Russian fighter jets scare American sailors in the Baltic Sea (video). Russian fighter jets scare American sailors in the Baltic Sea (video) On an unnamed frequency

Russian Su-24 bombers several times flew dangerously close to the American destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea. The Pentagon said in a statement that the actions of the Russian pilots were "dangerous, potentially provocative and could lead to a collision," the Actual Camera (ETV+) morning TV news broadcast.

The commander of the American destroyer notes that the planes flew at a distance of less than 10 meters from the ship and conducted a "simulation of the attack." The bombers were reportedly unarmed. The pilots of the aircraft did not respond to the radio messages of the destroyer's team, neither in Russian nor in English.

The White House condemned the overflights of Russian Su-24s over the US Navy destroyer. Video of the incident and details below...

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that the US administration is aware of the overflights of Russian fighters dangerously close to the US destroyer Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea and considers them "not in line with military behavior."

And the Pentagon has released photographs and videos that US military officials say show Russian Su-24s "aggressively" flying at low altitude near the USS Donald Cook.

"The White House is aware of the incident. […] This incident is in no way consistent with professional standards behavior of military forces operating in close proximity to each other in international water and airspace," Ernest said at a briefing in Washington.

Following this, the US European Command issued a statement expressing "deep concern" about "unsafe and unprofessional Russian air maneuvers."

"These actions could unnecessarily increase tensions between countries and lead to a miscalculation or incident resulting in serious injury or death," the US military warned.

Earlier, the actions of Russian pilots in an interview with reporters were criticized by Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren. Warren called them "provocative and unprofessional".

An anonymous Reuters military source described the incident in detail, saying Russian fighter jets "feigned an attack" on American destroyer.

According to him, we are talking about "one of the most aggressive acts in recent times."

According to the US military, Russian Su-24 bombers have repeatedly flown dangerously close to the US destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea in the past few days.

As noted, they were not armed.

It is also reported that over the destroyer flew Russian helicopter Ka-27, from which, presumably, the ship was photographed.

USS Donald Cook - destroyer The US Navy is the fourth generation, whose main weapon is guided missiles. On board the ship was a Polish helicopter.

The destroyer was reportedly heading for the Polish port of Gdansk.

It was routine. For two and a half hours he flew along Russian border and, probably, he laughed out loud both at the Russians and at his own people, who frightened him with Russians. He is the crew of an American P-3 Orion long-range electronic reconnaissance aircraft. Those who had already been here warned that it was better to drive to Iraq or show off over Afghanistan than to tease the Russians. But here they are over the Black Sea. Scanning the enemy coast. Reduces cheekbones from boredom. "Russians, but...". "U" didn't get to say. And they didn’t even understand, but immediately felt why this car was called “Su”.

Expert: Su-27 intercepted a US Navy plane? And what did he do on our shores?The US State Department called "dangerous" the interception of a Russian Su-27 aircraft of the US Navy over the Black Sea. Military expert Dmitry Drozdenko, on the air of Sputnik radio, noted that there was nothing unusual in the actions of Russian pilots.

“We define this as an unsafe approach due to the fact that the Su-27 crossed the flight path of the P-3, due to which the P-3 had to fly through the vortex from the Su-27 jet,” Washington will say later. Gold words. "Whirlwinds from the jet". Both cause and effect. We would get rid of the turbulence at home - and there would be no jet. And our interception was born by a grip. I did not look at the louse like a soldier. Wing waved and drove away. He jumped off without looking back. The Pentagon was offended. The State Department pouted. Your fighter, they say, flew up to one and a half meters. Five feet. Like, a little more, and it would be seven feet. Under the keel. And this is a completely different element.

Although, if you look, the sky over the Black Sea is also not at all their element. But we understand everything. international waters. No questions. They are not even caused by the fact that for the USA it is the seventh international water on jelly. But that's how they work. We are not complaining. And somewhere even grateful. It is they who need to maintain a special squadron "Aggressors" in the States in order to practice tactics on them air combat. And we don’t need to repaint anyone in the colors of the enemy. Here he drew himself. Thank you, so to speak, for the tone and conditions close to combat.

Military expert explained why the Su-27 was escorted by a US reconnaissance aircraftThe State Department urged Russia to stop the "dangerous" convergence of military aircraft. Military expert Vladimir Popov said on Sputnik radio that the escort of our aircraft poses no danger.

But even in the sky the laws of the genre are immutable. One of them says: you fly up - I drive away. As it was done in strict accordance with safety rules. Well, the fact that it seemed to the Americans that at a distance of one and a half meters was only to show them once again: "we are so close that words are not needed." Just a wink is enough. Although, probably, they themselves already know that the MiG is when there is time to turn around. And then immediately "Su". And then just run. So, probably, they will remember this episode in the office of psychological rehabilitation.

They will probably be rewarded. Or, at least, a consolation prize - a premium business trip to Afghanistan. There are definitely no Russians there. And where they are, in the sense, in Russia, they are given to understand in the Pentagon, they should be more accommodating. "Russia must comply with international standards set for security." They would still require us to render them full cooperation. Although ... this, in fact, they do all the time. As for the Su-ti, the US itself admits that due to the Russian rapprochement, the P-3 mission ended ahead of schedule. That is, they wanted "pi-three", but it turned out to be pi-pi. And if it’s easier, then you don’t need “pi” ...

There will not be enough self-propelled guns even for cities))) "... Since 1945, the United States has produced 66.5 thousand. atomic bombs and nuclear warheads. Let's assume that they fucked up with disarmament and they all exist. This is a clear exaggeration, since half are degraded for physical reasons. Well, fuck him. Average yield is 100 kilotons. This is a convincing destruction of a square kilometer and littering hundreds (10x10), which is also, in general, an exaggeration. However, I think to the maximum, for starters.
Further. There are 14 nuclear power plants in Russia, although there are much more power units, but it does not matter. Each nuclear power plant will fail in an unfavorable scenario, a square of 100 x 100 kilometers, that's 10 thousand.
Bombs without nuclear power plant - 100 sq. km * 66,000 = 6.6 million square kilometers.
Hits on nuclear power plants - 10,000 sq. km * 14 = 144 thousand. Nothing at all.

As a result, two-thirds of Russia will be completely free from radiation. And they definitely won’t bomb on collective farms, so there are no problems with grub.

And now we will cut the sturgeon.

As of October 1, 2016, as part of the strategic nuclear forces The United States has 1,367 nuclear warheads on 681 deployed strategic launchers, 848 deployed and non-deployed launchers. The total is about two thousand. most of the 848 are tactics that, with all the will, cannot be applied on Russian territory.

Remains a million and a half square kilometers.

At least half will be shot down. All this shit will rain down on Europe, but I already attributed myself at the beginning of the script to collateral damage.

It remains 500-700 thousand.

Further, the declared 100 kilometers is ten times overestimated for an average ammunition of one hundred kilotons. In fact, there will be square kilometer at the epicenter and a square of 3x3 kilometers, where agriculture better to wait ten years.

It remains 50-70 thousand.

The blows will be massive, i.e. a dozen warheads will fly to some places, and not a single one to some. There is no need to talk about uniform distribution. Here I do not undertake forecasts - but is it possible to seriously think that if 50 thousand square kilometers out of 18 million are destroyed, universal Hell and Israel will come? For some reason I'm not sure about that.

Yes, Moscow, Leningrad, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kyiv and Zhitomir ecetera will be razed to the ground. But is this the end?

These were theoretical calculations. But the specifics - what the Pindos actually have.

1. Actually the Strategic Missile Forces - reduced to three positional areas of Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota. Former bases in California, Kansas, Arkansas, Arizona, South Dakota, Missouri lost their status.

2. Air Force - B-52s are consolidated into two wings, Louisiana and North Dakota; B-1B in 1995 was withdrawn from the number of carriers of nuclear weapons; B-2 is one wing in Missouri. Basing outside the mainland is not provided.

3. Fleet - The surface is deprived of nuclear weapons with the withdrawal of the CD from the composition, the submarine is based on two (one per shore) - Bangor and Kings Bay bases. Guam, Pearl Harbor, Rota, Charleston, Holy Lough have lost their home status.

4. There are some bombs in Europe - Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany. The F-16 and F-15 were assigned as carriers, which, due to combat characteristics, cannot be offensive weapons. The only intelligible function in such a duet is a barrage application (alas, in Eastern Europe) in the event of an enemy attack.

All this wealth cannot be taken for an offensive configuration. There can be no explosive deployment either, logistics in the US Armed Forces is an honorary department, and not an ensign in a warehouse and miracle heroes under hatches ready to attack without pipifax.

It is naive to think that in such a configuration they are capable of winning a nuclear war. Yes, yes, I heard a thousand times that everyone will lose it, because mutants and nuclear winter. But with this insignificant arsenal, is it possible to bomb Russia - not to mention the whole world - into the Stone Age?

At this point, let me remind you that by 1942 the USSR had lost about 10 percent of its territory. And not in the form of radioactive stains, but as a result of the occupation. However, the connection of the remaining part was not broken, and the leadership remained in the hands of the then government. Putin, of course, is not Stalin, but his vertical is enough for even Cruz's quite optimistic scenario to remain only a fantasy.

PS. Most good example terrain after nuclear strikes is a test site on Novaya Zemlya, where many nuclear explosions were carried out in a fairly short period of time, including ground-based and of great power. As a result, the zones of long-term contamination of the area with isotopes with a long half-life occupied no more than six square kilometers, in the area of ​​​​four ground explosions. Throughout the rest of the test site, even at the height of the testing period, the radiation background was within the permissible range. The plume stretched for thousands of kilometers, but as a result of this, the concentration of radioactive fallout was so low that in the places where they fell, the background also did not exceed the permissible level.
ernobyl? Chernobyl released thousands of times more radioactive shit than any other nuclear explosion. In an explosion, much less material is used, and it simply burns out. During the accident at the nuclear power plant, in fact, “the lid was torn off the pan” and the contents were mechanically scattered. That is, the model nuclear war the Chernobyl zone or the same Fukushima cannot serve in any way, they are models of a reactor accident and nothing more.

But she completely refutes another myth - about mutants. The most common animals live on the territory of the zone, and in general, due to the closeness, there full bloom flora and fauna. Mutations in the vast majority of cases lead to the death of the mutant, this is a deformity, not an improvement. Those very first eyeless fish in Pripyat died out in the first year, no one else saw them.

Eternal nuclear winter? It also doesn't work. The accumulation of carbon dioxide and soot emissions will lead to warming after a not too long cold period. The climate will become wetter, a little warmer than before, that's all. So the post-nuclear world will be just a destroyed world, nothing more. © OneGoodPerson

A new reason for dissatisfaction with Russia has appeared in the United States of America. This time the annoying factor was Russian Air Force, or more precisely, an aviation group operating in the area Baltic Sea.

The US European Command released a video showing the incident, which, according to the US side, occurred on April 12.

The video shows how. Judging by the behavior of the destroyer's crew, the actions of the Russian pilots, at least, made them nervous.

According to the American media, the United States is trying to communicate its dissatisfaction with the "provocative and dangerous" actions of Russian pilots to Moscow through diplomatic channels.

At the same time, the Pentagon decided to publish the video to prove that the planes created a real danger to the ship.

The destroyer "Donald Cook" conducted exercises in the Baltic Sea together with the Polish military. According to the American side, the actions of Russian aviation prevented a Polish military helicopter from taking off from the destroyer.

Stroked "against wool"

White House Spokesman Joshua Ernest called the actions of Russian pilots inconsistent with the norms of behavior in international air and sea spaces. " Russian aircraft flew dangerously close to an American warship and a Polish aircraft”, — said the press secretary of the White House.

The Pentagon, in turn, assures: the speed and angle of attack of the Russian bomber were menacing.

Veterans of the Armed Forces of the USSR, remembering the events of the times " cold war”, they just shrug their shoulders - nothing unusual happened in the sky over the Baltic, this kind of situation happened quite often in those days, and American aircraft flew over Soviet ships no less than that. Unless, over the past 20 years, the US military has become unaccustomed to the fact that someone can, as they say, “pat the wrong way.”

For those who are eager to accuse Russia of aggressive actions, it is worth recalling that this is an American destroyer conducting exercises in close proximity to Russia, and not vice versa. Therefore, the desire of representatives of the Russian Air Force to clarify why Donald Cook came here and what he needs here is natural and legitimate.

"Cook" and "Su": a new meeting after two years

The destroyer "Donald Cook" (USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) refers to fourth generation ships this class. Cook's main weapons are cruise missiles"Tomahawk" with a range of up to 2500 kilometers, capable of carrying nuclear charges. In the normal and strike versions, the destroyer is equipped with 56 or 96 such missiles, respectively. It got its name in honor of the veteran of the Vietnam War, captain marines Donald Gilbert Cook who died in 1967 of malaria.

The ship, belonging to the 22nd squadron of the US Fleet Forces Command and assigned to the Rota base in Spain, first appeared off the Russian coast in the spring of 2014.

The US authorities, dissatisfied with the annexation of Crimea to Russia, decided to play military muscles by sending a destroyer to the Black Sea, to the shores of the Russian peninsula.

It was there that "Donald Cook" first met his now "bosom friend" - the Su-24 front-line bomber. The meeting took place, interestingly, also on April 12. The Su-24 over the course of an hour and a half made several flights past the destroyer, which caused discontent among the US authorities, who also accused the Russian pilot of dangerous maneuvers.

April 14 "Donald Cook" arrived in the Romanian port of Constanta, and April 24 left the Black Sea.

According to some reports, the Khibiny electronic jamming system was installed on board the Su-24, which turned off the radar and weapons control system on the Donald Cook. Then the destroyer completely lost its course, with great difficulty reaching the coast of Romania.

The American media claimed that right in the port of Constanta, 27 crew members filed reports on the transfer from the destroyer - they were so impressed by their acquaintance with the Russian aircraft. However, there is no official confirmation of this information.

Experienced Fencer

Su-24 (according to NATO codification: Fencer - “Fencer”) is a tactical front-line bomber with a variable sweep wing, designed to carry out missile and bomb strikes in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night, including at low altitudes with targeted destruction of ground and surface targets. Operation of the Su-24 began in February 1975; operation of the Su-24M modification, about which in question in this case, was launched in June 1983.

Despite the fact that this fighting machine has been in service for several decades, it is quite successfully capable of solving problems in modern conditions. In 2009, the first batch of modernized Su-24M2 aircraft was delivered to the Russian Air Force.

At the same time, according to military pilots, the Su-24 is a very serious machine, the piloting of which requires the crew to high level preparation. Only real aces are capable of flying in the immediate vicinity of an American destroyer.

As of 2016, the Russian Air Force is armed with 140 Su-24M/M2 and 79 Su-24MR.

The Pentagon released footage of the rendezvous of Russian Su-24 bombers with the American destroyer Donald Cook. The incident took place yesterday in the international waters of the Baltic Sea. The Russian Ministry of Defense has already stated that the aircraft strictly followed the safety rules. However, in NATO, the behavior of Russian pilots was almost called a declaration of war.

For six seconds of video recording, Western channels have been playing non-stop for almost a day. According to some media reports, the plane passed 20 meters from the deck, according to others, it flew right over the deck, and others almost hit people. The atmosphere is whipped up by people in uniform, one by one: Russia almost declared war.

"The incident is contrary to the professional standards of the military, operating in close proximity to each other," - said official representative White House Josh Ernest.

The fact that under the wings the aircraft did not have full ammunition, and as soon as they approached the ship, they immediately began to go to the side, the Western channels did not report.

"The crews of the Su-24 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea. All aircraft flights Russian videoconferencing are carried out in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace over neutral waters. The flight path of the Russian aircraft passed through the area where the US Navy destroyer Donald Cook was located, about 70 kilometers from the Russian naval base," the head of the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense explained. Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

This is the largest Russian naval base in the Baltic "Baltiysk". At the time of the approach of Russian aircraft, the American ship was only 70 kilometers from this most important operational-strategic formation. Navy headquartered in Kaliningrad. Rapprochement could be called a typical display of the flag, but on board American ship at that moment there was a whole arsenal of weapons.

Of the artillery on the American destroyer, there was a Mark 45 installation, the rate of fire of which is 20 rounds per minute, anti-aircraft artillery complex Mark 15 Phalanx CIWS, with subsonic flight speed, and, worst of all, modern system Aegis combat system - missiles long range- those same tomahawks that fly over a distance of 2.5 thousand kilometers can carry nuclear warhead. Another hour and the ship could have come close to the Russian port.

Before that, he had already approached the Russian shores twice. Americans like to say that the ship is invulnerable. But in 2014, in the Black Sea, it was recorded by the Russian anti-ship system Bastion. At the same time, Russian fighters approached him.

"Not far from the Crimean coast, our Su-24 bomber turned on the equipment electronic warfare at a distance of a kilometer from this destroyer. The entire control system and radio electronics went out on the destroyer - it turned out to be completely de-energized, the systems did not work missile defense, control missile weapons. Even 20 sailors are said to have written a letter of resignation from the destroyer because the US government is unable to protect their lives. We showed them their place and behave properly. They are non-exclusive, not kings at this wedding. They behave as if they can do something, but we can’t do anything,” said retired colonel, military observer Viktor Litovkin.

"The appearance of foreign warships in the immediate vicinity of the sea borders of Russia, of course, should remain in the field of attention of our Aerospace Forces. In the event of a potential violation of the sea border of Russia, everything must be done to prevent this from happening, and the target hostile to us was forced out V neutral waters", - said the military expert, Chief Editor magazine "National Defense" Igor Korotchenko.

The practice of overflight of warships by fighters and bombers, in fact, was introduced by the Americans themselves. Russian sailors have been tickled on their nerves since the Cold War.

"From personal practice, I remember 1970, when we were sailing on a floating base submarines, we were circled daily several times by planes different countries. I have a lot of photos at home. We were completely calm about it. If there is some kind of fear, this already refers to psychological stability. For a normal military, this is a common thing," said Vyacheslav Popov, Russian admiral and commander of the Northern Fleet in 1999-2001.

"I lived for 20 years in Japan, where the capital was next to two American air bases. We have seen many cases where american planes patrolled over civilian targets. Not to mention the extent to which they disrespected other people's military installations," said media consultant, human rights activist and journalist in Tokyo, John Bosnich.

What will be the reaction of American sailors to the approach to their ship, it will become known as soon as the destroyer returns to port. So far, only "not from fright, but from surprise" is reported.

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