Horoscope signs of the zodiac by years, the eastern calendar of animals

2020 by eastern horoscope year of the rat/mouse:

  • The element is a metal that characterizes strong, firm and determined people.
  • White color. A symbol of purity, chastity and impeccability.
  • The harmonious direction is western.
  • The ruling planet is Mercury, accompanying dexterous, agile, intelligent diplomats, ready to travel a lot and achieve success in trade.
  • The masculine principle is yang, the sign of the first triangle.
  • Associations - dignity and honor.

Chinese horoscope

2020 falls on the year 4717 according to the ancient Chinese reckoning of years (solar‌-‌lunar way). It coincides with the 37th year of the 60 year calendar and the 7th Celestial Stem, the First Earthly Branch. "Chinese New Year" ("Spring Celebration") falls on 01/25/20. From this day, in accordance with the cycle of the lunar months, the year of the Rat comes.

Description of the sign

The rat symbolizes realism, flexibility, ingenuity and quick adaptation in an unfamiliar environment. She is talented and loving. People who are destined to be born in 2020 will be persistent, cunning and attractive in appearance. They are educated, strive for leadership and prosperity, and are prone to art. Rats are characterized by charm and natural magnetism. In the process of communication, they use charm and charm.

Greedy, nervous and restless rats born in the autumn-winter period are prone to accumulation. Spring and summer mice are frivolous and wasteful. Cunning allows them to become an excellent manipulator, and cynicism provides unreliability. They remember grievances for a long time, they are prone to revenge on offenders, sometimes they are ruthless and stubborn. expressed a tendency to bad habits, intrigue and gossip.

What will be the year of the mouse?

A fair, reliable sign regarding family, comrades and colleagues. The color of the metal represents success in bold endeavors, 2020 will be favorable for cash deposits and new discoveries.

In the year of the mouse, it is conducive to saving, saving money, moving to new places of residence, and improving the quality of life. This time is favorable for getting used to a new environment, arranging a new home, repair work. Astrologers recommend looking for love and a serious relationship.

In 2020, astrologers note the possibility of confrontation. Despite favorable changes in the arts and finances, complex political disagreements and recriminations are possible.


People have always been drawn to everything mysterious and incomprehensible, sought to look into the future. So the horoscope, shrouded in mystery, described by old oriental legends, never loses its popularity. The number 2020 carries a certain magic within itself, so it becomes curious: 2020 - which animal according to the eastern horoscope?

According to the eastern horoscope, 2020 is the year of the Rat. The rat is the first animal in the 12 year cycle. According to legend, she was ahead of all the animals, arriving on the day of the birth of Buddha on the back of a buffalo. Under this sign born leaders are born. They are very smart and insightful. A child born in the year of the Rat grows very loving and a good man provided that in childhood he has enough parental attention and love. These children are especially attached to their mother. Rats do not tolerate loneliness, they miss their loved ones very much, they are afraid of everything new.

Rat Children very often achieve their goal through crying and whims. They usually begin to speak early, as they absolutely do not know how to be alone with themselves and really need a conversation. Also, these children need constant confirmation of the love of their parents.

Children born in the year of the Rat usually have a very good appetite. They love savory, varied food, they know a lot about it. They love to help their mother in the kitchen and housework in general. In the East, the Rat child is even considered a special gift for parents, since it will definitely help parents in everything in old age. Rats consider their parents to be the standard, and nothing can convince them.

Rat babies often beg for more sweets, a little more walk, a little more TV, etc. This can be a little unnerving. But the negotiator is growing. Specifically, thanks to the ability to negotiate, Rats are often successful in business.

Firstborn born in the year of the Rat

The question "2020 is the year of which animal?" future parents can also ask themselves when planning the birth of their first child. Specifically, the first Rat child will always stand out in any team. This is a true leader from childhood. Even though he would rather not share parental attention with anyone, he is very attached to younger brothers and sisters. He also values ​​\u200b\u200bhis family very much, he is busy not only about his parents, but also about his brothers and sisters. The Rat Child is a teacher's pet. He studies well, participates in the life of the team, he is the captain of sports teams, organizer of events.

middle child

2020 is the year of which animal, in principle, and for those who would long for the appearance of a second child in the family this year. middle child-The rat is obliged to constantly compete with the elder for parental attention, for primacy. He is jealous and tries to "move" the elder, tries to earn love and attention. The middle child is jealous of the older one and strives all his life to be better, stronger, richer than the older one. It is very important to pay enough attention to him, to allow him to reveal his own talents, to show his peculiarity. Otherwise, he can grow up unhappy and notorious and feel in the shadow of an older brother or sister all his life.

younger child

Being the smallest for the Rat is very convenient. Everyone loves and pampers him. He does everything to stay in the spotlight. He is talkative, obedient and very sweet. The youngest Rat child is a born manipulator. It is fundamental not to allow such a child to become the main one in the family and force him to work harder, then, thanks to his sharp mind and quick wits, he will certainly achieve success in life.

These are the children that 2020 will bring us. What kind of animal does the Old East promise us? Smart, cunning, sneaky and resilient. No wonder the Buddha himself singled it out and made it the first.

As the new year approaches, everyone is curious about what lies ahead for them. 2020 is the year of which animal? What to meet New Year? The Year of the Rat will come only at the end of January, so it doesn’t matter what you will have on the night of December 31 to January 1. Although it is believed that the Rat loves a gray-black-and-white palette.

With the departure of the Yellow Earth Pig, the entire 12-year cycle ends. The start of a new cycle is given by 2020, the year of the White Metal Rat. On the one hand, this year gives us the opportunity to lay the foundation for future achievements and victories, to build a foundation that will allow us to stand firmly on our feet for the next 11 years. On the other hand, the Rat is an extremely wayward and difficult creature. Therefore, it will not be easy to please her.

However, if you believe the horoscope, in general, 2020 will be very positive. And things will be most successful in the working sphere. Here you have the widest opportunities for career development, and the help of stars in the development personal business, and a bunch of tempting offers regarding additional education and self-development.

The horoscope for 2020 warns: do not chase quick results or easy enrichment. The White Rat is cunning and prudent, but she will not tolerate commercialism and self-interest in her wards. Therefore, do not even try to act stealthily or use others for your own purposes.

It is useless to hide something from the Metal Rat. 2020 is a period of exposure of all hidden problems. Any dark thoughts will hang like a heavy anchor in all your aspirations. Honest, active and creative people will receive the greatest favor from the hostess of the year. In addition, one must be a convinced optimist in order to accept the trials that the demanding and restless Rat will send with a smile.

The heavy nature of the Metal Rat will affect all people. In 2020, each of us is at risk of becoming less emotional and more closed off. Even distrustful and shy. This will complicate the process of finding new friends and establishing trusting relationships. Both in a team and in finding personal happiness.

The horoscope notes that the beginning of 2020 will be fraught with a number of difficulties. For some signs, winter and the beginning of spring will be a test of strength. April and May will bring several qualitative changes into our lives. Someone will face the search for a new job, while someone will have pleasant chores on the occasion of the move.

Perhaps the calmest period will be summer. By this time, the efforts that were made at the beginning of the year will begin to bear the first fruits. It is the summer that will show how correctly you entered the year of the Rat. However, so that the rest of the year is not wasted, already in August 2020, the horoscope advises you to gather your thoughts and determine further goals.

September is ideal for completing any business. However, the whole autumn will be quite productive. And although the power of the White Metal Rat will last until February 5, it is desirable to solve the accumulated problems before the end of November.

Horoscope for 2020: career and business

The enterprising and practical White Rat expects activity and determination from his subordinates. The heavenly sovereign knows how to be generous, but, as a rule, her generosity extends only to those who deserve it.

The horoscope says: in order to achieve advancement in career ladder, in 2020 you will have to work hard. And over the character too. The rat will make us repeatedly step over our fears, agree to unusual tasks, and learn something new. But what you definitely shouldn’t do is step over other people, ignore the opinions of others and act too assertively.

The White Rat does not welcome and excessive risk. She has a quick reaction, but at the same time she is characterized by prudence and even a certain fear of making decisions. Therefore, businessmen in 2020 are also advised to beware of ill-considered steps and be careful when choosing partners.

And although the above will slightly weaken the business acumen, this is not a reason to abandon the dream. Indeed, in return, the Metal Rat gives the ability to quickly adapt to changes, confidently convey their thoughts to the interlocutor and quickly learn new skills.

Subject to all the rules and sufficient perseverance in 2020, the stars will allow you to reach any heights. However, do not expect too much from the year of the White Rat. It is given to us for a start, for setting goals and searching for possible solutions. And if, despite the aspirations and sacrifices, by the end of the year you do not get what you want, do not be discouraged: you will take yours next year.

Financial horoscope for 2020

The rat is a walking calculator. She is thrifty to the point of pettiness and therefore rarely needs. For the sake of earning, she is ready to sacrifice any personal interests. Therefore, the horoscope is sure that in 2020 the majority will forget about romance and hobbies in the same way for the sake of making additional profit.

Due to this, by the end of the year, many will have a solid “financial pillow” in stock, which can be useful both in a difficult situation and for making some serious purchases. In the year of the Rat, many will expand their "nests" or make them more comfortable. You can afford to spend money on new furniture.

Where will the extra money come from? Everyone will decide for himself. Someone will successfully invest their savings and will receive good dividends, someone will achieve a promotion in the middle of the year, and someone will find an excellent part-time job. The sharpened sixth sense will help businessmen understand in which direction to develop the company and where to look for the most profitable clients.

And yet, the greatest financial success in 2020 will come from those professions that require a strategic mindset and some sensitivity. Intuition, developed by nature, will tell you the right path to wealth, and the right strategy will help you go through this path with maximum benefit.

Beware of sudden spending! The horoscope says that the Rat is stingy and stingy, that she is able to even deny herself pleasant little things. But sometimes she breaks down and gives in to the desire to spend a lot of money on some nonsense. Try to restrain impulses and think before buying whether you really need these things.

As mentioned above, the White Metal Rat does not like risk, so he will not support players and adventurers. So don't count on winning the lottery or making easy money. The horoscope is convinced that any frankly risky projects in 2020 will become a source of increased danger. There is a high probability that you will not only not earn money on them, but even lose your hard-earned money.

Despite the fact that the Rat categorically does not support scammers and liars, there will be a lot of deceivers in 2020. That's why don't open up strangers And be careful when lending money.

Love horoscope for 2020

The fact that the Rat attaches great importance to the material side of life does not mean that it is not capable of real feelings. On the contrary, outwardly calm and cold Rat deep in the soul can suffer greatly from loneliness. She craves love, support, family. Although sometimes she is not ready to give her loved one as much attention as he deserves.

Here and now and then the Rat will tear off his wards from romance in order to captivate with work, new projects and other issues that are poorly compatible with love. And everyone will have to decide for himself whether he is ready to sacrifice the existing relationship or not.

On this basis, disagreements and quarrels will arise in families. It's important to somehow find golden mean so that work and personal life are always in balance. And yet, according to the horoscope, in 2020, many established couples will break up. Perhaps this is for the best. After all, if the relationship did not stand the test, then, most likely, there was no point in developing or simply maintaining them.

Relationships that survive this test will only get stronger. Mutual trust and respect will make the connection even closer and more expensive. In order not to destroy this fragile idyll, do not get carried away with criticism and restrain your straightforwardness.

Since in the year of the Rat life will be in full swing, free people meet many interesting people. And probably among them they will be able to find a suitable match. A developed instinct and desire for selfless deeds will help to charm the chosen one. And also the White Rat will teach us to maintain a certain mystery and, if necessary, adapt to the nature of the partner.

Just do not think that love in 2020 should fade into the background. Yes, the year will be busy, but that's what relationships are for, to serve as an outlet in the midst of endless problems. Only with a loved one can you be yourself, fully open yourself to him, talk about what worries you. Therefore, to give up love in order to achieve even more high peaks, according to the horoscope, is simply stupid.

So 2020 is going to be a tough year for freelancers and freelancers alike. family people. But do not forget that we only live once, so postponing personal interests for later is a crime. Live here and now!

Horoscope for 2020: family, children, home

Family life in 2020 can turn into a situation in which everyone wants attention and understanding, but at the same time, everyone has no time to take care of their neighbors. And everyone pulls the blanket over himself. Try not to let this happen. Even during the emergency, find time for your loved ones.

An excellent reason for rapprochement can be a joint hobby that will seem interesting to both adults and children. For example, country picnics on weekends or ordinary evening walks. It would be nice to periodically go out into nature with a fire and a tent. As a last resort, you can do family tradition reading books before bed.

The hostess of the year likes to run everything on her own and alone, therefore attempts to organize the coordinated work of family members will often encounter serious obstacles. Everyone defends his opinion, wants to lead, tell others what to do and how to do it. In general, the situation will be very, very tense and ambiguous. Remember that individual work is good outside the home, but community is important in the family. Someone will have to give in.

According to the horoscope, the White Rat encourages the birth of children and selfless care for offspring, as a result of which long-awaited babies will appear in many families in 2020. So prepare diapers and undershirts, and also send telegrams to grandmothers: soon they will have a job.

The house in 2020 will become the main refuge for each of us. It is important that this shelter is beautiful, warm and cozy. No creaking doors or dripping faucets should interfere with the enjoyment of peace and quiet. Therefore, from the very beginning of the year, the horoscope advises you to do home improvement and minor repairs. And if you wish, you can aim at capital work and redevelopment.

For many, 2020 will be associated with a change of residence. It is possible both to move within one city and to move to another locality. Well, the Rat is not against such changes, therefore, under her leadership, the move will be easy and even give a lot positive emotions. Do not be sad if some things are lost during the move. Soon fate will return everything to you with a vengeance.

The rat loves to collect little things and drag all sorts of beautiful things into the house. In her desire to rush at everything shiny and expensive, she looks like a magpie. The rat will be incredibly happy if in 2020 everyone buys some new decor element or an expensive souvenir for the apartment. This is the very case when it makes sense to acquire a completely useless, but cute little thing.

Health Horoscope for 2020

More than 7.5 billion people live on Earth, so it’s impossible to say right away what the health of each of them will be in 2020. The horoscope can only give rough recommendations and explain what to fear in the year of the Rat in order to get sick as little as possible.

2020 promises to be a very eventful year, rich in opportunities and events. Only those who manage to maintain high activity for 12 months, run ahead of the rest, grab luck on the fly will be able to use these chances to the maximum. This will require self-control, patience and the ability to quickly deal with emotions and fatigue. And this is not possible for everyone.

So, the White Metal Rat from birth is distinguished by good health and amazing endurance, so at the beginning of the year, each person will be full of vitality and optimism. However, by the beginning of spring, the energy potential will be pretty depleted, because of which the wards of the Rat will start to mope, avoid society, and that’s it. free time spend at home, wrapped in a soft blanket. There is a high probability of colds, increased irritability, insomnia.

The second difficult period will begin in late May - early June. Spring beriberi will begin to affect your well-being. And if you do not fight it, it will negatively affect performance, reaction speed and learning ability. Therefore, fresh fruits and pharmaceutical vitamins in the spring must be present in the diet without fail.

In summer, the horoscope asks everyone to be careful with physical activity. High risk of injury. Observe safety precautions everywhere, especially when it comes to working with power tools. A source of additional hassle will be numerous relatives with their problems and bickering. Try to help, but at the same time keep neutrality, otherwise you will have to reflect discontent in your address until the end of the year.

By autumn, the supply of forces will begin to come to an end again. Against this background, chronic diseases can worsen. Sleep problems, depression, apathy are again relevant. Migraines, heart problems are possible. Good energy and good mood, which is enough for several months, will give a vacation. Ideally, spend it with your loved ones. This will not only help you spend more time with dear people but also improve family relationships.

According to the horoscope, big influence health in 2020 will be provided by the situation in the house. Let your home become a reliable mooring and protection from all troubles. Fill it with warmth and comfort, take care of the household and bring home as little as possible unfamiliar people. This is your personal space, and there is no need to spoil its fragile energy with the dubious aura of random guests.

The Metal Rat comes into its own on January 25, 2020 and ends its reign on February 11, 2021. The Rat is the most respected sign Chinese horoscope. She possesses high intelligence and intuition. Great tactician and strategist. A secretive and cunning animal successfully copes with any life problems. The patronizing element of the year is metal. durable material personifies strength, firmness, determination. The color of the year is white or silver. It symbolizes purity, wisdom, impeccable perfection.

Year of the Metal Rat

People born in the year of the Metal Rat have a sharp mind and a strong will. They are able to make decisions quickly, their energy is enough for several things at the same time. Representatives of this sign are very eloquent, they easily defend their point of view. At the same time, they are deprived of flexibility, very stubborn, having made a decision, they rarely change their minds. Often fall into anger and are easily offended, while trying not to share their feelings with other people.

The patronage of a cautious and cunning animal contributes to luck in financial matters. The rat is distinguished by a sharp mind, besides it is very careful. People of this sign have a phenomenal flair in the field of business. Money matters are not a problem. Any undertakings in commercial activity end in success. People born this year become successful politicians, businessmen, journalists, financiers.

Representatives of the Metal Rat give the impression of confident and even narcissistic people. However, under the mask strong man often a subtle and shy nature is hiding, which sometimes doubts its choice, although it carefully hides it. Creatively gifted people are able to create a cozy homely atmosphere, love and know how to receive guests. Charming, able to win over Rats are always in the spotlight. At the same time, they are able to defend their interests very aggressively.

Energetic Rat is not looking for easy ways. People of this sign always go to their goal, no matter how many obstacles to overcome. Problems of a personal nature or business interests are solved equally successfully. The rat thinks for a long time, looking for best options and only then accepts the right decision. innate intuition lets happily avoid dangerous situations. Patience, intelligence, stamina, cunning make it easy to overcome any life hardships.

Cautious Rat tries to foresee and calculate the smallest details. People of this sign can never be taken by surprise. Sometimes, it seems that the greed of the Rat knows no bounds, but this is not quite the right idea. She just likes to stock up and tries to protect herself from possible failures. People of this sign, without regret, part with their knee-high good, if someone from their inner circle needed material assistance. For the sake of a loved one, they are ready for any recklessness, in return they expect the same strong feelings.

The Rat will enter its traditional annual cycle on January 25, 2020, and will complete the rule of the Moon on February 11, 2021. In life, this is a secretive and cunning animal, which helps him to safely solve all the issues that stand in their way in life. Metal will patronize the Rat of 2020. Its strength and diversity will give the animal of this year the strength of decisions, the firmness of actions.
The color of the year will be white, silver, all shades of gray.

They symbolize pure thoughts, wisdom and the impeccability of the actions performed. At the same time, it is allowed to call this period the year of the White or Golden Mouse, in horoscopes the name of the year of the Room Rat sounds.

What will be the year 2020, I want to know in advance. The Eastern calendar answers all those interested that the year is going to be fair, as it is patronized by a reliable sign. Stability is expected in families, in relationships with comrades and co-workers. The color of the metal calls to be bold, enterprising - all undertakings will bring success and the approval of others. Financially, 2020 promises favorable solutions for deposits, transitions to new job, promotion.

This year can still be called the year of the Mouse, it patronizes savings, capital accumulation. Her help should be expected in moving to a new place of residence, in improving the quality of life. This year will be favorable in getting used to the new environment, will help arrange a new home according to your desires, successfully carry out repairs, construction.

Attention! Astrologers advise not to miss your chance in search of serious love relationship, in creating a family.

Preparing for the holiday always solves two unshakable questions - what to meet and what to cook. For women it important questions. Astrologers joke: “Put on yourself good mood!" It will be best gift the coming Rat. One should honor the animal by preparing clothes of its colors and shades so that it becomes merciful and supportive. You can use artificial ones in the outfit - but! not natural - furs to match the colors of the incoming animal.

The color palette may contain shades of metals; according to the eastern calendar, the horoscope prefers gold this year - yellow, white, metal frames precious stones. Cat prints are excluded. It is better to impress guests with originality, dress in the style of nail art with the image of an animal.

Dishes preferred by mice and rats are being prepared for the New Year's table. In life, they are considered omnivorous animals, so the choice of dishes will be truly huge. Dishes made in the form of figurines - symbols of the year - become an indispensable attribute of table decoration. The room, whether it is an apartment or an office, is decorated with postcards and figurines depicting these animals, window glass can be decorated with drawings in the same style, pasted with figurines of rats and mice. The decorations on the Christmas tree should be the same. You can make them yourself out of paper.

Prepared masks for everyone, or pendants around the neck will be a great surprise for guests. Tribute current trends- Facial decoration with face painting.

Children born in 2020 year of the Rat

To guess how a child born in the year of the Rat will grow up, one must always remember the lifestyle of an animal in a natural environment. Rats are creatures with a high herd organization. They always live and hunt together, each animal knows its place in the pack while hunting or moving to a new habitat. Children will be the same, they will highly appreciate organization in everything, but at the same time they will remain reasonable and insidious, “on their own mind”.

Growing up, children born under the sign of the Rat acquire a strong, unyielding character. They will be distinguished by good health, high physical and emotional endurance. The emotions themselves will be special. Rats grow arrogant, self-confident, unpredictable. However, by puberty, these features are smoothed out, go deeper.

The child will learn to control himself and these traits, and they will manifest themselves only in the power of actions. For a child, a birth in 2020 promises good luck in learning, success in further work, no matter what profession they choose. At school, children will please their parents with good grades, excellent performance in all subjects.

A high level of assimilation of new knowledge will help to continue to improve in work. Rats - organizers and leaders have a high ability to make useful business connections. They are not afraid to take responsibility in solving serious issues. With high organization, children grow up practical and attentive to small details.

In food, the children of the Rat are not picky, they like to eat deliciously, they often look into the kitchen in anticipation of a treat. Both boys and girls are happy to learn how to cook, help their mother, delve into the intricacies of cooking different dishes. It is easy to feed them, they eat everything that is served on the table, especially if they themselves participated in the preparation of dinner.

Often these children look introverted, not brave, not decisive. However, parents should not worry: a completely healthy and confident character is maturing inside the baby. Babies of this sign quickly learn to speak and then read.

Books are dear to him, he prefers bright printed volumes to numerous cartoons on disks. If parents support such an aspiration in a child, a great scientist who follows the humanitarian path can grow out of a small Rat.

Personality traits of a child according to the eastern calendar are laid from an early age. The attention of parents to their interests will help in the future choice of profession. A child from school years demonstrates his extraordinary personality, shows the qualities of a leader in any business. He is already able to take responsibility, and performs all assignments in good faith, with full dedication of strength and skills.

Their intuition is above average, in many ways they surpass not only their weather, but also adults. Therefore, you should include the child in solving family issues, listen to his opinion. His mind, ingenuity, consistency in all matters hide inner cunning, the desire to achieve his goals. Outwardly, they may look modest, timid, but inside they have a hidden desire for success. In appearance, these children are always charming, charming.

But behavior at school and at home can cause some trouble for parents and teachers. Children may neglect the rules established at school, but everything is forgiven for them because of their excellent studies and external charm. In such conditions, the child quickly develops his own opinion, which is deposited on habits and character. This will stay with the baby for the rest of his life. Because of this, parents should protect their children from negative impact V family relationships in the surrounding society.

They tend to be competitive. To achieve their goals, they go by any means. Here, parents need to be careful, control his actions so that they are within the generally accepted rules of behavior.

Need to know! These kids can't stand lies. They feel it intuitively, and once deceiving a child, you can forever lose his trust.

What to meet

The Year of the Metal Rat should be celebrated accordingly. To do this, astrologers recommend preparing interesting clothes that, in color and details, will remind you of the symbol of the year.

For New Year's fun on the occasion of the meeting of the White Metal Rat, it is necessary to provide for noisy and bright festivities. In a large company, even unfamiliar guests can gather at the table, the task of the hosts is to introduce everyone so that they can find useful connections for themselves. The rat likes noisy and motley companies.

The interior of the apartment should be transformed in accordance with the symbol of the year: it is necessary to give preference to metallic, white colors, all their shades up to gray. The tablecloth on the table must be white, preferably without any ornaments. Use a maximum of metal utensils, decorate the table with silver or metal details: candlesticks, decorative figurines of an animal - the symbol of the year. Cutlery, if possible, should be silver, cupronickel. But ordinary table metal is fine.

You need to prepare an outfit for yourself in white, gray, silver tones, astrologers advise choosing a floor-length dress made of shimmering fabric. For the evening wardrobe, you need to choose the appropriate accessories, they should be white, silver, light gray. Which color is the most important this year, advises the symbol of the year - the Metallic White Rat.

Interesting! The color of the metal is limited by the shades of the animal's color and the color of the year - white. In this range, metal utensils on the table, decorative ornaments, and jewelry should be selected.

What to cook

The New Year's table of 2020 should suit the tastes of the symbol, and Rats and Mice are known to be omnivores. Therefore, the hostess does not have to think for a long time what should be on the festive table. Rats and Mice are not picky eaters, and on the New Year's table, meeting 2020, you can cook everything.
In addition, these animals are predatory, so there should be a lot of meat.

And their commitment to grain crops allows you to pick up interesting recipes from cereals. The only thing. What astrologers warn against is not to get involved in exotic products. Everything should be simple and satisfying, like in a rat hole.

On the table must be prepared:

Meat dishes - beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, duck;
salads with meat and sausage;
vegetable dishes - fresh and stewed;
cereal dishes - stuff duck with rice; make pilaf with turkey and pork; use rice in salads;
from fruits, give preference to apples and oranges;
choose only sea fish;
for dessert, you can cook charlotte with apples and pumpkin.

In the year of the Mouse, the most delicious dishes should be on the table. The hostess will have to try hard to cook, along with the usual pilaf, delicacies that will amaze guests with their unusual taste and original design. If this is baking, then you need to prefer yeast-free dough, and take care of an interesting filling. Guests are always delighted with meat delicacies, their secrets are in the culinary arsenal of every hostess.

Oriental traditions suggest cooking dishes from rice, lentils, which are rare in Russia. Deep-fried cheese dishes, marinated corn cobs will perfectly decorate the table. This is the custom of wishing the coming year to be rich in the harvest of everything that the hostess grows in the country. All this should be on the table - stuffed peppers, cabbage rolls, pastries with cottage cheese, with berry and nut fillings.

Communication with people-Rats, Mice usually does not cause complications. All their negative emotions Rats hide in the depths of their souls, and it is difficult to see and understand them. Outwardly, they are always sociable and friendly. But under the mask of a confident person, a sensitive, vulnerable soul can be hidden. Their shyness sometimes prevents them from making a choice, even if it concerns the choice of dishes on the festive table.

Therefore, one should be more attentive to such people, encourage them, offer the most delicious and refined. Creatively gifted Rats create a cozy atmosphere at home, they know how to receive any guests. It’s good to visit just such a family, where one of the older family members is a Rat.

This is an occasion to present them with original gifts for the family, and for yourself to be in a pleasant friendly atmosphere. Rats know how to win over themselves, they are often the center of attention. If one of the guests is a Rat, the hostess should take this into account when planning a home celebration.

Advice! If there are difficulties in solving family financial issues, one should ask for advice from the Rat man. He will definitely resolve the issue with a favorable outcome.

According to the eastern horoscope, 2020, astrologers expect what success and prosperity the symbol - the animal will bring. According to assumptions, the year will be controversial, but with favorable changes in art, finance.

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