevated him in the eyes of others.

Work in the Moscow administration

1986 became a decisive year in the life of Yuri Vitalievich. After all, it was during this period that he managed to get the position of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Krasnogvardeysky District Council. This step allowed the ambitious guy to get into the main governing body of the capital - the administration.

After this, his career began to take off. In 1990, Yuri Roslyak became deputy head of the Main Construction Directorate. And after just a year, he was entrusted with the position of first deputy of one of the heads of the Moscow government. In his work, he was responsible for the economic development of the capital, in which he was very successful.

This led to everyone finding out how good a specialist Yuri Vitalievich Roslyak is. The position of head of the economic policy department just begged to be given to him. And indeed, in 1995 he received it, simultaneously becoming deputy prime minister of the Moscow government.

As Deputy Mayor

In the early 2000s, the entire administration was well aware that there was no more knowledgeable person on economic issues than Yuri Vitalievich. His achievements in this area can hardly be overestimated. Therefore, it is not surprising that in December 2003, the mayor of Moscow appointed Roslyak as his first deputy in charge of economic policy.

He remained in this post for quite a long time. His powers were terminated only on December 20, 2010. The reason for this was the transfer of Yuri Vitalievich to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that as the first deputy mayor, Roslyak did a lot for Moscow. Under his leadership, billions of rubles were allocated for the development of the capital. And this is not to mention how much money was spent on landscaping and landscaping in those areas where new buildings were erected. Over his long career, the politician received more than ten government awards, such as “Honored Builder of the Russian Federation” and the Order of Honor “For Services to Moscow.”

Last place of work

September 25, 2013 Yuri Roslyak becomes an auditor. In truth, this appointment surprised few people. After all, if you look at the life of a politician, all his promotions were in one way or another accompanied by this. And besides, Yuri Vladimirovich is more suitable for this position than anyone else: he has the necessary knowledge, experience and connections.

During the time spent in the Accounts Chamber, the official repeatedly proved his loyalty to the common people. For example, he was the person who helped depositors return money from the bankrupt Tetrapolis Bank. Otherwise, Yuri Roslyak assures, his profession is quite boring. All he has to do is endlessly look for holes and shortcomings in city budgets.

Roslyak Yuri Vitalievich: family

Yuri Vitalievich is a typical family man. He got married in his youth. The only child is daughter Maria. Alas, it was she who became the cause of much of her father’s suffering. The thing is that at the end of 2010 she was convicted of embezzling money from the Moscow Lights bank, where she worked as chairman.

And although the girl was involved in the case as an accomplice and fully assisted the investigation, the court found her guilty. However, citing Maria’s pregnancy, the judge ruled that his decision would come into force only in 2030. Thus, Yuri Vitalievich’s daughter still has a chance to rehabilitate herself before society.

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