Convert square kilometers to thousands of square kilometers. Weaving and hectare - universal units of measurement

How many acres in one hectare- this question may be of interest to people who are planning to buy or rent a large area of ​​land. Having personal possessions, e.g. Vacation home, we most often come across such a measure of land area as a hundred square meters. An ordinary summer resident does not need hectares of land. It is enough to build a house, arrange a flower bed, a barbecue, and even a swimming pool - that’s all the needs of a summer resident. But when planning, for example, to engage in agriculture, you won’t be able to limit yourself to hundreds of acres; hectares of land are of interest. And here the question inevitably arises: 1 hectare - how many acres makes up. To be honest, one hectare is clearly not enough to run a serious agricultural business. And people with experience know the basics well school curriculum, especially when it comes to land resources.

A hectare is a metric unit of measurement of area. To imagine a hectare, it is enough to imagine a square with a side of 100 meters. Knowing from a school mathematics course how the area of ​​a square is measured, it is easy to determine the area of ​​a hectare.

1 ha = 100 x100

One hectare corresponds to 10,000 square meters. To understand how many acres in 1 hectare, you now need to remember what a hundredth is, how the area of ​​one hundredth is calculated and calculate how many hundredths can fit in one hectare.

One weave is a square, each side of which is 10 meters. The area of ​​1 hundred square meters is equal to:

1 weave = 10 x 10

One hundred square meters equals 100 square meters. To calculate how many acres in 1 hectare, it is necessary to compare the area occupied by a hundred square meters and a hectare.

1 hundred square meters = 100 sq.m.

1 hectare = 10,000 sq.m.

10,000 sq.m. / 100 sq. m = 100

From the calculation it is obvious how many acres are in a hectare. There are 100 acres in a hectare, and a hundredth is a hundredth of a hectare. A plot of 100 square meters is one hundred square meters of land. Here are 100 such plots and you already have a hectare of land.

Hundreds are used to determine the area of ​​dacha garden plots, as well as construction sites. To determine the area large sizes, such as cities, for example, use a unit of area measurement - 1 square kilometer. If you noticed, in reference literature with characteristics of states and cities, the area is indicated in square kilometers. But for plots of land with a side of more than 100 meters, but less than 1 kilometer, it is more convenient to use a unit of measurement - 1 hectare.

For people accustomed to calculating area in square meters, it is difficult to visualize how many hundredths are in hectares, and it can be just as difficult to convert hundredths into hectares and vice versa.

A square kilometer is a square with each side measuring 1000 meters (1 km), and a hectare is a square with a side of 100 meters.

The area of ​​1 square kilometer is 1 million square meters.

1 sq. km = 1000 x 1000

Area of ​​1 hectare - 10,000 sq. meters (1 ha = 100 x 100)

Therefore, 1 square kilometer is 100 times larger than 1 hectare. We determine similarly: 1 hectare - how many acres there are in the composition. One hundred square meters covers an area of ​​100 square meters. Therefore, in comparison with a hectare, a hundred square meters is 100 times smaller than a hectare.

Igor Voropaev

Expert commentary

Igor Voropaev - leading lawyer at Prosper-Consulting
Consultant of the PropertyExperts portal

IN international system measure hectare (according to the dictionary the name is from the Greek word hecto - one hundred, abbreviated hect.) is the most used, because its “trick” is that with its help it is most convenient to measure areas whose area is more than ten thousand square meters (do not use centimeters or dm2 in this case), plus make a mistake in converting 1 hectare to any other unit of measurement that can be called , (even non-systemic, for example, a yard, an acre), is almost impossible.

However, if, for example, using this unit still continues to be difficult for you, then you can easily find a free converter calculator online using the advice of the forum, and use it for all your calculations. This way you can reduce the time that will be used for calculations. In general, with the goal of helping the client understand how much land he needs and find the exact dimensions, we use this particular calculator, as well as a visualization program that connects real and reduced scales.

Instantly, it can form exactly the same pattern as in life, but smaller. In this case, looking at an approximate “photo” of their future site, clients always understand what they need. I would advise everyone construction companies take a closer look at this software.

Square kilometer(km2, km2, sq. km) is a unit of area measurement, a multiple of a square meter.

Among builders and repairers, one often encounters a mistake when, speaking of an area of ​​1000 square meters, it is called a square kilometer. This is due to the fact that the dimensional prefix “kilo” is perceived by many builders as referring to the number of square meters, and not to the length of the side of the square.

In reality, a square kilometer is an area equal to the area of ​​a square with a side of 1 km. The area of ​​such a square is 1000 m - 1000 m = 1,000,000 m2. Therefore, one square kilometer contains a million square meters.

So, one square kilometer is equal to:

1,000,000 m2;
100 hectares;
0.386102 square miles;
247.105381 acres.

In its turn:

1 m2 = 0.000001 km2;
1 hectare = 0.01 km2;
1 square mile = 2.589988 km2;
1 acre = 0.004047 km2.

Additionally on

  • How many square centimeters are there in a square meter?
  • How to find the area of ​​a square?
  • What is a megameter?
  • What multiple and submultiple prefixes are used in the International System of Units SI?
  • - Wikipedia - square kilometer;
  • - translation of measurements.
  • Source of material: Internet site

    To find out how many acres you need, use a simple web calculator. In the left box, enter the number of square kilometers you want to convert. In the field on the right you will see the calculation result.

    how many hectares are in one square kilometer

    To convert square kilometers or hectares to other units of measurement, just click the appropriate link.

    What is a "square kilometer"

    The square kilometer (km², square kilometers, km²) is a unit of surface measurement that is a multiple of the square meter. 1 m² M. km is a metric unit equal to the surface of a square, each side of which is 1000 m. The surface of such a square is 1,000,000 square meters. m.

    Before the creation of a unified system of units, area was measured by subjective measures in a certain area.

    Especially in Russia, this measure was a "plug" - the ground that was pierced by two bulls in one day, and the American Indians measured the range of distance that a person ran all day. In 1791, France adopted a new unified system of measures, allowing measurements in meters, kilograms and arach.

    A hundred years later, Russia signed the Metric Convention and introduced a generally accepted system of measures, which began to operate before 1927.

    What is "hectare"

    Eider (ha, ha) is an off-system habitat of this area.

    One hectare is equal to the square of a square with a side of 100 m. This is the division adopted International Committee on weights and measures, was in 1879, which is currently used in conjunction with the SI divisions. In the territory Russian Federation area in forest and agriculture measured in hectares.

    Together with hectares, measurements are made per hundred square meters (100 square meters).

    The term "ha" was in practice after 1917 and replaced one tenth - 1 hectare with 11-12 hectares. Since the 1930s, a shortened version of "ha" has become common. Visualize an area of ​​one hectare, think rugby (1008 hectares) or football (0.714 hectares).

    Converting square kilometers to hectares

    Hectare (from Greek.

    How much does 1 square cost? km ha (ha)?

    ἑκατόν - sto in ar; Russian brand: ha; international: ha) is a non-systematic measure of a site.

    In general, these units of measurement are used as:

    • Square kilometer
    • weaving
    • Square meter

    And each side has its own measure:

    • Large fields are measured in hectares and hectares,
    • kitchens,
    • gardens and orchards.

    one weaving is the same:

    square kilometer (km.sq.) -0.0001

    hectare (ha) -0.01

    square meter (m²) – 100

    square decimeter (dm.sq.) - 10000

    square centimeter (see square) - 1000000

    square millimeter (mm.sq.) - 100 million

    It's easier to say:

    • 1 hectare - 2.4710 hectares
    • 1 acre - 40.4046 hundred parts
    • 1 weave Area 100 meters.

    Therefore, on one hectare there are 10,000 square meters

    The standard width and length of a hectare is 100 m.

    However they are different, for example:

    So I have given many examples on this topic, I think it will help you

    How can you not know?

    And also see other articles:

    How to get a free hectare of land in the Far East?

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    How many meters or inches are there in 1 yard?

    Estate - that's how much?

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    How much does it cost to dig 1 cubic meter of soil by hand?


    Quick answer: 100 hectares per hectare.

    You, of course, know very well that when we talk about land, for example, holidays, which are usually used by the word "weaving" as a measure of the surface.

    But it is not so!

    The point is that, as such, there is no unit of measurement for the "weaving" area - it is just a dialog name for the unit called ar.

    In fact, ar is equal to one hundred, and is used much less frequently in conversational vocabulary.

    Ar is external system unit to measure a surface, equal to the square of a square with a side of 10 m. This device is used to measure a surface. 1 ar is equal to the square of 100 meters.

    Square kilometer

    And how many ar (one hundred pieces) are there in a hectare?

    Let's do a simple calculation:

    • 1 ar (weaving) – 100 m2
    • 1 ha – 10,000 m2

    From our calculation it is clear that one hectare is 100 hectares or, as correct, are.

    That's why we weave hundreds of hectares.

    By the way, hectare (ha) is a unit of measurement also outside the system, equal to the square of a square with a side of 100 m. In one hectare, the hectare is one of the most commonly used units of land measurement, especially when we're talking about about agricultural land.

    By the way, the hectare was introduced on the territory of the then RSFSR instead of the tenth (this happened after the October Revolution).

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    1 square kilometer [km²] = 100 hectares [ha]

    Initial value

    Converted value

    square meter square kilometer square hectometer square decameter square decimeter square centimeter square millimeter square micrometer square nanometer hectare ar barn square mile sq. mile (US, surveyor) square yard square foot² sq. foot (USA, surveyor) square inch circular inch township section acre acre (USA, surveyor) ore square chain square rod rod² (USA, surveyor) square perch square rod sq. thousandth circular mil homestead sabin arpan cuerda square castilian cubit varas conuqueras cuad cross section of electron tithe (government) tithe economic round square verst square arshin square foot square fathom square inch (Russian) square line Planck area

    More about the area

    General information

    Area is a quantity geometric figure in two-dimensional space. It is used in mathematics, medicine, engineering and other sciences, for example in calculating the cross-section of cells, atoms, or pipes such as blood vessels or water pipes. In geography, area is used to compare the sizes of cities, lakes, countries, and other geographical objects. Population density calculations also use area. Population density is defined as the number of people per unit area.


    Square meters

    Area is measured in SI units in square meters. One square meter is the area of ​​a square with a side of one meter.

    Unit square

    A unit square is a square with sides of one unit. The area of ​​a unit square is also equal to one. In a rectangular coordinate system, this square is located at coordinates (0,0), (0,1), (1,0) and (1,1). On the complex plane the coordinates are 0, 1, i And i+1, where i- imaginary number.


    Ar or weaving, as a measure of area, is used in the CIS countries, Indonesia and some other European countries, to measure small urban objects such as parks when a hectare is too large. One are is equal to 100 square meters. In some countries this unit is called differently.


    Real estate, especially land, is measured in hectares. One hectare is equal to 10,000 square meters. It has been used since the French Revolution, and is used in European Union and some other regions. Just like the macaw, in some countries the hectare is called differently.


    IN North America and Burma, area is measured in acres. The hectares are not used there. One acre is equal to 4046.86 square meters. An acre was originally defined as the area that a farmer with a team of two oxen could plow in one day.


    Barns are used in nuclear physics to measure the cross section of atoms. One barn is equal to 10⁻²⁸ square meters. The barn is not a unit in the SI system, but is accepted for use in this system. One barn is approximately equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​a uranium nucleus, which physicists jokingly called “as huge as a barn.” Barn in English is “barn” (pronounced barn) and from a joke among physicists this word became the name of a unit of area. This unit originated during World War II, and was liked by scientists because its name could be used as a code in correspondence and telephone conversations as part of the Manhattan Project.

    Area calculation

    The area of ​​the simplest geometric figures is found by comparing them with the square of a known area. This is convenient because the area of ​​the square is easy to calculate. Some formulas for calculating the area of ​​geometric figures given below were obtained in this way. Also, to calculate the area, especially of a polygon, the figure is divided into triangles, the area of ​​each triangle is calculated using the formula, and then added. The area of ​​more complex figures is calculated using mathematical analysis.

    Formulas for calculating area

    • Square: square side.
    • Rectangle: product of the parties.
    • Triangle (side and height known): the product of the side and the height (the distance from that side to the edge), divided in half. Formula: A = ½ah, Where A- square, a- side, and h- height.
    • Triangle (two sides and the angle between them are known): the product of the sides and the sine of the angle between them, divided in half. Formula: A = ½ab sin(α), where A- square, a And b- sides, and α - the angle between them.
    • Equilateral triangle: side squared divided by 4 and multiplied by Square root out of three.
    • Parallelogram: the product of a side and the height measured from that side to the opposite side.
    • Trapezoid: the sum of two parallel sides multiplied by the height and divided by two. The height is measured between these two sides.
    • Circle: the product of the square of the radius and π.
    • Ellipse: product of semi-axes and π.

    Surface Area Calculation

    You can find the surface area of ​​simple volumetric figures, such as prisms, by unfolding this figure on a plane. It is impossible to obtain a development of the ball in this way. The surface area of ​​a sphere is found using the formula by multiplying the square of the radius by 4π. From this formula it follows that the area of ​​a circle is four times less than the surface area of ​​a ball with the same radius.

    Surface areas of some astronomical objects: Sun - 6,088 x 10¹² square kilometers; Earth - 5.1 x 10⁸; thus, the surface area of ​​the Earth is approximately 12 times smaller than the surface area of ​​the Sun. The Moon's surface area is approximately 3.793 x 10⁷ square kilometers, which is about 13 times smaller than the Earth's surface area.


    The area can also be calculated using a special device - a planimeter. There are several types of this device, for example polar and linear. Also, planimeters can be analog and digital. In addition to other functions, digital planimeters can be scaled, making it easier to measure features on a map. The planimeter measures the distance traveled around the perimeter of the object being measured, as well as the direction. The distance traveled by the planimeter parallel to its axis is not measured. These devices are used in medicine, biology, technology, and agriculture.

    Theorem on properties of areas

    According to the isoperimetric theorem, of all figures with the same perimeter, the circle has the largest area. If, on the contrary, we compare figures with the same area, then the circle has the smallest perimeter. The perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides of a geometric figure, or the line that marks the boundaries of this figure.

    Geographical features with the largest area

    Country: Russia, 17,098,242 square kilometers, including land and water. The second and third largest countries by area are Canada and China.

    City: New York is a city with the most large area 8683 square kilometers. The second largest city by area is Tokyo, occupying 6993 square kilometers. The third is Chicago, with an area of ​​5,498 square kilometers.

    City Square: The largest square, covering 1 square kilometer, is located in the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta. This is Medan Merdeka Square. The second largest area, at 0.57 square kilometers, is Praça doz Girascoes in the city of Palmas, Brazil. The third largest is Tiananmen Square in China, 0.44 square kilometers.

    Lake: Geographers debate whether the Caspian Sea is a lake, but if so, then it is the most big lake in the world with an area of ​​371,000 square kilometers. The second largest lake by area is Lake Superior in North America. It is one of the lakes of the Great Lakes system; its area is 82,414 square kilometers. The third largest lake in Africa is Lake Victoria. It covers an area of ​​69,485 square kilometers.

    Since the beginning of state intervention in the affairs of the population, the need has arisen to ensure the maintenance of each state. The main source of income for each state is taxation. Today, our country owns a huge amount of land, which is issued to the population for construction or agricultural needs. How to calculate a huge area? How to convert hectares to square kilometers and why do it?

    Businessman and problems

    Farming requires large spaces. By transferring land for rent or ownership, the state, in addition to payment, imposes a land tax on farmers. This means that for a larger area, you will have to pay more. However, how to calculate that coefficient from the total area of ​​land, because what larger area, the greater the error in the calculations.

    The easiest way to reduce inaccuracies is to convert hectares to square kilometers. That is, it is necessary to determine the extent of the length and width of the area and thus obtain the exact area. This will create comfortable conditions for the future land plot.

    In addition, the conversion from hectares to square kilometers is convenient for cadastral engineers when surveying land.

    What law do specialists use?

    In their practical activities, in most cases, specialists use the knowledge of mathematics that was instilled in primary and secondary classes. However, it is worth understanding that every action depends on the laws. When converting hectares to square kilometers, the provisions of Federal Law -102 of 2008 “On ensuring units of measurement” are primarily used. This law provides for precise measures of calculations and their translations.

    Another question remains: “Why carry out precise measurement plot of land?" The fact is that Federal laws 218 and 221 Federal Laws (amended in 2014 by Federal Law-171) established mandatory land surveying land plots, in order to preserve natural resources countries and eliminate errors when providing land plots for ownership.

    Laws establish a number of advantages at the state level:

    • the time for completing transactions for the alienation of land plots is reduced (transfer by the state for lease, into private ownership, donation or sale agreements);
    • excludes “neighborhood wars” on dacha plots or in agricultural collectives;
    • the process of purchasing land from is simplified;
    • controversial issues when entering into inheritance are resolved.

    Thus, the exact boundary of the land eliminates many issues that can only be resolved in judicial procedure and when receiving land in hectares, it is worth thinking about converting them to square kilometers in order to avoid inaccuracies.

    As mentioned above, you must be guided mainly by your knowledge exact sciences. Today, there are a number of technological advances, and the era of land surveyors is fading into oblivion.

    In theory, the area is calculated by the formula: length multiplied by width equals the area of ​​the land plot. To accurately convert hectares to square kilometers, you can use the old Soviet metric system:

    or use a simplified table for converting measures:

    From the laws of mathematics it turns out that there are 1000 kilometers or 0.01 square kilometers in one hectare. One hundred hectares will be one square kilometer.

    Many agronomists find it difficult to carry out calculations for industrial purposes, and they use technical instruments called Geometers, which are widely available to everyone. Such a GPS device will independently perform calculations based on the given coordinates.

    There are cases when lawyers prepare documents for the court. If there is data on the area of ​​land and to clarify the boundaries, many resort to the help of online converters (calculators). This process is much simpler, but less accurate, since remote calculation does not give the same result as on-site calculation, since, basically, old boundary calculations are disputed and their errors may in fact contain errors in the form of kilometers of land.

    Parting words

    When starting calculations, it is best to turn to your knowledge, or to specialists who can document it. Converting hectares to square kilometers greatly simplifies calculations and gives an idea of ​​the length of a land plot, since for many people kilometers are closer rather than hectares and acres. Accurate calculations always reduce future costs.

    You can learn about converting square units of measurement by watching the video.

    How many square kilometers are in 1 hectare?

      There are very few square kilometers in one hectare, only one hundredth. So the answer is: 1 ha = 0.01 km2.

      One hectare has 10,000 square meters. And there are 1 million square meters in a square kilometer. From this, if you divide ten thousand by a million, you get one hundredth.

      1000:1000000=0.01 km2.

      One hectare contains ten thousand square meters; One square kilometer already contains a million square meters. If there are one hundred hectares in one kilometer square, then it turns out that there is only one hundredth of square kilometers in one hectare!

      1 hectare (hectare) = 100m*100m = 10,000 square meters

      1 square kilometer = 1000m*1000m = 1,000,000 square meters.

      One square kilometer is 1,000,000/10,000 = 100 hectares.

      In one hectare 10,000/1,000,000 = 0.01 square kilometers.

      A hectare is used to measure area; in Russia it is customary to measure land in hectares.

      A square kilometer is one hundred hectares.

      1 hectare is equal to 0.01 square kilometer.

      The values ​​are given from mathematical tables; you just have to remember them, because multiplying is very difficult.

      Yes, practically not much. Because a hectare is a square of one hundred by one hundred meters. And rather, on the contrary, it is better to ask the question of how many hectares there are in one square kilometer.

      But if we answer your question exactly, then one hundredth of a square kilometer = 0.01 will fit in one hectare.

      in 1 hectare there are 0.01 square kilometers like this

      Many people think of a hectare as a huge piece of land, and in some ways they are right. After all, if compared to one hundred square meters, one hectare is really huge. Weaving, unit of measurement summer cottage and planting potatoes is only one hundred square meters, a square with a side of 10 meters. And a hectare is a square with a side of 100 meters, that is, each side of an hundred square meters has increased 10 times, and in total there are one hundred square meters in a hectare. This is 10 thousand square meters. But as much as a hectare is larger than a hundred square meters, it is also smaller than a square kilometer, a square with a side of 1000 meters. So it turns out that there are one hundred hectares in a square kilometer, or one hundredth of a square kilometer in a hectare.

      One hectare has 0.01 square kilometers. This can be represented mathematically as a product: 1000 m * 1000 m = 1,000,000 square meters.

      A hectare is a measure of area, which is used to measure area in Russia.

      In order to answer this simple question, you can imagine a section of the field in the form of a square with sides 100 meters long. This will be a hectare. Multiplying 100 meters by 100, we get 10,000. A square kilometer can again be represented as a square with sides of 1000 meters. Multiplying 1000 by 1000 we get 1,000,000. Therefore, dividing one number by another, we get that in one hetar there is 0.01 square meters. kilometer

      To measure area in the Russian Federation there is such a value as a hectare. Large areas of land are quite convenient to measure in these units. So, as for square kilometers, there will be 0.01 in a hectare. This can be obtained from the well-known equality of one square kilometer to one hundred hectares.

      Well, first of all, a square kilometer is much larger than one hectare. It's like measuring kilograms in tons.

      There are 0.01 (one hundredth) square kilometers in one hectare. There are one hundred hectares in one square kilometer.

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