Atomic bomb Natasha. Bombs with affectionate names. The pride of Nikita Sergeevich

Developed by NII-1011 (Snezhinsk), adopted by the front-line and long-range aviation of the USSR Air Force in the 1960s and intended for bombing at supersonic flight speeds of the carrier aircraft (up to 3000 km/h). Initially, the 8U49 was carried by the low-volume supersonic front-line bomber Yak-26, but subsequently the list of carriers was significantly expanded.

The design of the bomb body is made according to the tailless aerodynamic design, with an X-shaped tail of the “free feather” type. The charge power was 40 kt, and the mass was 450 kg. Bomb length 3365 mm, maximum diameter 580 mm. Bombing is possible from altitudes in the range of 0.5-30 km when performing both horizontal flight and complex maneuvering.

Where to see

The body of the 8U49 atomic bomb is on display at the RFNC-VNIITF museum in Snezhinsk.

see also

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  • (Russian) . Of. RFNC-VNIITF website. Retrieved December 13, 2011. .

Excerpt characterizing Natasha (atomic bomb)

Fleeing from Moscow, the people of this army took with them everything that was looted. Napoleon also took with him his own tresor [treasure]. Seeing the convoy cluttering the army. Napoleon was horrified (as Thiers says). But he, with his war experience, did not order to burn all the extra carts, as he did with the marshal’s carts, approaching Moscow, but he looked at these carriages and carriages in which the soldiers were riding, and said that it was very good that These crews will be used for provisions, sick and wounded.
The position of the entire army was like that of a wounded animal, feeling its death and not knowing what it was doing. Studying the skillful maneuvers of Napoleon and his army and his goals from the time of his entry into Moscow until the destruction of this army is like studying the meaning of the dying leaps and convulsions of a mortally wounded animal. Very often, a wounded animal, hearing a rustle, rushes to shoot at the hunter, runs forward, backward and itself speeds up its end. Napoleon did the same under pressure from his entire army. The rustle of the Tarutino battle scared the beast, and he rushed forward to the shot, ran to the hunter, came back, forward again, back again, and finally, like any animal, he ran back, along the most unfavorable, dangerous path, but along a familiar, old trail.
Napoleon, who seems to us to be the leader of this entire movement (how wild the figure carved on the bow of the ship seemed to be, with the power guiding the ship), Napoleon during all this time of his activity was like a child who, holding on to the ribbons tied inside the carriage, imagines that he ed.

On October 6, early in the morning, Pierre left the booth and, returning back, stopped at the door, playing with a long purple dog on short crooked legs that was spinning around him. This little dog lived in their booth, spending the night with Karataev, but sometimes she went somewhere in the city and returned again. It had probably never belonged to anyone, and now it was owned and had no name. The French called her Azor, the soldier storyteller called her Femgalka, Karataev and others called her Gray, sometimes Visly. The fact that she didn’t belong to anyone and that she didn’t have a name or even a breed, or even a specific color, didn’t seem to make things difficult for the purple little dog. Her furry tail stood firmly and roundly up, her crooked legs served her so well that often she, as if neglecting the use of all four legs, gracefully raised one hind leg and very deftly and quickly ran on three legs. Everything was a matter of pleasure for her. Now, squealing with joy, she lay on her back, now she was basking in the sun with a thoughtful and significant look, now she was frolicking, playing with a sliver of wood or a straw.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Viktor Bondarev, revealed the main “aircraft” intrigue in mid-August recent years- first name Russian fighter fifth generation. He said that the promising aviation complex frontline aviation (PAK FA) will go into mass production as the Su-57. The aircraft has not yet managed to earn an unofficial nickname, unlike its “ideological” predecessor - the Su-47 prototype, which the creators dubbed “Berkut” at the design stage. NATO is also puzzling over the “nickname” for the new “stealth” fighter: from the beginning cold war Soviet planes In the West, special designations have always been assigned, the so-called NATO reporting names. What names do Russian gunsmiths give to their equipment and what does our potential enemy “call” it?

"Traumatism" is coming to you

Traditionally, any weapon in Russia, be it a tank, a pistol, or an airplane, is assigned an official letter or alphanumeric designation. It can “encrypt” the type of weapon, the name of the design bureau or the name of the general designer, the year of creation, the project number and much more. In addition, most types of rifles and military equipment are assigned complex indices from the ordering departments of the Ministry of Defense. But in everyday life, official and unofficial “nicknames” are most often used, which are given to weapons either by the creators or by the military.

A system can be traced in a number of directions in such notations. Most shining example- “flower” series of Soviet and Russian self-propelled guns, howitzers and mortars: “Cornflower”, “Carnation”, “Acacia”, “Peony”, “Tulip”. Rocket artillery is traditionally named after the destructive natural phenomena: “Hail”, “Hurricane”, “Tornado”, “Tornado”. Powerful reactive systems volley fire, capable of destroying an entire locality, such names, you see, are very suitable.

The names of rivers are extremely popular among gunsmiths - they were especially often used to name air defense systems: the Shilka and Tunguska complexes, the Dvina, Neva, Pechora and Angara air defense systems. There are, however, many exceptions to this rule - self-propelled and towed artillery systems “Msta”, “Khosta”, MLRS “Kama” (modification of “Smerch”) and others.

Many types of weapons, equipment and equipment receive names that are in one way or another connected with their “individual characteristics.” The heaviest Russian intercontinental ballistic missile The R-36M2 deservedly bears the proud name “Voevoda”. This “general of all ICBMs” is capable of throwing as many as ten warheads with a capacity of up to a megaton each into enemy territory. Attack helicopter Mi-28 " Night Hunter", as you might guess, is "sharpened" under combat work in the dark. The Shkval high-speed missile-torpedo is an absolute record holder in its class for speed. Tank dynamic protection“Contact” is triggered upon contact with enemy ammunition. The winter camouflage coat was nicknamed “Blob” for its characteristic colors, and sniper camouflage suits popular in special forces were called “Leshim” and “Kikimora”. Indeed, a fighter in such an outfit looks like anyone, but not a person.

However, the overwhelming majority of Soviet and Russian weapons were named by their creators without any logic, guided, rather, by the principle of the heroes of the film “Operation Y” - “so that no one would guess.” For reasons of secrecy, humor, or just randomly. How else can one explain the fact that an experienced automatic grenade launcher TKB-0134 was nicknamed “Goat”? Or the heavy flamethrower system TOS-1 - “Buratino”? What motivated the people who named patrol ship“Cheetah”, and the experimental amphibious vehicle UAZ-3907 “Jaguar”? Felines, as you know, are not the most big fans water. Armored medical vehicles for Airborne troops and was completely “baptized” by a great lover of black humor. Comrade wounded, Aibolit is coming to you. Or be patient, fighter, “Traumatism” is already close.

The names of various ammunition, which were clearly invented by very poetic people, deserve special mention. Thermobaric warhead "Volnenie" for MLRS "Smerch" shells, 122-mm 9M22K "Ornament" rocket for "Grad", 240-mm MS-24 rocket with "Laska" chemical warhead and 220-mm propaganda projectile "Paragraph" " Apparently full. Against this background, the Phantasmagoria 30-mm aviation target designation station somehow even gets lost aircraft cannon"Ballerina", portable radar artillery reconnaissance"Stork" and Soviet tactical atomic bomb"Natasha."

"Hooligan" and "Mitten"

Naturally, any Western military man will go crazy if he tries to understand all the intricacies of our weapons-linguistic diversity. However, it is not easy for a Russian to understand why, for example, the strategic missile carrier Tu-160 (“White Swan”) is called “Blackjack” in the American press, the light fighter MiG-29 is called the “Fulcrum”, and the anti-submarine helicopter Ka-25 - “Hormone” (Hormone). It would seem that in the West things are even better with fantasy than here. However, the NATO code classification of Soviet and Russian aircraft based on a very simple system.

In the West, aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces are given names whose first letters correspond to their type. For example, fighters are given “nicknames” starting with the letter F. The Su-27 and all its “descendants” up to the Su-35 received the “nickname” Flanker - “Flanker”, high-speed interceptors MiG-31 - Foxhound hound"), and Su-34 fighter-bombers became "Football Defenders" (Fullback). Exactly according to the same principle, the Americans give names to our bombers: Tu-95 and its modifications - Bear, Tu-22M Backfire, Tu-22 early versions - Blinder ") etc.

The letter M (miscellaneous - miscellaneous) in the NATO classification designates all other types of aircraft: reconnaissance, combat training, long-range radar detection and others. These include the Yak-130 Mitten fighter-trainer, the A-50 Mainstay AWACS aircraft, and the Il-78 Midas tanker. Transport designations begin with C (cargo - cargo): Il-76 Candid (“Sincere”), An-124 Condor (“Condor”), An-12 Cub (“Puppy”). The names of the helicopters, as you might guess, begin with H (helicopter): Mi-24 Hind (Doe), Mi-28 Havoc (Devastator), Mi-26 Hoodlom (Hooligan).

Worth giving away probable enemy due: many nicknames are chosen quite aptly. But for the life of me it is unclear why NATO called our Su-25 fighter-attack aircraft, armored like a tank and armed to the teeth, “Frogfoot”?

Or what “nicknames” the Russian Federation and NATO give to our weapons

In mid-August, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces Viktor Bondarev revealed the main “aircraft” intrigue of recent years - the name of the first Russian fifth-generation fighter. He said that the promising front-line aviation complex (PAK FA) will go into mass production as the Su-57. The aircraft has not yet managed to earn an unofficial nickname, unlike its “ideological” predecessor - the Su-47 prototype, which the creators dubbed “Berkut” at the design stage.

NATO is also puzzled over the “nickname” for the new “stealth” fighter: since the beginning of the Cold War, Soviet aircraft in the West have always been assigned special designations, the so-called NATO reporting names. What names do Russian gunsmiths give to their equipment and how our potential enemy “calls” it - in the RIA Novosti material.

The military destroyed the “enemy” by using “Pinocchio” for the first time during the battle
Traditionally, any weapon in Russia, be it a tank, a pistol, or an airplane, is assigned an official letter or alphanumeric designation. It can “encrypt” the type of weapon, the name of the design bureau or the name of the general designer, the year of creation, the project number and much more. In addition, most types of rifles and military equipment are assigned complex indices from the ordering departments of the Ministry of Defense. But in everyday life, official and unofficial “nicknames” are most often used, which are given to weapons either by the creators or by the military.
A system can be traced in a number of directions in such notations. The most striking example is the “flower” series of Soviet and Russian self-propelled guns, howitzers and mortars: “Cornflower”, “Gvozdika”, “Acacia”, “Peony”, “Tulip”. Rocket artillery is traditionally named after destructive natural phenomena: “Hail”, “Hurricane”, “Tornado”, “Tornado”. For powerful multiple launch rocket systems capable of destroying an entire populated area in minutes, such names, you see, suit them very well.

Salvo from TOS 1A "Buratino"

The names of rivers are extremely popular among gunsmiths - they were especially often used to name air defense systems: the Shilka and Tunguska complexes, the Dvina, Neva, Pechora and Angara air defense systems. There are, however, many exceptions to this rule - self-propelled and towed artillery systems "Msta", "Khosta", MLRS "Kama" (modification of "Smerch") and others.

Long-range jet system multiple rocket launcher (MLRS) "Smerch" during the assault on the positions of ISIS militants in Palmyra. Syria, 02. 2016

Many types of weapons, equipment and equipment receive names that are in one way or another connected with their “individual characteristics.” The heaviest Russian intercontinental ballistic missile R-36M2 deservedly bears the proud name “Voevoda”. This “general of all ICBMs” is capable of throwing as many as ten warheads with a capacity of up to a megaton each into enemy territory. The Mi-28 “Night Hunter” attack helicopter, as you might guess, is “tailored” for combat work in the dark. The Shkval high-speed missile-torpedo is an absolute record holder in its class for speed. Tank dynamic protection "Contact" is triggered upon contact with enemy ammunition. The winter camouflage coat was nicknamed “Blob” for its characteristic colors, and sniper camouflage suits popular in special forces were called “Leshim” and “Kikimora”. Indeed, a fighter in such an outfit looks like anyone, but not a person.

However, the overwhelming majority of Soviet and Russian weapons were named by their creators without any logic, guided, rather, by the principle of the heroes of the film “Operation Y” - “so that no one would guess.” For reasons of secrecy, humor, or simply at random. How else can we explain the fact that the experimental automatic grenade launcher TKB-0134 was nicknamed "Kozlik"? Or the heavy flamethrower system TOS-1 - "Pinocchio"? What motivated the people who called the patrol ship "Gepard" and the experimental amphibious vehicle UAZ-3907 "Jaguar" ? Cats, as you know, are not the biggest fans of water. Armored medical vehicles for the Airborne Forces were even “baptized” by a great lover of black humor. Wounded comrade, “Aibolit” is coming to you. Or be patient, soldier, “Traumatism” is already close .

The names of various ammunition, which were clearly invented by very poetic people, deserve special mention. Thermobaric warhead "Volnenie" for MLRS "Smerch" shells, 122-mm 9M22K "Ornament" rocket for "Gradov", 240-mm MS-24 rocket with "Laska" chemical warhead and 220-mm propaganda projectile "Paragraph" ". Apparently full. Against this background, the Phantasmagoria air target designation station, the 30-mm Ballerinka air gun, the Aistenok portable artillery reconnaissance radar and the Natasha tactical Soviet atomic bomb are somehow even lost.

"Hooligan" and "Mitten"

Naturally, any Western military man will go crazy if he tries to understand all the intricacies of our weapons-linguistic diversity. However, it is not easy for a Russian to understand why, for example, the strategic missile carrier Tu-160 (“White Swan”) is called “Blackjack” in the American press, the light fighter MiG-29 is called the “Fulcrum”, and the anti-submarine helicopter Ka-25 - “Hormone” (Hormone). It would seem that in the West things are even better with fantasy than here. However, the NATO code classification of Soviet and Russian aircraft is based on a very simple system.

In the West, aircraft and helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces are given names whose first letters correspond to their type. For example, fighters are given “nicknames” starting with the letter F. The Su-27 and all its “descendants” up to the Su-35 received the “nickname” Flanker - “Flanker”, high-speed interceptors MiG-31 - Foxhound hound"), and Su-34 fighter-bombers became "Football defenders" (Fullback). Exactly according to the same principle, the Americans give names to our bombers: Tu-95 and its modifications - Bear, Tu-22M Backfire, Tu-22 early versions - Blinder. ") etc.

The letter M (miscellaneous - miscellaneous) in the NATO classification designates all other types of aircraft: reconnaissance, combat training, long-range radar detection and others. These include the Yak-130 Mitten fighter-simulator, the A-50 Mainstay AWACS aircraft, and the Il-78 Midas tanker. Transport designations begin with C (cargo - cargo): Il-76 Candid ("Sincere"), An-124 Condor ("Condor"), An-12 Cub ("Puppy"). The names of the helicopters, as you might guess, begin with H (helicopter): Mi-24 Hind (Doe), Mi-28 Havoc (Devastator), Mi-26 Hoodlom (Hooligan).
It is worth giving the potential enemy his due: many of the nicknames were chosen quite aptly. But for the life of me it is unclear why NATO called our Su-25 fighter-attack aircraft, armored like a tank and armed to the teeth, “Frogfoot”?

In army terminology, there are not only menacing names like “Tornado” or “Hurricane”. There are a lot of women's names here too. By March 8, we made a selection of “women’s” military equipment.


The 2S9 “Nona” airborne self-propelled gun can swim, can accelerate to 60 km/h and is armed with a 120-mm rifled gun-howitzer-mortar 2A51.

This weapon is capable of shooting not only high-explosive fragmentation shells, like a howitzer, but also with cumulative direct fire, like a cannon, as well as adjustable (“Kitolov-2”) ammunition.

In addition, the Nona gun can fire all types of mines of similar caliber for smoothbore and rifled mortars, including illumination, smoke and incendiary ammunition.

The maximum firing range is about 12 km, but when using active-reactive ammunition, for example, the APCM projectile for the French RT-61 rifled mortar, the 2S9 firing range can be increased to 17 km.


Dana is also an iconic name for the military, and not only because of the once popular program “Army Store”. After all, “Dana” is a 152-mm self-propelled gun-howitzer vz.77.

The self-propelled gun is built on an 8×8 wheeled chassis of a Tatra 815 truck, all tires have automatic inflation, and the suspension itself is independent. The crew of the self-propelled gun is 5 people, who are located in three sealed armored cabins, equipped with air conditioning and protected by bulletproof armor.

The maximum fire range is 20 km; shells can be fired either automatically or manually. For translate artillery installation from stowed position In combat it takes about two minutes, and leaving the position after firing takes no more than 60 seconds. In terms of maneuverability, a heavy self-propelled gun is superior to the BTR-70.

The twelve-cylinder V-shaped TATRA turbodiesel accelerates the 29-ton self-propelled gun to 80 km/h and has a cruising range of 600 km.

"Dana" is one of the few types of foreign equipment adopted by the USSR army - in 1988, 100 such self-propelled guns were purchased.


Underneath this female name hiding a tactical atomic bomb. 8U49 "Natasha" was adopted by Soviet long-range aviation in the 50s of the last century. A special feature of this bomb was the possibility of its use at supersonic speeds - up to 3000 km/h.

8U49 "Natasha".

450 kg "Natasha" weapons were used to arm the low-volume supersonic front-line bombers "Yak-26".

Bombing was possible from altitudes in the range of 0.5-30 km when performing both horizontal flight and complex maneuvering.


Without this name the list would be incomplete. "Katyusha" is one of the types of weapons that brought us victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The appearance of BM-13 guards rocket mortars among the Red Army was an unpleasant surprise for the Germans. Volley of one rocket launcher rained down 16,132-mm shells or 32 82-mm shells on the enemy’s head.

Due to the fundamental feature of the detonation of Katyusha rockets (counter detonation - explosive detonation is carried out from two sides, and when two detonation waves meet, they create much higher gas pressure values), the fragments had a much higher initial speed and got very hot.

For this reason, BM-13 rockets had such a high incendiary effect - fragments sometimes reached temperatures of 800 ° C.


“Product 244N” or RDS-4, also known as “Tatyana”, was the first Soviet tactical atomic bomb to be mass-produced. The power of the ammunition, which used the implosion principle (there was a core containing plutonium-239 inside a hollow sphere), was about 30 kilotons. Bomb weight - 1200 kg.

"Tatyana" (product 244N)

The first bomb tests took place at Semipalatinsk nuclear test site August 23, 1953. Product 244 was dropped from an Il-28 aircraft at an altitude of 11 km, the explosion occurred at an altitude of 600 m, and a power of 28 kt was achieved.

"Tatyana" was in service for only two years - from 1954 to 1956.

In army terminology, there are not only menacing names like “Tornado” or “Hurricane”. There are a lot of women's names here too...


The 2S9 “Nona” airborne self-propelled gun can swim, can accelerate to 60 km/h and is armed with a 120-mm rifled gun-howitzer-mortar 2A51.

This weapon is capable of firing not only high-explosive fragmentation shells, like a howitzer, but also cumulative direct fire, like a cannon, as well as adjustable (“Kitolov-2”) ammunition.

In addition, the Nona gun can fire all types of mines of similar caliber for smoothbore and rifled mortars, including illumination, smoke and incendiary ammunition.

The maximum firing range is about 12 km, but when using active-reactive ammunition, for example, the APCM projectile for the French RT-61 rifled mortar, the 2S9 firing range can be increased to 17 km.


Dana is also an iconic name for the military, and not only because of the once popular program “Army Store”. After all, “Dana” is a 152-mm self-propelled gun-howitzer vz.77.

The self-propelled gun is built on the 8x8 wheeled chassis of the Tatra 815 truck, all tires have automatic inflation, and the suspension itself is independent. The crew of the self-propelled gun is 5 people, who are located in three sealed armored cabins, equipped with air conditioning and protected by bulletproof armor.

The maximum fire range is 20 km; shells can be fired either automatically or manually. It takes about two minutes to transfer an artillery installation from a traveling position to a combat position, and to leave the position after firing - no more than 60 seconds. In terms of maneuverability, a heavy self-propelled gun is superior to the BTR-70.

The twelve-cylinder V-shaped TATRA turbodiesel accelerates the 29-ton self-propelled gun to 80 km/h and has a cruising range of 600 km.

"Dana" is one of the few types of foreign equipment adopted by the USSR army - in 1988, 100 such self-propelled guns were purchased.


This female name hides a tactical atomic bomb. 8U49 "Natasha" was adopted by Soviet long-range aviation in the 50s of the last century. A special feature of this bomb was the possibility of its use at supersonic speeds - up to 3000 km/h.

8U49 "Natasha". Photo:

450 kg "Natasha" weapons were used to arm the low-volume supersonic front-line bombers "Yak-26".

Bombing was possible from altitudes in the range of 0.5-30 km when performing both horizontal flight and complex maneuvering.


Without this name the list would be incomplete. "Katyusha" is one of the types of weapons that brought us victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The appearance of BM-13 guards rocket mortars among the Red Army was an unpleasant surprise for the Germans. A salvo of one rocket launcher brought down 16,132-mm shells or 32 82-mm shells onto the enemy’s head.

Due to the fundamental feature of the detonation of Katyusha rockets (counter detonation - explosive detonation is carried out from two sides, and when two waves of detonation meet, they create much higher gas pressure values), the fragments had a much higher initial velocity and were very hot.

For this reason, BM-13 rockets had such a high incendiary effect - fragments sometimes reached temperatures of 800 ° C.


“Product 244N” or RDS-4, also known as “Tatyana”, was the first Soviet tactical atomic bomb to be mass-produced. The power of the ammunition, which used the implosion principle (there was a core containing plutonium-239 inside a hollow sphere), was about 30 kilotons. Bomb weight - 1200 kg.

“Tatyana” (“product 244N”). Photo:

The first tests of the bomb took place at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site on August 23, 1953. Product 244 was dropped from an Il-28 aircraft at an altitude of 11 km, the explosion occurred at an altitude of 600 m, and a power of 28 kt was achieved.

"Tatyana" was in service for only two years - from 1954 to 1956.

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