What did the astronauts see at the end of the film. Visions of astronauts. American astronaut Leroy Chiao saw strange lights

But what about space navigation?

I already wrote that the American Moon turned out to be very different from the real Moon. And American space turned out to be completely different from the space where Soviet cosmonauts flew in the 60s.

Where were your eyes, astronauts?

"Star blindness" over the day half of the Earth is evidence of the falsification of American near-Earth space flights.

Fig.1. Stars on the day side of the Earth. View from the porthole spaceship.

Painting by A. Leonov and A. Sokolov "Our beautiful planet".

Astronauts see stars, astronauts don't!

Fig.2. So the lie of the "astronauts" of the 60s looks clearer

NASA information on near-Earth flights American ships in 1961 - 1969

According to NASA, in the 1960s, the Americans successively created three types of ships - a single-seat Mercury, a two-seat Gemini, and a three-seat Apollo. For nine years, they allegedly made 2 jumps into space and 16 flights in low Earth orbits. According to NASA for the period 1961 - 1969. In just 6.5 years, 16 ships and 30 Americans(including re-participation).

Total in orbits - 63 days 17 o'clock

completed ≈980 orbits around the Earth

6 spacewalks were performed with a total duration of ≈ 11 hours.

But they never saw stars on the day side of the Earth!

Already Ralph Resne more than 15 years ago questioned the reality of some of these NASA flights. For more decisive conclusions, he simply did not have enough information. After all, this information has been collected literally bit by bit for decades, and by many authors. So it takes time for NASA's clever deception to be fully revealed. But it goes, and makes the picture of deception more and more obvious.

CM. Eremenko in his work "To the Moon with God's Help" showed that at that time NASA did not have launch vehicles capable of launching Mercury and Gemini into orbit. That is, that all 14 orbital flights of these spacecraft, up to and including Gemini 12, were a hoax. At the end of the second chapter, S.M. Eremenko writes: “The maximum that can be a reality is the suborbital flights of all the Mercury and Gemini capsules”.

A.V. Kudryavets, in his article “On the prose of life in the Apollo missions”, examined the devices and systems for the sewage disposal of the Apollo (the largest ship from the listed triad) and touched a little on the Gemini. (By the way, the topic of the lack of sewage equipment for the Mercury and Gemini was considered in some detail by S.M. Eremenko). A.V. Kudryavets showed the complete inability of NASA at that time to provide elementary sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of crews in space. And concluded : "in the 60s, Americans not only did not fly to the moon, but they did not make long flights in earth orbit." And since the Apollo 7 and Apollo 9 presented in the table made (supposedly) long flights for those times, this conclusion applies to them in full.

Popov A.I. in the article "Vimps from Orbit" compared the state of health immediately after the return of Soviet cosmonauts and American astronauts. From the American side, the flights of the Gemini and Apollo spacecraft were considered. And according to this indicator, it turned out that the American flights were a fiction.

"Star blindness" - a specific disease of NASA astronauts in the 60s

Ralph Rene discovered an amazing disease in American astronauts of the 60s, which he called "star blindness". According to the astronauts themselves, it consisted in the fact that flying over the daytime half of the Earth, they did not see the stars. Skeptics were very surprised at this, because in a vacuum the sky is always black, and even the Sun cannot prevent you from seeing the stars, you just have to turn away from it. It is curious that the Soviet cosmonauts were not subject to "star blindness". Agree that such a selective effect of near-Earth space is an interesting subject for research. Therefore, a generalization of materials about this purely American "disease" will be useful.

Everyone knows that the darker the sky, the better the stars are visible. This means that in space, where the sky is always black, the stars should be visible during the day, unless space flight is reflected in human vision.

NASA lawyers have nothing to oppose to this logic, and they try to turn the conversation to the topic of photographing stars. But seeing the stars and photographing them are not the same thing. Everyone saw the stars, but only a few out of thousands took pictures. To narrow the field for NASA lawyers to deceive, the author emphasizes that

the topic of this article is extremely narrow and specific: ARE the stars visible during the day in near-Earth orbit to the naked eye? So, it is better to postpone the knowledge of photography for a more appropriate occasion.

The stars are visible during the day to both Soviet pilots and stratonauts

On the surface of the Earth, against the background of a bright blue sky, daytime stars, of course, are not visible. But 80% of the air is concentrated at altitudes up to 12 km. Above, the sky darkens noticeably. And who flies higher? Military pilots and pilots of high-altitude stratospheric balloons. What do they say about daytime stars?

Hero Soviet Union, pilot E. G. Pepelyaev (ill. 3a) in 1950 -53. fought in the skies of Korea with the American Sabers. He wrote a fascinating book about these battles. On the topic of this article, we are interested in the following phrase from section 14 of this book: "At flying at altitude 16 km the sky darkens and the stars appear during the day.”

Fig.3. Soviet pilots and stratonauts: the stars are visible during the day at altitudes of 16 km

A) pilot "MIG - 15" E.G. Pepelyaev, http://s42.radikal.ru/i096/1101/f1/91fc04db01bc.jpg http://koreawar.narod.ru/aces/pepelyv3.jpg

b) parachute equipment tester of the Air Force Research Institute, Colonel E.N. Andreev, crew member of the Volga stratospheric balloon, http://www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=1153

V) leading engineer of the Tu-144 crew O. Kuptsov, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czyvUOHFFBI (7:45)

Stratonaut E.N. Andreev (ill. 3b) climbed on the Volga stratospheric balloon on the afternoon of November 1, 1962 and performed a protracted parachute jump. Here's what he remembers: “As the height increases, the sky changes color. Pale blue, blue-violet and finally black. Prepare to jump! In the boundless darkness of the black sky, the stars shine, they seem very close and somehow unreal. I look at the altimeter - already 19 km » .

Crew member of the Soviet supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144, engineer O. Kuptsov (ill. 3c) says: "Somehow we climbed to the top 20 km , and very surprising - the stars can be seen in broad daylight, the black sky and the stars can be seen ".

Soviet (Russian) cosmonauts of all times: DAY STARS ARE VISIBLE

and from the ship's window, and (especially good!) during spacewalks

The first detachments of both cosmonauts and astronauts were recruited, with rare exceptions, from the ranks of military pilots - aces of military aviation. Naturally, they had no problems with vision. The sky in orbit is completely black. Does this mean that in orbit a person will see daytime stars. Very likely, but not necessarily! Because complete and continuous weightlessness awaited a person in orbit. How will it affect vision? Today we know that weightlessness does not cause significant visual impairment, although it sometimes causes dramatic harm to other body functions. But before the start of flights, no one knew about this stability of the function of vision. I could only prove it personal experience people who have been in orbit. And already the first Soviet cosmonauts brought such proof from space.

Here is a photograph of Yu. A. Gagarin's official report on his flight (ill. 4). The report was personally signed by Yu. A. Gagarin and presented at one of the stands memorial museum S.P. Koroleva (Moscow, 1st Ostankinskaya, 28).

The report has only two pages. Figure 5 shows an enlarged excerpt from the second page, where Yu. Gagarin clearly says that the stars above the day half of the Earth are visible - "bright and clear." The same picture Yu.A. Gagarina describes in the article: “The picture of the horizon is very beautiful. You can see the transition from the bright surface of the Earth to a completely black sky, in which stars are visible. And this transition from blue to black is unusually smooth and beautiful.”

Fig.5. Yu.A. Gagarin describes the view of the daytime hemisphere of the Earth from the porthole of the ship:

"The stars look a little brighter and sharper against this black sky."

"It's hard to put it into words"- Yu. Gagarin finishes his description of the stars in the porthole. But our happiness, this “hard to convey” picture, was captured in paint by two artists - partners: cosmonaut A. Leonov (a direct eyewitness to this picture) and his art colleague A. Sokolov. Their painting "Our Beautiful Planet" is shown in Figure 1.

Cosmonaut A. Leonov made a note and figure 6 - a kind of instruction on how to observe the stars from the porthole:

“Stars in space can be observed not only in the night sky, but also in the daytime sky, however, at a sufficient distance from the Sun. But from the opposite side, from the shadow side of the ship, the stars are visible almost the same as at night.

Fig.6. Sketch drawing by A. Leonov with his explanations

Our other cosmonauts also spoke about daytime stars in the orbit of the stars. Daytime stars are especially beautiful and numerous during space walks, when only the glass of a helmet separates the eyes from the cosmic sky.

For the first time, cosmonaut A.A. Leonov, who was the first in the world to go into outer space:

“And now I’m sticking out of our space “canopy” up to my waist. First impression? Sun. The disc is even, without rays and halo, but it is impossible to blind. And the sky is very black, starry. Stars both below and above. Sunny night! Or starry day? Spirit captured!

Cosmonaut A.A. Serebrov made 10 (ten!) EVAs with total duration about 32 hours. “I remember well my first exit, he writes . I saw an abyss full of stars ... I IMMEDIATELY saw both the stars and the Earth in the blue halo of the atmosphere ” .

So, our cosmonauts saw daytime stars both through the windows of their spaceships and (especially well) during space walks. Now let's get acquainted with what the American astronauts of the 60s told about the daytime stars.

NASA astronauts in the 60s: "stars in orbit are only visible at night!"

(The master of American astronauts of the 60s E. Aldrin expresses their general opinion)

According to NASA in May 1961, the first American went into space - Alan Shepard. The next month, W. Grissom was second. In both cases, these were not orbital flights, but, in fact, jumps into space to an altitude of about 200 km with a landing in just 15 minutes. Recall for comparison that even just one orbit around the Earth is about 100 minutes of net time in weightlessness. Therefore, we will not discuss the question of whether Shepard and Grissom saw daytime stars or not. Maybe they were not up to the stars for those few minutes in zero gravity that they experienced.

Instead, let's get acquainted with the opinion of E. Aldrin, who is still living the first "lunar explorer", "astronaut" of Apollo 11. Before the "landing" on the moon, he still allegedly made a spacewalk from the Gemini 12 spacecraft. E. Aldrin - you can say the unofficial elder and master of all American astronauts. Should he not know their opinion?

Let's read an excerpt from Ralph Rene's book, where he quotes the words of Aldrin:

“In the book “Men from Earth”, Aldrin recalls how he went into space from Gemini 12: “Stars during the day? I asked myself aloud. - Don't think! On early flights of Mercury, NASA scientists assumed that astronauts would see stars during the day, but astronauts soon realized that they saw stars in orbit only when they were in the Earth's shadow, that is, at night. (18, p. 156)". (Here reference 18, p. 156 is quoted from the text of René's book).

The book "People from the Earth" was published in 1989. So Aldrin had time to get to know and summarize his fellow crew members of all the Mercurys, all the Geminis, and those two Apollos that we included in the table reflecting NASA's pre-lunar flights.

Aldrin's style of recollection is interesting. A person, of course, will think if he is asked what he did on the Tuesday before last from 16.41 to 17.13. But here the question is much simpler: did Mr. Aldrin see the stars during the day in orbit? Moreover, he allegedly spent 5.5 hours in outer space, where daytime stars are visible remarkably! Answer yes/no?

If you saw it, then you won't forget it. As A. Leonov (only 12 minutes in outer space) and A. Serebrov (10 hours in outer space) did not forget this.

But Aldrin can’t even remember the daytime stars right away (such a small detail, you see!). And to be sure, “quietly he is talking to himself”, demandingly asking himself aloud - “Stars during the day?”. Together with him strain the memory and other astronauts. However, in the end, the collective mind triumphed and "they realized that they saw stars in orbit only when they were in the earth's shadow, that is, at night".

So, the result of the work of the collective memory of the American astronauts of the 60s is as follows: During the day, the stars are not visible from orbit!

Conclusion: These "astronauts" were not in orbit!

Thus, according to Aldrin, after about a thousand hours of total time spent over the daytime hemisphere of the Earth by 16 American ships, after supposedly six spacewalks with a total duration of about 11 hours, and after some deliberation under the guidance of Master Aldrin, thirty (30!) the astronauts realized that during the day they did not see the stars. This is already from the realm of non-science fiction, but rather from the realm of lies (ill. 2).

Yes, some exceptions are possible, for example, when some bright part of the ship enters the field of view and blinds the eyes. Or when the porthole is dirty. But this does not apply to spacewalks. In open space, as if on command, the glasses of the helmets should fog up. Finally, a flying UFO could distract. But thirty exceptions is too much! It is impossible to represent thirty American errors in a row in all sixteen flights listed in the table.

Therefore, the massive case of “star blindness” among American astronauts described by E. Aldrin says only one thing: these astronauts were not in orbit!

The general conclusion by several authors that NASA's 1962-1969 orbital flights were rigged is yet another blow to NASA's lunar scam. For how can a logically thinking person imagine the chances of successful flights of Americans to the Moon in 1969-1972, if they had not made a single orbital flight in near-Earth orbit before that?

Such a conclusion today is perceived quite naturally. It is enough to remember that after complete failure and the shutdown of the shuttle program in 2011, the Americans do not have a ship to deliver their astronauts to the international space station(ISS). And they fly there on our Soyuz. A country that allegedly created Mercury, Gemini and Apollo half a century ago and allegedly made about two dozen near-Earth orbital flights (and then a dozen flights to the Moon), today suddenly finds itself unable to deliver its astronauts to the ISS?!

And where are the descendants of those brilliant "Gemini" and "Apollo"? (We are not talking about the midget "Mercury"). Maybe they do not exist, because there were no “parents” either? That is, there were mock-ups - there were “parents”, but they were intended not for space, but for showing to the public. First, for display as part of a show on the theme of American "orbital" flights, and today for demonstration in American museums in the sections "Achievements of the American manned program".

Well, since layouts are scientific - technical progress does not move, then today the United States is bowing to Russia. Moreover, they come with a range of opposite emotions: both with impudent claims to leadership in space, and at the same time with a gnashing of teeth from anger and grief:

Two more examples of "star" forgetfulness.

We read the NASA document - the log of the negotiations of the A-11 astronauts with the Control Center. Skeptics have repeatedly noted that after one or another of their criticism, NASA erases unpleasant moments from its documents. Moreover, whole pages and not one at a time disappear from NASA reports. Therefore, the author of the article kept the original English text as of January 2013 in small print, and gave A. Bulatov's translation in normal print:

103:22:54 Duke: Roger, Tranquility. We understand. Must be a beautiful sight. over.

(copied - January 2013, A.P.)

103:22:54 Duke: I understand you, (Sea) Tranquility. We understand. It must be a beautiful sight. Reception.


[Gene Cernan says that when he was outside and stood in the shadow of the Apollo 17 LM, he could see some stars. I asked the Apollo 11 crew if they had done the same experiment.]

Armstrong: "I don't remember did it on the surface (of the Moon). We tried quite often while inside."]

[Armstrong : "There was an idea that if you looked through the tube, you could probably see the stars. I don't remember if we tried anything like that."]

[A related question: could or not images of stars register in any photographs taken on the surface (of the Moon)? A link is provided to a discussion by Sky and Telescope editor Dennis di Sicio.]

"I don't remember" what I did on the surface of the moon. “I don’t remember” whether I took a telescopic tube in my hands. "I don't remember if I saw the stars." Astronauts fell into prostration, or what? And if they have such memory lapses, then what can be the demand from them? They belong in the clinic, not on the moon.

How is it to go to the moon and not remember the stars?! It is as if someone, after a walk in the forest, said something like this: “We were instructed to collect acorns, and we had no time to look at whether there were leaves on the oaks. So we don't remember. There was no order about the leaves.” Let's face it, the author does not believe in the poor health of astronauts. WITH bad health astronauts do not take. After all, candidates pass not only physical, but also psychological tests. Therefore, we will look for other, true reasons for their imaginary forgetfulness, and strange "star blindness".

"Star blindness" "ripened" in the detachment of American astronauts long before the so-called "flights to the moon." And you will always understand the disease better if you know its history, and when it is possible to compare the testimony of sick and healthy people.

We are unlikely to be on the moon. So we'll start with near-Earth space. It is as black as near the moon. The laws of optics also work in it. And more than a hundred astronauts have already been in low-Earth orbits. And not only astronauts will be able to help us.

Why can't we see the stars from the surface of the Earth on a clear day? Because the bright blue light scattered on air molecules from the Sun fills the entire sky. And against this bright and comprehensive background, trying to see the weak points of the stars is a futile exercise. But our blue sky is Earth's atmosphere. And this is a very thin shell. 80% of the air is concentrated at altitudes no higher than 12 km in the so-called troposphere. It is worth taking off a little higher than the troposphere - into the stratosphere, and the sky already noticeably darkens at an altitude of about 16 - 20 km. And stratospheric balloons and some types of aircraft go up there.

To avoid numerous repetitions, we emphasize that below we will only talk about the daylight side, illuminated by the Sun, first of the Earth, and then of the Moon. We are only interested in the day half. After all, American astronauts allegedly landed on the daytime half of the moon.

Since 1961, for 30 years, Soviet cosmonauts have observed the stars during the day and even photographed them.

Already Yu. Gagarin reported that in orbit "the stars are visible very well", but did not specify whether he observed stars on the daytime half of the Earth. However, it is difficult to expect him to see and tell everything that interests us in one single revolution around the Earth.

Shows cosmonaut G.S. Titov (1961).

But already the second Soviet cosmonaut, German Titov, took with him a professional film camera "Konvas" with 35-mm color film on a daily flight. Below is a spread of the newspaper "Izvestia" for August 28, 1961 with satellite images of German Titov. These were the first pictures of the Earth from space that the general reader saw. Nearby is a color frame from Titov's film. The stars were clearly visible on it, albeit in small numbers. This is the first photograph known to the author, which showed that the stars are not only visible from orbit on the day half of the Earth, but can also be photographed.

a) a page from the Soviet newspaper Izvestia dated August 28, 1961, in the insert - G.S. Titov b) frame with stars in the day half of the orbit

Many of our cosmonauts wrote about the fact that stars in space are visible to the naked eye during the day. This is A.A. Leonov, A.V. Filipchenko (he also mentions seven more cosmonauts who confirmed this fact), V.N. Volkov, G.G. Grechko, V.V. Lebedev, V.P. Savinykh, V. Dzhanibekov, A.A. Serebrov. Probably, there are other memories of our astronauts, which the author simply did not find. But what has been found is enough. Below are some of the testimonies of our astronauts.

Cosmonaut A.A. Leonov (1965). A.A. Leonov made the first spacewalk in history in 1965:

"“And now I’m sticking out of our space “canopy” up to my waist .... Sun. The disk is even, without rays and halo, it is impossible to blind. And the sky is very black, starry. Stars both below and above. Sunny night! Or starry day? ... breathtaking ... ". "

In an interview with A. A. Leonov explains: “The brightest of the stars can be seen when they are no closer than 30 ° from the daylight. But on the opposite side, where the ship’s hull serves as a kind of shading hood, the stars are visible almost the same as at night.” A.A. Leonov sketched the view from the porthole of his ship. Stars are visible right up to the very edge of the dense layers of the atmosphere. Wherein huge white and blue surface the globe does not interfere with its radiance to see the stars.

Cosmonauts V.P. Savinykh and V.A. Janibekov (1985).

“June 8, Saturday, on the third day of the flight ... at 11 o’clock we finally saw the station in which we were to live for quite a long time. We saw her immediately after coming out of the shadows. It caught fire in the rays of the Sun, which was still breaking through the atmosphere. A dot, not a dot, but much brighter than all the stars, it grew as we got closer.

The entry in the journal describes this meeting as follows: V. Dzhanibekov: “The station is very bright. At first it was not visible, but then it began to flare up. Red - red, ten times brighter than Jupiter". Thus, two of our cosmonauts see the stars at once, and among them one planet - Jupiter.

Cosmonaut A.A. Serebrov (1990). After 25 years, on January 8, 1990, one of the last Soviet cosmonauts, A. A. Serebrov, also "directly" saw the stars: “I remember my first outing very well. I saw an abyss full of stars… I IMMEDIATELY saw the stars, and the Earth in the blue halo of the atmosphere, and the snow-white station, decorated with reflected sun glare.”

Cosmonaut V.N. Volkov (1969). According to the results of the group flight of the Soyuz - 6,7,8 spacecraft, a very representative press conference was held. It was opened by the President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR M.V. Keldysh, after which each of the participants in the flight covered some part of their flight task. For V.N. Volkov, observing and photographing the stars from the ship's porthole was his work assignment. Here is what he reported: “The crew of the Soyuz-7 spacecraft photographed the starry sky in the anti-solar direction ... Our observations showed that stars of the first and second magnitude are clearly visible on the day side. Through the windows of the orbital compartment and the descent vehicle, we identified stars and constellations.

According to the total number of stars of the first and second magnitude in half the sky is about four dozen. (Both an astronaut in low Earth orbit and a hypothetical observer on the surface of the Moon see only one hemisphere of the sky above them.) The young Ukrainian astronomer A. Klyanchin specified in his letter to the author: “... There are 49 such stars. To this must be added 5 bright planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Most more stars brighter than 2 magnitude contains the constellation Orion (Rigel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Alnilam and Alnitak).

Total - about 50 bright stars and planets in one hemisphere of the sky. It is likely that V.N. Volkov also saw less bright stars through the porthole, since he also spoke about constellation recognition. And even beautiful constellations, as a rule, contain only one, maximum two bright stars. (Orion is an exception in this sense). The rest of the constellation outline is drawn by fainter stars. If you don't see them, you won't recognize the constellations. So the total number of stars visible from the window could approach a hundred.

So, the daytime stars in the black cosmic sky were seen with the naked eye, and even photographed by many witnesses (Titov G.S., Volkov V.N.). Convinced of this, let's return to the "star-blinded" American astronauts from the 60s.

1961: "Star blindness" "affects" the Mercury and Gemini astronauts and simultaneously becomes the subject of publicity. This was discussed at the very beginning.

If after the X-15 flights the astronauts were silent about the stars, then after the flight of the first Mercury (May 5, 1961) they suddenly started talking. The American researcher R. Rene writes about this (ill. 7a) in his book How NASA Showed the Moon to America.

“In all my life I have not met a person with “star blindness”. I didn't even know such a thing existed. However, NASA never ceases to delight us with amazing discoveries...

Alan Shepard was launched into ballistic flight, where he touched what NASA called space. Shepard reported seeing no stars."

Grand Forum, Star blindness of American lunar astronauts


In American space, as well as on the American moon, the stars are not visible, unlike real space and the real moon!

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Launches artificial satellites and the flights of astronauts give weighty evidence that not all phenomena in space can yet be understood and explained by scientists. For example, the faces and figures that people saw in extraterrestrial space and in upper layers atmosphere.

Soviet cosmonauts were the first to report that angels really exist. On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on board was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome for the first time in the world. A lot was written about the flight, and earthlings learned a lot of details about every minute of Gagarin's stay in space. But later it turned out that it’s still not about everyone ...

At the turn of the 80-90s, information was leaked either from circles close to the KGB of the USSR, or from the USSR Academy of Sciences. The fact is that during the flyby of the planet, Gagarin fell silent twice for a short time and did not answer call signs. The cosmonaut did not remember these episodes. A version was put forward about involuntary short-term loss of consciousness from stress or overwork.

During a scheduled visit to a psychotherapist to check his general mental well-being, the world's first man in space was subjected to regressive hypnosis. During it, the cosmonaut restored the course of the flight on the Vostok-1 spacecraft almost by the minute.

While under hypnosis, Gagarin reported that during the flight a dark spot appeared in the cockpit, which then transformed into a human face. It was just a face, not a head. It hung in front of the astronaut in the air.

Gagarin did not feel fear, but at the same time he could not move his arms or legs. A voice sounded in his head: “Don't worry, everything will be fine. You will return to Earth."

People don't smile like that...

The meeting with angels also happened for the first time with Soviet cosmonauts in 1985. About this emergency, which happened at the Salyut-7 station, three cosmonauts were strongly advised "not to spread." The existence of angels was not allowed by Soviet ideology.

... It was the 155th day of the flight. Oleg Atkov, Vladimir Solovyov and Leonid Kizim were engaged in the planned experiments and observations. Suddenly, the station was flooded with a sparkling orange light that blinded the astronauts. It was not an explosion or fire at the station itself. It seemed that the light penetrated into it from the outside, from outer space, through the absolutely opaque walls of the Salyut.

Fortunately, the astronauts' vision returned almost immediately. Rushing to the porthole, they could not believe their eyes: on the other side of the heavy-duty glass in an orange luminous cloud, seven giant figures were clearly visible! They had human faces and bodies, and something translucent, similar to wings, was guessed behind their backs.

The astronauts were people with a strong psyche who passed all kinds of tests during training. Religious superstitions were out of the question. However, the same thought came to all of them: angels were flying in space next to them! Although they looked almost human, they were still different. The main difference was in the expression of their faces: “They were smiling,” the astronauts later said. But it was not a smile of welcome, but a smile of delight. We humans don't smile like that."

For 10 minutes, the angels accompanied Salyut-7 at the same speed, repeating the maneuvers of the ship, and then disappeared. The orange luminous cloud also disappeared, leaving in the souls of the astronauts a feeling of inexplicable loss. Having come to their senses, the spacecraft commander Oleg Atkov and cosmonauts Solovyov and Kizim reported the incident to the MCC.

Soon, the MCC got in touch and demanded a detailed report on what he saw, which was instantly classified as "secret". The ground medical team became interested in the astronauts. The tests showed the norm. Therefore, it was decided to consider what happened as a group hallucination due to overwork during a five-month stay in space.

On the 167th day of the flight, three colleagues joined the first crew: Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk and Vladimir Dzhanibekov. Once again, the orbital station lit up with orange light and seven shining figures appeared. Now all six astronauts reported that they saw smiling angels. The version of group insanity due to overwork could be safely dismissed, since the new crew arrived just a few days before the second "angelic vision".

The keeper straightened the wing

The church is wary of visions in space. It seems that not only astronauts who flew into near-Earth space encountered guardian angels. They were also seen by passengers of aircraft rising into the high layers of the atmosphere. For example, it would seem that completely incredible story, which happened to a married couple of evangelical Christian Hunters.

“An interesting incident happened to us on the plane on the way to Idago,” says the husband. – Looking out the window, we saw our guardian angel, who was flying next to the plane from the outside. My wife asked me if it seemed strange to me that the angel was outside and not inside with us. I replied that maybe the angel needed some practice and we laughed.

But at that time we did not yet know what awaited us. When we began to land on the airfield and were already above the ground, the pilot suddenly jerked the car back into the air and we were told that the plane that had landed in front of us was late, and therefore we had to make one more circle over the airfield. But when we tried to repeat the landing, something incredible happened again: the plane flew up about 10 meters near the ground.

We were scared, but then we saw that the guardian angel grabbed the wing of the plane and stopped it bouncing. I immediately remembered the words Holy Scripture"For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways..."

Whether reality, or dreams ...

Cosmonaut Sergey Krichevsky reported about a mysterious cosmic phenomenon - mysterious visions that people who have been in space have encountered in October 1995. What he reported at a conference at the Novosibirsk International Institute of Space Anthropology shocked scientists and immediately became a sensation:

Information about "visions" - let's call them fantastic states-dreams - I received only in the second half of 1994, - said Krichevsky. - Information about such visions was transmitted and is being transmitted by the astronauts exclusively to each other, sharing information with those who will soon make a flight ...

Imagine: an astronaut suddenly quickly leaves his usual initial - human appearance-self-perception, turns into some kind of animal and at the same time moves into the corresponding environment. In the future, he continues to feel himself in a transformed form or successively reincarnates into another supernatural being.

For example, one colleague told me about his stay in the "skin" of a dinosaur. And notice, he felt like an animal moving on the surface of an unknown planet, stepping over ravines, abysses, some kind of physical barriers. The astronaut described “his” appearance in sufficient detail: paws, scales, webbing between the fingers, skin color, huge claws, and so on.

The church doubts

The official church was very wary of visions in space. Although, it would seem, an angel calming the first person who looked at the creations of God from a cosmic height, and the simultaneous contemplation of angels at once by two crews of the Salyut orbital station (and they were all communists and, accordingly, atheists) were objective, one might even say “ scientific”, confirmation of the foundations of the Christian faith.

Even the diabolical transformation of people into "dragons", which happened to some astronauts, can be seen as a punishment or warning sent from heaven.

But that did not happen. So, the then Pope John Paul II stated that “perhaps these angelic creatures are not as bright as it seemed at first glance,” and did not believe in their divine origin.

Hypotheses for every taste

Perhaps the source of visions is in the subconscious of a person. How did Sergey Krichevsky explain the transformation of astronauts into dragons? He proposed two hypotheses at once. According to the first, the source of visions is in the subconscious of a person. During a long stay in weightlessness in space flight, states arise when information emerges from the depths of the psyche in the form of fragments of the life of various organisms - the distant ancestors of man in the process of evolution.

The second hypothesis assumes that information flows into the brain from outside.

“It can be assumed,” writes Krichevsky, “that these dreams are triggered by a certain stream of galactic radiation. If at the same time the spacecraft falls into this "beam" and the astronaut is in a relaxed slumber, a phenomenon occurs. He left the beam - everything disappears.

Russian cosmo-energy specialists immediately conducted a sounding of the surface of the Moon and ... discovered several points on its surface, from which intense mental radiation went into space.

There is another hypothesis. There is no need to look for the causes of strange visions and sensations of astronauts in the deep subconscious of a person or in the distant Cosmos. It is literally under our feet.

At the same time, excellently staged experiments were carried out in several countries, which proved that, it would seem, the most common substance on Earth - water poured into a glass, is able to perceive, copy, store and transmit information, even as subtle as human thought, word and emotion .

Accordingly, the seas and oceans, which occupy more than 70% of the Earth's surface, are a colossal information bank that stores information about everything that has happened on the planet for many millions of years, and is able to disseminate this information to the surrounding space. Sooner or later, the inhabitants of the Earth may be able to use this giant "library". And, apparently, the astronauts became one of its first "readers" ...

Space is truly a mysterious place. Something extremely unusual is constantly happening in the universe, so it is not surprising that there are many secrets that we long to uncover. Since the earliest days of space exploration, astronauts and ground-based researchers have encountered a range of incredible phenomena. From UFOs to mysterious glows, something inexplicable is constantly observed outside the atmosphere of our planet right in the middle of a boundless vacuum.

Is there intelligent life in the universe other than us? How to explain the strange events that we manage to register with our still insufficiently advanced devices? There are many more questions, but scientists are now only at the beginning of the thorny path of exploring our world. Want to learn about 25 interesting cases from their practice?

25. Knocking in the Chinese spacecraft, the origin of which has not been clarified

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

Taikonaut (participant of the Chinese space program) Yang Liwei was the first person who was sent into space by the PRC authorities on the Shenzhou 5 ship. During his 21-hour flight, the hero astronaut heard a strange noise, as if someone outside was banging on the skin of his ship. The pilot was never able to determine the source of the mysterious sound, and none of the Chinese experts was also able to offer a sufficiently convincing version of the nature of what happened. Some believe that the whole thing was the reaction of the ship to the impact of the space environment. Probably the ship's hull contracted and expanded, making noises that disturbed Liwei.

24 NASA astronaut Story Musgrave saw space eels

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

When American astronaut Story Musgrave was on his next space mission, he allegedly saw some mysterious objects, reminiscent of the shape of wriggling eels. The astronaut claims to have seen them twice. Experts are sure that it was some kind of space debris, but Musgrave continues to stand his ground - it was something else ...

23. Astronauts who participated in the Apollo program said they saw strange flashes of light in space

Photo: NASA on The Commons / flickr

Many scientists who took part in the flight of the Apollo 11 spacecraft and subsequent launches as part of the same program (the lunar expeditions of Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, 17) claim that they saw strange flashes of light in space. The astronauts stated that the aurora could be seen even when they closed their eyes and that it was white, blue, or yellow. Scientists believe that such visions were caused by contact with cosmic rays (elementary particles and nuclei of atoms moving with high energies in outer space).

22. American astronauts on board the ISS saw a strange orange glow

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

On her first flight to the ISS, Samantha Cristoforetti, the third female astronaut of the European Space Agency and the first female astronaut of the Italian Space Agency, saw something very strange. As she approached the station, she noticed that the ISS glowed with an unusual blood-orange light. No one has been able to explain this phenomenon.

21. Major Gordon Cooper (Gordon Cooper) claims that in space he saw a strange green ball

As a member of the Mercury space program, Major Gordon Cooper circled the Earth in an orbital capsule. According to the astronaut, during his mission he saw a green sphere, confidently approaching him, and then suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the equipment of the Australian Center for Deep Space Communications registered an unusual signal. Coincidence?

20. NASA Astronauts Deliberately Started a Fire Aboard the ISS

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

Of course, the last thing you want to see on board a spaceship as a passenger is a fire. However, NASA decided that there would still be fire in space. In fact, this idea had purely scientific goals - the researchers wanted to observe the behavior of the flame in microgravity. What's the lesson? First, in such unusual conditions fire takes the form of a sphere or a drop. Secondly, the flames usually follow the air source from the ventilation systems, and do not just rise up under any circumstances, as is most often the case on Earth. Scientists are going to conduct several more similar experiments to learn more about the nature of the spread of fires, how quickly they can flare up and which materials pose the greatest risk to astronauts in the event of an uncontrolled fire on board.

19. Astronauts flew into space, taking with them an unusual satellite - an earthly bacterium

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

Living organisms in space behave differently than on our planet. Bacteria are no exception in this case. Astronaut Cheryl Nickerson was tasked with taking a salmonella sample into space with him, and the bacterium spent a whopping 11 days in space. Upon returning to Earth, the bacterium was quickly injected into an experimental mouse to test how a salmonella infection that survived the space trip would proceed. Mice with salmonellosis usually die after 7 days, but laboratory animals that were infected with "space" bacteria died 2 days earlier and from a smaller dose. Similar experiments were carried out with other bacteria, but the results were always unpredictable and ambiguous. To date, scientists have not yet figured out how exactly the flight out of the earth's atmosphere and the return back affect various microorganisms.

18. During the flight in the orbit of the moon, the participants of the Apollo 10 mission heard strange music.

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

When the astronauts who flew around the moon were at the farthest point from us, they heard sounds that they later called "the music of outer space." At that moment, they had no connection with the flight center in Houston, and the astronauts were completely cut off from the rest of the world. Upon returning home, none of the mission participants spoke about what happened, but a few years later, on the recordings of their flight, scientists heard a low-frequency whistling noise of unknown origin ...

17 Neil Armstrong May Have Seen Aliens On The Moon

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

Of course, you can doubt this, but they say that Neil Armstrong sent NASA a secret message in which the pioneer claimed that during his legendary mission he met with an extraterrestrial civilization. In a classified report, the astronaut wrote something like this: “They are watching us from the far side of the moon!”. Armstrong himself denies all this.

16 Mysterious Flashes Of Light From Space That No Astronomer Can Explain

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

This phenomenon was discovered in February 2007. At the same time, these mysterious flashes of an unknown nature were called "fast radio bursts", which last only a few milliseconds. Scientists do not yet know what these radio pulses are, or what exactly provokes their occurrence. There are several theories, including the version that these outbreaks are somehow connected with neutron stars, black holes, or even aliens.

15. Astronauts who spend a lot of time on a mission get taller.

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

One of the interesting effects of a relatively long stay in space is the change in astronaut height. Due to the influence of microgravity, the spine does not experience the usual load and pressure for it, as it happens under the conditions of earthly gravity at home. Therefore, upon returning home, the astronauts, as it were, “stretch” by about 3% of their height. However, over time, the former growth returns, and the reason for this is the same force of attraction.

14. A real cosmic cataclysm occurred at a distance of 10.7 billion light years from Earth

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

While we are floating in our cozy galaxy, something frightening regularly happens in the Universe ... For example, researchers recently recorded a sudden burst of X-ray radiation at a distance of about 10.7 billion light-years from Earth. Astronomers believe that this was some extremely destructive phenomenon that can be compared to a cosmic cataclysm. The energy released by the burst was a thousand times more powerful than the energy that all the stars in our galaxy are capable of emitting! No one yet knows what this event was, or what caused it, and whether we are waiting for any special consequences.

13. Russian cosmonaut saw a mysterious object the size of a finger in the window

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

During a mission aboard the Salyut-6 orbital station, Russian cosmonaut Colonel General Vladimir Kovalyonok saw an object the size of a normal finger in space. While the astronaut was examining this strange object, trying to understand what it was, the mysterious thing exploded and split into 2 parts. The golden fragments disappeared as soon as they fell into the shadow of the Earth.

12. The Milky Way has a rather bloodthirsty past.

Photo: NASA.gov / commons.wikimedia.org

With the help of the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA scientists have discovered an interesting phenomenon of "galactic cannibalism" from our homeland - the Milky Way. American astronomers encountered this phenomenon while they were studying 13 stars located on the outer edge of our galaxy's halo to better understand exactly how Milky Way. According to experts, over time, our galaxy grows, and this happens by eating smaller star clusters.

11. During the flight of the reusable spacecraft Atlantis as part of the STS-115 program, the shuttle collided with a UFO

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

During the STS-115 mission, a small unidentified object hit the Atlantis MTKK. The astronauts even had to carry out a full inspection of the vessel to make sure it was not damaged and could continue its mission. According to experts from NASA, it was just some kind of space debris or a wandering piece of ice. Of course, there were those who are sure that such statements are just a cover, and that something more significant happened in space then.

10. Leroy Chiao saw strange flashes of light in space appearing out of nowhere.

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

During his next mission, American astronaut Leroy Chiao (Leroy Chiao) saw five bright lights in the opposite direction from the Sun. According to the researcher, he was amazed by what he saw to the core, and he could not understand what kind of luminous objects they were, or where they came from. The astronaut claims that the lights flew very quickly and in a certain order, except for the second. Later, scientists from NASA tried to figure out what happened, but they did not go beyond theories. Probably, these were some reflections from the Earth.

9. One very distant quasar has an incredibly huge supply of water

Photo: NASA.gov

Approximately 12 billion light-years from Earth, one of the quasars we have discovered (the active core of the galaxy), according to scientists, has a huge supply of water, the mass of which is supposedly 140 trillion times the mass of water in all the oceans of the Earth. By itself, water in space is not such a rarity. However, in this case, the researchers were amazed at how much water was concentrated in one place.

Photo: Scott Kelly

American astronaut Scott Kelly loves to share his impressions of flying in in social networks. In one of his tweets, the scientist published a photograph of India taken from space. However, the most interesting in this picture was not our planet. In the corner of this photo, users noticed 2 strange white lights. Many immediately considered that this was new evidence of the existence of UFOs and aliens, although experts could not establish the nature of the mysterious objects. It could be a flying saucer, or just a lens flare.

7. After a long stay in space, the eyes of the researchers are deformed.

Photo: www.theguardian.com

Astronauts who have been on a mission for too long (more than a month) sometimes begin to complain about their vision upon returning home. According to a new study, many astronauts experience certain changes in the eyeball due to long-term exposure to microgravity. The deformity also affects the optic nerve and the pituitary gland. This condition is closely related to intracranial hypertension (increased pressure in the cranial cavity).

6. The ISS cameras captured an object that is very reminiscent of the ship "Millennium Falcon"

Photo: Kory Westerhold / flickr

Enthusiast Jadon Beeson is passionate about everything related to space and astronauts. During one of the live broadcasts from the NASA video camera installed on the ISS, the man saw something very strange. According to Beeson, it was a pair of lights illuminating an object whose shape very much reminded him of the fictional Millennium Falcon from the famous TV show Star Wars. An enthusiast took a picture of this moment of the broadcast and sent it to NASA experts. There was no explanation from their side.

5. There is still a ninth planet in our solar system

You have probably heard more than once that in 2006 Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet from the honorary ninth planet of the solar system. However, the title of the ninth planet is constantly recalled in the scientific community, and today some researchers are already almost sure that this planet 9 once was in our planetary system, but it was long thrown to a distance farther from the Sun. Astronomers believe that it was the size of Neptune, and right now they are working on new data that can prove this claim. The elliptical orbit of this planet is supposedly so large that it takes about 15 thousand years to complete a revolution around the Sun. This is not 365 days for you ...

4. Soviet cosmonaut Musa Manarov captured a mysterious UFO

Photo: UR3IRS / Russian Wikipedia

In March 1991, Soviet cosmonaut Musa Manarov was on board the ISS, and then he managed to capture something very unusual. A strange white object got into the frame, and Manarov is still sure that it was not some ordinary space debris.

3. NASA interrupted the live broadcast from space as soon as a UFO hit the frame

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

On January 15, 2015, during a live broadcast from the ISS, an unidentified object hovering directly above the Earth fell into the field of view of the lens. As soon as the UFO became absolutely distinct, NASA interrupted its broadcast without any explanation. What kind of object it was, and why the Americans tried to hide it - these are the main questions ...

2 Long Space Shuttle Crews Lose Bone Mass

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

You may be surprised, but it turns out that even human bones are affected by microgravity. If astronauts are on a mission for too long, their bone mass changes markedly. Bones are a very active organ, and they are constantly developing, which largely depends on the physical activity of their owner (running, walking, or vice versa, a passive lifestyle). The lower the load, the weaker and lighter the bones.

1. A live bacterium was discovered overboard the ISS

Photo: wikipedia.commons.com

It used to be considered that living organisms are not able to survive in the permafrost space vacuum. However, astronauts recently found out that this is not at all the case, and this was proved by the discovery of a living bacterium, a sample of which was taken directly from the surface of the ISS. In connection with this discovery, some researchers began to claim that we have the first evidence of the existence of life outside the Earth. However, other experts believe that this phenomenon can be explained much more trivially - ascending air currents could pick up these bacteria from upper layers the earth's atmosphere, from where these microorganisms got to outer shell ISS.

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