Aircraft Engine Designers. The designers of the first Soviet aircraft - Mikoyan - the famous designer of MiGs

Designers of the first Soviet aircraft

Chetverikov Igor Vyacheslavovich (1904-1987)
Soviet aircraft designer. He designed and built several flying boats, including the OSGA-101 amphibious aircraft.
The construction of OSGA-101 was completed by the spring of 1934. Unfortunately, to make the plane by the time the "Chelyuskin" enters the Severny sea ​​route failed, and on its first and last voyage, the icebreaking steamer left with the Sha-2 amphibian designed by V. B. Shavrov on board.

Shavrov Vadim Borisovich (1898 - 1976)
Soviet aircraft designer, aviation historian. He is best known for the creation of several types of flying boats and the two-volume monograph "The History of Aircraft Design in the USSR", the creator of the Sh-2 amphibious aircraft common in the pre-war years.

Aleksandrov Vladimir Leontievich (1894-1962)
Aircraft designer, scientist in the field of aircraft construction, student of N. E. Zhukovsky. Co-author of the project of the first Soviet passenger
aircraft AK-1 (1924). In 1938-41 he was imprisoned, worked in the Central Design Bureau-29 of the NKVD. Rehabilitated.

Aircraft AK-1 - the first domestic four-seater passenger aircraft of V.L. Aleksandrov and V.V. Kalinin. Kalinin completed the settlement part.
Built in November 1923. The AK-1 aircraft was not mass-produced. this aircraft, in terms of its passenger capacity, was significantly inferior to the German Junkers Ju-13 and Dornier III aircraft, as well as the Fokker F-111 aircraft, which were operated in the mid-20s on Soviet airlines.

Porokhovshchikov Alexander Alexandrovich (1892-1943)
Russian designer, entrepreneur, pilot. Grandfather of actor Alexander Porokhovshchikov.
After the October Revolution, a pilot in the Red Army.

Aircraft P-IV BIS - training, for initial training.
Produced from February 1917 to spring 1923.

Putilov Alexander Ivanovich (1893-1979)
Soviet aircraft designer. Worked in the Design Bureau of A. N. Tupolev. Participated in the creation of the first ANT aircraft. Developed aircraft "Steel-2",
"Steel-3", "Steel-11".
In 1938-1940. was imprisoned in TsKB-29 of the NKVD, worked in the brigade of V. M. Petlyakov.

Aircraft "Steel-2" - 4-seat passenger aircraft, the first airliner with a stainless steel frame.
First flight - October 11, 1931. Production 1932-1935.

Kalinin Konstantin Alekseevich (1887-1938)
Soviet aircraft designer and pilot.
During the 1st World War, the head of the squadron. Participated in civil war as a Red Army pilot.
In 1923 he began building aircraft at a factory in Kyiv. In 1926 he headed the design bureau in Kharkov.
In 1938, on false charges, Kalinin was arrested and shot seven months after his arrest, in the dungeons of the Voronezh NKVD.
The accusation was standard for 1937-38. - "anti-Soviet activities and espionage". The closed court session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court lasted only 10 minutes, there were no defense counsel or witnesses. The sentence was carried out immediately after the end of the meeting. This fact in the biography of such an outstanding person is so incomprehensible that it requires a separate
research. Suffice it to say that, unlike other aircraft designers arrested in those years, who, after their arrest, nevertheless continued to work in the Special Design Bureau of the NKVD, Kalinin was not given such an opportunity.

Aircraft K-5
The most massive passenger aircraft of the pre-war period. First flight October 18, 1929 Years of production 1930-1934.
In production and operation, it was simpler and cheaper than its competitor, the Tupolev ANT-9.


Soviet designer aircraft engines, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943), Major General-Engineer (1944), Hero of Socialist Labor (1940). He studied at Moscow Higher Technical School, a student of N.E. Zhukovsky. From 1923 he worked at the Scientific Automotive Institute (from 1925 chief designer), since 1930 at TsIAM, since 1936 at the Aircraft Engine Plant. M.V. Frunze. In 1935-55. taught at Moscow Higher Technical School and VVIA. In the early 30s. under the leadership of Mikulin, the first Soviet liquid-cooled aircraft engine M-34 was created, on the basis of which a number of engines of various power and purpose were later built. The M-34 (AM-34) type engines were used to power the record-breaking ANT-25 aircraft, TB-3 bombers, and many other aircraft. The AM-35A engine was installed on the MiG-1, MiG-3 fighters, TB-7 (Pe-8) bombers. During the war, Mikulin supervised the creation of boosting the AM-38F and AM-42 engines for the Il-2 and Il-10 attack aircraft. In 1943-55. Mikulin is the chief designer of the Experimental Aircraft Engine Plant No. 30 in Moscow.

(1892 – 1962)

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, engineer major general.

V.Ya. Klimov studied at the laboratory of automobile engines, which was headed by Academician E.A. Chukadov.

From 1918 to 1924, he was the head of the laboratory of light engines at the NAMI NTO of the USSR, taught at the Moscow Higher Technical School, the Lomonosov Institute and the Academy of the Air Force.

In 1924, he was sent to Germany for the purchase and acceptance of the BMW-4 engine (in licensed production of the M-17).

From 1928 to 1930 he is on a business trip to France, where he is also engaged in the purchase of the Gnome-Ron Jupiter-7 engine (in licensed production of M-22).

From 1931 to 1935, Vladimir Yakovlevich headed the department of gasoline engines of the newly created IAM (later VIAM) and headed the engine design department of the MAI. In 1935, as the Chief Designer of Plant No. 26 in Rybinsk, he was sent to France to negotiate the acquisition of a license for the production of a 12-cylinder, V-shaped Hispano-Suiza 12 Ybrs engine, which in the USSR received the designation M-100. The development of this engine - the VK-103, VK-105PF and VK-107A engines during the war years were installed on all Yakovlev fighters and on the Petlyakov Pe-2 bomber. At the end of the war, Klimov developed the VK-108 engine, but it never went into mass production.

(1892 - 1953)

Soviet designer of aircraft engines, doctor of technical sciences, (1940), lieutenant general of the engineering service (1948).

Born on 12 (24) 01/1892, in the village. Lower Sergi, now the Sverdlovsk region. In 1921 he graduated from Moscow Higher Technical School.

In 1925–1926, in collaboration with metallurgist N.V. Okromeshko, he created the M-11 five-cylinder star-shaped aircraft engine, which, according to test results, won the competition for an engine for training aircraft and became the first domestic serial air-cooled aircraft engine.

In 1934 he was appointed Chief Designer of the Perm Engine Plant (1934).

In the period from 1934 to 1953, under the leadership of A.D. Shvetsov, a family of air-cooled piston engines was created, covering the entire era of the development of this type of engine, from the five-cylinder M-25 with a power of 625 hp. up to 28-cylinder ASh-2TK with a power of 4500 hp. The engines of this family were installed on Tupolev, Ilyushin, Lavochkin, Polikarpov, Yakovlev aircraft, which made a decisive contribution to the cause of gaining air supremacy in the Great Patriotic war. ASh brand engines (Arkady Shvetsov) with great benefit served and still serve in peacetime.

In the 30s. under the leadership of Shvetsov, the M-22, M-25, M-62, M-63 engines were created for the I-15, I-16 fighters, etc.; in the 40s. - a number of piston star-shaped air-cooled engines of successively increasing capacities of the ASh family: ASh-62IR (for transport aircraft Li-2, An-2), ASh-82, ASh-82FN (for La-5, La-7 fighters, Tu- 2, passenger aircraft Il-12, Il-14), engines for the M.L. Mil Mi-4 helicopter, etc. Shvetsov created a school of air-cooled engine designers.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd-3rd convocations. Hero of Socialist Labor (1942). Laureate of the Stalin Prizes (1942, 1943, 1946, 1948). Awarded 5 orders of Lenin, 3 other orders, and medals. Golden medal"Hammer and Sickle", five Orders of Lenin, Order of Suvorov 2nd class, Order of Kutuzov 1st class, Order of the Red Banner of Labor, medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945".

71 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began, in which aviation was used on an unprecedented scale. Due to this website recalls the famous creators of aircraft of the Second World War. The illustrations are taken from the multiplayer air action game, which will allow many of their creations to be flown. Since only Soviet, American and German cars will be in the game at launch, we have chosen a couple of constructors from these countries.

OKB Ilyushin

The son of a poor peasant from the Vologda province, SergeyVladimirovichIlyushin started working at the age of 15, and in the First World War he became a minder at the airfield and learned to be a pilot. Since then, his life has been forever associated with aviation, and by the end of the 30s he was already heading his own design bureau. Sergei Vladimirovich did a lot for the development of the domestic aircraft industry, and his main creation is the most massive combat aircraft in history, the famous attack aircraft IL-2.

After the war, the Design Bureau continued to develop bombers and attack aircraft, but in a series they were different reasons didn't go. But the transport Il-76 and the passenger Il-86 have become one of the most common vehicles in the world. Soviet times. But after the collapse of the USSR, the demand for the products of domestic aircraft manufacturers dropped sharply, and, for example, a little more than two dozen modern Il-96 liners have been built today.

Single and double Il-2, Il-8, Il-10, Il-20, Il-40

OKB-51 (Polikarpov / Sukhoi)

Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov was born in the Oryol province and, following the example of his father, a priest, graduated from a religious school and entered the seminary. However, he never became a father, but graduated from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and, under the guidance of the famous designer Igor Sikorsky, participated in the creation of the Ilya Muromets bomber. In 1929, Polikarpov was almost shot because of a denunciation, and then they wanted to send him to camps for ten years, but the intervention of the legendary pilot Valery Chkalov helped.

Under the guidance of the designer, such well-known aircraft as the "heavenly slug" were created U-2 And I-153"The Seagull", and after his death, the territory of OKB-51 passed to Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi, another famous engineer who created more than 50 machine designs during his career. Today Sukhoi Design Bureau- one of the leading Russian airlines, whose combat aircraft (for example, multirole fighters Su-27 and Su-30) are in service in dozens of countries.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes: I-5, I-15, I-16

Bell Aircraft

aircraft mechanic Lawrence Bell in 1912, he almost did away with airplanes for good when his older brother, stunt pilot Gruver Bell, died in a crash. But friends persuaded not to bury talent in the ground, and in 1928 appeared Bell Aircraft who created the most famous american fighter World War II P-39 Airacobra. An interesting fact: thanks to deliveries to the USSR and Great Britain and the exploits of the aces of these countries, the Airacobra has the highest individual victory rate of all American aircraft ever created.

Bell also released the first American jet fighter P-59 Airacomet, but after that it completely switched to the development of combat and transport helicopters and even changed its name to Bell Helicopter. The company learned the main glory during Vietnam War: after all, it was she who created the famous UH-1"Huey", still in service with the US Army and many other countries, as well as a combat helicopter AH-1 Cobra. Today, the company continues to develop transport vehicles, such as the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor, produced in conjunction with Boeing.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes: Airacobra shown in a video about american planes(above), but does not appear in the list of release machines.


But the most a large number of downed enemies among all allied aircraft (in total, not individually) on the account of the carrier-based fighter Grumman F6F Hellcat, created by a former test pilot Leeroy Grumman. Founded by him in 1929, the company did a lot for the development of American carrier-based aviation, subsequently developing such well-known machines as A-6 Intruder And F-14 Tomcat(just on this fighter Tom Cruise flew in the movie Top Gun).

Over time, the company switched to aerospace development and it was she who created the landing module. "Apollo", on which American astronauts first landed on the moon in 1969. Today it is part of the Northrop Grumman Corporation, which creates ballistic missiles, satellites, radars and, of course, aviation technology for the US Army and NASA.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes: F2F, F3F, F4F


The most famous and massive German fighter Bf.109, a steel car with a predatory profile that terrified the whole of Europe, was created in 1934 by Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (Bavarian Aviation Plant), hence the name. In 1938 the company was renamed to Messerschmitt by the name of the chief designer Wilhem Messerschmitt(his company merged with BF in 1927) and since then it has become the main supplier of combat vehicles for the Luftwaffe, including the first mass-produced Me jet fighters. 160 and Me. 262.

After the war, the company produced microcars, since Germany was forbidden to create aircraft, then made fighter jets for NATO under other people's licenses, and from the late 60s went from hand to hand in a series of mergers and acquisitions. As a result, in 1989, the name Messerschmitt finally disappeared from circulation: the company became part of the DaimlerChrysler Aerospace holding, which later, after another merger, became the European Aerospace Defense Concern (EADS). Sounds like the name of an evil corporation from Metal Gear Solid, but its most famous product is the Airbus passenger jet.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes:
Bf.110B, Bf.110E, Bf.109Z, Bf.109C, Bf.109E, Bf.109G, Me. 209 Me. 262 Me. 262 HG III, Me. 109TL, Me. 410 Me. 609, Me. P.1099B, Me. P.1102,


Biography Hugo Junkers similar to the story of a Bond villain: a talented professor of thermodynamics founded his business back in 1895 and was originally engaged in the production of heating appliances, and in 1911 became the world leader in the number of registered patents. Just at that time, he became interested in the growing aviation industry and by the end of the First World War he had already established the production of fighters and even managed to work with the famous designer Anton Fokker. They did not agree on the characters: as you know, one mad scientist is enough for a good plot.

By the end of the 30s, Junkers himself was gone, but the company under his name became one of the largest manufacturers of transport and combat aircraft in the world. Including - the famous dive bomber Ju 87, he is also Stuka, he is also a "lappet", who, when entering the target, emitted a characteristic frightening howl. After the war, the company continued to manufacture aircraft and engaged in aerospace research with the involvement of brilliant scientists, but in the late 60s it was absorbed by Messerschmitt and ceased to exist independently.

What models will be available at the launch of World of Warplanes: Unfortunately, there will be no Stuka in the game at launch - the branch of German attack aircraft will appear later.

The series tells about the outstanding aircraft designers who have made an invaluable contribution to the history of development domestic aviation. Previously, dedicated to military aircraft designers have already been posted, in this cycle the remaining 5 series.

An excellent selection of chronicles and facts, little-known details of the development of aviation technology, it will be interesting to see even those who are not fond of aviation.

Outstanding aircraft designers: Oleg Antonov

He was an unusually bright and attractive personality. He wrote books on gliding and children's stories, was fond of painting and played tennis skillfully. He liked to communicate with young people and was not afraid to argue with those in power.
Designer Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov lived an incredibly eventful life. She was as versatile as his outstanding talent.

Outstanding aircraft designers: Nikolai Polikarpov

Russia has given the world many outstanding aircraft designers. But only one of the domestic aircraft designers was given the royal title of “king of fighters” by colleagues. It was Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov. However, the "king of fighters" tested on his life path dramas and tragedies, no less than Shakespeare's King Lear.
Only one plane bore his name - Po-2. But the famous I-15 and I-16, created by Nikolai Polikarpov before the Second World War, brought glory to our aviation in numerous military conflicts - in Spain, the Winter War, Khasan Lake, Khalkhin Gol.

Outstanding aircraft designers: Georgy Beriev

Glory to domestic aviation brought worldwide famous brands: "Tu", "Il", "MiG", "Su", "Yak" ... In this series, the brand "Be" stands separately - rightfully bearing the title of "leader of hydroaviation". "Be" is an abbreviation for the name of the famous aircraft designer Georgy Beriev.
All of his aircraft, one way or another, became milestones in the development of world hydroaviation, starting with his first flying boat MBR-2. And to this day, the A-40 and Be-200 amphibious aircraft, created in the design bureau that bears his name, are unsurpassed in many of their characteristics.

Outstanding aircraft designers: Vladimir Myasishchev

Vladimir Mikhailovich Myasishchev. This Soviet aircraft designer became famous general public in the 50s of the twentieth century. It was then that his planes were first shown at the parade. Machines created by Myasishchev for a long time were one of the guarantors of security Soviet Union in the cold war.
Vladimir Mikhailovich passed a big creative way: from a simple draftsman to a general designer. He devoted his whole life to aviation, not for a second doubting his choice.

Outstanding aircraft designers: Mikhail Mil

In January 1970, Mikhail Leontievich Mil died at the age of 60. He devoted his whole life to work. His famous helicopters are known all over the world.
Mi-1, Mi-2, Mi-4, Mi-8, Mi-6, V-1 and other rotorcraft appeared thanks to his genius. And even though he did not manage to complete much of what he had planned. Most importantly, Mil left the school of like-minded people who continued his work.
Mil's students completed the Mi-24 project. Mil's concept of "helicopter - attack aircraft" was embodied in the Mi-28, today known as " night Hunter". The glorious line of training and sports Mi-1 and Mi-2 was continued by the Mi-34. And in the class of heavy helicopters in the 70s, the Mil Design Bureau created the Mi-26, which still has no analogues.

Outstanding aircraft designers: Nikolai Kamov

The word "helicopter" has firmly entered our lexicon and replaced the outdated concept of "helicopter". This word was coined by aircraft designer Nikolai Ilyich Kamov. He is rightfully considered a pioneer in the field of domestic rotary-wing technology. It was Kamov who was the first in the Soviet Union to fly on a main rotor.
Nikolai Kamov devoted his entire life to the creation of rotorcraft. His activities as a general designer bore pronounced features of innovation, courage, daring ... The design bureau he created in the late forties still remains a recognized leader in the development of helicopters.

Outstanding aircraft designers: Semyon Lavochkin

Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin became the first in many areas of aviation and rocket technology. The first domestic swept-wing aircraft, the first flight at the speed of sound, the first intercontinental cruise and anti-aircraft missiles. He had the talent to see the future, he knew how to find solutions that made it possible to make a genuine breakthrough into the future. And at the same time, he understood well what was needed today.
Semen Alekseevich was remembered by his colleagues not only as a talented, but also a truly sympathetic person. Such a personality among great people is really a rarity.

Outstanding aircraft designers: Alexander Yakovlev

The name of Alexander Yakovlev is included in the list of the most famous figures in world aviation. He created more than 200 types and modifications of beautiful, reliable and easy-to-operate machines. Yakovlev was an unsurpassed master in the creation of light aircraft. But his powerful intellect could solve design problems in any class of machines: from helicopters to bombers. Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev truly lived in aviation. He was one of those who put all his strength, time, knowledge, talent into it. The creation of aircraft was his passion and the main goal of life.
He once wrote a book about this, which has become a desktop for several generations of people in love with the sky.

Zhukovsky is a city of aviators. A lot of aircraft were created, tested and finalized here. And it was in Zhukovsky that the architectural complex "Creators of Russian Aviation" was opened.

The memorial alley "Creators of Russian Aviation" includes 16 busts of legendary Soviet aircraft designers. The presented busts are made of bronze by a young sculptor Vladimir Ivanov.

2. Tupolev Andrey Nikolaevich. Soviet scientist and aircraft designer, Colonel-General-Engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Hero of Labor. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor.
Now in Zhukovsky they are trying to save the memory of the aircraft, which became the peak of the development of domestic aviation -.

3. Ilyushin Sergey Vladimirovich. Outstanding Soviet aircraft designer, developer of the most massive combat aircraft in history - the Il-2 attack aircraft. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor. The only laureate of seven Stalin Prizes, Colonel General of the Engineering and Technical Service, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

4. The "Creators of Aviation of Russia" complex was created on the initiative of the "Legends of Aviation" foundation. The alley was opened on September 22, 2017. Opened solemnly, even with an air parade.

5. The administration of Zhukovsky, the scientific and engineering company NIK, Russian Helicopters, Roscosmos, the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) took part in the creation of the complex.

6. Mikoyan Artem Ivanovich. Soviet aircraft designer. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor. Under his leadership (together with M. I. Gurevich and V. A. Romodin), the MiG-1 and MiG-3 fighter planes that participated in the Great Patriotic War were created. After the war, the MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19, MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-27, MiG-29, MiG-31, MiG-33, MiG- 35.

7. Gurevich Mikhail Iosifovich. Soviet aircraft designer, co-head of OKB-155. Hero of Socialist Labor. Winner of the Lenin Prize and six Stalin Prizes. He worked together with Mikoyan, creating MiG fighters. The letter G is Gurevich.

8. Myasishchev Vladimir Mikhailovich. Soviet aircraft designer, Major General Engineer, General Designer of OKB-23, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR. Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of the Lenin Prize.
His planes: M-50, M-4, 3M/M-6, VM-T "Atlant", M-17 "Stratosphere", M-18, M-20, M-55 "Geophysics".
One of the most famous - which transported parts of the Buran and Energia complex.

9. Mikhail Leontievich Mil. Soviet helicopter designer and scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize and the State Prize of the USSR.

10. Tishchenko Marat Nikolaevich. Soviet and Russian helicopter designer. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Hero of Socialist Labor. From 1970 to 2007 - responsible head and chief designer of the Experimental Design Bureau named after M. L. Mil. It was under his leadership that was created.

11. Bartini Robert Ludwigovich. An Italian aristocrat, a communist who left fascist Italy for the USSR, where he became a famous aircraft designer. Physicist, creator of designs for devices based on new principles. Author of more than 60 completed aircraft projects. brigade commander In the questionnaires in the column "nationality" he wrote: "Russian".

12. Kamov Nikolai Ilyich. Soviet aircraft designer, creator of Ka helicopters, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR.

13. Yakovlev Alexander Sergeevich. Soviet aircraft designer, corresponding member. and Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Air Colonel General. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor. General Designer of the Yakovlev Design Bureau. Laureate of the Lenin, State and six Stalin Prizes.

14. Antonov Oleg Konstantinovich. Soviet aircraft designer, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of the Lenin Prize and the Stalin Prize of the second degree. The An-225 "Mriya" aircraft, built on the basis of the An-124 "Ruslan", is still the largest and most lifting.
It is a pity that a delegation from Ukraine did not come to the opening...

15. Beriev Georgy Mikhailovich. Soviet aircraft designer. Major General of the Engineering Service. Laureate of the Stalin Prize.
Under his leadership, aircraft were created: Steel-6, Steel-7; seaplanes: MBR-2, MP-1, MP-1T, ship ejection KOR-1 and KOR-2, Be-6, Be-10 jet boat, Be-12 amphibians (with modifications) and Be-12PS - serial; MDR-5, MBR-7, LL-143, Be-8, R-1, Be-14 - experienced, passenger Be-30 (Be-32), experimental projectile P-10.

16. Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin. Soviet aviation designer. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor. Laureate of four Stalin Prizes. He made a huge contribution to aviation during the Great Patriotic War.

17. Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi. An outstanding Belarusian Soviet aircraft designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, one of the founders of the Soviet jet and supersonic aviation. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin, Stalin and State Prize, winner of the No. 1 award. A. N. Tupolev.

18. Yakovlev Alexander Sergeevich. Soviet aircraft designer, corresponding member and academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Air Colonel General. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor. General Designer of the Yakovlev Design Bureau. Laureate of the Lenin, State and six Stalin Prizes.

19. Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov. Russian and Soviet aircraft designer, head of OKB-51. Twice winner of the Stalin Prize, Hero of Socialist Labor, Polikarpov is one of the founders of the Soviet school of aircraft construction. The U-2 and R-5 multi-purpose aircraft created under his leadership became one of the best in their class.

20. Vladimir Mikhailovich Petlyakov. Soviet aircraft designer. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree.

21. Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky is considered the founder of aviation in Russia.

22. It is his words that express the idea of ​​aviation:

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